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BUYING AGENT& Manufacturers' Representatives
1 About Us
soham buying house (india) Inspection is highly specialized in providing inspection
service to india mainland suppliers. Our inspection team has
accumulated expertise in a broad list of product categories:
woodworking machinery, electric tools, electric motor, hardware
tools, case & bag, textiles, toy and household electric appliances, etc.

soham buying house Inspection india Office is located in jodhpur, a prosperous metropolitan
area of india
coast india. Our highly professional and experienced team provides independent, efficient and
reliable inspection service in most major cities along the soham buying house (india) of india,
such as Delhi, Bombay, etc.

2 Why choose us

Our team is experienced, knowledgeable, and

committed to providing you the most complete
and professional inspection service
We are ready to response in 24hrs after you place an order. An accurate report will be reaching
you rapidly in 12hrs when the inspection is completed.
Low cost
We offer a fixed rate of 228 USD per man/day (all included) for standard inspection.
Visual inspections are carried out at the supplier's premises to check that quality, quantity, and
packaging conform to specifications and type samples.
The ANSI/AAQC Z1.4-1993 (former MIL-STD-105E) statistical sampling procedure, or a
similar standard, is normally used. A complete pre-

1 Logistic coordination
The logistical aspect is also anticipated before the beginning of
the production through a meeting with your transporter, in order
to take care of the necessary formalities as soon as possible.
Thanks to the of our customers, our employees know the customs
specificities of the major importing countries.

2 Products development
To adapt our offers according to your needs and requirements,
our agents have developed two kinds of production follow-up:

 Quality follow-up: 4 inspections completed by a continuous

supervision of your production.

Complete follow-up of your production also covering the logistical

and administrative aspects.

3 Responsibilities
1 soham buying house (India) responsibility is to carefully
consider all information provided by the supplier. Nevertheless,
soham buying house (India) cannot be held responsible for
erroneous or incomplete information provided by the inspected or
audited companies, whether the error or omission is voluntary or
2 soham buying house (India) is responsible for the resources
provided to ensure the services it took the commitment to
handle. soham buying house (India) is committed in
implementing all necessary resources described in the order.
3 The services of soham buying house (India) are carried out on
the basis of the instructions provided by the customer and
documents it transmitted. Soham buying house (India) is
committed to making use of the aforementioned promptly.
Nevertheless, soham buying house (India) cannot be held
responsible if the information transmitted by the customer is
erroneous or incomplete. All the information provided by the
customer must be transmitted at least 72 hours before the day of
the inspection.
4 Confidentiality
1 soham buying house (India) and the customer make the
commitment not to reveal any information concerning either of
the two companies involved or the type of services provided.
2 soham buying house (India) and the customer make the
commitment to respect and protect author’s rights on the
products being handled.

3 Trust is good, but control is better"

The old truth has never lost its validity in today¡¯s commerce of globalization, where quality,
precision, customs and ethics are often in short of sufficiency in our distant business dealings.
This is even truer when one purchases in india, which is often out of one's expectation!
The purchasing of inferior or non-conforming products not only costs enormous economic
losses, but can also drastically damage a company's commercial reputation. And unfortunately
both buyers and sellers are the victims in such business, because the end customer is always the
Therefore inferior products, delayed delivery should be avoided by all means, and the prevention
of such a situation has become one of the main objectives.
Through meticulous pro-active preparation and control, we can meaningfully minimize the risk
of such problems occurring.
Reasonably, we cannot guarantee 100%, but experience has proven that the use of our services
minimizes the final risk factor to a very manageable level. And it is a fact that business success is
directly dependent on the quality of the goods delivered.
Our services will significantly contribute to the upgrading of the quality level of your products,
reduce return rates, and increase satisfaction, thus maximizing your profits! It is for this very
reason that you should not hesitate to engage in our Quality Control and Assurance Services.
Thanks to the high qualified engineering group, but also customer¡¯s full assistance, soham
buying house(india) is able to deliver excellent quality inspection service and able to execute
tailored quality control program.


This is integrated program specifically designed for the needs of buyer who wishes to find
suitable manufacturers, capable for marking the correct products, at the right price, with
acceptable delivery dates and of acceptable workmanship, appearance and function.
When you need to buy some products from india, but do they know the suppliers, how to do?
Just tell us your requirement, so we can find several factories that meet your Spec, and give you
a detailed report. You can contact the factories directly or want us provide full trading agent
Information Requirement:
- Product Name
- Specification

Product Standard Required

- Quantity Desired
- Target Price
- Lead Time
5 Sourcing services:
 Search and Identify the most suitable factories as per client’s requirements.
 Negotiation- having expert industry knowledge we can help our client achieve optimal
 Structure Contracts- We can help advise on contracts so that our client’s interests are
protected (penalty clauses, payment terms, delivery schedules, quality issues, long-term
pricing, etc.
 Quality Inspection- conduct expert inspections according to IEC 61219 and ISO 2859
with specialty equipment which can even include flashing from our own simulator on
site. Confirmation of certificates-we can confirm that all documentation is authentic and
correct by independent means.
 Factory Evaluation- Conduct exhaustive on-site evaluation of factories with detailed
report (with digital photos)on machinery and processes relevant to solar PV industry.
 Logistics-Ensure proper insurance, transport and delivery to client’s address. Loading
supervision, container inspection, seal containers with our own seals.

6 Trading Agent services

We can work as your india trading agent, provide you full services, such as sourcing, arrange
sample, contact the factory, production management, quality control, arrange shipment etc.
With these services, you do not need to set up your office in india , we'll do all the works for
you in india.
For cooperating suppliers, particularly during the implementation phase for a new supplier, it is
important to have someone on site that can represent you and your interests. What we can do as
 Initial meeting with suppliers to ensure client PO requirements are understood fully.
 Ensure Raw materials are purchased and are available for production.
 Project management reporting structure and scheduling to ensures that your product will
 produced as promised.
 Quality Control is followed throughout the entire process: Incoming materials,
Production line, Post-production. The supplier's equipment is properly calibrated during
the production process. Should any of these items fall below your designated standards or
fall behind schedule, we will notify you immediately before any disruption occurs to your
supply chain. Additionally, we will work on your behalf with the supplier in order to
make adjustments in your favor.
 Organization of internal and third party lab testing.
 Frequent liaison between suppliers, sub suppliers, and related parties:
- Raw material providers
- Printers, packaging
- Customs officials and customs brokers
- Engineering experts
- Warehousing
7 Services Price: 3%-5%-10% of FOB price, but no less than USD800 per project/product.
 Our services offering can be extended, adapted and developed to meet your requirement.
we will work with you tightly to ensure your requirements can be impacted effectively.


 We can help you have a successful business trip in India. Our services are Trip Route
Design, Hotel booking, Meal, Car, Ticket, Translator Accompanying, Arrange Meeting, Office
renting, etc.
 Oversea clients do not need to worry about local accommodations, meals, transportation,
interpretation, visas, and scheduling meetings on their own during the business trip to India. Be
top will work with the customer before, during, and after the trip to ensure a smooth and
prosperous india business experience.

8 Order form
Order Form

1 PO/PI Number:
2 Product Name:*
3 Quantity:*
4 Expected inspection date:*
5 Expected shipment date:*
6 Company name:*
7 Customer name:*
8 Mailing Address:*
9 Telephone:*
10 Fax:*
11 E-mail:*
12 Supplier Name:*
13 Address:
14 Contact person:*
15 Telephone:*
16 Mobile phone:
17 Fax:
18 E-mail:
Please describe the main
features to be inspected:
20 Packing method:
21 Front carton mark
22 Side carton mark:
Standard (MIL-STD 105E AQL: Critical Major
Non-Standard Please Indicate
Please send
samples to
our india
Ms. Soham
Nehru nagar
center plot
no A-1

9 Defect classification
¡¤Critical defect
The "Critical Defect" corresponds to a defect likely to result in unsafe conditions for end-users or
specifically requested by customers.

¡¤Major defect
The "Major Defect" corresponds to a defect at the function, or to reduce the usability of the unit
of product for its intended purpose.

¡¤Minor defect
The "Minor Defect" corresponds to a defect that is not likely to reduce the usability of the unit of
product for its intended purpose, or is a departure from established standards having little bearing
on the effective use or operation of the unit.

10 Shipment inspection program consists of:

Pre-Production Checks (PPC)
Material, components, labels, user manual, etc. are checked before processing in order to reduce
the risk that insufficient or substandard supplier available jeopardizes production.
Initial Production Check (IPC)
IPC is a service that enables to ascertain conformity to basic product specification. The
inspection minimum requirement is that at least 10% of the articles have been produced.
During Production Check (DUPRO)
DUPRO is a service that enables to ascertain the initial discrepancies have been rectified and to
check the average workmanship quality. The inspection minimum requirement is that at least
30% to 50% of the articles have been produced.
Final Random Inspection (FRI)
FRI is a service that enables to ascertain the quality, quantity, and packaging of the purchase
order. The inspection minimum requirements are that 100% of the articles have been produced
and at least 80% of the articles in finally packed.

Loading Supervision (L/S)

This intervention can be added to ensure that the goods checked at the Final Random Inspection
are those being shipped. Containers are inspected for cleanliness and suitability, and also to
ensure that the lot being shipped is suitably packed and in its entirety. Finally, containers are
secured with seals after loading.
Too often, consignments which failed the first inspection, but passed re-inspection, remain of
unsatisfactory quality and lead to complains. It is therefore crucial to check specifically whether
manufactures have actually improved / resorted the consignment after the initial failed
Pre-production Inspection
1) A visual check on the quality of components, materials, and finished products at the beginning
of production against client's specifications and /or reference sample

2) The PPI thus permits timely corrections and improvements before the mass production is
initiated; any non-conformity is immediately reported so as to avoid delay in shipment

a) Evaluate the production capability and equipments in the factory

b) Check factory's quality control ability and executive status
c) Check the accuracy of production facilities and equipments
d) Evaluate production techniques and make sure the reasonable layout of factory QC person
e) Check the quantity and quality of raw materials and main components that will be used in
your products, foreseeing any possible problems to avoid them, verifying that your product
specifications are being met early
f) Recommendation

During Production Inspection

1) A visual check on the quality of components, material, semi-finished and finished products
when at least 20%-30% of the order has been completed

2) Debt-Inspection randomly inspects the production batch and those products in the line for
possible defects

3) If any should occur, Debt-Inspection identifies the deviation and provides advices on the
corrective measures that are necessary to ensure a uniform batch quality and a quality product

a) Evaluate the production status during the manufacturing process

b) Randomly inspect the finished samples on-site and compare them with your product
c) According to the evaluated status of finished and semi-finished samples, rearrange the QC
layout in the factory
d) Evaluate the packing details and packing material
e) Check the accuracy of production equipments and disposal methods for defective goods
f) Recommendation
Pre-Shipment Inspection

1) It takes place when the merchandise is 100% completed, packed and ready for shipment

2) Our inspectors draw some samples from finished goods, based on statistical random sampling
technique, commonly known as ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, MIL-STD-105E, BS6001, DIN40080,
ISO2859 or NFX06-022

3) We check on quantity, workmanship, color, style, function, size specification, packing details,
label and etc. to verify than the finished shipping lots conform to your specification

4) The ordinary procedure is as follows:

a) Quantity check
b) Sampling
c) Compare with submitted samples/PO information/specification/instruction manual
d) Workmanship (here, an acceptable quality level is adopted which sets a numerical limit for the
acceptance of defects in the sampled lot based on critical, major or minor problems
e) Data measurement (including function test)
f) Packing
g) Shipping mark
Loading Supervision

Our inspectors will reach factories, warehouse, loading place to check product's information,
quality, and package when loading, supervise the whole loading process and help manufacturer
finish loading under correct and clear working clauses and working process:

1) Record the weather/arrival time of container/container no./truck no.

2) Check the inner and outer condition to see whether there is any damage/wet/hole/peculiar

3) Check the quantity of goods loaded and record the condition of outer packaging (master

4) Randomly draw and open some cartons to verify that the goods meet with customer's

5) Supervise the whole loading process

6) Record the seal No. and departure time of container

We provide Quality Control, Factory Audit, Assembly& Packaging, Sourcing, Warehouse,
Trading Agent services in india
We are your Partner, Eye, Firewall in india, and our price is reasonable.
Ecommerce support via internet, such as Translation; Graph/Flash Design; Website
Creation; Multimedia CD-Rom Development; Shopping Website etc.
The Price is half of your side.


Evaluation of Manufacturing Capacity

We Perform an on-site check about factory's manufacturing capacity including the actual
conditions of workshop, production line, machine equipment, workers’ skill, raw material,
technology capacity, quality control system and so on.

Evaluation of Code of Conduct

According to client's or international current standard such as Ohsa18000 and SA8000, we will
check the factory comply with the rules of local corresponding labor stipulations, such as
environment, vocational health, safety, social obligation and etc.

Evaluation of Quality System

According to client's requirement or ISO9000 serial standard, we perform an assessment on the
factory's quality management system and evaluate its quality assurance capacity.

Evaluation of Environment Control System

Examine plant's environment control system according to the requirements of client or
ISO14000. Estimate influences on environment from products and productive process.

Factory Audit Features:

1) Check the general information of the factory, which includes the existence, license,
structure, number of workers, area of workshop.

2) Evaluate the manufacturer's production system, including working condition, facilities,

machines, technical capability and environmental control system.

3) Evaluate the quality system to ensure the presence of internal quality inspectors and their
competence with correct methodology for quality control

4) Evaluate the management system, but sometimes also commercial investigation in depth
at customers` demand.

Company and factory audits

1) Our factory audits are carried out either by a senior quality
controller . This agent is selected according to the profile of
the audited company (items produced, size of the company...)
and to your requirements (production quality, general

Our audit process relies on different criteria, which cover the

main issues that will define the reliability and capacities of the
Social Compliance Audit

Generally check based on SA8000, to make sure whether the manufacturers comply with india
Labor Law, including child labor, minimum wage, overtime, social benefits, safety and health,
protection of the environment and etc.
Laboratory Testing (LT)

Sometimes, on top of the Quality Inspection, Products need to be get a formal Certification of
conformity according to your local regulations.
Debt-Inspection can manage efficiently the testing of your production samples in liaison with
local independent laboratories.
For each type of Certificate needed ( CE, EMC, EN71, Rosh, ...), we will select the Laboratory
that qualifies best for both price and lead-time.

We use well-proven and widely adopted international standard MIL-STD-105E, which is
equivalent to ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, ISO 2859, NF06-022, BS6001, DIN40080, GB2828, to inspect
a randomly selected number of products. As illustrated below
table 1

table 2

As default, we uses general inspection level II, special inspection level S1, Acceptable Quality
Level (AQL) 0/2.5/4.0 of critical, major, minor defect.
For example, we have a lot of 12000 units to inspect. According to table 1, "M" is right
sample size code for general inspection level II. Therefore in table 2, we pick "315" as M's
corresponding sample size. So the allowed maximum number of defective unit is as follows:
Critical Defect 0; Major Defect 14; Minor Defect: 21.
In other words, if the number of critical defective units is more than 0, or major defective units is
more than 14, or minor defective units is more than 21, the lot has to be rejected.

How to choice Level I, Level II, or Level III?

Generally, Level II is used for consumer products, but if you think the product is expensive and
need check more samples, you can choice Level III, otherwise you can choice Level I.
How to choice AQL 2.5, 4.0 or others?
Generally, 0 for Critical,2.5 for Major, 4.0 for Minor. But if you think the product is expensive
and should be checked strictly, you can choice 1.5 or smaller number for Major and Minor,
otherwise, you can choice bigger number. The smaller, the stricter.

12 Example for Inspection Report

To : Fax/E-mail :

Attn :

From : K Z Fax/E-mail :

Be top File No : BT003038

Supplier : T Factory
Manufacturer : T Handbag Factory
Product description : Handbag
P.O. Number : Nil
Style : TC-00109
Service Performed : FRI Inspection Date : Sep 24, 2003
Inspection Location : india

[ ]By Principal [ x ]By Supplier [ ]By Manufacturer [ ]Not Available


[ ] Conformed [ x ]Not Conformed [ ]Subject to Client¡¯s Decision

INSPECTION SUMMARY: (in comparison to principal¡¯s instructions and reference sample,
as available)

[ x]Conform [ ]Not
1. Quantity : [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
ed conformed

2. Style, Material, [] [ ]Not [ x ]Subject to client's

Color : Conformed conformed evaluation

3. Workmanship [] [x]Not
[ ]Subject to client's evaluation
Appearance/Function Conformed conformed

[x] [ ]Not
4. Packing [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
Conformed conformed

[x] [ ]Not
5. Marking/ Label [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
Conformed conformed

6. Data Measurement / [x] [ ]Not

[ ]Subject to client's evaluation
Field Tests Conformed conformed

- Found about 10% bag surface with some pressmark, not seriously. We consider
it can be accepted.
ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1993, Single sampling plans for normal inspection Level II
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) for: Critical: 0 Major: 2.5 Minor: 4.0
Sample size inspected: 200pcs
Samples selected from carton numbers: 396, 287, 264, 350, 321, 209,217, 180,
175, 343, 273, 292, 143, 128, 105, 73, 98, 47, 18, 29

Style/ P.O. No. Order Qty. Inspection Qty. Number of Cartons

/Article Packed Not packed Packed Not pack

Tc00109 N/A 6000pcs 6000pcs 0 400ctns 0

2.1 Style conformity: [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not Conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. Sample.
2.2 Material conformity:[x ]Conformed [ ]Not Conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. Sample.
2.3 Color conformity: [ ]Conformed [ ]Not Conformed [x ]Subject to client's evaluation
-- Found the bulk goods are slightly darker than ref. Sample. But can be accepted.

Defect description Critical Major Minor

Pulling yarn on EMB (0.5-1.5cm) 0 2 1

Dirt stain on shell/lining (0.5-1cm) 0 0 2

Oil stain on lining (1cm) 0 2 0

Zipper not run smoothly on inside pocket 0 1 0

Broken stitches on opening/magic tape (3-5st.) 0 4 0

Pulling yarn on lining (3cm) 0 0 1

Skipped stitches on pocket opening (2-5st.) 0 2 2

Open seam on bottom (1cm) 0 2 0

Long untrimmed thread end (4-6cm) 0 0 3

Scratches on surface (2cm) 0 0 1

Total defectives: 0 13 10

Maximum allowed: 0 10 14

Request AQL Critical defective maximum allowed: 0 [x ] Within AQL [ ] Beyond AQL
Major defective maximum allowed: 10 [ ] Within AQL [ x] Beyond AQL
Minor defective maximum allowed: 14 [ x] Within AQL [ ] Beyond AQL
Manufacturer's Signature / Position: Inspector's Signature:
Mr. Liu Kevin
4.1 Individual Packing conformity [x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's
-Each piece in flat packed with tissue paper then into an individual polybag sealed by tapes
4.2 Inner packing conformity [x]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- 15 pieces solid color, solid size per export carton.
- 1 small pack of silica gel inserted into individual bag.
- 15 polybags ( i.e. 15 pieces) per export carton.
- Two cardboard placed on top and bottom of export carton.
4.3 Export packing conformity [x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- 3 ply corrugated cardboard carton.
-Sealed by gummed tapes.
-Sealed by 2 nylon bands
4.4 Packing assortment:
Checked on 20 cartons [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed

Carton No. Size / style Color Deviation(+/- samples

5.1 Shipping mark conformity [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to your instruction.
5.2 Side mark conformity [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to your instruction.
5.3 Main label: [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. sample
5.4 Care/composition label: [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. sample
5.5 Size label [ ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Nil
5.6 Country origin label [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. sample
5.7 Hangtag [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. sample
5.8 Polybag printing/ label [ x ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Conform to ref. sample
5.9 Inner box printing/label [ ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Nil
5.10 Other label: [ ]Conformed [ ]Not conformed [ ]Subject to client's evaluation
- Nil
6.1 Size measurement on 20 sub-samples [ x ]within

Measureme Size Spec. Ref. sample Tolerance Deviation Sample

nt points /Finding

Length - 33cm 33.5cm - 32.5- -


Width - 10cm 10cm - 10cm -

Height - 27cm 27.5cm - 27-27.5cm -

6.2 Weight check on sub-sample: Nil


Weight (oz./mg per sample)

6.3 Thickness check on 3 sub-sample: [ x ] within [ ] beyond tolerance [] actual finding

Type of material Production(average) Ref. sample Specification

Shell 0.88mm 0.89mm -

Foam 2cm 2cm -

Lining 0.17mm 0.17mm -

6.4 Function / Assembly check on 20 sub-samples: [ x ] positive [ ] negative

( Open and close 10 times per sub sample, such as zipper, umbrella, buckler and tent,
beach umbrella assembly etc.)
Non-function: 0 pieces
Not smooth operation: 0 pieces
- Nil


13 Quality Inspection Report

Though soham buying house (india) is executing an extremely professional inspection, but
they are commercial inspection which is the purpose of improving the product quality and
provide sufficient information for customer¡¯s business decision.
A professional Inspection report will be submitted to customer, containing: general summary,
detailed inspection result, and also the suggestions and solutions.

Critical Defect
The "Critical Defect" corresponds to a defect likely to result in unsafe conditions for end-users or
specifically requested by customers. The products subjected to Critical Defect should be
definitely refused.

Major Defect
The "Major Defect" corresponds to a defect at the function, or to reduce the usability of the unit
of product for its intended purpose. Major Defect can be solved by products rework, but
acceptance right is generally due to buyer¡¯s decision. ?

Minor Defect
The "Minor Defect" corresponds to a defect that is not likely to reduce the usability of the unit of
product for its intended purpose, or is a departure from established standards having little bearing
on the effective use or operation of the unit.

Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)

The designed value of defects, expressed as a percentage by the particular sampling procedure
and level used will identify what the buyer will normally accept in the majority of cases.
Different AQLs may be designed for different defect classifications such as Critical, Major and
Unless specified by the client, Debt will adopt the AQL as follows:
High valued products Low valued products
Critical defects Not allowed Not allowed
Major defects AQL 1.0/1.5 AQL 2.5
Minor defects AQL 2.5/4.0 AQL 4.0
With all the defects detected, soham buying house (india) will require the supplier to rework
immediately what are acceptable according to the general criteria. For important issues and
defects, soham buying house (india) will report immediately to the customers for their

14 FAQ's
do you need quality inspection service?
Quality Control is the key to get high quality and compliant products from suppliers or factories.
Quality Control can significantly reduce the risk of low quality and non-compliance with
regulatory requirements, and minimize the risks associated with loading, storage and
transportation by getting informed in advance about production problems and shipping delays.
Product inspection can make sure contractual obligations are met with regard to specification,
packaging, marking and delivery.
Product inspection provides you with valuable product information, such as quantity, quality
defects, and defect severity level for your decision of accepting or rejecting product.
Loading supervision lets you know when and how your products are loaded at loading site. We
check the lot for quantity, markings and carton conditions. We also randomly select samples
from the cartons for identifying the products and preventing substitution.
Q: How do I judge if soham buying house (india) meets our demand and can effectively
help us, what if our orders are never large?

A: soham buying house (india) a specializes in assisting the global sourcing operations for
medium and large sized companies, but as well as small sourcing orders from small companies,
especially those international buyers who are engaged in various products line with constant
purchasing volume from india However, we are not recommending our service to spot
purchasers, who are not able to fully take advantage of soham buying house (india) service.
Through the way of direct and efficient contact with india/Asian suppliers supported by
complete Quality Inspection/Control supports , soham buying house (india) is able to help you
to minimize the costs and reduce your delivery time for the related products at any size of orders.

Q: How do I evaluate the service charge paid to soham buying house (india)? How do I
guarantee my satisfaction on your service quality ?

We are continuously making value to our customer and partners by our purchasing service and
quality control service. soham buying house (india) is not permitted to have any commercial
benefits in the deals between the suppliers and the buyers. And almost all of our customers are
long-term partners with yearly contract.
For the purchasing service, you have two choices:
A negotiable but fixed monthly fee is paid to soham buying house (india) Company for all
your india related purchasing operations and management. This reasonable fixed service
charge is subjected to your business scale but can be as low as 1500 USD/ month to
mobilize all the soham buying house (india) team to work for you. The service charged
is reasonably negotiated every year according to a reasonable evaluation for the coming
A percentage of the purchasing amount is paid to soham buying house (india). Different
products will be subjected to different percentages. For example, it can be as low as 0.3
% in construction steel business, and it can also be as high as 10% for some products.
To guarantee customer¡¯s satisfaction over `s soham buying house (india) service quality,
soham buying house (india) adopts a monthly payment with its customers. In case that the
customers are not satisfied with the performance of soham buying house (india), they can
stop the partnership directly with a notice one month before. Due to the diligence of soham
buying house (india) `s hard working team, no yearly contract was stopped during the
execution so far.

Q: My Company has tried global sourcing before and the quality was not so convincible.
How does soham buying house (india) assure the supplied quality?

A: You will always see samples and production pieces that meet or exceed your expectations due
to our working with industry-leading manufacturers and our on-site quality control programs.
Soham buying house (india) has built up complete internal quality control procedures by its
excellent engineers who are usually former world-leading international inspection organizations
like TUV or ITS. As your india Partner, we will always represent your interests and make sure
that the quality meets your standards. For more information on our quality inspection and control
program, please consult to our Quality Inspection service.?

Q: We have a well organized Purchasing Department with excellent performance. Why

should we cooperate with soham buying house (india) to do what we've already reached?

A: soham buying house (india) service cannot and does not replace your existing Purchasing
Function. However, we work as an extension of your existing function or as an additional tool
for all operations in india. Working closely with local market, soham buying house (india) `s
expertise will negotiate with the manufacturers/suppliers for the best price that you’re Purchasing
Department may have not accessed so far.

Q: What makes soham buying house (india) different from any other sourcing company?

A: As product sourcing is only part of our service, soham buying house (india) is very
professional in purchasing management and quality control service.
More questions?
Please contact us [email protected]
What's the Inspection Standards?
We do the inspection according to international standards,

Why choose soham buying house (india) Trading Services?

Our highly professional and experienced team provides independent, efficient and reliable
inspection service to our clients.
Order your inspection service now, and our dedicated inspection expert will take action in 24
hours! Once the inspection is completed, you will receive the formal report through email or fax
within 12 hours.
Why do you need quality inspection service?

Quality control is the key to success of getting high quality products.

Quality control can significantly reduce risk of low quality and non-compliance with
regulatory requirements, and minimize the risks associated with loading, storage and
transportation by getting informed in advance about production problems and shipping delays.

Product inspection can make sure contractual obligations are met with regard to specification,
packaging, marking and delivery.

Product inspection provides you with valuable product information, such as quantity, quality
defects, and defect severity level for your decision of accepting or rejecting product.

Loading supervision lets you know when and how your products are loaded at loading site,
especially with spot purchase from certain suppliers. We check the lot for quantity, markings and
carton conditions. We also randomly select samples from the cartons for identifying the products
and preventing substitution.
How does soham buying house (india) charge the inspection service?

All included, only US$228.00 per man/day for standard inspection service.

15. Inspection work

Building Materials Inspection
Ceramics; Sanitary ware£¬Washing room and accessories; Floor, Tilt; Glass and wood

Hard goods Inspection

Hard goods Inspection:
Toys Inspection; furniture Inspection; giftware Inspection ; porcelain Inspection ; ceramic
Inspection; promotional products Inspection; kitchen ware Inspection; sporting goods
Inspection; crafts Inspection; Christmas items Inspection; premium Inspection; stationery
Inspection; etc.
Toys Inspection
Hard goods Inspection:
Toys Inspection; furniture Inspection; giftware Inspection ; porcelain Inspection ; ceramic
Inspection; promotional products Inspection; kitchen ware Inspection; sporting goods
Inspection; crafts Inspection; Christmas items Inspection; premium Inspection; stationery
Inspection; etc.

Fabric Inspection
Soft goods inspection:
Fabric inspection; garments inspection; home textile inspection; bedding products inspection;
shoes inspection; bags inspection; sportswear inspection; caps inspection; etc.

Plastic Injection
Production Method: Injection Molding
Raw Materials: PE, PP, ABS, POM, PVC, Nylon and so on.

Metal Fabrication
Stamping, Casting, Machining, Forging, Plating, Coating, Grinding, Polishing, Threading,
Painting, Welding and so on.
Tool and Die
Our tool and die shop can help you make tooling at reasonable price, the price will be much
lower than your side. Of course, we'll keep secret of Design, no information will be out from us.

Handcraft, Kite and Gift

We also make handcraft and other promotion products, AD products.
Bag, Apparel and other textile products
We make different kinds of bag, apparel, and other textile products too.
Electrical/Electric Product Inspection
Home appliances Inspection ; electrical audio and videos Inspection ; lightings Inspection ;
electrical vehicles Inspection ;parts Inspection ; remote control toys Inspection ; electrical tools
Inspection ; beauty products Inspection ; etc.
Mechanical Inspection
Mechanical goods Inspection
Valve inspection; general machinery inspection; Mould inspection; pump inspection; machine
element inspection; automobile parts inspection

Thanks to the high qualified engineering group, but also customer¡¯s full assistance, soham
buying house (india) is able to deliver excellent quality inspection service and able to execute
tailored quality control program.


We have factory in india. can make products for the client, such as bag, handcraft, metal ware
etc., the price is reasonable.
Assembly/ Packing
To protect your sensitive information, such as packaging, branding, pricing, exposed at
shipping(end user & order size) etc. To avoid others replicate your special products/information.
To avoid some supplier become your competitor in future. We can provide a firewall for your
business in india.
Our factory also can work as your Assembly/Packing center in india. The services are In-bound
QC, Warehousing, Assembly & Packing, Out-bound QC, Arrange shipment etc.

16. Type of Inspection

There are three types of inspection:
1* Normal inspection is used at the start of the inspection activity.
2* Tightened inspection is used when the vendor's recent quality history has deteriorated
(acceptance criteria are more stringent than under normal inspection).
Reduced inspection is used when the vendor's recent quality history has been exceptionally good
(sample sizes are usually smaller than under normal inspection).

Our professional inspection services are conducted according to the worldwide acknowledged
international quality control standards.
During inspection, the product sample size is randomly selected according to the well-known
international standard MIL-STD-105E, which is also:
Similar to:
Equivalent to:
ISO 2859
DIN 40080
After the selection of product samples, the inspection would be performed according to the
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) standard. You could find more information of the standard at
the AQL section.

AQL standard refers to the

maximum number of defective
that could be considered
acceptable during the random
sampling of an inspection. The
Defects that are found during
inspection are classified into 3
levels: Critical, Major and
The AQL level should be
agreed between buyer and
supplier before production
The following AQL levels are
usually applied by india Q.C.
Center Ltd unless otherwise
instructed by customer.
Consumer Product
Critical defects
no critical defect is accepted

Major defects
AQL 2.5

Minor defects AQL 4.0

Acceptable Quality Level
(AQL) sample inspection
methods have been proven to
be accurate over a long run.
However, the quality level of
merchandise at destination
might be lower than that of the
pre-shipment inspection result.
This may due to the
transportation process, product
handling at warehouses, or
changes in environment, etc.
Customers are advised to take
these issues into consideration
when deciding the AQL level
for the products.

A. Visual Inspection as per IEC 61215 (10.1)

Soham buying house (india) will conduct detailed visual inspections by experienced
professionals in accordance with the criteria of IEC 61215 (10.) Our team will inspect modules
looking for the following defects per IEC guidelines:
3* Cracked, bent, misaligned or torn external surfaces
4* Broken cells
5* Cracked cells
6* Faulty interconnections or joints
7* Cells touching one another or the frame
8* Failure of adhesive bonds
9* Bubbles or delamination’s forming a continuous path between a cell and the edge of the
10* Tacky surfaces of plastic materials
11* Faulty termination, exposed live electrical parts
12* Any other conditions which may affect performances
B. Maximum power determination as per IEC 61215 (10.2)
13* Determine the current-voltage characteristic and maximum power of the module
at measurement conditions.
14* Transfer values to standard testing conditions
15* Compare results with the calibration module by independent laboratory approved
by the purchaser. The calibration should be identical to those supplied by the
manufacturer. The module should be calibrated by the manufacturer every six months.
C. Sun Simulator
16* With onsite simulator Soham buying house (india) can independently flash a
sampling of modules or even the entire production and send the client all the flash
17* Soham buying house (india) can keep a copy of all flash information in our
offices for safe keeping.
18* Soham buying house (india) can conduct tests of cells via independent cell
testing utilizing our own cell testers on site.
D. Transport conditions of the photovoltaic modules
19* Check if every module and accessories are adequately packed, secured, and
protected against oxidation and crack
20* Check all packing’s, delivery lists and containers contents. Check if panels are
properly packed in the factory before sending them to storage or construction site, to
avoid any damage in transport, storage, or installation.
21* Ensure all boxes or packages of the entire order are correctly identified and
clearly label for quick identification.
E. Loading Supervision
Soham buying house (india) will supervise the loading of goods into container(s) assuring that
the correct number of modules/cartons have indeed been loaded and are correctly marked. We
can make sure the container is in proper conditions before & after loading (no water, or foreign
debris, etc.) and can issue our own seal when closing container.

Table What is it for? Civilian Counterpart

Military Standard ANSI/ASQC Z1.4
Sampling plans for attribute data
105E ISO 2859, BS6001
Switching Rules for "Switch from normal to tightened
Switching rules between
Military Standard inspection following 5 consecutive
different levels of inspection
105E accepted batches"
Military Standard Sampling plans for measurement ANSI/ASQC Z1.9
414 data ISO 3951, BS6002
Sampling inspection plans for
Military Standard
continuous production,
Procedure CSP-1
Switching Rules for Switching rules between phases "Switch from 100% inspection to partial
Military Standard of sampling for Procedure CSP- sampling after 5 consecutive conforming
1235C 1 items"
Enter your
Batch size
The number of items in the batch.
AQL: The Acceptable Quality Level.
Inspection Determines the discrimination power of the
Level: plan.
Type of
Depends on the quality history.

Switching Rules
Switching Between Normal, Reduced, and Tightened
(Military Standard 105E, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, ISO 2859)
Here is a chart of the switching rules between the three type of inspection
(and discontinuation of inspection), as given by the Military Standard 105E.
To learn about the number of batches that will be inspected under a certain inspection type,
until switching to a different inspection type,
Reduced consecutive Normal 5 consecutive Tightened Discontinue
Inspection batches not Inspection batches not Inspection Inspection
rejected rejected

Description] We don¡¯t source commodity products for our clients. There are too many sourcing
agents are sourcing cheap, "me-too" type of commodity for their clients.
We do more than simply sourcing. First, we listen to our clients and understand their specific
needs, maybe they are looking for a line of bamboo flooring for environment-conscious
customers, or they may be looking for a line of exclusive hand-painted wall paper for their high-
end clientele, whatever our clients' needs are, we listen to understand.
Then we search for the most interesting crafts each Asian country had to offer and put together
an exciting product line and propose it to our clients. If they like what we proposed, we engage
various suppliers and negotiate a good price so that our clients can bring these products to the
their market at an affordable price in hopes that their customers could share a slice of the exotic,
a fragment of the unknown; to add the finishing touch to their home.
In addition, at our clients' request, our professional team of marketers, photographers and
designers, can develop professional, polished marketing collaterals with astonishing product
pictures, specification sheets, and installation manuals etc.


Our professional partner SohamDZYN can work with you through the internet for daily work.
With these services, it seem that you hire some Indian staff, of course, the salary is much lower
than you side. Please visit SohamDZYN for more information. The services as below:
*Daily office work:
We can work with you for some daily office work via the internet.
We can help you do some translation work. Translate English to Hindi
or local language, Translate Hindi to English, or other language via
Internet. The price is about USD15-USD30 per one thousand words.
*Flash/Graphic design:

We can design flash/graphic for you, such as Logo, product picture and flash.

*Web site translation services:

In order to develop your business in the world, it's a good idea to translate your website to other
language. we can help you translate your website to Chinese.

*Multimedia CD-Rom Development:

Develop name card shape multimedia CD, introduce your company, products, services with
video/audio. Pass it to your client and impress your client.

*Any other question or services you want us work with you via the internet,
please send us email for further discussion.


Unlike most companies, Our partnersohamDZ ( do NOT use pre-fabricated
templates. We build original, fully customized designs for each project; and instead of having
pre-priced packages, we work on a one-on-one system; where a person - not an automated
system - will gather information about you and your project and will help you with your
A completely custom Web site solution built to your exact business needs.
1* You'll work directly with an experienced designer who will recommend ways to help you
succeed online.
2* You choose the number of pages, the structure, navigation and graphics to fit your needs.
3* Work one-on-one with a professional Web designer and develop a Web site that meets
your specific needs
4* You can include features like Flash Animation and database capabilities. Get all the
expertise you need in one place, including Web site organization, copy, design,
programming and online marketing
5* If you can dream it, our designers can build it!
There is no such thing as a "too small" or "too big" project for us. We serve from starting online
businesses, all the way to well-established organizations. Our web designing services cover
everything you may need:
6* Domain names
7* Web design and development
8* Web hosting
9* Customized web graphics and logos
10* Search engine placement
11* Pay-per-click programs
12* Web Site Analytics
13* Web ranking
14* Page View Counter
15* Traffic Reports
16* Site Performance Monitor
17* Web Site Utilities
18* Guestbook, Boards
19* Electronic shopping cart
20* Customized integrated databases
21* Online Marketing
22* Web maintenance
23* Web site translation services
24* ... ...
Web site design services price:

- USD100 for 5 pages

- USD200 for 10 pages
- USD300 for 20 pages
- USD350 for 30 pages
- USD500 for 60 pages
- If More than 60 pages, USD500 + USD6/page
(Pay one time, you'll own the site forever, not same as other company collet money every year!)
Web site translation services:
In order to develop your business in the world, it's a good idea to translate your website to other
language. we can help you translate your website to your language.

18 Glossaries
Acceptance Limit (c)
The upper limit on the number of non-conforming items in a sample that would still lead to
the acceptance of the entire lot. If the number of non-conforming items in the sample exceeds
this number, the entire batch must not be accepted.
Average Outgoing Quality Limit (AOQL)
The highest/worst possible average percent of non-conforming items in the process, after
employing some inspection scheme. This measure is usually used in rectifying inspection,
where the inspection procedure changes the outgoing rate of non-conforming items in the
batch or process, relative to the incoming rate. For example, by removing the non-
conforming items that are encountered during inspection. Note that this is only the worse
possible average percent of non-conforming items, and therefore there is still a possibility
that the percent non-conforming of a single batch will exceed this limit.
Average Run Length (ARL)
The mean (average) of the run length. This is the average number of samples that are taken
until an alarm is signaled by the control chart.
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)
The maximal percent of nonconforming items (or the maximal number of nonconformities
per 100 items), which is considered, for inspection purposes, as a satisfying process mean.
The AQL is generally specified by the authority responsible of sampling. Different AQLs
may be designated for different types of defects. It is common to use an AQL of 1% for
major defects, and 2.5% for minor defects.
Values of AQL that are 10% or less are suitable for percent nonconforming or
nonconformities per 100 items. Values of AQL over 10% are only suitable for
nonconformities per 100 items.
Alarm Zones
The alarm zones in an ordinary 3-sigma control chart are beyond the upper control limit
(3,infinity), and below the lower control limit (-infinity, -3).
1* To specify the alarm zone as the area between the warning limits and
control limits, enter a=2, b=3.
2* In a control chart with 0.001 probability control limits (3.09 "sigma") and
0.025 warning limits (2.24 "sigma"), the rule "two consecutive points
between the control and warning limits" is given by: k=2, a=2.24, b=3.09.
3* Alarm zones are usually symmetric around the center line. For example: [-
3,-2] and [2,3].
A batch is a collection of items from which a sample will be drawn, for deciding on its
conformance to the acceptance inspection. A batch should include items of the same type,
size, etc. and that were produced under the same production conditions and time.
The batch size is the number of items in a lot or a batch.
Clearance Number
The number of consecutive items (or batches, in Skip lot sampling) that must be found
conforming, in order to quit the screening phase (100% inspection) when applying
continuous sampling.
Inspection Levels for Military Standard 105E (MIL-STD-105E)
The inspection level determines the relation between the batch size and sample size.
Levels I, II, and III are general inspection levels:
4* Level II is designated as normal.
5* Level I requires about half the amount of inspection as level II, and is used
when reduced sampling cost are required and a lower level of
discrimination (or power) can be tolerated.
6* Level III requires about twice the amount of inspection as level II, and is
used when more discrimination (or power) is needed.
The four special inspection levels S-1,S-2,S-3,S-4 use very small samples, and should be
employed when small sample sizes are necessary, and when large sampling risks can be
Inspection Levels for Military Standard 414 (MIL-STD-414)
The inspection level determines the relation between the batch size and sample size.
Levels I, II, III, IV, V are general inspection levels:
7* Level IV is designated as normal.
8* Level V requires a larger amount of inspection than level IV, and is used
when more discrimination (or power) is needed.
9* Levels I,II,III require less inspection than level II, and is used when
reduced sampling costs are required, and lower level of discrimination (or
power) can be tolerated.
Maximal run length value
The largest number on the horizontal axis, in the run length plot. Or, the largest value of t on
the plot for which P(RL=t) is plotted. For example, selecting 500 will give a probability plot
of run-lengths in the range 1,2,...,500.
Nonconforming items
The nonconformity of an item is expressed as the percent of nonconforming items. When
each item can contain more than one defect, the nonconformity of an item is expressed as the
number of non-conformities (defects) per 100 items.
Percent/Proportion Non-Conforming (p)
The percent or proportion of non-conforming items in a batch or in a process. In many cases
this is unknown, but it is used to learn about scenarios for different values of p.
Rejection Limit (r)
The smallest number of non-conforming items in a sample that would lead to the rejection of
the entire lot. In most cases (besides reduced sampling) this value is equal to the acceptance
limit -1.
Run Length
The run length is the number of samples taken until an alarm is signaled by the control chart.
Sample size (n)
The number of items that should be randomly chosen from a batch.
Sampling Fraction f
The proportion of items (or batches, in Skip lot sampling) that are inspected during some
phase, when applying continuous sampling. f is between 0 and 1. There are three ways to
sample with a fraction of f:
Probability Sampling: Each item/batch is sampled with probability f.
Systematic Sampling: Every 1/f 'the item/batch is sampled.1/f must then be a
natural number (e.g., every 3rd item is inspected, when f=1/3).
Block-Random Sampling: From each 1/f consecutive items/batches, one is
chosen at random. 1/f must then be a natural number (e.g., in each block of
3 items one is chosen, when f=1/3).
Shift size
The purpose of using a control chart is to detect a shift in the process mean, of a specific size.
To detect a shift of two standard-deviations-of-the mean, enter the value 2.
Statistical Process Control.
Statistical Quality Control.

19 [How much does it cost?] We can work with our clients on simply a
quoted delivered price to the nearest port, FOB port of origin, or we can work on commission
basis starting from 3%-10% If clients opt for a quoted delivered price, all they pay is what we
Our standard payment terms for sourcing are 30% deposit with order and 70% prior to shipment,
as per standard practice. We also work with Letters of Credit but charge a 1% administration

20 Video Demonstration

Today, more and more buyer look for products and partner through the internet, but how to show
the advantage to the client? Video Demonstration is a good answer for this question. With the
Video Demonstration, client can see your company with their eyes.

Social responsibility

The soham Group believes in giving back to the community and proactively helps
orphans in mainland, india. Below are websites of organizations that we know personally and
endorse enthusiastically.

21 Products
We source the following products for you, as per your requirements....

1. Home furnishings
2. ¤ Handicrafts
3. ¤ Gift and Accessories
4. ¤ Jewelry
5. ¤ Christmas Decorations
Fashion Jewellery - Necklace, Bangles, Earrings, etc - in Glass Beads, MOP,
Bone, Horn.
Home Textiles - Cushion Cover, Curtain, Placemat, Made-ups, etc
Garments - Ladies & Gents Dresses in Rayon, Moss Crepe, Georgette, etc.
Furniture - Cabinets, Coat Hooks, Wine Bottle Stands in wood, Iron etc.
Smokers Requirements - Pipes / Cigar Stands, Tobacco Jars, Cigarette
Filters, Cigarette Rolling Paper, etc.
Beads - in bone, horn, wood, glass, shell, etc.
Garden Tools / Accessories- in Aluminum, Galvanized Iron.
Boxes - Bone, Wood, Metal, Fabric Mediums for Cigarettes / Cigars,
Jewellery, Trinket, etc.
Photo / Mirror Frames - in Metal, Wood, Bone, Paper with dry flowers,
Vases - Glass, Metal.
Planters - Brass, Galvanized Sheet, Pottery.
Lamps and Shades - for Table or Floor in Metal, Wood etc.
Candle Stands - Metal, Wood, Stone, Glass, Iron for Table.
Bags and Pouches - Fabric. Leather, Jute, Silk, Tissue. Wine / Christmas /
Promotional Bags,
Wind Chimes - Metal, Wood, etc.
Floor Coverings - Carpets in silk, wool, cotton.
Christmas Decorations - In Zara, Glass, Metal, Bead etc.
Tassels - Bead, Jute, Glass, Cotton, Rayon, Viscose, Metallic, Acrylic.
Figurines - Statues, Animals and Utility articles like Book ends, Step Stones
in Iron Brass, Nautical Precision Articles.
Christmas Cards - paper with dry flower embedding.
Napkin Rings - in Wood, Metal, Horn, Bead.
Belts Accessories - Wood, Shell, Horn , Bone Metal, etc.
Aluminum Ware - Bath Accessories, Ashtray, etc.
Antique furniture, reproduction furniture, interiors and decorative accessories, hardware
and building materials, fashion and garments, food product, CARPET, HOME

22 Terms of payment
1 For an initial commercial deal, the payment will be carried out
according to following terms:

 30% to be paid during the validation of the order.

 70% to be paid, at the latest, 72 hours before the
submission of the report.

2 The customer can make the entire payment at the time of the
order. This payment allows a discount of 5% on the total price.
3 The report will only be at the customer disposal after soham
buying house (India) has been paid in full for its services
4 These terms of payment can be modified at the request of the
customer in the case of a regular business flow.
5 If the operation is cancelled on behalf of the customer less
than 72 hours before the first inspection, the initial payments will
not be refunded.
6 If the operation is postponed on behalf of the customer or for
any reason unrelated to soham buying house (India) the
expenses resulting from this postponement will be handled by the
7 In case of payment delay, a penalty of 10% will be required
per month of delay

23 Additional costs
1 Although soham buying house (India) is able to carry out its
operations all over India, our rates only concern operations taking
place in the following states

 Delhi
 Haryana
 Himachal Pradesh
 Madhya Pradesh
 Punjab
 Rajasthan
 Uttar Pradesh
 Uttaranchal

2 For any operation taking place in a state other than the ones
described above, a second workday can be charged, and the
transportation charges (train, plane) or other charges (hotel,
restaurant) will be added. These additional costs can also be
applied in the states described above if:

 The factory is located in a city that is not accessible by train

 The factory is further than 20 kilometers from the railway
 The journey from Delhi to the factory exceeds 6 hours
 The transportation network does not permit a return journey
on the same day

3 For samples development, the initial fixed price includes all the
coordination process with suppliers from our office in Delhi and
jodhpur. All the additional expenses (courier, packaging¦) and all
the operations outside of the office will be charged according to
the modalities of quality inspections, notably for man-day
24 Cancellation and refunding
.1 If an operation cannot be carried out for a reason unrelated to
soham buying house (India) (cancellation of the order) or if the
service has to be cancelled on the day of the operation because
of some incorrect information provided by the customer or the
supplier (production not terminated, festival, strike, curfew, riots
or others), the expenditure incurred by soham buying Agency
will be paid by the customer
Suspension or cancellation of the services
.1 soham buying house (India) and the customer retain the right
to suspend or cancel the services offered in the event of non-
observance of the general conditions of sales defined by this
.2 soham buying house(India) and the customer retain the right
to suspend or cancel the services offered in the event of
nonpayment or of bankruptcy of the one of the two parts.

25 Production follow-up
Before we start the production itself, its processes must be
planned by a senior manager aware of the technical and material
constraints related to the objects and materials involved. For this
reason every production is anticipated by the creation of
production calendars and diagrams. Thanks to his experience, our
production manager will also be charged with the production
follow-up, raising the relevant questions to provide you the most
accurate information.
.If you have any suggestions, comments or criticisms on how to improve our presentations, we
would be happy to hear

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