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Section 9 – Corazon C.

Aquino’s Speech Before the United States Congress on

September 18, 1986

Corazon “Cory”
Cojuangco Aquino, became
a symbol of the restoration
of democracy and overthrow
of the Marcos Dictatorship
in 1986. The EDSA People
Power installed her as the
first woman president of the
Philippines. On September
18, 1986, seven months after
she became president she
was invited to speak before the joint session of the U.S. Congress on
Sepyember 18, 1986. (Lee & Alphora, 2018). The highlights of said speech
are the foci of this lesson.

Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this section, the learners must have:

1. identified the highlights and salient points of the speech;

2. noted and recognized the accomplishments of Filipinos as a nation based on the


3. explained the importance of the speech to the grand narrative of Philippine history;

4. evaluated the relevance of the speech to the present time.


 Highlights of Corazon Aquino’s Speech before the U.S. Congress on Sept. 18, 1986
 Background of the Author and the Document
 Contributions of Corazon Aquino to the Restoration of Democracy
 The People Power Revolution (EDSA Revolution) 1986
Learning Resources

 Corazon Aquino’s Speech on September 18, 1986

 Social Media Websites
 Laptop and other gadgets
 Activity sheets

Time Frame: Week 7 (November 22-26, 2021)

Pre- Activity

B a s e d o n t h e
Aquino became president.


Let’s Explore!

Read the background of the Author and the Document

Background of the Author

Maria Corazon “Cory” Sumulong Cojuangco-Aquino (January 25, 1933-August 1,

2009) became president of the Philippines because of the 1986 EDSA Revolution- the
nonviolent revolution that ousted President Ferdinand Marcos. She was the wife of the
assassinated opposition figurehead during the martial law era, Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino, Jr.
She served as the 11th president and named by Time magazine as “Woman of the Year” in
1986. In 1999, she was chosen by Time magazine as “One of the 20 Most Influential Asians
in the 20th century.” Prior to her becoming President, she had not held any elective office. She
died on August 1, 2009 due to colon cancer.

Historical Background of the Document

It has been the practice of the U.S. Congress to convene a Joint Meeting for the
purpose of hearing an address from an important figure, usually a visiting foreign leader.
Corazon C. Aquino delivered her historic speech before the US Congress on September 18,
1986-barely seven months after being sworn into office under revolutionary government
brought about by the EDSA Revolution. During that time, Cory’s presidency was unstable for
she inherited an economy that is in shambles. There was massive poverty and unemployment
in the country. The loyalty of the military to her administration was still in question. Her
administration was already besieged by a coup attempt, backed by a multitude of civilian
Marcos loyalists after five months of assumption to office. Despite releasing political
detainees, the communist insurgency was still gripping the countryside. She needed foreign
allies to recognize her newly established administration. The aforementioned historic speech
targeted two goals at the same time. It aimed to express gratitude towards the United States
for helping the Filipinos regain their freedom and to seek more help from them in restoring
the government considering Aquino’s decision to honor the foreign debts the Philippines
incurred during the Marcos administration.

Suggested Readings:

The People Power Revolution. Philippines 1986 Retrieved from


Let’s Dig Deeper!

Exercise 2.9.1 The Tale of the Tape


Instructions: Read the full text of Cory Aquino’s speech before the US Congress. Retrieved

Identify five points highlighted by President Corazon Aquino in her speech before the US
Congress on September 18, 1986. Explain their significance.

1. A president turned dictator and traitor to his oath, suspended the constitution and shut
down the congress that was much like before which I am honoreid to speak.

2. He detained my husband along with thousand of other senators, publishers and anyone who
had spoken up for the democracy as its draw near.

3. A long and cruel ordeal was reserved for NInoy

4. The dictator already knew that Ninoy was not a body merely to be imprisoned but a spirit
he must break.
5. The congress, the independence of the judiciary, the protection of the bill of rights -Ninoy
kept their spirit alive on himself.

Exercise 2.9.2

Open Essay to Democracy

Instructions: The biggest contribution of Corazon Aquino to the Filipinos is the restoration
of democracy. Read the assigned readings below and write an essay assessing the state of
Philippine democracy since its restoration after Martial law


 Syjuco, M. (2017). I thought democracy had failed Filipinos. But it is we who failed
it. The Guardian. Retrieved from
but-it-is-we-who-have failed-it


Exercise 2.9.3

Assessing the Importance of Primary Sources in Understanding the Grand Narrative of PH

Instructions: Give three reasons why President Corazon Aquino’s Speech before the US
Congress on September 18, 1986 is important to the grand narrative of Philippine history.




Aquino, C. (1986, September 18). President Corazon Aquino’s speech before the U.S.
Congress. Retrieved from
Serrill, M. (2001, June 24). The Philippines Cory hits a grand slam. Time Magazine.
Retrieved from,9171,145105,00.html

Annex A

Rubric for a Written Speech

Clearly and logically A clear attempt at Some Lack of organization

organized with an the organization inconsistencies in makes it difficult to
engaging introduction, with a beginning, the organization follow the speech
logically sequenced middle and end, and/or lack of ideas; speech may
body with appropriate and an attempt to sustained focus be conventional and
transition and use transition throughout the may ramble without
convincing conclusion speech with clear beginning,
inconsistencies in middle and end
Uses sophisticated and Uses appropriate Uses words that Inappropriate use of
varied language suited language and may be unsuited language distract the
to the topic and word choice but to the topic, audience because it
audience; word choice with less audience or is too informal or
Language is concise, original sophistication purpose of the too imprecise given
and effectively and/or originality speech; word the topic and
conveys the choice lacks purpose of the
appropriate tone given originality and speech
the purpose of the fails ro convey an
speech appropriate tone
for the speech
No spelling, Some minor Multiple spelling, Numerous, spelling,
punctuation, grammar spelling, punctuation, punctuation,
or usage error; written punctuation, capitalization, capitalization,
Grammar and
in an artful style with capitalization, grammar or usage grammar or usage
Conventions sentence variety. No grammar and error; some errors distract the
MLA (Modern usage error; some sentence variety; reader. Numerous
Language sentence variety; a few errors in error in MLA
Association) a few errors in MLA formatting formatting
formatting MLA formatting


Excellent Good Needs

Performance (10 – 7) (6 – 4) Improvement
Area ( 3 – 1)
Essay has specific central idea Central idea is Essay has no
Content and clearly stated in the opening vague; somewhat central idea or
Information paragraph; appropriate sketchy and not supporting details.
concrete details support the supportive to the Content is
45% central and show originality topic; lacks focus minimal
and focus. Covers topic in-
depth with details and
Content is well organized Essay somewhat There is no
Organization using headings or bulleted list digresses from the logical
to group related materials; central idea; ideas organizational
logically organized displaying do not logically structure, just lots
25% introduction, body and follow each other of facts. Lacks
conclusion. Critical thinking organization and
skills evident. continuity.
Written work is error-free in Has 3-4 errors in Has more than 5
Mechanics word selection and use, word selection and errors in word
sentence structure, spelling, use, sentence selection and use,
punctuation, capitalization and structure, spelling , sentence
15% grammar punctuation, structure,
capitalization and spelling,
grammar punctuation,
capitalization and
Writing is smooth, coherent Sentences are Writing is
Style and consistent with central varied but 3 – 4 confusing, hard to
idea. Sentences are expressive sentences follow. Contains
5% and varied structure inconsistent with fragments and/or
the central idea run-on sentences
Research Cited researched information; Did little or no No research of
introduced personal ideas to gathering of topic was done
enhance essay cohesiveness information on the
5% topic; no
information cited
Timeliness Completed output submitted 1 Completed output Completed output
5% – 2 days before deadline submitted on due submitted 1 – 2
date days after due

Looking Back at Your Learning Process

Answer the following questions truthfully and wholeheartedly. Write your answers
in your
Reflection journal below.
1. Which section/s or part/s of the module is easy for you?
Why was it easy for you?
2. Which section/s or part/s is difficult for you?
Why was it difficult?
3. If you were to study the contents of the module and do the exercises again,
would improve your learnings?
a. Refer to your own exercises
b. Confer with your classmates and ask them about their past
exercises in
in studying
c. Consult your teacher and ask for suggestions
4. What are your concerns about this course (GE-RPH). List them with your
to overcome them.

My Reflection Journal


Module Check!

Instructions: Find out your learning gains from Module 2 by answering the items below:

Highest Possible Score: 50

1. What was the real name of Fray Juan de Plasencia? What is his important book in
Philippine history? (2pts)

2. What is the present equivalent of a gobernadorcillo during the Spanish rule? (1 pt)


3. What is depicted in the documentary, Raiders of the Sulu Sea? What four indigenous
groups were sold to slavery in said documentary? (5 pts)


4. What is the Bangsamoro Organic Law or BOL? When was it signed? (3pts)


5. Give four titles associated with Emilio Jacinto in relation to the Katipunan? (4pts)


6. Of what importance is the Kartilya to the Katipunan? (2pts)


7. The peaceful movement of seeking reforms from the colonial Spanish government in the
Philippines (1 pt)


8. What were the two factions of the La Liga and their leaders after Jose Rizal was exiled to
Dapitan? (4pts)

9. What is the Spoliarium? (2pts)


10. What the Oblation in the University of the Philippines? Who constructed it? (3 pts)


11. What is the complete title of the memoirs of Emilio Aguinaldo? (1 pt)


12. Who is Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista? What was his role in history? (3 pts)


13. Who composed the Philippine national anthem? Where was the lyrics derived from? (2


14. What are the provinces represented by the eight rays of the sun in the Philippine flag? (8


15. What are political cartoons? What was its use during the American era? (2 pts)


16. Who founded the Philippine Free Press? Who assumed it after bankruptcy? (2 pts)


17. What newspaper was founded by Rafael Palma? (1pt)


18. Who was the founder of the Bag-Ong Kusog in Cebu? (1 pt)


19. Who and what caused the Cabinet Crisis in Philippine government in1923? (1 pt)


20. What title did Corazon C. Aquino earn or get from Time Magazine in 1986 and 1999?


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