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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard  [email protected]
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 December 9, 2021 – International
Anti-Corruption Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: Pennsylvania “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CLXXVII] – Corruption

In recognition of the fact that this day is devoted to combatting corruption, cited are a
few efforts to fight opponents of Electoral Integrity; again, confidentiality rules apply.
Captured with a bit of levity are Trumpist assertions uploaded @ PoliticsPA; they were
provoked by a Jew-hating adversary [documented a few years ago, beyond anti-Zionism]
who regularly posts Dem-extremist claims that are usually [probably properly] ignored.
{The only alteration was to delete a posting that contained an internet citation; to avoid
its sitting in purgatory (“awaiting moderation”), the hyperlink’s URL had been spliced.}

First, the following is the “blast” e-mail c/o the Thomas More Society for this week:

Kentucky: prohibit private and out-of-state funding of public elections, and

have more transparency in the reporting of election night numbers - John;
Florida: can do more to clean inactive voters off of its voter rolls -- Ed;
North Carolina should ban consent decrees and private outside funds for
public elections - Major Dave;
Pennsylvania: Receive all mail-in ballots by Thursday prior to election day.
After Thursday at 5:00 PM, no mail-in ballots to be accepted. Send mail-
in ballots back to precincts instead of central count. A return to smaller
precincts means no canvassing, pre-processing, or curing of ballots
before election day - Dr. Bob;
Iowa: Private funding ban,
Colorado: Beware cell-phone voting, audits on signature verification -
Emily and Stephen;
Michigan: Citizens Petition - Tami; No same day registration - Sandy;
Virginia: Photo ID Randy; Number ballots - Chris Wright;
Minnesota: party worker parity, clean voter rolls, photo ID, & provisional
ballots - Susan & Greg;
South Carolina: No consent decrees, a person may only return ONE
absentee ballot for friend or family member (prevents ballot trafficking),
private funding prohibition;
Arizona: Secure paper ballots; and
California: Reverse paid ballot harvesting, universal mail-in balloting,
signature verification, private funding.
Second, in reply to a podcast [How Much Will Trump Impact Pennsylvania’s 2022 Races?],
David Diano wrote two comments that were rebuffed [absent a subsequent posting]:

David Diano says:

1) Pennsylvania isn’t a “border state”
2) People seeking seeking [sic] asylum and refugees aren’t “illegals”.
3) Children transported by their parents committed no crime themselves.
4) PA already holds immigrants in terrible facilities that are cruel and
should be shutdown.
5) Immigrants being held are going to start getting vaccines.
6) Jesus would take in and care for immigrants.
7) Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe
8) We do have outlets with the truth. You should try watching them
instead of right-wing propaganda.

Dr. Bob says:

1) Pennsylvania IS a “border state,” noting how Brandon is disseminating
INVADERS throughout the Continental USA.
2) People seeking asylum and refugees ARE illegals,” for they BREAK THE
LAW when entering without following legal procedures.
3) Children transported by their parents committed no crime themselves,
but they still don’t have the RIGHT to remain [particularly “children”
who are actually adults…and sometimes criminals].
4) PA already holds immigrants in terrible facilities that are cruel and
should be shut down; if so, they should be DEPORTED IMMEDIATLY
upon apprehension.
5) Immigrants being held are going to start getting vaccines; they are
disseminated without either being tested or vaccinated, yielding the
inevitable conclusion that BRANDON is the #1 SUPER-SPREADER.
6) Jesus would NOT take in and care for immigrants; from Abraham to
Jesus, the “stranger” has been respected but has NOT been reflexly
retained within the Hebrew Community.
7) Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe
8) We do have outlets with the truth. You should try watching them
instead of LEFT-wing propaganda.

Dr. Bob says:

RECALL, also, that OBAMA “put kids into cages.”
David Diano says:
Trump will impact the race by helping the worst possible GOP candidate
win the primary and lose the general election.

Dr. Bob says:

Trump will impact the race by helping the BEST possible GOP candidate
win the primary and WIN the general election.

Third, the monthly Tea Party Patriots leadership ‘phone call [Sundays @ 7:30 p.m.] had
a stimulating colloquy (including a guest speaker who discussed Covid-19 mandates) that
triggered delivery of a deluge of comments/clarifications on myriad topics (documented);
prominent was citation of my explanation as to how the SCOTUS would overturn Dems
(as published more than a year ago—in seven parts—c/o Arutz Sheva) after three state
legislatures decertify their Electors. I also explained why Dr. Frank’s presentation @ the
Lindell Cyber Symposium provided the fraudulent roadmap (even as I await his proof that
the “2000” census serves as the control-group when he cites age-distributions in “2010”).

I was advised it’s OK if Kemp has three primary-opponents (Trumpster Perdue, Taylor,
Jones) due to Georgia’s runoff system; I asked that the guest-speaker be queried as to
how to pressure medical corporations (e.g., my hospital system) to shed “wokeness” by
“awakening.” I asked that we be apprised of any inkling of a f/u report from Arizona; also,
I reported that a touted website [] didn’t adhere
to expected alphabetization. I advised that the Trump (part 2) interview on FNC c/o Mark
Levin (that I’d been monitoring via captions) be viewed when rebroadcast in three hours;
also, I volunteered to facilitate PA-education regarding how to muster an army of people
who would monitor elections (volunteer/paid/elected) AND I volunteered to assess any
patients who might fear Covid-19 (Alpha/Delta/Omicron) due to Brandon’s provocations.

I reported my reactions to having watched the joint-presentation of Jenny Beth Martin

and Garland Favorito (two-hours, during one of the Georgia Constitution Party Zoom calls)
by advising Garland to provide a terse legal-update and by advising Jenny Beth to mesh
with the A.V.A. guidebooks that are being prepared (along with whatever emerges from; I had advised that TWO versions be composed, one for the
people @ the precinct (with a flowsheet as to what to say/do following detection of any
type of anomaly) and one for the attorneys (who might need to be invoked emergently).

Fourth, a candidate to primary Brother Brian [PA-1] spoke @ a recent meeting of TPP of
Lower Bucks County; he was provided instant-guidance, but Brad Lanning demonstrated
he would need far too much on-the-job-training to merit the type of support he would
require to become viable. Thus, it’s necessary to vet Caroline Avery and/or Dasha Pruett,
noting that Fitz has predictably violated his 3-term-limit pledge honored by his brother;
all the anger that his GOP constituents can muster is tangential to how much he basks
within the media spotlight as a courageous “Problem Solver” who evinces being a Lib.

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