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From the load curve variations and all the other data that can be collected, account how a
manager will use AI to address the problems so far uncovered or realized on your own.

Name: Shuvendu Shekhar Mahapatra

Reg.No.:  20PGDM00B020


Understanding of load curve is important to understand the economic factors associated to it.
Economic factors are important in determining cost of energy and for that we must focus on
such factors. So, Load curve shows the electric power demand with respect to time. It can be
derived as daily, monthly and yearly pattern. Power demand varies continuously with time.
Sometimes we need less power at times and need more power during peak load. As we see
from India prospect, we have touched our peak demand to 200GW this year but there were
times where India’s almost 35% of coal plants were idle because of insufficient load patterns.
In addition to that we are in booming stage of renewable addition in India and which itself
brought difficulty in grid integration and stability. To extract the best out of deployed
resources we also need to look into how better our forecast can become and how efficiently
we can manage the assets we have built over the years.

So, demand side management plays a big role to avoid such scenario which is again related to
load curve. There will be such scenario for obvious reasons because of our usage pattern in
daily lives. Hence, market also talks about how we can better use merit order dispatch,
market based economic dispatch and incentivizing people to use heavy appliances during
non-peak hours and so on. But the biggest determining factor is accurate load forecast. Even
1% inaccuracy in load forecast can cause for loss of billions over the years. That is where we
have started realizing the importance of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to have
a better and accurate forecast of load.
Understanding the importance of AI:

AI technologies are inextricably linked to the ability to deliver clean, affordable energy,
which is critical for development. And this is something I think we as a manager needs to
understand and also this is the need of our country. Deep learning techniques, a subset of
machine learning, can assist identify patterns and anomalies in very big datasets, both on the
demand and supply sides, that would be practically hard to detect otherwise. As a result,
systems have improved, issue solving has become faster, and performance has improved.
Deep learning algorithms are also capable of self-learning. The algorithms learn by trial and
error when applied to energy data patterns. Through these advanced data analytics, it helped
to improve reliability, security, and efficiency of energy transmission. AI techniques like
machine learning are best suited for analyzing and using such data due to its enormous
volume and different architectures. This data analysis can be utilized for defect detection,
predictive maintenance, power quality monitoring, and renewable energy forecasting, among
other things.

I would like to showcase one of the examples where DeepMind system predicts the energy
output using advanced technology.

Source: Witherspoon, Sims and Will Fadrhonc. 2019.

Now, it is not limited to only forecasting which managers can use technology for but it also
helps in multiple way which are directly and indirectly linked to load curve and it’s economic

Realization of AI in critical areas:

1. Fault detection:
Equipment failures are very common in electrical system and AI can help to detect
and do a predictive analysis on equipment failures saving resources, money and time.
2. Theft Prevention:
AI can help to detect any informal connection in the grid network and hence will be
helping in to save time as well as money.
3. Disaster management:
AI that can predict when electricity will be available and ensure that it is provided
where it is most required without causing harm to the system. Furthermore, thanks to
faster access to photos and information, AI systems can increase damage assessments
and decision-making optimization.
4. Production decision making:
AI can aid in the improvement of power demand and generation estimates, as well as
production decision-making. This is especially crucial in the shift to renewables,
because they are typically unreliable due to their reliance on weather, wind, and water
flows, as well as their backup reliance on fossil fuels.


AI has the ability and potential to bring a revolution in power generation, distribution and
transmission. The energy sector in both emerging and advanced economies continues to face
numerous challenges in terms of efficiency, transparency, affordability, and the integration of
renewable energy sources into power systems. Artificial intelligence will almost certainly
play a key part in decreasing distribution losses in emerging markets, as well as assisting with
maintenance and reliability difficulties.

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