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Ticketing Software

TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

(c) Johannes Lutz 2011
I TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

I Introduction 1
1 Introduction
................................................................................................................................... 1
2 The main window
................................................................................................................................... 2
3 Show event
................................................................................................................................... 5
4 Show venue
................................................................................................................................... 5
5 Seat information
................................................................................................................................... 5

II Venues 6
1 Create venue
................................................................................................................................... 6
Create venue......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Create sections
with irregular seat numbers 8
Venues with tables
......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Arrange sections
......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Edit venue display
......................................................................................................................................................... 10
2 Change venue
................................................................................................................................... 12
3 Change venue
display 12

III Events & tickets 12

1 Create event
with tickets 12
Create event......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Edit event ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Use other barcodes
......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Advance sale
and system fees 16
Change prices
for single seats 17
Edit ticket layout
......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Edit text ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Add images ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Change ticket
format 22
Ticket stocks
......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Line types ......................................................................................................................................................... 26
Variables ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Sample ticket
......................................................................................................................................................... 29
Sample tickets
and copying 30
Show page view
......................................................................................................................................................... 32
Print sample.........................................................................................................................................................
tickets 32
2 Create new
event with template 32
3 Edit event
................................................................................................................................... 33

IV Print tickets 33
1 Print tickets
for sections 33
2 Print single
tickets 34
3 Print reserved
tickets 35
4 Print season
tickets 36
5 Print subscriptions
................................................................................................................................... 36
Index II
6 Print dialog
................................................................................................................................... 36
7 Print tickets
as PDFs 37

V Reserve and lock seats 37

VI Import data from Excel/Access 38

VII Delete tickets 39

VIII Season tickets 39

1 Create season
tickets 39
2 Included ...................................................................................................................................
events 40
3 Manage customers
................................................................................................................................... 40
4 Print season
tickets 40
5 Delete season
tickets 40

IX Subscriptions 41
1 Create subscription
................................................................................................................................... 41
2 Print subscriptions
................................................................................................................................... 41

X Seat labels 41
1 Seat labels
................................................................................................................................... 41
2 Create seat
labels 41

XI Secure tickets with barcodes 42

1 Secure tickets
with barcodes 42
2 Create tickets
with barcodes 43
3 Check barcodes
................................................................................................................................... 43
4 BarcodeChecker
file for other tickets 44
5 Register ...................................................................................................................................
tickets to names 45

XII Files 46
1 Add file to
list 46
2 Remove file
from list 46
3 Search file
................................................................................................................................... 46
4 Load file ................................................................................................................................... 46
5 Save file ................................................................................................................................... 46
6 Delete file
................................................................................................................................... 47
7 File missing
................................................................................................................................... 47

XIII Miscellaneous 47
1 Backup ................................................................................................................................... 47
2 Show reports
................................................................................................................................... 48
III TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
3 Create advance
sale form 48
4 Use in networks
................................................................................................................................... 48
5 Save seat...................................................................................................................................
map as bitmap 49
6 Edit default
texts 49
7 Settings ................................................................................................................................... 49
8 Choose printer
................................................................................................................................... 49
9 Ticket format
does not match printer 50
10 Create new
paper format 50
11 Reservations
do not match seat list 50
12 Tickets with
regular and/or special prices 50
13 Folder for...................................................................................................................................
events and venues 51
14 Add seats
to an event 51
15 Licence agreement
................................................................................................................................... 51

XIV TicketCreator editions / Buy 52

XV Contact 52
Introduction 1

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
You can print all sorts of tickets with TicketCreator:
· Numbered tickets with row and seat numbers (reserved seating)
· Tickets with serial numbers
· Unnumbered tickets (general admission)

Print protected tickets with barcodes and avoid losses in revenues due to copied tickets.

TicketCreator requires no additional hardware but supports all Windows compatible printers,
i.e. normal ink or laser printer, as well as ticket printers.

You can print tickets of any format. Most users print on individually designed ticket templates,
which they get printed and perforated by a print shop.

Tickets with seat and row numbers

If you want to print tickets with seat and row numbers you must first set up the venue/room, where
the event takes place.

1.) Select the tab 'Venues' and click 'New' to create your venue (see image on the left).

2.) Then click 'Event' to create an event in your venue and design tickets for it. As a test you
can also create an event in one of the sample venues.

3.) Now you can display the event on the screen, print tickets for sections or pick single
tickets with the mouse.

Tickets with serial numbers or unnumbered tickets

If you want to print tickets with serial numbers or unnumbered tickets you do not need to create a
venue. Just select the tab 'Events', click 'New' to create a new event, and enter the number of

Video tutorials
Check out the video tutorials for a quick start. You can also press F1 in all windows for a
2 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
detailed help text.

1.2 The main window

The TicketCreator main window of has five sections:

The list shows for each sections the files that can be used. Select a file in the list and perform the
requested operation. If you want to use a file that is not in the list, you have to add it to the list first.
See file list below.

An event (*.tiv) contains the event, venue, and ticket layout. For each performance of the event
there is a seat list (*.tia) logging free and printed seats, the reservation list (*.tis), the list of deleted
tickets (*.tig), and the list of printed reservations (*.tip). These files must always be in the same
If you select an event in the list its information is shown in the bottom panel: The event note
(which you can edit with the edit button ), the event file and the venue in which the event
takes place. If there are several performances the percentage of not printed (green) and
printed (red) tickets is shown for all performances.
The bottom right panel shows the selected performance, the percentage of not printed (green)
and printed (red) tickets for the selected performance and its date and time. Use the edit
button to add a performance note. If the performance is part of a season ticket the
appropriate button allows to switch to the season ticket.

You can use the toolbar to (from left to right):

· Create New Event (Ctrl+N)

· Create New Event with Template
· Create Season Ticket

· Show Event (Ctrl+A)

· Print Sections (Ctrl+P)
· Print Single Tickets (Ctrl+E)
· Reserve and Lock Seats (Ctrl+R)

· Show Reports (Ctrl+I)

· Edit Ticket Layout

· Edit Event
· Delete Event

Menu Event
· Delete Tickets

Menu Print
· Create advance sale form
· Page with cutting marks

If you select a venue in the list its information is shown in the bottom panel: The venue note
(which you can edit with the edit button ), the venue file, and the number of sections and
Introduction 3

You can use the toolbar to (from left to right):

· Create a new venue (Ctrl+N)

· Create an event in the selected venue
· Create new seat labels for the selected venue

· Show venue (Ctrl+A)

· Show Reports (Ctrl+I)

· Edit venue display

· Edit venue
· Delete venue

You can use seat labels to label the seats of the venue.

Use the toolbar to (from left to right):

· Create seat labels (Ctrl+N)

· Show venue (Ctrl+A)

· Print Labels (Ctrl+P)

· Show Reports (Ctrl+I)

· Edit label layout

· Edit label
· Delete Label

If you want to print a seat for several events at the same time, you can combine these events as a
subscription. Thereby you have to select and print a seat only once in the subscription, instead of
selecting and printing the seat in each event individually. For each event a separate ticket is
However, a subscription requires that all events take place in the same venue and have the same
ticket format and price structure.
If a subscription is selected the included performances are listed and details on the selected
performance are shown in the bottom right panel. The appropriate button allows to switch to the
selected performance.

You can use the toolbar to (from left to right):

· Create subscription (Ctrl+N)

· Show subscription (Ctrl+A)
4 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
· Print subscriptions (Ctrl+P)

· Show Reports (Ctrl+I)

· Edit subscription
· Delete subscription

Season tickets
A season ticket is a single ticket valid for several events in the same venue. It has its own ticket
layout, price structure and balance.
If a season ticket is selected the included performances are listed and details on the selected
performance are shown in the bottom right panel. The appropriate button allows to switch to the
selected performance.

You can use the toolbar to (from left to right):

· Create season tickets (Ctrl+N)

· Show season ticket (Ctrl+A)

· Print Season Tickets (Ctrl+P)
· Manage customers (Ctrl+K)

· Show Reports (Ctrl+I)

· Edit ticket layout

· Included events
· Edit season ticket
· Delete season ticket

File list
The list in the middle list all available files. Underneath the list information on the selected entry is
displayed. Each action chosen in the menu or the toolbar is done with the selected entry. You can
only use events, venues, labels, subscriptions or season tickets which are in the list. If necessary
add file to list.

You can use the toolbar to (from left to right):

· Add file to list (Ctrl+O)

· Remove file from list
· Move a file
· Edit the list entry
· Sort events by name or date
· Refresh the list (F5)

Other features
Menu Extras
· Edit Default Text
· Settings
Introduction 5

1.3 Show event

1.) To show an event switch to the event list.

2.) Select the event in the list and press .

The print status of the sections and numbered seats is indicated. You can zoom in on numbered
sections with the context menu (right mouse button), Ctrl + "+", the venue page of the tool
window, or click the section with Ctrl + left mouse button. Use PgUp and PgDown to switch
between magnified sections.
You can also scroll the seat map with the mouse wheel vertically and horizontally (Ctrl + mouse

The tool window shows Seat information and offers:

· Print sections (Ctrl+P)
· Print single tickets (Ctrl+E)
· Reserve and lock seats (Ctrl+R)
· Register printed tickets to names
· Delete tickets
· Show reports (Ctrl+I)
· Save seat map as bitmap
· Seat information

1.4 Show venue

1.) To show a venue switch to the venue list.

2.) Select the venue in the list and press .

You can magnify numbered sections with the context menu (right mouse button), Ctrl + "+", the
venue page of the tool window, or click the section with Ctrl + left mouse button. Use PgUp
and PgDown to switch between magnified sections.
You can scroll the seat map with the mouse wheel vertically and horizontally (Ctrl + mouse

The tool window shows Seat information and offers:

· Show reports
· Save seat map as bitmap

See also Seat information.

1.5 Seat information

The small tool windows has three buttons on the bottom to switch between the pages.

The seat/section info page shows information on the selected seat. When clicking on a seat
that has not been printed (green) all available prices for this seat are listed. If the seat has already
been printed (red) its price is shown. For season tickets the customer name is also shown.
6 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
When clicking on a section outside a seat all prices are listed that are available in the section.
Moreover the number of printed and not printed seats is shown.

The venue page offers an overview over the venue. Click on a numbered sections to zoom in.
Afterwards press zoom off or click outside the sections. If the venue is larger than the screen use
Ctrl+left mouse button to move focus.
Otherwise you can magnify numbered sections by clicking with Ctrl+left mouse button or the
right mouse button (context menu).

The commands page offers:

· Print sections (Ctrl+P)
· Print single tickets (Ctrl+E)
· Reserve and lock seats (Ctrl+E)
· Delete tickets
· Manage customers (Ctrl+K)
· Show reports (Ctrl+I)
· Save seat map as bitmap
· Back to The main window

2 Venues
2.1 Create venue
2.1.1 Create venue
1.) Switch to the venue list
To create a venue switch to the venue list and select the appropriate menu or button .

2.) Enter venue name and venue description

· Enter the venue name. It can later be printed onto the ticket.
· The venue description is optional and can be used for a remark. It is not printed onto the ticket
and can be edited in the main window.

3.) Enter section name and description

A venue consists of several sections which can have individual ticket layouts.
· Enter the section name. It can later be printed onto the ticket.
· The section description is optional and can be used to distinguish sections with the same
name. It is not printed onto the ticket.
· To facilitate orientation for the customers you can print the section line in different colors for
each section, e.g. "Floor" in blue and "Balcony" in red. To do so, set the color of section line
which you can later edit also in the ticket layout window.

4.) Choose numbering type
Venues 7
Seats in a section are either unnumbered (general admission), numbered (reserved seating) or
have serial numbers.

A.) Unnumbered section (general admission)

For unnumbered sections (general admission) enter only the number of seats. If you want to
print secure tickets with barcodes you must not use unnumbered sections but only sections
with serial numbers or numbered sections.

B.) Section with serial numbers

For sections with serial numbers enter the number of seats and the number of the first seat.

C.) Numbered section (reserved seating)

In numbered sections (reserved seating) each seat is defined separately, and the tickets can
display row and seat number. Seats can have discontinuous seat numbers and can be
displayed on the screen individually.

1. Enter the number of rows and press Enter. You will be prompted for the first row
2. Choose format of row numbers. Row numbers can be numeric (1,2,3), alphanumeric (A,
B,C, 1, 2, 3) or Roman (I, II, III).
3. Select whether the section has an aisle .
4. Seats can be numbered:
Separately: Each row is numbered separately and starts with a random seat number
Continuously: Seats are numbered continuously and are not permitted to overlap.
Irregular seat numbers: Seat numbers can be chosen freely, in any interval,
increase or decrease, have gaps or change directions. The seat numbers are entered
in the next window. See Edit sections with irregular seat numbers.
5. The direction determines whether seat numbers increase form left to right or the other
way round.

6.) If the section has an aisle you can enter a seat description for seats to the left or right of
the aisle. Thus seats on the left side can for example be labeled "left" or with the door that
leads there. The seat description can be printed onto the ticket and facilitates orientation
for the customers.
8 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

7. Enter for each row the row number, the number of seats on the left/right, and the number
of the first seat in the row. Press 'Enter Row' to insert the value into the row list on the
8. You can also enter enter the values for a row and fill the following rows alike.
9. You can later add spacer seats, e.g. for columns, when editing the venue display.

Use the buttons to add a new section or copy an existing section.

Continue with Arrange sections or Edit sections with irregular seat numbers.

2.1.2 Create sections with irregular seat numbers

To create a section with irregular seat numbers (e.g. gaps, changing directions) you must:

1.) Create a numbered section.

2.) Select the option irregular seat numbers and enter the section.

In the next window the seat maps of all sections with irregular seat numbers are shown
successively and can be edited.

1.) Click on the seat number, which you want to change.

2.) Enter the new seat number for the selected seat and press Enter Seat Number.

3.) You can enter seat numbers also as sequences (e.g. 1, 3, 5). Select the first seat, enter the
interval between the seats, set whether seat numbers increase or decrease, and press
Continue Sequence.

4.) Decreasing seat numbers (e.g. 3, 2, 1) can only be used if the appropriate checkbox is
Venues 9

5.) Press 'Next' after each section.

If you want to show gaps in your seat map (e.g. columns) also on the screen you can insert
spacer seats when editing the venue display several windows later.

Continue with Arrange sections or back to Create venue.

2.1.3 Venues with tables

You have two possibilities to create venues with tables:
1.) If you have less than 30 tables you can enter each table as a section. Each section has two
rows, which represent the seats. The sections can be arranged freely to fit the seating map.

Use the following texts for the ticket layout:

Line for section: "!B"
Line for seat numbers: "Seat !Z"

2.) An easier approach is to create only one section, in which each table is represented by one

Use the following texts for the ticket layout:

Line for section: Not displayed
Line for seat numbers: "Table !R, seat !Z"

2.1.4 Arrange sections

TicketCreator shows a full screen seat map with individual seat in numbered sections. Numbered
seats are color coded (free, reserved or printed) and can be easily selected using the mouse. To
facilitate this the sections should be arranged on the screen as they are in the venue.

· Drag the sections from the list to their positions on the screen.
10 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

· For numbered sections choose row orientation, direction of row numbering, and seat
alignment to correctly display the section on the screen.

Continue with Edit venue display.

2.1.5 Edit venue display

TicketCreator shows a seat map for each venue in which the sections are positioned as defined
in Arrange sections. You can edit the seat map with the tool window.

First select a section by clicking or from the list and define its appearance. With All Sections you
can copy the settings to all other sections.

1.) Edit seats

· Choose whether seats in numbered sections are displayed as boxes in colors symbolizing their
print status (green: not printed, red: printed). Moreover row and seat numbers can be shown
in the selected font size.

2.) Choose colors

· Select color of row and seat numbers, section and background by clicking on the respective
areas or captions.
· Alternating colors for seat numbers can make it easier to read seat numbers which are
Venues 11
printed close together.
· The next settings apply for all sections: Select whether all seats have same size and are
displayed as squares.

3.) Arrange sections/Move sections freely

Sections can be arranged on screen in four different ways:

· Arrange sections in grid with gaps
Sections are exactly positioned as in the grid.
· Arrange sections in grid without gaps
Sections are positioned as in the grid but gaps are removed.
· Arrange sections in columns
Sections are stretched as columns to use the complete screen height (recommended).
· Arrange sections manually, change size
With this option you can change the position (Ctrl+Cursors) and size (Ctrl+Shift+Cursors) of
sections using mouse or cursor keys.

4.) Align section

If Change size and position of section freely is selected you can align sections and make them
the same in size. First click on the section that serves as reference. The click on the sections you
want to align while keeping the Shift key pressed. Finally perform the desired operation.

5.) Insert spacers
12 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

You can insert spacer seats in numbered sections e.g. for columns. In this example a spacer was
added in row 1 after seat 1.

Continue with Save file.

2.2 Change venue

To edit a venue select it in the venue list and press edit venue. The possibilities are the same as
in Create venue.

If you only want to Edit venue display, i.e. how the venue is displayed on screen, choose the
appropriate menu.

Continue with Create venue.

2.3 Change venue display

Edit venue display allows you to change how the venue is displayed on screen, e.g. after
changing taskbar or screen resolution. In contrast to Edit venue it does not delete the old display

Continue with Edit venue display.

3 Events & tickets

3.1 Create event with tickets
3.1.1 Create event
You have three options to create tickets for an event:

A.) Create an event in a venue/room (for tickets with seat and row numbers)
If you want to print tickets with seat and row numbers, irregular numbers, or for multiple
sections you must first create a venue/room and then create an event with tickets in it.

1.) Switch to venue list

Switch to the venue list.

2.) Create or select the venue

Click create a venue to create a venue for the event, or select a venue in the list.

3.) Create event
Events & tickets 13

Then press Create event in this venue or the appropriate menu.

Continue with Edit event.

B.) Create a simple event without a venue/room (for tickets with serial numbers or
unnumbered tickets)
If you want to print tickets with serial numbers or unnumbered tickets (general admission) a
venue is not required. Instead, you can directly create an event with the necessary number of

1.) Switch to event list

Switch to the event list.

2.) Create event without venue

Press Create event and select the option Create event without venue or the appropriate
Continue with Edit event.

C.) Create a new event using an existing event as template

If you have already a similar event, you can use it as a template for the new event. For more
information see Create new event with template.

Continue with Edit event

3.1.2 Edit event

1.) Enter event name
· Enter the event name which can be printed on the ticket.
· You can enter an event description for remarks on the event. It is not printed on the ticket
can be edited anytime.

If you create an event without a venue you must additionally:

· Enter the venue name which can be printed on the ticket.
· Select, whether you want to print tickets with serial numbers or unnumbered tickets
(general admission).
· Enter the number of tickets and for tickets with serial numbers the number of the first

· Then press Next.

2.) Set ticket numbering for all sections (only in venues with multiple sections)

· Click each section in the list and choose the numbering of tickets in this section:
Numbered tickets (tickets with row and seat numbers for reserved seating), tickets with
serial numbers, or unnumbered tickets (general admission).
· For unnumbered seats you can enter a remark, e.g. "No seat numbers".
· Confirm each time with Set Ticket Numbering for Section.
· Press Next to continue after all sections have been set up.
14 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

3.) Barcodes, currency, fees and add special prices

· Choose whether you want to print barcodes on the tickets as a copy protection.
· Use random numbers or other numbers.

See also Secure tickets with barcodes and Create tickets with barcodes. This feature is only
available in the Barcode Edition.

· Choose the currency.

· For regular and special prices advance sale and system fees can be shown. You can enter
them as percentage or fixed value. See also Advance sale and system fees.

· If you need more than one regular price per price category you can create additional
special prices. These are used instead of the regular price and have no reduced price.
You can use special prices for example for members, rebates, or subscriptions. Add a new
special price with the appropriate button and enter the name of the special price which
can be printed onto the ticket. The description is for your information only and is not
printed onto the ticket.

4.) Create the required price categories and set the

· Check the applicable prices (Regular price, reduced price, no price, special price) for
the price category and enter the price as number.
· The next field shows, how the price is printed on the ticket. Use the top left button to
select the format.
· To change the color of the price category click the color field beside the title 'Price
Events & tickets 15

· Check all sections for which the price category should be used. In sections with numbered
seats or serial numbers the use of the price category can also be restricted to some rows or
seats. You can pick the seats on the seat map with the mouse (left button: first seat; right
button: last seat). If an event is edited, which has price categories assigned to single seats,
this field is disabled.
· If you want to use different price categories on numbered seats of the same row, you can
select change prices for single seats. The prices are then changed in the next window.
See Change prices for single seats.
· The report button shows the assignment of price categories.
· Press Next after setting up all price categories. If you have selected prices only for
complete sections/rows the assignment of price categories is shown as a summary.
Read the summary carefully and press Next.
· Normally, all seats of a row have the same price . However, seats of a row can
also have different prices . For this use the option Change prices for single
seats, which will show a seating map in the next window where you can Change prices for
single seats.

5.) Enter date and time of performances

· Pick date and time of the performance. They are shown on the right in several formats.
Choose the format in which date and time should be printed onto the ticket.
· You can enter an additional text for this performance which is only printed onto tickets of
this performance, e.g. "first night" for the first performance. Use the variable performance
text to add it to the performance line.
· You can enter a performance description for each performance which will not be printed
and can be edited in the main menu at any time.
· Press add performance for further performances.
· Continue with next.

Continue with Change ticket format or Edit ticket layout
16 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
3.1.3 Use other barcodes
By default, the tickets are labeled with random numbers with 10digits (incl. check digit), which
serve as copy protection. For these randomly generated ticket numbers, the probability that a
forger guesses a valid ticket number for an event with 1000 tickets is less than 0.0000012.

However, you can also use serial numbers or other numbers with up to 9 digits from a CSV file
(comma separated values, e.g. from Excel) or text file. This option is only available, if you Create
a simple event without a venue. The number of tickets is set by the number of barcodes.

1. Save the ticket numbers as CSV file (Comma delimited, *.csv) or text file (Tab delimited, *.txt).
This can be done for example with Excel. You can skip this point if you have serial numbers (e.
g. 1-1000).
2. Start the TicketCreator software and select the menu 'Extras: BarcodeChecker file for other
3. Open the CSV or text file or enter the serial numbers.
4. Click 'Ok'.

Return to Edit event.

3.1.4 Advance sale and system fees

Advance sale fees and system fees can be shown for regular prices and special prices.

Check the options show advance sale fee or show system fee during set up of the event. See
also Create event.
Fees can be calculated as percentage or as fixed value and you can change them in the Print
dialog before printing.

Fees can be printed in several ways:

a.) Show fees and regular/special price with fees in Line for advance sale and the
regular/special price without fees in the Line for regular price
Ticket layout:
Line for advance sale: + !A advance sale fee + !C system fee = !H
Line for regular price: $!S !P

Print with fees:

Line for advance sale: + 2,- advance sale fee + 2,50 system fee = 24,50
Line for regular price: $20,-

Print without fees:

Line for regular price: $20,-

b.) Show fees in Line for advance sale and the regular/special price without and with fees
in the Line for regular price
Ticket layout:
Line for advance sale: !A advance sale fee + !C system fee
Line for regular price: $!S !P
!P with advance sale: (advance sale !H)
The option "!P with advance sale" must be activated. See also Edit ticket layout

Print with fees:

Line for advance sale: 2,- advance sale fee + 2,50 system fee
Line for regular price: $20,- (advance sale 24,50)
Events & tickets 17
Print without fees:
Line for regular price: $20,-

c.) Use Line for regular price only on tickets without advance sale
Ticket layout:
Line for advance sale 1: incl. !A advance sale fee + !C system fee
Line for advance sale 2: advance sale $!H
Line for regular price: $!S !P
The option "print regular price on tickets with advance sale" must be deactivated. See
also Create event and Print dialog.

Print with fees:

Line for advance sale 1: incl. 2,- advance sale fee + 2,50 system fee
Line for advance sale 2: advance sale $24,50

Print without fees:

Line for regular price: $20,-

3.1.5 Change prices for single seats

Normally, all seats of a row have the same price . However, seats of a row can also
have different prices . If Change prices for single seats is selected the seat map is
shown and you can change the prices of single seats in the tool window.

1.) Select a price category in the list

2.) Select the seats, for which you want to use the price category, by mouse or by keyboard.
3.) You can click on the color field to change the color of the price category.
4.) The info button shows the assignment of price categories as a summary.

This feature is only available in the Business and Barcode Editions.

Return to Create event.

3.1.6 Edit ticket layout

Tool window

The toolbox has on three pages all feature to edit the ticket layout:
18 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
· Text
Use the text page to edit text and format lines.

· Images
Use the images page to add images.

· Commands
Use the commands page to
· Change the ticket format
· Print sample tickets
· Select the shown sample tickets
· Choose which lines are copied from the shown sample ticket to all other sample tickets
· Change the printer
· Show page view
· Return to the previous window
· Continue and save

Ticket layout window

Sample tickets
The ticket layout window displays a sample ticket which you can edit. Depending on the number
of sections and numberings of your venue, a certain number of sample tickets is available
between which you can switch using the tabs on top. You have two options:

A.) Show sample tickets for: Each numbering (recommended)

Sections can be grouped by their numbering, e.g. all numbered sections. For each group a
combined sample ticket is shown which you can edit. The text and formatting of the sample
ticket is automatically copied to all group members.
This setting has the advantage that you do not have to edit a separate ticket for each section,
but only one combined ticket for each group.
Variables on the sample tickets are always replaced by the longest value occurring in this
group. Therefore value of different sections can be displayed on the same sample ticket. This is
restricted to the layout window and does not occur when you print tickets.

B.) Show sample tickets for: Each section

If you want to have a different ticket layout for each section you must show a sample ticket for
each section. Variables on the sample tickets are replaced by values from the section.

This distinction is important if you want to have a different ticket layout for each section. Click with
the right mouse button on the tabs to switch between the two options. See also Sample tickets
and copying.

· You can move lines and pictures with the mouse or edit them in the toolbox.
· Clicking on a line or picture with the right mouse button opens a context menu with the
most important features.
· Double click a line to edit its text.
Events & tickets 19
· Double click on the ticket to create a new text line.

Variables are filled with the longest value of the section or group. Numbers are replaced by zeros.
Hence is the shown sample ticket a combinations of the longest possible variables and does not
necessarily reflect a combination of a real existing ticket.

Rulers and ticket format

The sample ticket is surrounded by two rulers which display the printable area (white) and the text
margins (triangles). Double click on the rulers to change ticket format and margins. See also
Change ticket format.


The statusbar lists the selected sample tickets and copying. The Copying of text and format is
particularly important, because it determines whether text and formatting are copied from the
displayed sample ticket to all other sample tickets. See also Sample tickets and copying

Continue with Change ticket format, Edit text, Add images, or Save file.

3.1.7 Edit text

Lines and text

A ticket can have up to seven text lines and eight function lines. While text lines can have any
text, function lines serve special purposes, have special variables, and are printed only onto some
of the tickets. For example are date, time, title etc. entered into text lines but the row number is
entered into its special function line (line for row and seat). See also Line types.
· To edit a line switch to the lines page and select the line in the list. Now switch to edit line.
You can also click on a line on the ticket.
· You can also create a new line by double clicking on the ticket.

Edit text and use variables
20 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

· Enter the text for the line. A text can contain variables (!X) that are replaced with the specific
values when the ticket is printed, e.g. !D for the date and !U for the time. Variables consist of an
exclamation mark and a capital letter (!X). You can either directly enter a variable or pick a
variable in the list and press the arrow button . For details see Variables.


· You can change the font size, font, font color and formatting. The line can also be rotated. The
formatting is always set for the complete line.

Alignment of lines

· Lines can be left aligned, centered, right aligned, free (centered) or free (left).
· Left/right aligned and centered lines are aligned in the text margins. If necessary change text
margins in the format window. See also Change format.
· Free lines can be positioned anywhere. With free (centered) the line is centered at the set
position, for example if the line is shortened by a shorter section name. With free (left) the line
is left aligned to the set position.
· You can move lines with the mouse or the arrow keys.

Colored section names (only section line)

· If a line for section is selected, you can color code the lines with the section name to facilitate
orientation (e.g. Floor green, balcony red). The default button uses the colors that were chosen
when the venue was created while the button all same uses the selected color for all section.

Advance sale price (only line for regular price)

· If advance sale or system fees were entered for the event you can attach the advance sale
Events & tickets 21
price (!H) to the price variable !P, i.e. for tickets with advance sale fees the advance sale
price is added to the variable !P in the format selected on the bottom right. See also Advance
sale and system fees

1.) Enter in the Line for regular price: "$!P"
2.) Check the option Attach the advance sale price (!H) to the variable !P
3.) Enter as Format of attached advance sale price (!H): "(advance sale !H)"

The line for regular price on a ticket with advance sale fees: $20,- (advance sale 24,50)
The line for regular price on a ticket without advance sale $20,-

Continue with Edit ticket layout.

3.1.8 Add images

You can add two kinds of images:
1.) Images: You can add up to 10 images, which are printed on the ticket.
2.) Ticket template: The ticket template image will not be printed on the ticket but serves only as
an orientation, e.g. to arrange text on a predesigned ticket.

Size and resolution of images

You can change the size of images in TicketCreator. However, you should make sure that the
images have a resolution of 300dpi or less because larger images reduces the printing
speed dramatically.
TicketCreator opens therefore for too large images a window in which you can calculate the
required image size in pixels. Then open an image editor and reduce the image to the given size.

If you want to scan your ticket stock and use them as a ticket template you must scan it at 96dpi.
Otherwise it is not displayed at the correct size.


· Select the list of images and press add to add a new image. Load a file into the selected
image or delete it. TicketCreator supports the image formats: .bmp, .ico, .wmf, .emf, .jpg, .gif.
· The symbol between the image width and height indicates whether the proportions are fixed (
) or whether you can choose image width and height independently ( ). Click on the
symbol to switch between the two options.
22 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

· You can bring images to front or to back .

· You can move images with the mouse.
· You can select if the image should be visible or hidden on the selected sample ticket.
This is only possible if Sample tickets and copying is set to "never copy images".

Ticket template
It is possible to show a ticket template (e.g. a scan of your preprinted ticket with logo) to facilitate
the alignment of text on the ticket. This image is not printed on the ticket and serves only to give
an impression of what the ticket will look like.
· Click the text box "ticket template" and the appropriate button to load or delete the ticket
· The ticket template cannot be moved and aligns always to the left top corner.

Continue with Edit ticket layout.

3.1.9 Change ticket format

TicketCreator can print tickets of any format. They are set up in the format window.

1.) Open ticket layout window

If you create a new event the ticket layout window opens automatically. To change the ticket
format of an existing event press change layout in the event list.

2.) Open format window

3.) Select printer and paper format

· Start by selecting the printer. If you want to print tickets for this event on different printers
then deselect the option use only this printer.

· Choose a paper format and its orientation. It can also be larger than the tickets.

· Alternatively you can load a saved ticket format.

· Press Next.

4.) Enter ticket size and distribution on page
Events & tickets 23

· Enter ticket width and ticket height in millimeters.

· Enter left, top, horizontal and vertical distances between tickets.

· Enter the number of columns per page and tickets per column. The setting automatic
selects the largest possible number.
· Press Next.

5.) Enter printer margins (Red box)

· Enter the printer margins. They describe the area on the ticket where texts and pictures can
be printed. Each printer has a certain non-printable margin which is listed as minimum value.

· It is recommended to press Adjust Printer Margins to optimally use the ticket

6.) Ticket stub

· If your ticket has a stub you can enter the side and width of the stub.
· The stub line can also be printed on the ticket.
· Press Next.

7.) Enter text margins (Blue box)
24 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

· The text margins describe the area in which the text is aligned. For example, if the ticket has
a picture on the left you can move the text field to the right.
· Lines with free alignment can also be positioned outside the text margins.
· Press Next.

8.) Print settings

· Select whether to print cutting marks.

· Choose when to start a new page. This is important if you use tickets of different color or
· Select whether tickets are printed in columns, rows or stacks. If stacks are chosen tickets
are printed in a way that cutting creates stacks of sequential tickets.
· The last three options can also be changed later in the Print dialog.
· Press Next.

9.) Print samples
Events & tickets 25
· Finally you can print samples to check the settings.
· If you want to use then ticket format later again you can save it for future events or as
default format. If it is set as default all future events will have this format.
· Press Next.

Return to Edit ticket layout

3.1.10 Ticket stocks

TicketCreator can print tickets in any layout or ticket format. All printers are supported (laser, ink,
thermal or ticket printers).

1.) Print tickets on cardboard

The easiest option is to print tickets on cardboard. To facilitate the cutting TicketCreator can print
cutting marks and sort tickets in a way that cutting will generate piles of consecutive tickets.

2.) Use commercially available ticket stocks

Our homepage list suppliers of ticket stocks.

3.) Use individual ticket stocks from your local printing company

Most users get individual ticket templates printed and perforated by a print shop and use them
with TicketCreator.
26 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

TicketCreator can print tickets of any format. Here is an example in landscape format.

4.) More options

As an alternative to classic tickets you can also print section, row and seat numbers directly onto
the brochure or invitation, or use labels to be put on the brochures or invitations.

3.1.11 Line types

A ticket can have up to seven text lines and eight function lines. While text lines can have any
text, function lines serve special purposes, have special variables, and are printed only onto some
of the tickets. For example are date, time, title etc. entered into text lines but the row number is
entered into its special function line (line for row and seat).

The text can either be used for all sections (recommended) or be different for each sample ticket
(to give them different layouts). See Sample tickets and copying for further details.

Line type Contents

Text line Any text
Line for row and seat Row and seat number
Line for section Section name
Line for regular and special Regular price and special price (if available)
Line for reduced price Reduced price
Line without price Text for tickets without price e.g. "press"
Line for serial number Serial seat number
Line for performance Performance specific text e.g. "first night"
Line without numbering Text for unnumbered tickets e.g. "no seat numbers"
Line for reservation Reservation
Line for advance sale Advance sale and system fees

See also Sample ticket

Text line
This line can have any text and is printed onto each ticket. It can have the following Variables: !D
(Date), !U (Time), !R (Venue name), !V (Event name) and !K (Customer for season tickets).
Example text line 1: !D, at !U
Example text line 2: in !R
Example text line 3: !V

Line for row and seat (twice)
Events & tickets 27
This line is used to print row and seat numbers. Use the Variables !R (Row number), !P (Seat
number) and !O (Seat description) for tickets, and !X (Seat from) and !Y (Seat to) for seat labels.
Example for ticket: Row !R, Seat !Z
Example for seat label: Seat !X - Seat !Y
This line is printed only onto numbered tickets.

Line for section (twice)

This line is used to print the section name. Use the Variable !B (Section name).
Example: !B
This line is printed only in sections for which print section name is checked. See also Create

Line for regular and special price

This line is used to print the regular price. If special prices are set up the Variable !P contains both
the regular price and the special prices. Moreover you can use the Variable !S (Special price
Example for event with regular price: $!P
Example for event with regular price and special prices: !S $!P
This line is only printed onto tickets with regular or special price. For tickets with advance sale
fees use the line for advance sale. See also Advance sale and system fees.

Line for reduced price

This line is used to print the reduced price. Use the Variable!E (Reduced price).
Example: reduced $!E
This line is only printed onto tickets with reduced price.

Line without price

This line is used to print a text instead of a price like "Free admission" or "VIP". Use the Variable !I
(No price). See also Create event.
Example: !I
This line is only printed onto tickets without a price.

Line for serial number (twice)

This line is used to print the serial seat number. Use the Variable !L (Serial number).
Example: Seat number !L
This line is only printed onto tickets with a serial number.

Line for performance

This line is used to print a performance specific text that describes the performance in more detail,
e.g. "first night". Use the Variable !F (Performance text). See also Create event.
Example: !F
This line is printed onto all tickets.

Line without numbering

This line is used to print a text instead of a seat number, e.g. "no seat numbers". Use the Variable
!M (Unnumbered text). See also Create event.
Example: !M
This line is only printed onto unnumbered tickets.

Line for reservation

This line is used to print the reservation onto reserved tickets. Use the Variable !G (Reservation).
Example: reserved for: !G
This line is only printed onto reserved tickets.

Line for advance sale

If you have set up an advance sale or system fee it can be printed using the Variables !A
(Advance sale fee), !C (System fee) and !H (Regular price with fees).
28 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
Example: + €!A advance sale fee
This line is only printed onto tickets with advance sale or system fees. See also Advance sale and
system fees.

See also Example ticket.

3.1.12 Variables
Variables are used to insert changing values into the text. They are filled when the tickets are

To print the seat number enter the text "Row !R, Seat !Z". When printing TicketCreator replaces
the two variables !R and !Z with the row and seat number.

Similar for the price which is different for each category. Use the variable !P for the regular price
(and special price if available) and !E for the reduced price.

Each line type can only use some of the variables. Available variables are shown in the tool
window. You can view the contents of the variables, which is filled in when printing, with the
button variable info .

Variable Name Contents

!D Date Date of the performance
!U Time Time of the performance
!N Venue name Name of the venue
!V Event name Name of the event
!F Performance text Text that describes the individual performances (see Create
!P Regular price Regular price and special price (if available). The price as
text is used (see Create event)
!E Reduced price Reduced price. Again the price as text is used (see Create
!L Serial number Is replaced by the serial number.
!R Row Is replaced by the row number
!Z Seat Is replaced by the seat number
!O Seat description Description of seats to the left/right of the aisle (see Create
!B Section name Name of sections for which print section name was checked
(see Create event)
!I No price Text for tickets without price (see Create event)
!S Name of special Name of a special price, e.g. "Member". The price is inserted
price into !P (see Create event)
!M Unnumbered text Text for unnumbered tickets (see Create event)
!X Seat from Is replaced by the FIRST seat number of the row
!Y Seat to Is replaced by the LAST seat number of the row
!K Customer Customer name for season tickets
!G Reservation Customer name for reserved tickets
!A Advance sale fee The advance sale fee for the selected regular/special price
!C System fee The system fee for the selected regular/special price
!H Regular price The selected regular/special price with advance sale and
with fees system fee

See also Sample ticket and Line types
Events & tickets 29
3.1.13 Sample ticket
The following example demonstrates the use of variables. They are necessary for section name,
rows, seats etc. because they change their contents. TicketCreator replaces the variables when
printing with the appropriate value.

Event set up:

Event name: New Year's Concert
Venue name: Symphony Hall
Special price 1: Member
Special price 2: Subscription
Date of performance 1: 1/1/2009
Time of performance 1: 3pm
Additional text for performance 1: Afternoon performance
Date of performance 2: 1/1/2009
Time of performance 2: 8pm
Additional text for performance 2: Evening performance
Advance sale fee: 10%

Line texts on the ticket:

Line type: Text in line
Text line: !D, !U
Line for performance text: !F
Text line: !N
Text line: !V
Line for row and seat: Row !R, seat !Z, !O
Line for serial number: Seat number !L
Unnumbered line: !M
Line for section name: !B
Line for regular price: !S $!P
Line for reduced price: Reduced $!E
Line without price: !I
Line for advance sale: Advance sale $!H

Examples of the resulting tickets:

Numbered ticket with regular and reduced price for 1st performance

1/1/2009, 3pm
Afternoon performance
Symphony Hall

New Year's Concert

Row 1, seat 1, left

Advance sale $22,-

Reduced $12,-

Unnumbered subscription ticket for 1st performance

1/1/2009, 3pm
Afternoon performance
Symphony Hall

New Year's Concert
30 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
Seats are unnumbered

Advance sale $16,50

Subscription $15,-

Ticket with serial number and regular price for 2nd performance

1/1/2009, 8pm
Evening performance
Symphony Hall

New Year's Concert

Seat number 1

Advance sale $22,-


3.1.14 Sample tickets and copying

Sample tickets

The ticket layout window displays a sample ticket which you can edit. Depending on the number
of sections and numberings of your venue, a certain number of sample tickets is available
between which you can switch using the tabs on top. You have two options:

A.) Show sample tickets for: Each numbering (recommended)

Sections can be grouped by their numbering, e.g. all numbered sections. For each group a
combined sample ticket is shown which you can edit. The text and formatting of the sample
ticket is automatically copied to all group members.
This setting has the advantage that you do not have to edit a separate ticket for each section,
but only one combined ticket for each group.
Variables on the sample tickets are always replaced by the longest value occurring in this
group. Therefore value of different sections can be displayed on the same sample ticket. This is
restricted to the layout window and does not occur when you print tickets.

B.) Show sample tickets for: Each section

If you want to have a different ticket layout for each section you must show a sample ticket for
each section. Variables on the sample tickets are replaced by values from the section.
Events & tickets 31

Copy text and format from selected sample ticket to all other sample tickets:

Text and formatting of the lines can be automatically copied from the shown sample ticket to all
other sample tickets so that you do not have to edit every sample ticket individually. You have
three options:

1.) Copy text and format: For all lines (recommended)

With this option text and formatting of all lines are automatically copied from the shown
sample ticket to all other sample tickets. Hence all text lines and function lines are the same
on all tickets.

2.) Copy text and format: Only for text lines

With this option only text and formatting of text lines are automatically copied from the shown
sample ticket to all other sample tickets. Hence all text lines are the same on all tickets but
function lines can have a different text and formatting on each ticket

3.) Copy text and format: Never

With this option text and formatting are never copied from the shown sample ticket to all other
sample tickets. Hence all text lines and function lines can have a different text and
formatting on each ticket.

Copy pictures from selected sample ticket to all other sample tickets:
32 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

If you use pictures you can decide whether:

1.) All pictures are copied from the selected sample ticket to all other sample tickets
The position of all pictures is identical on all tickets, all pictures are visible.

2.) Pictures are Never copied from the selected sample ticket to all other sample tickets
Pictures can have a different position on every ticket, pictures can be hidden on some tickets.

Return to Edit ticket layout

3.1.15 Show page view

The page view shows the distribution of tickets on the page. The ticket is drawn in black, the text
margins in blue, and the non-printable margin in red.

Leave the window with the Continue button .

3.1.16 Print sample tickets

The ticket layout window shows always the sample ticket that is selected in the tab strip on top. As
a final check you should print the sample tickets.

If the tickets contain barcodes you should print sample tickets, because barcodes cannot be
read if printed in a too small font size or on difficult background. Print sample tickets and scan the
barcodes with TicketCreator BarcodeChecker to detect potential problems. See also Check

Print tickets for this event:

In this window you can only print sample tickets to check the ticket layout.
To print tickets for this event you must first save the event.

1.) Press 'Back' to return to the layout window.

2.) Then press 'Next' to save the event.
3.) Afterwards you can print tickets for the event.

Return to Edit ticket layout

3.2 Create new event with template

The quickest way to create a new event is to use an old event as template. This is particularly
helpful with events that will be grouped as a subscription and therefore need identical structure
and format.

1.) Switch to event list

To create an event using a template first switch to the event list.
Events & tickets 33
2.) Select the template
Select the event in the list which should serve as template. Then press Create new event with
template .

3.) Create the event

Create the event (see Create event). The only difference is that you can exchange the venue. If
the new venue has an identical seat map the assignment of price categories is preserved,
otherwise it is deleted.
All other features are the same as when creating an new event.

Continue with Create event

3.3 Edit event

Before you can edit an event all of its performances must be shown. Then press edit event .

If you edit an event, of which tickets already have been printed, the prices can be kept or
Attention! If you change the prices the status of all printed seats is set to "price unknown".
You still know that a seat was printed but loose all information on how the seat was printed
(e.g. as regular or reduced price) and the balance. Therefore you should print or save the list of
printed tickets of all performances before changing prices of an event.

If you want only to Edit ticket layout choose the appropriate button and the seat status will be

If changing an event the numbering of tickets can not be changed but the venue can be
exchanged. However, if tickets already have been printed the venue must have an identical seat

All other options are like in Create event.

4 Print tickets
4.1 Print tickets for sections
1.) Switch to event list

To tickets for an event first switch to the event list.

2.) Select the event

Select the event in the event list and press Print tickets for sections .

3.) Select section

Check a section in the list to select it for printing.

4.) Choose print range
34 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

Choose whether to print all tickets of a section or only some tickets. If only some tickets are
printed enter form/to which seat to print. You can enter the seat numbers by hand or click on the
seating map on the first seat with the left mouse button and the last seat with the right mouse

5.) Choose price for tickets

Choose a price for the tickets. For tickets without a price you can enter an alternative text (e.g.
"Free ticket").

6.) Print
Press print to start.

Further options:
· To zoom in on a numbered section press Ctrl+left mouse button, the plus key ("+") or .

Continue with Print dialog.

See also:
Print single tickets
Print reserved tickets
Print season tickets
Delete tickets

4.2 Print single tickets

1.) Switch to event list

To tickets for an event first switch to the event list.

2.) Select the event

Select the event in the event list and press Print single tickets .

3.) Select print range
Print tickets 35

Select the section and seats you want to print. You can enter the seat numbers by hand or click
on the seating map on the first seat with the left mouse button and the last seat with the right
mouse button. A maximum of 50 tickets can be added to the list.

4.) Choose price for tickets

Click the price for the selected tickets. The tickets are thereby added to the list. For tickets with a
special price you can choose a special price from the list, and for tickets without a price you can
enter an alternative text that is printed on the ticket instead of the price (e.g. "Free ticket").

5.) Print
Press print to start when all tickets have been added to the list.

Further options:
· Use delete selected or delete all to remove tickets from the list.

To change the price of tickets in the list:

· select the tickets in the list
· press the new price

· To zoom in on a numbered section press Ctrl+left mouse button, the plus key ("+") or .

Continue with Print dialog.

See also:
Print sections
Print reserved tickets
Print season tickets
Delete tickets

4.3 Print reserved tickets

The print window for reserved tickets lists all reservation. Select a reservation and press the
price to add it to the list.

If the line for reservation was set up in the ticket layout you can print the reservation onto the
36 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
You can sort the list of reserved tickets by name, seat, or distribution with the context menu (right
mouse button) or by clicking on the header.

All other features are like in Print single tickets.

4.4 Print season tickets

The print window for season tickets lists all customers whose season tickets have not been
printed. Use Ctrl or Shift to select several customers at once.

You can sort the customer list by clicking the header or with the context menu (right mouse

All other features are like in Print single tickets.

4.5 Print subscriptions

For an subscription you can only print single tickets.
· Enter a seat and press the button to list all available prices. Alternatively pick the seat on the
seat map.
· Add the seat to the list by pressing the appropriate price.
· Finally you can select for which of the included events to print tickets. This setting applies to all ticket in the

All other features are like in Print single tickets.

4.6 Print dialog

The print dialog has four pages and allows you to change printing setting.

The page print shows the first and last page that is printed. It also list the number of pages, paper
color/design (if specified in event) and the selected printer:
· Feed the appropriate paper and press print .
· If you have sheets of paper that were only partially used you can clip the first page to use up
left-overs. The mouse serves hereby as scissors. Use the mouse buttons to determine where to
start (left button; is only possible if the left/top margins is big enough) and to end (right button).
Clip the left-overs accordingly and feed the paper left aligned.
· If the event has Advance sale and system fees they can be printed onto the ticket. See below
for details.
· You can print adjacent tickets as a group ticket. See below for details.
· You can hold print after first page to check the print-outs.

The page setting determines how the tickets are printed:

· Select the ticket sequence. Tickets can be printed in columns , in rows , or in stacks
· Select when to start a new page (applies only when printing sections). TicketCreator can start
a new page either after each price (if your tickets have different colors for different prices),
after each section (if your tickets have different colors for different sections), or never (if all
tickets are the same). If you choose ask you can decide during printing. Single tickets are
always printed on one page.
· Cutting marks (applies only when printing sections) can be helpful for pages that will be cut.
They can be printed on an extra page, the first page, each page, or never. You can include
center marks. The appropriate button allows to print an extra page with cutting marks at any
Print tickets 37
· Finally choose whether to print on complete pages or single tickets. For complete pages you
can also set the number of columns and tickets/columns. Single tickets are only possible if the
margins are bigger than the non-printable margin of the printer.

The page paper lists paper format, color and design (if specified in event).

The page advance sale/group tickets determines whether the Advance sale and system fees
are printed on the tickets or tickets are printed as a group ticket.
· If Advance sale and system fees are set up in the event they can be printed onto the ticket. You
can enter the fees as percentage or fix value.
· If advance sale fees are printed you can choose whether to print the regular price on tickets
with advance sale price. See also Advance sale and system fees.
· You can print adjacent tickets as a group ticket which list seats like "Row 1, seat 1-5" and
extends the price by the number of included seats (i.e. "(5x) $25,-" instead of "$25,-"). You can
enter an additional leading text, for example "Group ticket (5x) $25,-". Ticket of a group ticket
must all have the same price, be adjacent and from the same row (numbered tickets only).

4.7 Print tickets as PDFs

You can also print tickets as PDF-documents. For this you must first install a PDF-printer, e.g. the
free 'CutePDF Writer' (

If you print single tickets you can either save each ticket as a separate PDF-document or save all
tickets in one PDF-document.

After each printed PDF-document the 'Save as' window of your PDF-printer will open. First save
this PDF-file before you press 'Next', because some PDF-printers lose PDF-documents if multiple
print jobs are open at the same time!!!

Attention! If you send tickets as PDF files by e-mail, you must delete the PDF files
immediately after sending to avoid that you send the same file multiple times!

5 Reserve and lock seats

TicketCreator can reserve tickets and print them later. Reserved seats are shown in blue.

The reservation can be printed onto the ticket to facilitate handling or give VIP tickets a special
layout. This requires that the line for reservation has been used in the ticket layout. See also Print
reserved tickets.

If you want to register barcode tickets to names it is advisable to first reserve the tickets and then
print them. This way they are automatically registered to the reservation name when printed.

Locked tickets can not be printed and are shown in grey.

Tip: If the list of reserved tickets or season tickets is shown from the reservation or customer
window, entries are sorted like in the window. Otherwise entries are unsorted.

This feature is only available in the Business and Barcode Editions.
38 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

6 Import data from Excel/Access

When creating reservations, adding season ticket customers, and registering tickets to names you
can import data from an Excel spreadsheed or an Access database, which is is open at the same

Create import filter

1.) Open the Excel spreadsheet or Access database, from which you want to import the name.
2.) Press 'Import' in the reservation, customer, or registration window.

3.) A window opens, in which you can select whether to import from Excel or Access.
4.) Select now, which columns (for Excel) or fields (Access) should be inserted.

For Excel:
· Enter the column names in <> in the import mask, or copy them with the arrow buttons from the
"<A>, <B>"

For Access:
· Enter the field names in <> in the import mask, or copy them with the arrow buttons from the
"<Last name>"
"<First name> <Last name>"
Import data from Excel/Access 39

5.) Press 'Ok', to leave the window.

6.) Now select the desired row in Excel or show the desired data set in Access and press again
'Import' to import the data. In Excel you can also select multiple rows.

7 Delete tickets
Each ticket can only be printed once to avoid duplicates. If a ticket needs to be printed again is
has first to be deleted.

Attention! If you delete a ticket it can be printed again! Destroy the previously printed ticket
to avoid duplicates!

· Select if you want to delete some tickets, a whole section, or the whole performance.
· Enter which section and which seats to delete. You can also pick the seats on the seat map
(from seat: left mouse button; to seat: right mouse button).
· Enter the reason why you delete the tickets. It will be logged in the list of deleted tickets and helps to
recapitulate why the tickets were deleted.
· Press delete.

All deleted tickets are logged and can be listed under reports .
Season tickets can only be deleted from the customer window. See also Manage customers.

· To zoom in on a numbered section press Ctrl+left mouse button, the plus key ("+") or .
· Reports on the event are available.
· To leave the print window press back .

See also:
Print sections
Print reserved tickets
Print season tickets

8 Season tickets
8.1 Create season tickets
A season ticket is a ticket that is valid for several events in the same venue. It has its own ticket
layout, prices and balance. In contrast to a subscription only one ticket is printed for all events.

1.) Create the individual events

Before you can create a season ticket you must first create the individual events. As the events all
have to be in the same venue it is recommended to create the first event as usual and use Create
new event with template for all others.

2.) Switch to the event list

Switch to the event list.

3.) Select an event that will be part of the season ticket

Select an event in the event list that will be part of the season ticket and press Create season
ticket . Further events can be added to the season ticket in step 5.

4.) Create season ticket
40 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
The set up of a season ticket is similar to the set up of an event. Edit the ticket layout. Enter the
name of the season ticket and save.

5.) Add further events to the season ticket

After saving the window Included events is shown. You can now add further events to the season

This feature is only available in the Business and Barcode Editions.

8.2 Included events

This window is used to add events to the season ticket or remove them.

· If you add an event to a season ticket of which already tickets have been printed, these tickets
are marked in the newly added event as printed too!
· If you remove an event to a season ticket of which already tickets have been printed, these
tickets are reset in the removed event to "free"! The deleted tickets are logged and are
listed under "report on event_deleted tickets".

8.3 Manage customers

The customer window is used to manage customers of a season ticket.

Press new to add a new customer. Enter its data and press new again. Use the paste button to
repeat the previous last name.

Use import to import customers from an Excel sheet, an Access database, or another season
ticket. If the seat maps are identical imported customers keep their seats otherwise it is reset.

Tip: If the list of reserved tickets or season tickets is shown from the reservation or customer
window, entries are sorted like in the window. Otherwise entries are unsorted.

8.4 Print season tickets

The print window for season tickets lists all customers whose season tickets have not been
printed. Use Ctrl or Shift to select several customers at once.

You can sort the customer list by clicking the header or with the context menu (right mouse

All other features are like in Print single tickets.

8.5 Delete season tickets

A season ticket can only be deleted after all its included events have been released.

To delete a season ticket its customer must be deleted in the customer window.
To print a printed season ticket again reset it to the status "reserved". The reset ticket is logged
and listed under "report on event_deleted tickets".
Subscriptions 41

9 Subscriptions
9.1 Create subscription
A subscription is a group of events for which individual tickets are printed. Hence a seat has only
to be selected once to print it in several events.
However, it is required that the events take place in the same venue and have identical ticket
formats and price structures. In contrast to season tickets a ticket is printed for each event.

· To create a subscription first create the individual events. As the events all have to be in the
same venue and have to have the same price structure it is recommended to create the first
event as usual and use copy event for all others.
· To give tickets in a subscription their own price you can add a special price "subscription" in
each event and print tickets in a subscription with this special price.

If all events are set up you can create the subscription.

· Enter the name and add all required events.

9.2 Print subscriptions

For an subscription you can only print single tickets.
· Enter a seat and press the button to list all available prices. Alternatively pick the seat on the
seat map.
· Add the seat to the list by pressing the appropriate price.
· Finally you can select for which of the included events to print tickets. This setting applies to all ticket in the

All other features are like in Print single tickets.

10 Seat labels
10.1 Seat labels
Seat labels are used to label the seats of a venue.

Two sorts of seat labels are possible:

· Rowwise with labels for each end of a row ("Row 1, Seats 1-10", "Row 2, Seats 1-10",...)
· Seatwise with labels for each seat ("Row 1, Seat 1", "Row 1, Seat 2",...)

Seat labels are treated mostly like events only the set up und print are different.

Continue with Create seat labels

10.2 Create seat labels

1.) Switch to venue list

To create seat labels first switch to the venue list.

2.) Select the venue

Select the venue in the venue list for which you want to create seat labels. If this venue is not in
42 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

the list you must create a venue or add file to list . Then press Create labels for this
venue or the appropriate menu.

3.) Enter label name and set up all sections

· Enter the label name.
· The label note can be used for remarks and can be edited anytime.

On the left side is a list of all sections with a flag whether the sections have been set up.
Click on each section and select the appropriate settings in the field on the right.

First choose the numbering of tickets in this section.

· For unnumbered seats you can enter an alternative text, e.g. "No seat numbers".
· Set up each section and press set numbering and seat description.
· Press continue after all sections have been set up.

4.) Choose label design and whether seat descriptions should be added
On the bottom two sample labels are shown.
· Choose whether to have two labels per row at the ends ("Row 1, Seats 1-10", "Row 2, Seats
1-10",...) or one label for each seat ("Row 1, Seat 1", "Row 1, Seat 2",...").
· Select whether to attach seat descriptions to the seat numbers (e.g. "left", "middle", "aisle",
· Press continue .

Continue with Edit ticket layout

11 Secure tickets with barcodes

11.1 Secure tickets with barcodes
With TicketCreator you can easily print secure tickets, which cannot be forged or copied.
Therefore, a barcode is printed on the tickets, which is checked at the entrance with the software
TicketCreator BarcodeChecker and a simple barcode scanner (USB or PS/2, starting at € 50,-/ $
60,-) or a webcam. You can use either random numbers or other numbers as barcodes.

And the best thing: Its free! Printing secure tickets does not cause additional costs for special
paper, holograms, watermarks or alike, because you can use normal paper!

This copy protection has many advantages:

· Cannot be forged because the 10-digit random number cannot be
· Cannot be copied because each barcode can only be used once to
· Free for an unlimited number of tickets
· No costs for special paper or special printing
· Software TicketCreator BarcodeChecker included
· You need only a simple barcode scanner (starting at € 50,-/ $ 60,-) or
· No additional hardware required
· Tickets can be checked at multiple entrances at the same time, with or
without a network

To check tickets at the entrance you need only a PC or laptop, on which the software
TicketCreator BarcodeChecker is installed, and which is connected to a simple barcode scanner
Secure tickets with barcodes 43
(USB or PS/2 port) or a webcam. Barcode scanner can be bought starting at € 50,-/ $ 60,-.

To print tickets with barcodes you need the TicketCreator Barcode edition. But you can test this
features in all TicketCreator editions and later upgrade for the price difference to the Barcode
edition. A new installation is not required and you can continue to use all files.

Continue with Create tickets with barcodes and Check barcodes.

11.2 Create tickets with barcodes

Create an event as described in Create event.

Two barcode lines are shown:

In the first line the barcode is automatically entered as encoded text. This line must be formated in
an '2 of 5 interleaved' barcode font. It is recommended to use the free, enclosed 'Code 5 of 2
Interleaved' font, which you can also download from But you can also
use an 'Interleaved 5 of 2 Barcode' fonts from IDAutomation. A free demo is on www. where you can also buy the fonts.
In the second line the barcode is shown as a number. This line must be formated in a readable
font (e.g. Arial) so that the barcode can also entered by hand if the ticket is damaged and the
barcode cannot be scanned.

Please note that the barcode font 'Code 2 of 5 interleaved' might not be read when printed with a
font size of less than 27 points. This depends on your paper and printer. Therefore it is necessary
to print sample tickets and test these with TicketCreator BarcodeChecker to detect potential

This feature is only available in the Barcode Edition.

Continue with Secure tickets with barcodes and Check barcodes.

11.3 Check barcodes

To check tickets at the entrance you need only a PC or laptop, on which the software
TicketCreator BarcodeChecker is installed, and which is connected to a simple barcode scanner
(USB or PS/2 port) or a webcam. Barcode scanner can be bought starting at € 50,-/ $ 60,-.

A) Check barcodes of an event

Before you can check tickets of an event you must first create a BarcodeChecker file for this event
in TicketCreator.
1.) Start TicketCreator and select the event in the event list, of which you want to check the
2.) Select in the menu Event the entry Save BarcodeChecker File.
3.) Save the BarcodeChecker file for the selected event. The BarcodeChecker file is valid for all
performances of this event and contains all tickets, i.e. printed tickets and not printed
tickets. Tickets, which are printed after saving the BarcodeChecker file are therefore still
recognized and accepted.
4.) Copy the BarcodeChecker file to the computer, which is used to check the tickets with a
barcode scanner. On that computer the software TicketCreator BarcodeChecker must be
installed. The setup for TicketCreator BarcodeChecker can be found on the TicketCreator
homepage (

5.) Now start TicketCreator BarcodeChecker.

6.) Press Check Barcodes of an Event.
7.) Open the BarcodeChecker file of the event.
44 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
8.) Select whether tickets are checked at one or multiple entrances, i.e. whether one or multiple
scanners are used.
9.) If you check at multiple entrances you must select the tickets, which are admitted for this
entrance, i.e. the sections, which can be entered through this entrance. Make sure each
section can only be entered through a single entrance because tickets are otherwise valid 1x
at each entrance.
10.)If the event has multiple performances you must select the event, for which you want to check
the tickets.
11.)Now the barcode scanner is tested. Plug in the barcode scanner and scan any barcode. After
the scan 'Test successful' must appear. Check the scanner settings if 'Test successful' is not
shown after the scan. The scanner must send a Return, Enter, CrLf, or Cr after the scan
(Scanner default settings).
12.)Switch on loudspeakers and check sound. Click on the respective speaker symbols. You can
also adjust the volume.
13.)You can now check tickets in a new window.
14.)When scanning the barcode is automatically inserted into the Barcode field and checked. For
damaged tickets you can also enter the barcode by keyboard in this field and press Check.
There are three modes: With Visitor enters venue the ticket is logged in and cannot be used
again, with Visitor enters venue the ticket is logged out can be used again, and with Test the
ticket is not logged in and can be used again.
15.)If you quit the ticket check a protocol file is created, which contains for each ticket the
information whether it has been scanned or not. If you continue to check tickets for this event
after a break and open the BarcodeChecker file, the protocol file is automatically read and
tickets which have been scanned before cannot be used again.

A) Check barcodes of an event

If you Create an event it is important to check the barcodes on sample tickets because a too small
font size or a bad background can cause problems when scanning.

1.) Create an event in TicketCreator and print sample tickets.

2.) Now start TicketCreator BarcodeChecker.
3.) Press Check Sample Tickets / Test Scanner. No BarcodeChecker file is required.
4.) Test the scanner by performing steps 11 and 12 as described above.
5.) Now you can test the sample tickets.

Continue with Secure tickets with barcodes and Create tickets with barcodes.

11.4 BarcodeChecker file for other tickets

You can use BarcodeChecker also to check other tickets with barcodes with up to 30 digits or
letters, which have not been printed with TicketCreator. For this you can import the ticket
numbers as CSV file (e.g. from Excel) or as text file into the TicketCreator Barcode Edition and
generate a BarcodeChecker file.

1. Save the barcodes as CSV file (Comma delimited, *.csv) or text file (Tab delimited, *.txt). This
can be done for example with Excel. You can skip this point if you have serial numbers (e.g. 1-

Example 1: Save barcodes as CSV file in Excel.
Secure tickets with barcodes 45
Example 2: Save barcodes with additional data, e.g. names and ticket type.
The names are shown when scanning the tickets and logs attendance (with time of entry/
The ticket type makes it possible to accept only tickets of a certain ticket type at a certain
entrance (e.g. only type A at entrance A).

2. Start the TicketCreator software and select the menu 'Extras: BarcodeChecker file for other
3. Open the CSV or text file or enter the serial numbers.
4. If you import a file with multiple fields (like in example 2 above) you must first select the field
with the barcode. Then select the field with the ticket type and enter the number of the field or
the fields in <>, which should be shown when scanning.

5. Save the BarcodeChecker file and copy the BarcodeChecker file to the PC that is used to
check tickets at the entrance.

6. Start the BarcodeChecker software on the control PC and open the BarcodeChecker file of the
event. The BarcodeChecker software is installed with TicketCreator. If it is not installed on the
control PC yet, you have to install it. Attention! If you use a different PC to check tickets you
must first register the BarcodeChecker before you can check tickets.
7. Connect the scanner or webcam.
8. Now you can control the barcodes on the tickets.

11.5 Register tickets to names

You can register tickets with barcodes to names to log the presence/attendance of the card
holders at your event.

There are three ways to register tickets:

A.) Frist reserve tickets, then print

If you reserve tickets first and then print, they are automatically registered to the reservation name
when printed. Moreover, the reservation name can be printed on the ticket. Continue with Reserve

B.) Print single tickets with names

If you print single tickets you can select the option "Print names on tickets" to print names on the
tickets. The tickets are automatically registered to the entered name when printed.
46 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
C.) Register printed tickets later
You can also register printed tickets later.
1.) Select the event and click the menu 'Events - Register Printed Tickets to Names'.
2.) Scan the ticket, which you want to register.
3.) Enter the name and press 'Register to name'.

12 Files
12.1 Add file to list
The main window lists (depending on the selected page) all available events, venues, labels,
subscriptions and season tickets which you can use.
Before you can work with a file that is not in the list it has to be added to the list (Strg+O) .

Select the file in the file dialog and press continue.

12.2 Remove file from list

The main window lists (depending on the selected page) all available events, venues, labels,
subscriptions and season tickets which you can use.
If you do not need an entry any longer you can remove the file from the list. The event, venue
etc. will not be deleted and can be added to the list again later.

See also Add file to list

12.3 Search file

· To search for a file select the directory in which the file should be searched. Click the
appropriate directory.
· Start the search with the appropriate button.

12.4 Load file

· To load a file select it in the file list on the right. Further information on the selected file is
shown in the left panel. Press continue.
· Click the directory to change directories.

12.5 Save file

· To save a file first choose the directory. Usually events are saved in Ticketcreator\Events,
venues in Ticketcreator\Venues etc.
· Enter the file name without extension. You can add a note to describe the file.
· Press continue to save the file.

Please note that all files that belong to an event must be in the same directory (e.g.
Example.tiv, Example Auff 1.tia, Example Auff 2.tia, Example Auff 1.tig, Example Auff 2.tig,
Example Auff 1.tis, Example Auff 2.tis, Example Auff 1.tip, Example Auff 2.tip).
Files 47

12.6 Delete file

Press delete only to delete a file irretrievably.
Attention! All information will get lost and can not be recreated!

The deleted files are moved to the recycled bin and you can restore them until it is emptied.

You can also remove a file from the list without deleting. In this case the event, venue etc. will
not be deleted and can be added to the list again later. See Remove file from list

12.7 File missing

Each event consists of several files that must be in the SAME directory and have the same

NEVER copy files that were created by TicketCreator but only move them! Make sure that all
files belonging to the same event and having the name same stay together.

Event name.tiv
Event name Auff 1.tia The seat list with all printed seats
Event name Auff 1.tis The reservation list with all reservations
Event name Auff 1.tip The list of printed reservations
Event name Auff 1.tig The list of all deleted tickets

Each of these files is very important. If you have moved one of them you can search them.

Create a new file only if the file was deleted irretrievably. First check the recycled bin and
search for it.

13 Miscellaneous
13.1 Backup
Create backup:
You can create a backup, which contains all events, venues, labels, series, and season tickets
that are currently shown in the lists.

Manual backup:
You can create a manual backup at any time in the menu 'Extras - Backup'.

Automatic backup when quitting:

If you activate this option in the menu 'Extras - Backup', an automatic backup will be created each
time TicketCreator is quitted.

Save the backups on a different hard drive than the original files! Otherwise would a failure
of the hard drive destroy both the original files and backups. It is not sufficient to save the backups
on a different partition of the same hard drive. Alternatively, you can save the backups regularly
on a separate drive.

Use backup:

The backups are created as encrypted zip-files to avoid that you use out-dated files by accident. If
48 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1
you want to restore files from the backup you must enter the password "backup".

Attention: Be very careful when dealing with the backups to not overwrite up-to-date event files
with outdated files from the backup!

13.2 Show reports

TicketCreator can generate different reports:

Reports on event/subscription/season ticket

· General
· Print status of seats
· Print status of seats as price
· List of printed tickets
· List of reserved tickets
· List of deleted tickets
· List of season tickets
· Balance
· Paper format and demand

Reports on venue
· General
· Seat map as text

The reports can be printed, copied to clipboard and pasted into any program using Ctrl+V or
the menu, or saved. The report can also be directly edited in Word.

Tip: If the list of reserved tickets or season tickets is shown from the reservation or customer
window, entries are sorted like in the window. Otherwise entries are unsorted.

See also: Create advance sale form

13.3 Create advance sale form

TicketCreator can generate advance sale forms which can be helpful when you deliver tickets to
advance sale points or take tickets back. Advance sale forms list only regular prices.

· Select the menu print_advance sale form.

· Enter your own address and the name of the advance sale point.
· Choose whether to include in the form each section or only price categories.

The advance sale form can either be printed, copied to the clipboard, or saved. The text can
also be edited in Word.

13.4 Use in networks

When TicketCreator is used on a network only one PC can access an event, subscription or
season ticket at a time.
If another PC tries to access a file that is already in use the error message "File in use" is shown.
Locked files are shown in the list in red. Press refresh (F5) to see whether a file was unlocked.
If a PC freezes that has locked a file the operating system will unlock the file after a while.

Attention! TicketCreator can only be used on networks that support file locks (WinNT,
Win2000 and others). Some operating systems (e.g. Samba) do not support file locks. Consult
Miscellaneous 49
your system administrator to check this and try to open the same event from two PCs at the same
time. If this is possible DO NOT use TicketCreator in your network because tickets can be printed
several times!

13.5 Save seat map as bitmap

You can save the seat map of a venue or event as a picture in the bitmap format(.bmp) and edit it
in graphic programs like MSPaint.

Choose Show event or Show venue and press Save seat map as bitmap .

13.6 Edit default texts

Each line has a default text which can be used to generate the ticket when a new event is created.

You can adapt these default texts, for example to include your name.

· Select the line on in the list.

· Enter the default text and choose an alignment. The variable list contains the variables you
can used in this line. Use the arrow button to insert variables in the text field. The button
shows information on the variables.
· The default texts can also be reset with the appropriate button.

13.7 Settings
Root directory for subdirectories (e.g. \Venues, \Events)
Defines the root directory for subdirectories.

Directory for personal settings

Defines the directory in which the *.tcd files are stored that contain the list of recently used files.

Show paper jam warning

If a printer error (e.g. paper jam) occurs the printer sometimes prints the last page again. This
depends upon the printer and can not be recognized by TicketCreator.
Make sure that after a printer error no tickets are printed as duplicates!

TicketCreator always shows this warning when the print window is opened regardless whether a
paper jam has occurred or not.

Activate mouse wheel

The seat map can be scrolled with the mouse wheel vertically and horizontally (Ctrl+mouse
wheel) if this option is checked in the menu Extras_Mouse wheel_Activate.

13.8 Choose printer

Printers support different paper sizes and have individual non-printable margins. If you create a
new event it is very important to select the printer on which the tickets will be printed so that the
margins of the ticket are sufficient in width.
50 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

13.9 Ticket format does not match printer

Each printer has a certain non-printable margin. The ticket format can not be printed on the
selected printer because it has a wider non-printable margin or does not support the paper format.
If the printer margins were change by hand you can reset the printer properties. Otherwise
change the printer or adjust the ticket margins to the selected printer. The last option switches
to the ticket layout to check the layout.

13.10 Create new paper format

TicketCreator can only use paper formats, which are listed in the Windows 'printer settings'.

Open the 'printer settings' to create a new paper format. Afterwards you must select 'Update
paper formats' in the TicketCreator paper list to see the new paper format.

Please note, that the paper size is not directly connected to the ticket size, which is entered in the
next window. You can select for example 'letter' paper and print smaller tickets on it.

13.11 Reservations do not match seat list

The reservation file of the event or the customer file of the season ticket have been exchanged for
an older file!

Restore the original files!

13.12 Tickets with regular and/or special prices

You can create two kind of tickets for events with special prices:

1.) Tickets, which can have either the regular price OR the selected special price:

This allows you to print tickets with these prices:

· regular and reduced price
· only regular price
· only reduced price
· only one special price

The regular price and the special price are shown in the same line but only one of them on
each ticket.

2.) Tickets, which can have the regular price, the reduced price, AND all selected special
Miscellaneous 51

This allows you to print tickets with these prices:

· regular, reduced, and all special prices
· only regular price
· only reduced price
· only one special price

If you select to print only one special price, it will be shown in the line for regular price. The
line starts automatically with the name of the special price (!S).

13.13 Folder for events and venues

TicketCreator needs several folders to store files.

You can select the root folder, in which TicketCreator creates its subfolders, e.g. '\events' for
events and '\venues' for venues.

If the events and venues are used only by you, you should select the 'My Documents' folder as
root folder.

If the events and venues are used by several users, you must select a folder as root folder to
which all users have write access. Please contact you network administrator if necessary

The root folder contains also the *.tcd files with the lists of used files and the file with the standard
format (standard.til).

13.14 Add seats to an event

If an event has only a single performance you can add later additional seats to a section with
serial numbers or an unnumbered section.

You cannot add seats to a numbered section with rows and seats or to an event, which is part of a
season ticket.

13.15 Licence agreement

Attention: TicketCreator is personally licenced. You may not distribute the software or password,
or install the program on several computers. Your password is centrally registered. Thereby illegal
distribution can be tracked and will be persecuted.


TicketCreator is protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. You are not
authorized to reproduce, distribute or rent TicketCreator. TicketCreator is licensed, not sold. The
author reserves all rights not expressly granted. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or
disassemble TicketCreator.
You may install and use one copy of TicketCreator on a single computer at a time and only by one
user at a time. You may also store or install a copy of TicketCreator on a storage device, such as
a network server, used only to install or run TicketCreator on your other computers over an
internal network; however, you must acquire and dedicate a license for each separate computer
on which TicketCreator is installed or run from the storage device.


52 TicketCreator Help Version 5.1

14 TicketCreator editions / Buy

TicketCreator is available in three editions, which differ in their features.

Professional Business Barcode

Edition Edition Edition
Print tickets for unlimited events and Yes Yes Yes
Use custom ticket formats Yes Yes Yes
Manage reservations No Yes Yes
Print season tickets No Yes Yes
Assign ticket prices to rows or seats One price per row Prices for Prices for
individual seats individual seats

Print copy protected tickets with No No Yes

BarcodeChecker No No Yes
Show prices in your currency

You can test all features in all TicketCreator editions and later upgrade for the price difference to a
more powerful edition. A new installation is not required and you can continue to use all files.

Buy TicketCreator / Upgrade

You can order TicketCreator in our secure online shop, which meets highest security standards.
For further information visit the TicketCreator homepage at

To order an upgrade to a more powerful edition please send an email to [email protected].

The price is the price difference between the two editions.

15 Contact
If you have questions, problems, or suggestions please send an email to [email protected], or
visit the homepage

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