Lesson Exemplar English Grade 11

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Learning Area English

Learning Delivery Modality Modular Distance Modality (Learners-Led Modality)

School CALABARZON National HS Grade Level Grade 11

Teacher John Dela Cruz Learning Area English (SHS)
LESSON Oral Communication in Context
EXEMPLA Teaching Date Sept. 1-4, 2020 Quarter First Quarter
R 4 days
Teaching Time 1-2pm No. of Days (see PIVOT 4A BOW for the number of days)

Guide in Preparing the

(This does not appear in the actual exemplar.)

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are The objectives should reflect the concepts of
knowledge, skills and attitudes/values (KSAVs).
expected to: There may be three (3) objectives representing
a. Differentiate various models of KSAVs. However, a single objective containing
communication; KSAVs may be formulated.
b. Explain the process of communication In formulating the objectives, consider the
through elements involved; and concepts specified by the MELC and/or enabling
c. Recognize the importance of modelsin competencies.
understanding communication process in
At times, lesson objectives are already specified
everyday lives. at the beginning portion of the module.

A. Content Standards Refer to the curriculum guide for the content

The learner understands the nature and elements standards set for this subject, grade level and
of oral communication in context. quarter.
B. Performance Standards The learner designs and performs effective Refer to the curriculum guide for the content
controlled and uncontrolled oral communication standards set for this subject, grade level and
activities based on context. quarter.

C. Most Essential Learning Check the PIVOT 4A BOW and look for the
MELC. Except for SHS subjects, MELCs can be
Competencies (MELC) Differentiates the various models of identified through the number assigned to it. The
communication number represents the number of MELCs set for
each grade level.
Check the PIVOT 4A BOW and look for enabling
D. Enabling Competencies competencies. Enabling competencies are the LCs
(If available, write the attached enabling that appear before the MELC. They are
competencies) considered enabling as they aid learners and
teachers in achieving mastery in dealing with
- the assigned MELC.

For this case, no enabling competencies were

mapped for the identified MELCs.

II. CONTENT The content may be identified by evaluating the

concepts portrayed in the MELC. Though the
contents specified in enabling competencies are
important, still they are not the main focus as these
Communication Models will just help in dealing with the MELC.

Usually, the content is already identified in the



A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Pages Write the pages where you can find the
specified content in the learner’s materials.
b. Learner’s Material Pages Write the pages where you can find the
pp. 1-22 specified content in the learner’s materials.
c. Textbook Pages In the context of using modular distance
learning modality, the only material is the
learner’s material/module.
d. Additional Materials from Indicate other learning resources to be used.
These resources may be taken from the LR portal.
Learning Resources Others may be online, offline, print and/or non-
print resources. This may be filled if online
distance learning, blended learning and
Guide in Preparing the
(This does not appear in the actual exemplar.)
learning delivery modalities will be
B. List of Learning Resources for List down other resources to be used especially
for the development and engagement phases.
Development and Engagement In the new ADM modules, lessons and flow of
Activities Oral Communication in Context for Quarter 1
discussion are already designed based on IDEA
instructional process. Parts of modules are already
– Module 2: Communication Models mapped as identified in Item 6 of Regional
Memorandum No. 296, s. 2020.

IV. PROCEDURES The procedures of this sample lesson exemplar are

learners-led considering that modular distance
learning delivery modality is employed. The tone
of the flow of the lesson is learner-structured
considering that the lesson is one-way as there is
no face-to-face nor synchronous online
interaction with the teacher and other learners.

A. Introduction What I need to know? In this portion, the lesson content and learning
objectives will be presented in the Introduction
 The learners will do the walkthrough of phase to guide the learners on the learning
the lesson expectations.
 In this part, the content of the lesson will be In modular distance learning, introducing the
objectives and content is the first step of learning
presented. considering that this modality is learner-led.
 Learning objectives will also be
In face-to-face learning, an activity which may be
introduced to guide the learners on the indicated in What’s new? may be done prior to the
learning targets founded on KSAV presentation of learning content and objectives
principles. considering that this modality is teacher-led.

What’s new? This part provides preliminary activity that

introduces initial concepts on the learning targets.
 The learners will answer the prompt The activity will allow learners to maximize
their initial knowledge as regards content and skills
questions indicated at the beginning of this required for the lesson.
 They will read the short selection entitled The activity may be conducted or done with the
help of learners’ parents, guardians and/or
The Glitch written by Divina housemates.
P. Maming. To make the reading activity
interactive, they may asked their parents,
guardians or housemates to help them in
the exchange of dialogues indicated in the
 After reading the selection, they will
answer the questions provided at the end of
the selection.

B. Development What I know? The teacher presents an activity in linking

learners’ KSAVs revolving in the contexts of
 The learners will answer the 15-item MELC and/or enabling competencies. This portion
provides initial assessment on learners’ KSAVs.
activity to test what they know about From the results, the activities will revolve on
communication and/or models of developing their KSAVs on the target content
communication. and MELCs and/or enabling competencies.

 After answering the questions, they may

check their answers on page 20 to
determine their background knowledge
about the given topic reflected in the
What’s in? In this portion, activity focusing on learners’
background KSAVs and the discussion of content
 The learners will read the paragraphs that shall be bridged. The activity will help the
learners in providing initial background on the
introduce preliminary concepts about KSAVs to be developed with the help of the
communication. content to be discussed in What is it?
 They will complete the word pool activity
to determine their vocabulary knowledge
about the target content. They may use
dictionaries to guide them in this activity.
However, it is recommended that
they use
Guide in Preparing the
(This does not appear in the actual exemplar.)

context clues in accomplishing this task.

What is it? Concept presentation is important in the

Development phase. In here, target concepts
 The learners will be provided with before providing activities or vice versa will be
presented. The presentation of concepts will be
scenarios on the importance and role of
helpful in bridging the gaps between what the
communication in daily lives. They may learners know and have to know.
have personal reflection on the
importance of communication in their
day-to-day activities.
 To strengthen the points of their personal
reflection and further develop their
knowledge about communication and
communication models based from the
What I know? activity, the learners will
proceed with reading and personal
discussion on the different communication
models. If they have internet access, they
may check these models online using the
links provided below each model.
 Dictionaries and/or context clues may
help them in developing their knowledge,
skills and attitude/values about the topic.

C. Engagement What’s more? In deepening learners’ KSAVS’ the activities in

this portion will help them in applying what
 The learners will do/perform the activities they have learned in the Development phase.
indicated in the module. These activities
include the following:
(a) Venn Diagram on similarities and
differences of communication models, (b)
vocabulary building on communication
process, (c) grid- filling on the elements
of communication, and (d) writing
answers/responses on dialogue prompts.
 These varying activities will help them in
involving themselves in deeper learning
on the target concepts about
communication models.

What I can do? In this part, the learners are given life- related
activities that will allow them meet the learning
 The learners will perform real-life tasks expectations. These real-life or authentic activities
should allow them to perform particular tasks or
identified in the module. These tasks
produce products in various forms. The activities
include: (a) calling a friend over the phone, should strengthen the KSAVs learned during the D
(b) interviewing family members and phase.
listening to radio or watching teleseryes.
 They are expected to reflect on the process
of performing the tasks while focusing on
their learned concepts about
communication models.

What other enrichment activities can I These activities in this part of Engagement phase
should really help the learners to be engaged in
engage in? (Additional Activities) learning and further understanding their learned
 To further enrich learners’ knowledge, concepts through various real-life activities. The
learners should further engross themselves to feel
skills and attitude/values (KSAVs), they and stay connected with the target concepts using
will be performing other enrichment tasks varied activities.
such as (a) listing down situations
reflecting the use of each communication
(b) writing a paragraph based on the
given situation, and (c) exchange of emails
or messages.
Guide in Preparing the
(This does not appear in the actual exemplar.)

D. Assimilation What I have learned? The Assimilation phase should bring the learners
to a process where they shall demonstrate ideas,
 In formulating or creating bits of interpretation, mindset or values and create pieces
information reflective of what they have of information that will form part of their
knowledge in reflecting, relating or using it
learned during the Development and effectively in any situation or context. This part
Engagement phases, the learners will encourages learners in creating conceptual
answer the questions focusing on the given structures giving them the avenue to integrate new
and old learnings leading to their personal
topic. The given questions are directed perception on what they have learned.
on synthesizing their learned information
based on the given content.
 They are expected to relate their learned
concepts to their personal lives.

What I can do? (Assessment) Though assessment may be embedded already in

any phase of the lesson, this portion further
 The learners will answer the questions assimilates learners’ learned concepts from I
phase to D phase to E phase.
 They may check their answers using the
key answer found at the latter part of the
V. REFLECTION  The learners, in their notebook, journal or
The use of reflective learning embedded in
multimodal assessment should not only direct
portfolio will write their personal insights feedback process but also promote personal
about the lesson using the prompts below. reflection processes where learners reflect more
on their knowledge, skills, attitude/values,
aspirations and actions as contribution in making
I understand that . the society a better place for all. This allows
I realize that . learners to think about what they have thought,
read, seen, done and learned by relating these
concrete concepts to their own lives.

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