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ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 9(2), December 2018, 59-64 P-ISSN: 2087-1244

DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v9i2.4785 E-ISSN: 2476-907X

E-Commerce Feasibility Analysis and Strategic Planning

to Develop a Small-Medium Enterprise Project
in Banking Company
Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University
Jln. K. H. Syahdan No. 9, Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia
[email protected]

Received: 31th May 2018/ Revised: 28th August 2018/ Accepted: 12th September 2018

How to Cite: Veronica. (2018). E-Commerce Feasibility Analysis and Strategic Planning to Develop a Small-Medium
Enterprise Project in Banking Company. ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, 9(2), 59-64.

Abstract - The research aimed to identify the defined as the purchasing and selling of products, services,
problem and the need to develop a small-medium or information through a computer network, especially the
enterprise project in a banking company. The analysis Internet.
used a literature study, interviews, and observations. The E-commerce can also be defined as all forms
method consisted of data collection, data analysis and depth of business transactions that use communications and
interview. The information involved in this research were information technology. However, in line with developments
Head of E-Commerce Department and Head of Marketing over time, the definition of e-commerce has become more
Communication Department. The results of the analysis general. At this time, e-commerce can be considered as not
support the problem and are manifested in the development only buying and selling through the Internet, but it also
of information systems in the form of a recommendation includes online customer service and business document
for an e-commerce web design. The result shows that the exchanges (Chandra, 2014).
banking company already uses Bukalapak to enhance their According to statistical data from Kementerian
sales and brand. However, based on research, Facebook and Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kemkominfo - Ministry of
Twitter also can be an option to enhance clients’ market Communication and Information Technology), it reveals
access. that there are 93,4 million Internet users in Indonesia and
77% among them search for product information and shop
Keywords: e-commerce, strategic planning, small-medium online (Kominfo, 2015). Moreover, based on analysis results
enterprise, banking company from a MasterCard online shopping behavior research, there
was an increase in online shopping penetration from 55,8%
to 70,6% throughout 2014. This market potential attracted
I. INTRODUCTION the interest of several Indonesian banks to coordinate with
e-commerce businesses. This also increased transactions
The advancements in the Internet in recent years in their banks (Molasiarani, 2015). This is also one of the
have made new systems available to business. The social interests of the banking company to follow the e-commerce
media like online communities is a good example (Lu & business path. Besides assisting clients in advertising
Hsiao, 2010). Communications and information technology their products and ensuring the success of small-medium
are the biggest components of the terminology related to enterprise support programs, the banking company also
the whole process rather than information conveyance. increases the number of its business partners.
The term of communications and information technology E-commerce is a new concept that can be depicted
surfaced after there was integration between computer as a buying-selling process of a good or service through
hardware and software with communications technology in the Internet. It can also be said as the buying-selling
the middle of the 20th century. The Internet is one of the process or an exchange process of a product, service, and
means used in telecommunications. information through an information network including the
The population of Indonesia is 251.160.124 with Internet. E-commerce can be seen from several perspectives
51% of city dwellers and 49% of rural inhabitants. Internet (Hidayat, 2014). First, communications perspective is
users in cities account for 18% or 38.191.873 people e-commerce that sends information, product/service, or
(, 2014). The Internet is also one of the payment through a telephone line, computer network, or
most revolutionary kinds of technology. It has changed other electronic means. Second, it is the business process
the business environment and has had a dramatic effect on perspective. E-commerce is a technology application
electronic commerce (e-commerce). E-commerce can be towards transaction automatization and company workflow.

Copyright©2018 59
Third, service perspective views e-commerce as an The purpose of this research is to analyze and
instrument to fulfill the needs of customer, company, and document the unit that advertises their products through
management in trimming service costs and improving an announcement board media. This research starts with
the quality of goods and service expedition. Last, online identifying clients’ problems and needs in the banking
perspective is e-commerce that is related with the buying- company and suggesting a business process design and
selling capacity of products and information on the Internet e-commerce user interface to suggest new social media
and other online services. to enhance market sales. This research is also based on
Uses and gratifications theory is relevant to social previous research in social media (Hidayat, 2014; Rababah
media because of its origins in the communications & Masoud, 2010). The researcher replicates the indicators
literature. Social media is a communication mechanism that from the previous one, so the organization can have some
suggestion for using another social media to boost the
allows users to communicate with thousands and billions of
market access.
individuals all over the world (Williams, Crittenden, Keo,
& McCarty, 2012). Colliander and Dahlén (2011) stated
that most marketers used social media to develop loyal fans II. METHODS
(72%) and gain marketplace intelligence (71%). In addition,
Han and Windsor (2011) showed that social media users In conducting this research, two methods are used
could assure each other through their information exchange such as the literature study, in which books and other
and experience. Thus, it increased trust and consequently written materials are studied in this research. Then, a
willingness to buy. qualitative research model is chosen because the researcher
A social network site is a source that has many can look more in-depth regarding the problem of the topic.
Furthermore, the researcher is free to interpret data from
enthusiasts. A challenge from the social network site is
how to control information with an appropriate attitude and
A primary and secondary data gathering is from
meaningful way to bring profit to an organization. A social interviews by conducting question-and-answer sessions
network is also a suitable framework for marketing activities directly with the related parties. It can obtain overall
on the Internet. A social network provides an opportunity to depictions of the company and problems related to the
interact directly with the buyers at the personal level, which is discussion of this research. An open interview method is
generally difficult to achieve through traditional marketing. used so the researcher can discover other aspects to widen
A social network should be treated as a supplementary the scope of this research. The interview is conducted in
channel with unique characteristics that can support other two days, and the interviewees are Head of E-Commerce
marketing processes (Assaad & Gómez, 2011). Department and Head of Marketing Communication.
At this time, social media also continue to be Around 20 questions are asked including the background of
developed as there are function changes and function business, problems, and current condition of using existing
expansion. Thus, the definition of social media also social media channel. The secondary data are taken from
changes. According to Nielsen (2015), social media consists some online resources to provide the primary data. Then,
of several channels which are based on users (inbound observations are made of the data gathering method used. It
marketing) like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and YouTube. can find the basic problem. Full observations are conducted
This channel represents several forms of advertisements. for four weeks of the objects. The researcher observes all
Managing a certain social media channel is a responsibility staffs under Head of E-Commerce and Head of Marketing
of the marketing division. However, according to Marjorie Communication. Observations are conducted based on
Clayman from Clayman Advertising, Inc. (Cohen, 2011), interview results, the flowchart of the units, and comparison
social media is a new instrument that can find out customers’ all of sales results from Jan 2016 – Dec 2017.
desires and predict new ways in a customer approach. Social
media is the beginning of the marketing revolution. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Moreover, based on The Wall Street Journal (Prihadi,
2015), there were 69 million Facebook users in Indonesia The new program in the banking company can be
as of June 2014. Meanwhile, Twitter had 50 million users. a new program for clients to advertise their products on
Then, for another social network like Path, it had 4 million announcement boards in every banking branch offices.
users about the same number as Linkedin users. Another However, from the analysis results, several problems are
social media like Line already had 216 million users in discovered. Then, the suggested solutions are offered for
Indonesia. each problem after being agreed to by the company.
In this research, the researcher uses two primary Based on the problems and solutions mentioned
researches from Hidayat (2014) and Rababah and Masoud previously, it is suggested that e-commerce should be
(2010). It is appropriate e-commerce mapping for a used. Therefore, appropriate e-commerce mapping will
small-medium enterprise program to develop a small- be done for small-medium enterprise and become the
medium enterprise project in a banking company. Those banking business partner by using successful e-commerce
are qualitative researches that use research results from determinant indicators.
published and valid journals. Also, this research is based on According to the interview results of several
in-depth observation results for six months at the company. employees at the banking, one of company the appropriate
There are limited scope and time in advertising criteria for the banking clients is to provide easy and free
clients’ products, lack of awareness of the product sales experience. The reason is that the majority of the
advertisements promoted, insufficient client personal banking clients are from small-medium enterprises. Besides
information security, and a lack of client sales access. Thus, that, security and having the same vision are also important
this research strives to make an initiative to develop small- factors in this partnership.
medium enterprise project business networks and business In determining which e-commerce can become the
information technology in company pillars. So, it can banking business partner, the determinant indicators are
increase clients’ market access and sales. needed. It becomes the points of evaluating the e-commerce

60 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2018, 59-64
suitability that will be compared. The e-commerce includes From the mapping process in Table 1, it can be
Bukalapak, Elevania, and Rakuten. The good e-commerce seen that Bukalapak is the preferred choice. It passes more
determinant indicators are adapted from Hidayat (2014) and evaluation indicators compared with the other e-commerce.
Rababah and Masoud (2010). The result is seen in Table 1. Based on Hidayat (2014), the research results obtained by
using a quantitative observation method reveal that the
optimization factor of e-commerce is the first factor to be
Table 1 Mapping Process in Choosing E-commerce considered. The e-commerce can involve respondents by
for Banking Business Partner sending goods, replying to buyers’ messages, and others.
No. Variable Bukalapak Elevania Rakuten
This is done so that buyers can feel satisfied with the
e-commerce service. Bukalapak also does this by providing
1 Increase profit V X X a message feature and customer service.
2 Provide unlimited service V V V According to Rababah and Masoud (2010), good
e-commerce must have a good foundation to have good
3 Have unlimited sales V V V
regions quality, and the e-commerce developer should have
the ability to see the strengths and weaknesses of the
4 Access the global market X X X
e-commerce. Related to this, it is expected to create high-
5 Facilitate transactions V V X quality e-commerce. Bukalapak undoubtedly possesses this
6 Have business partners V V V added with the security quality of Bukalapak in conducting
7 Have a greater variety of V V V transactions.
goods sold Bukalapak was founded in September 2011 by
8 Have a ready stock V X X
Achmad Zaky. He had the vision to become the top online
marketplace in Indonesia and a mission to empower all
9 Have a promotional means V V V
small-medium enterprises all over Indonesia. This vision and
10 Have networks and retains V V V mission are similar to the banking company. The banking
customers company has a vision and mission to improve the economic
11 Do not have big financial V X X prosperity of small-medium enterprises in Indonesia in
capital addition to the majority of clients who have small-medium
12 Expand distribution and V V V enterprises. This is also one of the supporting factors in the
marketing networks partnership between Bukalapak and banking company.
13 Have diverse customers V V V Moreover, a project has a point where it begins
14 Facilitate developing a V V V
and ends. A project cannot go on indefinitely. Related to a
business project, it is certainly connected with project management.
It applies knowledge, abilities, instruments, and techniques
15 Have mutual trust between V X X
all business processes
for activities in a project to fulfill the project needs.
Project management has several process stages including
16 Optimize sending goods V X V
determining the project goal, planning the project, carrying
17 Have operational V V V out the project plan, wrapping up the project, and evaluating
feasibility the project (Marchewka, 2015).
18 Have difficulty in V V V The small-medium enterprise store is a project that
checking listed goods will coordinate with Bukalapak e-commerce that official
19 Have conspicuous X V V documentation and planning are needed. A project charter
deceptions will be used as official documentation in planning a project
20 Prevent customers from V X X and determining the source and stakeholders. Table 2 shows
fraudulence the project in detail.
21 Have efficiency V V V Based on the theoretical landscape of social media,
it shows that the social media is a marketing instrument that
22 Have user-friendliness V X X
has become a trend. Moreover, it is an effective additional
23 Have navigability V V V marketing channel.
24 Have maintainability V V V According to Kwahk and Ge (2012), social media is
25 Have involvement V X X frequently used for e-commerce or usually called as social
capacity commerce. There are two kinds of social media influences
26 Have functionality V V V in e-commerce. Normative social influence means someone
understands and trusts the information in social media based
27 Have security V X X
on the influence or trust of other users. Then, informative
28 Have reliability V V V social influence is when someone trusts information from
29 Have integrity V V V social media if a fact or knowledge is strong enough to
30 Have trustworthiness V V V prove that information. These two kinds of social influences
31 Have content adequacy V V V
will affect customers’ attitudes when they want to shop
through social commerce that is provided by e-commerce.
32 Have scalability V V V Moreover, Kwahk and Ge (2012) also explained that
33 Have availability V V V social media in e-commerce was very important these days.
34 Have readability V V V When information was presented in social media, it would
35 Have standards of V X X
be accessed by many people. Many customers would search
conformance for information about a company, brand, or product through
social media. Some e-commerce had already started to
36 Have ease of manipulation V V V
provide a social network service to increase interactions

E-Commerce Feasibility Analysis ..... (Veronica) 61

with customers. Customers could also receive product As depicted in Figure 1, among social media with a
information from interacting with the provided social media. social network type, Facebook has the highest popularity
As seen in Kominfo (2013), according to the with 16%. The other social media have various results.
Director of Public Information and Communication, Those are Twitter (13%), Google+ (10%), LinkedIn (8%),
Selamatta Sembiring, the social network that was most and Pinterest (7%). Then, there are also WhatsApp (14%),
frequently accessed in Indonesia was Facebook and Twitter. Facebook Messenger (10%), Instagram (8%), Skype (7%),
Facebook use in Indonesia was ranked 4th after USA, Brazil, and Line (7%).
and India. Meanwhile, Twitter in Indonesia was the 5th after
USA, Brazil, Japan, and England.
According to CNN Indonesia, Facebook and Twitter
consider social media users in Indonesia to be an essential
market. The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, also
states that Indonesia is a market with great potential as
seen from the 65 million Facebook active users. It is a
small amount compared with the Internet penetration and
population of Indonesia that is about 240 million people.
Moreover, the CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, also agrees
that the number of Twitter users in Indonesia has already
reached 50 million users. He also reveals that Indonesia
is one of the most profitable markets seen from its rapid
growth (Prihadi, 2015). Then, the nine most popular forms
of social media in Indonesia are Facebook, WhatsApp,
Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Google+, LinkedIn, Skype,
Pinterest, and Line (, 2015).

Table 2 Project Charter Figure 1 The Percentage of Social Media Users

in Indonesia

Project Title: Small-medium enterprise store

According to Hajli (2014), e-commerce buyers do
Business Case: it is as one of the developments in small-medium social interactions through social media like a Facebook
enterprise project. It is done through development to become online forum. This creates a new way to conduct
e-commerce. e-commerce socialization or social commerce. The buyers
influence other buyers to buy the goods. Moreover, there is
Problem/Opportunity Statement: current condition, banking also a finding that the function of e-commerce becomes an
company only presents clients’ products in the form of paper attached important aspect followed by trust. Next, from Bukalapak,
to the company announcement board, so that there are limitations in it has a safe payment function and message function from
how far the product advertisements can reach prospective customers,
buyers to sellers. Buyers become a machine in social media
and the market target is too small.
that they disseminate information and shopping experience
Goal Statement: To increase the number of clients and expand the in e-commerce from one person to another. This will
client market target. become a very useful value in introducing new e-commerce
for the small-medium store.
Project Scope: E-commerce buying and selling advertisements and Moreover, Ramsaran-Fowdar and Fowdar (2013)
transactions stated that companies, in general, enjoyed exchanging
Project Champion: Yoseph Other Stakeholder: and disseminating information, exchanging products or
Project Sponsor: Bukalapak services, and maintaining good relations with customers.
Companies realized that by keeping good relations with
Project Manager: Anto customers, it would be beneficial, especially for those who
Steering Committee: Daniel used Facebook. Facebook could become an additional
instrument for company promotional activities.
Estimated Cost Savings: Realized/Actual Cost Savings: Facebook allows companies to be connected with
Rp300.000.000,00 200 million more customers than by using traditional marketing. One
Preliminary Start Date Actual Date Notes/Lessons
of the benefits of using Facebook is companies do not need
Plan Learned: to spend much money on promotional activities through
The small- Facebook. Facebook can become an ideal alternative to
Start Date  March 2016  March 2016 medium store regular marketing. Companies can also acquire valuable
DEFINE  April 2016  April 2016 in coordination findings such as customers’ habits through Facebook.
with Bukalapak Similarly, Al-Husain and Mirza (2015) suggested that
MEASURE  May 2016  May 2016 can save an Twitter could be used for a marketing campaign by making
ANALYZE  June 2016  June 2016 estimated 300 tweets or a Twitter status. Then, it would be re-tweeted by
million in making its followers. The issued information by the company would
IMPROVE  July 2016  July 2016 its e-commerce be disseminated and reached all Twitter users.
CONTROL  August 2016  August 2016 at the cost of 500 From the three researchers mentioned, they show that
Completion Date  August 2016  August 2016 the social media can be used for promotions. Through social
media, buyers can influence other buyers to pay attention to
the products that they will purchase. Then, the other buyers

62 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2018, 59-64
will influence other buyers. This will certainly benefit the researcher can add more banking company that also runs the
small-medium enterprise store to disseminate information similar projects to enrich the results for other e-commerce
and attract customers through social media. It is similar platform.
to Facebook. The small-medium enterprise store can use
Facebook to introduce itself to all customers, disseminate
information, inform about events, maintain relationships
with customers, and provide various information about
customers’ habits. Then, the small-medium enterprise store Assaad, W., & Gómez, J. M. (2011). Social network in
can reduce its promotional costs and make Facebook as an marketing (social media marketing) opportunities
alternative instrument for advertising. and risks. International Journal of Managing
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Through the analytical results, it is suggested to use
Cohen, H. (2011). Social media definitions. Retrieved from
social media for marketing socializing of the small-medium
enterprise store to the public. The banking company already
has various social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Colliander, J., & Dahlén, M. (2011). Following the
LinkedIn. However, according to observations conducted, fashionable friend: The power of social media:
the social media from the banking company’s functions is Weighing publicity effectiveness of blogs versus
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IV. CONCLUSIONS %3A+Pengguna+Internet+di+Indonesia+63+Ju-
This qualitative research is limited to only one Kominfo. (2015). Prospek bisnis e-commerce di
area banking company that runs project for small medium Indonesia. Retrieved from
entreprise. Problems found within the small-medium
enterprise program of the banking company are the lack of
space and time in advertising clients’ products, awareness of Commerce+di+Indonesia/0/infografis#.
the product advertisement put up, security regarding clients’ Vlaj7DdkM1I
personal information, and clients’ sales access. Based on Kwahk, K. Y., & Ge, X. (2012). The effects of social media
the research results, several conclusions can be drawn. The on e-commerce: A perspective of social impact
program of small-medium enterprise has time and space theory. In 45th Hawaii International Conference on
limitations. Therefore, it is suggested to use e-commerce to System Sciences (pp. 1814-1823). IEEE.
develop the small-medium enterprise program. Bukalapak Lu, H. P., & Hsiao, K. L. (2010). The influence of extro/
can be the choice of the banking company to do a partnership introversion on the intention to pay for social
due to the similar vision and mission. networking sites. Information & Management,
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will increase. In developing this small-medium enterprise tergoda bisnis e-commerce. Retrieved from http://
program, it is suggested to keep developing partnerships
with other e-commerce that have the same vision and
mission or at least the same type as Bukalapak. Thus, the
client empowerment can continue to improve, and the small- commerce
medium enterprise can use social media like Facebook and Nielsen, L. (2015). 7 ways social media has a role in
Twitter to increase buyers’ awareness, its popularity, and the education. Retrieved from
clients’ product marketing areas. For the future research, com/tl-advisor-blog/9084

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64 ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications, Vol. 9 No. 2 December 2018, 59-64

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