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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Let’s get grammatical
Students will be able to identify all types of nouns.
Students will be able to reproduce a sentence with singular and plural nouns and a verb that
Students will be able to use pronouns effectively.
State Standards:
4.1 Use common, proper, and possessive nouns.
4.1 Use singular and plural nouns with matching verbs in basic sentences.
4.2 Use personal, possessive, and indefinite pronouns.
Context: This lesson is a first-grade English lesson about nouns, verbs, and pronouns. I am
teaching this lesson because it is essential for students to be able to pick out parts of speech while
they read to help them understand the meaning of what they are reading. Identifying parts of
speech is also a key component to writing complete sentences, which will be needed throughout
the students’ lives. In the unit before the current unit, the students worked on writing narratives
and learning how to strengthen and edit their writing. Unit three, the unit before this one, is
important because the students need to be able to read and write before learning how to identify
the parts of speech within a sentence. After this lesson, the students will be learning how to use
verbs in relation to past, present, and future and how to use adjectives and adverbs. I am
preparing my students for the next lesson topic because parts of speech build on each other. This
way, the students can already identify the nouns, pronouns, and verbs. Since the student will
already be able to identify the verb, this will make it easier for them to identify each verb in its
right tense form and give them a good foundation for understanding adverbs.
Data: The students will be grouped into four groups. The first group will be the excellent group,
which is the group of students who I feel have the strongest writing in the class. The second
group will be an average group for the students who are just meeting, not exceeding,
expectations for the class. The third group will be the “I’m getting there” group. This will be the
group that is almost meeting class expectations but needs a little help. The last group will be the
“I’m working on it” group. This is the group that seems to be struggling in their writing more
than other students. I will analyze the narrative stories the students wrote from the lesson before
and then assess how strong the students' writing might be. This data will be collected from the
papers that they have written in the previous lesson. I will grade each paper carefully on what
they already know about sentence structure, how well the sentences seemed to be formed, and
grammar. Data will be collected at the end of class with a short exit slip on nouns, pronouns, and
verbs and being able to identify them in sentences. Their results of the exit slip will be able to tell
me how well I taught the material and how well each student is progressing.  

Part of Lesson Materials Used
Introduction  Entrance slip
 Computer & PowerPoint with School House Rock
to watch in lesson
 Language binder and pencil
Teacher Directed  Smart Board and computer to play “Parts of
Speech” video
 Language binder and pencil
 Whiteboard and expo marker
Collaborative  iPad
 Smart Notebook app
Independent Digital  iPads
 Nouns and Verbs Ice Cream Talk game
 Changing nouns to pronouns worksheet posted
below the independent digital procedures
Closure  iPad
 Kahoot
 Smart Notebook App
 Sentences from collaboration portion

Introduction (25 minutes):
This will be the first class of the day, so I will allow students to put away their things. After putting away
their belongings, they will look to the SmartBoard for further instructions. The students will be
instructed to take out their language binder and a pencil. They will then be asked to take an entrance
slip from the front table and fill it out as best as possible. This entrance slip will ask questions about
nouns, pronouns, verbs and pick these parts of speech out in sentences. These slips are for me to
compare to their growth to the assessment at the end of the day. After the bell rings, the students will
then have 3 minutes to finish their entrance slip. When the three minutes are up, the students will then
turn the sheet in. I will then begin the lesson by showing the class the three School House Rock videos
( , , I will then start my presentation, and I will ask
students to take notes in their language binders. Here I will cover nouns, pronouns, and verbs. In my
PowerPoint, I will also explain the student learning objectives and the procedures for the remainder of
the day. After telling the students what the day will consist of, I will then tell them who is in the groups
together and where they need to meet in the classroom. After assigning groups, I will then ask the
students if they have any questions, and I will answer any questions that they may have. 

Teacher Directed (15 minutes):

In this part of the lesson, I will briefly explain what the lesson was about, and then I will play the parts of
the speech video. I will skip over one part and then pause the video after it talks about verbs to make
sure the video only touches on the parts of speech that were covered in class which were nouns,
pronouns, and verbs. Before I play Parts Of Speech | English Grammar Compilation For Kids | Roving
Genius - YouTube, I will instruct the students to continue the notes that they took from the lesson.
When I pause the video, I will explain to the students that we are saving those parts of the videos for the
next few lessons, but I will make sure they know that the video will be finished. This video will explain
the three parts of speech that we are learning in class more in-depth because sometimes children learn
better from someone else explaining the topic to them. After the video, we will discuss the notes that
they took and what notes they could add. If there is time remaining for the section, then I will write
examples on the whiteboard and call on students to help me answer them.  

Collaborative (10 minutes):

In the collaborative part of the lesson, the students will need to bring their iPads. The students' will then
each open SMART Notebook for iPad on the App Store ( If the students do not remember
how to get to their app or do not remember what to do, they can read the instructions posted on the
smartboard that I left up there in case they forgot what to do. Next, they will be instructed to discuss as
a group what they have learned and then, as a group, create two different sentences with a noun,
pronoun, and verb in them. The students should be writing the same sentence into the SMART
Notebook app, but they each should be writing it on their iPad. After they write their sentences, they
will then identify each part of speech in their sentences. The last step after a student labels the sentence
is then for the student to write how they know that the word they labeled is the correct part of speech. 

Independent Digital (15minutes):

For the independent digital part of the lesson, the students will then return to their seats. They
will then grab a worksheet that is from changing-nouns-to-pronouns.pdf ( The
worksheets will be handed out to each student, and this is to be filled out independently. In the
worksheet, the students will be given five sentences. Each sentence has one or more nouns placed in it.
The instructions on the worksheet will tell the student that they must rewrite the sentence and replace
the underlined nouns with pronouns. The students will then have to rewrite the whole sentence on the
lines provided below each question. After the student is finished with their worksheet, the student will
grab their iPad and open the website that leads to Ice Cream Talk - Learn Nouns & Verbs in a Yummy
Way • ABCya!. This game makes the student select the game they want to play. They will then select
"nouns and verbs." The game's objective is to help the monkey collect ten scoops of ice cream without
letting the monster collect any. The student can help the monkey earn a scoop of ice cream by selecting
the right nouns and verbs within the sentence, but if the student selects the incorrect noun or verb, the
monster gets a scoop of ice cream. If the student gets all ten scoops without the monster getting any,
then they will enter a bonus game. 

Closure (20 minutes):

In the closing part of the lesson, I will first start with instructing the students to open Play Kahoot! -
Enter game PIN here! on their iPads. I will also use my computer to display the Kahoot questions on the
smartboard. This should take about 7-10 minutes, depending on how fast the students answer the
questions. I will save the results of the Kahoot game to compare to the entrance slip that the students
filled out at the beginning of the class. I will compare the Kahoot game to the entrance slip to see how
much the student’s knowledge of the standards has improved. I will also use the data collected to reflect
on what I can do better as a teacher and how I may be able to improve my different styles of teaching.
After the Kahoot game is over, I will then instruct one person from each group to read one sentence
they wrote during the collaborative part of the lesson to the class. I will then ask them to pick out the
noun, pronoun, and verb in their sentence and explain how they know that that word is that specific
part of speech. After one person from each group has shared, I will then tell the class that they can get
prepared for the next subject. 

The three School House Rock Videos:
These three videos are free instructional videos made by School House Rock that are offered
through YouTube. These videos are easy to access and are very rich in content. The School
House Rock Videos teach the students more in-depth about Nouns, Pronouns, and Verbs. These
videos can be helpful to the students who learn by listening to music or just listening in general.
Another great thing about this video is that the teacher can insert closed captions for students
with a hearing disability. These videos are also beneficial because many students will think that
it is cool to have music involved in a lesson. So, this could lead the students to be motivated and
believe that learning can be fun and cool.
Parts of Speech Video:
This video is cartoon-based, and it is very instructional. This video goes more into depth about
nouns, pronouns, and verbs. Even though the video explains the parts of speech that were
already addressed, it helps students if they hear things multiple times. It is also free and easily
accessible to students who missed a day or two and need to review the video at home. Since
students like to watch television, I feel incorporating this video into the lesson will help students
stay engaged and be excited to learn. Like the previous video, I can turn on the closed captions
of the videos just in case a student in my classroom is deaf, hard of hearing or does not fluently
speak English. This can also help visual and auditory learners.
Smart Notebook App:
Smart Notebook is a free and easy-to-use app that the students will use to write down their
sentences. This app can create presentations, interactive whiteboards, or just be used to write
down ideas. This app can be used in multiple different lessons in multiple different ways.
Having a hands-on activity can benefit the hands-on learners. This can also help students with
nervous energy and students who feel like they cannot sit still. Using this app in their mall group
will help them focus on something else for a little while.
Nouns and Verbs Ice Cream Talk Game:
The Noun and Verbs Ice Cream Talk Game are a hands-on game that is free and easily
accessible to students. This game rewards students if they select the correct answer, and it
penalizes them if they choose the wrong answer. The game also gives an extra incentive to the
students who get all ten scoops of ice cream without getting any questions wrong. This will help
keep the students motivated to try their best and keep playing until they reach the bonus game.
When looking at this game, one can see that it lists the common core standards being studied.
The game does tell the student when they are correct or incorrect, but the only downfall is it does
not tell them why they are correct or incorrect. The directions of the game are read to the
students, so even if the student is not advanced enough to read the direction, the game reads it to
The Kahoot Game:
The Kahoot game is a trivia game for teachers and students. This website is one hundred percent
free and is easy to understand. Kahoot is where teachers can create trivia games about the lesson
to test students on what they just learned in class. If the teacher does not feel like creating a
game, then they can type what they are looking for in the search box and see if another person
has posted one they are looking for. This will help keep students involved in a fun way even
though it is the end of the lesson.

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