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Founded 1967 [Established as ‘Sogeti’; 1975: Cap Gemini Sogeti ; 1996: Cap Gemini; 2004: Capgemini ]; 2017: 50th anniversary
India: founded in 1992
Headquarters Paris, France
Presence across India Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Noida, Pune, Trichy, Salem
Vision ‘The business value of technology comes from and through people’
Mission ‘With you, we create and deliver business and technology solutions that fit your needs and drive the results you want’
Philosophy ‘People Matter, Results Count’
Specialties Transformation & Innovation, Digital Services, Technology Operations, Business services, Cybersecurity & risk, Cloud
Services Consulting, Intelligent Industry, Perform AI

Brands Invent (new digital innovation, consulting and transformation global business line), Engineering (Digital manufacturing
expertise, engineering and R&D consulting); Sogeti (Technology & Engineering Services)
Financials 2021 H1 revenues of €8,711 million, up 17.9% Y-o-Y | Operating Margin of 12% Link
Presence No. of Employees: 289,500 | Spread across 50+ countries Link
People CEO–Aiman Ezzat| CEO (Capgemini, India)- Ashwin Yardi, Chief Technology Officer- Patrick Nicolet, Chief Financial
Officer- Carole Ferrand
Management Programs Chrysalis
ELITE: Elite Leadership International Technology Ecosystem (Accelerated Management Program – VP in a decade) Link


Through the ELITE program, Capgemini looks for proactive young minds with ‘La Niaque – Fire in
the Belly’ to explore ideas and solve key business challenges across a broad spectrum of roles and

The programme offers-

Exposure to a consistent set of onboarding activities, rotations, international contacts, extra-
curricular projects and events, community building, and learning and development.
A deep network and comprehensive understanding of the business functions of a global business
ELITE – Programme pillars

1. Helps the largest innovators in the 1. Capgemini’s digital innovation, 1. Delivering viable outcomes with
world engineer the products & consulting and transformation best use of technology.
services of tomorrow, & cope with global business line. 2. Some Strategic Alliances:-
disruption by embedding into 2. Combines strategy, technology, Microsoft Alliance
products digital & software data science and creative design to IBM Alliance
technologies. solve complex business and Intel Alliance
2. Combines, under one brand, a technology challenges. Micro Focus Partnership
unique set of strengths from 3. Motto- Invent. Build. Transform. Oracle Partnership
across the Capgemini Group: the EPiServer Partnership
world leading engineering and Xamarin partnership
R&D services of Altran – acquired Amazon Web Services
by Capgemini in 2020 – and
Capgemini’s digital manufacturing


Transformation & Digital Services Technology Operations Business Services Cybersecurity & Risk
Applied Innovation Insights & Data: create and Application, Development & Redefining business Risk & Compliance:
Exchange: Capgemini’s deliver capabilities and Maintenance Services: operations for the digital Contract Compliance &
global platform that enables solutions that drive impact integrated ADM services agenda to enhance Optimisation;
enterprises to discover with data across the full range of operational agility and Governance, Risk &
relevant innovations and to needed business and accelerate the Compliance Services; Risk,
contextualize and technical requirements transformation of business Regulation & Compliance for
experiment with them within processes. Financial Services
their specific industry
Engineering Services: brings Infrastructure Services: Cybersecurity Services:
Various Business services
together deep domain and connects solutions, services Cyberattack Simulation;
Various services offered are: available are:
technology expertise for and suppliers to implement Cybersecurity Consulting;
•Applied Innovation •Transform your Finance
both the digital and the integrated solutions across Data Classification, Privacy &
•Finance Transformation Operations
physical world of products the IT supply chain Protection
•Supply Chain •Optimize your Supply Chain
Transformation Digital Manufacturing: Testing Services: delivers •Retain & engage employees Intelligent Industry
•HR Transformation improving the digital measurable improvements in •Gain more insights from Powered by Data
•Business & Technology maturity of core quality, faster time-to- business analytics Helping clients build
Transformation manufacturing functions market, cost reduction and •Enrich your customer • Intelligent products &
•Digital Strategy & across product and asset more efficient IT operational interactions systems
Transformation lifecycle management, processes • Unlock value through • Intelligent operations
Digital Customer Experience: intelligent automation • Intelligent support &
making the right connections •Reimagine your core services
across the client’s enterprise insurance processes
Perform AI
en/service/digital-services/digital- Activate Data. Augment
Intelligence. Amplify outcomes


Industries it caters to

-Aerospace & Defence

-Banking & Capital Markets
-Consumer products
-Energies & Utilities
-Electronics & High Tech
-Government & Public Sector
-Healthcare & Life Sciences
-Manufacturing & industrial products
-Media & Entertainment
-Natural Resources
-Public Sector
-Transportation & Distribution


CSR Activities
3 pillars of focus:
1. Digital Inclusion and Social 2. Positive Planet 3. Active Inclusion
Minimizing environmental impacts, Building an inclusive workplace,
Using skills to help society address building business resilience against attracting and retaining a diverse
the impact of the digital revolution climate change, and supporting clients workforce to enable Capgemini and
and harness the opportunity it with their sustainability challenges. its employees to thrive.
• Achieved its 2030 science-based • Launched ‘Respectfully Us’,
• Reached 7,797 students across carbon reduction target 11 years empowering employees to take
the UK through Education early, with a 52% reduction in responsibility for creating a
Outreach Programme. emissions per employee since respectful and inclusive
• 20 students graduated from its 2014. workplace.
first Digital Academy. • 1,700 people participated in • A part of the Top 100 in the
• Mobilised 966 employees in training sessions and workshops Stonewall Equality Index for the
community action through on virtual collaboration third year running.
commitment to developing contributing to a 13% reduction in • Ranked 15th in the Top 75
skills. business travel this year. employers in the Social Mobility
• 200 employees signed up to • Launched a new Sustainability Employer Index 2019.
cycle from Buckingham Palace Community of employees • Teamed up with AFC Telford Utd
to Windsor Castle, raising committed to action on climate to raise awareness of the
£46,000 for The Prince’s Trust. change societal impact of homophobia
• Capgemini aims for fully electric in football.
fleet by 2030, stops orders of
diesel/petrol vehicles (Link)
Impact of Covid-19
April 2020: Capgemini is among a number of IT-focused firms in India that still is able to perform key services for its clients
in the digital sphere. While its managed services business runs as before (long contracts and critical IT support), the firm's
consultancy portfolio has taken a hit as several clients have either put their projects on hold or canceled them altogether.
The firm has also reset all its employees’ accumulated leave to 15 for the second quarter this financial year, accompanied
by other cost cutting measures, which include deferred increments and promotions that are effective from after April

July 2020: At a time when most private sector companies in India have withheld salary hikes and effected paycuts — with
many going for layoffs — information technology (IT) services company Capgemini has rolled out wage hikes and
promotions for all its employees in India.

Response to Covid-19
• Capgemini and Cognizant to keep business travel at bare minimum. Link
• Capgemini has rolled out vaccination drive for its 125,000 employees and dependents in association with health and
security partner International SOS across India. Under the Capgemini L.I.F.E (Leading Inoculations for Employees and
Families) program, the company is tying up with several hospitals and NGOs across India. Link
• Capgemini commits Rs 50 Crore to augment medical infrastructure in India. This fund will be
used to build Covid care ICU facilities, oxygen generation plants, other long-term medical
infrastructure and provide relief operations. Link
In the News
• Capgemini and Leapwork Strike a Deal to Strengthen Automation Use (Aug, 2021) | Link
To drive the use of test automation among Danish companies that have not yet reaped the benefits of automation tools, Leapwork
and Capgemini announced allying.

• Capgemini sets up 5G lab in Mumbai; its first in Asia and third globally (Jun, 2021) | Link
Capgemini has set up a 5G lab in Mumbai to accelerate the deployment of 5G solutions among its customer base. This is the third such
lab from the company globally, the other two are in Paris and Portugal.

• Capgemini Invent helps Eramet build world-class AI operations (Feb, 2021) | Link
French mining & metallurgy giant Eramet and Capgemini Invent are developing advanced technology solutions for mining – deployed
to make Eramet’s operations more safe, efficient, profitable and sustainable.

• Capgemini unveils its new brand: Capgemini Engineering (Apr, 2021) | Link
Harnessing its deep industry expertise and cutting-edge technologies, Capgemini Engineering will support the organisation's digital
and physical world coverage.

• Capgemini launches “Sustainable IT” to reduce IT carbon footprint: first offering of Capgemini’s end-to-end
sustainability framework (Jun, 2021) | Link
Sustainable IT helps clients achieve their sustainability goals by reducing the environmental impact of their enterprise IT and creating
an organization-wide culture around net-zero objectives.


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