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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that the work is
my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while completing all
parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant resources section for this
qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* V.R Builders
Site location* Chennai
Number of workers 300
The company V.R Builders is constructing an apartment on area of approx. 5-6 acres of land near
pallavaram Chennai and has a manpower of 300 people in total it includes site managers, site
engineers, site supervisors, scaffolders , electricians, fitters, labours and others. The activities that
General description of the organisation
take place in the site includes both outdoor and indoor works like Erection works, Loading and
unloading of raw materials ,Excavation works, Crane lifting ,Welding ,Sandblasting and shifting
works etc..
Description of the area to be included in the risk The work place has an adequate access and egress, there were 4 main gates one gate for workers
assessment entry vehicles, other for Heavy duty vehicles like dump trucks, mobile cranes, concrete transport
trucks, other one for management and visitors vehicles entry and other for emergency exit, there
was a sufficient number of pedestrian walkways in the site. Though there was a good access and
egress the escape route was not suitable and adequate for the work force.
The main power equipment being used in the site are power generators ,roller compactors ,bench
mounted circular saw , portable power tools , grinding machine, portable welding machines,
concrete mixing machine , fire fighting equipment’s etc.
Some other substance they are used in the workplace including building materials ,steels ,
chemical solvents like paints ,adhesive , cleaning fluids
All necessary information collected by observations , document verification and conducting small

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Questionaries’ and interviewing with site supervisors and with site workers
In the time of inspection there were many hazards which needs immediate action and control
Any other relevant information
measures for efficient management of health and safety
* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be factual.

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have competed your risk assessment.
The risk assessment was carried by closely monitoring each task and the hazards were identified
upon consultation with the workers and supervisors, I discussed with the site safety manager and
the engineer for completing the risk assessment, I checked all source of information like inspection
Outline how the risk assessment was carried out reports, site standard operating checking the manuals and other documents provided. The main
this should include: issues observed where working at height without fall protection or fall prevention. Deep
excavation without slope protection and edge protection , Hot work being done near gas storage
 sources of information consulted;
area without proper PPE, No proper chemical storage area with sds and with proper identification
 who you spoke to; and
Workers being rudely treated by the supervisor in order to achieve the hectic targets. Hot work
 how you identified: without adequate PPE. Uncontrolled noise and vibration hazard that affects nearly all of the work
- the hazards; force. Manual handling hazards were noticed as the workers add to lift and carry heavy loads...
- what is already being done; and The controls suggested to overcome the issues were training to crew to provide with awareness.
- any additional controls/actions that The different fields of training were suggested ranging from working heights, chemical handling,
may be required. hot work, and training to supervisors on behaviour. Many areas were recommended with
mechanisation and also automation to reduce the risk to the work force. Provision of a shelter for
combustible gases and also fire extinguishers were also advised.

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: V.R Builders

Date of assessment: 22:05:2021
Scope of risk assessment: Construction site

Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
HAZARD Excavator operators, Inspection of excavation Valid PTW with excavation 1 month Supervisor
Excavation carried out helpers, loaders. frequently by authorized certificates
was observed that Damage underground personnel Provision of in-built drawings,
presence of services Provision of right trial pits, route makers etc…
underground cables, Electrocution( due to equipment
pipelines, etc. (both contact with unknown Warning signboards, Use of cable detectors 2 months Foreman
identified and live cable lines) barricades, blinking lights proper supervision by the
unidentified) Falling of person inside etc.. authorized personnel
Hydrocarbon and toxic the excavated area Use of necessary PPE
gases, lack of as-built Falling of equipment’s Proper induction and training 3months Safety Officer
drawings, faulty near by the excavated provided to the personnel
excavation, and area
excavation near road Falling of persons or Shoring/sloping to prevent cave Construction
side UG/UA services, vehicles in 4 months Manager
contamination in the Inhalation of dust/gas Warning signs, barricades etc...
soil, machineries Collapse/Cave-in of Procurements
operating too close to excavation All deep excavation near roads 4 months manager
the excavated area, and access shall provide with
soil/material stacking fluorescent and blinking lights to
near the excavated warn road user.
area, no signal man 5months Supervisor
used while excavating Provide with adequate PPE

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
with machineries.
FALL FROM HEIGHT FALL FROM HEIGHT Signage is placed “ Caution Provide the workers with full
Workers were noticed to Workers were noticed Do not come over the body harness and ensure the use 1 month Ware house
be working on elevated to be working on edge” of it while working on elevated manager
area on the hopper stage elevated area on the area
and it was noticed that
hopper stage and it
there is no guard rails for
fall prevention and also
was noticed that there is Trainings shall be provided on
no guard rails for fall working at heights and the use of 1 month Safety Officer
the workers are not
provided with full body prevention and also the full body harness
harness and the drop workers are not
zone also observed provided with full body Guard rails must be provided to 2 months Supervisor
without barricades or any harness and the drop permanently close out the issue
identification zone also observed
without barricades or
any identification

SLIP AND TRIPS Lack of identified General housekeeping done Provide with insulated cable 2 weeks House keeping
HAZARD access and improper once in a week with the hangers to hang cables and hoses
Pipe and structure material storage leads involvement of all workers at an elevation of 6feet or more
fabrication workshop to employees to take in the workshop area Safety Officer
area. unsafe accesses Daily pre-task meeting Proper training to the workers 3 week
Scattered pipe pieces, resulting in to trips and conducted by work about 5’s system in the
lack of cable/hose falls supervisors and HSE workplace.
management , lack of It leads to fracture of officers Foreman
necessary barricade hip, elbow, rupture. Pipe and structure storage Routine of housekeeping and 1 month
with signs, slippery Scattered pipe areas hard barricade and monitoring Supervisor
floor, lack of safe structural pieces and warning signs laced.
access and improper cable/hoses lying on the Tool box are provid Provide safe access identified 2 months Supervisor
material storage area ground leads to trip and ed to store the tools safely with signs and without any
results slip , trip and falls Provided enough number obstructions. 3 months Supervisor and

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
falls Employees involved in of waste skip identified Safety Officer
fabrication works with type of waste to be Use hard barricade and signs to
equipment operators , disposed in each one segregate open fabrication places.
supervisors ,workers
and site visitors may be Work supervisor and HSE 4 months Supervisor
harmed officers closely monitor the area
Poor housekeeping and and take necessary actions to
slippery floor leads to maintain a safe workplace 6 months Supervisor
slips, trip and falls Provide with slip resistant boots
to the workers who are working
in the at risk area
HAZARDOUS Concrete pouring crew, Concrete pouring crew Employees involved in pouring 2 month Manager
SUBSTANCE foreman ,supervisors wearing disposable wear face-shields over safety
Concrete pouring was and site visitors might coverall, gumboots, hard glasses.
noticed and the be harmed hat, and safety glass Provide eye wash at an 3 months Procurement
workers were noticed Body coming in contact Supervision by work appropriate place near work area Manager
to be not provided with with concrete may lead supervisor and HSE officer with signs.
dust masks and they to itching, dermatitis Pouring areas barricaded
were noticed to have etc... and signs posted All employees including
direct contact with Inhalation of cement supervisors and other site visitors 4 months Supervisor
Hazardous dust contact dust may result in are to be provided with approved
with chemicals as they chronic lung disease type dust masks while in work
were not provided with Spill of concrete on area.
gloves eyes may results in
serious eye damage Keep cement bags covered to 4 months Ware house
prevent blown by wind manager
Barricade the work area and place
necessary signs for use of PPE. 5 months Foreman

Trained flagmen to control

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
moving equipment’s 6 months Safety officer

NOISE HAZARD Workers involved Power generator areas and The periodic inspection of the Electrical in-
Drilling works Fabrication of pipes welding machine areas equipment by checking the oil 1 month charge(Electrician)
,fabrication works and steel, other hard barricaded and high level bearings etc.
,using of machine- employees working level noise warning signs Conduct periodical noise level
Eyries and other nearby and site visitors posted survey and keep records. 1 week Safety Officer
pneumatic are exposed to high Power generator are having Wherever noise level exceeds
equipment’s, power levels of noise. this in-built sound proof 85DB, take necessary actions to
generators etc... were may leads to noise enclosures. minimize the impact of affected
noticed working and induced deafness, lack inspection of the power employees.
the operators and the of concentration and equipment’s and
workers nearby were mental disorder machineries before prior to In addition to barricade provide
not provided with ear use necessary warning signs and PPE 1 month Supervisor
plugs or ear muffs sings at conspicuous location

In high noise level areas ,

consider job rotation or reduce 2 months Safety Officer
work hours to minimize exposure
time for the employees

Provide with ear protections such 3 months Safety Officer

ad ear plugs and ear muffs

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
TRANSPORTATIO Narrow path way can Signage’s were provided Provisions of warnings like 1 week Supervisor
N HAZARD result in accidents due appropriate signage and audible
Fork lift was noticed to human negligence. The operator was trained warning signals in the workplace.
to be working on very and had a valid 3rd party
narrows ways also Obstructions due to certification Proper marking the areas for 1 month Supervisor
workers were noticed over stacking will result vehicles and pedestrians.
to be using the same in blind spots and could
way as the access way end up in accidents Provide with flagman for
and there was no flag damaging materials assistance while the equipment is 3 months Safety Officer
man to assist the works manoeuvring
and also the operator It leads to man
was speeding with the machine interface and
forklift and also the thus resulting in fatal
materials were noticed accidents
to be stacked too high
which was also
obstructing the view of
the operator
CHEMICAL Injury to Painters Area barricaded with signs Use of trained personnel 1 weeks Supervisor
HAZARD cleaners and other Inside the paint booth, erecting
Handling of paints for employees working Workers were provided the air re-cycling system.
painting activity near by with rubber gloves and dust
carried out without Burn injury over masks Provide eye wash visible near by 2 weeks Procurement
safety precautions such exposure/Inhalation of the work area. manager
as the mixing area was aerosols and other toxic
not provided with drip substance affects the Drip trays and spill kits are to be 1 month Manager
trays resulting in workers. provided
spillage of the 1 month Manager
chemical and also no It leads to headaches, Isolating the paint booth from the
spill kits were noticed breathing problem, eye area where the workers density is

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
that lead to polluting injury etc. high.
the environment by
Leakage spillage/spray Provide with disposable coveralls 2months Supervisor
of chemicals. The air for the works that are involving
recycling unit was chemicals and also respirators are
noticed to be damaged. to be provided
The workers were
noticed to be not
provided with
disposable coverall’s
and also substandard
dust masks were
FIRE HAZARD Cause of fire or Sand Buckets were noticed Security should be appointed to 1 weeks Site manager
Gas storage area in explosion in case of to be provided prevent entry of unauthorised
the workplace was leakage which could person.
observed and the result in fatality. Empty and full cylinders
storage does not have a were noticed to be placed A new shelter is to be made to 1 month Safety Officer
roof to protect the gas Exposure to sunlight separately keep the combustible in shades
cylinders from direct could lead in fatal
sunlight and lacked fire incidents Fire extinguishers are to be 1 month Manager
extinguishers and also provided
the cylinders were
secured sand some Storage cages and trolley are to 2 months Procurement
cylinders were noticed be provide Manager
to be laid on the

HOT WORK Chance of fire and Welding machine was Provision for adequate PPE such 2 weeks Supervisor

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)
Welding was noticed explosion inspected and well as Welding hoods, Fire resistant
and the workers were maintained coveralls and welding gloves
not using any welding Bodily injuries such as
hood and also notice burns , eye injuries Apron was noticed to be Fire blankets and fire 1 month Supervisor
that they used a piece from the exposure to used extinguishers
of tinted glass to cover ultra violet rays
the eye while welding. Training on Hot work for 2 months Safety Officer
The workers did not supervisor and the workers
use any aprons and
specific welding gloves
VIBRATION It cause hand arm Signage’s were noticed on Providing anti vibration handle 1month Procurement
HAZARD vibration. the high noise levels mounting to damp the vibration. manager
Using of pneumatic Area was barricaded
torque guns by the It is to nerve damage, adequately Worker are to be provided with 2 months Supervisor
workers were observed muscle weakening etc. anti-vibrating gloves.
and they were not Workers were taking
provided with any PPE Acute effects can be breaks to reduce the
and they were not numbness and exposure as per instructions Proper maintenance of guns. 2 months Maintenance Dept
supervised and Using blanching of the arms of the supervisor
of drilling machine and Ear plugs and Ear muffs, 3 months Supervisor
soil compactors the Prolonged exposure to
workers were noticed vibration could result in Training to the workers and the 3 months Safety Officer
to have high risk from Hand Arm Vibration supervisor
vibration of the Syndrome, carpel
machines as the tunnel, nerve damages Medical check-ups for the 2 months Manager
machines lacked workers at regular intervals
maintenance and also
the workers were not
provided with
necessary PPE

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Hazard category and Who might be harmed What are you already What further controls/actions are Timescales for
hazard and how? doing? required? further actions Responsible
to be completed person’s job title
(within …)

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial arguments Moral arguments:

According to the statistics from International Labour Organization (ILO), approximately 2.3 million
men and women died in 2019 related to construction industry accidents. Many times more is the
number of men and women suffered serious injuries, illness and still in pain. These realities show
the seriousness of the situation. People are going to work for earning a living. It is not only for them;
but for their families and those depends on them for a living. In an organization, when safety and
health is not managed effectively, people involved in work activities may end up dying, getting
seriously injured or experience ill health. All these leads to limitless sufferings. Our society as a
whole agrees that such happenings are morally unacceptable. Death, injury or ill-health should not
be the reward for any individual working for an organization to feed his/her family.
Legal arguments:
Employers are getting benefits from the various work activities happening in their organizations
including in the form of profit and growth of the organization. Why this happens is due to the goods
and services produced by the hard working employees. Hence every employer has a legal
responsibility to provide safe place for work, safe tools and equipment to work, safe methods of
work, and provide necessary awareness to perform the job safely. There are many national and
international rules and regulations such as ILO, OSHA, etc. stating the requirements for a
workplace. Any violation in these requirements may lead to legal notices, work suspensions, fines,
work stoppages and legal arguments including imprisonment

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Financial arguments:
Accidents and ill-health cost money. In the event of an accident, direct costs and indirect costs will
occur. These costs may lead to huge losses and can end a business. Direct costs are visible and
measurable. Indirect costs are normally unnoticed and often difficult to quantify. Regarding above
prioritized list, working using electric power is a serious matter and an accident may result in
electrocution, serious injuries and property losses. Working at Height is considered as the number
one killer in construction industry. Falls may result in fatality, permanent disablement and/or serious
injuries. Many people deal with confined spaces without necessary seriousness; results may be
fatality, serious injuries and/or ill-health. In short, a well-established HSE Management System can
protect people, property and keep the business protected from financial burdens.

Justification for action 1

Action Confined Spaces (action category)

Actions: Gas Tests to be conducted and recorded within 30 minutes of entry .If the Permit Issuer
identifies the need for Gas Tests continuously or at regular intervals, this to be noted in the Permit
and followed. After lunch break, Gas Test to be done before entry and recorded. Ventilation using
air movers to be provided for man-hole excavations and trench excavations. When there is no
activity in a Confined Space, keep the access closed and place signs .All Confined Spaces must be
identified with signs saying “Confined Space Entry Permit Required”. Provide emergency rescue tri-
pod or other rescue equipment for trench excavations and train employees to use them during an
emergency. Post Emergency Response Plan close to the confined space.

Specific legal arguments ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 (C155)-Article 16, Occupational Safety and
Health Recommendation 1981 (R164)
ILO Safety and Health in Construction 1992

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ILO Safety, Health and Welfare on Construction Sites Training Manual – sec. 7.5
OSHA 26CFR Part 1926-Subpart AA

Above regulations clearly mention about the minimum health and safety standards to be in place
while employees are carrying out their jobs using electric power. Legally, employers must provide
safe place of work, safe plant and equipment, safe system of work, necessary training and ensure the
competency of the supervisor. All necessary personal protective equipment for performing the job
must be provided by the employer free of cost. A violation in this regard may result in notice for
improvement, prohibitions, and fines.

Consideration of likelihood AND severity Applying semi-quantitative analysis. Likelihood is scored from 1 to 5 (1-extremely unlikely and 5-
very probable. Severity if harm occurs is scored from 1 to 5 (1-very minor injury and 5-
disabling/fatal injury). From the risk assessment evaluation done for the civil activities in confined
space excavations, main deficiencies are inadequate gas test, inadequate artificial ventilation and
missing signs. Since the excavations are open at top and only depth is more than 1.2 meters, the
likelihood for an accident to occur is rated 3 (possible) and the severity if an accident happens is
rated 3 (lost-time injury). So, the risk rate is 3x3=9.The risk is high as all the areas of the works are
using electricity and the chances are very high for an accident to occur
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
Intentions of the action recommendations are to avoid personal exposure to oxygen deficiency, toxic
gas mixtures, and falls. Conducting gas test within 30 minutes of entry will provide more accurate
 the intended impact of the action; atmosphere conditions. Analysing many factors, if the permit issuer decides to recommend
 justification for the timescale that you continuous gas monitoring and implements, it will protect the entrants. During an emergency
indicated in your risk assessment; and situation, employees must know how to respond. Emergency rescue equipment must be readily
 whether you think the action will fully available and employees must know how to use them. Most of the actions can be completed within
control the risk. few weeks. Two weeks’ timescale is given to procure air movers and install them in necessary
locations. One month time is allowed for procuring necessary emergency rescue equipment and
provides training to use them during an emergency. These actions can bring down the risk rate to an
acceptable level.

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Justification for action 2

Action Working at Height (action category)

Conduct periodic full-body harness inspections, apply colour code and keep records. Remove
damaged items immediately. Include in daily tool-box talks the importance of pre-job FBH
inspections and 100% tie-off. Implement 100% tie-off policy .provide necessary horizontal life-lines
for the workers to hook and move safely at elevated places .Use taglines to control the movement of
structural beams at elevated locations. Ensure no person come under suspended load.
Use tool-lanyards and tool bags to prevent hand tools falling down. Secure all loose material
Working at height is dangerous of all hazards in the workplace.
Falling from height above 20 feet will definitely leads to severe accidents depending on workplace.
There was no guard rail present in the hopper stage is absorbed and workers are working without
any safety guards.

Specific legal arguments ILO Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 (C155)-Article 16, Occupational Safety and
Health Recommendation 1981 (R164)
ILO Safety and Health in Construction 1992
OSHA 26CFR Part 1926.501
Above regulations clearly mention about the minimum health and safety standards to be in place
while employees are working at elevated locations. Legally, employers must provide safe place of
work, safe plant and equipment, safe system of work and necessary training and supervision to
ensure competency. All necessary personal protective equipment for performing the job must be
provided by the employer free of cost. A violation in this regard may result in notice for
improvement, prohibitions, fines and/or imprisonment.

Consideration of likelihood AND severity Applying semi-quantitative analysis. Likelihood is scored from 1 to 5 (1-extremely unlikely and 5-

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very probable. Severity if harm occurs is scored from 1 to 5 (1-very minor injury and 5-
disabling/fatal injury). From the risk assessment evaluation done for the steel erection activity, main
deficiencies are lack of monthly inspections and colour coding of full-body harnesses, absence of
horizontal lifelines, people coming under suspended load, loose material and tools at elevated places.
Hence, the likelihood for an accident to occur is rated 3 (possible) and the severity if an accident
happens is rated 5 (disabling injury/fatality). So, the risk rate is 3x5=15
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
Providing training can increase the attention to the task and also the awareness of the risks on
working at elevated area. Providing with full body harness can reduce the degree of damage from
 the intended impact of the action; the accidental fall. The provision of permanent guard rails can reduce the chance off fall from the
 justification for the timescale that you work area as the chance of the worker going beyond the edge can be eliminated.
indicated in your risk assessment; and
 whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.

Justification for action 3

Action Hazardous substance (action category)

Workers engaged to work with concrete pouring are to be provided with face shield, Providing with
proper gloves and coveralls are to be provided and supervisor shall ensure he compliance of the PPE
and also the procedures, cement bags stored on site are to be provided with covers and also the area
must be adequately barricaded, Paint booths are to be provided with air recycling system, All the
workers assigned to work with chemicals are to be trained with the handling of the chemicals and
adequate storage is to be assigned to store chemicals with sds for the chemicals and also signs and
also all the workers engaged are to be provided with disposable coveralls and respirators and the
area has to be provided with spill kits and drip trays to reduce the chances of spillage and also to
clean off the area if there any spillage occurs.

Specific legal arguments In accordance with international labour organisation recommendation 1990 (No 177) and
international labour organisation convention1990 (No 170) Article 1 -19 has clearly quoted the

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requirements to be followed for handling, storage and usage of chemicals and other hazardous

Consideration of likelihood AND severity High chance of fatality if an accident occurs

How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
Providing with face shields and coveralls can ensure that there comes no bodily contact with the
hazardous chemicals as these could result in serious skin problems on contact. Gloves (chemical
 the intended impact of the action; resistant) can ensure that there is no contact with the chemical and the hands of the user. Providing
 justification for the timescale that you with dust masks can reduce the exposure as this will help in reducing amount of chemical dust
indicated in your risk assessment; and inhaled by the workers. Barricading the area can help in restricting un-authorised entry into the area.
 whether you think the action will fully Painting booths are to be provided so as to reduce the spreading if the toxic paint all over the area.
control the risk. The air recycling system could ensure the safety of the workers engaged in the painting activities.
Trainings provided to the workers could result in developing positive safety culture which will help
in the compliance of the workers to the safety measures implemented and thus reducing the risk of

Part 4: Review, communicate and check

Suggested word counts for each section:
 Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
 How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
 Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with reasoning Review date is 03-06-2021, in case of changes in system, based on accident records and ill health,
after auditor recommendations need to update the risk assessment. Also consulting with workers
representatives and supervisors management review the risk assessment.

How the risk assessment findings will be On completion of the workplace risk assessment, it has come to my understanding that the top
communicated AND who you need to tell management did consider workplace safety very seriously. Risk assessment findings communicated
through tool box talks, daily supervisor meetings, Need to communicate finance manager and
accounts manager through mail, for allocating resources such as cost of implementing risk
assessment, communicate to senior personnel by sending MEMO and through Mail , Effective
communication about risk assessment to work force to prevent accident in workplace, conducting

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training for risk assessment, There were many good practices that had come to my attention some of
them being having separate pedestrian walkways, adequate number of first aid boxes and personnel
in the workplace, other facilities like toilets and washrooms were well maintained showing their
commitment towards the welfare of workers. Permit to work system and tool box talks were other
positive practices in place
How you will follow up on the risk One week before planned review date (03-06-2021), remainder e-mails will be forwarded to
assessment to check that the actions have concerned Management heads to evaluate their progress in closing the action items. Here high risk
been carried out and priority actions will be highlighted. This will help the management to achieve target dates.
During the planned review, each action item will be checked to see if it is properly closed and the
risk rate is reduced as expected. A review meeting will be conducted with the Management and
analyse those actions closed and those still open if any. For actions not taken, new target dates will
be fixed with additional precautionary measures to be implemented until the action taken

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