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Quarter 1 – Module 2
Answer Sheets

Sangueza, Roberto Jr. L.

12 – Newton
Let’s Try This! (Q1-M2)
Name: Lively or Nurturing or Conservative or Thinker Planner
Reserved? Disciplinarian? liberated? or doer? or lucky?

Mark Lively Disciplinaria Conservative Think Planner

n er

Ferdinand Lively Disciplinaria Liberated Think Planner

n er

Elon Lively Disciplinaria Conservative Think Planner

Musk n er

Processing Questions:

1.) Yes, Most of them have cleared instincts or descriptions

on how they are unique.

2.) The most difficult part is that, Are they Conservative or


3.) The difference is that each of them has the same

uniqueness as they are. But in a different perspective.
Let’s Explore This! (Q1-M2)
1. A new classmate with a physical disability.
Physically: They will help them if they wanted.
Emotionally: Helping them cope up with their fears.
Socially: Helping them build self-esteem for them to have
Spiritually: Inviting them to worship to God and learn to love

2. A friend who lost his parents due to accident.

Physically: Comfort them with warm hugs.
Emotionally: Helping them by talking to them.
Socially: Giving time to check on them.
Spiritually: Maybe he is doing that for a reason, So I need to talk
to him and understand his problems.

3. A neighbor who chose to stop schooling for employment.

Physically: Giving them some time and making them motivate
to enjoy their day as possible.
Emotionally: Deciding things on their own will be hard, so it is
best also to motivate them.
Socially: Due to employment and being tired, helping them and
talk to them is the best way to give them happiness.
Spiritually: Despite he/she cannot go to school, Because of
employment.. so it is best to get motivated and pray to God.

4. A sibling who spends most of his/her time playing online

Physically: I will warn them to stop playing online games.
Instead, I will persuade them to read manga, reading books and
many more to help them motivated.
Emotionally: Sometimes, losing in a game or battle will make
them go crazy and just get addicted, so I will give something to
play with just us.
Socially: Giving them time to talk and hanging outside or going
to eat in a restaurant will help them increase their mood.
Spiritually: Sometimes, going to the church and having mass
will get his small time to make his day wonderful.
5. A friend who plans to leave their house because of a family
Physically: Giving them time to talk about their problems and
knowing how to resolve it.
Emotionally: It is kind of sad to see someone like that, So I’m
making them happy and have fun together will be great.
Socially: Although, having a friend like that, giving up is not
going to resolve on what will happen to them.
Spiritually: There is always a reason for that. So giving them
motivational speech, and telling them to always pray.
6. A new group member who loses hope because of many
Physically: A member that loses does not even mean that he will
do nothing, so I will cheer him/her up.
Emotionally: Having that he/she has a hard time, I will help
him/her. To make them motivate.
Socially: I will encourage the team to help him/her.
Spiritually: Giving them some advice and telling them to always
pray to God whenever they encountered such problems.

7. A cousin from an ethnic group who is still adjusting to her

new school.
Physically: I will help them in adjusting in new school in order
to get them ready in the next.
Emotionally: Despite being new, helping them in adjusting to
their new school will help them analyze and go around the
school campus to get them used of the place.
Socially: In order to get to others socially, getting to know each
other and hanging out with their classmates.
Spiritually: Always be yourself and be good always.
8. A relative who is confused with his gender preference.
Physically: I will protect them, Because there are times that will
bully them anytime, so being there with them will make them
Emotionally: Cheering them up and always being happy.
Socially: Getting to know their friends, and being honest in their
saying about their personal preferences like their gender.
Spiritually: During difficult times, Pray to God and call a friend
to help them motivated.
9. A classmate who experience social discrimination due to
his poor academic performance.
Physically: Resolving his/her problems and helping them how to
achieve them.
Emotionally: Having someone around will help them to study.
Socially: They should not be afraid. Thus, all of us make
Spiritually: Always think positively..
10. An older sibling who needs help on time management.
Physically: Checking and talking to them on how will they
manage their time.
Emotionally: Always be mindful and Making their time
Socially: When they are in need of help, Always call for a friend
to help them manage.
Spiritually: Managing their time will be difficult, So always
think and be precise, and pray.
Processing Questions:
1. Despite having problems it may seem tough, But I need to
help them, Having lonely on crying over problems won’t
solve anything.

2. Having difficulties on time management, Everyone

sometimes get confused on managing their day, so it is
always nice to have a friend to talk with.

3. Those people who are in Social discrimination, There is

always a time that someone who will make them
uncomfortable, so comforting them and giving some advice
to them.

4. I realized that having these problems can make a person

really worse or lonely, so it is always good to have
someone who can cheer you up and managing self-esteem
to get the day better.



Respect the belief Respecting the I will not be mean Implementing a

of the family. beliefs of my to other people. process of
classmates. copyright.
Respect the Respecting the If I don’t agree Appropriate use of
opinions of my beliefs of my with them, I don’t trademarks,
parents. teachers. want to be a bad copyrights and
person. many more.
Understand that It Respecting the I will respect their Being nice to
is possible to have beliefs of the opinions. everyone.
a diff. opinion school staff.
Telling my siblings Being an example Respecting and Being cautious and
to respect each towards my friends. Evaluate myself. mindful on what I
other. doing online.
I will not say Avoiding on saying Avoid being mean Being careful on
negative things bad things about or rude to other browsing activities.
when I don’t agree others. people.
with them.

Processing Questions:
1. By Comparing, First on being respectful and nice to other people.
2. It is very common to practice these every day. However, these will help me
in making a friendly environment even anywhere I go.
3. I am always mindful of saying anything, Because that will explain on how
we act towards other people.


- How should be Celebrate our Individual Differences?

Cultural celebrations foster respect and open-mindedness for other cultures. Celebrating our
differences, as well as our common interests, helps unite and educate us. To understand other’s
perspectives, to broaden our own, and to fully experience and educate ourselves. And also, We
should celebrate our individual differences by, first, appreciating our uniqueness. We should
learn the beauty of loving ourselves before learning to love others, because what we have, we are
able to share. Let us learn to appreciate our imperfections or flaws, and use our strengths to
empower others and ourselves.

First of all, Trying to understand the reason behind the differences before arriving at
judgements. And by learning to see the beauty in the differences rather than try to bring
things towards my side of things. Trying to find a middle ground between the differences,
Understanding that differences are what makes us all unique and that if we had all been
alike, this world would have been a boring place. And lastly, Knowing enough about my
side of things to be able to explain it to others if they wished to know. Come to think of it,
celebrating differences is more about mutual acceptance rather than having very high levels
of tolerance. Once you learn to accept things, then there is no need to actually ‘celebrate’
your differences and put up a show to show how different we are and how well we are
tolerating others. These differences become a part of life itself.
Secondly, we should celebrate by respecting others' uniqueness as well.  Let us respect how
different all are among others and not use those differences against each other.  We have to use
our differences to unite and live in harmony with others.  All our differences should be used to
empower and to serve others because through respectful living, all of us get to live a beautiful
and peaceful lives.


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