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Cardiovascular Conditioning Prescription

Ruchie Ann P. Baraquil 19

Name: _________________________________________________________Age:__________
Date of 1st day training:___________________ Initial Prescription/No. of Progression:_______

Components Target
Frequency 3x a week
Intensity Light intensity
Resting Heart rate 70 beats/min
Heart rate Reserve 64%
Target Heart Rate (220-19-70)0.64+70=154
HR@ High Interval 154beats/min
HR@ Low Interval (220-19-72)0.32+72=113
Borg Rate of Perceived Exertion 11-12
Warm up 5min @low interval
Stimulus 15 mins
Cool Down 2 mins @low interval
Number of Cycles 3
Type FIIT(Aerobic cardiovascular exercise)

Name of PE Instructor: Ms. Ruth Lastimoso

Date Submitted/Finished: October 10, 2020
Muscular Resistance Training Prescription
Ruchie Ann P. Baraquil
Name: _________________________________________________________Age:__________

Date of 1st day training:___________________ Initial Prescription/No. of Progression:_______

Training Age 19
Goal Gradual Muscle Strengthening
Volume Moderate
Frequency 3x a week
Session/Duration 45 mins including warm up and cool down
Warm up Stretch Duration Sets Reps
30 sec 2 1
30 sec 2 1
20 sec 2 1
Exercise Sets Reps Rest Load RPE
Crunches 2 3 1-2 min 60% 1RM 11
Russian Twist 2 4 1-2 min 70% 1RM 12
Squat 3 5 1-2 min 65% 1RM 12
Donkey Kicks 3 5 1-2 min 65% 1RM 12
Plank 2 3 1-2 min 60% 1RM 11
Leg lifts 3 4 1-2 min 65% 1RM 11
Cool down Duration Sets Reps
Upper body 30 sec 2 1
Cat stretch 30 sec 2 1
Seated forward 30sec 2 1

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