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Article I Name and Purpose

Section 1 Name

The name of this organization is Marketing Club at Berklee.

Section 2 Purpose

The Marketing Club at Berklee provides opportunities for Berklee students interested in
marketing to gain experience collaborating with other clubs and organizations at Berklee on
current projects, and by doing so, enhancing and maximizing students’ educational experience
as well as increase communication between the clubs and organizations at Berklee.

Article II Membership

Section 1 Eligibility

a. Shall be open to any Berklee student regardless of race, sex, creed, national origin,
disability, or other status protected under law.
b. Express general interest or request in the membership.
c. Agrees to the constitution and bylaws of the organization.
d. Must attend meetings at least once a month to be considered an Active Member.

Section 2 Registration

Membership registration may be done at any time throughout both semesters by contacting the
Director, Co-Director, Secretary, or Faculty Advisor via e-mail or in person.

Section 3 Faculty Advisor

The Faculty Advisor is considered a member of the Berklee Marketing Group. He or she is
encouraged but is not required to attend the organization’s functions.

Our faculty advisor: Stephanie Kellar

Article III Association’s Officers and Elections

Section 1 The officers of the group shall be:

a. Director
b. Co-Director
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary
e. Promotions Coordinator
f. Research Coordinator
g. Web Manager I (organization’s website design & management)
h. Web Manger II (online presence management)

Section 2 Terms of Office

Elections will be held the third week in April. The election date will be announced three (3)
weeks in advance. All nominees must have at least a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5
during his or her term of office. An officer’s term of office begins in the Fall semester after
elections are held and lasts until the end of the Spring semester when elections are held.

In case of a resignation, at the next possible meeting time, a majority vote will determine the
replacement, which will take effect immediately and carry throughout the remainder of the term.
In the case that the Director resigns, the Co-Director shall assume the responsibilities of the

Article IV Officer’s Responsibilities

Section 1 The responsibilities of the Director are as follows:

a. Help oversee tasks given to members.

b. Administer tasks and projects to all members of the organization.
c. Inform the Faculty Advisor the occurrence of each meeting
d. Run club meetings and inform members of meeting times.
e. Maintain official organization status and act as a public figure
f. Lead the organization by setting and announcing appropriate goals and directions.

Section 2 The responsibilities of the Co-Director are as follows:

a. Help oversee tasks given to other members.

b. Assist the Director in his/her responsibilities.
c. Act as the Director in his/her absence.
d. Help director guide the organization by setting and announcing appropriate goals and

Section 3 The responsibilities of the Treasurer are as follows:

a. Responsible for all the organization’s finances.

b. Keep record of every purchase made by the Marketing Club at Berklee.
c. Prepare budgets for various projects dictated by Director and/or Co-Director.
d. Formulate and implement strategies to generate income.
e. Prepare funding allocations to be submitted following Berklee’s Policies and Procedures
Governing Student Organizations.
f. Prepare a financial statement at the end of each active semester.

Section 4 The responsibilities of the Secretary are as follows:

a. Records and files meeting attendance.

b. Records and files meeting minutes.
c. Keeps all members informed of the occurrence of each meeting.
d. Keeps all members informed of the proceedings of each meeting.

Section 5 The responsibilities of the Promotions Coordinator are as follows:

a. Coordinate the efforts of members on the “Promotions Team” for projects assigned by
the Director/Co-Director.
b. Relay progress to Director and Co-Director.
c. Ensure that the goals set-forth are reached within the project time-frame.

Section 6 The responsibilities of the Research Coordinator are as follows:

a. Coordinate the efforts of members of the “Research Team” for projects assigned by the
b. Relay progress to Director and Co-Director.
c. Ensure that the goals set-forth are reached within the project time-frame.

Section 7 The responsibilities of the Web Manager I are as follows:

a. Design and manage the organization’s official Website.

b. Keep track of band submissions on the Website.
c. Relay progress to Director and Co-Director.

Section 8 The responsibilities of the Web Manager II are as follows:

a. Oversee and manage the overall online presence of the organization.

b. Communicate on behalf of the club on social networking sites.
c. Relay progress to director and co-director.

All Officers must maintain at least a Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.5.

Article V Meetings

The Berklee Marketing Group will meet bi-weekly. Quorum for conducting business will be by
majority of all voting membership.

Article VI Financing

The group shall request funding or generate funds as needed following Berklee’s Policy and
Procedures Governing Student Organizations.

Article VII Amendments

The Berklee Marketing Group may only accept amendments to this Constitution by approval of
the Director, Co-Director, the Faculty Advisor, and majority voting membership.

Article VIII Ratification

The Constitution shall be ratified with a majority of all voting membership and by approval of the
Director, Co-Director, and the Faculty Advisor.

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