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Questions about your intent:

 What is the purpose of your trip to the United States?

 Do you have any family in the United States?
 Why are you changing your Job?
 Why do you want to work in the US?
 Have you applied for visa for any other country?
 Do you know what is the living cost in the U.S. specific to the place where you are going?
 When are you planning to travel?
 How will you survive for the first month?
 Have you been to any other country before?
 If yes, how long was your stay there?
 Will you come back to India?
 When will you return to India?
 Why would you want to return to India?
 Is it your first H1B or visa revalidation?
 After the conclusion of your visa, what do you plan to do?

Questions about your education and experience:

 Are you a student?

 Which university is your degree from?
 What was your thesis about?
 What is the difference between PL/SQL and SQL?
 What software you know? Do you have work experience with these?
 What courses did you complete in India?
 Show me your certificates.
 Show me your educational certificates and experience letters?
 Tell me about the jobs you have done, and your work experience.
 What is your highest educational qualification?

Questions about your current job and company:

 How long have you been working?

 Where are you working currently?
 What is your current salary?
 What is your current role in the current company?
 Is it an Indian company you currently work for?
Questions about your sponsoring company:

 What is the company you are going to work for in USA?

 Where are you going to work in US?
 Why are you joining [New Company]?
 How do you know this is a real company?
 When did you receive your offer letter?
 What will you be working on there? Is it an internal project?
 I need a client letter describing your work project.
 Tell me what do you know about [New Company]?
 When was the US company founded?
 Tell me about the project and the company (client) you will be working for?
 How did you find out about this company?
 How did you contact the [New Company]?
 What is the current project you will be working on?
 What are your responsibilities and for which client are you going to work for?
 Do you have any proof from your new employer regarding your responsibilities?
 Do you have any company photographs?
 How long has the company been in the current location?
 How many rounds of interviews has the US company conducted?
 What is the name of your interviewer?
 Can you give me the dates of your interview?
 Who are the clients for your U.S. company?
 What are the technologies you are working on?
 Who is the President/CEO of the U.S. company?
 What kind of projects is the U.S. company working on?
 What is the annual turn over of the company?
 How many employees does the U.S. Company have?
 What’s your designation in [Previous Company] and what's your designation in the [New
 Will you be working from [New Company] office or client's place?
 Can I see the Employee petition to USCIS and the Tax Returns of the Company?
 What is the salary you will get in USA?
 How many rounds of interviews did the U.S. company conduct?
What are they? 4 rounds (2 technical, 1 HR, 1 manager interview)
 Can I see your client end letter and itinerary of services.

1. How did you find out about this position?

2. When/How were you interviewed? (other questions about your interview may be asked)
3. What does the U.S. Company do? (or other questions about the company or the department
you will be working in)
4. How many employees does the U.S. Company have?
5. What is the annual turnover of the U.S. Company?
6. Who will you be reporting to? What is their position?
7. How many people will be on your team? Will you have anyone reporting to you?
8. Where in the U.S. will you be working?
9. Will you be working at a client location?
10. If you are working at a client location, who is the client?
11. If you are working “in-house”, what type of projects will you be working on?
12. What will your job duties be in the U.S. Company?
13. What computer languages do you know? (IT professionals are often asked this question)
14. What computer languages are you currently using in your company?
15. How long have you worked with your current employer?
16. What is your role in the current company?
17. What is your current salary?
18. Have you ever been in a ‘no-job no-salary’ kind of situation?
19. What was your previous job?
20. Why do you want to leave your current employer?
21. Which university in the U.S. did you obtain your degree from? (This is in case you have a
U.S. degree)
22. What is your highest degree?
23. Where will you be staying in the U.S.?
24. How long do you plan to stay in the U.S.?
25. Which state do you live in the U.S.? What’s your opinion about the state? (for those who have
already been in the U.S.)
General Information

 Have you ever visited the U.S. in the past?

 Have you ever held another visa status in the U.S.? If so, which one, when, and for how long?
 Are you married? If so, then how long have you been married?
 Would your spouse or dependent children live with you in the U.S.?
 What are your plans after your H-1B validity period ends?
 Have you ever attended a university in the U.S.?

Your U.S. Sponsoring Employer

 What kind of business does your sponsoring employer do?

 What tasks and duties will you be expected to perform during your stay?
 What skills do you possess that make you an asset to your sponsoring employer?
 How will you be compensated by your sponsoring employer/ what will be your salary?
 When was your sponsoring employer’s business founded?
 Who is the CEO of the company/entity?
 How many people work for your sponsoring employer?
 How did you first come into contact with your sponsoring employer?
 What was the interviewing process like?
 Are you sure that the company/entity you will be working for is a legitimate organization?
 Where is your sponsoring employer located?

Your Educational Background and Experience

 Are you currently studying?

 When and where did you obtain your degree?
 What kind of degree have you completed?
 Have you pursued higher education than a bachelor’s? If so, what topic did you use for your
 Do you have plans to continue your education in the U.S.?
 How long have you worked in this industry/field?
 What related jobs have you held in this industry/field?

Your Intentions

 Why have you chosen to work in the U.S.?

 Have you ever lived in any country other than your home country?
 Do you have a plan to support yourself before you receive your first paycheck?
 Do you have family members currently living in the U.S.?
 When your H-1B validation period ends, what is your plan?
 When do you plan to return to your home country?
About Your Company:
1. What company are you working for?
Answer with the name of your company.

2. What is your job title?

Mention ONLY your job title.

3. What is the job role?

Talk about what you will be doing in your role.

4. Where is the company located?

Know at the bare minimum the city and the state your company is located in the US. If you are not
working at the headquarters, know the city and state of the office you are working at in addition to the

5. Who is the CEO of your company?

Give the full name of the CEO of your company.

6. Who is your emergency contact?

Give their name, and if they are in your company, their role. In fact, it may be wise to remember all of
the important people on your team and their contact information. This may be easier to do when it’s a
job you been in for a while, but if it is a new job, take some additional effort to memorize these facts.
They can ask you anything in relation to your role.

Particulars About Role:

7. Will you be working at your company’s office or at client sites?
If you answer both, be ready to answer possible client locations you will be traveling to. (Why is it
important to know if the candidate will be traveling in the US?)

8. Which clients or customers will you be working for in the U.S.? Where are they located?
Answer honestly. If you are unsure because this is a new job, mention the client will be assigned to
you once you are onsite. If you do know where your clients are located in the US, mention the client’s
company name, city and state. For your own knowledge, it may be good to know where these client
sites are in relation to your employer’s office.

9. How long will you be in the US for this role?

Note the estimated duration of stay.

10. Why do you have to go to the US for this role?

Have a convincing argument about why your physical presence is needed in the US. If the officer gets
a feeling you can do the role virtually, this will go against your case.

11. When will you travel to the U.S.?

Mention the anticipated travel dates to the U.S.

12. If you were to visit India using your paid vacation days and you had to extend your vacation for
some reason, could you work remotely from India?
Get coaching from your company on how to handle this question. The bottom line is the officer wants
to assure your presence is needed IN THE US on US SOIL. If you can do the job remotely from
offshore, they will question why you should be granted the visa.

13. What is your salary and package?

Be ready to talk about your salary and offer letter details, such as health insurance, perks, paid
vacation days, paid sick leave, and other related details.

Note: Be aware of all the details on your i797. It should mention the employer and duration/expiration
date of this document.

Your Qualifications:
14. What qualifies you for this role?
Focus on the skill set that is needed for this role and how your unique expertise fits this skill set.

If this is a new job, it may be handy to remember the job ad and what you needed to be a successful
applicant for that job. If you went to college decades ago, that may not be relevant, but if the job you
applied for required any recent certifications in any programming language, program management
certifications or any other recent training or certifications, mention that in addition to the rigorous
application and interview process (if you had more than one round of interviews, and what qualified
you to go to the next rounds of interviews, etc.).

If you have been in this job for quite some time, focus on skill set and your track record with your
employer, the expertise you have in the domain area and with the specific set of clients you will be
working with onsite.

15. Which college did you graduate from? What was your major?
Mention the name or names of the college(s) you studied at, the degrees granted and graduation year.

[If you previously studied, lived or worked in the U.S., they may ask you about your previous stays in
the U.S.]

Special Circumstances:
16. I noticed you recently started this job. Before this job, you worked with (employer) for many,
many years. Why have you decided to change jobs?
Steer answer toward your career growth and do not focus on the fact your new job will send you to
the USA.

Previous Work Related Travel

17. Have you traveled outside of [home country] before? If yes, what countries and for what
Note which countries visas and travel stamps appear in your passport, and the reasons for going to
each country.

18. We see you have been to the US before. Why did you come to the U.S. in the past? Where did you
Answer honestly based on your background. Also, be ready to mention the cities, states and dates of
your stays.

Life in the US
19. How will you support yourself the first few weeks or month of your stay before you get your first
US paycheck?
Share details about your company’s travel and relocation perks such as per diems, credit cards, cash
advances or traveler’s checks, ATM cards/debit cards, and any plans for accommodation or transport
the company offers in your expat package. They may ask where exactly you will stay your first few

20. Do you have family or friends in the US?

Answer honestly.

21. Will your family be coming with you? Who will be coming with you?
Answer honestly.

22. What is the estimated cost of living where you will be staying in the US? Will your salary cover
There are many websites that can help calculate your cost of living in various US cities. It may be
important to also note some general costs such as rent, gas and electric, transport (car, car insurance,
gas), food, cell phone, other utilities and miscellaneous. Understand the percentage of your salary that
will go toward these costs after taxes. [Learn more about paycheck deductions you may have in the

They could also ask questions such as, “How much of your salary will go toward rent?”

The intent behind these questions is to assure that you as an applicant understand that you will be
making enough money to cover your cost of living, which protects you when moving abroad.

Plans to Go Home
The H1B is a ‘dual intent’ visa, which means it’s for non-immigrants and immigrants alike. This
means, depending on the current law, a person on an H1B visa could technically apply for a Green
Card if they meet certain qualifications. In cases of H1B, it’s an employer sponsored visa, so refer
your answers back to your employer.

23. Are you planning to come back to (your country) India?

Base your answer on your project and employer need.

24. What compels you to come back (property, investments, family, etc)?
Base your answer mostly on your job or employer, but you can also discuss your family, investments,
property, etc.

 How long you have been working in the United States?

 Is this your first H-1b?
 What is your I-797 validity period?
 Since how long have you been on H1?
 From which place did you come to Canada? / Where did you come from?
 Were you on a different project than the project when your petitioner filed you H-1B?
 Are you applying for the same company or other?
 What visa were you in USA before? On F1 – now on H1B status, came here for H1B


 Are you working with XXXX company ? / Who is your employer? / Whom do you work
for? / Who is petitioning for you today? / Who is your petitioner?
 Where is your employer located? / Address of employer
 How many employees are there in your company?
 Can you give me the tax returns for your company?
 Do you have the list of Employees with your company?
 What other employer documents do you have?
 What is your project name ?
 Explain me about your project
 How you come to know about your employer?
 What specialty skills that you acquired from this employer?
 Who is your CEO?
 What is your qualification for this job?
 What is your employer business? / What’s your employer? / What does your employer do? /
What is your company about?
 What kind of job do you do? What do you do for your company? / What are your duties/roles
and responsibilities? / What is your title and what do you do for your employer? / What is
your designation? / What is your job? / What is your role in your company? / What
technology you would use to develop softwares?
 Can you please elaborate the duties?
 How much duration you are working with your employer? / How long you have been working
with your employer? / When did you join your employer?
 What is your annual salary? / How much do you get paid? / How much is your income? /
What is your pay?
 Do you discuss pay and wages with your employer?
 Why is your salary fluctuating? Why there is deduction on pay stubs? / Why so much change
in salary?
 Show me your bank statements
 Why is your pay less in last year W2?
 Show me your W2 worked for your employer.
 Show me your pay stubs
 Where do you work at?
 How do you like xxxxx place?
 Do you have any issues/problems with your employer?
 How do you get your work assignments?
 Does your employer know about your projects?
 Whom do you report to? What you will report to your employer?
 How do you report to your employer? – Weekly status call, bi-weekly status report, stand-up
calls when necessary
 Who will allocate the work? XXX person from my company and XXX manager from the
client will co-ordinate and XXX person from my company will allocate the work.
 Is there any gap (sitting idle) during the change of the clients? / Are you on the bench? / Does
your company ever bench you?
 Does your employer pay on time?
 Does your employer maintain employer-employee relationship? How? /Is your employer and
the client is having the direct relationship?
 How many employees does your employer have, and anyone work in same location with you?
 How your employer and Vendor are related?
 Are you satisfied with all the companies you work or worked for?
 Are you happy with your employer?


 From what time who have been working with your current client?
 How long with the client and employer? / Same time with employer and Client?
 Do you have an end client? Do you have client letter?
 Who is your End client?
 What do they do?
 How long you have been working with your end client? / How many months you worked for
this client? / How much duration you are working with the client?
 Do you travel to client place? / Do you travel every week to client location?
 What is your position with the client?
 Where is your client located?
 How far Client is from your place?
 Do you work at a client site?
 Any other employees working for your company at client?
 What do you work at Client? / What is your work at client location?
 Do you have a supervisor / manager at XXX client and what is his name? Who is your
reporting Manager?
 Where does your manager sit?
 How long is the project with your client?


 Do you have vendor? / Do you have any layers?

 Can I see your Vendor Letter?
 What does your vendor do?
 Do you have any one between your client and employer
 How did your Vendor find your client?

Some Common H1B visa interview questions:

The queries and the questions which are there in their mind are:

1. What does the US employer or company do

2. Job duties in company
3. Total number of employees employed by the company
4. Annual Turnover by the company
5. Location of work
6. Primary skills and benefits
7. Time period of your current employer
8. Current salary
9. Duration of unemployment
10. Primary work skills and benefits
11. Current salary
12. Current role
13. University you studied in
14. Highest level of education
15. Time for Plan to stay in USA
16. State you would live in USA
H1B Visa Interview Questions which are there in their mind are:
Questions about your Intent
 What is the purpose of your trip to the United States?
 Do you have any family in the United States?
 Why are you changing your Job?
 Why do you want to work in the US?
 Have you applied for visa for any other country?
 Do you know living cost in the US where you are going?
 When are you planning to travel?
 How will you survive for the first month?
 If yes, how long was your stay there?
 Will you come back to India?
 When will you return to India?
 Why would you want to return to India?
 Is it your first H1B or visa re validation?
 After the conclusion of your visa, what do you plan to do?
Questions about your Education & Experience
 Are you a student?
 Which university is your degree from?
 What was your thesis about?
 Do you have work experience?
 What courses did you complete in India?
 Show me your certificates.
 Show me your educational certificates and experience letters?
 Tell me about the jobs you have done, and your work experience.
 What is your highest educational qualification?

You might prefer to see:

 Number of H1B Visa Jobs in USA
 List of companies that Sponsor H1B visa

Questions about your Current Job & Company

 How long have you been working?
 Where are you working currently?
 What is your current salary?
 What is your current role in the current company?
 Is it an Indian company you currently work for?
Questions about your Sponsoring Company
 What is the company you are going to work for in USA?
 Where are you going to work in US?
 Why are you joining [New Company]?
 How do you know this is a real company?
 When did you receive your offer letter?
 What will you be working on there? Is it an internal project?
 I need a client letter describing your work project.
 Tell me what do you know about [New Company]?
 When was the US Company founded?
 Tell me about the project and the company (client) you will be working for?
 How did you find out about this company?
 How did you contact the [New Company]?
 What is the current project you will be working on?
 What are your responsibilities and for which client are you going to work for?
 Do you have any proof from your new employer regarding your responsibilities?
 Do you have any company photographs?
 How long has the company been in the current location?
 How many rounds of interviews has the USA Company conducted?
 What is the name of your interviewer?
 Can you give me the dates of your interview?
 Who are the clients for your U.S. Company?
 What are the technologies you are working on?
 Who is the President/CEO of the U.S. Company?
 What kind of projects is the U.S. Company working on?
 What is the annual turnover of the company?
 How many employees does the U.S. Company have?
 What’s your designation in [Previous Company] and what’s your designation in the
[New Company]?
 Will you be working from [New Company] office or client’s place?
 Can I see the Employee petition to USCIS and the Tax Returns of the Company?
 What is the salary you will get in USA?
 How many rounds of interviews did the U.S. company conduct?
 What are they? 4 rounds (2 technical, 1 HR, 1 manager interview)
 Can I see your client end letter and itinerary of services?

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