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Welcome to the 4th GATE where you can bask in the spiritual waters of the Moon

and Cancer. The Astral World is found here and so is the Door to the Soul where
you come and go in a given lifetime. Also found here are the pearls of wisdom
handed down from ancestral essences via the INFINITE, ancient prophecy, lunar
lore and the Houses built by the Zodiac. SELECTIONS: And So the Soul, the
Astral World, Lunar Lore, Zodiac Builders Inc.


In Esoteric Astrology it is believed that the Soul is breathed into the natal chart at a
point near the Nadir (the lowest point below the Earth opposite the Zenith) and the
Imum Colei (the North Angle or cusp of the 4th House). This "Door to the Soul" is
the entrance and exit point during a given lifetime. The accumulation of wisdom
and the experience of living from past lifetimes produces the current mode of
communicating foundational needs of an individual in the present life. This Soul
Essence can be gleaned from the sign on the North Angle and from any planets that
are in "applying" conjunct aspect (one degree or less) to the North Angle.

If a Mutable sign, Gemini, Virgo, or Sagittarius occupies the 4th House cusp, the
individual will approach basic needs with adaptability. Life is a continuing series
of impacts because he/she is easily influenced by others and the environment.

A Fixed sign, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius occupying the 4th House Cusp
signifies a life of testing, purging and cleansing. These individuals are subject to
quiet periods interrupted by sudden upsets. These will either be initiated by the
individual or come from outside influences. How much the individual suffers these
experiences depends upon how much information they need to move forward.

A Cardinal sign, Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn on the 4th House cusp indicates
a spiritual warrior who views the lessons of the current lifetime as an initiation in
moving closer to Source or God. These individuals will be a constant state of flux
and movement intellectually.
Planets conjunct the Imum Colei by applying aspect from the 3rd House at birth
relate to additional gifts brought in through the spirit.

SUN: The individual will relay a need to entertain others either through verbal
expression or physical expression. They will need to overcome material hurdles in
order to bring the total sum of self-expression to fruition since there is a strong
need for distinction in some area of life. The Sun connected to this point signifies
intellectual brilliance and a desire to investigate new things.

MOON: This is a strong position for the Moon. Individuals tend to be happiest
when they are around water - lakes, rivers, or the ocean. There is often a tendency
to wander from place to place because of incessant curiosity. Thought patterns are
greatly affected by emotions and the imagination.

MERCURY: The predisposition of Mercury conjunct this point indicates that the
individual has brought forth superior intellectual ability from past lifetimes from
both experience and heredity. There is often a love of books and/or libraries.
Originality and mental agility is often expressed via writing and/or speaking. The
individuals are also adept at problem solving. Retrograde Mercury indicates past
life lessons surrounding "speaking before thinking" which led to trouble. The
individual tends to be more pensive and takes the time to discern words rather than
blurting things out.

VENUS: The individual has a great love of and need for harmony. He or she is
also very concerned with self-improvement. There is an innate love of literature,
poetry and art and there is great ability in these categories. Social contacts are
scrutinized in an intellectual manner. Retrograde Venus indicates a need for
discernment when connecting to others so that relationships can be sustained in a
mature and productive manner.

MARS: Individualism is taken to new heights with this placement. The individual
has a strong tie to the Earth and is often a "do-it-yourself" type. The intellect is
very aggressive, the speech direct, and the nature resourceful. There may be a
tendency to jump to conclusions however, fast thinking makes this person good in
emergency situations. Some will express a desire for politics. Retrograde Mars
here indicates past lives connected to the military where discipline sometimes
required regrettable acts perpetrated upon others so there exists a need to overcome

JUPITER: This placement indicates need for religious/spiritual and/or educational

activity. The individual often comes across to others as "lucky." The mental
outlook is often optimistic, philosophic, perceptive, social/political and spiritual.
There is also an interest and tolerance for different belief systems and cultural
communication modes. Retrograde Jupiter indicates some past lifetimes of
persecution and the individual come full circle in this lifetime to overcome fear
when expressing innate wisdom and trusting the inner self.

SATURN: The individual struggles with balance usually when it comes to personal
and professional needs because of a strong drive and a need for accomplishment.
The mental outlook is disciplined, practical, and a bit judgmental. A gift for
methodology is highly apparent often expressed through powerful and innate
ability for mathematics and/or form. Retrograde Saturn indicates negative thinking
patterns from past lifetimes of difficulty with authority figures and power struggles
which call for a need to overcome impatience with others who are less gifted.

URANUS: The mental outlook is that of a visionary who has a penchant for the
contemporary including artifacts of unusual origin. The individual tends to be open
minded with concern for the facts and a distaste for anything that requires
"approval." He/she comes into the current incarnation with an innate sense of
brotherhood and with the Truth regarding Universal laws and principles. There is
often past life ability for the sciences and/or the occult. Retrograde Uranus
indicates rebel energy that runs with a strong stubborn streak and a need for
appreciation of structure and compromise.

NEPTUNE: This is a highly mystical and spiritual placement and the individual
has a strong attunement with the Earth and the forces of nature. Psychic ability and
a grand imagination need to be put to good use because the individual is subject to
"downloads" from higher planes of existence. The capacity for visualization is
highly developed and the individual sometimes expressed a need to be connected
to the mass media. If the individual has a penchant for writing a pseudonym will
often be used. Retrograde Neptune indicates past lifetimes of escapism and fear of
independence so the challenge is to become more self-reliant in the current
incarnation while using creative abilities to the fullest.

PLUTO: Higher spiritual faculties become more apparent as the individual ages
and matures in the current incarnation. There is an innate ability for the occult and
a strong connection to the Earth and what lies beneath the Earth. The mental
capacity is penetrating, scientific and resourceful with great comprehension of
fundamentals. Personal beliefs are strong and unyielding unless factual concrete
evidence to the contrary has been presented. Retrograde Pluto indicates past
lifetimes where the individual had experiences that promoted distrust in others
based upon blame for deeds and crimes uncommitted by the individual. The soul
essence is learning to trust the "self" in the current life so trusting others can

“We’re born knowing how to travel astrally, we routinely travel astrally while we
are asleep (an average of two or three times a week, in fact); astral travel lies at the
core of some of our most vivid and memorable ‘dreams’…”
- Psychic Sylvia Browne in Phenomena
“As soon as we fall asleep the mind lets go, our awareness deepens, and our
consciousness enters another realm – that of the soul and spirit”
- Chris Lüttichau in Animal Spirit Guides
“At some point, your soul was baptized in intelligence and, at the same time in
evolution, took up its work on the astral plane.”
- Mae Wilson Ludlum in Interpret Your Rays through the Planets

In the esoteric theosophy of the 7 RAYS, it is believed that during the hours of
sleep the Soul exits the physical body and travels to the Astral Plane where it
engages in a special brand of work that is correlated with an individual’s personal
plan of spiritual evolution. It remains attached to the body by a silver chord
governed by the planet Neptune so that it can return safely once the “Soul Work”
has been completed. Very few individuals will remember the experience of
working on the Astral Plane and those who do may simply remember any
incidence as simply a strange dream underscored by strong feelings of dedication
connected to the theme of the dream. According to 7 RAYS theosophy, work on
the Astral Plane is conducted in compliance with a specific Ray and the assignment
of that Ray. The following chart can be used to calculate that specific Astral Ray.
Simply look up your birth time to find the Astral Ray. The chart is set for E.T.
(Eastern Time) zone. If you live in a different time zone you must adjust the time
to E.S.T. For C.T. add 1 hour, M.T. add 2 hours, P.T. add 3 hours, YT add 4 hours,
AHT add 5 hours.
This is the Ray of the Magistrate and on the Astral Plane spiritual work includes a
position of leadership complete with fortitude, strength and authority.
Responsibilities include giving or receiving direction according to Divine Will as
well as planning and decision making. The ability to be resolute and self-governing
is the test for the Soul. Dream themes or Astral travel can include “being the boss”
such as holding a leadership position in war or battle or as a political guru who is
holding the strings of power or as an expert or pioneer in an unearthly field of
endeavor and discovery.

This is the Ray of the Seer who heals and works for the brotherhood of mankind.
As a spiritual humanitarian buoyed by an in-depth knowledge of cosmic
consciousness responsibilities include loving, reforming and illuminating. Souls
teach or receive instruction on how to become agents of goodwill in order to
benefit the collective whole. Cosmic healing work is taught and shared. The ability
to be “unity minded,” generous and objective is the test for the Soul. Dream
themes or Astral travel can sometimes include medical situations where the
individual holds a position of a “healing authority” OR engagement in a spiritual
healing venue where healing the likes of which have never been seen on Earth
have taken place.

This is the Ray of abstract understanding, idea conception and problem solving.
Working through this Ray the underlying principles of the Universe are understood
and taught and “handed down” to others in order that the information become
eternal. Respect is paid to “interpretation” of Divine thought and both older and
younger Souls focus attention on the “word.” The ability to teach or learn varied
subjects and their application is the assignment of the influence of this Ray. Tact
and diplomacy of communication and mastering the art of contemplation are the
tests for the Soul working under this Astral Ray. Dream themes or astral travel are
often filled with ancient concepts and places where the individual is shown the
wisdom of lost cultures whose traces will never be found upon the Earth. Themes
with philosophic overtones or meetings with Ascended Masters or other inter-
dimensional light beings also can occur.

This is the Ray of the creative genius who uses intuition as the pivotal force for
artistic expression. The influence of the Moon is strongly felt through this Ray as
hidden forces are captured and manifested in creative projects or expressions
usually through accumulated past memories. The work on the astral plane consists
of giving or receiving instruction in craftsmanship and cultural enlightenment. The
Soul is tested for its capability for balance and creating harmony and beauty from
chaos and that which is base by nature. Dream themes or Astral travel often consist
of acting or singing on the stage or in movies, building great and unusual designs
of architecture and remembering past lives and the people associated with them.

This is the Ray of the scientist, analyst and researcher. The goal is always to
ascertain the TRUTH and to teach or to learn Divine Law. Earthbound medical
breakthroughs can manifest in real time if memories of astral work can be
remembered upon waking. Deductive reasoning at the highest level is used to
analyze findings and then the answers to many questions are recorded in diaries or
books that fill the Collective Library. The Soul is literally a walking encyclopedia
of knowledge which is shared and discerned and therein lies the test. Dream
themes or astral travel includes the uncovering of nature’s secrets, medical
research, judicial situations such as acting as a judge or lawyer or experiencing,
seeing or creating Sacred Geometry.

This is the Ray of the idealist, philanthropist and revolutionary. Social

responsibility is taught or learned and put into Divine perspective so devotion and
loyalty to cause is conducted for the Collective good. Universal reformation and
the need to eliminate prejudice and persecution is embraced. The Soul is being
tested for waywardness, dedication, tolerance and the balance of objectivity with
psychic consciousness. Dream themes or Astral travel can include situations of
self-sacrifice or acting as a savior OR conversely, situations of glamour or fame.
Revelations of a religious or spiritual nature are also common.

This is the Ray of the cosmic magician, perfectionist and ritualist. On the Astral
Plane the Soul is teaching or learning about power and how to manifest expertise
according to choice. Etheric manipulation is common practice and because of this
arcane and occult responsibility is emphasized since both “light” and “dark”
influences are involved. The Soul is being tested as an initiate for its sense of
“order” with regards to the invisible sides of nature according to strict Divine
instruction. Dream themes or Astral travel often include situations surrounding
climbing the ladder to success, surviving or controlling storms or other powerful
acts of nature, the occult, arcane magick or sexual ritual.

Great importance has always been placed upon the Moon and the influence of
lunar energies upon the Earth and mankind. Even the legends of “Luna” have a
basis in truth. Here are some assorted Moon Marvels that should cultivate

The Goddess Energy in You…

Many people who are familiar with astrology know that part of the personality is
reflected by the sign the natal Moon occupies but the actual phase of the Moon at
birth also relates to the personality and is further influenced by “Goddess Energy.”

Traditionally, historically and culturally there are many deities who are associated
with the Moon and the following is short list of those connections. (Moon phase
information connected to one’s birth data can usually be found in an Ephemeris
either online or published or via an astrologer.)
What does the phase of your Birth Moon say about your personality?


NEW MOON (0-45 degrees ahead of Sun): Impulsive, naïve, and aggressive, you
want to make your mark upon the world. Personal vision is the driving force that
seeds the future. Remember to remain objective and appreciate the ideas of others.


CRESCENT MOON (45-90 degrees ahead of Sun): Confident and self-assured,

you love to challenge established order and the status quo. Action is your sword
but you will not wield it well if you become frustrated by lack of momentum.

FIRST QUARTER MOON (90-135 degrees ahead of Sun): You are eager to grasp
life by the forelock and display excellent leadership qualities. You love the new
and have little use for the old. Be mindful of naturally egocentric responses and
need for power plays.


GIBBOUS MOON (135-180 degrees ahead of Sun): You are introspective and
concerned with personal growth and self-expression. You are curious, intellectual,
and analytical focusing your energies towards a specific goal. Make sure your
purpose is well defined.

FULL MOON (180-135 degrees behind Sun): You are open with your emotional
responses and can use the great clarity of your mind to integrate with the collective
forces. Balance is key for you - without it you will not implement your ideals.


DISSEMINATING MOON (135-190 behind Sun): You are a great assimilator of

perceptions, ideas and revelations capable of synthesizing all knowledge into a
cohesive format. Your power of inspiration makes you a great teacher or crusader -
just avoid fanaticism.

THIRD QUARTER MOON: (90-45 degrees behind Sun): Your personal

commitment to ideals is based on integrity and principle. You often feel alienated
from the masses but have a pioneering destiny to fulfill. Don’t let a vulnerability to
criticism hold you back.


BALSAMIC MOON: 45-0 degrees behind Sun): You are future oriented with a
sense of mission. You may be required to make personal sacrifices to achieve

The Lunar Zodiac...

By now you've probably heard of the 13th sign of the Real Solar Zodiac known as
Ophiuchus but did you know that here is a Lunar Zodiac that some archeologists
believe predates any Solar Zodiac of antiquity? The Lunar or "Moon Zodiac" has
been proposed by several researchers including American James Vogh. His
greatest piece of evidence is a mosaic tile (pictured above) from a Jewish Gnostic
synagogue, Beth Alpha, in Jezreel Valley in Israel. The tile depicts the regular
Solar signs as they are understood by most cultures however Vogh claims the tile
has been obviously altered to eliminate a thirteenth section and sign that he
believes fell between the signs of Taurus and Gemini. In the middle of the tile sits
a spider like depiction of Arachne a Cretan spider goddess with thirteen items in
her headdress and the Moon over her left shoulder. Vogh claims that this is the
13th sign of the Moon Zodiac. He goes on further to state that this spider goddess,
the well-known Moon goddess of folklore and the universal Earth mother are one
and the same. For more information on Vogh's theories, his book on the subject is
Arachne Rising: the Thirteenth Sign.

Moon Phases and the Paranormal...

Did you know that the energy connected to paranormal events is often
connected to the phase of the Moon?

NEW MOON: (0-45 degrees ahead of Sun): Occult energies may be impulsive,
and aggressive, wanting "attention." There is a "reach out and touch response"
where investigators sometimes feel a brush, tickle, or pressure from unknown

BLACK MOON: (Second NEW MOON in the course of a single calendar month):
Highly occult energy that opens a portal to other dimensions including everything
from the Faerie Kingdom to the Realm of the Ascended Masters as well as the
spectral world. Altered states of awareness and higher consciousness are present.

CRESCENT MOON: (45-90 degrees ahead of Sun): Occult energies may seem to
occur in "slow motion" because they are subject to a lack of momentum.

FIRST QUARTER MOON: (90-135 degrees ahead of Sun): Occult energies are
"challenging" and looking for a "power-up."

GIBBOUS MOON: (135-180 degrees ahead of Sun): Occult energies are strong,
moving toward full response and very perceivable.
FULL MOON: (180-135 degrees behind Sun): Occult energies are in "full"
response and a variety of conditions are possible. The most powerful occult
situations occur during the Full Moon.

DISSEMINATING MOON: (135-190 behind Sun): Occult energies are

"perceivable" but may be hard to pin down.

THIRD QUARTER MOON: (90-45 degrees behind Sun): Occult energies will try
to "alienate" or hide themselves from the environment and contact although they
are still perceivable.

BALSAMIC MOON: (45-0 degrees behind Sun): Occult energies are not in full
response and may show up erratically in a teasing fashion. A variety of conditions
are possible.

VOID OF COURSE MOON: The Moon makes no aspects while in transition of

changing signs. The occult energies are "open" to any conditions. A Void Of
Course Moon is often active during restored scenes, residual play-backs or time

BLUE MOON: (If a second Full Moon occurs in the same month): Troubled
energies. Investigators will be confronted with full response energies but are very
likely to have more than normal problems with equipment, team members and the
spirits themselves!

By sign:

ARIES: Spirits can be temperamental, angry or boisterous such as in poltergeist

attack. Physical harm can come to investigators.

AURUS: Spirits will hold their ground and may force expulsion or not allow entry.
("Get Out!")

GEMINI: Spirits are communicative-good for detection of messages by EVP or

spirit to light meter response.

CANCER: Spirit activity is tied to residual emotion. Spirits might respond to

mediums they feel are understanding.

LEO: Spirit activity can be playful or pushy. Full spectromatic color or tones may
be visible in manifestation. Restored scenes can play out like a motion picture.
VIRGO: Dark colored or indefinite specters. Investigators can experience sickness
or nausea during investigations due to residual energies or warnings.

LIBRA: Good for investigation of haunted objects such as furniture, artwork or

personal belongings.

SCORPIO: Lower realm entities or demonics can be present. Good for

investigation of cemeteries and matters connected to the dead. Also good for
investigation using psychometry.

SAGITTARIUS: Good for exploration of layered spiritual realms and getting to

the truth of unsolved mysteries.

CAPRICORN: Good for investigation in churchyards, mortuaries, enclosed,

underground or dark places and for contact with those who have recently passed

AQUARIUS: Good for detection results with high tech paranormal equipment.
Investigators may experience a touch or brush sensation from spirits.

PISCES: Spiritual channels/floodgates are open - good for release of spirits to a

higher realm and séances.


The wisdom of Romany tradition has been passed down from generation to
generation. Keen observation of human behavior and heavenly influence on life
itself provides insight that cannot be ignored for the accuracy of the Romany is
Gypsy divination tools are simple such as sticks, stones, knives, needles, cards, and
dice. Interpretation of the weather, the actions of animals, a person’s body marks
and moles and hands AND last but not least the phases of the great nocturnal light
– La Luna bear uncanny truth.
What does the phase of the Moon relating to your birth say about you?


“You will have a long life.”
During the first 24 hours – A lucky life.
The 2nd Day – An exceptionally lucky life.
The 3rd Day – Important and influential friends.
The 4th Day – An up and down life with luck then reverses.
The 5th OR 6th Day- Pride will be your downfall.
The 7th Day – You must keep your wishes secret if you want then to


“You will accomplish more than your parents.”

The 1st Day – Great prosperity.

The 2nd Day – An easy life.
The 3rd Day – Wealth comes through travel.


“Doggedness and focus will help you overcome difficulties.”

The 1st Day – Success on another continent.

The 2nd Day – Success in business.
The 3rd Day – Success through using intuition.
The 4th Day – Great bravery.
The 5th Day – Be very careful with money and resources.
The 6th OR 7th Day – Great strength.


“You will be honest and affectionate.”

The 1st OR 2nd Day – You are happiest at home.

The 3rd Day – Dependable.
The 4th Day – Sensitive and empathic.
The 5th Day – Capacity to make an ideal parent.
The 6th OR 7th Day – Able to acquire money or non-material wealth via


There's a Man in the Moon and he's made of green cheese -

And if you lose something he'll snatch it with ease -

For everyone knows all things lost end up on the Moon -

Never to be returned anytime soon -

So as you gaze at the lunar light -

Lock up your goods and keep them out of sight!

There are many strange and humorous superstitions connected to the Moon. Here
are some of the most amusing...

 A form of madness known as being "moonstruck" will occur if you sleep

under the light of the Moon.
 A great cure for warts is to wash your hands in a metal basin by Moonlight.
 Blowing nine times on a wart during a Full Moon will make it go away.

 A good time to cut your hair is when the Moon is waxing. It is especially
beneficial if the waxing Moon is in the sign of Leo or Aquarius. Make sure
the day is not Friday.
 It is considered very unlucky to point at the Moon.

 If you make a wish while looking at a New Moon your wish will come true
by the end of the year.
 It is bad luck to bury a body or dig a grave during a New Moon.

 It is lucky to see a Crescent Moon over your left shoulder or a New Moon
over your right shoulder.
 Two Full Moons (the second occurrence known as a Blue Moon) in the same
month means the following month will have severe weather.
 Being married during a Full Moon is very fortuitous.

 Children born under a Full Moon grow to be very strong.

 Women who stare at a Full Moon or lay down under its light will become
pregnant and give birth to a monster (most likely a werewolf).

 Never try to commit robbery on the third day of a Full Moon - you'll fail!
 Looking the Moon through glass or through tree limbs is bad luck.
 Lovers who cross the Moon line together will never marry.

 If you carry silver coins in your pocket and turn them over during the light
of a New Moon you'll never want for anything.

 The Full Moon is the best time for curing illness.

 All lost items that remain unfound are stored on the Moon.


Unlocking the Self

ROOM 1 - The Entry

(Natural Astrological First House & Residential Energy of Aries)

Home Sweet Home! Before you step inside stand on the front stoop for a moment
and look around. Notice the front door. It is the first thing that others see when
they come to visit and encounter you. It is colored by the sign occupying your
Ascendant which dictates the first impression you make upon others. What color is
your door? Is it a vibrant fiery hue, a deep and dark earthy tone, an unusual light
airy tint or a mysterious almost undefinable color? Does the door make a bold
architectural statement, is it ornate or is it more subtle by design? How is your
approach to others – introvert, extrovert or a something in between?

ROOM 2 -The Vault & Storage

(Natural Astrological 2nd House & Residential Energy of Taurus)

What's in your wallet? More importantly, what do you value? In this room we store
many important things - our physical and material possessions and our skills,
innate talents and special gifts. Esoteric astrologers consider the 2nd house in a
natal chart to be an indicator of the nature of the Ascendant in the next future
incarnation so how we handle all of our spiritual resources and how we experience
the physical world becomes very important. Often what we "accrue" in life is tied
to the sense of self-worth and how we use our abilities to further define the "Self."
From the moment of birth we are in a constant state of flux developing the things
we "possess" outside of our own bodies such as practical abilities, a clever intellect
and creative or artistic talents. All of these things and more shape our identities
thus giving us a stronger sense of security.

Security represents many different things to people depending upon whichever

sign designates the House cusp influencing what is kept in "the vault." Manna
(money) is important to all of the signs because it is the main survival mechanism
of life but each sign will take a different approach to sustain security.

Fire signs such as Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius find security through actualization
and physically using talents and abilities to accrue what is needed. These signs
tend to "burn" up or waste Manna but they have the confidence and wherewithal to
accrue more when needed.
Earth signs such a Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn strive to develop and concretize
material possessions and often display natural good taste and savior-faire. They
tend to be "savers" who believe in "never a borrower or lender be."

Air signs such as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius place great importance upon having
enough knowledge to get things done in order to feel safe. They adhere to "put
your money where your mouth is."

Water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are all philosophically spiritual and
need to satisfy that strong undercurrent in order to "feel" secure as well as "be"
secure. These signs tend to hoard Manna or aimlessly give it away to the

ROOM 3 - The Home Communication Center

(Natural Astrological 3rd House & Residential Energy of Gemini)

"Find your Voice..." is the catchphrase advised to literary aspirants regarding their
personal communicative expression. One does not have to be a genius when it
comes to communicative mode -everyone has a unique manner of speaking,
thinking, learning and interacting with the immediate environment. Traditionally,
astrologers refer to this room as the realm of the "concrete" mind where reason
rules language, symbols and concepts. It is where the left side of the brain gathers
facts, rationalizes them and compartmentalizes them with regard to personal

Perception and preconception are also prominent factors colored by the sign
occupying the cusp of the 3rd House and any placements within the House. How
do you see the glass? Is it half full or half empty? Is it a beautiful day in the
neighborhood or the same old street where you live? Are you a serious deliberator
or a comedian?
Those with Fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius referencing this House cusp and
the Door of this Room are often talented and creative communicators with a good
grasp of debate laced with aggression. They are often power thinkers with
visionary expression.

The Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn on this cusp tend to be deep thinkers
who are very deliberate in forming ideas. Often there is care given to expression
with nothing being written or spoken unless there is a defined reason for doing so.

The Air signs on this cusp, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius have a real gift for
expression and plenty of yakity-yak although it is expressed with grace and
aplomb. These signs express originality and versatility and like their intelligence
recognized by others. Intuition can be put into practical application.

The Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces exhibit plenty of fluctuation in
communication but it never lacks frankness. Emotion is often expressed in speech
as is insight based upon intuition. Often their delivery is like listening to beautiful
music OR cryptic and mysterious depending upon what they are trying to relate to

ROOM 4 - The Personal Space

(Natural Astrological 4th House & Residential Energy of Cancer)

In mundane astrology the 4th House represents the core of being or one's inner
sanctum. It is the place where an individual's personal conditioning and
psychology from early childhood, the latent past, and even past lives have
tremendous power over one's well-being. Memories are stored here and it is the
area of a natal chart where Déjà vu which is often considered a past life memory
can manifest. It is also the place of sanctuary and return that acts as the
springboard to the outside world. If viewed as an individual's place of "origin" then
it is also the place of "evolution" because it is here that our innate prenatal
predispositions are further enhanced by our current life process of self-discovery
via experiences, interpretations and expectations. Many astrologers consider the
analysis of the traditional 4th house as representative of conditions surrounding the
second half of life where all that has been held deep within us comes out in the
"end." The "end" of life is also depicted by 4th House energies.

This room is always hidden or closed off from the rest of the house. It is reserved
for personal and private time although it can be shared with family and friends
because even though we might go there to be alone from time to time, we also go
there to share a sense of connection to others and the Universe. It is the place
where we think about who we are and what has shaped us as we muse trough the
family photograph album, boxes of mementos and genealogy documents. How do
you engage your own self-reflection?

The Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius on the cusp of this House and Door to
this Room pursue self-analysis aggressively, creatively and intelligently. These
sign signatures tend to "look beyond" the mundane with vision for the future. They
will defend the right to privacy ardently and will face the "self" head on.

The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn take a practical approach to the inner
self and have no problem seeking outside therapy if dealing with the drama and
trauma of the "self" needs assistance in being brought to the surface.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are adept at "self" talk when getting to
the root of the matter.

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces eventually disclose in rather dramatic
fashion truths about themselves that they have held hidden for years.

ROOM 5 - The Recreation Room

(Natural Astrological 5th House & Residential Energy of Leo)
What time is the game on? Do you want to play Nintendo wii or work on a craft?
What about that picture you're painting? Are you going to the race track this
weekend? Did you buy your daily lottery tickets? Are you still taking dancing
lessons? Are you in love this week... or are you in love with love? Essentially
speaking - what makes you feel good, special and unique? Aside from all the fun
afforded by this room, it is here where we shine creatively from the inside out!
Traditionally this room is referenced with the 5th House of a natal chart which
governs creative expression and artistic endeavors as well as competition and,
well... cheap sex.

The ability to procreate is also found here so all things related to children including
our own inner child is prominent when we enter this room. How spontaneous is
your inner child? Have you for most of your life been over-concerned with your
parent’s standards and expectations feeling that your true sense of creativity has
been corralled or squashed OR have you been able to assert your own uniqueness
and achieve your desires by exercising your creative outpourings? This does not
mean that everyone is a Picasso or Rembrandt but everyone does have a level of
creativity that makes life pleasant and fun when engaged. Esoteric Astrologers
believe that the 5th House dictates the Soul Destiny one will fulfill in the next
lifetime according to the sign on the cusp and how creatively you have lived in the
most current past lifetime.

When Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius designate this House cusp and Door of
this Room there often tends to be ability for athletics and sports. This physical
extension ranges from the arm chair enthusiast to the Olympian. Sexually there is a
sense of power and self-worth that highlights the ability to give pleasure.

The Earth signs here, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn exude sensuality and are tactile
by nature. They are often adept at some type of handiwork that can be practical
such as sewing and carpentry or artistic such as painting or cooking. They are
grounded lovers with the ability to "produce."

The Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius found here are more mental by design.
There is often a flair for writing or speaking and acting. As lovers they tend to be
rather fickle but a great deal of fun often laces their romantic endeavors so it is
never boring.

The Water signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces found here tend to be very artistically
talented with proficiency in dance, music, photography and poetic writing. They
produce joyfully and straight from the heart. Romance with these signs can be
exciting... either passionate or gut-wrenching AND never boring! Remember still
waters run deep!

ROOM 6 - The Home Spa

(Natural Astrological 6th House & Residential Energy of Virgo)

This is the room where we "perfect ourselves" because our true vocation in life is
to be our "best selves." In traditional astrology this is the House of Health and
Work both of which are necessary for daily existence. It is also the place where we
deal with priorities and how we deal our own limitations and capacity for service
to the community at large and on a grander scale - humanity. We not only "weigh"
our physical bodies here but also weigh our capacity for the truth of reality which
includes boundaries. So, the mind-body connection is found here along with the
propensity for dis-ease and how to prevent it. There is such an emphasis on health
concerning this space that many astrologers believe that planetary occupancy and
weight here often indicates skill for healing in traditional medicine as well as
holistics and alternative medicine.

In this room we make decisions and establish priorities including everything from
choosing our daily wardrobe to patterning our lives. We not only figure out what
we are going to do but exactly how we are going to do it for the best possible
results so the mind, body and spirit work together harmoniously.

If a Fire sign, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius appears on the Cusp of this House and Door
of this Room, a need for independence colors everyday affairs. The physical body
is pushed hard because these signs will ignore boundaries. Matters of "self-
improvement" take precedence and these signs often take on more than they can

If an Earth sign, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn appears mundane affairs are handled
with stamina, strength, practicality and determination. Time and priorities go hand
in hand and there is often an overriding need to "be busy." Organizational and
administrative ability is strong as is an eye for detail. These signs can be overly
critical of themselves and others and need to employ harmony to achieve balance.

The Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are happiest when engaging everyday
affairs on the mental level. In all things they believe in "mind over matter"
concerning both business dealings and health and fully understand the importance
of developing a good relationship with the body and mind. These signs are busy
and also push boundaries. They cannot be bothered with too much triviality or
repetitiveness...if they feel "trapped" in the mundane they can literally become ill.

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces seek security in daily ritual. They
need to feel "emotionally engaged" in their work and rely a good deal upon
instinct. They understand that negative thoughts and feelings can take a toll on the
physical body. These signs are dedicated to whatever type of work they are
performing and have a need to "improve" their lot in life. They often possess
healing gifts and are adept at bringing that which has been divinely inspired into
concrete manifestation to serve the greater whole.

Each sign of the Zodiac has a distinctive mode of dress. Whatever sign occupies
the 6th House Cusp of a natal chart will influence an individual's fashion sense...

Aries: "Fashion Statement"... Ariens are thought to love the color red but truth be
known they are fond of all the "hot hues" found in a flame... white, orange, red,
yellow and blue. They like to wear the latest fashions and since they love attention,
they don't mind standing out in a crowd. These folks are often successful in the
business world and dress impeccably. Since they are "power players" they wear
power suits and are fond of monochromatic looks that "make a statement" or will
wear a classic look interrupted by brightly colored tie, scarf or vest. They are not
too particularly fond of patterns as they like clean simple lines in clothing but
should they decide to wear patterned clothing it would most likely be of fabrics
with fine lines or pinstripes or patterns that depict sharp angles. Since Aries rules
the head, hats and other head adornments such as barrettes, earrings and even
cranial tattoos are also favored by this energy. Power color: orange, white.

Taurus: "Impeccable" ... There is a love of clothing that is comfortable but it must
always be in good taste. This is a tactile influence so soft cottons, silks and linen
are preferred. Taurus is not necessarily interested in the latest fashion but is
interested in "quality." Only the best fabrics and manufacturers will do and if a
quality item is on sale so much the better! Earth tones, neutral colors and pastels
are pleasing to this sign's senses. Delicate florals or fabrics that depict rhythmic
scrolls are preferred when patterns are worn. Since Taurus rules the neck this
energy does not shy away from wearing fine jewelry such as necklaces that make a
statement or generous flowing scarves or designer ties. Power color: pale green.

Gemini: "Anything goes!”... Literally! The dual energy of this sign likes all kinds
of looks and styles with outfits for every occasion. The more versatile, funky or
youth oriented the clothing the better! Novelty clothing items are fascinating to
Gemini no matter how weird! Color is a must as are mixed pattern fabrics. This is a
sign of "movement" so all clothing whether it be a formal gown or sportswear must
correspond. Mix and Match is a concept that works extremely well for this sign.
Gemini rules the hands, arms and shoulders and bracelets, watches, rings and
gloves are must have accessories. Females also have an affinity for purses and
wallets and tops and dresses that show off the shoulders. Power color: electric blue.

Cancer: "Vintage" ... This sign rules a love of the past and that which traditionally
survives time. Females prefer soft cozy fabrics including velour, terry cloth and
even flannel and other fabrics that have an iridescent or shiny hue such as metalics.
Fabric patterns are nonlinear and irregularly curved. They are often fond of
wearing pearl and/or silver jewelry. Both male and female influenced by this sign
insist upon quality and are very likely to wear their clothing until it is worn out!
They are true believers in fashion repeating itself and hold onto clothing until it
comes back in style. Clothing that conceals and flows such as tunics and long coats
are also popular under this influence. Power color: periwinkle.

Leo: "Luxurious"... Only the best will do for this sign. Even if the most expensive
items are out of personal price range, the less expensive items will look designer.
Jewelry is a must and can range from gaudy to elite. This sign likes glitter and
shine so sequins, satins and silks fill the wardrobe. Wild animal prints are also a
favorite of this sign. Clothing for both male and female tends to be dramatic with
plenty of golden hues. Public image is very important and this sign signature never
leaves the house looking sloppy. Females always wear make-up. Lavish spending
is also typical and while the wallet may be empty and the credit card overdrawn the
closet will be full to the brim! Power color: red, magenta.

Virgo: "Polished" ... This sign always sports a "put together" look. They are neat
and polished in appearance even when they go "casual." Virgos pay great attention
to detail and enjoy wearing conservative tailored clothing. They are not into flash
and love a bargain as long as it represents quality. They are often fond of black and
white, hounds tooth plaid, harlequin plaid, speckled weaves and color block
clothing. They also enjoy wearing navy blue and gray clothing since they consider
these colors the hues of refinement and good taste. Females also enjoy wearing
shades of violet and yellow-green. Power color: yellow.

Libra: "Tailored Perfection"... The rule of thumb is that you will never see a dirty
or disheveled Libra! This sign signature loves clothes and is very fashion
conscious! They have an excellent sense of color and style. Females prefer
romantic fabrics like lace and soft florals and males insist upon tailored suits with a
pastel shirt and silk tie. Jewelry is a must for both male and female as are perfume
or cologne. Silk, fine linen, taffeta and fur are the choices of this sign. Color is an
open option as long as it reflects refinement. Power color: turquoise.

Scorpio: "Seductive"... Scorpio loves to create an air of mystery and regardless of

what they are wearing one is often left wondering what's underneath! They are
fond of clothing that entices and will show just enough to keep you guessing. This
sign signature is fond of leather and suede and generally tend to prefer the colors of
passion crimson, burgundy and especially black. Females sport sexy underwear
and have an affinity for boots and high heels. Male and female under this influence
seem to have a love of sunglasses and often own several pair. Power color: gold.

Sagittarius: "Gypsy Chic"... This sign loves freedom so clothing must be

comfortable and often sporty. Jeans, over-sized jackets and shirts and several pair
of tennis shows area must! Fine fur, wool, tweed, flannel and leather fabrics are
favored and paisley patterns cannot be ignored. For the most part when it comes to
color the sky's the limit but shades of purple and blue seem to be favored by
females influenced by this sign and the jewelry of choice is often handmade and
set with natural stones such as turquoise and agate. Wash and wear and "no iron"
clothing was made for this sign signature since the influence is always on the
move. The gents definitely prefer sports or outdoor clothing. Power color: silver.

Capricorn: "Understated Elegance"... This sign desires well fitted tailored clothing
preferably designer. Brown, charcoal gray, tan, dark blue and black are the colors
of choice. This sign is not interested in flash but is interested in "status" and will
spend a good deal of money on everything from wallets to shoes. Even casual
clothing and underwear tends to be "label only." The same goes for jewelry which
is never cheap, gaudy or glitzy. Power color: light blue, lavender.

Aquarius: "Original"... Only the latest and greatest for this sign even if it goes out
of style in one week! Fashion fad imbues the wardrobe as does breaking any and
all fashion rules. The best part is that this sign influence can always pull off the
most bizarre clothing concepts by mixing fabrics, styles and patterns. Plaid and
asymmetrical patterned fabrics are favorites as are most shades of blue particularly
electric blue as well as all neon colors. Power color: crimson.

Pisces: "Flowing"... Pisces rules the feet and this sign loves to collect shoes and all
types of stockings or socks. This sign likes the "layered look" and females often
wear shirts or dresses over leggings. They like romantic fashion and clothing made
of soft shimmery fabrics such as chiffon. Males prefer dressy casual over tailored
suits. Both male and female tend to wear too much jewelry and have no problem
mixing precious metals (although platinum is a favorite) and gemstones. This sign
signature will wear pajamas or loungewear all day if it is not required to leave the
house. Cotton is the fabric of choice and soft "sea" colors like green and blue and
sometimes lavender are preferred. Pattern choice tends to be nebulous with no
form much like an abstract watercolor painting. Power color: purple.

ROOM 7 - The Guest Room

(Natural Astrological 7th House & the Residential Energy of Libra)

In traditional astrology, the 7th House is the house of "others" or in other words
anyone who is not you! We experience this house through relationships and
contractual arrangements and romantic commitments. In this room we attract and
interact with others and realize the significance of others in our lives for good or ill
for not everyone who occupies the guest room is a friend and might even be an
open enemy. Even more important, our awareness of another while visiting in the
guest room just might show us a part of our own "self" that is hidden from us or
that we refuse to see. According to Universal Law this is exactly what we will

Libra, the great balancer, who rules the energy of this room demands that in this
space we must learn to cooperate with others. The scales however cannot be tipped
too far in this direction because to do so means one's identity falls under jeopardy.
So the idea is equity without identity deprivation.

The Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius designating the Cusp of this House or
Door of this Room all have a strong sense of their own personal power and will
enhance their own individuality by seeking out relationships and partnerships with
a purpose. They tend to come on strong will try to rush things. They will take
advantage of romantic "opportunity" should it be presented but may not always
stick around for the full haul. These signs must learn to balance an over-riding
need for independence with the need for security.

The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn feel the most complete if they are
involved in a steady relationship. They love to be in love but do have some
problems with their expectations of others and become disturbed and critical when
perfection isn't available. Often they attract someone who is non-comital because
they have over-analyzed the situation or because they inwardly fear commitment.
These signs must learn to balance their idealism with human imperfection and to
stop blaming Fate for their romantic dissatisfaction.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius look for a creative relationship with
interests outside of the relationship so they can maintain their sense of identity.
They will choose someone who has he qualities that are latent or missing in the
"self" so they can develop those traits. Objectivity and a degree of detachment is
necessary for these signs to sustain anything long lasting. As long as the
relationship stays in motion and keeps on transforming, the "newness" of it all
keeps these signs interested. These signs are learning "people skills" such as tact
and must guard against acting over-cooperative just in order to be accepted or for
the sake of being included.
The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are the most likely to sacrifice their
identity for another. This is mainly because they are over sensitive and over
adaptive to the needs of others. They also look for ideal love and/or someone they
can "save." They tend to be drawn to artistic or inspirational types and somewhere
along the line usually find out that their beloved who they have placed on a
pedestal actually has clay feet. Why do they seem to like playing the role of
victim? Relationships for them are merely catalysts for personal change, growth
and transformation. Relating to others is very much a karmic set-up whereby they
deal with the dark side and a range of human emotions such as jealousy, envy,
rage, treachery, possessiveness, vindictiveness, betrayal and any other form of
angst. It simply is required. These signs need to learn discretion in order to
minimize attracting emotionally unstable and idiosyncratic partners who literally
"live out" the traits that these signs do not recognize in themselves or for which
they harbor guilt.

ROOM 8 - The Bedroom

(Natural Astrological 8th House & Residential Energy of Scorpio)

"Ah! Sweet mystery of life, at last I've found you!" Even though this is the
traditional astrological house of sex it has a few other labels including death,
psychology, the occult, and jointly held finances and taxes. Despite these mundane
labels this is a house of self-value and its influence refers to how one accepts and
values the catalyst for change within the "self" via intimate relationships and
shared experience. This is no walk in the park because we enter this room with a
psychological inheritance based upon early life dramas and traumas with parents
and family that requires us to transform in order to exhume our souls from the dark

This is a very private room where we face our deepest fears and harbor many
secrets. When we engage in intimacy with another we are completely exposed...
our souls along with our bodies and all the unresolved muck and mire from the past
comes to the surface so we can regenerate irrational fears into a form of healthy
transcendence and new "self" mastery. This purging allows trapped psychic energy
to be released and then reintegrated back into the psyche where it can be re-
programmed more productively for constructive life use.

The sign that appears on the 8th House Cusp or the Door to this Room says
volumes about how an individual will process the personal catalyst for change.
The Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius operate jointly with another based upon
the premise of give and take. They exhibit a great deal of virtue and will try to
persuade another into sharing their personal beliefs and values system. Passion
runs strong and physical sex is almost considered a contest or sport. There is also
strong interest in the occult and the mysteries of life including death both physical
and metaphoric that will be discussed openly with a partner.

The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are interested in getting to the bottom
line regarding the less obvious or secrets of life. They are investigative by nature
and therefore detached in their approach to others which can either arouse passion
or fear in others. Sex can be used as a manipulation or entrapment due to insecurity
and trust issues about giving and receiving.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are interested in observing what
happens between people and tend to run hot and cold engaging in either excessive
or extreme passion to ice cold detachment. They will sometimes redirect libidinal
drives and urges into "other" outlets in order to escape primal instincts. They are
often very interested in metaphysical and occult subjects and a need to probe
beneath the surface of the Laws of Nature.

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces often deal with strong unconscious
complexes that interfere with intimacy. Sex is considered the way to merge with
another and therefore transcending the limits of the "self." These signs are very
tuned into occult powers and undercurrents and have an uncanny understanding of
the psychological and emotional make-up of another person.

ROOM 9 - The Library

(Natural Astrological 9th House & Residential Energy of Sagittarius)

As the old adage goes, "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" OR
"Get enlightened!" This is exactly what happens when we go to the library for
amongst the stacks of knowledge and tomes of wisdom we can learn the Truth or at
least our own truth. Traditional astrology tells us that this is the house of foreign
travel, philosophy, religion and higher concepts AND that here we broaden our
horizons through advanced formal education or better yet through a "self" taught
process. In this room we contemplate the Universe and the Divine and come face
to face with the premise that there is something greater out there which is mind

As we infuse our higher minds with abstractions and analysis we stretch our brains
and begin to apply the archetypes we encounter into our mundane existence. In the
best case scenario our experiences confer upon us an unusual degree of foresight
which we then use to push ourselves in a new and better life direction. We become
less afraid of the future and more willing to break down boundaries making us
more able to fulfill our potential.

The Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius appearing on the Cusp of this House or
Door to this Room indicates the individual who is always contemplating the
"meaning" of existence. These signs read and/or travel extensively. They zealously
pursue The Truth and often believe their version of the Truth is the only one. Fire
signs love to learn... anything... and for them a little knowledge can sometimes be a
dangerous thing if they fail to integrate it properly into their personalities. The

Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn enjoy philosophy and culture studies and
will explore them in depth. These signs derive happiness and peace from their
personal belief systems but only if those beliefs work in a practical way in their
everyday affairs. They have a serious and methodical approach to education and
learning and tend to be more conventional or orthodox about their spirituality or

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius tend to have progressive views about
education. They also like to break down the truth in order to revamp their personal
vision. Air signs will explore many different cultures and philosophies often
simultaneously. Humanitarianism is also high on their list.

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have great receptivity and access to
higher concepts which the rational mind cannot comprehend or accept. In other
words they probe deep! They love to travel particularly abroad and will often
change their focus of study during their educational career. Religion and/or
philosophy are often laced with devotion which sometimes leads them down the
path of deception if they lack discernment.
ROOM 10 - The View from the Roof
(Natural Astrological 10th House & Residential Energy of Capricorn)

What better place to get the grand view of life than up on the roof? According to
traditional astrology the 10th House represents career and our public standing. Our
ambition is found here with the propensity for worldly success and our
responsibility to society at large.

When we go up to the roof we can visually see for miles while we ponder our life's
path. It is here that we decide what type of image to present to the world and how
we will go about achieving what we want out of life complete with honors and
recognition. Esoterically speaking, the rewards of karma and how we accept out
spiritually destiny is also found here.

Just how we achieve status, prestige, or even fame depends largely upon our
capacity to use our talents to compete and strategize. How we interact with
authority or symbols of power also play an important role in winning the game. It
can be very lonely at the top but such is the price of being respected and lauded.

How is your view from the roof and how do you plan your next life move? Do you
believe hard work and playing by the rules is the only way to success OR do you
think an original approach brings more status?

If a Fire sign, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius appears on the 10th House Cusp or the
Door to this Room part of your identity is caught up in what you achieve
professionally. These signs like to be admired for their intellect and strategic
prowess and are brilliant leaders. They are highly assertive and never intend to go
unnoticed. They want to be "remembered" for having done something "worthy"
that is generationally long-lasting. Honor and dignity are paramount to these signs.

The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are very sensitive about the way they
are seen by others and never ever like to appear foolish or stupid. They are very
determined and enjoy outward displays of power and status. They often prefer the
more traditional road to success and are concerned with what is "socially
acceptable" to such an extreme that they are often very critical of others who
achieve success in an "outside of the box" manner.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius often have more than one important life
agenda. For them total achievement and success includes not only pursuing
personal ambition but what else can be learned about themselves and the
environment at large within those pursuits. These signs do not like to be seen as
"ordinary" and strive to achieve something unique while contributing something
progressive to society.

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are very sensitive about their
reputations and how they are seen by others. They prefer to be idealized by the
public and usually are held in high regard. They are mesmerizing and magnetic
mainly because they are capable of capturing the collective imagination. They are
also prone to the most public scandal because of that ability. Their pursuit of
ambition must be meaningful and exciting and some type of "reform" needs to be

ROOM 11 - The Home Gathering Room

(Natural Astrological 11th House & Residential Energy of Aquarius)

Do you get by with a little help from your friends? Traditionally the 11th House is
the house of aspirations... your hopes, wishes and greatest desires and grandest
schemes. It always indicates the kinds of friends and acquaintances you need to
help you further your goals and objectives in life. It is the place where you gather
together with others to promote idealism and vision. It could be the living room,
family room, den or that special place where friends always gravitate to share ideas
and ideals. It is the place for non-work related committee meetings, the
neighborhood coffee klatch, book club gatherings or meet and greet soiree.
In this room one becomes aware that personal identity is actually part of larger
whole or life system known as group consciousness. We belong and move towards
a grander association which requires co-operation and awareness as we connect
with others. We get organized and work together to create what is best for the
greater good.

The type of colleagues and friends we attract to help us manifest our social
consciousness is indicated by the energy of this space.

The Fire signs Aries, Leo or Sagittarius on the Cusp of this House or Door to this
Room welcome the participation of others although they can be overbearing at
times in their friendships. They make loyal friends and will defend their buddies or
colleagues and their causes (social or otherwise) vehemently. There is often an
interest in politics and humanitarian or egalitarian issues. They believe in justice
for all and are progressive with an eye on new trends.

The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are able to maintain long-lasting
friendships but tend to suffocate or cling to their acquaintances. They tend to be
discriminating about friendships and form them slowly since they have carefully
guarded boundaries. The practical service they bring to a group ranks beyond
excellent and they work hard to manifest the group goal.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius look for others of "like mind" with
similar tastes and with whom they can develop intellectual rapport. They have a lot
to say in a group setting and tend to procrastinate about which goal or objective is
best. They tend to have very strong feelings about friendships and often expect
others to live up to their expectations. These signs represent "idea people" who
always bring something fresh and innovative to a group.

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are very impressionable and need to
use discretion when choosing friendships and group endeavors. They are often
interested in radical reform that benefits the whole. They form deep and enduring
friendships because they are supportive and caring however it can be expected that
those relationships will always be subject to plenty of life crisis and change
throughout the years.
ROOM 12 - The Meditation Room
(Natural Astrological 12th House & Residential Energy of Pisces)

This is the most mystical place in the house! Traditionally this is the House of
Karma where your personal past life spiritual debt is stored along with the rewards
and punishments connected to current deeds. This is the completely private room
where you go to be alone and ponder all the mysteries of the Universe and your
role in the collective scheme of things. It is here where you maintain your soul
essence and spiritual well-being. There are no boundaries here and you are alone
with your "self." Through conscious awareness you can significantly change your
motivations, choices and even your direction in life by working out your
attachment to "things."

Spiritually speaking, Karmic residual or harvested energy based in circumstances

from prior existences is accumulated in this room waiting for us to decipher and
handle wisely now so we can proceed forward with soul evolution. Psychologically
speaking, this is also the room where we can come face to face with our
weaknesses, unconscious drives and compulsions and how we "self-sabotage" our
conscious aims and goals. Are you a victim or a savior? Are you an inspiration to
others or a directionless fool? Are you overwhelmed or clear? Are you inter-
connected or lost? Look for the answers in this room.

If a Fire sign Aries, Leo or Sagittarius appears on the Cusp of this House or on the
Door to this Room there is a strong need to be able to spend time alone every now
and then in order to recharge the batteries. Even though these signs are quite
receptive to what life brings them they are often dissatisfied with certain tracks of
their lives and consequently this leads them on a constant search for the truth. They
benefit greatly by dream analysis which affords them another view of their sub-
conscious workings. They are inspirational to others because they have expanded
The Earth signs Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn like their privacy and space but have
some trouble releasing their control over themselves. They are prone to
obsessive/compulsive thought patterns and have trouble relaxing. Common sense
helps them through difficult life passages.

The Air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius understand that clear thinking is the best
way to handle unconscious emotional complexes. Literally, they are quite good at
talking themselves out of fear! These signs exhibit a good deal of over-sensitivity
regarding the opinions of others which they take to heart and this often proves to
be detrimental to their well-being. Intuition and psychic ability is strong as is

The Water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are psychologically vulnerable. They
have in-born receptivity that can easily make them victims of what they "soak in"
from the environment and other people. They often have vivid dreams and can
suffer from a variety of phobias that interfere with everyday life however they also
have an uncanny ability to transform crisis into something productive.

THE 4th GATE, Copyright © ad continuum Starlogic Astrodynamics

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