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Welcome to the 12th GATE, the domain of Neptune and Pisces.

Here is your access

to the Divine - the Collective Unconscious, mystical and psychic images, creative
genius, divination and the realm of Karma and its umbilical secrets and messages
from the past. SELECTIONS: Karma and Past Lives, Glimpses of Eternity,
Celestial Dialog, Psychic Mastery, Theosophy.



What Goes Around Comes Around
How many times have you pondered these questions: What is the purpose of this
life? Are we all just here for a one time ‘go-round' or is there a greater plan for
which this lifetime serves as but one chapter?

These questions have concerned mankind since the dawn of its creation. Many
ancient and contemporary philosophies, theosophies and religions hold fast to the
premise that we all do indeed live many lives through the process of reincarnation.
One may ask, "To what avail does living multiple lifetimes serve?" Best Selling
Author and Past Life Regression expert Michael Newton PhD spent years
conducting studies based on the premise that after death, the Soul has a "life
between lives." According to the general consensus of his subjects in hundreds of
those regression case studies, all of us literally go back to "school" ... each of us
studying his or her own "Book of Life," a record of lives past. We do this with the
goal of ‘improvement' in mind.1

If we accept that the answer is the Evolution of the Soul, then the next query is the
role of karma. How does it work?

From a scholarly viewpoint, most of us understand the Law of Karma simply as the
product of cause and effect or as the Bible puts it "As a man soweth so shall he
reap." In many esoteric and philosophical circles it is believed that the energy of
thought is what exists after the death of the physical body. It acts like a great
processing center that carries information from one earth existence to the next.
According to the Buddha, "You are what you think, having become what you
thought." Astrological scholar Martin Schulman believes, "Every thought you have
impresses itself in to the substance of universal matter where it will ultimately
manifest as an effect in the physical world. Sometimes the effect may occur in a
few minutes ... other times the effects go out years after the cause. And yet one
season follows another ... always the right foot follows the left. Never can man be
going somewhere without coming from somewhere."2

The great Edgar Cayce, whose wisdom is timeless, talked often about reincarnation
and karma. On many occasions he was asked if karma was a punishment and a way
of paying off debts for past life misdeeds. Cayce believed that only the Soul could
defame itself and that the only debt any of us carry is the debt of the Self. He also
differentiated between personality and individuality explaining that the personality
was merely a material expression and what a person wanted others to think.
Individuality was an expression of the ‘inner self' - what the Soul desired. He
expounded further that karma was residual in effect; that which was carried forth
through the, "...experiences of the Soul, in a body, in an experience on Earth... that
which has been built in the past as indifference to what is known to be right.3"

Looking at this from yet another perspective, Karma is the vehicle of the Soul's
intent for Self-correction. Karmic residuals can operate as the ties that bind and
awareness of these residuals is the first step in loosening these bindings and
releasing the personality and individuality. When we become aware we become
cognizant of how to live a happier, healthier, and more productive life. Each Earth
life we live serves as the process through which we gain more Soul Evolution.

In The Prophet by philosopher Kahlil Gibran, there is a profound reference to the

subject of Freedom. The Prophet tells the townspeople, "And how shall you rise
beyond your days and nights unless you break the chains which you at the dawn of
your understanding have fastened around your noon hour? And what is it but
fragments of yourself you would discard to become free?4" If we do indeed discard
"fragments" of ourselves... these so called "residuals" in order to promote the
growth of the Soul then the goal of Evolution is Freedom and the promise of
Freedom is Ascension.

Mystical rendering by Kahlil Gibran.

The highest Universal vibration is Collective Love. This is what all Souls gravitate
towards. It is an all-encompassing and selfless love that begins with a pure
understanding and love of the Self. Personal Karma can be understood only
through a willingness to become aware. Some people are cognizant of the fact that
they mentally, emotionally and often physically are affected by dramas and
traumas from the "past." They innately "know" that they have "something" to do in
this life but feel less confident to strive forward. Often they repeat behavioral
patterns and habits that are detrimental to their spiritual growth and human
achievement. Others have no clue that they may be carrying baggage or burdens
from the past. They develop irrational fears and even worse, phobias that literally
hold them back.

There have been multitudes of past life regression cases showing that such
incidents cannot always be based on psychology formed in childhood conditioning
or traumatic events. Many of these people had perfectly normal and happy
childhoods free of trauma. The possibility that issues from past lives can "bleed
through" affecting a current life status is becoming more and more acceptable by
society at large. In these instances the expression, "It's just the way he/she is!"
couldn't be any closer to the truth but, that way of "being" isn't anything new and
more likely very old.

To digress for a moment - It should also be mentioned that not all past life residual
is necessarily negative. Kernelled within every past life legend are experiences
whereby special talents have been acquired that can be incorporated to help with
current Karma. A Soul can be seeking to further use these talents or simply ignore
them. These talents can be useful in the current lifetime to some extent. Clues to
these talents are things that "come easy" to an individual in their current life
station. Sometimes a person can be confronted with something that is so familiar
they can experience total or near total recall of an event or circumstance connected
to a past life. This is known as Morphic Resonance and should not be confused
with déjà vu as it is much stronger. Morphic Resonance can be used in a deliberate
fashion as well by those who wish to jar past memories. For example, an individual
who feels strongly that they have innate artistic talent might choose to peruse
museums or art books and catalogs to see if something clicks. If a positive residual
is divinely intended to aid Karma it will be incorporated into the individual's life
quite easily. If not, the individual will simply not be interested or motivated to use
it and move on to something else.

Unfortunately, there is some belief that Karma can be erased, changed or altered.
Karma will play out one way or another because it constitutes part of the life
lessons we have chosen for ourselves for Soul evolution. By understanding the
etheric root causes of our distress we can alter our view of ourselves through a
better understanding of what we have come to do in this lifetime for spiritual
achievement. World renowned psychic Sylvia Browne puts it this way, "So we
choose to come here, as rarely or as often as we feel the need, and we choose what
we're interested in learning and working on this time around. We make these brief
trips to earth to learn the hard way, through firsthand experience, for the growth
and progress of our souls on their eternal journeys."5 According to Spiritual
astrologer Mae Wilson Ludlam, current karma is, "... the forming stage where you
still have the power of choice; power to modify what is happening by your
response."6 The "key" word is response. Overcoming limitations is always based
on our response... we all have a cosmic preconditioning for this!

There is a reason and a season and there is a way for everyone to move forward
breaking the ties that bind into full human creativity and higher vibratory
consciousness. Are you ready to initiate your "Self?"

Disciple: "Master, I am conscious only of the present life. Why have I no

conscious recollections of previous incarnations and no foreknowledge of a future

Master: "Life is like a great chain in the ocean of God. When a portion of the chain
is pulled out of the waters, you see only that small part. The beginning and end are
hidden. In this incarnation you're viewing only one link in the chain of life, the past
and the future, though invisible, remain in the deeps of God. He reveals their
secrets to who are in tune with Him."

- From Sayings of Yogananda

1 For more on this study read Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton, Ph.D.
2 Schulman, Martin. "Karmic Astrology - Volume 1". York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1975. 16.
Smith, Robert A. "No Soul Left Behind, The Words and Wisdom of Edgar Cayce." New York: Citadel
Press Books, 2005. 190.
4 Gibran, Kahlil. "The Prophet." New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001. 48.
5 Browne, Sylvia. "Phenomenon." New York: Dutton. 2005. 60-61.
6 Wilson-Ludlam, Mae R. "Ten lessons in the Universal Rays." Tempe, Arizona: American Federation of

Astrologers. 1984. 64.

Earth School and the Karmic Report Card

How good is your awareness meter and willingness to be accountable?
A recent "coined phrase" that has seemed to infiltrate the metaphysical community
at large in recent years is, "There is no right or wrong ... there just IS." If an
individual is ready to accept this statement, does that mean it is perfectly fine for
that person to just go about doing whatever he/she wants at any given time because
everything "just IS"?

Since the precepts of right and wrong constitute what we understand as concepts
pertaining to human morality, let's approach this from a different angle. The basic
common denominator of all Universal understanding be it human derived
philosophy, theosophy, physical science, or even religion is that all in the Universe
is perpetuated by BALANCE. Balance indicates that everything functions along
the lines of equal yet opposite. This is known as POLARITY. Everything that we
know works in polarity ... light/dark, up/down, black/white, me/you, yin/yang and
so on and so forth. UNIVERSAL BALANCE is based on three Laws - the Law of
Correspondences, the Law of Alchemy, and the Law of Beginnings.

The Law of Correspondences states:

"As above, so below

As within, so without
As the Universe, so the soul."

This Law explains itself rather well and along with the concept of polarity speaks
of high harmony between man and his place in the Universe. Balance via polarity
is inherent in everything large and small and you can't have one without the other.

The Law of Alchemy states:

"All of the energies that are inside of us must manifest on the outside of us."

With this Law comes the expression of "responsibility." The topic of responsibility
is remiss in the "no right or wrong" concept. So, from this vantage point what does
responsibility entail? Since all humans have freewill we ultimately "choose" how
we learn the lessons of life. If we "choose" to be responsible for our actions and
exhibit enough spiritual effort to overcome our fears we should be able to find
balance both inside and outside of ourselves. This is known as positive

When we fail to do this, events will manifest on an external and disruptive scale.
This is known as negative manifestation. According to our own conjecture, we
have literally acted right or wrong. Some will argue that for certain individuals,
negative manifestation is necessary because there is a tougher lesson that needs to
be learned. Even when this is true and the lesson is harsh or even devastating there
is no room for doubt that the individual will walk away at the very least thinking
they could have "done it better."

Another troublesome take on the "there is no right or wrong" dictum is another

coined phrase, "You cannot do it wrong" which seems to be associated with Karma
and Soul evolution. Soul growth is associated with and measured via Karma or
how well an individual has been able to handle his/her own capacity for give and
take in a given lifetime. If we are in full understanding of positive and negative
manifestation, then we also understand that The Law of Alchemy says you most
certainly can do it wrong and that you will suffer the consequences from your
earthbound life in your spiritual evolution.

Can anyone who has acted negatively say that they didn't suffer from the
consequences of choosing to act negatively in one way or another? Further, as far
as Karma goes - why would anyone with a degree of consciousness want to deny
their own Soul advancement? We are all human and no one is capable of
manifesting positively all the time but, we do have a responsibility to learn from
our experiences and change our perceptions so we can find the balance. How is
that possible if there is no right or wrong and there just IS?

The Law of Beginnings states:

"The beginning point of human life contains potential that will be fulfilled
throughout the cycles of life and beyond life."

Astrologers and past life regressionists often talk about past life or Karmic residual
behaviors that have bled through or been subconsciously stored and are influencing
an individual's current psychological and emotional status. These are negative
behaviors that the astrologer or therapist helps the individual identify so they can
understand them and seek out a more positive outlook. The source might have been
a negative act perpetrated by the individual or negative act perpetrated upon the

No right or wrong huh? If everything in every lifetime "just IS" there would be no
trauma or drama to address. What we have done in the past or what we do in the
present would not matter. There would be no need to do better. There would be no
need to grow.
Portraits from the movie A Picture of Dorian Gray based on the supernatural novel
of the same name by Oscar Wilde which addresses the propensity for good and evil
in all human beings. In the story Dorian Gray cries, "How sad it is! I shall grow
old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this picture will remain always young ... If it
were only the other way! If it were I who was always to be young, and the picture
that was to grow old! For that - for that I would give everything! Yes, there is
nothing in the whole world I would not give! I would give my soul for that!" He
does indeed lose the goodness of his being by embracing a life of depravity and
evil while his soul represented by the portrait grows old, deformed and hideous
while he stays physically young and beautiful.

There is balance in the Universe and it is the foundation upon which it was created.
There is a balance in all of humanity and each of us has the capacity for good or
evil inherent within us and the ability to discern right and wrong. This is the
balance of the human essence. Every day, we all make decisions based upon what
is personally correct or incorrect for us. Without polarity and balance we would be
no more than impassionate pawns void of responsibility strewn about a gray
landscape lost with no direction. Do you choose to live your life in accordance
with the Universal foundation of BALANCE? Do you choose to deal with the
"black" and "white" of life and choose not to live in those "gray" areas full of
empty concepts ... What is right or wrong? That depends on your perception of
accountability while you attend Earth School.

Garden in the Stars

The rendering above was painted in 1980 by Durdana Khan, years after her "visit
to the stars" where she found herself in a beautiful paradise following her clinical
death when she was two and a half years old in 1968.

The word ‘paradise' came from the original Persian and was later adopted by the
Greeks. It literally means, "land of the blessed" and was thought to represent a
place of beautiful gardens. By age two and a half, Durdana had been partly
paralyzed, intermittently blind and in constant pain without much hope for
survival. Her father who was a physician was heartbroken about her condition.
When she passed from this life on that fateful autumn morning in the Himalayan
foothills, she had been technically and scientifically dead for 15 minutes when she
suddenly revived claiming to have visited a beautiful garden in the stars where
apples, grapes, and pomegranates grew and where there were four streams of
white, brown, blue and green. Concepts of this type of heavenly garden are
depicted in the Koran but Durdana was not raised as a Muslim nor had she ever
attended a mosque.

Durdana underwent extensive questioning about her experience to which she

vehemently acknowledged that she not only visited the beautiful garden but was
also in the company of her deceased grandfather, great grandmother and another
woman who she claimed resembled her own mother. She further stated that she
told her relatives that she needed to leave the garden because she heard her father
calling her saying, "Come back, my child, come back!" Her grandfather replied to
her that they would have to ask God if she could return to her father. She claimed
that God then asked her if she wanted to go back to which she replied, "I have to -
my Daddy is calling me." After God told her to "go", the child said she came
down, down, down from the stars and back to her parents. When her parents
repeatedly questioned her about what God looked like the only answer she would
give was that He was "blue" and formless.

Shortly after her experience, Durdana underwent an operation and during her
convalescence she and her mother visited one of her father's uncles. While at the
uncle's home, Durdana correctly identified a photo of her great grandmother who
she had never seen except for her visit to the stars. According to the family there
were only two photos of the great grandmother both of which were kept at the
uncle's house. This was Durdana's first visit to her great uncle's home and her first
experience in viewing the photo.

Later Durdana's family moved to London and in the 1980's Durdana appeared on
British television with pictures she had painted of the garden in the stars. The day
after the broadcast Durdana's father was contacted by one of his patients, Rachel
Goldsmith who told him that she had a similar experience of death when she was
in a German concentration camp. She claimed to have visited the same garden with
the four streams. Rachel and Durdana eventually met to discuss their experiences
which were identical. Rachel was also able to fill in and describe details that
Durdana had remembered but left out of her paintings.

Is there proof from beyond? Since time began humankind has held fast to the belief
that individual identity survives after the death of the physical body. Although no
one can possibly know exactly what this entails, there are those who claim they
have seen glimpses of a hereafter. Are these glimpses merely reflections of human
desires or are they something more?
Distinguished psychologist Carl Gustav Jung made no secret about his interest in
the concept of an afterlife. Jung believed that the immortality of the soul could
never be proven however he also believed that telepathy between this earthly world
and the next could take place. Jung did in fact have his own personal experiences
to support this belief.

One night while lying in bed, Jung was thinking about a friend's funeral he had
attended the day before. Suddenly he envisioned his deceased friend standing at the
foot of his bed looking down at him. The friend then went to the door and
beckoned Jung to follow. In his mind's eye or imagination, Jung complied and
followed the vision out of the house, into the street, and finally into the friend's
house where he was directed into the library. The friend then climbed on top of a
stool and pointed to a specific book that sat on the second shelf to the top of a
bookcase. The vision abruptly ended at this point.

Jung consumed with curiosity paid a visit to the friend's widow the next day asking
to be taken into the library. Jung had never seen the library but once inside he
recognized everything - just as he had seen in the vision. Stepping on to the stool,
he located the book his friend had been pointing to ... The Legacy of Death by
Emile Zola. Was this a message to Jung letting him know that Death is not the end
but just part of the legacy of the eternal circle of life? Jung had other similar
experiences in his lifetime but did not speak about them claiming, "I prefer not to
communicate too many of my experiences. They would confront the scientific
world with too many problems." 1

If we accept the concept that the universe was created with balance then we must
ponder that if there is a great paradise available for souls there must also be a lesser
realm. In Phenomenon psychic author Sylvia Browne speaks of three places our
spirits can go after the death of the body and at the end of an incarnation. These
three are: Paradise called the Other Side, the Holding place which is somewhat
reminiscent of Christian Purgatory, and the Left Door which for all intent and
purpose is Hell.

Those who are candidates for the Left Door have lived their earth life on the Dark
Side and have voluntarily turned themselves away from Source or God. The
reincarnative process for those who go to the Left Door is interesting. These
individuals are not allowed the luxury of choosing whether or when to return to
earth for a new incarnation. Instead they travel straight from their bodies at death
right back in utero. According to Sylvia these individuals are “… on a self-inflicted
horseshoe shaped journey that leaves them as dark at birth as they were at death in
their previous life.” 2 She further believes that “Dark Side” individuals will have
countless “dark incarnations” because basically the die has been cast.

There are many cases of near death experience (NDE) where individuals have had
glimpses of both Paradise and the Underworld and have communicated what they
saw. Rather than experiencing a feeling of peace while being lifted up, some of
these individuals experience a feeling of being dragged downward towards a black
pit by demonic creatures. Others experience a “void” where all feeling is gone and
where all hope for further lives is lost. The writer Dante for example imagined Hell
to be a frozen lake where all feelings died.

The frozen lake of Hell in Dante's Inferno.

In Journey of Souls, Dr. Michael Newton relates that according to his case studies
in past life regression there is only one spirit world where all souls go after earthly
death. He states, "Those of my subjects who have been impeded by evil report that
souls whose influence was too weak to turn aside a human impulse to harm others
will go into seclusion upon reentering the spirit world. I have also noticed that
those beginner souls who are habitually associated with intensely negative human
conduct in their first series of lives must endure individual spiritual isolation ...
they are placed together in their own group to intensify learning under close
supervision. This is not a punishment, but rather a kind of purgatory for the
restructuring of self-awareness with these souls." 3

Renowned paranormal investigator and author Brad Steiger defines Hell as a

negation of all virtues and pleasures. He says, "Rather than a specific place, it
seems to be more of a condition, or state of being, that embodies the summation of
all misdirected energies such as greed, lust, malice, hate, and jealously." 4
According to some of his case studies and interviews another opinion is that, a
newly deceased person goes to a type of ‘paradise' which is like a gathering place
for the newly departed. Some individuals claim that this is a resting place and has
nothing to do with whether an individual lived a good or bad life but is rather a
first step before moving on. The question is - moving on to where? That is
something we will all one day come to know.
1 Facts and Fallacies. Reader's Digest Association Inc. 1988. 379.
Browne, Sylvia. "Phenomenon." New York: Dutton. 2005. 163.
Newton, Michael. "Journey of Souls." St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications. 2003. 49.
4 Steiger, Brad. "Real Ghosts, Restless Spirits, and Haunted Places." Canton, Michigan: Visible Ink Press. 2003. 196.


“There is no such thing as a conversation. It is an illusion. There are intersecting

monologues - that is all.” ~ Rebecca West

Symbols have been one of mankind's greatest communicative tools. Ancient

alphabets date back to the dawn of time but what about the arcane alphabets that
were allegedly gleaned from supernatural sources? Interestingly, most of these
examples are from the 16th century when Alchemy was widely practiced.

The 16th century Enochian Alphabet is credited to occultist and astrologer Dr.
John Dee and his psychic associate Edward Kelly. It is a magically sourced system
that was allegedly dictated via angels ... or was it?

Dee was a respected scholar in his day but Kelley was a man of ill repute with a
well-known shady past but with equally well known genuine psychic ability. Dee
had confidence in Kelley's abilities and their association lasted for seven years.
Depiction of Kelly raising the dead.

Dee’s interest in “angelic magic” began after reading Steganographia by Abbot

Trithemius around 1553. His communication with angels began in October of
1581. These were troubled times for Dee who suffered from strange dreams. He
was also kept awake by strange knockings throughout the house. It was almost as
though certain spirits were trying to contact Dee rather than the other way around.

Dee originally worked with a medium by the name of Barnabas Saul who claimed
to see angels in a crystal ball. Dee however was neither convinced nor satisfied
with Saul’s work and dismissed him. In 1582, Dee met Edward Kelley - a strange
young man of 27 who had been a student but who never acquired a degree. Kelley
had been convicted of forgery and was known to engage in necromancy and other
magical rituals.

Dee and Kelley held hundreds of séances mainly in England and Poland. In 1583
Kelley allegedly made contact with the Angel Uriel who prophesized the attempt
of invasion of England by Spain and also the death of Mary Queen of Scots. These
prophesies came to pass in 1587 and 1588. Uriel claimed Enochian was the
language spoken in the Garden of Eden and further linguistic teaching ensued. In
April of 1587, an angel calling herself Madimi contacted Dee and Kelley with
instructions that the two should swap wives. This disturbed Dee who felt that
“devils” were impersonating angels and he was reluctant to listen. Madimi it seems
was rather persuasive and on May 22 the swap occurred. The event put a great
strain on the relationship between Dee and Kelley and they parted ways. Dee gave
up his magical practices and returned to England where he died in poverty in 1608.
Kelley died abroad under “mysterious circumstances.”

The Malachim alphabet was derived from Hebrew and Greek alphabets. It was
created by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa during the 16th Century and is still used by
Freemasons to a limited extent. In addition, Agrippa formulated the Angelic
Alphabet (shown below) which was also derived from Hebrew and Greeks
alphabets. This alphabet was used specifically for communication with angels.
Like the Malachim alphabet it is written left to right in horizontal lines.
The Alphabet of the Magi was invented by Paracelsus whose real name is
Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim in the 16th century. It is believed that the
creation of this alphabet was influenced by other magickal alphabets at the time
with a touch of the Hebrew alphabet. Paracelsus used it to engrave the names of
angels on talismans which he claimed could treat illnesses and provide protection.


The Signature of Psychic Mastery – How Psychic are you?

Seasoned astrologers are used to dealing with the variety of geometric

configurations and patterns in a horoscope and the signatures connected to them.
One of the more benefic configurations is the Grand Trine which consists of three
planets and/or Chiron which form a 120º angular relationship to one another. The
energy inherent within this relationship is constant and open with an easy or
effortless flow. Talent is one of the gifts of a Grand Trine and often takes the form
of untapped creative potential. Every good astrologer also knows that while this is
all fine and dandy, Grand Trines can also be notoriously lazy because all the ease
that is generated often causes the potential of the energy to go unnoticed or be
ignored due to lack of awareness. The astrologer will look for an impetus such as
an opposition or square to one or more of the planets involved which helps to push
the Trine into action so the energies can be better manifested.

A Grand Trine is a third harmonic aspect that represents an equilateral triangle in

Sacred Geometry. It is thought to embody the full and pure expression of the
element it houses. A Grand Psychic Trine occupies the natural water or occult
houses which are the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses ruled by the signs Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces. Planets that occupy these houses in Grand Trine formation
regardless of the element involved often indicate psychism or occult talent of some
form particularly if there is Moon and/or outer planet (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto)
and Chiron involvement within the Trine. Retrograde planets/Chiron also indicate
past life residual talent that can be used in a positive way in this lifetime. These
energies enrich the Trine if they are recognized. Planets/Chiron at Anaretic Degree
(29º) also indicate "Karmic Mastery" in this lifetime that can also be used
positively with good results. The following examples depict a Grand Psychic Trine
for each element with a delineation of the planets involved. All samples have been
taken from the case files of STARLOGIC ASTRODYNAMICS.

In general, the Grand Fire Trine represents enthusiasm, self-confidence and

creative flair. The Grand Psychic Fire Trine adds high perception, intuition and
inspiration to the general theme. This is the Trine that carries the Alchemical
Flame of Initiation. The initiate learns early on that this is intense and impulsive
energy that demands an outlet and contribution to society and the collective.

The individual is a professional astrologer and Stellar Healer who spends a great
deal of time engaging arcane research particularly on the subject of reincarnation
in order to better counsel her clients regarding residual trauma. She has cognizance
of her own past lives as both an etheric and medical healer courtesy of the 12th
retrograde Chiron.

Psychic surgery comes natural to her courtesy of the 8th house retrograde Pluto
which also constitutes the strong urge for research in a quest for spiritual truth.
Kernelled within Mars in the 4th house is the ability to counsel and inspire others
to move ahead with their lives with renewed confidence. The planets that kick start
the Trine are Neptune and the Moon. Neptune is conjunct her Midheaven (also an
indication of a healing and/or astrological profession) and opposes Mars. Being
highly psychic and aware of the lower astral realms, she channels her energies into
paranormal research rather than opening any psychic floodgates. The Moon, in
highly intuitive Cancer, is the apex planet of a T-Square involving Mars and
Neptune. It promotes mediumship which she uses to "tune" into her client's
emotional and psychological needs.
The Earth element is related to practical matters and those with a Grand Earth
Trine exhibit skill in all that is material. They are "grounded" in their approach to
all matters. Generally the artistic and creative quotient is quite high and ideas of
this nature are easily manifested. The Grand Earth Psychic Trine is heavily laden
with intuition and the individual can see "reality" in a larger dimension than others.

This is the Psychic Trine of a 77 year old "Love Guru" who was born in London.
He relates that the retrograde Saturn in the 8th house has Karmic implications for
him regarding relationships which is true since it is also involved in a T-Square
with Venus in Libra in the 5th house and Jupiter in Cancer in the 2nd house which
also motivate the Trine. He basically spent most of his life learning to relate to
others and has gained much wisdom through experience which he shares with
others via masterful and powerful meditations. He also engages much time in ghost
hunts discerning psychic phenomena as he is highly sensitive to environmental
factors courtesy of Moon (12th) trine Neptune (4th). People appreciate his honest
and down to earth "take' on these matters and his skill in ferreting out the mystery
connected to hauntings (Saturn trine Neptune).

A Grand Air Trine produces idealism and skill in communication. The individual
often displays excellent mental faculties or even brilliance. There is also a need to
understand human duality and to find balance in order to make life more
harmonious. The Grand Psychic Air Trine instills the ability to magically or
telepathically influence others under the guise of theoretical correctness. Psychism
is always weighed with the rational. This Psychic Trine belongs to spiritual healer
who uses her skills as a motivational speaker and lecturer. She is a very
independent thinker who loves to network and inform others. Her earlier years
were spent launching a series of investigations into the spiritual realms courtesy of
Jupiter in the 8th house while she also studied psychology. She will tell you quite
blatantly that she prefers abstract religious beliefs. She is cognizant of past lives in
the mystical teaching professions (retrograde Jupiter trine 12th house Neptune).
She is highly psychic and prophetic courtesy of the energy provided by the Moon
(4th house), and uses these skills to gain insight into people and their future
conditions. The Trine is motivated by an opposition of the Moon and Pluto which
grants necessary detachment for her work and a square of Uranus and Neptune that
instills occult ability and futuristic idealism.

The Grand Water Trine is generally believed to house the most creative potential
and the most subtle intuitive understanding of the collective consciousness. The
Grand Psychic Water Trine takes these traits to highly transformative levels.
Individuals with this Psychic Trine are easily able to tune into the spiritual and
psychic realms. They tend to trust their instincts and intuition above all else and are
usually correct in their assessments. In both cases, life is often filled with drama
and trauma and hurdles to overcome.

This is the Psychic Trine of a metaphysical artist. He is compassionate and caring

with a strong psychic nature and he enjoys volunteering his time to teach art to
disabled and institutionalized children (Moon in 12th house). His work is quite
visionary and often depicts the "futuristic"- Uranus (8th) trine Mars/Jupiter (4th).
The motivators of the Trine are a Moon/Sun square, Saturn/Uranus square and
Chiron opposed Uranus. He speaks quite frankly that it was necessary for him to
overcome feelings of inadequacy during his lifetime in order to learn to trust his
feelings and to be able to honor his intuition and foresight. These were the hurdles
presented by the squares and opposition that needed to be surmounted for the Trine
energy to manifest his great creative talent. He is also very gifted in the psychic
tactile art of Psychometry.

You Bear the Sign of the Pentagram my Son

There seems to be no end to Cosmic Connections ... did you know that in Palmistry
an individual's hand has an overall planetary shape? To truly define one's overall
shape it would be best to consult a seasoned palmist since there are so many factors
involved but you might find it fun to try to match up your own hand with the
traditional Astrological hand classifications. The Moon or "lunar" hand is soft in
texture and generally exhibits many lines. Since the Moon is one of the astrological
rulers of the personality, this hand shape often indicates a restless yet easy-going

The Sun or "solar" hand is strong with short fingers

which are thought to indicate trustworthiness and

The Mercurial hand has long fingers and indicates

quick wit and intellectual abilities.

The Venusian hand has a prominent Mount of Venus

(extensive padded area beneath the thumb). It
indicates a cheerful and extrovert disposition.

The Martian hand usually has a very well developed

thumb. This hand indicates plenty of energy and

The Jupiterian hand has thick and heavy fingers

indicating generosity and an even temper.

The Saturnine hand had a long middle finger

indicating shrewdness and patience.

The Earth hand is firm and thick and indicates loyalty

in friendship and a generous but slow nature.

Another way to check your hand is by element. The Fire (inspired) hand has short
fingers and rectangular palm with many lines. The Earth hand (grounded) has short
fingers, few lines and is generally square in shape. The Air hand (intellectual) has
long fingers and the square palm has fine lines. The Water hand (psychic) is
delicate and narrow with a rectangular palm a mesh of lines. The fingers are long.
Oracle Tools – Do they speak to the Inner You?
Whether it's Tarot, I Ching, a Pendulum or your own personal 8-Ball... Why does it
There are literally hundreds of Tarot and Oracle Cards on the market today with
just as many themes and creative illustration. There are just as many opinions as to
the origin of the first Tarot that are born from ancient Egyptian magick to exotic
gypsies who came from India. The truth is no one really knows how or where the
Tarot originated. These enigmatic messenger cards always seem to correctly
pinpoint issues of one's life in an uncanny way. They appeal to our sense of
excitement for the unknown yet affect us on the most basic of psychological levels.
The sample reading on the next page uses the Golden Triad Layout (above) which
consists of a six card spread and can be used for most questions. The spread and
the cards (below) are from the ARCANUS COLLECTION created by Star Logic

QUESTION: I'm becoming very deeply involved with my current love interest. Do
we have a future of commitment or marriage?

This query was posed by a young lady we shall call Mary. She had been dating a
young man for nine months and she relates that all seems to be going well yet she
can't quite put her finger on why she has doubts. This is disturbing to her because
she has become very involved with the young man on all levels and is looking for
some direction. She feels a break at this time would be very difficult and that it
would be hard to extricate herself from the relationship if necessary.

(1) QUERENT: The Venus and Earth ruled GAIA card is Mary's signature card
and represents herself quite well in that she is feeling very ready for a full
relationship that could involve commitment. Her feet are firmly planted on the
ground and she is open emotionally and physically. Changing and enhancing one's
appearance is also indicative of this card and when asked Mary states that she has
in fact undergone a "make-over" to be more appealing sexually.

(2) QUESTED: The Aquarian and Air ruled STAR card represents the young man.
It appears reversed in the spread so it indicates some problems. While it seems he
is a "kindred" spirit he is hard to pin down. His emotions run hot and cold which is
confusing because at times he is highly passionate and at other times cold and
aloof. This is a person who needs his space from time to time and Mary should not
stifle him or try to control the direction of the relationship. She also needs to know
that she needs to appeal to him on an intellectual level as well as the physical level.

(3) SITUATION: The Moon and Water ruled DIVINER card relays that the
relationship has strong sexual undercurrents and Mary needs to be careful that
fantasy is not superseding reality. There is karma connected to this card indicating
a joint destiny that has been laid down in previous lifetimes. Spiritual as well as
sexual love needs to be developed so the relationship can blossom into something
long term. Smothering is simply out of the question! Mary is advised to stop
focusing on an "outcome."

(4) DIFFICULTIES: The Pisces and Water ruled LUNA card is another warning of
fantasy overriding reality. Mary needs to assess her partner in a more discerning
fashion looking for signs of unreliability and deception. She also needs to avoid
any issues of co-dependency. Another facet of this card is hidden habits such as
drug dependency. Mary is positive that her young man is not drug or alcohol
dependent. Another possibility is hidden enemies. Mary confided that several of
her friends have been trying to get her to stop dating the young man but she feels
the reason is jealousy.

(5) OUTCOME: The Taurus and Earth ruled MONK card relayed that some
unwelcome changes could take place and that Mary should remain committed to
her SELF only at the current time. A crisis was likely to occur that would require
rethinking along less conventional lines. Any break that occurred should be viewed
as "necessary" because the status quo was very likely to change. Commitment or
marriage would need to be put on the back burner and spontaneity brought to the
forefront. It would be out with the old and in with the new. Mary would have to
learn not to question any changes but rather to go with the flow.

(6) FUTURE: The Jupiter and Fire and Water ruled FORTUNE card indicates
unexpected surprises. Two days after her reading, Mary found out that one of her
friends was coming on sexually to her young man which was a shock. That
friendship has been broken and Mary feels it is for the best. This card always
speaks of expansion. When Mary was asked if she and the young man were
planning a trip she was quite surprised and said, "YES!" The trip will be a good
thing and Mary is advised that both of them should open up to new people and
places to avoid restlessness in the partnership. It is also advised that they do not
move in together for the time being as one of both of them could become interested
in dating other people OR that one or both of them may be pulled away from the
relationship due to unexpected external circumstances. This card actually shows
that the relationship is quite positive. It will only grow if both people are free
within the relationship at the current time. Mary was understandably upset by this
card and the MONK card but became less so when it was explained to her that this
card also had karmic implications concerning "cause and effect." Both cards
indicated necessary change but did not necessarily signal negativity. If she could
accept possible change within the relationship and put aside all of her focus on an
"outcome" things might bode well.

Several months later Mary called to say that her young man left the USA for a job
abroad with plenty of travelling from place to place. At the time of the call they
had been separated for seven months. Both had decided to date others but kept in
strong communication. Mary was delighted to report that her young man would be
permanently positioned in London and that he had asked her to join him overseas.
It seems he discovered that he could not live without her!

So what is really going on here? Are Oracle readers capable of tapping into the
Divine or are they just good psychologists with plenty of people savvy and
common sense? Why is it that a person can have a Tarot reading from one person
and then have an independent astrological or numerological reader from another
person and the same information and advice will come forth?

Donna Bedetto is an Atlanta based Tarot expert with over 25 years of experience
as an interpreter and counselor with public clientele from all walks of life. Donna
believes the Tarot works because she understands that all individuals are only
limited by their ideas which she refers to as the Achilles heel. The cards show her
on a psychic level where those limitations lie. She confirms that an individual can
receive the same message from two different types of modalities if the readers are
experienced and serious interpreters. She says this works because each reader is
picking up on the individual's personal Truth so both readings are verified. Donna
further states that even if a second reading produces a negation, the individual must
consider what has transpired between the different readings in their personal
situation because an important link can be made.


Theosophy is defined as, "knowledge of God that is attained through inspiration

and Divine illumination." The result is a type of mystical philosophy. The term
comes from the Greek theos, "god" and sophos, "wise."

Theosophic thought can be found in the Upanishads which are metaphysical

treatises found in Sanskrit. Hindu philosophy subsequent to the composition of the
Upanishads also had a strong theosophic tone. This tone is thought to have
influenced ancient Persian philosophy and the Chinese I Ching (Book of Changes)
and the Tao-te Ching (Classic of the Way and Its Power) contain Theosophic
elements as do western Neo-Platonism and Gnosticism

In contemporary times, most people associate Theosophy with Helena Petrovna

Blavastky who founded the Theosophical Society in New York City in 1875.
Blavatsky is widely recognized as having introduced the concept of Ascended
Masters to the field of Metaphysics. She maintained that she received her doctrines
from this group of masters who she called "Oriental religious teachers." She
believed these teachers had reached a higher plane of existence than that of other
mortals. Blavatsky believed God to be infinite and absolute and the source of both
spirit and matter. Through an operation of immutable law, the spirit of God was
said to descend into matter and matter to ascend into spirit by cyclical action.
Blavatsky's Doctrine represents all Souls as being the same in "essence" but
differing by degrees of "evolution." Evolution in this case, is a process of
"purification" which can only be achieved by a series of incarnations. Those Souls
who are advanced are thought to be the guardians of those less advanced. The
present day New Age movement is thought by many to have been based on
Blavatsky's Theosophic Doctrines but in general, one of Blavatsky's followers
Alice Bailey, is largely given credit for founding the movement. From Alice Bailey
the world was introduced to a special brand of Esoteric Astrology based on the 7
Rays via channelings from Ascended Master Dwjhal Khul. It is at the foundation
of the following article.

Unfolding the Lotus of the Soul

People love to read about themselves and of the spiritual essences that apply to
them personally. In many cases the more profound a piece of information is that
applies to them the better! People always ask questions about their "reason for
being" and if they are "on the right path" in this lifetime. What constitutes "being
on the right path" is a Soul issue. An analysis of an individual's Soul Ray can give
that person some insight into what his or her Soul intended for a given lifetime.

A study of the 7 Rays Astrology is a deeply theosophical matter. We can only relay
in "human terminology" what exactly a Ray encompasses energetically. For
matters of clarity and simplicity we will deal only with the 7 Soul Rays in this
exegesis however, for anyone to truly understand this concept some basic and
necessary background information has also been included. The purpose of creating
Mandalas is to help one meditate upon the meaning of the essence of one's
personal Ray(s).

Seven Ray Astrology is founded in Tibetan spirituality and is concerned with the
evolution of the Soul as tied to the elevation of consciousness. It is generally
believed that if an individual can raise his/her personal vibratory rate sufficiently to
overcome the vibratory rate of his/her natal planets, consciousness is elevated and
the number of subsequent incarnations is lessened.
The Rays are the custodians of the Universal Plan as designed by and depending
upon individual perception, the "All-Knowing" or "Supreme Being" or "God the

Each Ray embodies energy through which a specific part of Divine Will is
channeled in accordance with Divine Universal Intention. From this Great Source,
they travel through time and space eventually attaining Galactic Synthesis and
then on until they reach the constellation Ursa Major or the Great Bear.

From Ursa Major, they continue to filter through three Fixed stars Polaris, Sirius,
and the Pleiades and then move on to Mother Earth. They are believed to have a
monumental influence on all Earth affairs making it possible for mankind to

How are the Rays specific to each human being? In this theosophy, there are seven
planes. Simply speaking, the first plane is the Divine Plane or the Adi. The second
plane is the Monadic Plane which is unchanging and where the essence of the Soul
is found. On this plane there are three monad rays. The first monad Ray is the Ray
of the Divine Will, the second monad Ray is the Ray of the Divine Wisdom, and
the third monad Ray is the Ray of the Divine Intellect. All Souls come from one of
these rays and ONLY one of these rays. This never changes throughout subsequent
incarnations. From the Monadic Plane, some essence from one of these rays travels
down to the third plane known as the Spiritual or Nirvanic Plane and the fourth
plane known as the Intuitional or Buddhic Plane until it reaches the fifth plane
known as the Mental Plane. Here the monad essence filters through one of the
Seven Rays. This is known as the Soul Ray. From the Mental Plane, the monad
releases more essence where it travels from the sixth or Astral Plane on to the
seventh or Physical Plane where it filters through the Seven Rays again to become
the Personality Ray. To make things more profound, the Soul Ray and the
Personality Ray are colored by subrays. The Soul Rays and Personality Rays can
change over subsequent incarnations. It is thought that the seventh Ray aspires to
the first Ray, the sixth Ray aspires to the fourth Ray and then the second Ray, and
the fifth Ray aspires to the third Ray.

In a given lifetime, an individual should strive to complete the ideal of the Soul
Ray. This requires an opening up of spiritual consciousness through awareness and
service. Without spiritual awareness a person is most likely to function solely
according to the dictates of the Personality Ray. With some spiritual awareness a
person might at best be able to bend the Personality Ray to the will of the Soul
Ray. With a high level of spiritual understanding, a person can accomplish the
ideal or Will of the Soul Ray thus able to achieve a step toward evolution. So, what
does your Soul want you to do in this lifetime? Once you know about your Soul
Ray, how do you know if you are accomplishing what you should? Here's a little

If you are still captivated by the "glamour" of Earth life and caught up in material
advantages and/or the power connected to such glamour and advantages then you
are only motivated by your Personality Ray and living your life through an insular
energy unaware of your Soul's desire and Will.

If you are cosmically curious and academically and philosophically thirsty for
knowledge regarding more in-depth information about our Earth, solar system,
galaxy, and even the Universe via science, expanded metaphysics, quantum
theories, higher learning, and related human/philosophical studies then your Soul
has begun to release its Will because you a seeking a way to love humanity
through group consciousness. You are beginning to bend the energy of your
Personality Ray to the Will of the Soul Ray.

If you feel you have gained all the knowledge you could possibly absorb coupled
with what you feel is true information regarding your past lifetimes, then it is
possible that you have caught a glimpse of your Monad Ray and your essence and
are operating within the Collective Consciousness. With this comes a great
responsibility to bring your acquired knowledge to others by teaching or example
via group endeavor in order to help them elevate their own Soul Consciousness.



The Leader
"I" am a center of strength and power"

Asserts Confidence to Lead and Heal

Heals by Natural Means, Magical Means and Prayer
Attracts those who lack Courage

The First Ray is the Ray of Will and Purpose. It is the Ray of Power. The higher
manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces strength, courage, steadfastness,
determination, authority, and broadmindedness. This is the Ray of leadership and
under this Ray are found politicians, executives, explorers, soldiers, administrators
and occultists. This Ray is connected to the crown chakra and the pineal gland. The
zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Aries/Leo/Capricorn. The Ray color is red. The
Archangel of this Ray is Michael who governs Power, Cause, and Magistration and
the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is El Morya. First Ray individuals
often display natural leadership qualities, confidence and directness in personal
relationships. Even the more subdued types at the very least exhibit an urge to give
direction to others. They are often called upon to make decisions on some level.
First Ray people must avoid misuse of power and arrogance.




"I" am a center of Love and Wisdom

Offers Counsel, Teaches and Loves ALL others

Heals with Love and by Touch, Group Involvement and Religion/Spirituality
Attracts those who feel unloved, neglected and those in need of counsel

The Second Ray is the Ray of Love and Wisdom. It is the Ray of pure Love. The
higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces virtue, patience,
endurance, desire for truth, brotherhood, and strong intuition. This is the Ray of
teaching and goodwill and under this Ray are found healers, scholars,
philanthropists, teachers, counselors and sages. This Ray is connected to heart
chakra and thymus gland. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is
Gemini/Virgo/Pisces. The Ray color is blue. The Archangel of this Ray is Zophkiel
who governs Instruction, Mastership, and Divine Affairs and the Ascended Master
connected to this Ray is Dwjhal Khul. The Second Ray individual is often a healer
who evokes higher consciousness between people. They are often the
"peacemakers" on Earth. They are also very responsive to the needs of others and
need to guard against over sensitivity.




"I" am center of Truth and Ideas

Guides and Excites Ideation in others

Heals with Understanding, Analysis, and Healing Words
Attracts those who need Interpretation

The Third Ray is the Ray of Active Intelligence. It is the Ray of Intellect. The
higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces clarity of thought, abstract
understanding, conceptual aptitude, versatility, and tact. This is the Ray of the
thinker and interpreter and under this Ray are found theorists, astrologers,
philosophers, mathematicians, inventors and communicators. This Ray is
connected to the throat chakra and thyroid gland. The zodiac energy triad for this
Ray is Cancer/Libra/Capricorn. The Ray color is green. The Archangel for this Ray
is Raphael who governs Enlightenment, Protection, and the Appointment for each
Soul and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is Paul the Venetian. Third
Ray people are very active and often very good in business and are wise handlers
of money. They are abstract thinkers and creators of ideas. Third ray people must
avoid overuse of craftiness and manipulation.



1 2 3 <- 4 -> 5 6 7

"I" am center of BEAUTY and HARMONY

Helps others to penetrate the Laws of the Universe and to find Harmony
Heals by teaching others the value of Rest and Equity in Relationships
Attracts those seeking Cultural Expression

The Fourth Ray is the Ray of Harmony through Conflict. It is the Ray of Beauty
and is the counterpoise of the other Rays. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a
Soul Ray produces unity, artistic expression, culture, balance, and diplomacy. This
is the Ray of the Artist and Creator and under this Ray are found psychologists,
musicians, artists, writers, and mediators. This Ray is connected to the base chakra
and adrenal glands. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is
Taurus/Scorpio/Sagittarius. The Ray color is yellow. The Archangel for this Ray is
Gabriel who controls Light, the Waters of Life, and Influences and the Ascended
Master connected to this Ray is Serapis Bey. Since this is the Ray of struggle,
Fourth Ray people often find themselves "in the middle" of different situations
whether they intend to be there or not. They are especially connected to color and
form. They should avoid duality as this makes it hard to focus.



"I" am center of Knowledge and Understanding

Points out a better way by use of Convention and Research

Heals with a Scientific Approach and the TRUTH
Attracts those who are Unenlightened

The Fifth Ray is the Ray of Concrete Science and Knowledge. It is the Ray of
Science and Analysis. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces
technical and inventive capabilities, common sense, logic, love of science,
research, and methodology. This is the Ray of the Analyst and under this Ray are
found experts, engineers, inventors, technicians, educators, doctors, and lawyers.
This Ray is connected to the brow chakra and the pituitary glands. The zodiac
energy triad for this Ray is Leo/Sagittarius/Aquarius. The Ray color is orange. The
Archangel for this Ray is Zedekiel who governs Discovery and the Labors for the
Kingdoms of God and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is Hilarion.
Fifth Ray people are the Revealers of Truth. They have the power to master any
field of choice and tend only to believe that which can be realistically proven. They
must avoid becoming too judgmental and critical yet, despite their analytic natures
they are key players in the reorientation of consciousness as they probe deeper into
the Laws of the Universe.



"I" am center of Idealism and Devotion

Appeals to the Idealism of Others and Attracts Devotion

Heals with Prayer, Religion, Group Involvement with Devotion to Cause
Attracts those needing to Center their Devotion

The Sixth Ray is the Ray of Devotion and Idealism. It is the Ray of Abstract
Idealism. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces
humanitarianism, faith, devotion to cause, sacrificial love, single purpose, and
revolution for spiritual evolution. This is the Ray of the Devotee and Reformer and
under this Ray are found orators, crusaders, missionaries, mystics, ministers,
zealots, and religious leaders. This Ray is connected to the solar plexus chakra and
the pancreas. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces. The
Ray color is magenta. The Archangel for this Ray is Madimiel who governs
Purpose, Zealous Readying, and Quiet Desire and the Ascended Master connected
to this Ray is Jesus. Sixth Ray individuals are often philosophical idealists with
focused expression. They must work to avoid self-righteousness and narrow-



"I" am center of Order and Magical Skills

Physically Expressive with a desire for Perfection and Order

Heals via Supernatural Means, Other Worldly assistance and Magic
Attracts those who are Group Minded and Order Seeking

The Seventh Ray is the Ray of Ceremonial Order. It is the Ray of Expertise and
Ritual. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces practicality,
attention to detail, perseverance, self-reliance, organization, and the seeking of
perfection. This is the Ray of the Expert and the Magician and under this Ray are
found esotericists, builders, designers, administrators, ritualists, shamans and the
GENIUS. This Ray is connected to the sacral chakra and the gonads. The zodiac
energy triad for this Ray is Aries/Cancer/Capricorn. The Ray color is violet. The
Archangel for this Ray is Haniel who governs Magnetic Occurrences, Revelation,
and the Orders of Angels and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is St.
Germain. Seven Ray individuals are perfectionists who often work on the
organizational level be it personal or professional. They are very attracted to social
rites and ceremonies and enjoy being part of a group. Seven Ray people must avoid
becoming too caught up in and overly concerned with details.

For those of you, who have already engaged some esoteric study of the Seven
Rays, please note that the Theosophical Ray colors mentioned here may conflict
with other literature that you have read. These are the colors used by Star Logic
Astrodynamics and they have proven themselves to be consistent in Seven Ray

The following pages depict Sacred Geometry Mandalas with a coordinating mantra
for each Ray created by Star Logic Astrodynamics. These were created as aids to
meditation which can help an individual move towards a higher level of
consciousness and well-being. The mantras can also be used on a daily basis as
morning affirmations.

If you may be wondering how you can find out about all the Rays and subrays that
are connected to your current incarnation you should seek a professional astrologer
who specializes in Seven Rays analysis.
THE 1st GATE, Copyright © ad continuum Starlogic Astrodynamics

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