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Playtest Master PDF (V0.5)

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The Team
PRODUCER Ricardo Evangelho


ART DIRECTOR Leesha Hannigan


Brynn Metheney
Tiffany Turrill
Paul Scott Canavan
Christina Kraus
Emily Hare
April Prime
Kimberli Johnson
Ilse Gort
Lake Hurwitz
Paul Canavan

CONCEPT Ricardo Evangelho

Jordan Richer
Leesha Hannigan
Matthew Gravelyn
Andrea Bruce

AUTHOR Matthew Gravelyn

STATS Matthew Gravelyn

CARTOGRAPHY Tim Paul Piotrowski

Mark Caeora



Hello Playtesters!
We are excited to be sharing this new campaign setting with you and even more excited to hear your
opinions on it.

Here’s what you will find in this document.

The Booklet text, which includes:

• An introduction to the world of Humblewood,

• Character creation rules to make your own birdfolk and humblefolk characters,
• Two new divine domains for clerics,
• A new college for bards,
• A new martial archetype for fighters,
• Three new backgrounds well suited for birdfolk characters,
• Seven new feats,
• Ten new spells, and
• A ready to go mini-campaign Adventure in the Wood to help you dive beak first into Humblewood!
And a set of printable reference PDFs featuring:
• 28 new monsters and NPCs to use in your campaigns,
• Ten spell cards,
• Five new magic items,
• Six new location maps, and
• Character Standees.

The best way to experience all the Humblewood content is to create Birdfolk and Humblefolk characters and
play through the Adventure in the Wood mini-campaign, it will you take you from level 1 to level 3 and give
you a good idea of the campaign setting.

We are also very interested in all the other ways this content can be used, so feel free to introduce the
Humblewood character content into your own campaigns, use the monsters and NPCs in your own
adventures and most of all – just have fun!

As you test this material, head over to and give us your feedback. You can return
to the survey over and over, so feel free to fill out your feedback as you test the different content.

LEave Feedback

Thank you again for your interest in playtesting for us! This is only the first of many projects coming from The
Deck of Many, so stay tuned.

The Deck of Many Team
May all your hits be crits!
Welcome to the Woods 6
Birdfolk Amaranthines 8
Humblefolk Amaranthines 12
Races of the Wood: Birdfolk 16
Corvum 16
Gallus 17
Luma 19
Raptor 20
Strig 21
Races of the Wood: Humblefolk 22
Cerva 23
Hedge 25
Jerbeen 26
Mapach 27
Vulpin 28
New Class Options 30
Bard 30
Cleric 33
Fighter 36
New Backgrounds 27
Bandit Defector 38
Grounded 39
Wind-Touched 40
New Feats 43
New Spells 45
Spell Descriptions 46
Adventure in the Wood 49
Part 1: The Adventure Begins 50
Part 2: The Bandit Menace 69
Part 3: An Urgent Summon 86
Random Encounters 101
Quest Prompts 103
Bestiary 105
Non Player Characters 118
Creating NPCs 129
New Magic Items 132
Humblewood is like many forests you have birdfolk races, new player options, and a playable
ventured in before. There are trees, yes, and all adventure module set in the world of
manner of smaller shrub and bush. There are Humblewood.
creatures here, small and large: fauna There are 35 cards detailing a variety of
encompassing the lowliest grub to the apex monsters, NPCs, magic items, and spells. There are
predators. Humblewood feels familiar and also several location maps which can be printed
welcoming. with any standard printer, and assembled into
And yet, Humblewood is unlike any forest you foldable maps for the various locations described
have ventured in before. The trees seem larger in the Humblewood module. Monster and NPC
somehow, and also don’t grow completely cards will have a classic stat block detailing
straight, or is that a trick of the eye? The abilities and attacks. Magic items and spells will
underbrush seems alive in its own right, humming detail the special properties of them, how to use
with energy. The beasts here are similar to the them, and how often.
deer and wolves of your homeland but with more These cards are referenced in the module, and
interesting patterns and displays. Humblewood can also be used to create your own stand-alone
feels foreign and confusing. adventures in the Humblewood campaign setting.
The birdfolk who call this forest home are Having the card in-hand as a quick reference will
another oddity you have scarcely heard of let make running the game that much easier and the
alone seen. A humanoid race that appears to have beautiful art will help your players visualize the
descended from powerful birds, they make their world and people around them.
homes and their living in this wonderful forest. The map shows an overview of Humblewood.
Only recently has trade of the pelts and other Again, this can be used as a building block in your
goods from Humblewood reached the large cities own home game or in conjunction with the
in nearby kingdoms, perhaps what has inspired adventure provided here.
adventurers and merchants to make a pilgrimage This booklet contains a variety of rules for
to this strange, new forest. immersing you and your players into the Wood.
The birdfolk are wary of outsiders, viewing There are player options, including races,
them as odd as they view the birdfolk. To see a backgrounds, and feats, along with a list of magic
person with no feathers, a flat beak, and small items and spells the characters can utilize. There
eyes is comical. How could they possibly feel safe is also an adventure that will explore the various
in the canopy cities of the forest? These perches as areas of Humblewood, taking characters from 1st
they’re known often span several or even dozens level to 5th. Additionally, there are a number of
of trees, connected by loose rope bridges or random encounter tables and additional monster
simply relying on the natural structure of stat blocks to help you spice up any game set in
branches to aid travel between platforms. Humblewood.
Without the ability to glide across these gaps the The easiest way to jump into Humblewood is to
non-birdfolk races could risk death by simply roll 1st-level characters, perhaps using the
crossing town. birdfolk races provided here, and starting the
adventure together.
In this box you will find a variety of cards, a
fold-out map of Humblewood, as well as this
manuscript, which contains information about the

In the beginning, there was only the sound of wings. The sounds were faint at first, light beats that
seemed distant and easy to miss, but as time passed they grew stronger, faster, until they could be
heard across the great unending dark. Then, with a single flap, creation burst into being: fire, ice, air,
water, soil and sky, all came from the soft sound of feathers that echoed throughout the cosmos. This is
the Great Rhythm, and by the Great Rhythm are all things moved. The Rhythm tells the sun when to set,
and the moon when to rise. The Rhythm tells the seeds when to flower, the trees when to shed their
leaves, and the snows when to fall. The essence of everything there is comes from the great rhythm.
One day, the Rhythm may signal the end of creation—but there will be no end to the Rhythm itself. As
every downbeat has an upbeat to follow it, so too will the cycles of nature eventually start again—for
even though the Rhythm can be faint at times, it is everlasting and eternal.
- Elder Ardwyn

Every denizen of the forest, from the great to the small, from predator to prey, knows of The Great
Rhythm: the beating force that is the pulse of life itself. To the birdfolk, the Rhythm began with the sound of
beating wings, but other peoples of the Wood tell that it began with the thundering of hooves, the padding of
paws, or with a small heartbeat. Birdfolk believe that two great spirits emerged from the Rhythm. They were
the first Amaranthines: Ardea, whose wings usher in the dawn, and Tyton, whose wings are the shadow of
night. They are the avatars of life and death, and keepers of the Rhythm.

Just as we need a heart to make our pulse pound, so too does the Rhythm require a drummer. The
heart of the Rhythm lies within the Amaranthines. They are the immortal, who have been given new
life by the Rhythm, and act as its guardians, maintaining the balance of nature.
- Elder Ardwyn

The Amaranthines are the gods of Everden, the world in which Humblewood and its stories take place. They
fill a similar role to the gods of other 5e campaign settings, although the Amaranthines are notable in that
they are all connected to nature. They are entrusted with maintaining the cosmic balance known to the
people of Everden as the Great Rhythm. As such, they rarely find themselves squabbling with one another in
the way of other gods, for any strife between the Amaranthines could represent a threat to the balance. While
harmonious, each Amaranthine tends to keep to their own sphere, and they rarely meddle in each other’s
Though each Amaranthine is a powerful being in their own right, holding a great degree of autonomy over
their dominions, each understands that they are but a small part of a greater whole. Like a beam of light
refracted through a crystal, so are all the Amaranthines one in the Great Rhythm.

Amaranthine Alignment Domains Symbol

Altus, the Enduring CG Tempest, War An ornate wooden chalice, out of which pour
storm clouds

Ardea, the Dawnmother NG Life, Light A radiant sun with two golden feathers

Cairith, the Resolute LN Life A pair of white antlers, around which flowered
vines grow

Chluran, the Fickle CN Arcana, Trickery Two bird heads in profile, one singing, the other

Gaspard, the Champion NG Community Three rapiers, tied together by a pink ribbon

Gesme, the Brilliant N Knowledge, The A gnarled oak branch, burning at one end

Hanera, the Provider LG Community, A wreath of fruits, vegetables, and flowers


Hath, the Whisperer CN Night Eight stars forming a mask with one shining eye

Reya, the Explorer CN Nature, Tempest Four arrows, wreathed with ivy, forming a

Henwin, the Kind NG Nature A blooming yellow rose, flecked with dew

Kren, the Sly NE Trickery A slanted crescent of grinning fangs

Tyton, the Nightfather LN Grave, Night A pair of dark wings, one with three stars, the
other with a crescent moon

BIRDFOLK AMARANTHINES  Altus is depicted as a powerful horned owl with

These are the Amaranthines worshipped in the
white feathers, who rides across the sky pouring
pantheon of the birdfolk races of Humblewood.
thunderheads from his chalice. Altus is a
They are generally acknowledged by the other
races which inhabit the Wood, although the pragmatic Amaranthine, who believes that
humblefolk also have Amaranthines of their own strength is cultivated through enduring hardships,
to which they pay homage. overcoming challenges, and testing mortal
limitations. Many stories of Altus’ tenacity and
ALTUS  endurance abound, from the time when he
Holy Symbol:​ An ornate wooden chalice, out of captured the moon as a gift to Ardea, to the time
which pour storm clouds he made the mountains by lifting the earth. Stories
Alignment:​ Chaotic Good of his feats of bravery and strength are equally
Domains: ​War, Tempest common.
Dogma:​ Challenge yourself. Endurance brings Legend says that Altus resides with Tyton in the
change, change brings growth, and growth brings land of the dead, and every year he makes the long
strength! and arduous journey back to bring winter storms

and inclement weather to test the endurance of story relates that Ardea sends these storks to fly
his people. He continues the cycle so that he may unnoticed into the world, where they place her
also have the pleasure of overcoming the animating light into unhatched eggs. This belief
challenge again year after year. In summers with has led the birdfolk refer to her by the name
especially bad weather, birdfolk say Altus “Mother Stork”.
challenged himself to an early trip to keep his She is worshipped by good aligned characters of
people strong. every sort: from poets who speak of the love she
Altus is the patron Amaranthine of the strig, and is has bestowed upon the world, to priests who
celebrated by them annually in a great festival name the newly born, and even to farmers who
which takes place in winter. Many games and pray for good harvests and light winters.
activities during this festival challenge entrants
with feats of strength and endurance. While there
is no official winner, all who participate are lauded CLHURAN 
for their courage and given a special place at the Holy Symbol:​ Two bird heads in profile, one
feasting table. singing, the other crowing
Altus usually finds veneration among warriors or Alignment:​ Chaotic Neutral
athletes, but also among the common people who Domains:​ Arcana, Trickery
pray for strength to endure harsh weather, bad Dogma:​ Fortune will not always favour you, but
harvests, and other natural disasters. live each moment to the fullest, for it is where you
are meant to be.
A fickle and unpredictable deity, Clhuran is the
Holy Symbol: ​A radiant sun with two golden
Amaranthine of fortune, magic, and fate. He is
often represented in dual profile: on one side as a
Alignment:​ Neutral Good
jester with bangles and bells, carrying a marotte in
Domains: ​Life, Light
his beak, and on the other as an executioner, with
Dogma:​ All life, great and small, is equal and
the head of the marotte in his beak replaced by an
sacred. Protect life, and be kind to all living beings.
ax head. Clhuran’s double profile illustrates not
only his own fickle nature, but the nature of fate
Ardea is often depicted as a great stork with
itself. Clhuran teaches that everyone is tied by
shining golden feathers, and is usually wreathed in
invisible strands to the web of fate. Each thread
flowers or other kinds of plant life. She is the
whips out into the cosmos, darting and weaving as
Amaranthine of the sun, who watches over all
the Rhythm moves it. Clhuran’s wisdom is to allow
living beings of Everden and provides them with
yourself to be moved by the threads of fate, to feel
light and energy to grow.
the pull of possibility around you, and to act in
Ardea’s light is present in all living things, from
accordance with their whims. Even misfortune
the tiniest sprouting seed to the mightiest
may lead one to an important place, or so Clhuran
flowering tree. Her light is also said to represent
love and kindness, which every person is believed
Many tales have been told of Clhuran’s luck, and of
to possess. All birdfolk are said to be Ardea’s
his mirth and jest, though he is also known to be a
children, and many believe she appears as a stork
capricious Amaranthine. Stories of his vicious
as a demonstration of her love for them--although
temper and jealousy abound. Good times and bad
she is said to appear in different forms to each of
times are all part of the tapestry of fate, and there
the woodland races.
is a strength that can be drawn in accepting one’s
The tales say she rests in a plane of pure light and
destiny. According to his teachings, good luck is
life when she vacates the sky. There, great
nothing more than being open to change, and
celestial storks carry out her will, and sometimes
following the will of the universe.
act as her messengers in the world. An old folk

While many birdfolk revere Clhuran, lumas are dare to push boundaries and harness their
seen to be his chosen, as they seem to possess a creativity.
unique connection to the threads of fate that often First among her followers are those who teach as
manifests in a natural magical talent. Among those well as study the arcane arts or experiment with
who revere him are arcane spellcasters, seers, and magical forces, such as scholars and mages. She is
fortune tellers who pray for insight into the will of also revered by artisans, and craftspeople of every
the universe. Bards, artists, and writers often pay kind. Blacksmiths in particular understand the
homage to Clhuran as well, because of his wild danger and power of working directly with flames
moods and connection to emotion, but also and pay her special reverence. Each prays to her
because they hope to follow their fate to events of for the spark of creativity that will ignite the fires
great import, which may be immortalized through of creation.
their art.
GESME  Holy Symbol:​ A wreath of fruits, vegetables, and
Holy Symbol:​ A gnarled oak branch, burning at
Alignment:​ Lawful Good
one end
Domains:​ Nature, Community
Alignment:​ Neutral
Dogma:​ Respect the earth and her gifts, share
Domains:​ Knowledge, The Forge
what you can with those in need, and always live
Dogma: ​Learn, create, and discover. ​Sometimes
with compassion in your heart.
the old ways must burn​ to make way for the new.

The closest to nature among all the birdfolk

An enigmatic figure, Gesme is the Amaranthine
Amaranthines is Hanera, who holds dominion
who governs knowledge, insight, and inspiration.
over all things that grow within the earth. While
She also represents fire, the spark which both
Ardea is the animating force of life, Hanera is the
inspires and destroys. She acknowledges that
guiding heart that gives life purpose and meaning.
delving into the unknown requires the courage to
She encourages birdfolk to see the world not only
be burned.
from the treetops, but from the loam and the
Gesme is often depicted as a raven, whose body is
things beneath. Everything, Hanera teaches, is
alight with the flames of knowledge, carrying in
connected as part of a vast community that
her talons a staff of burning oak which lights the
stretches from the smallest scattered seed to the
way for scholars. Gesme is best known for stealing
branches of the mightiest tree.
fire from Ardea’s sun with an oak staff and
Hanera is often depicted as a pheasant whose
bringing it to the world, burning her feathers
feathers are turning green and melding into plants
black in the process. She is the patron of corvums,
and flowers. She is the patron Amaranthine of the
and it is believed that corvums have at least some
gallus, and is invoked regularly during the process
black feathers because Gesme burned her own
of growing anything from the soil.
feathers to bring fire, along with the light of
As goddess of both earth and hearth, Hanera
reason, to the world. While this act earned her
governs the bonds that connect people to one
godhood, many believe it was a folly to allow fire
another and to nature. She is regularly invoked at
into the world.
feasts, and during ceremonies involving the
Gesme teaches that chaos always follows
sharing of food. Stories abound of her generosity
innovation. Each discovery spawns a new mystery,
and kindness, but also of her intolerance for evil. It
which in turn leads to further discovery in a
is Hanera’s will that evil be challenged wherever it
never-ending cycle in which the old becomes
is found, not with violence, but with acts of
fodder for the new. To those who pay her homage,
compassion. Those who harbour darkness in their
she is a symbol of what birdfolk can achieve if they
hearts require the warmth of friends, family, and

shelter to heal, and so Hanera teaches birdfolk seek to explore the world also pay her homage.
never to give up on their loved ones. Even the She often finds veneration among certain
most wicked among us can be healed with love. wandering bards, who carry their journeys home
Hanera is primarily worshipped by farmers and in the form of songs and tales.
druids, but many of her clerics tend shrines in her
honour, mostly in small woodland villages. Her TYTON 
holy symbol is often hung above the door in a
Holy Symbol:​ A pair of dark wings, one with three
house, to bless the dwelling and all those within it.
stars, the other with a crescent moon
Alignment:​ Lawful Neutral
REYA  Domains:​ Grave, Night
Holy Symbol: ​Four arrows, wreathed with ivy, Dogma: ​As day turns to night, so must all things
forming a compass end. Respect the power of death, but fear not the
Alignment:​ Chaotic Neutral end, for it is part of the Rhythm.
Domains: ​Nature, Tempest
Dogma: ​Seek out unknown horizons. Your skills Tyton ​is often depicted as an immense black barn
can take you anywhere if properly harnessed. owl. It is believed that he ushers in the night by
spreading his wings over the sky​. Tyton also
Reya, the Amaranthine of wind, is often depicted governs time, memory, and death. As the sun must
as a great hawk wrapped in a cloak of swirling set, so too must the light of life give way to the
clouds and wielding a great longbow in her talons. darkness of the grave. Rather than being seen
She is the patron of the raptors, and is believed to purely as a frightful figure, Tyton is often looked
have endowed them with their superior senses. upon as kind; he is the one who greets the old, the
The wind is free, streaming across land and sea frail, or those at the end of their lives as an old
with nothing to stop. Reya embodies this freedom, friend and guides their souls peacefully into the
and her spirit is said to glide through trees, over Great Rhythm.
mountains, and out to the four corners of the When not occupying the sky, it is believed Tyton
world. Her holy symbol is a compass, and she is resides in the lands of death, where everything is
also known as the Amaranthine of exploration. cold, dark, and eternally still. His abode lies
Those who possess a free spirit, and feel an beyond the parts of the Great Rhythm associated
insatiable urge to wander and roam the lands, are with life, and it is said to be impossible for mortals
often said to be blessed by her. to cross. Even other Amaranthine find travel there
In addition to her associations with wind and difficult, although Altus is said to brave the
wanderlust, Reya is also known as a skilled journey regularly, simply for the challenge of it.
hunter, and only the Amaranthine Altus is said to In addition to guiding the souls of the dead, Tyton
be close to her ability in this regard. Reya is is associated with the coming of old age, and the
credited with the invention of the bow, a gift she keeping of memory. He watches over the living,
passed down to the birdfolk. She is also known for patiently observing all who sleep or hunt beneath
her skills in navigating wild country and surviving him. It is said that from​ ​watching your dreams,
off the land. As these are essential to any who Tyton can learn all there is to know of your life.
wish to undertake long journeys through the When Tyton is invoked at funerals, it is also to
perilous wilderness, she is often called upon by remember those who have passed, and to recall
travelers to bless them with a portion of her their lives and deeds. Because Tyton watches the
talent. It is said that Reya watches over those who living from birth to death, he is known as Father
undertake such journeys, presenting travelers Owl.
with opportunities they must not squander. While natural death is his domain, Tyton frowns
Reya is worshipped by hunters and those who live upon those who would seek to enslave the souls of
off the land, but travelers, sailors, and those who the dead using necromantic magics, and those

who would desecrate the tombs of the deceased, Dogma:​ The way of nature is growth. Let nothing
as these actions corrupt the natural cycle. stifle you, and you will flourish.

An Amaranthine of vigor and strength, Cairith is

HUMBLEFOLK AMARANTHINES  the patron spirit of the Cervans. Where Ardea’s
radiant energy is the necessary spark of life itself,
The humblefolk races are just as connected to the the energy that Cairith oversees is the cause of
Great Rhythm as the birdfolk, although different slow, steady growth and longevity. In living
communities interpret this connection in different beings, this force manifests in the ability to run,
ways. Most humblefolk recognize the birdfolk jump, grow, and become strong. Ancient parts of
pantheon, and some in cities even pay homage to forests, plants that grow to cover the trunks of
birdfolk deities for their guidance. trees, and giant beasts endowed with the
intelligence to speak are seen as signs of Cairith’s
Other humblefolk, however, worship blessing. While Cairith teaches that adversity
Amaranthines specific to their culture and brings strength, his teachings differ from those of
heritage. The humblefolk Amaranthines are less of Altus. Altus encourages his followers to seek out
a cohesive pantheon, and are as varied as the challenges, where Cairith sees life itself as a
humblefolk themselves. Many stories are told of perpetual struggle against the withering forces of
their interactions with both birdfolk and sickness and death. The true challenge of survival
humblefolk Amaranthines, such as the time Kren is always against oneself and one's own limits. By
tricked Gesme into dropping her flaming staff to continuing on in spite of these limits, Cairith
chase game out of a small grove, or the time teaches his adherents to triumph over the forces
Henwin sheltered Gaspard and his companions of death. This struggle must one day end of course,
from a great monster. such is the cycle of nature, and so the followers of
Cairith seek only to honor these daily triumphs of
For humblefolk who live outside of birdfolk
life while they happen. An existence in the world
perches, Ardea and Tyton are known as
is said to have been well-spent if it was lived
Dawnmother and Nightfather, and they are
unflinchingly, even in the face of sorrows and
usually depicted in forms that more closely
hardships. Cairith is particularly opposed to
resemble the physical features of their race. For
necromancy as those made undead cannot truly
those in the perches, humblefolk Amaranthines
appreciate life’s struggles.
tend to be treated more in the way of a folk
religion alongside the primary birdfolk pantheon. Cairith is described as a mighty stag with antlers
Occasionally, perch-dwelling humblefolk will have covered in moss and flowering vines. He is
small shrines dedicated to their Amaranthines in massively tall, and wherever he walks plants are
their homes, or in their shops. said to sprout from the earth. Cervans all profess a
kinship to Cairith, but rather than being a direct
While these Amaranthines go largely overlooked
ancestor, he is seen as a guardian spirit. Some
by most birdfolk, they are nevertheless paid
tales say he was the first to be born from the land
homage by some who have taken the time to learn when the Dawnmother gave it life. Cairith was a
their tales. This rubs many humblefolk the wrong teacher to the first cervans, and blessed them with
way, but the priests of these Amaranthines many gifts so that they might survive in the harsh
understand that each deity is but a reflection of world of the forest. Cairith is also attributed with
the Great Rhythm, and welcome any birdfolk who the powers of ‘Sight’. Where others see a tangle of
have come to learn from them. vegetation, Cairith sees the plan of nature
unfolding. Certain cervans are gifted with ‘The
CAIRITH  Sight’, and this allows them to glimpse events that
have occurred in the distant past, and those which
Holy Symbol:​ A pair of white antlers, around have yet to happen.
which flowered vines grow
Alignment:​ Lawful Neutral Cairith finds veneration among rangers and
Domains: ​Life druids, as well as healers and community leaders.
Paladins often invoke his dogma to give heart to
those they defend, and Cervan diviners gifted with

‘The Sight’ often invoke Cairith in their rituals. mounted on tamed wolves make a spectacle of
Cairith also has many followers among the their courage and daring before the crowds.
common people, especially among humblefolk
who have suffered hardships. HATH 
Holy Symbol:​ Eight stars forming a mask with one
GASPARD  shining eye
Holy Symbol:​ Three rapiers, tied together by a Alignment:​ Chaotic Neutral
pink ribbon Domains: ​Night
Alignment:​ Neutral Good Dogma:​ Be crafty, be cunning, be careful. Death is
Domains: ​Community everywhere, but heed my words, and you can
Dogma:​ The least among us can inspire the evade its grasp.
greatest with courage and conviction alone.
Known as ‘The Uncaring’, ‘The All-Seeing Stars’,
An Amaranthine of heroism and valor, Gaspard is and ‘The Whisperer’, Hath is an Amaranthine that
known as ‘The Champion’, and is said to have been many humblefolk and birdfolk alike struggle to
a great jerbeen leader. Upon his death, the Great understand, though it finds special veneration
Rhythm took him, and his spirit ascended as an among the mapach. According to them, Hath was a
Amaranthine. It is believed he was chosen to serve constellation of stars who listened carefully to the
as an example of greatness, one to inspire others Nightfather, who used to speak in ancient times
for generations to come. Gaspard is known for his and spread his vast wisdom across the primordial
many stories and tales of adventure, where he darkness. He spoke of night, of time, and of the
traveled the whole of Everden with his worlds beyond life. It is said that these stars
companions slaying monsters, unseating tyrants, listened, and grew wise, too wise to remain as
and bringing peace and prosperity wherever he stars. Thus, they were made the Amaranthine of
roamed. fear, doubt, and secrets by the Great Rhythm. This
is why, the tellers say, the Nightfather no longer
Gaspard’s followers believe the actions of an speaks.
individual ripple outwards, affecting a community,
which in turn can inspire the least among it to Ever since, Hath has whispered its unsettling
achieve greatness. The example of Gaspard secrets to the people below, speaking quietly so
teaches jerbeen to inspire others with acts of the other stars cannot hear. Mapachs were not the
courage, heroism, and kindness. first to hear its voice, but they do claim to be the
first to truly make use of the secrets it whispers.
At times, Gaspard has been at odds with other While even priests of Hath do not necessarily
Amaranthines. Before he ascended, there is a tale ‘hear’ the words of the stars, mapachs believe that
of the time he met the Amaranthine Kren, and was Hath speaks to creatures in subtle ways. Those
forced to show no sign of his fear, lest she eat him who are frightened while traveling at night and
and his companions. Thanks to his composure, those caught in dangerous situations are said to be
Gaspard kept each member of his group strong, gifted with cautious and crafty thoughts by Hath.
and their bravery kept him strong in turn, The ones who heed these thoughts are sure to
allowing them all to escape with their lives. survive, while those who ignore them may die.
Hath doesn’t care either way. The stars teach
Gaspard’s example has caused many to heed the
humblefolk the importance of trusting in
paladin’s call. Others who venerate Gaspard themselves and keeping their wits about them,
include warriors who seek to match his exploits, even in dire situations. When a mapach gets a
as well as poets and artists who seek to inspire shiver of premonition, something they could never
others through the telling of heroic tales. He is also have known, it is said to be the whispers of Hath
worshipped by all kinds of humblefolk, who hold they have heard.
special summer festivals in his honour. These
Hath has few followers, and most are mapachs.
generally include storytelling, puppet shows, and
Rangers and travelers who find themselves
magnificent jousts where armoured jerbeen
traversing dangerous parts of the Wood at night
often pay homage to the All-Seeing Stars. While

some pray to this Amaranthine for guidance, death is dealt indiscriminately, the web may
others pray they will not hear Hath’s voice, as the become damaged. Although it is resilient, the web
stars only whisper to those in situations dire is still as fragile as one made from spider’s silk. It
enough to have need of their wisdom. Some is the duty of all who follow Henwin to strengthen
the web and to help maintain the balance which
warlocks have made pacts with this Amaranthine
supports all living things.
for knowledge of the worlds beyond life, and of
secrets from the night’s depths. Most consider this Henwin is mostly venerated by druids, who take
practice to be foolhardy at best--The Uncaring is her message of nature’s web of kindness to heart.
known to exact a terrible price for such secrets, They can often be found protecting groves and
and some lose their minds delving into the vast leading communities, keeping both safe from
reservoir of knowledge Hath will all too readily those who would mean them harm. Priests of
supply them. Henwin often invoke her name to protect those
under their care, and she holds special veneration
HENWIN  among gardeners, who honor her by keeping their
Holy Symbol:​ A blooming yellow rose, flecked plots filled with a diverse array of complementary
with dew plant and insect life.
Alignment:​ Neutral Good
Domains: ​Nature KREN 
Dogma:​ The rose only blooms thanks to the many Holy Symbol:​ A slanted crescent of grinning fangs
kindnesses of the soil. Alignment:​ Neutral Evil
Domains: ​Trickery
Henwin, the patron spirit of hedges, is venerated
Dogma:​ Guile is the greatest weapon at your
by humblefolk of all kinds. She is the Amaranthine
disposal. Hone it, use it, and your fangs will always
of balance, and teaches that all things in the forest
must be respected, as they are all connected in a find their mark.
great web of kindness. It is thanks to the sun that The Amaranthine of predation and guile, Kren is
the plants grow, and because the plants grow that
depicted as a great fox-like beast, whose form is
all living things have food. Food dies and becomes
usually obscured by shadows. The only clear parts
the soil, which nourishes more life. The teachings
of her form are her fangs and her eyes, glinting as
of Henwin ask her followers to take into
they catch the light. Kren appears in many tales, as
consideration the many kindnesses which brought
often a villain as a hero, and even then it is rare
each of them into being and nourished them
that her motives are laudable. Yet, Kren is still a
throughout their lives.
useful teacher, for her stories often demonstrate
It is only fitting, then, that Henwin is said to be a how hubris can be exploited, how heroes can be
hedgehog who spends her life in the forest. In the laid low, and how there is no weapon so deadly as
tales, storytellers say that she resides deep in an flattery.
ancient part of the world, hidden from the eyes of
The patron spirit of the vulpin, Kren teaches them
most mortals, where she inhabits a tangle of roots
to walk the line between savagery and
from every forest that has ever grown. Here she
sophistication, and how and when each should be
tends to a garden of moss, fungi, and insects,
used. For many other humblefolk, she also teaches
helping to keep the living roots healthy, while
the value of cunning, and how no creature is so
making sure that those which have withered can
wise or mighty that they cannot be taken
provide for the plants and creatures who rely on
advantage of if they allow themselves to be
dead things to grow. She is often depicted carrying
a yellow rose, which is her symbol. When yellow
roses bloom, it is said to be Henwin, blessing a Tales about where Kren came from, and stories of
forest with the beauty of her quiet grace. The her origin are often vague and contradictory.
roses are often given as tokens of friendship. Some vulpin storytellers say that Kren came from
a time before the land was given life. That she was
Henwin teaches understanding, and respect for
an ancient force who simply awoke when the
the web of kindness that connects all forests. If
Dawnmother and Nightfather set creation in

motion, ready to feast on a world full of new and
fresh meat. Others believe she was the first vulpin,
who ascended from a humble fox. As the tale goes,
Kren tricked Ardea into allowing her to watch
over one of the Dawnmother’s two divine feathers.
She then ate the feather and became the
Amaranthine of guile. This is why, these tales
claim, the Dawnmother always carries the last
feather in her beak.

Kren finds veneration among many humblefolk,

although she isn’t worshipped quite in the same
way as many other Amaranthines. Rather, Kren is
seen as a teacher of the dangers of vainglory, and
this is the manner in which she’s normally
invoked in tales and stories. Those with ill intent
also keep shrines to her patronage.These normally
consists of individuals seeking to evade capture,
such as thieves, smugglers, and purveyors of black
market goods. While many priests of Kren use her
stories to teach others how to follow a good and
moral path, there are those who invoke Kren for
dark rites and rituals in order to gain power for
themselves. Kren is always ready to make
bargains with such supplicants, but many say that
those who do are fated to be devoured by her
when their lives finally come to an end.

The various people who make up the world of Guard, a force of soldiers trained in both aerial
Humblewood are generally divided into two and ground combat, that keeps the cities and their
categories: the birdfolk and the humblefolk. This denizens safe.
chapter outlines the ten core races, five birdfolk
and five humblefolk, who make up the majority of While Alderheart has been a beacon of peace and
characters found in the Wood. harmony for many years, the coming of the fires
has thrown the region into chaos, and the great

birdfolk cities now face more threats from bandits
and marauders than ever before. Through it all the
The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse birdfolk trust in solidarity, between themselves
and unique as the forest itself. Only the skillful and the diverse groups of people who call their
survive the forest, and the birdfolk have become perches home, to weather the coming storm as
masters of both the forest floor and the canopies they have so many times before.
above, creating several settlements (known
colloquially as ‘perches’) throughout the Wood.
Despite regional differences and cultural
It's hard to say whether the corvums are
peculiarities among the different kinds of birdfolk
distrusted because they behave the way they do,
in the Wood, the birdfolk races nevertheless share
much of their culture, language, history and origin or if they behave the way they do because they are
myths. This solidarity has allowed them to work distrusted. The reputation of corvums in birdfolk
together and prosper, creating a harmony in the society is nothing short of villainous, and they are
Wood which has lasted for an age. regularly cast as the antagonists of any given
While a diverse group, adapted for a variety of
different environments within the Wood, birdfolk FOR PERSONAL GAIN 
also share several physical traits which have
allowed them to find common form construction It is widely believed that corvums only look out
of their perches. Beyond the obvious physical for themselves. Sometimes this presents as
similarities, all birdfolk possess arms covered in flexible morals, and at other times it simply means
feathers, which extend into wing-like appendages. they follow a personal code instead of subscribing
While incapable of true powered flight, the strong to general law. Either way, corvums are a crafty
hollow bones and lightweight bodies of birdfolk race and they usually get what they want, one way
allow them to easily use their feathered arms to or another.
glide, and unless severely encumbered, all birdfolk
Corvums are typically found in positions with a
can recover gracefully from what would otherwise
be a deadly fall. In some birdfolk races these wings modicum of power, such as advisors or politicians.
have grown strong enough to bear their owners The stigma they face usually prevents them from
upwards in a mighty flap. Others have instead attaining too prominent a position in birdfolk
developed talons which make for both deadly society, but corvums are adept at working behind
defensive weapons and useful tools for scaling tall the scenes, spreading their influence subtly and to
trees. great effect.

The birdfolk have established themselves as a TOO SMART 

political force to be reckoned with in
Humblewood. They shaped their mighty capital Corvums are accepted, sometimes
from the great tree Alderheart, and from this begrudgingly, to be among the smartest of
bastion of safety their ruling body, the Bidfolk birdfolk. They are keen observers and often trade
Council, makes decisions which impact all of in information the way others trade goods. They
Humblewood. The birdfolk are well-defended are hungry for knowledge and leverage it to
from outside threats as well thanks to the Perch

further their goals whenever possible. Their Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
undeniable skill in matters of logistics and Birdfolk. You can also understand Auran, though
planning make them valuable to councils and you cannot speak it naturally.
powerful individuals alike. Subrace. ​There are two main races of corvum:
dusk and kindled. Choose one of these subraces.
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Intelligence score As a dusk corvum, you are more at home in the
increases by 2. bustle of society than in the wilds of the forest.
Age. C​ orvums live slightly shorter lives than You understand others the way a hunter
other birdfolk, around 70 years. They reach understands their prey, and you’re just as quick to
adulthood at around 18. capitalize on an advantage.
Alignment.​ Corvums tend to put themselves Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity score
above others, but still value order and rules. They increases by 1.
lean toward lawful neutral alignments. Skulker. Y ​ ou have advantage on Dexterity
Size. ​Corvums cut imposing figures, usually (Stealth) checks made in dim or dark light.
standing between 4 and a half and 5 and a half feet Street Smarts. ​You gain proficiency in the
tall, encompassing a variety of different builds. Insight skill.
They weigh around 100 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
As a kindled corvum, you know implicitly that you
Glide. ​Using your feathered arms, you can slow
are the smartest person in the room. Your ability
your fall, and glide short distances. When falling
to utilize your knowledge to your advantage, along
you can use your reaction to spread your arms,
with your deep understanding of people’s
stiffen your wing feathers, and slow your descent.
motivations, makes you a formidable opponent.
While doing so, you continue to fall gently at a
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Charisma score
speed of 60 ft. per round, taking no fall damage
increases by 1.
when you land. If you would fall at least 10 feet in
Convincing.​ Kindled corvums tend to have a
this way, you may fly up to your movement speed
way with words, and are accomplished at saying
in any direction you choose, although you cannot
what people want or need to hear. You have
choose to move upwards, and you land in the
proficiency in either the Deception or Persuasion
space you finish your movement. You cannot glide
skill. Additionally, you have advantage on all
while carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield
Charisma checks made to convince someone of
(though you may drop any held items as part of
your exceptional knowledge on any topic related
your reaction to spread your arms). You cannot
to the skill provided by your learned trait.
glide while wearing heavy armor, or if you are
Sharp Mind. ​You learn one additional language
of your choice, gain proficiency in a tool of your
Talons. ​Your sharp claws aid you in unarmed
choice, and are able to accurately recall with
combat and while climbing. Your damage for an
perfect clarity anything you have seen or heard
unarmed strike is 1d4 piercing damage.
within the past month.
Additionally, you have advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your
talons could reasonably grip. GALLUS 
Learned. ​You gain proficiency in one of the The gallus are most commonly found in small,
following skills: Arcana, History, Nature, or familial communities as opposed to the grand
Religion. perches of the Wood. They value their social
Appraising Eye. ​You have an almost bonds above all else, always helping each other
supernatural ability to appraise objects. By and promoting the common good. They are polite
spending an action examining any object, you can
but have little patience for deceit and rudeness.
determine any magical properties the item has,
how they might be used or activated, as well as
what a fair market price for the object might be.
Using this skill strains the eyes, and you must The gallus are a varied people, resembling as
complete a long or short rest before you can use it many different varieties of wildfowl as there are

trees in the Wood. There are dozens of variations feet tall, and showing many unique builds. The
of feathers, colors, and patterns even between variety of shapes and sizes of gallus means they
gallus of the same subrace. The gallus are proud of also encompass a variety of different weights, but
their appearances but not to the point of vanity. most average around 90 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Maintaining good grooming is akin to keeping a
Glide. ​Using your feathered arms, you can slow
knife sharp and shows a level of respect for your fall, and glide short distances. When falling
oneself. you can use your reaction to spread your arms,
stiffen your wing feathers, and slow your descent.
Birdfolk are generally welcoming to people of While doing so, you continue to fall gently at a
other races, but the gallus are particularly speed of 60 ft. per round, taking no fall damage
well-known for their willingness to include when you land. If you would fall at least 10 feet in
virtually anyone in social or even familial groups. this way, you may fly up to your movement speed
in any direction you choose, although you cannot
In gallus culture, it is customary to always offer
choose to move upwards, and you land in the
your seat at a table to guests. This is seen as the space you finish your movement. You cannot glide
basis of a popular and hilarious children’s story while carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield
about a meal growing too cold to eat as the gallus (though you may drop any held items as part of
continually give up their seats to late arrivals to your reaction to spread your arms). You cannot
the party. glide while wearing heavy armor, or if you are
SALT OF THE EARTH  Wing Flap. A ​ s a bonus action, you can use your
powerful feathered arms to propel yourself
Gallus are a social and communal folk. They tend
upward a distance equal to half your movement
to live in close-knit communities of families and speed. You can use it in conjunction with a regular
their sense of pride for their community runs jump, but not while gliding.
deep. They help raise the children of other Communal. W ​ henever you make an
families, they pitch in to make sure all the work Intelligence (History) check related to the history
gets done, and they highly value honest labor, of your race, culture, or community, you are
such as farming and smithing. There is nothing a considered proficient in the History skill and add
double your proficiency bonus to the check,
gallus would not give to their neighbors in a time
instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
of need.
Militia Training. Y ​ ou have proficiency in
simple weapons.
While other birdfolk might look down on gallus Of the People. ​You gain proficiency with the
for their common ways, the gallus have excellent artisan tools of your choice: brewer’s supplies,
interpersonal skills. They are insightful and carpenter’s tools, or smith’s tools. Gallus are
empathetic, but not to the point of being socially simple folk who believe in honest work.
exploitable. The gallus have an ear for the truth, Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
Birdfolk. You can also understand Auran, though
and are often capable of rooting out lies and
you cannot speak it naturally.
Subrace. ​There are two main races of gallus:
GALLUS TRAITS  bright and huden. Choose one of these subraces.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Wisdom score BRIGHT GALLUS

increases by 2. As a bright gallus, you are a natural leader. Your
Age. W​ hile ages fluctuate, gallus usually reach time in your communal home has taught you how
maturity around 18 and can live anywhere to inspire others and rally folks to a common
between 70 and 100 years. cause. This air of command follows you wherever
Alignment.​ Gallus are salt of the earth folk you roam.
who believe in justice and order. They tend to be Ability Score Increase.​ Your Charisma score
lawful or neutral good. increases by 1.
Size. ​Gallus are the most varied of the birdfolk Inspiring.​ By spending an action and giving
races, ranging from just under 4 feet to just over 5 words of advice or encouragement, you can

inspire an ally who is able to see and hear you. The
ally can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to OF TWO WORLDS 
their next ability check, attack roll, or saving While most lumas find their peculiar nature to be
a hindrance in society, some make use of their
Understanding. Y ​ ou have proficiency in the
gifts to climb the social ladder. These individuals
Insight skill.
inspire curiosity, and they seem to have an air of
HUDEN GALLUS authority. This divide in social standing among
As a huden gallus, you are of the land. You respect lumas often makes for curious and strained
the sacredness of nature and that respect is paid relationships among families and friends.
back to you. Your innate connection with nature
may alienate you from city life, but your true
home lies in the wilder parts of the Wood. Other lumas find it difficult to exist in the larger
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity score society of birdfolk cities. It is said that this is a
increases by 1. main contributing factor for the close-knit and
One With the Wood.​ You have proficiency in often exclusive luma perches or districts in larger
the Nature skill. cities. Lumas tend to keep to themselves,
Seedspeech.​ Through sounds and touch, you preferring the company of those who understand
can communicate simple ideas to living plants. them rather than those who pass judgement.
You are able to interpret their responses in simple
language. Plants in the Wood do not experience
the world in terms of sight, but most can feel
differences in temperature, describe things that Ability Score Increase.​ Your Charisma score
have touched them, as well as hear vibrations that increases by 2.
happened around them (including speech). Age. L​ umas reach adulthood around 20 and
can live to be about 70 years.
LUMA  Alignment.​ Spurred by personal interests and
flights of fancy, lumas tend towards chaotic
Lumas are a race of polar opposites when it comes
alignments, but rarely are they inherently evil.
to society. They are as often shunned for their Size. ​Lumas are the shortest and lightest of the
eccentricities as they are celebrated for them. birdfolk, standing roughly 3 feet tall and weighing
Most fledgling lumas approach social situations only around 30 lbs. Your size is Small.
with hesitation, until a time when society labels Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
them an outcast or a notable figure, and the Glide. ​Using your feathered arms, you can slow
individual naturally adapts to the role. your fall, and glide short distances. When falling
you can use your reaction to spread your arms,
TOUCHED  stiffen your wing feathers, and slow your descent.
While doing so, you continue to fall gently at a
To most, lumas seem perpetually disorganized speed of 60 ft. per round, taking no fall damage
and distracted, which has lead to a belief in their when you land. If you would fall at least 10 feet in
low intelligence. In truth, lumas have a unique this way, you may fly up to your movement speed
perception of the world. They seem able to in any direction you choose, although you cannot
interpret information in a unique way, allowing choose to move upwards, and land in the space
them to see possibilities others cannot. you finish your movement. You cannot glide while
carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield
(though you may drop any held items as part of
These inherent talents, sometimes dismissed as
your reaction to spread your arms). You cannot
luck, can be improved upon with training at the glide while wearing heavy armor, or if you are
Avium. Pairing their natural talents with magical encumbered.
education, powerful luma wizards and radical Wing Flap. A ​ s a bonus action, you can use your
scholars have been at the forefront of new powerful feathered arms to propel yourself
discoveries and education for some time in upward a distance equal to half your movement
Humblewood. speed. You can use it in conjunction with a regular
jump, but not while gliding.

Touched. ​You know one cantrip from the are rarely prey, and are quick to turn the tables
sorcerer spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting when finding themselves hunted.
ability for it.
Fated. ​Whether by luck or a guiding presence, PERCEPTIVE AWARENESS 
you always seem to find your way. Once per day Given their heightened senses, raptors often seem
you can choose to reroll any attack, skill check, or
to be a bit distracted or deep in thought. In reality,
saving throw. You can decide to do this after your
they are processing the wealth of sensory
roll, but only before the outcome of the roll has
been determined. information they receive from their particularly
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write keen eyes and sensitive ears. While many folk are
Birdfolk. You can also understand Auran, though only ever aware of what goes on directly around
you cannot speak it naturally. them, raptors have an extremely wide range of
Subrace. ​There are two main races of luma: awareness.
sable and sera. Choose one of these subraces.
SABLE LUMA Raptors are adept at living off the land. They
As a sable luma, you are often found on the fringes are skilled hunters, usually leading the harvesting
of social situations. While you are overlooked by of meat and skins for their perches. They are
the crowd, your gifts are undeniable. You are especially well versed in stalking prey from great
destined for greatness. heights, lining up impossible shots that their prey
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Constitution could not predict.
score increases by 1.
Hard to Read. ​Your innate eccentricities make NATURAL PREDATOR 
it hard for other birdfolk to figure you out. When While many of the birdfolk races are culturally
someone performs a Wisdom (Insight) check communal, raptors don’t have a great sense of
against you, they have disadvantage on their roll. connectedness, nor do they tend to create their
Additionally, you gain advantage on Charisma
own perches. They are more likely to adopt a
(Deception) checks made against creatures that
transient lifestyle, moving from perch to perch, or
are not lumas.
Resilience.​ You have advantage on saving to simply live in the vast forests of the Wood itself.
throws against poison and resistance against
poison damage. While raptors tend to be quiet, they are not averse
to forming relationships with other birdfolk.
Oftentimes, despite their reserved nature, raptors
As a sera luma, you are revered and celebrated by
those around you. You have an almost unnatural value personal bonds more highly than societal or
beauty and grace, inspiring admiration in some even familial ties.
and jealousy in others.
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Wisdom score RAPTOR TRAITS 
increases by 1. Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity score
Center of Attention. ​You have proficiency in increases by 2.
the Performance skill. Age. R​ aptors live longer than any other
Songbird. E ​ very so often, you can demonstrate birdfolk race. They reach maturity around 20 and
the innate and mystical power of your Charisma. live over 100 years.
You may cast the ​charm person​ spell once per long Alignment.​ Preferring the path of naturalists
rest. This spell does not require any somatic and hunters, raptors rarely see value in order for
components to cast. Charisma is your spellcasting the sake of order. They tend to be neutral in
ability for this spell. alignment.
Size. ​Raptors are lean, muscular hunters, but
RAPTOR  they stand less than 4 feet tall. Their light builds
When the birdfolk think of hunters or rangers, usually lend themselves to bodies that weigh far
they picture a raptor. These birdfolk are swift and less than one would expect for their height,
strong with an uncanny knack for tracking. They averaging around only 35 lbs. Your size is Small.
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Glide. ​Using your feathered arms, you can slow As a maran raptor, you are as at home in the water
your fall, and glide short distances. When falling as in the trees. You also have a wealth of patience,
you can use your reaction to spread your arms, acting only when it best suits your goals.
stiffen your wing feathers, and slow your descent. Ability Score Increase.​ Your Intelligence score
While doing so, you continue to fall gently at a increases by 1.
speed of 60 ft. per round, taking no fall damage Swimmer. ​Your base swimming speed is 15
when you land. If you would fall at least 10 feet in feet.
this way, you may fly up to your movement speed Patient. ​When you react with a readied action,
in any direction you choose, although you cannot you have advantage on the first attack roll, skill
choose to move upwards, and land in the space check, or ability check you make as a part of that
you finish your movement. You cannot glide while action.
carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield
(though you may drop any held items as part of STRIG 
your reaction to spread your arms). You cannot Strigs are the most imposing of the birdfolk races.
glide while wearing heavy armor, or if you are
They value strength and endurance, traits they
believe to be most valuable for survival in the
​Talons. ​Your sharp claws aid you in unarmed
combat and while climbing. Your damage for an Wood. Although they are not necessarily
unarmed strike is 1d4 piercing damage. prejudiced against those who are weaker, they are
Additionally, you have advantage on Strength quick to call out when someone is not doing their
(Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your best for the common good.
talons could reasonably grip.
Keen Senses. Y ​ ou have proficiency in the STRONG AND BRAVE 
Perception skill.
While many of the birdfolk races rely on their
Woodland Hunter. ​Your accuracy allows you
to treat three-quarters cover as half cover and half speed or intelligence for superiority, strigs rely on
cover as no cover. their immense strength and stamina to endure
Hunter’s Training. ​You have proficiency with even the most punishing assault, making them
the longbow, short bow, and spear. Additionally, mighty warriors. Whether defending their perch
your familiarity with the longbow means that it is or braving the Wood itself, strigs never shy away
not considered a heavy weapon for you. from a fight.
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
Birdfolk. You can also understand Auran, though
Strig culture is largely based on principles of
you cannot speak it naturally.
Subrace. ​There are two main races of raptors: strength and endurance above all, but not
mistral and maran. Choose one of these subraces. necessarily for the purposes of combat. Protecting
and providing for others in hard times is
MISTRAL RAPTOR considered just as impressive, if not more so, than
As a mistral raptor, you are most at home far from
winning a fight.
the ground. You can range for miles in the Wood
without ever setting talon to soil, moving more
confidently through the branches than some move
on flat ground. Strigs, more than any of the other birdfolk race,
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Wisdom score are most at home in the wild. Their mottled
increases by 1. feather patterns, while not as bright or beautiful
Agile. ​You have proficiency in the Acrobatics as others, make them practically invisible in the
skill. forest. Due to this inherent advantage, along with
Aerial Defense. ​Creatures that attack you
their speed and strength, a conflict with a strig is
while you are falling, gliding, or jumping have
disadvantage on their attack roll. usually fast to start and fast to end.

Strigs prefer the relative simplicity of the forest to

MARAN RAPTOR the machinations of society and politics. Despite
these individualistic tendencies, they often form

familial and community bonds that transcend a SWIFT STRIG
permanent or single physical home. As a swift strig, you are a powerful force in the
Wood who ranges far and wide without ever
STRIG TRAITS  missing a step. You are most capable when
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Strength score immersed in the forest.
increases by 2. Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity score
Age. S​ trigs reach maturity faster than most increases by 1.
humanoid races, around age 15. They can live Swift. ​Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
around 80 years. Survivor. Y​ ou have proficiency in the Survival
Alignment.​ Strigs usually put their personal skill.
morals above any imposed system of governance, STOUT STRIG
but they still have a strong sense of community. As a stout strig, you are as hearty as you are
They tend to be chaotic good. strong, able to weather hardship and impose your
Size. ​Strigs are muscular, imposing folk will on the world around you.
ranging from 4 to over 5 feet tall and weighing Ability Score Increase.​ Your Constitution
around 110 lbs. Your size is Medium. score increases by 1.
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Imposing. ​You have proficiency in the
Glide. ​Using your feathered arms, you can slow Intimidation skill.
your fall, and glide short distances. When falling Brawler. ​When you successfully attack a target
you can use your reaction to spread your arms, with your Talons, you can choose to grapple that
stiffen your wing feathers, and slow your descent. target as a bonus action.
While doing so, you continue to fall gently at a
speed of 60 ft. per round, taking no fall damage
when you land. If you would fall at least 10 feet in
this way, you may fly up to your movement speed
in any direction you choose, although you cannot
choose to move upwards, and land in the space
you finish your movement. You cannot glide while Not all denizens of Humblewood are birdfolk, and
carrying heavy weapons or wielding a shield this appellation refers to the peoples of the Wood
(though you may drop any held items as part of who live a little closer to the forest floor. Unlike
your reaction to spread your arms). You cannot the birdfolk, whose shared language, histories,
glide while wearing heavy armor, or if you are myths, and culture have allowed them to exist in
encumbered. harmony for most of Humblewood’s history, the
Talons. ​Your sharp claws aid you in unarmed
humblefolk represent a disparate group of
combat and while climbing. Your damage for an
peoples, cultures, and ways of seeing the world,
unarmed strike is 1d4 piercing damage.
Additionally, you have advantage on Strength many of whom haven’t always seen eye to eye.
(Athletics) checks made to climb any surface your
talons could reasonably grip. Ages ago, an accord was struck between the
Darkvision. ​You are adept at hunting under people of the forest floor to unite against roving
the cover of night. You can see in dim light within bandits and quell the in-fighting that was
60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in wreaking havoc across the Wood. This accord was
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
known as the ‘Humblefolk Treaty’ and was
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
witnessed by the birdfolk, who were just then
Patterned Feathers. Y ​ ou have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks when you attempt to beginning to shape the trunk of Alderheart. The
hide in a forest. birdfolk offered the humblefolk safety within their
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write great city, and many accepted their offer. Over
Birdfolk. You can also understand Auran, though time, more and more humblefolk migrated to
you cannot speak it naturally. newly-established birdfolk perches, though many
Subrace. ​There are two main races of strigs: found birdfolk architecture to be restrictive for
swift and stout. Choose one of these subraces.
creatures without wings.

So it was that many humblefolk began to live once throughout the Wood, and it is often remarked
again in small woodland villages beneath the that a happy cervan is one who is hard at work.
forest canopy, although now in more diverse
communities. With the expansion of the WARY AND PRACTICAL 
Humblefolk Treaty to allow humblefolk to call One of the reasons cervans form such tightly-knit
upon birdfolk garrisons for aid in times of crisis, communities is a fear of outsiders. Before the
and the birdfolk Perch Guard keeping the roads Treaty, vulpin raiders or mapach thieves were
safe for merchant caravans, the Wood truly serious threats, and while those times have long
entered a golden age. Life for many humblefolk since passed, cervans still possess a wariness that
was peaceful and prosperous...until the fires came. makes it hard for others to gain their trust. After
the implementation of the Humblefolk Treaty,
Now the humblefolk stand more divided than many cervans continued to live by the old ways.
ever: those who have found fortune in the birdfolk However, some cervan villages have since started
cities tend to see things from their perspective, to contain the odd family of jerbeen, or a few lone
while those who live in the woodlands have more hedges. Even under such circumstances, cervans
to fear from bandits and forest fires than ever have maintained positions of leadership and
before. Others have even left to join the bandits, delegated responsibilities to ensure that village
seeing not only a path for survival, but a chance to life is enjoyed by everyone.
get even with the birdfolk for years spent living
under their talons. Yet, where the Treaty still This ability to balance their innate caution with
holds, villages of diverse humblefolk can still be practical considerations is one of the cervans’
found, some even living alongside birdfolk. The greatest strengths. Cervans teach that the best
humblefolk are survivors, and each race has found means of survival in any situation is to remain
a way to live in this often dangerous Wood. calm and weigh one’s options, and the best cervan
leaders favour this approach.


Cervans are a versatile group of deer-like Cervans have a unique ability to bounce back and
humanoids who make their homes in small, survive physical shocks that might kill others.
closely-knit villages throughout Humblewood. Occasionally those who survive such traumas
They tend to be more insular than other describe seeing visions. Sometimes these are
humblefolk, and often make their homes deep in flashes of insight into the world around them,
the heart of the forest, in tree stands and groves sometimes portents of doom, and other times
far from birdfolk perches. visions of a far away future.
This phenomenon is known among cervans as
HALE AND HEARTY  ‘The Sight’, and it is believed that those who have
Cervans have a robust physique and are rarely it share a special connection with the world
sick. They are one of the longest-lived races around them. Known as ‘The Sighted’, a cervan
among the humblefolk. Though their wariness has whose sight has been triggered will often be
earned them a reputation as timid, nothing could encouraged to hone it, taking on the role of a seer
be further from the truth. Cervans are cautious within their village. However, these efforts aren’t
because they remain active and alert, and in always met with success.
general they prefer action and practice to
contemplation and theory. Cervans like to pursue The sight is elusive, and out of the control of
skills independently in order to give themselves a mortals. It will sometimes visit a cervan only once
sense of purpose. This striving is what propels in their lifetime, with no amount of training
some cervans to positions of great import granting a glimpse of such visions again. This is

believed to be for the best, as cervans incredibly versatile, and can fulfill a variety of
acknowledge that those who are truly sighted roles within a village or an adventuring party.
carry knowledge which can be both a blessing and
a curse. Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity score
increases by 1. Grove cervans are nimble and
Age. C​ ervans live long lives compared to the
While it’s not unusual for some cervans to have
rest of the Humblefolk, something they attribute
small antlers or buds visible on their heads, only
as much to their way of life as the blessing of
rarely is a cervan born with a full set of antlers. Cairith. They tend to reach maturity around 12
These cervans are classed as a different sub-race, years of age, and live around 95 years.
pronghorns, and are thought to be specially Size. ​The majority of cervans stand between 5
blessed by their amaranthine, Cairith. Unlike other and 6 feet tall, and have light builds, weighing
races, they generally do not consider themselves between 130-180 lbs. Your size is Medium.
to be two different peoples. Rather, the two Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Standing Leap.​ Your base long jump is 30 feet,
sub-races live alongside each other as one people.
and your base high jump is 15 feet, with or
Pronghorns are generally born from grove
without a running start.
parents, although the reverse can happen just as Nimble Step.​ Opportunity attacks made
frequently. against you are rolled with disadvantage.


As a pronghorn cervan, you were born larger and
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Constitution
stronger than others in the community and found
score increases by 2. Cervans are a hearty ilk.
yourself laden with expectations from the moment
Alignment.​ Cervans are pragmatic in their
of your birth. It is up to you whether you embrace
thinking, and generally prefer to keep their
your position of privilege, or chafe against the
philosophies flexible in order to prioritize what
constraints thrust upon you by cervan society.
they believe is important for both themselves and
their communities. As such, they tend towards
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Strength score
Neutral, though any number of different
increases by 1. Pronghorns tend to be less nimble
alignments can be found among them.
than most cervans, but make up for this in raw
Practical. ​Cervans are eminently practical and
tend to spend their time learning useful skills for
Age. P​ ronghorns live slightly longer than grove
life in their woodland villages. You gain
cervans. They can live to be over 100, something
proficiency in one of the following skills: Athletics,
that is also seen as a sign of Cairith’s blessing.
Medicine, Nature, or Survival.
Size. ​Pronghorns have heavier, more muscular
Surge of Vigor. A​ ll cervans possess a great
builds than other cervans and usually stand close
tenacity and will to survive, which allows them to
to 7 feet tall when grown, weighing around
bounce back from even the most devastating
180-250 lbs. Your size is Medium.
blows. If an attack deals over half of your hit
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
points in damage, you immediately regain hit
Robust Build.​ You count as one size larger
points equal to 1d12 + your Constitution Modifier.
when determining your carrying capacity and the
You can’t use this feature again until you have
weight you can push, drag, or lift.
completed a long rest.
Antlers.​ You have a set of large, strong antlers
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
that can be used to make devastating charge
Birdfolk and speak Cerva. Cerva has no written
attacks. You can use your unarmed strike to gore
opponents, dealing 1d6+ your Strength Modifier
Subrace.​ Choose one of the two sub-races:
piercing damage on a hit.
grove cervan or pronghorn cervan.
Additionally if you move at least 20 feet in a
GROVE CERVAN straight line towards an opponent, you can spend
As a grove cervan, you are swift and agile, able to a bonus action to charge them, dealing an extra
quickly make it out of harm’s way. You are also 1d6 points of piercing damage. If the target of

your charge is Large or smaller, they must make a the strength of the emotions they feel. The
Strength saving throw against a DC of your strength of these emotions applies as much to
Proficiency Bonus + 8 + your Strength Modifier. positive as to negative feelings, meaning
On failure, the target is pushed 10 feet away from emotional wounds run deep with hedges.
you into a space of your choice.


The most diplomatic and good natured of all the
Gifted with a unique connection to the Great
humblefolk, hedges tend to live quiet lives in
Rhythm, hedges are tied into the natural world in
villages throughout the Wood, or within the safety
a fashion similar to connection lumas have to fate.
of birdfolk perches. They resemble hedgehogs,
This has granted hedges special magical gifts, such
although the quills that cover their backs are far
as the ability to speak with the smallest
tougher. These are hard enough to repel blades
ground-dwelling creatures in the Wood, and the
and sharp enough to pierce even the solid hides of
power to cause flowers to bloom. It is quite
monstrous creatures. Despite their sturdiness,
common for hedges to have a variety of animal
hedges are sensitive and emotional creatures,who
friends with whom they share their homes.
often display timidity more than bravado. This
stems not from cowardice, as many incorrectly
Hedges who live outside of the birdfolk cities like
believe, but from a desire to respect the feelings
to live in individual burrows under the great roots
and sensitivities of others.
of trees, but they don’t enjoy spending all of their
SENSITIVE AND KIND  time underground. Communities of hedges are
generally found near clearings or copses, where a
Hedges have an incredible capacity for empathy,
central meeting area and communal garden can be
and tend to view all creatures, from the smallest
constructed in the spaces between burrows.
beetle to the largest beast, as being equally
Hedges are great lovers of gardening, and often
deserving of respect and dignity. They are known
have a few small individual garden patches
across the Wood for being excellent conflict
wherever they live.
mediators, and often find themselves accepting
positions as diplomats or emissaries between DRESSED FOR COMFORT 
factions trying to broker an agreement.
Hedges need special consideration when wearing
clothes and favor loose tunics, baggy trousers,
Hedges feel most at home when everyone gets
flowing robes and other clothes which fit easily
along, and they are one of the few people who
over their spines. When not actively flared out, the
truly understand that conflict is not an evil force
tough quills that line their backs naturally flatten,
but simply represents an imbalance which must
becoming smooth to the touch, which avoids the
be resolved. This is not to say that hedges have
problem of the quills piercing through their
never known strife, only that their proactive
clothing. If suddenly frightened however, their
approach to mediation, coupled with their deep
spines tend to flare out and stiffen automatically,
respect for the dignity of all living creatures,
an accident that has led to many hedges having
results in fewer occasions for conflict. Yet, when
sets of clothing ruined.
conflict does arise, it can be difficult to resolve.
Hedges who feel they have been truly and deeply
Adventuring clothes made specifically for hedges
wronged can close themselves off from the rest of
are available in nearly every major city in
their society, sometimes resulting in splits in a
Humblewood, and tailors throughout the Wood
are familiar with making alterations to suit the
needs of hedges.
One of the reasons hedges display such deep
empathy and compassion towards others is due to

rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Charisma score Speak With Bugs. ​Through sounds and
increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with
by 1. Hedges are diplomatic and understanding. creatures of the beast subtype that represent
Age. H​ edges take longer to mature than most insects, spiders, worms, and other creepy
other races, reaching adulthood around 20, but crawlies, regardless of their size.
they also tend to live for a long time, with many of Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
the oldest living around 120 years. Birdfolk and Hedge.
Alignment.​ Hedges are a compassionate and
empathetic people, and tend towards good JERBEEN 
alignments. Leanings towards neutrality are also Jerbeens are small mouse-like humanoids with
common, especially among diplomats who wish to long, powerful legs in proportion to the rest of
hear every side of a debate, or those who evince a their bodies and long, furred tails that help them
deep respect for the balance of nature. balance. Jerbeens can be found in a variety of
Size. ​Hedges tend to have short, rounded body
places across the Wood, usually forming their own
shapes, standing between 3 and 4 feet in height,
and weighing between 40 and 70 pounds. Your communities within birdfolk perches or
size is Small. humblefolk villages. It is rare to see a jerbeen
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 25 feet. You living alone. Usually, a jerbeen’s home contains
also have a burrowing speed of 15 feet. You are several generations of the family, including
capable of burrowing through soil, but are unable relatives and cousins living together under one
to dig through anything more substantial with roof. Jerbeens have a strong sense of family and
your clawed hands. community ties, and they like to surround
Spiny Quills. ​The backs of hedges are covered
themselves with good company wherever they
with spiny quills, which makes it impossible for
them to wear armor. These quills provide rest.
exceptional protection, however, and you are
treated as having a base armor class of 14 + your OUTSIZE COURAGE 
Dexterity modifier. While you can’t wear armor, Jerbeens are the smallest people in Humblewood,
you can still benefit from the armor class bonus dwarfed by nearly every other kind of creature
provided by shields so long as you are proficient they encounter. While they are quite quick and
with them.
nimble, and possess an affable attitude, they are
Curl Up.​ You can use your action to curl up,
not very strong, brave, or powerful on their own.
exposing attackers to a wall of your toughened
quills. While curled up in this way you cannot However, jerbeens are emboldened when they
move, attack, or cast spells with somatic stand with a group. The presence of others helps
components, and your base armor class becomes to reassure them, and they excel in team strategy,
19. You cannot benefit from any Dexterity bonus helping one another solve problems neither could
to armor class while curled up, but you can still surmount alone.
use shields.
Any creature that misses you with a melee COMMUNITY FIRST 
attack while you are curled up takes 2d4 points of
piercing damage from your sharp quills. If a The communal slant of jerbeens stems from more
creature hits you while you are curled up, than just their love of good company. Jerbeen are
however, you are knocked prone in your space at kind and considerate creatures, known for their
the end of the turn. You may uncurl yourself at any affability and charm. Their position as a small and
point during your turn. not particularly strong people gives them a
Forest Magic.​ You have a deep connection to perspective which allows them to easily
the magic of the Wood. You know the ​druidcraft empathize with others, though not all jerbeens
cantrip. Additionally, you can cast ​animal
share this compassionate outlook. Some respond
messenger​ as a 2nd level spell once with this trait,
and regain the ability to do so after a short or long to the dangers of the outside world by becoming

insular, and fearing all non-jerbeens. Jerbeens with age. They are also adept at climbing and
value privacy as much as anyone else, but true sneaking about. This, combined with their love of
isolation from friends, families or loved ones is trinkets, has earned them a reputation as thieves.
considered to be the worst possible fate a jerbeen While there are exceptions, most mapachs are
could suffer. quite good-natured, if a little eccentric.


Ability Score Increase.​ Your Dexterity Mapachs are adept at surviving tough woodland
increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases conditions, and at intuiting the right course of
by 1. Jerbeens are nimble and considerate. action when faced with a problem. They are also
Age. J​ erbeens live quickly, reaching maturity at inveterate opportunists. While some may consider
around age 5, and they live to just around 40
them brash, mapachs know that opportunities
Alignment.​ Being small creatures who face rarely present themselves and are quick to act on
many threats in the world, jerbeens are sensitive them. Mapachs are alert, however, and they have a
to the feelings of others, and generally tend keen awareness of their surroundings. Only the
towards good alignments because of this. They truly foolhardy among them are taken in by
also tend to form communities with incredibly obvious traps.
strong bonds between each member, and lawful
alignments are not uncommon among community CANNY CRAFTSPEOPLE 
One of the traits Mapachs are most well-known for
Size. ​Jerbeens tend to have incredibly small
and light bodies, standing between 2 and 3 feet is their ability to find a use for just about anything.
tall, and weighing between 20 and 40 pounds. This knack for creating functional or useful items
Your size is Small. out of debris, junk, or on-hand materials is known
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet. as scroungecraft, and is a cultural staple among
Jerbeen are quick for their size. Mapachs. They often treat it with the same regard
Standing Leap. ​Your base long jump is 30 feet, as high art among other peoples. Scroungecraft
and your base high jump is 15 feet, with or
demonstrates creativity, ingenuity, and
without a running start.
resourcefulness, and many who have created
Nimbleness. ​You can move through the space
of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. interesting or unique creations in this way achieve
Take Heart. ​You have advantage on Strength celebrity status among mapachs, going on to
saving throws and saving throws against being showcase their skills in loosely-organized
frightened as long as you are within 5 feet of an scroungecraft fairs. Scroungecraft is often
ally who isn’t frightened or incapacitated that you misunderstood by outsiders who see it as
can both see and hear. primitive or crude, but for mapachs it is a practical
Team Tactics. Y ​ ou can take the Help action to
example of useful skills which can be applied to
assist an ally you can see within 5 feet of you who
serious crafts as well. Many genius ideas created
can see and hear you as a bonus action.
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write by mapach hands began as scroungecraft
Birdfolk and Jerbeen. prototypes.


Mapachs are medium-sized racoon-like Mapachs are often loners, but when they do form
humanoids who have a natural curiosity about the their own communities or choose to join other
world around them. They are crafty, hearty, and communities of humblefolk or birdfolk they have a
tough, but their true strength lies in the potential habit for fostering the development of the area
they see when looking at the world around them. they’re in. Mapach ingenuity was responsible for
Mapachs have incredibly light hands and a great drafting the basis for what would later become
degree of fine motor control that doesn’t diminish Alderheart’s pulley system, something so

successful that many other birdfolk perches have permanent version, so long as you start this
adopted the technology. process before the item falls apart. Items crafted
in such a way will function exactly as a normal
MAPACH TRAITS  version of the item, and if you have proficiency in
the tools used to craft them, they can even look
Ability Score Increase.​ Your Wisdom score
professionally-crafted. Otherwise, they retain a
increases by 2, and your Constitution score
rather rough, cobbled-together appearance.
increases by 1. Mapachs are wily and resilient.
You can also use scroungecraft to repair
Age.​ Mapachs mature quickly, but have fairly
broken equipment, provided you have the
average lifespans. They reach adulthood around 8,
materials on hand. Though, how long your repairs
and the oldest among them live just past 60.
hold together is up to the DM.
Alignment.​ Mapachs don’t typically favour
​ ou have advantage on Stealth checks
Skulker. Y
good over evil, with most choosing to remain
made in dim light and total darkness.
neutral. They tend to dislike conventions that
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
stifle their creativity, however, and so they lean
Birdfolk and Mapach.
more towards the freedom of chaotic alignments.
Size. ​Mapachs generally stand between 4 and 5
feet tall, and encompass a variety of builds from
svelt to wide, weighing between 90 and 160 lbs. One of the least understood and most often vilified
Your size is Medium. humblefolk in the Wood, vulpins have earned a
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You bad reputation that isn’t entirely deserved. Much
also have a climb speed of 10 feet. of this stems from the fact that vulpins are
Darkvision. ​You can see in dim light within 60 ambitious, and sometimes their drive to succeed
feet of you as if it were bright light, and in can make it difficult for them to empathize with
darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern
others. Vulpins feel just as deeply as other people
color in darkness, only shades of gray. Mapachs
are most comfortable under the cloak of night. of the Wood, but they possess a keen survival
Resilience.​ You have advantage on saving instinct which sometimes causes them to take
throws against poison and resistance against courses of action that are selfish. Despite this, they
poison damage. are sharp and savvy, possessing a natural charm
Scroungecraft.​ You are proficient with tinker’s that allows them to easily earn the trust of others.
tools. Additionally, you have the ability to In the right situations, vulpins can be true friends,
construct crude but functional versions of and in the wrong ones, deadly enemies.
common items using materials present in your
surroundings. You may spend 10 minutes to craft
these materials into any tool or piece of
adventuring gear worth 30 gold pieces or less. The Vulpins are naturally intelligent, rivalled only by
item will be completely functional, even capable of Corvums. However, where Corvums are studious,
passing for a disguise if used to construct clothing. vulpins are more creative. They enjoy the arts and
Tools, along with any other item that would the pursuit of leisure, and some even devote their
logically break on its first use (caltrops, arrows), lives to an art form, learning to master sculpting,
will become useless afterward. Items made this
poetry, or refined swordplay. Vulpins also have a
way will otherwise last 1 hour before falling apart.
reputation for being snobbish and looking down
Depending on the materials available, a DM
may rule that you cannot craft an item in this way. on others. This is not truly the case however, and
For example, a vial of acid might be easy to obtain vulpins come from every walk of life. All vulpins
if you happen to be near a nest of acidic beetle have a natural connection to the magic of the
larvae and some bark you can bind into a Wood, though they channel it in specialized ways.
makeshift flask, but it would be difficult to create a The right look from a Vulpin can bewitch or
passable facsimile of silken robes from a pile of terrify, and those who are truly skilled can
command an entire room through sheer force of
Should you have access to the proper
materials, you can spend 8 hours converting an
item you have slapped together this way into a

using either your Strength or Dexterity modifier
PRODIGIOUS PREDATORS  for both the attack roll and damage bonus.
Before the Humblefolk Treaty was signed, vulpins Evasive. ​You add your Intelligence modifier as
a bonus on all Dexterity saving throws.
controlled a large part of the Wood outside of the
Bewitching Guile. ​You can cast ​charm person
spheres of influence of the birdfolk, and bands of
as a 1st level spell with this trait, and regain the
vulpin raiders provided their empire with a ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When
wealth of plundered goods. Those days are long you reach 3rd level, you can cast ​ambush prey​ as a
since gone, but the memory of the sinister vulpin 2nd level spell with this trait, and regain the
has yet to fade from the minds of humblefolk. A ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When
few vulpins have attempted to change public you reach 5th level, you can cast ​fear​ with this
opinion, but the majority are unconcerned with trait, and regain the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting
this reputation. Vulpins learn from a young age
ability for these spells.
that they are of two natures: the sophisticated and
Languages.​ You can speak, read, and write
the savage. While sophistication and elegance are Birdfolk and Vulpin.
generally preferred, it is considered common
sense that vulpins should know when to keep
their fangs hidden and when to bear them.

Ability Score Increase.​ Your Intelligence score
increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases
by 1. Vulpins are cunning and elegant.
Age. V​ ulpins mature at an average pace, and
can be comparatively long-lived. They reach
adulthood at age 15, and live well into their 90s.
Alignment.​ While the negative stereotype of
the sinister vulpin is inaccurate, it is rooted in a
germ of truth. Vulpins generally favour evil over
good alignments, though this usually stems from a
difficulty empathizing with others rather than
outright malice. Good vulpins try to combat these
depictions where they can, while many others find
it advantageous to remain morally flexible. Most
vulpins chafe under strict authority, preferring
chaotic alignments over lawful ones. Still, others
find the law can be a useful tool.
Size. ​Vulpins cut dashing figures and are
usually lean and muscular. They stand between 4
and a half and 5 and a half feet tall, but are
relatively lightweight, weighing between 90 and
140 lbs. Your size is Medium.
Speed.​ Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. ​You are adept at hunting at night.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only
shades of gray.
Bite. Y​ ou have sharp fangs that enable you to
make natural bite attacks. You can choose to bite
as an unarmed strike that deals 1d6 points of
piercing damage, and which can be calculated

BARD  Traveler's Tricks (4 options)


At 3​ level, a bard gains the Bard College feature. When you join the College of the Road at 3rd level,
The following option is available to a bard, in choose three of the following six options (each
addition to those which already exist. option can only be selected once):
● You gain proficiency with a gaming set of your
● You gain proficiency with a martial weapon of
Not an official College recognized across the land,
your choice
the College of the Road represents the very
● You gain proficiency with herbalism kits
personal and eclectic sets of skills, knowledge, and
● You gain proficiency with thieves tools
techniques a wandering bard picks up along their
● You gain proficiency with a skill of your choice
journey. As inveterate jacks of all trades, bards
possess a variety of aptitudes in combat, ● You learn two languages of your choice
magecraft, and general know-how, making them
particularly well suited to learning many different WANDERER’S LORE 
kinds of skills. It often happens that while
Also at 3rd level, you can share any useful tidbits
traveling, a bard winds up sharing their campfire
of information you have come across in your
with a motley assortment of wandering
travels to help others to see problems from a new
adventurers who may impart valuable lessons in
angle. A creature you have inspired with your
exchange for a lively song or a well-told tale.
Bardic Inspiration may choose to roll a single
Compared to students of other Bard Colleges, a
Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion skill check
special kind of sensibility is important for the
with advantage once within 10 minutes of being
College of the Road. Your Wisdom determines how
inspired. The creature may choose whether or not
well you are able to pick up the techniques you are
to add the Bardic Inspiration die to this roll.
taught along the way, making many of them more
effective. The College of the Road is sometimes a
harsh teacher, but bards who follow this path TRAVELER’S TRICKS 
often find themselves rewarded with a diverse
Additionally, at 3rd level you already have several
array of useful tricks and tactics. Those who
memorable experiences from your life on the
underestimate a bard from the College of the Road
road. You learn two Traveler’s Tricks of your
soon find that they are full of surprises.
choice (see “Traveler’s Trick Options” below).
These Traveler’s Tricks represent skills,
College of the Road Features
techniques, and useful pieces of knowledge picked
Bard Level Feature up along the way, usually while sharing meals
Bonus Proficiencies, Wanderer’s around campfires with other adventurers. Each
Lore, Traveler’s Tricks (2 options) one requires you to expend a use of your Bardic
Favorite Trick (1st), Inspiration, and takes a bonus action to use unless
6th Improved Tricks, otherwise specified.
Traveler's Tricks (3 options) At 6th level and at 14th level you learn an
Favorite Trick (2nd), additional Traveler’s Trick.
Improved Tricks,

At 14th level, even if the target fails their
saving throw they only take half damage from the
At 6th and 14th levels, your Traveler’s Tricks
become stronger. By practicing with the tricks you Armed Combat Lessons.​ A seasoned fighter
already know, and encountering stronger taught you how to use a simple combat stance to
adventurers who can share their knowledge with wield your weapons more effectively. When you
you over the course of your journey, your mastery select this option, choose a Fighting Style from the
over the skills you’ve picked up increases. Fighter’s list of class features. You may select
Archery, Dueling, Great Weapon Fighting, or Two
Weapon Fighting. You can expend one use of your
Bardic Inspiration as part of a weapon attack
At 6th level, you have gained enough mastery over against one creature you could target, adding your
one of your Traveler's Tricks that you can use it Bardic Inspiration die to the attack or damage roll.
whenever you need to. You may choose one When you do this, you gain the benefits of your
Traveler’s Trick that you already know and chosen Fighting Style for 10 minutes.
designate it as your favorite trick. At the beginning At 6th level, you learn how to use your
of combat on your turn, if you have no uses of stance to chain your attacks together in deadly
your Bardic Inspiration, regain one use. Any combination. You may take an extra attack action
Bardic Inspiration gained in such a way can only once before this effect ends.
be used to perform your favorite trick. At 14th level you have learned to shore
At 14th level you can select a second favorite trick up any weaknesses in your stance. You gain +1 to
from among Traveler’s Tricks you know. your AC for the effect’s duration.

Bind the Wound. A ​ n experienced paladin

instructed you in the basics of combat triage. You
The Traveler’s Trick feature lets you choose can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration as a
options for it at certain levels. The options are reaction to add the number you roll on your
presented here in alphabetical order. Each one is Bardic Inspiration die + your Wisdom modifier
associated with a different class, and those (minimum of 1) to the amount of hit points healed
marked with an asterisk (*) are magical effects. to you or to an ally within 5 feet of you. You must
If an option requires a saving throw, your have at least one hand free in order to quickly
Traveler’s Trick save DC equals 8 + your staunch the target’s wound.
proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier. At 6th level, you have learned to identify a
selection of useful herbs that you can carry with
Acrobatics Lessons.​ A slick rogue once gave you you in case of emergency. You may also remove
some pointers on zigging and zagging. You can the poisoned or paralyzed condition from the
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration as a target of this ability.
reaction to add the number you roll on your At 14th level, you have developed a true
Bardic Inspiration die to a Dexterity saving throw knack for emergency triage. You may additionally
made by you or an ally who can see and hear you remove a single disease affecting the target of this
within 60 feet. ability.
At 6th level, if the target succeeds the
saving throw against an effect that would deal half Boxing Lessons. ​A wise monk was happy to share
damage on a successful save, the target takes no the basic form of the jab and weave. When you
damage instead. take the attack action, you can expend one use of
your Bardic Inspiration to quickly execute two
unarmed strikes against one or more creatures

you could target. You may use Dexterity instead of to roll your Bardic Inspiration die and take an
Strength for the attack and damage rolls of these amount of necrotic damage equal to the roll.
unarmed strikes. The damage die used for these At 6th level, you have learned how to
unarmed strikes is the same as your Bardic deepen your pact with the strange traveler you
Inspiration die. once met. You may choose to take double the
At 6th level, you have finally mastered the necrotic damage you rolled on your Bardic
“weave” portion of your technique. You do not Inspiration die to instead have the effect last for 1
provoke attacks of opportunity this turn. hour.
At 14th level, your practice has paid off, At 14th level, your pact with the strange
granting you the use of a slightly ki-infused attack. traveler unlocks frightening new power. When
When you hit with one of these attacks you may you reach 14th level, choose a single spell of 7th
attempt a stunning strike. The target must succeed level or lower from the warlock’s spell list. You
on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until may cast the spell once during this effect without
the end of your next turn. expending any spell slots, although you must cast
it at the level of your highest spell slot. In
Conjure Woodland Spirit.* ​A patient druid shared exchange, the spell deals additional necrotic
the secrets of forest magic with you. You can damage to you equal to twice the level at which it
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration as an was cast.
action to conjure a forest guardian spirit in an
unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of Evocation Lessons.* A ​ venerable wizard shared
you. The guardian spirit is Large-sized, and takes secrets of evocation magic with you. When you
the appearance of a spectral predatory cat. Any select this option, choose a damage-dealing spell
enemy that moves into or leaves a space adjacent you can cast. You can expend one use of your
to the guardian spirit must make a Wisdom saving Bardic Inspiration when you cast this spell to
throw, taking magical slashing damage equal to change the type of damage it deals to your choice
your Bardic Inspiration die on a failure. The of either acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder
guardian spirit will remain for as long as you (chosen when you cast the spell). Add the number
concentrate on it, up to 10 minutes. you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die + your
At 6th level, your bond with the guardian Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to the damage
spirit grows even deeper. Any creature dealt dealt by the spell.
damage by your guardian spirit has their speed At 6th level you may choose to change the
reduced to 0 for the rest of the turn. spell you had previously selected with this feature
At 14th level, any Large or smaller to one that you now know.
creature who has their speed reduced to 0 by the At 14th level you may choose to change
guardian spirit is restrained for the duration of the the spell you had previously selected with this
effect as your guardian spirit pins them in place. feature to one that you now know.
The target can break free by spending an action to
make a Strength (Athletics) check against your Hunting Lessons.* ​A skilled ranger taught you
Traveler's Trick save DC. how to use your magic to pinpoint your quarry’s
weak spots. You can expend one use of your
Dark Bargain.* ​You made a shady bargain with a Bardic Inspiration to target one creature you can
haggard warlock. When you select this option, see within 90 feet of you as your quarry. For as
choose a Dark Invocation from the Warlock’s list long as you concentrate on this ability, up to 1
of class features for which you meet the hour, all weapon attacks you make against the
prerequisites. You can expend one use of your target deal additional damage equal to your Bardic
Bardic Inspiration to gain the benefits of this Dark Inspiration die.
Invocation for 10 minutes. Doing this requires you At 6th level, you have honed your skills to
the point where you can easily track your quarry.

For the duration of the effect, you are aware of duration of the effect, at the beginning of each
your target’s approximate distance and direction round on your turn, the target gains a number of
from you, so long as you are on the same plane. temporary hit points equal to your Bardic
At 14th level, you can maintain this effect Inspiration die + your Wisdom modifier
for up to 24 hours. (minimum of 1). These replace any previous
temporary hit points.  
Reckless Tactics. Y​ ou learned from a toughened
barbarian that sometimes you have to put CLERIC 
everything behind your attacks. You can expend
one use of your Bardic Inspiration as part of an DIVINE DOMAINS 
attack made with a melee weapon that has either At 1​st​ level, a cleric gains the Divine Domain
the heavy, two handed, or versatile quality to feature. The following options are available to a
make the attack roll with advantage. Add the cleric, in addition to those which already exist.
number you roll on your Bardic Inspiration die +
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) to the COMMUNITY DOMAIN 
attack’s damage roll. Attacks made against you
The community domain focuses on the ties that
this round have advantage.
bind all people together. These are the ties of
At 6th level you have learned through
family and friendship, the ties to ancestors, as well
practice how to push your offense even further. as to younglings who will grow to become elders
You may impose a -5 penalty to the attack roll. If in the future. The power of the Gods of community
the attack hits, you add +10 to the attack’s is the security of home and hearth, and the joy of
damage. good company. Many such gods teach the value of
At 14th level, your experience has taught tradition and simple ways of living, in harmony
you how to really go all in. If you have not moved with the natural world. They also tend towards
the rule of law, not as a kind of great bureaucracy,
this turn, you may voluntarily reduce your speed
but as sacred traditions passed from generation to
to 0 until your next turn to resolve this attack
generation. Some gods advocate the removal of
against any number of creatures within 5 feet of harsh or disruptive forces to this order, and
you, making a separate attack roll for each target. proper sanctions for the violation of the goodwill
that any community ought to provide.
Warding Trick.* A ​ gentle cleric taught you how to Clerics of such gods value unity, and praise the
channel your magic into a protective veil. You can strength that can be gained when people support
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration as an each other.
action to grant an ally you can see within 60 feet
Community Domain Features
of you a number of temporary hit points equal to
your roll on the Bardic Inspiration die + your Cleric Level Feature
Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1). This ward lasts Domain Spells,
for as long as you maintain concentration on it, up Blessing of the Hearth
to 10 minutes. Channel Divinity: Magnificent
At 6th level, your practice allows you to Feast
weave wards that retaliate against those who Channel Divinity: Community
would harm your allies. As long as an ally has Watch
temporary hit points granted by this effect, any 8th Divine Strike (1d8)
creature who deals damage to them with a melee 14th Divine Strike (2d8)
attack must make a Wisdom saving throw, taking
17th Paragon of the People
an amount of radiant damage equal to your Bardic
Inspiration die on a failure.
At 14th level, you have learned how to DOMAIN SPELLS 
make your ward even more resilient. For the

You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in (minimum of 1) that can see you within 30 ft. a d6
the Community Domain Spells table. See the that they may roll once each round, adding the
Divine Domain class feature for how domain spells result to a skill check, saving throw, or attack roll.
work. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to
your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1 round). Any
Community Domain Spells creature that can no longer see any of its allies
cannot benefit from this effect until it can see at
Cleric Level Spells least one of its allies again.
1st ​bless, goodberry
3rd aid, heroism DIVINE STRIKE 
5th ​beacon of hope, spirit guardians At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your
weapon with the power to punish wrongdoing.
7th ​banishment, faithful hound Once on each of your turns when you hit a
​mass cure wounds, creature with a weapon attack you can cause the
telepathic bond attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the
target, as visions of the evil they have wrought
BLESSING OF THE HEARTH  upon others flash before their eyes. You may
From 1st level, you gain the ability to conjure a choose whether any foe reduced to 0 hit points by
small flagstone hearth with a simple iron cooking this attack remains stable or dies. When you reach
pot whenever you rest. This hearth helps to warm 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
you and your companions, as well as to prepare
hearty and nutritious meals on the road. If you or PARAGON OF THE PEOPLE 
any friendly creatures you make camp with would At 17th level, your Community Watch grants an
regain hit points at the end of a short rest by additional d6 to each affected ally, and grants
spending one or more hit dice, each of those immunity to fear for the duration of the effect.
creatures may choose to re-roll one of their Additionally, your Magnificent Feast produces
resting dice, taking the higher roll between the twice as many foodstuffs, each of which can
two. remove a single curse or disease affecting the
Additionally, you gain proficiency with Cook’s target (including attunement to a cursed item)
Utensils. when consumed.


Starting at 2​nd​ level, you may use your Channel
Divinity to conjure a magical feast for the rough The night is mysterious, and brings danger. To
road ahead. By spending 10 minutes, you may others, however, the cover of darkness brings
create a number of delicious, well-prepared, yet protection from predators and valuable shadows
simple food items equal to your Wisdom modifier within which individuals can conceal themselves.
(minimum of 1). These food items last 8 hours, The gods of night are varied, encompassing those
and will never spoil. If they have not been who would use the cover of darkness to conceal
consumed within 8 hours or until you have rested, others from threats, to those who would use the
they simply cease to exist. Eating food created in shadows for nefarious purposes. The motives of
this way takes an action, providing whomever eats night gods are often shrouded in mystery, and so
it with healing equal to 2d4 + your cleric level, and their ideals tend towards the study of mysteries of
can remove either the frightened or poisoned all kinds. Many teach their followers that it is only
condition from that creature (chosen by the by peering through the darkness and looking
creature when consumed). beyond what is hidden that one can attain truth.
Clerics of night do their best to keep themselves
and their companions safe while journeying
Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel
Divinity to instill a feeling of vigilant protection in Night Domain Features
you and your allies. You may grant yourself and a
number of allies up to your Wisdom modifier Cleric Level Feature

Domain Spells, Eye of Twilight, Also at 1st level, you can create a ward of divine
1st shadows that you can interpose between yourself
Ward of Shadows
Channel Divinity: Invocation of and an attacking enemy. When you are attacked
2nd by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can
see, you can use your reaction to impose
Improved Ward, disadvantage on the attack roll. An attacker that
Eye of Twilight improvement can’t be blinded is immune to this feature.
Veil of Dreams, You can use this feature a number of times equal
Eye of Twilight improvement to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once).
Creature of the Night, You regain all expended uses when you finish a
17th long rest.
Eye of Twilight improvement


DOMAIN SPELLS  Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in Divinity to harness the powers of night, dousing
the Night Domain Spells table. See the Divine harsh revealing light, and clouding the vision of
Domain class feature for how domain spells work. your foes with a pall of darkness.
As an action, you present your holy symbol, and
any source of mundane or magical light within 30
Night Domain Spells
feet of you is extinguished. Additionally, each
Cleric Level Spells hostile creature within 30 feet of you must make a
Constitution saving throw. A creature who fails
1st ​sleep, veil of dusk*
the saving throw is blinded for a number of
3rd darkness, moonbeam rounds equal to your cleric level. A creature
5th ​nondetection, globe of twilight* blinded in this way gets a new saving throw at the
7th ​divination, stellar bodies* end of each of its turns to remove the effect. A
creature that has total cover from you is not
9th ​dream, seeming affected.

Spells marked with a * can be found in this book. IMPROVED WARD 

At 6th level, you can also use your Ward of
EYE OF TWILIGHT  Shadows feature when a creature that you can see
Beginning at 1st level, a divine blessing grants you within 30 feet of you attacks a creature other than
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You you.
can see in dim light within 80 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were only VEIL OF DREAMS 
dim light. You can't discern color in the darkness,
When you reach 8th level, you gain mastery over
only shades of gray.
magical sleep. When you cast the sleep spell, add
When you reach 6th level, you no longer suffer a
your cleric level to the dice you roll to determine
penalty to Wisdom (Perception) checks while in
how many hit points worth of creatures you can
areas lightly obscured by magical shadows within
affect with the spell.
80 feet of you.
You may choose the order in which creatures
At 8th level, your vision adapts to see in areas
within the spell’s area are affected. If the first
heavily obscured by magical darkness within 80
target chosen has too many hit points to be
feet of you, as though they were only lightly
affected, it will instead target the next creature
you have chosen first.
Finally, at 17th level, you gain the ability to see
Additionally, any creature you put to sleep
in areas of magical darkness within 80 feet of you
cannot be woken until the start of your next turn.
as if it were dim light. Furthermore, in conditions
of both normal and magical darkness you retain
the ability to discern color. CREATURE OF THE NIGHT 
Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to
activate a supernatural aura of deep night that

lasts for 1 minute, or until you dismiss it using Two For Flinching, Brutal
another action. You emit heavily obscuring 18th Brawler (roll with advantage),
darkness in a 30-foot radius and lightly obscuring Blindside (1/combat, 9d6)
shadows 50 feet beyond that. The darkness and
shadows overlap and smother existing sources of
light. Only light produced by a 9th level spell or
similarly powerful effect can negate the darkness When you choose this Martial Archetype at 3rd
and shadows. level, you gain proficiency in one of the following
Enemies within the shadows constantly feel the
skills of your choice: Deception, Insight,
presence of hungry predators watching them, and
Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.
become frightened as long as they remain inside
the affected area, while enemies in the darkness Alternatively, you may learn Thieves’ Cant.
are both blinded and frightened for as long as they
remain within its area.
FIGHTER  At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults
and barbs into your fighting style. So long as you
MARTIAL ARCHETYPE  are in combat, you may instead use either
At 3​rd​ level, a fighter gains the Martial Archetype Strength or Dexterity to make Charisma ability
feature. The following option is available to a checks.
fighter, in addition to those which already exist.
At 3rd level, your tavernside scuffles have honed
A fighter who hits hard and fights dirty, doing your ability to deal damage with just about
what they need to survive, the Scofflaw balks at anything that’s handy. You have proficiency with
the ideals of honour and tradition. Rules are made improvised weapons, and treat any improvised
to be broken, and the scofflaw extends this logic to weapon you handle as if it had the finesse quality.
their fighting style, using every trick at their Additionally, whenever you hit with an
disposal to gain the upper hand against their foes, improvised weapon, you may spend a bonus
cowing them into submission, or overwhelming action to break it over your opponent, scoring the
their defenses with a single cheap shot. maximum possible damage the weapon could
Scofflaws eventually trust their notorious deal, but destroying it in the process.
reputation alone to do much of the work for them, At 10th level, improvised weapons you
gaining the ability to cause foes to quake with a wield become even more lethal in your hands,
single threat. Scofflaws are a diverse bunch that dealing an extra 2d6 damage on a hit.
run the gamut from graceful yet deadly knaves to At 18th level, you roll all attacks made
bruiser thugs, but what ties them together is their with improvised weapons with advantage.
belief that there’s no such thing as a bad win.

Scofflaw Features
At 7th level, you have become adept at using
Level Feature words and gestures to taunt or fake-out your
opponent, using their lack of composure against
Bonus Proficiency, Intimidating
3rd them. This allows you to goad your foe into
Banter, Brutal Brawler
swinging in ways that can cause them to strike
7th Misdirection
their allies, or which leave them open to a
Blindside, Brutal Brawler (extra
10th counterattack. You can misdirect an opponent
2d6 damage)
within 5 feet of you as a bonus action. The target
15th Infamy, Blindside (7d6)

must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw In order for you to use this feature, a
against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + creature must be able to see, hear, or otherwise be
your Strength or Dexterity modifier. On a failure, able to understand you.
they must spend their reaction to attack a creature
of your choosing within 5 feet of them. If no other
creatures are present within 5 feet of them, they
waste their reaction attacking the air where you At 18th level, you have perfected the art of
once were. intimidation in combat. Whenever you use your
In order for you to misdirect a creature in infamy ability, you may choose whether the target
this way they must be able to see, hear, or will be frightened or stunned on a failed saving
otherwise be able to understand you. throw.

At 10th level, you are truly skilled at exploiting the
openings you create in combat, hitting off-guard
opponents with precise blows that are swift and
deadly blows. You may use this technique against
any creature that hasn’t yet taken a turn in
combat, or who is unable to take a reaction when
you use this ability. You may also apply this
technique to any attack roll for which you have
advantage. On a hit, you can choose to have your
attack deal an extra 5d6 points of damage, as you
exploit the opening in the target’s defenses. Once
you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you
have taken a short or long rest.
At 15th level, the damage dealt by your
blindside increases to 7d6.
At 18th level the damage dealt by your
blindside increases to 9d6, and if you have no uses
of this ability at the beginning of combat on your
turn, you regain one use of it.

At 15th level, your reputation precedes you,
making it easy to strike fear into the hearts of
those foolish enough to oppose you. As part of
your attack action, you can utter deadly threats to
a target of your attack, causing them to become
frightened of you on a failed Wisdom saving
throw. The DC for this saving throw is 8 + your
proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity
modifier. A creature who has heard of you through
your infamy rolls this saving throw with

BANDIT DEFECTOR merchants into giving up a fight, as well as to keep
other bandits in line when required by their
You were once a member of the Bandit Coalition, captain.
moving from place to place around a territory, Runners​ are the messengers and scouts of the
ambushing and robbing passing merchants before Coalition, serving to smuggle pilfered goods to
melting away into the Wood. Something made you fences as well as pass information throughout the
decide that path was no longer worth pursuing, different camps of the organization. Their jobs
often find them working alone which makes them
and caused you to leave that life behind. But
particularly vulnerable, but their services are
quitting the Bandit Coalition isn’t so easy.
Hustlers​ are inveterate con-artists, and often
Skill Proficiencies: ​Deception, Survival serve to plan and execute diversions to keep cart
Tool Proficiencies: ​Disguise Kit, one type of drivers occupied just long enough for the lifters to
gaming set or musical instrument do their work, or to create an opening for an
Equipment: ​A knife, a cooking pot, a winter ambush.
blanket, an object you received as your cut from a Captains​ are the glue that holds each bandit
successful robbery, a set of common clothes, and a team together, providing leadership, and stamping
pouch containing 10 gp out dissention where necessary, often with force.
BANDIT SPECIALTY They are generally figures that inspire others with
The Bandit Coalition has a rather loose their skill and bravado.
organizational structure compared to more official FEATURE: BANDIT ROUTES
operations, but there is still a degree of As someone who once assisted in countless
specialization within the ranks. This ensures that
highway robberies, you are familiar with the roads
everyone knows what their job is and cuts down
of the Wood, and the paths used by bandits to melt
on confusion in the heat of a robbery.
away afterwards. When you are not in combat,
d6 Bandit Specialty you (and companions you lead) can travel
between locations that cut through forested areas
1 Lookout
twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.
2 Lifter
Those who have chosen to leave the Coalition
4 Runner
behind have not made the choice lightly. Some
5 Hustler wrestle with their doubts, still caring deeply about
6 Captain friends on the inside, while others have forsaken
their former lives entirely.
Lookouts​ typically watch the roads for any
signs of Perch Guard patrols, signalling to the d8 Personality Trait
team to bail if a heist looks too risky. They also
I am plucky and confident in my abilities, at
keep an eye on their routes for potential marks. 1
least, that’s what I want others to think.
Lifters​ are the specialist thieves of an operation,
and are usually as adept at pick-pocketing as they 2 I often crack jokes to lighten the mood.
are at sneaking up behind a cart to liberate its I like to keep my secrets, and those who try
valuables. to pry into my life irritate me.
Thugs ​are the strong arms of any bandit group, I have trouble sleeping unless I’m on the
and use their size and strength to intimidate 4
ground (or floor) in my bedroll.

I picked up many stories in my time on the
roads, and I have one for every occasion.
d6 Flaw
You mess with my friends, you mess with
6 I’m always ready to bail when something
me. 1
goes wrong.
I never really had a plan in life, I tend to just
7 Whenever I see something valuable, I can’t
go with the flow. 2
help but think of a way to steal it.
8 I’m as cautious as they come.
I can’t help but run a con when I see an easy
d6 Ideal 4 I can’t trust those in positions of authority.
Repentance. ​I’ve done terrible things in the 5 There’s a warrant out for my arrest.
1 past, and I want to try and make up for I have a bad habit that I picked up on the
them. (Good) 6
Friendship.​ My friends are like family to
2 me, and I’ll keep trying to do right by them
until the end. (Good)
Nature. ​I’ve seen what’s happening to the
forest, and it’s bigger than all of us. We’re all
3 Despite the inherent vertical aspects of birdfolk
doomed unless we do something about it.
culture, namely the canopy cities, you have always
felt more safe and at peace with your feet firmly
Self-Preservation.​ Any good rat knows planted on the soil. You tend to be practical and
when it’s time to flee a sinking ship. I want level-headed, but your different perspective on
to be clear of the Coalition when it goes the world can cause other birdfolk to see you as
down. (Evil) quirky, or unsettling. Your unique insight has
Compassion.​ The struggle between allowed you to connect with the humblefolk who
humblefolk and birdfolk will only lead to live under the forest canopy in ways other birdfolk
more bloodshed. It needs to stop cannot.
somewhere. (Good)
Freedom. ​I just want to be free to live my Skill Proficiencies: ​Athletics, Insight
6 own life, and make my own way in the Tool Proficiencies: ​One type of artisan’s tools
world. (Chaotic) Languages: ​One of your choice
Equipment: ​A set of artisan’s tools (one of your
choice), a walking stick, a trinket from another
d6 Bond culture, traveling clothes, and a belt pouch with 5
I did some hard time in Alderheart’s prison, gp
1 and the guard who turned me in still has it AN ODD BIRD
out for me.
In the birdfolk culture you are somewhere
I stole something valuable from the Captain between an oddity and an outcast. Some think
2 of my unit. I’m in big trouble if they ever your aversion to heights is a commentary on the
find me. birdfolk themselves, leading many to find you
I harbour a terrible secret that might off-putting. Choose how your community regards
change how people think of me if it got out. you or roll on the table below to determine how
I still sympathize with the Coalition’s aims, I you fit in.
just believe there’s a better way.
d6 Community Place
My friends in the Coalition didn’t
5 understand why I had to leave. They’ve I am considered weak or unskilled and
branded me a traitor. many treat me like a fledgling.
I had people in the Coalition who looked up 2 I am looked upon as a traitor to my people.
6 to me as a leader. They might still follow I have brought shame to my family as a
me, if I could only reach them. 3
result of my preferences.

4 I am not welcome back to my family’s perch. Encouragement.​ I try to seek out and
I am viewed as an oddity, someone for 2 support others like me who are seen as
5 outcasts. (Good)
others to laugh at and tease.
I have found a new community on the forest Exploration.​ I yearn to experience unique
6 3
floor. cultures and discover new places. (Chaotic)
Rebellion.​ Who cares what others think of
FEATURE: FIND ANOTHER PATH 4 me, so long as my actions reflect how I feel
You have lived your life close to the ground, and in my heart? (Chaotic)
are familiar with the undergrowth in the same
Safety. ​In this dangerous world, it’s best to
way other birdfolk are familiar with the canopy.
5 keep your head down and stay cautious.
You can always recall the general layout of the
terrain around you while traveling along the
forest floor, and if your path is ever blocked by an Compromise. ​The best way to respect each
obstacle that requires you to climb or otherwise 6 other’s differences is to find a solution that
gain height to circumvent, you can always find a doesn’t exclude anyone. (Good)
way around it, so long as such a path exists.
Additionally, you are adept at finding shelter in
d6 Bond
the Wood while traveling, and can usually locate a
suitable safe shelter (a cave, a tree hollow, or I must do whatever I can to restore honor to
bramble thicket) somewhere on the forest floor my family.
for you and up to five other creatures. I seek revenge on the one who forced me
from my home.
3 I follow the teachings of another like me.
Those who are grounded have been affected by
the way they have treated in the past. They are 4 I feel kinship to a culture outside my own.
generally very critical of themselves and also very 5 I hate anyone who belittles me.
aware of how others view them. I bond deeply with those who accept me for
who I am.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I always second guess my choices. d6 Flaw
I have learned to not let the comments of I am incapable of action when I’m at great
2 1
others affect me. heights.
I’m eager to show the benefits of my unique 2 I lash out at anybody who doubts my skill.
perspective. I keep a distance from others so they won’t
I’m slow to trust someone new, but open up 3
4 learn of my fears.
over shared hardships. 4 I project my insecurities onto others.
I manufacture difficult situations to prove I am overly critical of other people’s
5 5
my abilities. relationships.
I get embarrassed easily, even when I will put myself and others in harm’s way
6 6
someone tries to compliment me. to prove my abilities.
7 I will deny my fears to everyone.

I want to see how others handle situations  
I’m afraid of.
d6 Ideal There are legends of birdfolk who are born
Adversity.​ Others think of me as weak, but I blessed by the wind and air, destined to soar over
1 will prove my worth with hard work and any and all obstacles they may face. In some parts
determination. (Lawful) of the Wood, this is accompanied by markings,
feather patterns, or a dramatic event in early
childhood. While some dismiss the notion as

wives’ tales and superstition, it is said that one
who is born touched by the wind will never feel d8 Personality Trait
quite at home on the ground as they will high 1 I never back down from a challenge.
above in the forest canopy, with the wind in their
feathers. I always end up being the center of
Skill Proficiencies: ​Acrobatics, Performance I am gifted by the wind and destined for
Tool Proficiencies: ​One type of wind musical greatness.
instrument 4 I have no time for those who doubt me.
Languages:​ Auran 5 I seek out challenges to test myself.
Equipment: ​A wind musical instrument (one of
your choice), an ornate cloak, a symbol of the 6 I am better than everyone else.
wind, common clothes, and a belt pouch 7 I avoid showing my power at all costs.
containing 10 gp 8 I remain humble despite my blessing.
For some birdfolk, the moniker of “wind-touched” d6 Ideal
is merely a title, a symbol of their devotion to the
Responsibility​. The powers I have been
wind and the natural world. Although others
1 gifted with are meant to serve the common
believe they have truly been blessed by the wind
good. (Good)
in a way similar to Reya in the old tales. Decide
what your character believes, or roll on the table Heroism​. The wind chose me to be a brave
below to see how they feel. warrior and leader, so shall it be. (Lawful)
Egotism​. My powers place me above others,
d6 Acceptance the masses should know their place. (Evil)
I am truly blessed and have power over the Mysticism.​ As one connected to nature, I
1 4 speak for the wind, and divine its will for
wind itself.
others. (Neutral)
I am devoted to the wind spirits, in action
2 Cynicism.​ What matters isn’t whether or
and title.
5 not my powers are genuine, but what I can
3 I believe in nature and goodness.
get for myself based on that belief. (Evil)
I will work tirelessly to earn the respect of
4 Naturalism. ​The wind speaks to my soul,
those who give me this title.
6 and I am bound to go wherever it directs
5 I accept this honor but have my doubts. me. (Chaotic)
I feel nothing for this title, and carry it
against my will. d6 Bond
I am guided by a wise elder who prepares
me for my destiny.
Whether or not you are truly gifted with the
blessing of wind, there are people all across I am estranged from my parents who don’t
Everden that truly believe that you have been believe in my blessing.
divinely blessed. If you make a show of power or I seek to discredit the person who burdened
skill that can be attributed to the wind or air, such me with this moniker.
as feats of acrobatics or unseen forces, those I live in the shadow of my mentor, seeking
believers will become bolstered by your 4
their approval.
supernatural presence. They will support you and,
I have a sibling who is not blessed, which
depending on the level of belief, treat you with 5
causes tension
reverence and possibly even worship.
I am one with the wind. Personal
relationships are fleeting.
Those who are seen as wind-touched are revered
by believers and scrutinized by skeptics. For
better or worse, they find themselves in a world of d6 Flaw
expectations they struggle to live up to.

I can’t accept another’s suggestion once I’ve
set my path.
2 I lash out at even the smallest criticism.
I think more highly of myself than my skills
4 I let expectations rule my decisions.
5 I put others in harm’s way to prove myself.
6 I am overly critical of myself.

Coupled with Power 

While this background primarily focuses on the 
beliefs and perceptions of yourself and your 
community, pairing this background with a 
character who actually can manipulate the wind 
through magic could potentially set them up to 
become a holy figure, a prophet, or a fabled hero.  



  You can only use this against any individual
AERIAL EXPERT  creature once.

Prerequisite: Glide trait

Through intensive training or a natural luck, your HEAVY GLIDER 
feathered arms have become much stronger and Prerequisite: Glide trait
more wing-like than others of your kind. You gain You were either born with great strength, or
the following benefits: trained hard to allow yourself to glide under
circumstances most would find impossible. You
● Your feathered arms make it easier to jump. gain the following benefits:
You no longer need to move at least 10 feet to
perform long and high jumps. You may choose ● You may glide while holding a heavy weapon
whether the jump uses your strength or and wearing heavy armor as long as you
dexterity score for determining height or aren’t encumbered.
distance, and you double the distance you ● You may choose to land your glide in a space
would normally leap in both cases. occupied by a hostile creature that is
● You may take the dash action while using your Large-sized or smaller. If you do so, you may
glide ability. roll an opposed Strength check, pushing them
● You may change direction freely while gliding, 10 feet away and knocking them prone with
and may gain up to 10 feet of altitude once the force of your impact on a success. On a
before you finish your descent. failure you land in the nearest un-occupied
space instead.
Your time as a bandit has granted you a sense for OPPORTUNISTIC THIEF 
danger, and made you skilled at sizing up You have learned the tricks of the trade of
opponents. thievery, allowing you to exploit opportunities for
pick-pocketing both in and out of combat.
● Increase your Intelligence score by 1.
● When you are asked to make a saving throw, ● Increase your Dexterity score by 1.
you may spend your reaction to add your ● When a creature fails a melee attack roll
Intelligence modifier as an additional bonus to against you in combat, you can make a
the saving throw. You cannot use this ability Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check against a DC
again until you have completed a long rest. equal to 10 + the target’s Dexterity modifier.
● You can make an Intelligence (Investigation) On a success, you may steal any one item that
check against any creature you have seen in is not being held or worn by the target.
combat. As long as you succeed against a DC of ● Whenever you successfully use your Sleight of
10 + their challenge rating, you can learn one Hand skill out of combat to steal an object,
useful fact of your choice about the target’s you may immediately conceal it flawlessly on
combat abilities. Choose from: your person, or put another object you
○ one damage resistance or immunity possess in its place.
○ one condition immunity
○ one special ability possessed by the
creature that either does damage, or PERFECT LANDING 
prevents damage Your years of living at great heights have taught
○ one option under their attack, legendary, you how to fall more gracefully. You gain the
or reaction actions following benefits:
○ one special sense they possess

● Increase your Dexterity score by 1 ● You ignore difficult terrain.
● Reduce the damage die for fall damage from a ● You cannot become lost in natural
d6 to a d4. surroundings except by magical means.
● You do not fall prone after taking falling
● While falling you are considered to be
proficient in the Acrobatics skill. Add double
your proficiency bonus to this skill under
these circumstances.


You have a special connection with the natural
world. Great beasts regard you as their kin, and
you possess the ability to speak the languages of
the most powerful and mystic of their kind.

● Increase your Charisma score by 1.

● Beasts of Large size or larger have a
friendly disposition toward you unless
you have attacked them.
● You have advantage on Charisma checks
made against beasts that are of Large size
or larger.
● You can speak and understand Giant
Eagle, Giant Elk, and Giant Owl. You can
otherwise be understood by any beast of
Large size or larger, whether or not they
speak a language. Beasts with Intelligence
scores of 4 or lower may only be able to
understand simple concepts, however.

You have lived your entire life in the gnarled,
wooded areas of the world. You are adept at
finding your way through even the most
treacherous terrain. You gain the following

● Increase your Wisdom score by 1.

● You gain proficiency in either the Survival or
Nature skill. Your proficiency bonus is
doubled for this skill.

BARD SPELLS  Spiny Shield
2​nd​ Level
Cantrips (o Level)
Ambush Prey 
Gust Barrier 
4​th​ Level
3​rd​ Level
Shape Plants 
Feathered Reach 
CLERIC SPELLS  Globe of Twilight
Elevated Sight 
Cantrips (o Level)
3​rd​ Level
Gust Barrier 
Invoke the Amaranthine 
1​st​ Level 
4​th​ Level
Spiny Shield 
Shape Plants 
4​th​ Level
Stellar Bodies 
Stellar Bodies 
Cantrips (o Level)
1​st​ Level
Gust Barrier 
Elevated Sight 
1​st​ Level
Veil of Dusk 
Elevated Sight 
3​rd​ Level
Spiny Shield 
Globe of Twilight 
Veil of Dusk 
3​rd​ Level WIZARD SPELLS 
Feathered Reach  Cantrips (o Level)
Globe of Twilight  Gust Barrier 
4​ Level 1​st​ Level
Shape Plants  Elevated Sight 
Stellar Bodies  Spiny Shield 


Stellar Bodies 
3​rd​ Level
Invoke the Amaranthine    
1​st​ Level
Elevated Sight 


The spells are presented in alphabetical order. the sensor or through your own eyes at any time
during your turn.
2nd-level illusion FEATHERED REACH 
Casting Time:​ 1 action 3rd-level transmutation
Range:​ Self
Components:​ S, M (a broken twig) Casting Time: ​1 action
Duration: ​1 hour Range: ​Self
Components: ​S, M (a small feather)
You channel primal predatory energies to Duration:​ 1 minute
perfectly conceal your presence in order to
surprise your target. You become invisible for the You transform your arms into powerful wings, and
spell's duration, granting advantage on all your fingers into long, graceful feathers. The
Dexterity (Stealth) checks to remain hidden. The effects of this spell last 1 minute, at which point
invisibility will last for the duration of the spell, the feathers gradually fall out, causing you to float
however, moving 5 feet or more from your gently to the ground, and leaving your normal
position when you cast the spell will end the arms behind. This spell confers a number of
effect. benefits upon the caster:
● You gain advantage on all athletics checks
As long as you remain invisible, the first attack made to make a long or high jump. You do
you make against any target who is unaware of not need to move 10 feet before you jump
your presence deals an additional 1d6 points of to gain distance, and you triple the
damage, ending the spell. distance you would jump normally.
● You can use your powerful feathered
At Higher Levels.​ When you cast this spell using a arms to propel yourself upward a
spell slot above 2nd level, the damage of your first distance equal to half your movement
attack increases by 1d6 for every slot level above speed. You can do this once during your
2nd. turn and can use it in conjunction with a
regular jump.
ELEVATED SIGHT  ● When falling, you can use your reaction to
1st-level divination stiffen your arms, and glide on the wind.
You may fly up to your movement speed,
Casting Time: ​1 action in any direction, choosing where you land.
Range: ​Self You can fly up to double your movement
Components: ​V, S speed as a bonus action for the duration
Duration:​ Concentration, up to 1 minute of the spell. You must land once you finish
your movement, although you do not take
You cast your eyes skyward, granting you sight fall damage while this spell is active, as
from a higher vantage point. You can project your your feathered arms bear you gently to
vision to see through an invisible sensor you can the ground.
place in a spot up to 120 feet above you. You can In order to benefit from this spell, your
see through the sensor as if you were flying, feathered arms require that your hands be free of
granting a full 360 degree view from its location. shields and heavy weapons, and you cannot be
The sensor moves with you, though it retains its encumbered.
height in relation to you. You can use a bonus
action to adjust the sensor’s height, but only to a GLOBE OF TWILIGHT 
maximum of 120 feet above you. 3rd-level conjuration
While looking through this sensor you are blind,
though you can switch between seeing through Casting Time: ​1 action
Range: ​Self (15-foot radius, 15 feet high)

Components: ​V,​ ​S, M (a dab of pitch and a bag of
glittering sand) INVOKE THE AMARANTHINE 
Duration:​ Concentration, up to 10 minutes 3rd-level divination
Casting Time:​ 10 minutes; Special, see text
You shroud the area surrounding you in a sphere Range:​ Self; Special, see text
of night sky, dotted with miniature stars. The Components:​ V, S, M (a holy symbol of the
twilight conceals your allies, but clearly amaranthine being invoked); Special, see text
illuminates your enemies. Duration:​ 24 hours
The area affected by this spell is lightly
obscured by magical shadow, within which small You call upon the power of an amaranthine to
constellations of stars softly twinkle. Aside from grant yourself insight into the Great Rhythm that
these stars, only light produced by a spell of 3rd moves all things. When you cast this spell, roll
level or higher can properly illuminate any area 2d20s, and record what you rolled. For each die,
inside the sphere. Non-magical light does not choose either attack roll, skill check, or saving
function inside the sphere, and all other forms of throw. You can choose each option multiple times.
magical radiance can only produce dim light in a For the next 24 hours, you may substitute any roll
5-foot space. of an ally or enemy you can see within 60 feet with
When you cast this spell you may designate any one of the recorded numbers that matches the
number of creatures you can see to be concealed type of roll you wish to replace (attack roll, skill
by the supernatural shadows while in the sphere. check, or saving throw). The target still adds any
A concealed creature has advantage on Dexterity relevant modifiers to this number, but otherwise
(Stealth) checks when inside the sphere and may treat the substituted number as what they rolled.
attempt to hide at any time. Because the area of
the spell is lightly obscured, creatures within the To do this, you must spend a reaction to present
spell's area have disadvantage on Wisdom your holy symbol, and invoke the name of the
(Perception) checks made to see those outside of amaranthine whose energies you called upon. You
it. can do this anytime after the die has been rolled,
All other creatures in the area are brightly but before the outcome of the event has been
illuminated by the light of the miniature stars, determined. The spell ends after 24 hours have
causing them to have disadvantage on all passed, or when both dice have been expended.
perception checks inside the sphere. When such a
creature enters the area for the first time, or starts
its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving
throw or be blinded until the end of its turn. 4th-level transmutation

GUST BARRIER  Casting Time:​ 1 action

Range:​ Touch
Evocation cantrip
Components:​ V, S
Duration:​ Instantaneous; Special, see text
Casting Time: ​1 action
Range: ​Self
You call upon gentle natural magics to alter the
Components: ​S
growth of plants. You may have any plant life
Duration:​ 1 round
within a cube no more than 5 feet in any direction
take on a shape you desire. In addition, if the plant
You spread your arms wide, allowing yourself to
is capable of growing thorns or brambles you may
become enveloped by the air around you. Until the
increase or decrease the amount present in the
end of your next turn, any ranged attack made
space (potentially making the area difficult
against you is done with disadvantage.
terrain, and causing 2d4 points of piercing damage
Melee attackers who successfully hit you must
for every 5 feet moved through the area, so long as
also make a Constitution saving throw against
it makes sense for the plants being shaped). The
your spell save DC, being flung away from you up
same is true for flowers, vines, leaves, and
to 10 feet and knocked prone on a failure.

After one hour, the magic of your spell fades, and Once per round, on your turn, you may use your
the plant resumes its normal shape. You can use a action to cause a star to streak towards an enemy,
speak with plants spell (or similar ability) to expending it as it explodes in a blinding flash.
communicate with the plant and attempt to Make a ranged spell attack against an enemy
persuade it to retain its new form, at the GM’s within 120 feet, dealing 4d8 points of radiant
discretion. Different plants have different feelings damage on a hit. The target must then make a
and attitudes, and if the form is too different from Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the
its natural shape it is likely to decline. If the plant start of your next turn.
accepts, it will retain the form you have sculpted it
into, in which case the effect becomes permanent. The spell ends when either its duration expires,
you fall unconscious, or you have expended all of
At Higher Levels.​ When you cast this spell using a your stars.
spell slot above 4th level, the cube of plant life you
can affect with the spell increases by an additional At Higher Levels.​ When you cast this spell using a
5 feet for every slot level above 4th. spell slot above 4th level, you may create one
additional star for every two slot levels above 4th.
1st-level abjuration VEIL OF DUSK 
Casting Time:​ 1 reaction 1st-level abjuration
Range:​ Self
Components:​ V, S, M (a small quill) Casting Time: ​1 bonus action
Duration:​ 1 round Range: ​60 feet
Components: ​V,​ ​S, M (a pinch of soot)
An ethereal barrier of spikes made of force Duration:​ Concentration, up to 10 minutes
interposes itself between you and an attacker.
Until your next turn, when you are hit by a melee You incant towards a creature, cloaking them in a
attack, the spell reduces the damage your are dealt shadowy veil of darkness and silence. The target
by 2d4, and deals the same amount of piercing gains a +1 bonus to their armor class and rolls
damage to the attacker. The shield is ineffective stealth checks with advantage for the duration of
against ranged attacks, but still provides a +2 the spell.
bonus to AC (treat as half cover) against them for
the duration.

At Higher Levels.​ When you cast this spell using a

spell slot above 1st level, increase the spells effect
by an additional 1d4 for every slot level above 1st.

4th-level evocation

Casting Time: ​1 action

Range: ​Special, see text
Components: ​V, S
Duration:​ 1 minute

You create two small stars which orbit you. They

twinkle pleasantly, providing dim light in a 5-foot
radius centred on you for each star orbiting you.
The stars protect you. If a creature within 5 feet of
you hits you with a melee attack they must make a
Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 points of
radiant damage for each star orbiting you.

region, Alderheart has long been a refuge for those
INTRODUCTION  seeking fame, fortune, or protection.
The following chapter contains a full adventure
set in Humblewood that currently takes Monster and NPCs.​ In addition to their entries in
characters from level 1 to level 4. We plan to have the Bestiary (pg.), all the monsters and NPCs
characters reach level 5 by the story’s end. exclusive to this adventure have accompanying
The challenges in this adventure were created The Deck of Many reference cards for ease of play.
with a party of four players in mind. If your group Any creature, item, or map that was included as
has more or less players, consider adding or part of this PDF can be identified by ​bold blue
removing enemies in each encounter to ensure text​. Any creature or item in ​bold black text​ can
players feel challenged, but not overwhelmed. Feel be found online using the 5th Edition SRD, or in
free to play through this adventure in its entirety, card form in other The Deck of Many products.
or use pieces for your own custom campaign. You NPCs with given names will appear in ​orange text
can also utilize the ​Random Encounter​ section at the first time they are introduced for emphasis.
the back of this module, as well as the ​Monster These can usually be found in the ‘Important
Cards​, and ​NPC Cards​ ​to further flesh out your Characters’ section of a given scenario within the
game. adventure. You will also sometimes see ​bold red
text​, and this references other section headings
Humblewood lies on the eastern coast of Everden, within a chapter.
nestled in a valley between the towering Crest Character Advancement.​ You may use the
Mountains to the northeast, and the marshlands of experience totals listed at the end of each
the Mokk Fields to the southwest. It is a mystical, encounter in the book to level your players up
secluded place, that gets by quite well without normally, or you can choose to follow the optional
much trade from the outside world due to the milestone rules for character advancement. Under
fertility of the soil and abundance of natural these rules, players do not gain experience and
resources. The Wood has many craftspeople and simply reach levels at the points listed in this
artisans, however, and this, coupled with the adventure. Consider this option if the game you’re
supply of raw materials, makes Humblewood a thinking of running will be played on an
great exporter, and its goods can be found in the infrequent schedule, or with a rotating cast of
farthest corners of the world. players, to make it easier to keep track of
character advancement.
The Wood is home to many diverse peoples, and
amongst its denizens are the hedgehog-like OVERVIEW 
hedges, the mouse-like jerbeens, the racoon-like Humblewood is a place that has hummed with the
mapachs, the deer-like cervans, the fox-like Great Rhythm of life and death for thousands of
vulpins, as well as many other peoples scattered years. It has known disaster and war as all places
among villages and settlements. But the true have, but less than most. The bounty of the Wood
power in Humblewood are the birdfolk, those has ensured a peaceful, flourishing life for its
blessed by the amaranthines Ardea and Tyton, and many denizens across millennia.
at the heart of their nation lies the great capital of
Alderheart. The seat of commerce and art in the

But there are disturbing signs that something in
the Wood might not be right. The Scorched Grove,
an ashen plain of the forest that was ravaged
centuries ago by a fire of unheard of proportions,
has begun to expand for the first time in centuries.
It is hard to notice, as the greenery surrounding
the grove burns only little by little each year, but
many who are in tune with the ways of nature
(especially the Tenders of the Scorched Grove) can
already see there is an imbalance in the elemental
forces of Humblewood. For many common folk,
this imbalance has been experienced in the form
of unseasonal dryness (leading to crop failure and
an increased frequency of forest fires), as well as
an increase in roving swarms of emberbats far
outside of their natural ranges.

The true nature of the danger remains hidden

from the people of the Wood. Someone has stirred
an elemental ​aspect of fire​ that has lain dormant
beneath the Scorched Grove since the first
burning, and its energies have begun to empower
fire-based creatures within the Wood. What’s
more, the increased range of emberbats and the
fires they bring have not only expanded the grove,
but left many forest dwellers without homes to
return to, causing them to take up lives as bandits.


This chapter is designed to get a party of level 1 Wood, but keep in mind that they might be viewed
players started off on their road to adventure in with curiosity as they travel the land, as most
the world of Humblewood. The only major change people in Humblewood haven’t seen anything like
to the start of this campaign is whether or not the them before.
players created birdfolk or humblefolk characters, If characters are all races from this book, have
meaning they are from Humblewood, or if they are them start off as residents of Meadowfen, a small
standard races arriving in the Wood for the first village south of the Scorched Grove, near the main
time. road. Meadowfen is a peaceful place that straddles
If characters are not playing races described in the marshy wetlands to the south and meadows
this book, perhaps they have heard legends of this interspersed with spruce copses to the north. It is
land, and have travelled or were brought here to a humble village, with a small number of
explore the wonders of the forest, to explore, to residents. Most are farmers who work either the
see the magnificent city of Alderheart, or to seek ash-enriched pastures to the north, or the
an audience with the Birdfolk Council for their marshlands to the south, which are ripe with sour
own reasons. You can craft any number of stories berries and waterborne plants.
about why standard 5e races have ended up in the

leadership, and the villagers look to her for
SLEEPY MEADOWFEN  guidance in these hard times more than ever.
Meadowfen has been quiet for as long as anyone
can remember, and life there goes by slowly. Their Eliza. ​A merchant who hails from a foreign part of
closeness to the marsh has kept them safe from Everden, she is on her way to take over her sister’s
attacks by emberbats and other fire-based shop in Alderheart. She is an eluran, a group of
creatures from the Scorched Grove, while their cat-like people from the west. While not native to
distance from the Mokk fields keeps them out of Humblewood, they are fairly commonly seen
reach of the deadly slimes that live there. But along the roads as part of merchant caravans, and
Meadowfen has fallen on hard times. Many of the behind merchant stalls in the capital. Eliza is
crops grown by farmers in the pastures have savvy, and a natural bargainer, but she is also
begun to fail due to an unseasonable dryness. To charitable to those who have faced hardships.
make matters worse, trade wagons sent to
provide relief have gone missing, and rumors of Fray Merridan.​ A highly skilled swordswoman
bandits prowling the roadways have spread who was left without a home when forest fires
across the Wood. Emberbat swarms have been spreading from the Scorched Grove burned her
seen closer to the village than at any other time in village. Her friends joined up with the bandits, and
its history, and a week ago there was an ominous she saw this as an opportunity to use her skills to
plume of black smoke to the north that blocked provide for herself and those she cares for. She is
the sun. A few brave villagers ventured out to canny and talented, but also competitive, and is
investigate, but they haven’t returned. loath to forget even a small slight against her. In
combat she has the statline of a ​vulpin captain​.
The sleepy village of Meadowfen is the perfect
home for aspiring adventurers who dream of
fantastic journeys across Humblewood, and the
recent chaos surrounding it presents ample All of a sudden, there is a commotion in the 
opportunity for a group of young heroes to get village square, as a wounded Strig woman limps 
their feet wet. Meadowfen also works well as a towards the Elder’s home, staggering and 
staging ground for new arrivals to the Wood, as catching themselves on the side of the well. 
there are few here who the village Elder can turn
They are bloodied, their tawny feathers are 
to for help in these times. It would be fortuitous
singed and flecked with ash and soot.  
indeed if a traveling group of adventurers were to
show up.
The birdfolk is Cara, one of the villagers who left a
However you decide to play this, one of the week ago. She will take water if it is offered, but is
villagers who disappeared a week earlier will adamant about getting to the village Elder.
return, badly wounded and in need of aid.
“I must speak to the Elder, we are all in grave 
IMPORTANT CHARACTERS danger. The grove has taken an entire town.” 
Elder Ardwyn. ​A venerable gallus, with graceful
grouse-like proportions, and feathers that have Shortly after this scene has unfolded, ​Elder
long since lost the sheen of their youth. Ardwyn is Ardwyn​ will emerge from her home, and ask for
a figure of authority within Meadowfen, although assistance in leading the wounded villager to her
she holds no official title. She and her late husband house, where she has a warm bed for Cara to rest.
dealt with all village matters until his death, after Practically the entire village will follow to the door
which she took on the role alone. Elder Ardwyn is of Ardwyn’s house, where she will turn them
a kind and perceptive woman, who exudes away.

Cara’s family will of course be allowed entry, as
will the party: the Elder wishes to have words As you approach, you can see the pointed faces 
with them. If any party member has proficiency in of mapachs under the hoods. Two men and a 
the Medicine skill, they will be given time to tend
woman, each wearing worn leather armor with 
to Cara’s wounds.
short swords on their belts. They are led by an 
After being allowed some time to rest, Cara will be
intimidating vulpin woman who is lightly 
approached by Ardwyn. armored and wears an ornate sword on her hip. 
She seems to be hanging back, letting her 
“I know you have endured much, my child,” the  subordinates do the dirty work. You hear a 
venerable gallus says, motioning to you and  whimpered “Help me” from the figure laying on 
your companions to gather around. “But we  the road, but you can’t quite make out their 
must know what happened out there.”  features. 

The mapach woman, still standing over the 

Cara explains that the fires have spread from the
Scorched Grove up to the hillside town of
fallen figure, puts her hands on her hips and 
Ashbarrow and razed it to the ground. offers a thinly veiled threat. ​“All right folks, 
She also warns that the roads are full of bandits. nothing to see. Move along, if you know what’s 
Cara only barely escaped with her life. The others good for ya.”
were captured by the bandits, but she does not
know where they were taken. The vulpin leading these bandits is a powerful
foe named ​Fray Merridan​. She represents a
The elder sees how serious this is, and asks the serious threat to the party, but she won’t take
party to take these concerns to the Birdfolk serious interest in them until she has a reason to
Council in Alderheart and inform them of believe the characters can provide a worthy
Ashbarrow’s destruction, and of the dangers challenge.
posed by the increase in banditry along the roads
Being reasonable highwaymen, the bandits can
near Meadowfen. The party may be the only ones
be paid off and will simply leave. Negotiations
who can assist as the rest of the able-bodied
start with Fray looking over the cart to decide how
villagers were taken by the bandits.
much she thinks it’s worth to them. They will
BANDITS ON THE ROAD  simply walk away for 10 gold each. A particularly
successful negotiation could get this as low as 5
Ahead on the road are four figures in leather
gold each at the DMs discretion. The bandits
armor and hoods. Three are gesturing violently at
believe they hold the upper hand on these roads
a crumpled figure on the ground, while the third is
thanks to their recent successes, and won’t
leaning against a nearby tree. A small hand cart
hesitate to attack if they sense trepidation or
stacked high with bags and boxes of various sizes
suspect that the party might be stalling for time.
stands nearby. One of the hooded figures
eventually goes to the cart and starts The obvious solution to this threat is to meet
unceremoniously sifting through the packages, them in combat. The characters probably
leaving fallen bundles strewn on the road. Read outnumber them and are likely better equipped
this when the party approaches: than the bandits. Any threats or posturing from
the characters will be met with an attack from the
three ​mapach bandits​. Fray (use the statline for a
vulpin captain​) will stay back and let the party
fight the bandits during the first round or two if
her underlings are doing well. She will intervene

after two rounds or when a bandit is brought the vulpin has made her getaway, covering her
down, targeting the character who looks to be the tracks well enough that following her would be
most capable in single combat. If the party is fruitless.
larger than four players, she will do this from the
If the encounter should go horribly awry for the
start, ordering her underlings to deal with the
party, the bandits won’t bother capturing them or
staying to finish them off. Rather, they will retreat,
stealing as much from Eliza’s cart as they can
“Intriguing. You look like you might actually give  carry. After all, they don’t know there aren’t more
me a proper fight!” The vulpin smirks as she  birdfolk coming. If a player consents to it, you
draws her blade, tracing intricate patterns in the  could have their character earn a scar from their
air as she rushes into battle. battle with Fray, in order to heighten anticipation
for their rematch later.
Fray is a deadly foe, but she wasn’t prepared to REWARDS
have her heist interrupted, and she won’t risk her The mapach bandits are wearing worn leather
own life needlessly if the odds turn against her. If armor and each carries a poorly-kept short sword.
at least two of the mapach bandits go down, she If they are defeated and searched, the party also
will make a tactical retreat into the dense forests finds a small coin purse with 5 gold pieces inside
on either side of the road, where she can easily it.
disappear in the foliage. In her escape she will
swear revenge and leave any unfortunate If Fray is defeated, she is wearing a fine suit of
underlings at the party’s mercy. studded leather armor (obviously pilfered), and a
finely made shortsword with a rose insignia on
The party will quickly lose Fray in the forest the pommel. The sword is not magical, but of
unless they can make a DC 15 Wisdom obvious craftsmanship, and will sell for double the
(Perception) check each round. Failure means normal going rate for a shortsword. Any lower
they have lost sight of her and essentially ends the level bandit who sees a character wearing it will
chase for that character. The terrain is difficult for also immediately recognize it as a captain’s sword.
the party, but not for Fray, who is familiar with All bandits of a lower rank than captain will have
this escape route. The dense forest also makes disadvantage on any rolls made to oppose
gliding difficult. Most birdfolk simply can’t do it, Charisma (Intimidation) ability checks made by
but small sized birdfolk characters can attempt to that character, so long as the sword is visible. The
glide after her, avoiding the trees, with a DC 15 party will also find among Fray’s possessions: 10
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. gp, and a map which appears to have the location
The chase ends when the party catches up with of the bandit camp (see Chapter 2) marked.
Fray, at which point she will surrender (treat as Each character earns 50 XP. You may award an
being defeated), or until four rounds have passed additional 25 XP each if they defeated or captured
since her retreat, at which point the party will Fray Merridan.
have lost her. If they keep going, the party will
arrive at a clearing where a river separates them ESCORT ELIZA 
from dense forest on the other side. There is a After defeating or bribing the bandits, the
heavy log crossing it, one side of which has been characters can help the beaten figure to her feet. If
pushed into the stream on the opposite side to they don’t immediately, have her grunt or whine
prevent their crossing. If the party continues to to get their attention. If they still don’t assist, the
pursue, they will need to make regular survival merchant eventually sits up on her own. She is
checks to avoid becoming lost in the forest. Feel Eliza​, an eluran who hails from the lands beyond
free to use the forest encounter table for an Humblewood. It isn’t uncommon to see eluran
especially stubborn group, but make it clear that traders in these parts, and the merchant is happy

to explain that she has travelled here to set up The road continues, and this bleak landscape
shop. seems to stretch for miles. While looking out over
If the characters were defeated by the bandits, this grey scene, the characters may notice a cloud
Eliza will be the one who revives them, healing of bird-like creatures flying above the ash. Those
each for 2d4+2 hit points using the last of a supply who keep an eye on the creatures, or characters
of poultices from her small hand-cart. She will with a passive perception score of 15 or higher,
curse the bandits who stole from her, but will still notice when the swarm changes its course and
be grateful to the party for their valiant actions. begins flying towards the party.
The creatures begin their rapid descent it
“​My whiskers, that was close! Thank you all for  appears that they are more bat-like. Read below:
protecting me and my cart. My name is Eliza. I’m 
on my way to Alderheart by way of Winnowing  As the swarm draws near, you can see it is 
Reach. Could you be kind enough to help me  composed of hundreds of tiny flying creatures, 
the rest of the way?”  each one resembling a bat with a candle-sized 
flame sprouting from above its upturned 
If the characters are unfamiliar with the Wood, nostrils. The combined heat of their bodies can 
Eliza describes the road ahead, that it works its be felt on the wind.
way along the edge of Mokk Fields, a large
swampland, before reaching Winnowing Reach, a If the swarm’s course change was noticed, the
small research outpost whose inhabitants study characters have about 10 seconds before the bats
the slimes that live in the nearby caves. descend on them. If the bats flew unnoticed until
Eliza’s plan is to stop briefly in Winnowing this point, they arrive so swiftly that the
Reach, to sell her wares and acquire new stock, characters do not have time to prepare for the
before eventually making her way to the capital of attack.
Alderheart. The characters are beset by two ​swarms of
If the characters seem reluctant to offer her emberbats​. The bats dive and harass their targets
aid, she will entice them by offering a single item relentlessly until they are defeated, or the party
from her cart in exchange for their protection and puts considerable distance between themselves
company on the road. and the ashy plain.
If the party decides to walk with Eliza, their
movement speed is reduced considerably as she REWARDS
Each character earns 50 XP.
pulls her cart behind her. A strong character can
offer to pull the heavy-laden hand-cart instead, if
they choose. Succeeding a DC 12 Strength
(Athletics) check will keep everyone moving at With the flaming bats behind them, the rest of
regular traveling speed, while failure will mean the trip is uneventful. Another couple hours on the
they must continue slowly. road and the small village of Winnowing Reach
comes into view. Eliza tells the party that she will
BATS OUT OF HELL  set up her cart near the center of the collection of
buildings here to see what she can sell or trade.
The road ahead does seem to keep just out of
She encourages the characters to have a rest and
reach of the swamplands on the right. After about
alludes to the party potentially escorting her along
an hour of travel, the terrain on the left side of the
to Alderheart when they feel up to it.
road changes considerable. The lush green and
Characters are free to explore the small village,
brown of the trees gives way to burned stumps
though they will find the amenities of this
and ash-covered fields. It looks as if a massive fire
research station to be lacking compared to many
has ravaged this forest in the near past.
villages they’ve seen before. There is a general

store and a small inn, but instead of staples like a greatly appreciated as well. For this service the
tavern or weaponsmith there is instead an magistrate promises 5 gold each.
apothecary and a bookbinder.
If the party declines because they’re on their
The apothecary has potions of healing for sale, as
way to the capital, the magistrate can offer to use
well as the raw materials to make them (at half
his position to get them an audience with the
the price of a completed potion) for anyone with a
Birdfolk Council in Alderheart. Certainly, they
herbalism kit.
don’t think the Council will just see just ​anyone,​ do
The bookbinder has a small library of assorted
they? He can write a letter of introduction to help
tomes on offer. Feel free to let your imagination
get the party their audience, but he will make it
run wild here if any character come in looking to
clear he won’t even consider this until he is
purchase a book. Some books may even confer
certain Kenna is safe.
advantage on the next Intelligence check made to
see what they know about a creature, object, or IMPORTANT CHARACTERS
location when read, at your discretion. A stately Walden Krane.​ A fastidious, easily agitated
building in the centre of town serves as the official middle-aged corvum, he is a prominent political
chambers for the local magistrate. There is also a figure in the region. Walden isn’t a particularly
small gaol here, mostly looked after by a ​birdfolk good or kind man, but he is an incredibly
guard​ who captains a small local militia. If the reasonable and honourable one. He will not break
party has any captive bandits in tow, this should his bargains, but he will likewise not tolerate
hold them. anything on the party’s part which could be
At some point during the party’s stay, word of conceived as oath-breaking, dishonesty, or any
adventurers reaches the magistrate, the ranking actions that might bring harm to the Reach. He
political figure in Winnowing Reach. He eventually cares deeply for his citizens, and has known Kenna
tracks the party down and implores them to help since she was but a fledgeling. He is also a valuable
find a missing researcher who he fears has asset to the party. If a character mentions their
entered the Mokk Fields to conduct hazardous mission to seek the Birdfolk Council, he will
research. inform them that the council doesn’t just see any
petitioners. He can provide some useful clout in
the form of a letter of introduction to help
If Eliza promised the characters an item for their
characters get in front of the Birdfolk Council
service, they can claim that as well.
without having to wait the necessary days or
weeks as the Council deals with other petitioners
THE MISSING RESEARCHER  and their daily duties. He is distraught at Kenna’s
disappearance, and will not agree to anything
A young corvum researcher, looking to make a
concrete until her safety is assured.
name for herself, has recently gone missing. An
investigation of her office has revealed she has
been studying the nearby slimes to learn about Kenna.​ An energetic, and curious young corvum
their physiology. In an attempt to get live samples, scholar who is currently working on a dissertation
she has ventured to the nearby caves which are for the Avium, a magical academy to the east of
known to be infested with several species of Alderheart, on the properties of various slimes
slimes. around the region. She is a native of the Reach,
Characters are petitioned by the town’s
and knows the village well. She is also a little
magistrate, ​Waldan Krane​, to find the researcher,
precocious and known to take risks for her work,
a young lady named ​Kenna​. While the primary
though this time she has most of the town worried
goal is to bring the researcher back safely, any
about her.
chance to reduce the slime population will be
Susan of the Swamp. ​An eccentric young hedge
whose magical aptitude has always been

outclassed by her hunger for knowledge. She areas have ceilings that are 15 feet high unless
studied at the Avium for a short time, but left of otherwise specified.
her own accord to experiment with magics the The murky waters of the surrounding swamp
Avium found unsavory. Susan lives alone now, free have inundated the system of tunnels beneath.
to pursue her arcane curiosities in peace. She Water drips from the glistening ceilings and
shares her modest home with her beetle familiar, gathers in pools throughout the caverns, filling
Normal, and spends her time foraging for them with the smell of the swamp. If you’d like to
ingredients, testing spells, and reading novels in add a little more challenge to the area, specify that
addition to tomes of eldritch lore. Susan is a safe certain parts of the cave rooms are difficult terrain
distance away from the cities and towns, but her because water from the swamp has pooled there,
presence in the region has still made the or designate a few 10-foot squares that have been
Magistrate of Winnowing Reach uneasy, and he made slippery from dripping water and organic
wants her gone. muck, requiring a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to
avoid tripping and falling prone while navigating
THE MOKKDEN CAVERNS  at any more than half speed.
The cave is actually a network of caverns and
tunnels with several entrances dotting Mokk
The closer entrance to the Mokkden Caverns juts
Fields. The closest entrance is located about half a
out obviously from the mire surrounding it. Be
day's hike southwest of Winnowing Reach in the
sure to roll on the Swamp Encounters​ ​table as the
middle of the swamp. Alternatively, there is a road
party approaches. They are taking a dangerous
that leads around the swamp to the south, arriving
route through the swamp, and will likely run into
at another cavern entrance at the very southwest
trouble. When the party arrives, there are two
edge of the swamp. This is a longer route, most
sticky slimes​ burbling about in front of this
likely requiring a night of camping along the road,
but it is probably safer than the swamp.
The farther entrance can be spotted just
The magistrate will provide a rough map of
as the forest gives way to marshlands. It has two
Mokk Fields, which shows where the entrances
caustic slimes​ in front of it, wading through the
are located.
fen looking for prey. This route will take the party
A Dangerous Swamp  longer to reach, but is safe enough that they
Along the way, the party might run into bandits, or  shouldn’t encounter anything else on the way.
swamp creatures who want to make a meal of  These are ostensibly combat encounters,
them. Decide what feels right for pacing and 
difficulty and add in an extra encounter here if you  but any player can make a DC 12 Perception check
want to ratchet up the action. Refer to the R
​ andom  as they approach, easily spotting the slimes from
Encounters​ section for suggestions.  about 80 feet away on a success. On a failure
players do not notice them slimes until they are
NAVIGATING THE DEPTHS within 60 feet.. If the party enters the range of the
The outside of the rocky caves are somewhat slime’s blindsight (60 feet), the slime will attack. If
visible against the backdrop of the sunken Mokk the party can spot the slimes before then, they can
Fields, though tall reeds and dead trees provide attempt to pick the slimes off with ranged
barriers to sight. The entrance can be spotted weapons and spells (remember to treat the slimes
from about 80 feet away through the marsh. as though they are blind if they are attacked
The inside of the caves are dark, damp, and beyond their blindsight radius).
dank. Characters without darkvision will require a Other methods, such as luring the slimes away
light source to see while inside the caverns. with a distraction, or using stealth to slip by
Ceilings in the tunnels are about 10 feet high, but unnoticed, can also work. ​So long as the party
can drop low enough in some places that didn’t bumble into the slime’s blindsight range,
characters will need to hunch. Many of the open the party can avoid either encounter by

succeeding on a DC 14 group Dexterity (Stealth) Striking these with a series of three hits
check. If at least half of the party members against AC 10 with ranged weapons or
succeed, they make it. Despite being dangerous, spells will trigger the collapse.
the slimes are slow and easy to outrun, so be sure ● Any spell or ability that deals thunder
to let the party know that they can make a break damage can create enough of a shockwave
for the entrance if they’re spotted. The slimes will to collapse the rocks.
give up the chase a few rounds after the party
moves outside of their blindsight range. Feel free to ad hoc some rules based on the above
The entrance to the cave system is just large guidelines if you have an especially clever party.
enough for party members to fit, although some Once collapsed, characters will need to navigate
taller characters may have to hunch over. The the debris-strewn ground (treat as difficult
tunnel descends gradually into the ground, terrain) but will otherwise be fine.
curving gently back and forth as it goes.
Conversely, characters can attempt to cross the
REWARDS area carefully. With a successful DC 14 group
Whether or not the party fights the slimes, award
Dexterity (Stealth) check, they can move through
15 XP each (for sticky slimes) or 30 XP each (for
without disturbing the boulders. On a failure, their
caustic slimes).
movement will trigger a small collapse. Players
If the party defeats the slimes they will find 15
must then make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or
silver pieces undigested inside the creatures.
take 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage from
falling debris. ​If you are concerned about dealing
COLLAPSING HAZARD too much damage to the party, consider replacing
After about 30 minutes of walking, the characters the damage with a level of exhaustion. ​Treat the
will stumble upon a 50 foot long tunnel that looks collapsed tunnel as difficult terrain.
as though it is being propped up by makeshift REWARDS
wooden struts. The party gains 25 XP each for successfully
The first researchers created supports to shore up negotiating the hazard.
hazardous rocks on the tunnel ceiling that
threatened to collapsed. In the years since the
struts have largely been ignored. Now they creak
audibly, and dust occasionally showers down from After about 30 minutes of walking the tunnel
the ceiling into the tunnel in front of the party. opens into a large cavern roughly 30 feet high and
Make it clear to the players that the structure is 60 feet across. Stalactites and stalagmites dot the
unstable, and it looks ready to collapse. The floor and ceiling and the sound of slowly dripping
easiest solution is to simply collapse the struts on water can be heard echoing in the distance. Slimes
purpose, which can be done in a few different have heard the vibrations of possible prey passing
ways: through the adjoining tunnels, and have been lying
● It will take a flat DC 13 Strength check to try in wait upside-down on the ceiling. If players are
and break the moisture rotted struts. Make being cautious and say they’re keeping an eye out,
sure to have players describe what methods they must make a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
they’ll use for the strength check that won’t check to locate the camouflaged and motionless
leave them in the path of falling rocks (like blobs against the dark ceiling.
using a 10 foot pole as a lever, or trying to Surround the characters with 2 sticky
throw a reasonably sized object at the slimes and 2 caustic slimes. It’s up to the party to
struts). either escape farther down the tunnel or fight
● After a minute of observation, players can their way out! There are three ways to escape
determine weak spots in the structure. from this chamber:

sporadic at first, but soon the faintly glowing goo
● One 15 foot tall, 5 foot wide exit that goes becomes common enough that the area can be
for 90 feet, quickly narrowing out to 10 feet considered dimly-lit for the purposes of vision.
in height before becoming a dead end. The tunnels eventually wind their way into a 60
foot wide clearing, with tunnels branching off in
● One 15 foot tall, 10 foot wide exit with different directions. Refer to the ​Mokkden
another set of rickety wooden beams to Caverns​ for a map of this room.
prevent cave-ins (like the one in the
previous encounter). This area must be In the center of the cave you see what looks 
navigated at half-speed by characters in like a young corvum standing next to a rock 
order to avoid triggering a collapse. Players
formation. You soon grasp by the sheen of 
can intentionally cause a cave-in to drop
slime covering the birdfolk from her beak down 
rocks on any pursuing slimes. This leads to
the next area.
to her talons that she is in fact stuck to the 
rock! Her eyes are wild and suddenly focus on 
● One with a smaller opening, only about four something behind you. A giant bioluminescent 
feet tall, that medium or larger-sized slime drops down from the ceiling and attacks!
creatures would need to squeeze through
using half of their movement. This tunnel is The characters are immediately beset by a
5 feet tall and 5 feet wide on the inside, but shifting slime​ and three ​sticky slimes​. The sticky
widens out quickly to 15 feet in height as it slimes have left several residue trails between the
goes, providing no impediment to characters and the chamber’s entrance, causing
movement beyond the entrance. It snakes in any character that step into the trail to become
to join up with the previous tunnel after a restrained unless they make a DC 10 Strength
minute, leading to the next area. saving throw.
The slimes don't attack with reason or tactics.
Characters can also backtrack to the tunnel they They simply lash out at the nearest target and
came from if they want to try and pick the slimes usually don't turn their attention if they are
off carefully, but the ceilings there are 10 feet high, attacked by multiple characters at the same time.
providing ample room for slimes to follow them
Any character who casts a damage dealing
by moving upside down on the ceiling and
spell against the shifting slime will be able to
attacking from above. If the players successfully
notice it changing color if it uses its reaction to
defeat the slimes they will find that the exit which
absorb the effect.
leads to a dead end is safe, dry, and perfectly
suited for a short rest.
Damage Type Slime color
The party gains 50 XP each. Acid Lime Green
One of the defeated slimes also has an intact brass
Cold Ice Blue
magnifying glass inside of it. The magnifying glass
is slightly corroded and needs cleaning, but is still Fire Bright Crimson
serviceable. It can be kept, or sold for 40 gold
pieces when properly cleaned. Force Clear

Lightning Vibrant Yellow

After another 30 minutes of walking through the Necrotic Dark Black
caves, characters will find smears of luminescent
Poison Dark Green
residue on the walls of the tunnels. This will be

from having been fed upon by the shifting slime,
Psychic Bright Violet
but it is still very much intact.
Radiant Warm Orange For defeating the slimes and returning the
missing researcher, each character earns 80 XP.
Thunder Bright White
If the party underwent a random encounter in
the caves, each character earns an extra 20 XP.

Captured in Slime  If using the milestone rules for experience,

If a character would die in combat, instead of a  each character should reach level 2.
killing blow a sticky slime may instead try to encase 
the character, saving them for later. Other 
characters can attempt to free them with a DC 12 
Strength check or use applicable spells.  The trip back to Winnowing Reach is uneventful, if
a little slow, with the researcher tagging along.
FREEING THE RESEARCHER Magistrate Krane is relieved to see Kenna
returned safely. If the party has also collected
Characters can attempt to free Kenna from her slime samples, he begrudgingly thanks the party,
slime prison as an action. To do this a player needs giving Kenna a serious glare.
to succeed on a DC 12 Strength check or use If it makes sense for the time of day, or if your
applicable spells. Once free, she will do her best to players need a bit of a rest, suggest spending the
stay out of the way and will follow orders that night in Winnowing Reach. ​Magistrate Krane
don't put her in danger. promises he will soon write the party's letter for
Once combat is resolved Kenna will the council, but before he can do this, he must
immediately implore the party to help collect address an urgent problem facing the Reach.​ He
samples of slime from either the shifting or sticky will summon them tomorrow if they plan on
slimes for her research. She promises a reward for staying in town to speak about this. He states that
this service. Despite the dangers, she has already he may be in need of adventurers and will pay for
risked her life, and is reluctant to return to their help in this matter.
Winnowing Reach without a sample, requiring a
DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check to get her to Kenna on the other hand will invite the party to
come along if the characters refuse to help her. join her for some refreshments at the Writers’
If characters wish to retrieve the samples, Rest, the local inn and tavern. She will also
Kenna has three vials she will pass out to anyone mention that it provides reasonable
willing to help her. One vial will suffice for a accommodations for travelers at a decent price
sample. Players must find live slimes from which (treat as a Modest Inn). She’ll even offer to buy the
to collect the samples, which they can do by party their first round to thank them for her
making a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. rescue.
You can choose to either use slimes leftover
from a previously escaped encounter (the party THE SWAMP WITCH 
can backtrack to find them) or have the party After some rest and recuperation, Magistrate
explore the Mokk Fields outside of the caverns for Krane will again approach the party with another
slimes. Feel free to use the Swamp and Caves job, this one requiring a private audience in his
random encounter tables (pg. ) here if you wish.
official chambers. Whatever he has to say, he
REWARDS doesn’t want prying ears around.
Inside the body of the shifting slime, players will
After securing the bolt on his chamber door,
find a trinket that looks to be small sphere of
the magistrate hesitantly reveals that the swamp
intricately woven strands of gold and bronze. This
is plagued by a foul sorceress, a witch who
is a ​Nest Charm​. The charm’s magical aura is faint
dabbles in evil forces. He implores the brave

adventurers to rid them of this evil before it
spreads to Winnowing Reach. There is smoke gently rising from a cobblestone 
chimney and a strange yet delicious smell fills 
At first the magistrate appeals to the decency
the air. Through a window you can see a short 
and goodness of the party, imploring them to act
in the best interest of the Wood in this matter. If
figure wearing a robe shuffling quickly about the 
pressed, he will offer another 5 gold pieces per kitchen, adding ingredients to a cauldron in the 
character to help deal with the witch, though he shape of a giant snail shell. There is also a rather 
makes it clear his coffers are running low. He will large beetle skittering around, hopping at her 
promise to write them their letter should they heels. She seems to pat it affectionately, and it 
demonstrate their noble character in dealing with chitters in a way that is almost sweet. 
this menace.

TRAVERSING THE SWAMP Players have two options: approach the witch
The magistrate suspects the party will find the and hear her story, or barge in and attack. If the
witch’s lair in the deepest, foulest stretches of the party opts to attack, the ​hedge witch​, who goes by
swamp. the name ​Susan of the Swamp​, will defend
herself. She will also appeal to the players,
To speed up travel, you can have a player make
explaining that she is not evil at all, merely
a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check to navigate the
misunderstood and unwelcome at the Avium, the
swamp and find signs of the witch’s passing.
birdfolk’s magical college. She will continue to try
Alternatively, a DC 12 caster level or and explain that she means no harm during
Intelligence (Arcana) check could be used to combat, defending only with as much force as
determine the optimal location for magical activity necessary to protect herself.
within the swamp.
If the players approach civilly, they will find
On a success, the party finds the witch after she is a hedge witch, delving into secret and
only a few hours of travel, leaving plenty of ancient magical lore on her own terms. In fact,
daylight. On a failure, it takes them longer to find she’s in the middle of a ritual that will hopefully
the witch than anticipated, and the party arrives at summon a lesser entity that she might question
dusk. If they fail, or if you simply want to add regarding a vision she had during a recent
more action, consider rolling a d20 for every hour divination ritual.
of travel. On a roll of 5 or lower, roll again on the
Swamp encounter table to see what happens.
“I saw a great blaze consuming the Wood. Near 
the Scorched Grove, I think. There were 
At last the party find themselves at a small hut
on a thin patch of dry land. There are a few
figures, too. A large lumbering, burning thing, 
gnarled trees, more moss than leaves, flanking the and something else, shadowed and distant, 
rustic hut. From the porch roof hang dozens of watching from afar. Heh–that’s lizard spleens 
bundles containing flowers, herbs, and even a few for you. Their tea gives very cryptic visions. 
desiccated lizards. Refer to ​the Witch’s Hut​ map Shame I don’t have any moonfish. You always 
for this location. get clear visions from moonfish...or was it 

She asks if you might help her gather the

necessary ingredients to complete her ritual.

FINDING THE REAGENTS witch. If they returned with the giant frog’s spleen,
The characters are asked to gather some Susan will congratulate them and muse how lucky
swamp herbs and capture a few of the plump she is to have this for future experiments, saving
green frogs whose spleens are an essential all that she doesn’t use in a stoppered glass jar.
component. Both can be found about an hour’s
walk north from the hut, near a large pond
Now that she has what she requires, Susan will
wreathed densely with reeds. The herbs are easy
set about starting the ritual.
to locate with a successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Survival) check. On a failure, the characters do
Susan draws the curtains on her windows for 
not find the herbs, but instead find one of the
following items: the ritual, and the only light source in the hut is 
the eerie green glow which emanates from a 
● a bull-rush root
mixture bubbling in the large snail-shell 
● the shed tail of a swamp lizard
● a small scale
cauldron. Susan adds the final ingredients: first 
● a feather, covered in muck the herbs, which burn as they are incorporated 
into the mixture causing Susan to cackle with 
These items are magical reagents in their own
delight. Normal, her beetle familiar, clicks its 
right and can be turned in to Susan in exchange
for potions. Players can roll as many Survival
mandibles cheerily. “O great spirit, heed my 
checks as they need to find the herbs. call!” Susan intones as she adds the frog spleens. 
“Rise and grant me the wisdom I seek!” The 
The frogs are tiny creatures with an armor
ritual ends with a flash, and a whoosh of air 
class of 14 due to their size and speed, but they
only have 1 hit point. ​The frogs will retreat into
whips the curtains open. 
the pond's depths at the slightest hint of trouble
and characters require a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) After a moment of trepidation, a ​lesser demon
check to attack them. ​There are enough frogs climbs out of the cauldron, spilling the mixture
about that players can find as many as they need. everywhere. At first the demon seems content,
After three failed attempts to catch them, though it is unresponsive to Susan’s inquiries.
however, the players will trigger an event. Then, it attacks the nearest person wildly, which
may be Susan or a party member. It behaves
The ground around you begins to rumble, as a  confused and feral, remaining on the attack until
defeated, at which point it crumbles into ash that
chorus of croaking rings in your ears. A gigantic 
floats away mysteriously.
frog bursts from the pond, fixing you and your 
companions with a hungry gaze! A WITCH’S DEBT 
Susan is grateful for the party’s help in
This frog resembles the smaller ones the party dispatching the demon. She admits she may have
was trying to catch, but it is many times their size, reached a bit too far in her summoning, and will
and looking to make a meal of the characters. Use adjust her future rituals accordingly.
the stats for a ​giant toad​ for this monster. Upon
If the party ever visits the Mokk Fields in the
defeating the creature, a character can cut out its
future, her door will always be open to them. She
spleen easily, provided they don’t mind getting
will even do her best to aid them with a potion
covered in frog innards. The spleen is roughly the
(provided they have the ingredients). The party
size of an entire normal-sized frog and should
may now call on Susan to make a variety of
provide ample material for the ritual.
potions and brews in exchange for ingredients and
After the party has gathered 3 frogs, or one
spleen from the giant frog, they can return to the

a donation of 1 gold per potion to fund her effects of the ​grease
research. spell for 20 minutes or
until it is washed away.

Potion Ingredients Potion Effect REWARDS

A swamp If the party assisted the witch successfully, she
lizard tail is now considered an ally. She offers 2 ​healing
Potion of Heals the drinker for
and 2d4 + 2 potions​ for the party to take, with the promise of
bull-rush more potions in exchange for ingredients.
However the players handled this encounter,
A crocodile
each character earns 160 XP.
Potion of Heals the drinker for
root, and a 4d4 + 4 LEAVING THE REACH 
violet fungus After dealing with the swamp witch, the party
cap returns to Winnowing Reach. The magistrate
A bit of fur, a The imbiber can cast wants to hear about the excursion, and again
Potion of animal friendship​ (save invites the characters into his chambers for a
scale, a
Animal DC 13) for 1 hour at
feather, and private conference.
Friendship will.
a whisker
If the party killed the witch, they can simply
A downy The imbiber gains the tell the truth and receive their coin, if agreed
Potion of feather and effects of the ​feather fall upon.
Feather Fall a pinch of spell for 5 minutes.
forest ash If the party did not kill the witch and wishes to
Shifting lie about it, one player must make a DC 11
The imbiber gains
slime Charisma (Deception) check to pass off a suitable
Potion of resistance to one type
residue and lie to the magistrate. If they succeed, he will accept
Resistance of damage for 1 hour
a small their story and reward them.
(Player’s choice).
When spread on an If the party did not kill the witch and tells the
object or location it truth, the magistrate responds furiously.
creates a nearly
imperceptible coating. “You WHAT!?” Walden replies. “Don’t you see 
Creatures that come
into contact with the oil
that you have doomed our town? You are not 
Sticky slime must succeed a DC 12 the heroes I took you for. Take your things and 
Oil of
residue and Strength (Athletics) leave.”  
Stickiness check or become
a forest slug
restrained. At the end of
He refuses to pay any agreed upon bounty for
each of its turns, a
restrained creature can the party’s work, and will not write them their
repeat the saving letter of introduction.
throw, ending the effect
on a success.

If spread on a creature,
Mountain they gain the effects of
Oil of breeze and the ​freedom of
Slipperiness morning movement​ s​ pell for 10
dew minutes. If spread on a
location, it gains the

“Should you require a letter of introduction,” 
Walden begins, a sardonic look playing across 
his face, “Why not try the magistrate of 
Alderheart?” He gives a hollow chuckle. 
“Oath-breakers like yourselves will have much 
in common with the scoundrel.”

If the party killed the witch, or convinced the
magistrate of such, and they agreed to a bounty
beforehand, each character receives 5 gold.
When the party is ready, the road to
Alderheart leads northeast out of town, deeper
into the forest. The journey is short, only about a
half day’s walk.
As the party prepares to depart, Eliza
approaches, asking if she might travel alongside
them on the way to Alderheart. She welcomes
both the company and protection offered by the


By this point, the party should have some idea of
This chapter will serve to set up and pay off one of the effects of the fires on the Wood and its people.
the greatest forces threatening the Wood: the F​eel free to provide more context as the party
Bandit Coalition, which has risen up and gained continues their travels. You could describe
power since the fires began to spread. Its scorched sections of the forest on the horizons, or
membership is comprised mostly of humblefolk the remains of burnt-down woodland villages.
who have been displaced from their small villages You can expand on these themes by selecting
deep in the Wood. Their homes are generally not encounters from the road encounters table (such
as well fortified as the many birdfolk settlements, as emberbats, or bandits displaced from their
and while humblefolk refugees sought shelter homes) to further illustrate the depth of the chaos
within Alderheart, many were refused entry, and caused by the spreading fires.
forced into a life of banditry to sustain themselves.
The Coalition is led by a steely figure, a scarred For each day of travel, roll a d20, and on a roll of 5
cervan warrior named ​Benna Seridan,​ and it or lower, roll again on the road encounters table
represents a serious threat to the Wood. Benna’s below. If you’d like to add more random
mission is one of revenge against the Birdfolk encounters, you can roll a d20 every four hours of
Council at Alderheart, but she also seeks to travel. Feel free to choose select encounters from
support all the humblefolk who were displaced by this list, or have the party skip straight to
the fires, many of whom now serve in the Alderheart, depending on how you’d like to adjust
Coalition. The party must defend Alderheart from the pacing of your game.
the Bandit Coalition, and will later be asked by the In each encounter Eliza will do her best to stay out
Council to help strike a decisive blow against the of danger, hiding behind her cart and relying on
bandit menace. the party to protect her and her wares.

If the party decided to bypass the encounters in

Winnowing Reach entirely, you should award the ROAD ENCOUNTERS 
party enough experience to reach level 2 now, or
have them level up at the beginning of this chapter d8 Encounter
if using milestone rules.
1 2d4 ​mapach bandits​ ambush the party.
A ROUGH ROAD AHEAD  2 1d2 ​swarms of emberbats​ attack the party.
After their trials at Winnowing Reach, characters
will likely continue to make their way towards
3 1d3 ​magmin​ can be spotted burning foliage
Alderheart to seek an audience with the Birdfolk
Council, possibly with Eliza in tow. The road to the through the trees. They haven’t started a fire
capital is still long, requiring three days of travel. yet, but they will if left unchecked.
Be sure to have Eliza or another NPC from
Winnowing Reach remind the party to properly 4 A giant elk appears in a peaceful glade, drinking
stock up before they depart. They can find any from a mysterious pond with an abundance of
supplies they might need for their journey plant life growing in it. There is a sense of calm
(rations, bedrolls and the like) at the local general and serenity here. Each player that stops to
store. drink from the pond heals 1d4+2 hit points.

5 1d4+1 ​mapach bandits​ and a ​jerbeen thief

spring from the forest, offering safe passage for
a road toll of 3 gold pieces per party member. After a few hours of travel, Eliza abruptly sets 
They will attack if the toll is not paid her cart down as the road winds around an 
immediately. immense tree. The tree is so large its branches 
block out the sun for at least a mile. “Well, this 
6 A travelling ​gallus druid​ is met on the road.
is it! We’ve finally arrived at Alderheart!” She 
She has a calm demeanour and will inform the
gestures upward, revealing a network of 
party of the Tenders, an organization to which
she belongs. The Tenders are working to heal platforms and bridges in the canopy above. 
the Scorched Grove slowly with natural magics. Closer inspection of the tree shows rough steps 
She has two bags of poultice that she will sell carved into the trunk that appear camouflaged 
for 15 gold apiece. Each can be applied to a from a distance. 
wound to heal 1d4+2 hit points.

7 A small pool of water can be seen in a clearing,

giving off steam that looks like mist. Disturbing
the pool reveals that the water is scalding, and
causes 1d4+1 ​steam mephits​ to appear, which
attack immediately.

8 A bandit’s net trap has been laid across the trail

and covered with leaves. It can be spotted with
a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If players If Eliza is not around to guide the players, read the
walk into it, the trap springs, and players must following:
make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw to avoid
getting caught. On a failure, you can roll on this
After a few hours of travel, the road winds 
table again to complicate the encounter.
around an enormous tree whose branches 
Reward XP for each encounter based on its block out the sunlight for at least a mile. 
difficulty if you are not following the milestone
rules for character advancement. You can provide
Looking up, you can see a system of pulleys 
whatever treasure rewards you think are which lead to networks of platforms and 
appropriate. bridges in the canopy above. Close inspection of 
the tree reveals hidden steps carved into the 
massive trunk. You have reached Alderheart, 
THE GREAT TREE CITY   the Great Tree City. 
If traveling with Eliza, read this:


freight pulleys. Due to the gigantic stature of
You and your companions emerge from the 
Alderheart, it is sometimes difficult to tell that you
winding stairway up the trunk into a canopy 
are within the canopy of a tree at all, much to the
filled with the bustle of city life. Buildings are 
relief of some travelers who no doubt imagine
nestled within the branches, and throngs of 
living in a treetop to be precarious. The farther
people crowd roadways made of the very 
one strays from the central area, however, the
branches. The roadways are connected with 
more obvious it becomes that the city is designed
rope and wood bridges and carefully-positioned 
mainly for the birdfolk. Without the ability to
wooden platforms. Birdfolk guards, known 
glide, navigating this part of Alderheart becomes
colloquially as ‘the Perch Guard’, can be seen 
increasingly dangerous.
keeping watch throughout the city. Labourers 
In the centre of Alderheart lies the Birdfolk
operate pulley systems that link to the canopy 
Council chambers, a large domed structure
and help to raise carts.
nestled within the branches. Around it are several
government buildings, a courthouse, a gaol, and
Alderheart is a city that takes its name from the the Perch Guard headquarters. All sit around a
ancient and immense tree in which it was built. large statue of a Luma dressed in ceremonial
Vast infrastructures of transportation, from robes. This is Speaker Ava, the Founder of the
pulleys to rope bridges, are spread throughout its Birdfolk Council, the governing body of
canopy, and branch-roads lead through knotholes Humblewood. Nearby, a large central market
into the interior of the tree. The roads move district has cropped up, with several smaller
throughout the inside of the massive trunk, all the shops being located on its periphery. All the usual
way down to the roots of the tree. Alderheart is a amenities and offerings of a large city can be
thriving community, home to virtually every race found here.
of birdfolk and humblefolk. There are even races
from far away kingdoms, and their members The trunk is the largest section of Alderheart and
include merchants, explorers, and foreign acts as an intermediary zone between the affluent
dignitaries crowding the street of Humblewood’s canopy and the impoverished roots. Because the
capital.  people of Humblewood do not wish to hurt the
tree, they have outlawed excavation of the trunk.
Alderheart is divided into three sections: the All of the passageways and hollows within the
canopy, the trunk, and the roots. trunk were made by druids who used gentle magic
to shape Alderheart’s form into something
The canopy contains most of the official buildings, agreeable to both the tree and the people who live
as well as some of the high-end markets and within it. For this reason, the trunk can be one of
expensive residences in the city. Buildings here the most confusing and disorienting areas of
are made from a variety of materials, including Alderheart for new travelers, as pathways split
stone, wood, and brick, and most are stationed on and diverge, sometimes tapering off into nothing.
top of reinforced platforms to keep them stable. Those who make their homes here are generally
Their architectural styles are unique, as many streetwise and know how to make their way
were built according to their location in the tree, around, but systems of lanterns serve as signposts
and it is rare to see two identical buildings. There along the main paths leading up or down.
are multiple levels in the canopy, with some of the
sturdier branches above the main level being While there are rare areas where the trunk
home to residences, shops, or garden patches. hollows open into views of the sky through
A network of smooth branch-roads link to rope knotholes, most of the trunk is naturally dark.
bridges to allow for ease of travel, and creatures Much of it is illuminated by strings of glass
travelling with carts are able to have them raised lanterns which contain either fireflies or motes of
to the canopy via a system of specially-designed magic (depending on the affluence of the area),

and lantern-keepers throughout Alderheart are meager wares, as a far more lucrative market in
tasked with keeping certain lanterns in communal smuggled and stolen goods serves as the primary
areas lit during all hours, and others lit only draw for those venturing into the area. Those who
during business hours to provide a natural live here are truly destitute, without anywhere
day-night cycle for those who live there. else in the city to go. While many refugees crowd
The trunk contains many of the more common the trunks, some have moved below in an attempt
homes and markets in Alderheart, and the to find a little more space to live, while others
majority of the people who live here are were drawn in by criminal elements within the
Humblefolk. Lately, the number of people city.
inhabiting the trunk section has swelled due to
loss of villages to the roaming fires, and a hollow
Characters should be given an opportunity to
just a few minutes walk from the central market
rest after their journey, and time to explore the
has become a shelter area for the refugees, much
city. Some groups of players will want to push
to the dismay of many merchants. The area is
straight ahead to seek an audience with the
overcrowded, and many of those who live here are
Birdfolk Council. If the party managed to obtain a
searching for work, begging for alms, or have
letter of introduction from Walden Krane, they can
taken to thievery to support themselves.
walk up to the Birdfolk Council chambers and
The farther down the trunk one travels, the more
hand it to the guards watching the entrance. The
shabby and ill-kept the residences and
party will be informed they’ll need to wait a day as
infrastructure become. There are no officially
the Birdfolk Council’s schedule is already filled,
sanctioned ways to leave the tree here, although
but they will be granted an audience tomorrow at
some people utilize rope and the natural
dawn. If they did not obtain a letter of
knotholes to move about. For most, the area is
introduction, they will be asked to register their
difficult to navigate, and those who wish to exit
plea at the local magistrate’s office before waiting
the city safely are faced with considerable travel
with the rest of the petitioners for their summons.
Below even the lowest parts of the trunk, the
hollows inside the tree connect to a series of If Eliza accompanied the players, she lets the party
pathways that have been carved into the very know where her new storefront is located. She is
roots of Alderheart. These are not considered to taking over an old shop that her sister used to run
be official parts of the city, and their construction down on the edge of the market district. The shop
was largely overlooked by city officials in the looks a little run down compared to the shops
canopy until word arrived of the illicit activities nearby, but Eliza is determined, and after the
taking place. Many were convinced that the party returns from the next few encounters she
tunneling would simply go away if druids were to will have it looking almost new.
heal it, but it appears Alderheart itself took pity on
If the players helped Eliza along her journey, she
those who would live here, and decided to allow
will always remember their kindness and offer
the tunnels to exist rather than force people from
them a 10% discount on purchases, and an extra
their homes.
10% when selling to her. While always friendly
The tunnels have since been strengthened by
and welcoming, if players ever find themselves on
druidic healing, lit to be on par with hollows in the
Eliza’s bad side she will refuse them service. Those
trunk, and a garrison of the Perch Guard stationed
looking to get back in her good graces may find
nearby patrols the roots. Even with these
success by offering a unique item as an apology.
improvements, the tunnels remain the slums of
the Great Tree City. GOODS FOR SALE
Due to the nature of the roots, the air is always In addition to adventuring essentials, Eliza prides
dank and humid. The few shops located here have herself on stocking one-of-a-kind items and

treasures. She is a consummate capitalist and When initially approached he will inform the
always knows how to properly value an item. Her party that while their news is important, they will
rare goods usually come with large price tags. have to wait like everyone else. It could take days
Eliza’s stock consists of basic adventuring gear, or weeks, so he suggests they make themselves
along with a collection of strange and unique comfortable in Alderheart. But, if they’re
goods found in her recent travels. While her wares interested, he has a proposition that might allow
are sparse at first, feel free to add more as the him to ‘accidentally’ submit their request early.
story unfolds and she becomes more established These things do happen.
in the city. You also can roll on the tables below to
randomize wondrous items she’s managed to If the party agrees to help, he will tell them
acquire. about a group of jerbeens that have been causing
d6 Item Cost trouble around the market district of the trunk.
People down there have been filing complaints,
1 Deed to a house in Brackenmill 500 gp
and he would rather just have the matter dealt
2 Wooden Eye 10 gp
with. If the party can make sure this isn’t a
3 Scroll of Major Image 150 gp problem the magistrate has to hear about again,
A small clockwork squirrel made he’ll grant them an early audience with the
of bronze. It will hop for 1 Council.
4 25 gp
minute after it has been properly
wound. You can have the party come up with their own
5 Token with a ram’s head on it 5 gp solution for finding the jerbeens, but if they’re
An old spellbook with 1d6 stuck, remind them that asking around the market
random 1st level spells, 1d4 might be the easiest way. Inquiring around the
random second level spells, and market will require a DC 13 Intelligence
6 350 gp
1 random third level spell (Investigation) check, which will lead the party
(choose from the Wizard’s spell straight to the jerbeens on a success. A failure will
list) require another hour of searching to come across
someone who knows where the jarbeen hideout
d10 Magic Item Cost can be found.
1 Boots of Elvenkind 200 gp There are four jerbeens, all of them siblings.
2 Bracers of Archery 250 gp Their parents died when their village was
3 Cloak of Elvenkind 300 gp consumed by a forest fire, and they've been
4 Efficient Quiver 350 gp stealing to survive ever since.​ The eldest uses the
5 Feather Token (bird) 500 gp stat block for a ​jerbeen thief​. The other three,
6 Feather Token (tree) 500 gp being far less skilled, use the stat block for a
mapach bandit​. They are all armed with daggers
7 Figurine of Silver Raven 250 gp
and slings.
8 Ring of Feather Falling 600 gp
9 Robe of Useful Items 350 gp The party can attempt to reason with the
10 Staff of the Python 500 gp thieves. A DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check will
convince them their current lifestyle is too
dangerous, but it won’t solve their problems.
THE MAGISTRATE OF ALDERHEART Allow the players to roleplay to find a solution.
The Magistrate of Alderheart is a dull-looking Any character with a background that grants them
sable luma. Though he appears to be a tired connections to a temple, business, or other such
bureaucrat, his demeanour hides a cunning mind institution in the city could likely help the jerbeen
eager to turn any situation to his advantage. He is orphans secure work.
not above taking bribes in exchange for expediting
requests to see the Council.

The party can also assist the thieves financially magistrate’s task, the guards will check their scroll
to eliminate their need to steal temporarily, or to and inform them they will be summoned shortly.
help them survive. ​Five gold pieces will provide The party will be asked to join the many
them with enough security to look for honest petitioners waiting for their summons, about
work. Any amount of gold will help them for a twenty feet away from the entrance. After what
time,​ though a payment of only one gold piece feels like an eternity, they will finally be called into
might result in the magistrate reporting anxiously the chambers proper.
that “The thieves are at it again!”, later in the
story. As you pass through the double doors into the 
The orphans can also simply be fought. They Council chambers, yousee a group of five stately 
will flee if defeated, and the experience will teach birdfolk arranged across elevated seats. Each 
them their weakness. The magistrate may never council member has a podium, with sheafs of 
hear from the orphans again, but feel free to have papers neatly ordered upon it, rising to just 
the party encounter them again during the bandit above their waist. A circular aperture in the 
attack or at the bandit’s fortress, as they could
ceiling’s center allows sunlight to shine in. A 
easily choose to side with the bandits to survive.
wise looking bright gallus raises a feathered 
Whatever the party decides to do, the hand in greeting and addresses your party: “You 
magistrate will be able to confirm their actions now stand in the presence of the Birdfolk 
through some of his connections in the city, and
Council. Please, state your case.” 
he’ll tell the party they can expect to have their
audience granted the following day.
The Council is the ruling body of Humblewood and
REWARDS has the authority to draft laws and legislations
Award each character 100 XP for this encounter. that will govern the birdfolk cities and towns
throughout the region. They may draft such
THE BIRDFOLK COUNCIL   legislature if the party can prove there is a need.
The members of the Council will gladly hear the
As the party approaches the Council chambers, party out. Despite the dignity and formality with
read this: which they hold themselves, each council member
cares deeply for the people of the Wood. They will
A huge domed structure rises out from the  listen carefully to the woes facing Meadowfen, and
will be saddened to hear of Ashbarrow’s
foliage before you. It is nestled into a natural 
destruction. If there are any other issues the party
curve in Alderheart’s giant trunk, and a large  wishes to recount to the Council, they will hear
platform has been built around the building,  these as well.
connecting it to the branch-roads that run 
Feel free to roleplay this as you see fit using this
throughout the city. It is adorned with 
pool of information to inform the Council’s
brightly-colored banners displaying crests of all  behaviour:
the major settlements in the Wood. Two 
guards in resplendent armor stand watch at the  ● The Council is aware of the spreading fires,
but their primary concern are the bandits.
entrance, and a throng of people mill about 
The bandit ranks have swelled of late, and
nearby.  Alderheart’s militia can only be spread so
If the characters went the day before and handed
their letter of introduction, the guards remember ● The bandits have been rallied by a fearsome
them and welcome the party into a comfortable leader, making them bolder than ever. The
Council knows the leader’s name is Benna
waiting area. If they are new to the Council
Seridan, and that she is a cervan woman,
chambers, or if they have completed the

but little else. They have only heard rumors To do this, you may have players each roll against
of her ruthlessness, and her great hatred for the bandits, making attack rolls against AC 13,
Alderheart. causing a bandit to flee when any damage is dealt.
If a character leaps into the fray, for each attack
● The Council knows that Alderheart could
made against a bandit resolve one against that
support more refugees, but they prefer to
remain cautious in these difficult times. The character using an attack bonus of +4 which deals
fires keep spreading after all. If all the 1d6+2 slashing damage on a hit. At your
refugees are allowed to enter, how long discretion, you may even have players roleplay a
before the city runs out of food? situation where they are defending a merchant
from the assault. Feel free to use either the
● The Council can offer to confer and meet mapach bandit​, ​jerbeen thief​, or ​vulpin captain
with the party again tomorrow afternoon, to as an enemy in this scene that must be defeated to
see what aid they can afford to send to succeed.
Meadowfen. They will assure the party that
aid will be sent, but ask for their patience
during these trying times. Sending a cart of After five attacks against the bandit horde have
supplies along bandit-ridden roads will not resolved successfully, or after the above scene has
be easy, and any guards they send as an been resolved, read this:
escort will mean less protection for the
people of Alderheart. Spears, arrows, and even rocks thrown from 
slings rain down upon the bandit horde. They 
Once the meeting has concluded, you may award
up to 50 XP to each player for their roleplaying, if
struggle to fight, laden as they are with the 
desired. spoils of their raid, and they begin to retreat. A 
cry goes up along the wall, but the captain of 
BANDITS ATTACK  the Perch Guard gazes down at the razed and 
Either on the night before the meeting with the ramshackled caravan with a look of steely 
Council or the night of the meeting,​ ​you may have determination. “We have wounded down 
the following happen:
there,” she exclaims, rallying the troops. “Send 
for healers!”
A city-wide alarm sounds, rousing the Perch 
Guard to their posts. Following the commotion, 
The bandits have taken all they can carry and
you see a great deal of movement around the  fled into the northern forest. The scene left in their
northern entrance to Alderheart. There are  wake is one of broken merchant carts and
shouts of “Bandits!” all around, and something  wounded people. Birdfolk and humblefolk alike
about a merchant caravan arriving at the city,  have been left injured and frightened on the road.
but the actual cause of the tumult seems to be  Characters can join in the relief effort, helping to
farther ahead. carry the injured up to Alderheart for treatment,
or assist the shocked travellers in their orderly
ascent to the safety of the canopy. A character who
If the party decides to check out the scene, they
can provide medical aid with skills, tools, or spells
will arrive at the northernmost platform, similar
may also do so.
to the one where they first entered the city. There
Once the fighting has ended, and the treatment
they will be faced with a dismal scene: several
of the injured is well underway, the guard captain
wagons are besieged by bandit forces. If the
will immediately begin organizing a
characters are armed or wearing armor, the guard
counter-attack, hoping to press the bandits back
captain will beseech them to for help in repelling
to their hideout and snuff out the threat for good.
the bandits.

fighting force. For narrative purposes, these
“This cannot be allowed to continue!” The  characters can simply fight in the background,
captain shouts, swinging up on a nearby branch  adding tension and color to the encounter. You
can have some of them join the party’s fight if it
to make herself visible to the crowd. “These 
looks like the players could use help, slotting them
bandits strike at our home, at our livelihood, 
in at the start of the round for the purposes of
and at our dignity as citizens of the Wood.  determining initiative.
Well, I say no more! The time has come for us  There is also a lone​ strig​ ​knight​ fighting among
to stop this menace, once and for all! Who’s  the denizens of Alderheart. He is a mighty ally, and
with me!?”  the party should see him displaying his skill and
prowess during the fight, perhaps even diverting
the flow of battle so that the party can deal with
their encounters without interference from more
experienced bandits. This is ​Riffin, the
Ash-Knight​ an NPC the players can choose to seek
out after the battle, though he will join the story at
a later juncture. It is advised that you not have him

The party will be encouraged to join the growing help the party directly unless they are in dire
force of guards, militia, and common folk readying need, as he can easily overpower any of the
to leave for the bandit camp. The captain herself challenges they face here.
will encourage them to come along if they assisted
in repelling the bandit’s assault, and single them The moment the two sides meet, fighting will
out to the jeers of the crowd if they failed to assist immediately break out between the Perch Guard
or attempt to refuse. Be sure to have the captain and the bandits. Determine where the party starts
let the party know that they should take the during this encounter. They will be fighting
opportunity to heal if they are wounded, as the bandits in waves. If at any time the encounter
bandit camp is heavily fortified and they will meet seems too easy, add an extra ​mapach bandit​.
with strong resistance.
REWARDS The first wave that descends on the party consists
Each character should earn 50 XP for participating of a group of five ​mapach bandits​. These are the
in this. least skilled of the bandits, so they will try to
overwhelm the party with numbers.
The bandits, laden with stolen goods, leave an
The second wave consists of two ​mapach bandits
obvious trail. They have become brash and sloppy,
and two ​jerbeen thieves​. The thieves will look to
leading the captain and her troops directly to their
disarm and distract the party, jumping around
camp. The camp is merely a collection of canvas
wildly. The bandits will provide ranged support to
tents and a few hastily-constructed storehouses.
the thieves with their crossbows from behind the
There is a large central tent that appears to be for
cover of the tents.
the leader of the camp. Refer to the ​Bandit Camp
map for this location.

The party is joined by a number of birdfolk who

are anxious to put an end to the raids. Utilize the
birdfolk guard​, ​birdfolk skirmisher​, ​birdfolk
militia​, and ​birdfolk farmer​ to fill in for this

bonus action to double her movement
LEADER OF THE BANDITS speed, and cause opportunity attacks
made against her to have disadvantage
The chaos of battle surrounds you. Birdfolk  for the fight.
militia clash with bandits. Some, merely farmers 
with pitchforks, are not faring as well as the  Fray will target whoever she fought in her first
trained guards. A swift defeat of the bandit  encounter with the party before moving to the
leader will surely save many lives this day. As  rest. There will be no attempts at
you approach the largest tent, you see a familiar  self-preservation this time. The Coalition is
figure exit, along with a retainer and a trained  counting on her to defend the camp, and she will
not desert her post. Fray will command her wolf
wolf. She greets you with a sneer, ​“You again!?”
to attack the same target as the thief, unless she is
heavily injured, in which case she will call the
The tall, graceful vulpin woman who appears to be
animal to her aid.
the leader of this bandit camp is none other than
Fray Merridan! She has singled out the party as
The thief will try to attack alongside an ally to
the primary threat and decides to take them on
focus down the most threatening party member
herself, setting an example to those who would
(besides whoever Fray is attacking), and will use
dare challenge her bandits again. If by some
her standing leap and opportunist abilities to
happenstance she was killed or captured in their
move around and harass her target.
first run in, you may replace her with another
vulpin captain​. If it makes sense for your game, THE REST SCATTER
you can have her return with a scar – something
she was given by the players when she ‘feigned With their leader nowhere in sight, and 
death’ before, or by the Perch Guards at Alderheart’s forces bearing down on them, any 
Winnowing Reach during her escape.
semblance of order among the bandits 
disintegrates. They begin to flee in every 
“It’s time I finished you once and for all.” Fray 
direction, taking what they can, and abandon 
draws her sword with a flourish, pointing it at 
the camp. A cry of victory rises from the 
you and your companions. “You shall have the 
assembled citizens. The day is won, but at a 
honor of witnessing my deadly grace before you 
heavy cost. 
After their leader is dispatched, the remainder of
This time Fray isn’t alone. She’ll attack along with the bandit forces flee in any direction they can, but
her ​wolf​ animal companion, and a rough-looking the bulk of the force appears to be heading east,
jerbeen thief​ ​who has a bandana covering one of towards The Crest. The guards are beaten and
her eyes and one ear that looks like it’s been cut exhausted and cannot hope to give chase. The
with a knife. Additionally, Fray and her retainer guards rest briefly, bandaging up the injured and
both have magical items: preparing the fallen for transport back to
● Fray has come into possession of a
magical brooch, which grants her During a search of the camp, a few captive
resistance to all force damage and birdfolk will be found. These are the villagers from
immunity to the Magic Missile spell. Meadowfen who were taken hostage. They are all
a little malnourished, but otherwise fine. They will
● The jerbeen thief is wearing magic boots. explain that Fray was keeping them alive to
She can click her heels together as a ransom them, and that it was fortunate the party

arrived when they did. The captain of the guard party is taken at their word. On a failure, the
will promise the party that she will ensure the council member who posed the question distrusts
villagers are safely returned to Alderheart. She them, but it is likely the rest of the Council will
will even provide them with an escort back to side with the party in this dispute, at least for now.
Meadowfen once they are well enough to travel. An inquiry into the stolen property will be
conducted in the coming days.
With the camp abandoned, the party is free to take If the party hasn’t yet been granted an
their time searching for stolen loot. In the storage audience with the Birdfolk Council to relay
buildings near the rear entrance the party finds Ardwyn’s message, the Council will summon them
the following: the following day. Refer to the ‘Birdfolk Council’
section (pg. ) for details on how to roleplay this
● 2d6 x 10 (70) gp
● 2d6 (7) 10 gp gems scenario. You can also fold the next day’s meeting
● 2d4 (5) 25 gp art items into the ​Council Summons​ (pg.) section by having
the council ask the party to help with their plans
All of these treasures have been stolen from to infiltrate the bandit stronghold and end their
various people throughout the Wood. threat to the Wood permanently.


If the party defeated Fray and her retainer,
As the sounds of battle fade into the forest, the  they are free to help themselves to their
equipment. If Fray was defeated and looted
remainder of the Perch Guard and militia return  earlier, both the leather armor and shortsword
to Alderheart. The dead are carried on  she is equipped with now are unremarkable and
makeshift stretchers while the injured are  of common quality.
helped along the trail home. Despite heavy 
● Fray has:
losses, the day is won and you and your  ○ a fine suit of studded leather armor
companions are welcomed back to Alderheart  (obviously pilfered)
as heroes. ○ a finely made shortsword with a rose
insignia on the pommel. It is not
magical, but of obvious
Upon returning to Alderheart, the party is
craftsmanship, and will sell for
summoned to an emergency meeting of the double the normal going rate for a
Birdfolk Council. The Council wants to hear about shortsword. Any lower level bandit
the bandits as soon as possible, and the captain of who sees a character wearing it will
the Perch Guard points the party out for their also immediately recognize it as their
bravery and skill in defeating the bandit leader. captain’s sword, giving them
The Council asks many questions about the disadvantage on any rolls made to
oppose Charisma (Intimidation)
bandits, their numbers, and which way they fled. It
ability checks made by that character
is clear the Council fears reinforcements may be
against them.
nearby. ○ a ​brooch of shielding
One council member also brings up the goods ○ 10 gp
and possessions the bandits have stolen in recent
months, and asks if any of the items were found at ● The thief has:
the camp. The party will be allowed to keep any ○ a suit of leather armor
recovered magical items for their effort, as well as ○ three daggers
○ boots of speed​. The magic in these
half of the value of treasure they recovered from
boots is such that once they are
the bandit camp. They can also choose to keep
attuned, they will re-shape
their treasure a secret, requiring a DC 15 themselves to fit the feet of the
Charisma (Deception) check. On a success, the creature wearing them, including

transforming into talon-covers for Riffin, the Ash-Knight.​ A traveling knight of the
birdfolk. realm. Riffin lived in Ashbarrow before its
destruction, and was brought here by a friend who
saved him from the fire. He is known as
Each character earns 400 XP for defeating the Ash-Knight because he was one of the only knights
bandit camp and its leader. in Ashbarrow, and the title stuck. Now it’s a way
If using milestone rules for experience, each for him to keep the memory of his home alive.
Riffin is a bit of a bumpkin, with a simple but
character should now reach level 3.
charming way of viewing the world. He is a

THE COMING STORM  steadfast and honourable warrior who strongly

believes in doing what is right, helping those in
With the bandits dealt with for now, life gets need, and honouring his debts. In combat he uses
back to normal around Alderheart. You should the statline of a ​strig knight​.
give a bit of downtime for players to continue to
explore the city and resolve any leftover plot If any of the party members are curious or would
threads or character hooks from the last quest like to pursue leads on the bandit threat, they will
before moving on to the next one. The razing of be able to find out that Fray (if the players kept
the bandit camp was a huge blow to the morale of her alive) and any fleeing bandits the militia
the bandit coalition, and the party should be given rounded up are being held in the Alderheart Gaol
enough time and space to really feel that their in the canopy.
actions have made a difference within the city. At your discretion, you can create a scene where
the players question Fray or another bandit and
Roughly a week’s downtime is reasonable, but the
persuade her to reveal the location of the bandit’s
specific duration is up to you. Feel free to shorten mountain stronghold in The Crest. Fray is initially
or extend the period depending on side quests. At tight-lipped, but if either goaded with a DC 14
any point you can skip to the Council Summons Charisma (Intimidation) check or bluffed with a
section below to activate the next quest. DC 14 Charisma (Deception) check, she will reveal
the location. Feel free to allow players to ad-lib
IMPORTANT CHARACTERS other solutions if they make sense within the
Benna Seridan.​ The leader of the bandit coalition. context of the scene. Either way, Fray’s position is
She is an idealist who believes that Alderheart’s simple:
canopy, the symbol of birdfolk power in the
region, should be burned and its resources looted
Fray scoffs, then says snidely, “So, you know 
to help those displaced by the flames. She was
once a member of a small village when her where our base is. It won’t do you any good. 
mother, a respected village elder and seer, Our people have suffered while the Council sits 
foretold that the flames would come. They sent by and does nothing. A reckoning is coming to 
word to Alderheart asking the Council for supplies
and aid, but were denied support because the
Council didn’t believe in the power of the seer’s
visions. When the flames had all but consumed Upon hearing this news, it won’t take long for the
their village, the birdfolk arrived, but it was too Birdfolk Council to summon the party to ask for
late. Benna lost her family and an ear to the fire. their assistance in dealing with the stronghold
When she was then turned away from Alderheart, once and for all, before the bandits can unleash
she fell in with the bandits, and quickly rose whatever they’re planning for Alderheart.
through their ranks thanks to her passion and
purpose. She is a seasoned veteran who has been If players want to go look for Riffin, they’ll find
building the bandit forces, and using the him at the Wooden Flagon, a tavern near the
organization to care for humblefolk left in the market district in the trunk where he has been
wake of the spreading fires. In combat she has the staying. It won’t be too hard to locate him,
statline of a ​cervan bandit general​. especially if they speak with any of the guards,
militia, or birdfolk who joined them in the assault

on the bandit camp. He’s become a bit of a local stronghold in the Crest. This fortress is capable of
legend, and has had many visitors since. withstanding a large-scale attack, and its position
in the mountains makes it a dangerous location to
You see before you a small, yet sturdy looking  assault. The council has seen fit to ask the
strig clad head to talon in heavy armor, sitting at  adventurers to flush out the bandit leadership
the bar with a flagon of ale. He wears an  once and for all, finally ridding Humblewood of
emblazoned shield on his back and a sheathed  their thievery and brutality. Given a large-scale
encounter would prove disastrous, the Council
sword on his belt. He regards you with a 
calls on the heroes to use their unique skills to
friendly look as you approach. “Well, hullo, 
infiltrate the fortress and dispatch the leader of
how’dya do?” the bandit coalition: Benna Seridan.

Riffin is friendly, and will gladly share his story. APPROACHING THE BANDIT 
He is from Ashbarrow and was only able to escape
the destruction of his village thanks to the help of STRONGHOLD 
his friend Odwald, who brought him here. The The Crest mountains are located roughly five days
morning after the bandits raided the caravan of away from the capital. The party travels through
merchants outside Alderheart’s gates, Riffin the forest before they must begin their ascent of
awoke to find Odwald gone without a word. He
the Crest. For the sake of pacing, you can choose to
would have gone looking for his friend sooner, but
simply start your party at the foot of the
he could not stand idly by while bandits attacked
the city. Now he is preparing to leave on a journey mountain. Given the importance of their mission,
to find Odwald, and he has some idea of where the it’s reasonable that Alderheart would send them
old bird might’ve run off. with an escort of guards at least that far, which
would provide sufficient protection that they
Even if the party asks for his help dealing with the wouldn’t need to worry about encounters.
bandits, Riffin will politely decline. If your group consists of players who enjoy the
experience of traveling across open country with
“I’ve a debt to pay to that Odwald, even if he  their characters, feel free to use the encounter
might not accept it. It might seem strange but I  table at the start of this chapter, or the Forest
just know he’s gotten himself into something.  Encounter table (pg) to provide some color to the
He needs my help. What sorta friend would I  journey.
be if I just abandoned him?” 
However they choose to arrive there, players will
be greeted by a majestic sight:
Riffin will wish them luck on their travels before
the party departs. If the party tries to look for
Riffin once they get back from the stronghold, The jagged slopes of the Crest tower before 
they’ll find he has already left the city. you, their peaks obscured by clouds. There is 
COUNCIL SUMMONS but a single path ahead. The daunting ascent up 
To propel your players towards the next quest, the mountain looks to be the only way to reach 
you can have a messenger or guard find the the summit, and the bandit stronghold​.
characters and present them with an immediate
summons to the Council chambers of Alderheart If the party accepted an escort, the escort will
to meet with the Birdfolk Council. There, during a leave them at the base of the mountain and return
brief meeting, the party can be presented with the to Alderheart. The crags and canyons of the Crest
task of dealing with the bandit stronghold. would be enough to deter even the most hardened
Having fled after the defeat at their forest explorers, and the ascent will take time, roughly
camp, many bandits have returned to their two days of travel up the steep mountain road

before the party will reach the fortress. Along the
way, the party will need to contend with rock THE BANDIT STRONGHOLD 
slides, ​mountain lions​, and bandit patrols.
You can fast-track the travel by having at least one Finally, through the mists, you see a pair of 
member of the party make a DC 14 Wisdom great stone towers looming on the horizon. As 
(Survival) check each day, skipping the day’s
the mist parts, you notice they are connected 
encounter and potentially reaching the fortress
to a squat and sturdy fortress, which stands in 
without incident. On a failure, have the party deal
with an encounter from the Mountain Road lonely vigil among the crags. A few distant 
Encounters table below. Keep in mind that the shapes can be seen patrolling the parapets, and 
paths which lead up the Crest are narrow and banners with the crest of the Bandit Coalition 
weave between craggy outcrops (perfect for hang proudly from its walls.
ambushes), or along sheer cliffs (perfect for traps).
Feel free to create any other terrain hazards you
feel would be appropriate for a given encounter.


Entering the fortress proper will be a challenge. It
d6 Encounter
has 100-foot high stone walls with guard posts
A sudden rock slide! Make a DC 12 Dexterity
stationed around the perimeter. Behind the
1 saving throw or suffer one level of
exhaustion. Roll again on this table. perimeter, the fortress opens into a 120 foot
square inner courtyard consisting of barracks and
Bandit patrol of 4 ​mapach bandits ​led by a
2 training areas. A narrow wagon-road leads from
vulpin captain
the north of the courtyard to a wooden palisade
3 A pair of ​mountain lions​ attack
with a set of double doors. Beyond that, a meeting
Find an old birdfolk hermit’s campsite
4 hall has been dug into the mountain itself, and
containing 1d4 random common objects
serves as the inner keep.
Find an old but serviceable explorer’s pack,
5 Connecting the courtyard to the outside is a single
missing the rations
large entrance on the front wall: a massive
Bandit patrol of 3 ​mapach bandits​ and 2
6 wooden door behind an iron portcullis, which can
jerbeen thieves
be lowered like a drawbridge for wagons. A
smaller, 5 foot wide door to the side allows for
BANDIT PATROLS single-file entry, and is guarded by two
well-armored mapachs who are big for their kind.
To maintain the secrecy and security of the
fortress, the bandits regularly send out patrols on These two each use the stat block for a ​mapach
the paths. These are comprised primarily of 3 bandit​, but with the following changes:
mapach bandits​ and 2 ​jerbeen thieves​, but if the
party has been spotted by patrols before, add a ● They have 21 HP each
vulpin captain​ to the encounter. ● They have a Strength score of 14 (+1 to
Hiding from patrols is also an option. Use the attack rolls)
passive perception of enemies to see if hidden ● They are wearing chain mail (AC 16)
heroes are found out. ● They are wielding greataxes (1d12+2
Reward XP for each encounter based on its damage per hit)
difficulty if you are not following the milestone
rules for character advancement. You can provide Storming this entrance will almost certainly raise
whatever treasure rewards you think are an alarm, and incur attacks from the 4 archers

walking the walls (use the statline for a ​mapach face immediate suspicion from her if they are
bandit​) who each benefit from three-quarters noticed.
cover thanks to the parapets. Even though you can
use the statline of the ​mapach bandit​ for many of The Captain’s Sword 
Any player wearing Fray’s sword here will have 
the least-skilled members of the camp, they come
advantage on any Charisma (Deception) checks 
from a variety of humblefolk races. Hedges, needed to enter the stronghold, as it denotes a 
cervans, jerbeens, and vulpins can all be found captain’s rank in the Coalition, and the sentries 
within their ranks. won’t want to risk offending a ranking officer. While 
there aren’t many bandits here who would 
recognize it as Fray’s sword, any character openly 
wearing this weapon will need to be careful around 
Benna. She knows her captains well, and this will 
draw immediate suspicion.

While the fortress walls are high, they are still

surmountable with at least 100 feet of rope and a
Captured!  grappling hook, but the party will need to
There are many ways things could go badly for a  approach this option with caution. Spending a few
party of adventurers here. If by chance they are 
overwhelmed by bandits, remember that Benna  hours on a stakeout will reveal the guard patrol
won’t necessarily want them dead. She’ll want  patterns well enough to attempt to infiltrate the
answers first, so they party will be placed in the  fortress with advantage on the DC 15 group
fortress’ prison until she’s satisfied. If she has any 
reason to believe that some of the characters are  Dexterity (Stealth) check required to avoid the
high value hostages, she’ll happily keep them alive  sentries. Stealthier parties may be able to slip in
in order to ransom them to the Birdfolk Council at  unnoticed without such preparation.
Alderheart to continue to keep her coalition’s 
coffers filled. If any of the party members are 
humblefolk, she might even try to convince them to  In addition to the above options, the party could
join the coalition. Birdfolk have had power in these  choose a number of other routes. Below are a
lands for too long. If the character accepts her offer  number of possible options that would open a
she’ll be sure they share in the spoils once her plan 
path to Benna:
to get revenge on the Council is complete. 

FINDING A WAY IN ● Creating a distraction, like setting a fire or

If there are any humblefolk in the party, and the sounding an alarm, that would pull the
party managed to get their hands on bandit outfits guards away from their posts.
(either by taking some with them from the bandits
defeated near Alderheart or from defeated bandit ● Causing a scene outside the fortress or in
patrols on their way up the mountainside), those the courtyard, goading Benna to come out
characters can easily disguise themselves and and fight. She will accept the terms of single
bluff their way into the fortress. The bandit ranks combat, but the party will need to abide by
have grown steadily over the last few months, and the results and be prepared to be taken as
new arrivals to the fortress are common. A hostages if they lose (see​ ​The Prison​). If
birdfolk can attempt to bluff their way in, but this another party member attempts to
will be a little more challenging, requiring a DC 14 interfere, she’ll set the camp on them (see
Charisma (Deception) check to fool the bandits. A Entering By Force​).
few “odd birds” have sided with the bandits, but
the numbers are low enough to make the guards ● Sneaking into the fortress in a wagon of
suspicious. Unless they are being introduced as stolen goods.
‘prisoners’ rounded up by the humblefolk,
Birdfolk characters infiltrating the base will need ● Pretending to be bandits that got separated
to be careful of catching Benna’s eye. They will from the group after the attack on the camp.

side-flaps, revealing large cages inside. This
● If players had the encounter with the is the stronghold’s prison.
Jerbeen orphans in Alderheart, and treated
them fairly, at your discretion the orphans ● Spiral stairs at the intersecting corners of
can turn up in the fortress as insider allies. each of the walls provide access to the
They don’t like the methods the bandits use, upper levels. The walls are 5 feet wide, and
but will mention that Benna is kind and has parapets provide three-quarters cover for
provided for all of the people here, many of characters firing down on targets.
whom lost their homes to the fires.
● There are two large levers inside the gate.
One controls the portcullis, and the other
the drawbridge. The drawbridge lever can
be pulled quickly, causing it to swing open.
Fighting to the Boss  The portcullis lever drops the portcullis
While not recommended, the party can always 
across the entrance. Large rope pulleys on
choose to simply try to fight their way into the 
fortress. It might not be too hard for them to force  either side are used to reset the levers.
their way past the outer walls and into the 
courtyard, but from there, resistance will only  There are at least a dozen bandits inside the
increase (see​ ​Entering By Force,​ ​below). If the 
characters are getting in over their heads, you can  courtyard. Some are training by the barracks,
have Benna appear early to fight them without  some are helping to move supplies around the
having too many smaller fights.  fort, others are simply enjoying downtime by
reading and whittling behind the safety of the
However they do it, award each party member walls.
150 XP for entering the stronghold. THE ART OF INFILTRATION
If the party managed to bluff their way in, it’s
THE COURTYARD  pretty easy to keep a low profile and explore the
The wide courtyard contains a small community of courtyard. Whether the party snuck inside or
humblefolk, some wearing arms and armor, others bluffed their way through the gate, most bandits
unarmed and going about their day. There are two will assume they’re supposed to be here, unless
buildings inside the walls, as well as a narrow the party does do something to draw the suspicion
road leading up to the meeting hall. A few points of the captains. If they strike up conversations
of interest can be seen here: with members of the camp, or attempt to scout
around with a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
● The largest building is a wooden barracks to check, they should be able to find out one of the
the east, and is conspicuous due to the row following pieces of information:
of targets and training dummies in front of
it. Depending on the time of day the party ● The bandit coalition used to be a far less
may see a captain training fresh recruits. organized and effective force until General
Seridan took over. She has really changed
● The building to the west of the barracks is things for the better, and the stronghold is
only slightly smaller, and more barn-like. now well-stocked and prepared, even if
The party may see supply wagons being Alderheart sends an army to drive them out.
carted in.
● Not all who live here can fight. Some work
● There is a large canvas tent near the as messengers, cooks, healers, and other
barracks. Two guards stand watch out front. odd jobs that keep the camp running. The
A gust of wind whips up one of the General has never forced anyone to fight.

She inspires them to take up arms by her the fight, the rest of the bandits here will have
example, and support the cause to the best made their way up the road to the inner fortress.
of their abilities. If the party defeats the courtyard’s forces, they
will have an opportunity for a short rest before
● General Seridan has taken excellent care of continuing, as the coalition holes up in the inner
the people here when the fires burned their fortress, fearing reinforcements are coming. If the
homes and ruined their lives. There is even party lingers for too long after their rest, start
an infirmary in the inner keep to treat those sending bandit patrols down to assess the
burned while fleeing their villages or situation and report back to Benna. Otherwise,
wounded in raids. skip to ​The Inner Keep​ ​below.

● The General lost her family to the fires. If If the players are defeated, decide whether you’d
the Birdfolk Council had listened, they like them to be taken to the prison for a jailbreak
might have lived. sequence (see ​The Prison​), or whether to have
them delivered to the meeting hall of the inner
● Alderheart needs to change its ways of keep for a final showdown with Benna (see ​The
dealing with humblefolk in the Wood, and Bandit Leader​).
General Seridan is the only one with the
vision to make it happen. Members of the Award each party member the following XP for
Coalition should take heart, and know that each item they completed:
they’re helping to shape the Wood for the ● 150 XP for the first wave
better. ● 200 XP for the second wave

● Alderheart should be prepared for a THE BARRACKS 

reckoning. The Birdfolk Council should fear
the power of the Coalition. Rows of triple decker bunk beds can be seen 
next to a rest area, where a table lies strewn 
If some of the party have been escorted in as
with playing cards and game pieces. Some of the 
prisoners, the guards at the gate will wave over
bunks are occupied by people sleeping or 
reinforcements to help characters posing as
bandits transport the hostages to the prison in the reading, and a few of the bunks have sheathed 
courtyard. They’ll be able to escape later (see ​The weapons and leather armor hanging from hooks 
Prison​ section below). built into their frames. Stairs lead from this main 
area up to the top level. There looks to be 
Award each party member 80 XP for completing
ample space here for all who live in the camp. 
this section.
The barracks serve as the main living quarters.
ENTERING BY FORCE Many who live here train to become raiders in
If the party fought their way in, or decides to start order to advance the aims of the Coalition across
a fight once inside, they can expect to be set upon the woodland. At any given time there will be
in waves as messengers rush to alert Benna, and empty beds as some bandits are out patrolling,
the rest of the camp prepares for the worst. At working, or taking up other posts throughout the
first they’ll fight 4 ​mapach bandits​ led by a camp.
vulpin captain​, then 2 ​jeerbeen thieves​ and The game table in the corner is usually empty
another ​vulpin captain​. If any archers have been during the day, but at night it may be filled with
left on the walls, they will fire from cover off-shift bandits who gather for games over
throughout the fights, only retreating once the last flagons of ale after a hard day.
of the bandit forces have been dispatched. During

Upstairs, the party will find more rows of bunk THE STOREROOM 
beds, some occupied, as well as a door marked Nothing much of value can be found it this
‘Captain’s Quarters’. Entry to this area is off limits storeroom, which keeps enough food (fruits,
to most bandits, but individuals bearing a vegetables, cured meats, and grains) to keep the
captain’s sword may enter untroubled. Otherwise, fort fed for an extended period of time. There are
anyone in the nearby bunks will politely inform also general supplies, torches, lanterns, rope, and
the party that the area is off limits. They may even other supplies. There isn’t much in the way of a
introduce themselves, as new recruits are guard here, but a lone hedge with bright eyes and
common, and declare how good it is to see new incredibly thick spectacles is the storeroom’s
members for the cause. This can be an opportunity keeper. He’ll mention they’re free to take
to continue to drip-feed the party information something if they’re hungry, but to let him know
from ​The Art of Infiltration​ ​section above, so so he can record it in his ledger. If questioned, his
long as the party doesn’t do anything to arouse the attitude will be similar to that of the other bandits
suspicion of NPCs. in the camp (see ​The Art of Infiltration​ above),
and he will call the guards if the party arouses his
Inside the captain’s quarters there are only four suspicion.
single beds, each with a personal storage trunk in
front. There’s nothing here for General Seridan, THE PRISON 
however. She sleeps in the inner keep. All the beds
are empty, and the trunks each contain different The interior of this large canvas tent contains a 
personal effects, such as small trinkets with scorch
small open area with a large locked chest, and a 
marks, and letters from friends and family. Some
chair on which sits the gaoler. A ring of keys 
of the letters reveal the captains have friends and
family in the coalition, while others are scattered
hangs loosely from her belt. The rest of the 
among the Wood as refugees. There are also a area is filled with four rusty-looking iron cages. 
handful of coins between the trunks (2d4 gold They are all currently empty. 
pieces worth), as well as 1d4 trinkets and 1d4
tools or instruments (your choice). Some of these If any of the party members are captured, or
objects also have scorch marks on them. brought into the fort posing as hostages, they’ll
If you feel like this scene could use a little tension, wind up here in one or more of the cages. This
feel free to have a ​vulpin captain​ walk in on the building is watched by 2 ​jerbeen thieves​, and
party, and require them to roleplay their way out attacking them directly is all but certain to raise
of the situation or risk having their cover blown. an alarm within the camp. Any weapons or
If the players are captured, decide whether you’d treasure (coins, gems, and art objects) characters
like them to be taken to the prison for a jailbreak carry will be moved into the gaoler’s chest until
sequence (see ​The Prison​), or whether to have they can be properly sorted. All other clothing and
them delivered to the meeting hall of the inner equipment worn by the prisoner will be left alone.
keep for a final showdown with Benna (see ​The The gaoler is a bit lax and doesn’t bother to
Bandit Leader​). remove anyone’s armor, or do a detailed search.
This might be a boon for any players who have
Award each party member the following XP for hidden objects on their person.
each item they completed:
● 50 XP for exploring the barracks The gaoler is more of an attendant than the guards
● 50 XP for having an encounter with the outside, and can be easily subdued by a character.
vulpin captain The gaoler’s job is to stay at their post and call the
guards if anything happens. They are a tad
complacent however, as no prisoners have tried to

escape. Gaolers trade shifts once a day at noon, final showdown with the bandit general (see ​The
trading the belt from which the keyring hangs to Bandit Leader​).
the next gaoler as they arrive.
The party can distract them in a variety of ways,
If the party escaped from the jail or helped
many of which require a DC 13 Charisma
another captured party member escape, award
(Deception) check, but be ready to improvise rolls
100 XP to each player.
to fit whatever your players come up with.
The prison tent is held up by poles through its
Refer to ​the Bandit Fortress​ map for this
interior, and four pitons that keep it in place. The
flaps of the tent can be lifted easily. Clearly, the
If the party has kept a low profile and made it to
tent’s function is mainly to to keep the cages from
this location while exploring the camp, read this:
rusting further. The makeshift prison’s interior is
30 foot wide and 35 foot long, and light filters
through the canvas during the daytime, making it The rough road to the north of the courtyard 
easy to distinguish day and night. The cages are 10 climbs up the steep crags until it curves, 
foot cubes, and have 10 foot paths between them. revealing a forty foot tall barricade of logs 
They nearly fill the small space, leaving a bare 5 lashed together, and a large set of double doors. 
feet between the gaoler and the bars. This is easily A pair of tough-looking mapachs in chain armor 
enough distance for a character to attempt to grab eye you warily as you approach. One saunters 
the keyring on the gaoler’s belt, so long as the
up, raising a hand to halt you. “That’s far 
party can create a distraction to keep the gaoler
enough, friend,” he says in a gravelly voice. 
occupied while they work. Grabbing the keyring
from the gaoler’s belt requires a DC 15 Dexterity
“State your business.”  
(Sleight of Hand) check, but depending on the
nature of the distraction (such as if the gaoler is If the camp was alerted to the intruders, the
put to sleep) you may grant advantage on this roll. guards will be openly hostile and it will be a fight!

The cage bars are heavily rusted, and some are The outer guards use identical stat blocks to the
weak enough to bend with a DC 12 Strength check, mapach bandits who guard the fortress gate (pg).
allowing a character to slip out. This could be There is a much smaller courtyard here, and
accomplished by distracting the gaoler. unlike the one the players came through, no one is
milling around. People don’t come here without
There are any number of ways a party could come reason. There are two square wooden buildings
up with to escape. If the players are having a here, one to the east and another to the west:
difficult time, provide them some hints at the
solutions above, or present them with an ● The larger one to the east is the infirmary.
opportunity when a gaoler falls asleep during ● The building to the west is smaller and has a
their shift. If the party escapes, they should be able strong lock on the door. This leads to the
to evade the guards (who are mostly focused on armory.
threats outside the walls) with a DC 13 Dexterity
(Stealth) check. The party rolls advantage on all A pathway between the two leads to a sturdy
stealth checks rolled at night. wooden door that grants access to the inner keep
carved into the mountainside.
If the party is caught escaping from the jail, use
this opportunity to have them brought before
Benna Seridan in the inner keep to initiate the

(Thieves’ Tools) check to open. Players can roll
REWARDS Dexterity to pick the lock without proper tools,
Award each player 75 XP for making it past the but must roll with disadvantage. The lock can be
guards. broken by force, but it has resistance to all
non-magical damage, and 40 hit points. The noise
THE INFIRMARY  of breaking it may also draw bandits from the
inner keep.
Several cots occupy the inside of this space. A 
shelf at one corner of the room is filled with  This small room contains a rack of weapons, an 
salves and tinctures, as well as a few books and  armor rack, and bags of assorted treasure in a pile. 
some samples of herbs preserved in glass jars 
and fluids. A wooden table nearby, stained with  The armory doubles as a storage room for
long dried blood, has a healer’s kit opened upon  valuables. If the party managed to enter, they will
it. Three bandits, bandaged along various parts 
● 3d6 x 10 (105) gp
of their bodies, are resting in the cots.  ● 3d6 (10) 10 gp gems
● 3d4 (7) 25 gp art items
This building serves as a burn ward and infirmary ● Four simple weapons, and two martial
for the bandits. A ​jerbeen thief​, and two hedges weapons on the weapon rack
using the stat block for a ​mapach bandit​ rest ● A suit of scale mail on the armor rack
here. The bandits are fast asleep thanks to some
sleeping herbs, and will not wake unless the
players attack or force them awake. If awakened,
they will assume the characters are friendly, but
will immediately shout for help if the players give A large, long table lies along the center of this 
any indication of being otherwise. grand stone hall, surrounded by many chairs. A 
raised platform can be seen against the north 
If the bandits are left asleep, a DC 13 Wisdom wall. Iron chandeliers hang from the ceiling, 
(Medicine) check on their bodies will reveal they bathing the area in a dim light, and two sentries 
were treated by a healer of some skill. The healer’s
stand watch at a door on the room’s northeast 
kit is missing 6 uses, but is otherwise perfectly
serviceable. The shelf contains two burn salves,
which can be applied to heal 4d4 hit points each,
but will only work if the damage was caused by The meeting hall was a part of the fortress long
fire. The two books are valuable advanced medical before the bandits moved in. The stonework has
texts (a set stolen en route to the Avium) worth 5 aged, but is still of high quality. This is where the
gp each. Players who have both of these books on denizens of the stronghold share their meals, and
hand, and at least a minute to skim through them, the raised speaking platform is often used to share
can roll advantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom stories of suffering as well as news of successful
checks related to medical matters. The herbs are raids.
useless to characters without proper training, but
anyone with proficiency in a herbalism kit could Once inside the meeting hall, another set of guards
use them to craft a single Potion of Superior stand outside the entrance to their leader’s
Healing. personal chambers. These are Benna’s elite
skirmishers. Each uses the stat block for a ​jerbeen
THE ARMORY  thief​, but with the following changes:
The lock to this room is made of heavy iron and is
incredibly sturdy, requiring a DC 17 Dexterity

● They are wearing pilfered scale mail (AC of Alderheart instead of reaching out to help those
16) in need. However, Benna has begun to find solace
● They wield a rapier (which deals 1d8+2 in the act of caring for others. Building a
piercing damage on a hit) as well as a community here, using her combat experience to
dagger (which deals 1d4+2 piercing damage teach others to defend themselves, and inspiring
on a hit), and can make one attack with each the once hopeless people of the Wood has ignited
as part of their attack action a passion within her, and she desperately wants to
do right by her people.
If a fight ensues, the noise will draw Benna from Should a player offer a particularly impassioned
her chambers (see ​Cut Off the Head​ below). Have and heartfelt plea, feel free to decide how Benna
her act immediately at the top of the round. behaves. If you must have them roll, have their
character succeed a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion)
THE BANDIT LEADER check. A success will only be enough for Benna to
Whatever the party’s plan is, all roads eventually
agree to treat with the Birdfolk Council, her hated
lead to Benna Seridan, leader of the Bandit
enemies, so that the lives she has fought to save
Coalition. If the party was brought to the meeting
are not lost needlessly in the struggle. If this is
hall after being captured, they will be brought
accomplished, the players will be allowed to leave
before Benna at the foot of the speakers platform,
the camp to deliver Benna’s terms to the Council,
and she will stand atop the platform to address
but bandit activity will not stop in the interim.
them. The two elite skirmishers guarding the area
will keep watch on either side of the party. You CUT OFF THE HEAD
may read this: If the characters are storming the inner keep, or if
Benna attacks, read the following:
A solid cervan woman with a face partially 
obscured by a red bandana fixes you with a  Benna removes her bandana, revealing the 
stony glare. “So, this is what Alderheart sends: a  concealed portion of her face. She is horribly 
group of greenhorns? Pathetic. If you knew  burned, her left ear is gone, and her eye can 
what we’re fighting for you wouldn’t be so  barely be seen under the warped flesh. “The 
quick to condemn us.”  fires have already burned away everything I 
love. I will make sure they burn away the 
corruption that festers within Alderheart.” 
Feel free to roleplay their engagement, or have
Benna simply draw on the party, explaining that Benna Seridan uses the statline for a ​cervan
she’ll end their threat once and for all (see ​Cut Off bandit general​,​ ​but in her main hand she wields a
the Head​). Benna isn’t completely unreasonable, scimitar that functions as a ​blade of the wood​,
and will listen to the party if they engage with her. and a shortsword (1d6+3 piercing damage) in her
Her feelings on the situation are complicated, and offhand. Benna is a spirited and skilled foe, and
make her unpredictable as a result. The trauma will press the attack even to her own detriment. If
that led her to join the Coalition, as well as the at any point the fight seems too easy, feel free to
actions she took to become its general, have add a patrol of​ ​2​ ​mapach bandits​ returning to
hardened her heart, and she is bent not only on report. Benna will not flee, nor will she give up.
change, but revenge. She loathes the Birdfolk The party will need to render Benna unconscious
Council, whom she still holds responsible for the if they wish to take her captive and bring her to
deaths of her family and the destruction of her Alderheart for sentencing. Capturing Benna will
home. She also blames them for the suffering of all allow the party to walk out of the stronghold
those who have lost their homes to the flames, as without a fight, as the bandits will not risk injury
the Council has chosen to hide behind the bastion to their leader.

If Benna is killed, the members of the Coalition
will scatter, taking what they can with them as
they move to safehouses stationed all over the How it all Ends 
Even if the party captured Benna or were forced to 
kill her, there may still be hope for the heroes to 
convince the Birdfolk Council to help improve the 
REWARDS lives of humblefolk in the Wood. If players want to 
As with the camp, there is a wealth of treasure to assume Benna’s role as the leaders of the Bandit 
be found in the armory of the complex (see ​The Coalition, they can put an end to the criminal 
Armory​), as well as Benna’s personal quarters. elements and turn the Coalition into a relief 
network for those displaced by the fires, and the 
Most of this loot is stolen, and belongs to various Council will support this endeavour. This will be 
merchants and residents of Humblewood. The easier if Benna was only captured, but it may take 
council will allow the party to keep half of the time for the party to earn the trust of the Coalition 
treasure as a reward for their services, just as members. Players can also work to help a captured 
Benna make her case in front of the Council, 
before. possibly having them spare her life. Feel free to 
allow players to roleplay their debate for a chance 
The party will also be free to keep the ​blade of at the second ending. If Benna has been killed, the 
party will encounter more difficulty effecting 
the wood​ recovered from Benna. change. In this case, the party could appoint a new 
leader from among Benna’s captains. The Council 
The party finds the following in Benna’s quarters: may be willing to work with a new Coalition leader, 
provided the party can vouch for their good 
● 1d6 x 10 (35) gp intentions and agrees to keep them in line. How 
● A rough map of the Crest and the this goes is entirely up to what your party wants, 
and what you think makes the most sense in the 
peninsula to the northeast context of your game. 
Each character receives 325 XP for defeating
Benna and her guards, or for reasoning with her If Benna was killed or captured in battle.​ The
and avoiding combat altogether. coalition will be dealt a heavy blow. Members will
work from their safehouses in the forests, trying
EPILOGUE  as best they can to keep their command structure
intact, but without Benna many will lose hope and
This is a major part of the story completed, as now
desert. If Benna was not killed in combat, she will
the bandits will return to being a less organized
be executed for her crimes, and will surely become
and thus far less threatening force in the Wood.
a martyr for her people, who may rally under a
The events that follow may happen over a week or
surviving captain, and continue to cause problems
two of downtime, during which you can choose to
for the Wood after the events of this module.
roleplay small sections of these incidents (such as
Either way, between losing their camp near
the Council welcoming a victorious party to
Alderheart and their mountain stronghold, the
Alderheart, or having the party plead the case of
bandit menace will no longer pose the same threat
treating with Benna to the Council).
to the region.

Once the party returns to Alderheart with news of

the bandit general’s defeat, the Council will send
an armed force to secure the stronghold. Should
the players wish, this could become a base of
operations. The Council will happily grant this
boon to the party as they have proven themselves
to be valuable allies and defenders of the realm. A
small contingent of guards and hirelings from the
Birdfolk Council will oversee the upkeep and

protection of the fortress while the party is away.
The council does, however, expect the heroes to
come to the aid of the realm whenever summoned
to do so.

If Benna was reasoned with.​ The Birdfolk Council

will be dismayed and angry at first. The party will
need to spend some time convincing the Council of
the good Benna has done, and the benefits of
treating with her and her organization. It will take
some heated discussion between the Council
members and the party, but they will agree to
meet with her provisionally. The Bandit Coalition
will keep control of the fortress, and the
negotiations between Benna and the Council will
continue in the background over the course of the
story. After hearing Benna’s story, the Council’s
disposition will soften a bit. They will agree on the
need to provide aid to the humblefolk who have
lost their homes to the fire. With the Coalition’s
supply networks and Alderhearts resources
working together, response times will be greatly
improved. While some members of the Coalition
will abandon the cause for their own gains, many
will be willing to help it transition into a more of
an organization to help fight the spreading fires
and provide relief and shelter to those in need.
The Birdfolk Council will release a decree: they
will become the Humblewood Council, and new
representatives from major humblefolk villages in
the regions and within Alderheart itself will be
added to their numbers, effectively giving
humblefolk across the Wood a voice in
governance for the first time. This significant
change will take the span of the module to resolve,
but by the end the Humblewood Council will lead
the way to a new era of unity in Humblewood.
Now dedicated to peace, Benna will show her
gratitude by presenting the party with the​ ​Blade
of the Wood​ she once wielded.

SUMMONS  The Tenders are a conclave of birdfolk druids and
mystics formed in a time long past, before there
With Meadowfen now well-supplied from even was a Scorched Grove. They use their gentle
Alderheart, and the Wood enjoying relative peace natural magics to mediate between the people of
with the defeat of, or reconciliation with the the Wood and the living forest itself, as well as to
bandit forces, the party is free to engage in some help the forest heal from natural disasters. Many
downtime activities for another two weeks or so. of their members find employ as tree-shapers, and
Feel free to extend this period for a longer span if they are well-respected in birdfolk settlements as
you have character arcs, or other story elements a result. Nowhere is this more true than in
you’d like to address. Just remember that you may Alderheart, where the Tenders are looked upon
need to increase the challenge of the encounters favourably for the work they’ve done to
listed here if the party reaches level 4 before the harmlessly shape natural tunnels and new living
events of this chapter. You can also skip over the spaces within Alderheart’s trunk. Other Tenders
time-lapse entirely to get straight to the action, work to respond to forest fires across the Wood,
having whatever the players want their characters using their arts to help encourage new growth in
to do during this time happen ‘off-screen’. burned areas, as well as to help any survivors.
Since the calamity, a large part of their order has
The party will receive an urgent summons from been dedicated to tending the Grove, monitoring
the Council in Alderheart. They will explain a huge its spread, and studying the mysterious creatures
creature about which little is known has been that live there. The Tenders are a unique
spotted burrowing under the ashen fields of the organization in birdfolk society, and gaining
Scorched Grove. This is an ​ashsnake​, one of many admission to their ranks is akin to joining a
such elemental creatures never before monastery or convent, as the supplicant is
encountered in Humblewood. It was brought to generally expected to make their way to the
life as a manifestation of the great ​aspect of fire​’s Scorched Grove. Recruits typically live and study
rage. While still sealed away, the aspect of fire has communally with the Tenders until they can be
been stirring more and more since its slumber sent out in the world again. New acolytes are
was first disturbed and fires began ravaging the taught to leave the high cities and walk among the
Wood. The appearance of these elemental Wood, learning from their journeys how life grows
monstrosities signals that the aspect is close to on the forest floor. This has served to give many
fully awakening. Tenders a reputation among common birdfolk
Worse still, an ​ashsnake​ has begun to hunt the society as being chock-full of ‘odd birds’.
Tenders of the Scorched Grove, a druidic Tenders spend much of their lives in the
organization that has been trying to heal the Grove, helping it to gradually heal from the events
Grove since it was destroyed over a century ago. of the calamity, a task which all too often ends up
Having seen the party’s prowess at handling all ruined by a sudden blaze. Progress has been
manner of trouble in the Wood, the Council made, however. Before the fires started to rage
implores the party to help put an end to the with renewed force, the Tenders had actually
strange creature that is causing trouble for the managed to shrink the Grove little by little, doing
Tenders. It has become clear to both the Council much to spread the forest that grows around its
and the Tenders that whatever has been edges. Occasionally, Tenders from other parts of
happening in Humblewood of late has its roots in the Wood will go on pilgrimages to tend to the
the Scorched Grove. For the good of the realm, the Grove before returning to their normal duties.
party will need to go investigate. Some even choose to completely dedicate

themselves to healing the Grove, a choice which is
treated as a noble act among Tenders, because of
the dangers that lurk there. Council Summons 
The Tenders have been badly affected by If the party is in Alderheart, a frantic Council aide 
will come to find them and deliver an emergency 
the recent events in the Wood. The frequency of Council summons. The official-looking letter asks 
the fires has their organization spread thinly the characters to appear before the Council as 
across the forest, and the few who remain to tend soon as they are able.  
If the characters are currently at another location 
the Scorched Grove itself have been overwhelmed
in the Wood, a runner or delivery person may 
by an increase in the activity of the creatures that come to call on them or deliver the urgent 
live there. As the Grove has continued to spread summons. In either case, have the date of the 
via fires, new and disturbing reports have been summons set for the next day, or the day after 
players arrive in the city to give them a chance to 
pouring in from Tender outposts. Enormous flocks explore.
of emberbats have been seen great distances away
from the Grove, and several strange creatures RETURN TO ALDERHEART 
seem to have manifested through the power of Whether or not this is actually a return depends
elemental flame in this region. Many Tenders have on where characters spent their downtime, in
already lost their lives to the monstrous threats. Alderheart or elsewhere. Characters in the city are

IMPORTANT CHARACTERS  free to see the sights:

Bita, The Council Speaker.​ A familiar face to the ● Eliza’s Emporium​, still owned and run by the
party, this dignified and authoritative bright gallus party’s favourite eluran, will be turning a good
leads the Council, and has called this emergency profit and might have some new wares
session to provide aid to the Tenders. available at your discretion.

Tevor of the Spring Path. ​Tevor is a Sapling, a ● Susan of the Swamp ​is now here! She has
low ranking member of the Tenders. A timid sable assembled a small tent of wares in the Trunk
luma, he barely escaped being attacked by the Market, which she hopes to sell along with
ashsnake. While he has been asked to give his fortune readings. If a character wants their
report of events in the Scorched Grove, he is not fortune read, it will cost a single gold piece.
prepared to do much more than this. While he After taking a drop of their blood and
possesses conviction in the beliefs of his order, he consulting her cauldron, she’ll offer cryptic
has endured a traumatic event that has left him visions of a character’s future. You should ad
feeling frightened and helpless. If he could only lib these or prepare them ahead of time to suit
find the courage to match his ideals, he would be your game and the characters. Feel free to
destined for greatness. Tevor uses the statline for make these as prophetic or as whimsical as you
a ​birdfolk skirmisher​ (feel free to use the NPC desire.
rules for making a Luma to alter their statline),
but will attempt to stay out of combat unless the She’ll still offer to make potions for characters
need is great. He can also cast ​cure wounds​ as a in exchange for reagents, but will also sell
first level spell once per long rest. a few she was able to prepare ahead of
time to fund her ongoing arcane research.
Havel of the Autumn Moon. ​Havel is a Each of her potions costs 50 gold pieces,
Summerblossom, a rank given to experienced except for Superior Healing Potions and
members of the Tenders. He is a frail but Potions of Resistance, which each cost
courageous huden gallus, and a dear friend of 100 gold pieces. She only has 1d4 each of
Tevor. Havel has been working at the Tenders the less expensive potions in stock, and
headquarters in the Trunk district, where he has only 1d2 each of the remaining potions.
been providing aid to the refugees there.

in Council matters in the hopes of winning
● Alderheart will have changed in the time since their own seat.
Benna’s negotiations with the council or the
crushing of the Bandit Coalition in ways that ○ If the Coalition was Crushed.​ With the death
reflect the party’s choices. Below are the two of their leaders and the capture of their
most common ways this could play out, but feel fortress, the Bandit Coalition has been broken
free to modify things based on how your in Humblewood, making for easier travelling
players chose to deal with the events of the across the roads and a slight increase in the
previous chapter: ability of the Perch Guard to send aid to those
affected by fires in the Wood. It is still a strain,
○ If Benna was reasoned with.​ The party will however, and rumors are the conditions for
see a new uniformed force around Alderheart, Humblefolk are not much better.
the Wildwood Brigade, into which the Bandit
Coalition has begun to successfully transition. Refugees still crowd the Trunk market, and more
They specialize in quickly mobilizing across are sneaking up into the city through secret
parts of the Wood the Perch Guard have knotholes, or making their way down to the
trouble getting to.They have already been a Roots where there is more space. Crime is
great help in putting out fires before they can becoming a real problem in Alderheart, and
destroy remote villages, and delivering while the situation is not immediately
supplies and aid to survivors. Many of their noticeable in the Canopy, even relatively
members are humblefolk, former refugees who affluent areas in the Trunk show increased
use their knowledge of pathways under the Perch Guard presence and increased fear of
forest canopy to get where they’re needed in a thievery among the populace. Locals lock their
short time. doors at night, and some have begun to arm
themselves fearing the need to defend their
The former bandit stronghold in the Crest has been livelihoods. Merchants are especially vocal
converted into a supply depot, and fallback about this, and many can be found waiting
point for the wounded, and a new outside the Council Chambers for an audience.
headquarters is under construction in the
Canopy near the Perch Guard’s headquarters. TROUBLE WITH TENDERS 
Characters may even see Benna herself, as she At some point during their stay in the city, the
is working out of a temporary office in the party will run into a Tender speaking to a crowd
Canopy district. She doesn’t see much field in the canopy market.
time these days, but she oversees operations
for the Brigade, receiving intel from the A frail young huden gallus stands on a crate in 
ground, and mobilizing help where it is needed.
the market square, trying to catch the attention 
It’s a challenge though, word is coming in that
of the passing crowd. “The fires are spreading 
the fires just keep getting worse.
more and more by the day. We need those 
The Council Chambers will now not only have the who will help to quell the blaze! Please, join 
flags of the different birdfolk perches adorning with the Tenders and help us heal our Wood!” 
it, but also several flags of the larger As he speaks, a shy looking sable luma stands 
humblefolk settlements in the Wood. awkwardly to the side of him. No one seems to 
Humblefolk delegates are still being selected be taking much interest in the gallus’ speech, 
for the Humblewood Council, but many and some are openly derisive. 
prominent figures have arisen in the Canopy’s
political scene and are becoming more engaged

The gallus is named Havel of the Autumn Moon
and the luma is ​Tevor of the Spring Path​. They
both wear the robes of Tenders, though Havel Joining the Tenders 
seems to have more authority than Tevor. Havel Gaining admission to the ranks of the Tenders is 
not difficult, and recruits are especially welcome 
will recognize the party as the Heroes of now to help expand their thinning numbers. Any 
Humblewood, and inform them that he had a player who shows proper devotion to the tenets of 
friend in the caravan attack last month who natural balance and a willingness to swear an oath 
to become keepers of the Wood can speak with 
survived thanks to their efforts. He has heard of
Havel about joining the Tenders, beginning at the 
the party’s deeds since they arrived in Alderheart, Seedling rank.  
and will admit to a bit of jealousy. He wishes he  
was able to go out and help survivors of the fires The Tenders of the Scorched Grove 
Rank 1 - Seedling 
across the Wood, but he is frail and lacks the Rank 2 - Sproutling 
fortitude to work in such conditions. Rank 3 - Sapling 
Rank 4 - Summerblossom 
Rank 5 - Autumnal  
Tevor seems incredibly nervous, and informs
Leader - Treekeeper 
Havel that he wouldn’t be so quick to say things  
like that if he’d ever been to the Scorched Grove Joining the Tenders involves taking an oath to keep 
recently. Tevor has been helping to heal the Grove, the balance of nature, to help it recover from 
disasters both natural and unnatural, and to help 
and will relate that lately things have been very all people who have been harmed by natural 
bad for Tenders there, with many more being imbalance. The Tenders know that they can’t 
injured or worse due to monster activity. Tevor control nature, and they teach that trying to do so 
is a folly which will only lead to further unbalancing 
will say that he was summoned here by the
of natural cycles. They do believe that when 
Council just like the party, but he isn’t quite sure disaster strikes, it is their duty to restore the 
why. balance that was lost, for the sake of all beings who 
It’s clear from the pained expression on Havel’s live and depend upon it. 
face that there is something more to this. A DC 14
Wisdom (Insight) check will reveal Tevor is lying.
Tevor won’t answer any questions about this, When the characters enter the Council Chambers
leaving if he’s pressed too hard. So long as Tevor they are met with an unusual sight: it is filled with
isn’t around, Havel can be made to divulge what people! Birdfolk, humblefolk, Tenders, and even a
he knows with a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) few people from beyond the Wood have
check: Tevor only barely escaped an encounter assembled here:
with an unknown monster that has been hunting
Tenders in the Scorched Grove. Tevor doesn’t talk All those assembled clamour over each other, 
about it, but Havel heard that the teacher their pleas full of concern. Some are urging for 
instructing Tevor died. Havel will state that he’ll an immediate removal of all Tenders from the 
likely see the heroes again soon, since he and Grove before more lives are lost. Some are 
Tevor are both due to be present at the Council
calling for a mobilization of the Perch Guard to 
Chambers tomorrow.
fight the monsters head on. It seems everyone 
has an opinion and is fighting desperately to be 
heard. Tevor and Havel are here as well, 
standing patiently off to the side of the rabble. 

Shortly after the party enters, the familiar bright

gallus seated in the middle of a long table at the
front of the hall raises her feathered hand. This is
Bita, the Council Speaker​. She waits patiently as

many of the gathered birdfolk notice her gesture Despite this, he will state firmly that he will go to
and fall silent. The silence in the hall is almost guide the party to where he last saw the creature.
overwhelming in its contrast to the noise that He will admit his fear, but every second they
filled it moments before. waste is a chance for it to strike again.

When Bita speaks it is not with a booming voice  REWARDS

nor harsh language. The sound of command and  Feel free to award each character 50 XP for their
roleplaying here, if desired.
respect permeate her every word. She 
addresses you and your companions simply.  THE SCORCHED GROVE 
“Thank you all for heeding our summons so  The great ashen plain that stretches across the
quickly. The Wood is in great need, and many  northwest forest has come to be called the
of our Tenders have already paid the dearest  Scorched Grove. The Grove is the result of a
price to protect it. We hope you will hear our  massive forest fire that was caused by a great
pleas and offer us your aid in this most dire of  calamity centuries ago, although the exact
circumstances.” circumstances of its origin remain somewhat of a
Speaker Bita continues by describing the flocks of Scholars from the Avium have tested the soils
emberbats in larger numbers than have ever been here, and have found them uniquely suited to
seen. She speaks of strange fire creatures sighted channeling evocation energy, especially when
in the Wood, and how they have injured many used with fire spells. This has given rise to the
travelers. She then talks about the missing theory that this event was somehow caused by
Tenders, and the reports of a huge, unknown magic. The most popular myth of the forest
creature stalking the ash plains of the Grove. dwellers has to do with a great primal being of fire
Something must be done, which is why the Council and destruction that appeared, visited its wrath
has called upon the help of the Heroes of upon the Wood, and then vanished as
Humblewood. Bita offers whatever information mysteriously as it arrived.
she can, but this creature is a new discovery and Regardless of the cause, the resulting fire
the Council has little to go on. devastated this part of the forest and displaced
thousands of beasts and people from their homes.
Tevor is called up before the head table. He was While forest dwellers know that the death and
the most recent Tender to have reported seeing rebirth of the Wood is part of the natural order,
the massive beast in the Grove. He recalls seeing the calamity that befell the Grove was clearly
the ash of the plains seize up, as if something were unnatural. Even after all this time the region has
burrowing through it. The creature never broke failed to heal itself as nature intended.
the surface, so he was unable to get a good look at
its features. It must have grabbed his instructor
though. The last thing he remembers is seeing his
mentor sucked under the ash.
Tevor is obviously shaken after the
account, but Havel simply places a hand on his
shoulder, which seems to comfort the luma. Tevor
points out on a map where this most recent
sighting took place. Bita will mention that the
Grove is a dangerous place, and ask Havel to look
for someone to guide the party. At first, Tevor
simply raises his hand to speak. It is clear that he
is conflicted, his fear getting the better of him.

A Tender’s Telling  1. A FLOCK OF EMBERBATS
The story of the calamity that has been passed 
down through the Tenders of the Scorched Grove  While nearing the Scorched Grove, you begin 
goes like this:  
  to hear a faint sound far off in the distance. The 
“Long ago, birdfolk thought they could put an end  sound quickly grows louder, and a cacophony of 
to devastating forest fires in the Wood using 
otherworldly magics. In the end, they only  screeches reaches your ears before you see the 
managed to summon the great calamity that  source: a great cloud of emberbats is consuming 
burned the grove. The birdfolk were able to seal it 
away, beneath the grove, and thus prevented the 
the sparse forest to the north. They are still a 
burning of more forest. However, this act has  distance away, but you can feel the combined 
unbalanced the elemental forces of the Wood for  heat of their bodies even from here. A bright 
  and mysterious orange light can occasionally be 
This is why we use only gentle magics to help the  seen shining from between them.  
forest heal. With nature, the slow way is the right 
The emberbat flock takes up the space of a huge
APPROACHING THE GROVE  creature, and it has 103 hit points and resistance
To get to the Scorched Grove by road the party to slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage. It
will need to head back towards Winnowing Reach, also has the following properties:
then continue west until the road nears the
southern edge of the Grove. While this is the ● It can fly at a speed of 30 feet per round
easiest path, it will take four days to arrive at the and it begins 60 feet away from the party.
location where Tevor last saw the beast. In this ● The heat generated by the flock is so
time, it could be miles away, and many others intense that any creature within 30 feet
might fall victim to it. must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw when they enter this range for the
Alternatively, the party can take a more direct first time in a round, or start their turn
approach through the forest to the northeastern inside of it, taking 4 (1d8) points of fire
edge of the Grove, very near where the beast was damage on a failure.
last seen. ● The flock’s space can be entered and
moved through freely, but the heat inside
If the party takes the road, they are not at risk of is so intense that creatures inside this
an encounter. However, when they arrive at the area take 7 (2d8) points of fire damage if
spot Tevor has described, the beast has moved on. they end their turn in the flock’s space.
Any creature that enters the flock’s space will see
If the party takes the direct approach, they will that the bats are swarming around a glowing ball
reach their destination in only a single day, but of molten orange energy. This orb is only a foot
will likely run into some trouble. Choose one of across, and shines like a miniature sun, making it
the encounters below for the party to face on their difficult to target. It can be attacked, and has the
way to the grove. Afterwards, they make good following properties:
time to the location where Tevor said he last saw
the creature. ● AC 18
● 30 hit points
● Immunity to fire damage
● Vulnerability to cold damage
● Resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, and
piercing damage dealt by non-magical

● It is magic, and registers as conjuration He will also add that they are common in only the
magic if examined with detect magic or a deepest parts of the Grove, and it is unheard of to
similar effect see one so far from the Grove itself. The Tenders
are taught to leave them be, as they will dissipate
Once this core is destroyed, the flock will once they have fulfilled their purpose, usually
gradually begin to disperse, taking 4 rounds to re-enacting a memory from the life of the victim.
disappear completely. If the bats are killed, but the Tevor will warn the party that disturbing the
core remains, the core will fly off in a random specter risks invoking its wrath.
direction at a speed of 60 ft. per round, streaking
through the forest, eventually slowing down and Players may interact with the specter peacefully. If
accumulating a new flock. so, read this:

Whatever type of energy that was, it seemed to be As you approach, the creature appears unaware 
exciting the emberbats, driving them to flock in of your presence. It is on its knees, continuing 
such large numbers. A difficult DC 17 Intelligence
to fruitlessly grasp at something in the 
(Arcana) check will be enough for a character to
underbrush, only to burn any plant life that 
ascertain similarities between this phenomena
and similar instances mentioned in textbooks,
comes near it. With each failed attempt it places 
where such energy nodes have been observed its head in its talons, and shudders in a way that 
being intermittently released by binding circles in suggests weeping.
high level conjurations when they have begun to
deteriorate. The memory this creature is trying to enact is one
of picking flowers to place at a nearby gravesite.
REWARDS Players must figure this out on their own. If a
Award each character 275 XP for dispersing the character examines the area they will, with a DC
flock, or for successfully escaping if the encounter 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check, be able to
goes awry. locate an overgrown wooden grave marker
covered by reeds. The singed and dessicated bush
2. THE FLAMING SPECTRE the specter keeps reaching for matches bushes on
either side of it between which small patches of
bluebells grow. Simply gathering any number of
While making your way through the tranquil 
these flowers and placing them upon the grave
forest, you see what looks to be a blazing fire 
will be enough to cause the specter to dissipate
off in the distance! As you look at the fire, you  harmlessly.
notice the flames have taken on a birdfolk-like  Remind the players that their time is
form, resembling a weeping corvum. It’s far  limited, as the mere presence of the specter is
enough away that you could make it past  causing trees and shrubs around it to smoulder.
without being noticed, but branches of the trees  Characters can attempt to quench the flames
around its body are already beginning to  before they become true blazes, but unless they
smoulder.   have a way to do this at range they’ll need to get
close enough to the fire specter that they will take
5 (1d10) fire damage every so often from its heat.
This creature is a fire specter, a memory of the
Feel free to narrate these events loosely, making
Scorched Grove etched in the flames that took its
sure to keep the party on edge by mentioning how
life. Characters can figure this information out on
close fires are to breaking out whenever they
their own with a DC 17 Intelligence (Religion or
seem too comfortable. You may have the fires
Nature) check, but if Tevor is with the party he
erupt at any point, which will require a concerted
will be able to identify the creature immediately.
effort on the party’s part to prevent their spread.

If a player disturbs the creature or in any Paying the Price 
You can add some urgency or consequences to the 
way or attempts to harm it, it will turn and attack.
players’ decisions here if you wish to complicate 
The fire specter uses the statline for a ​fire matters for the party. If you desire, you can say 
elemental,​ but it is medium-sized and has only 51 that after finding the Ashsnake, they’re too late! It 
hit points. It will attack ferociously until it has has already found another Tender who is under 
attack! Not only must the party fight the beast, they 
been slain, at which point it will dissolve into must do so while attempting to save the Tender 
smoke and ash. The creature can be lured into a from meeting a deadly fate.  
nearby clearing to prevent more fires.  
Have combat start with the party being surprised 
REWARDS by the Ashsnake ambushing the fleeing Tender by 
However they dealt with the fire specter, award bursting from the ground next to the Tender as 
they try to escape. 
275 XP to each player.  
The tender has 30 hit points and can cast the 
REACHING THE GROVE  druidcraft ​and ​spare the dying ​cantrips. They have 
no combat ability, but make any rolls made to 
escape being grappled at a +2 bonus. In combat 
The forest gives way to expansive plains of ash,  they act directly after the Ashsnake. 
dotted with the charred husks of long-petrified 
trees. The wind here has a heat to it, and it 
constantly disturbs the ashen soil. As it blows, 
small embers can be seen forming in the  Suddenly, you see what looks to be a 
disturbed ash, glowing briefly before being  disturbance in the ashen plains. Something is 
swept up and fading on the wind. This place is  moving underneath the thick coating of cinders 
clearly unnatural. at frightening speeds, churning burning embers 
up on either side as it goes, before seeming to 
If the party took the long road here, they will need vanish. Something is here, and it has noticed 
to locate the creature that has been preying on the you. 
Tenders. A DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) check or
other tracking skill is needed to follow its trail. On The ​ashsnake​ starts hidden in the ash. Roll a
a failure, it takes another day of searching to catch Dexterity (Stealth) check with advantage for the
sight of it. You may roll on the Scorched Grove creature behind a GM screen or someplace your
Encounter Table (pg. ) if the party fails to find the players won’t see, record it, and take initiative.
ashsnake. Once on each player’s turn, they can attempt to
locate the creature with a Wisdom (Perception)
REWARDS check higher than or equal to the ashsnake’s
Award each character XP as normal for any
Stealth check.
random encounter faced.

A creature resembling a huge molten snake 

breaks the ashen surface with incredible force! 
Its scales appear like charcoal, and a sinister 
orange glow issues from its molten core. This 
same orange glow can be seen coming from two 
points on the creature’s head, resembling eyes, 
though the creature doesn’t seem to possess 

The ashsnake can ‘see’ vibrations within 60 feet of Constitution saving throw, taking one level of
itself, and will attack if it senses movement within exhaustion on a failure.
range of its bite or constrict attacks. If it senses the
party grouping up, it will unleash its breath attack ● The ashsnake isn’t very intelligent, but it
on them. If attacked from outside the range of its understands how to hunt prey. It is drawn to
tremorsense, it takes an action for the ashsnake to loud noises and heavy movements. A party
determine the direction from which the attack member could attempt to distract it in this way.
● The ashsnake will always try to have one
During the fight, the ashsnake will try to stay creature grappled while it bites, and will use its
under the ash to protect itself, but it will come up ash breath as often as it can, provided there are
to attack the party when it senses an opening. enough targets close together for it to hit.
Keep the narrative engaging and have it burrow or
surface when it makes the fight interesting. Here
For defeating the ashsnake, each party member
are a few points to remember during this fight:
gains 275 XP.

● The ashsnake will generally surface near OUTRUNNING THE FIRE 

characters to try and knock them over with its
As soon as the ashsnake is slain, something will
eruption ability. If anyone falls prone, they can
happen in the Grove:
expect to have a grab attack launched against
them, or bite attack if the creature is already
grappling a character. The ground begins to rumble deeply, nearly 
knocking you and your companions from your 
● The ashsnake can be attacked while under the feet. All around you, ashsnakes erupt through 
ash, although it has a bonus to its armor class (as massive hills of ash. They rear up, emitting a 
noted in the monster’s description). terrifying hiss,a sound so shrill it’s as though the 
air were being torn apart. As they encircle you, 
● It can also hide under the ash, but to do this, it
there is an even deeper rumble, less violent but 
needs to spend an action making a Dexterity
full of power. The creatures hesitate for a 
(Stealth) check opposed by each character’s
passive perception score. While hidden in this
moment until another more powerful tremor 
way, the ashsnake is functionally invisible, shakes even their massive bodies. The 
although players can make a Wisdom ashsnakes begin to flee, burrowing into the ash 
(Perception) against its initial roll once on their and heading south. The tremors continue to 
turn (this doesn’t cost an action), determining its gain in momentum and intensity. To the north, 
location on a success. Anytime the ashsnake miles away, something gigantic rises from the 
emerges it is no longer hidden. bed of cinders. First a hill, then a small 
mountain, releasing a plume of ash that blocks 
● The ashsnake can grab characters before
the sun. As the dust clouds settle, you see a 
burrowing, and can move freely underground
with a grappled character in tow. Each time they
huge creature made of craggy black rock and 
start their turn under the ash, a grappled pulsing orange magma. It bellows in a guttural 
character needs to hold their breath (which they sound unlike anything you have ever heard and 
can do for 1+ their Constitution modifier’s worth begins to march towards your position. 
of minutes before they start to suffocate). This
resets every time the creature surfaces, giving The ​aspect of fire​ is a primeval elemental whose
them a chance to gasp for air. If a character very being thrums with anger. The Wood needs
cannot hold their breath, they must make a DC 15

fire to cull old growth and keep the balance of As the aspect marches, it indiscriminately
nature, but this creature’s sole desire is to hurls massive boulders of magma and rock into
consume, heedless of the destruction it leaves in the forest. Those who have failed on the second
its wake. It seems to sense the party of intruders skill check have fallen behind and are in range of
in its Grove, and makes for them at full speed. It is these attacks. They must make a DC 15 Dexterity
obvious from the size and power of this creature saving throw at the start of each round. On a
that taking it on would be folly, and be sure to failure, they take 16 (3d10) fire damage. On a
communicate this to your players. However, any success, they take half that damage. They may
party member who stays to make a noble sacrifice then attempt another skill or ability check to flee
will surely buy time for their companions to out of the creature’s range. As above, be flexible
escape. here, and try your best to reward players for their
The party can make whatever plans they creativity while keeping the threat to their
want, but the shortest distance out of the aspect’s characters believable.
path is back into the forest towards Alderheart. After about two rounds of pursuit, the
Any other path out of the Grove would leave them characters should notice that the aspect isn’t
exposed to the aspect’s march, or to more of the gaining as quickly as it once was, and after
ashsnakes that could be following. The forest another round they will all have made it out of the
canopy should also provide some cover from the creature’s range regardless. If any look back, all
creature, making the party difficult to target. they will see is an ominous red glow through the
Have each player describe how they trees, and a plume of thick smoke rising up over
would make their way to safety. Each character the horizon. From here they are free to make their
should make make a DC 14 Strength or Dexterity way safely into the forest and back to Alderheart.
(Athletics) check if they wish to attempt to outrun
the creature, but allow different ability checks if FLEE TO ALDERHEART 
players have their own plans for escaping. Be A large part of the forest has fallen to ash in the
prepared to be flexible here. Allow players to wake of the aspect of fire, but it seems to have
make whatever checks you think are reasonable, mysteriously given up chase. The party has made
but adjust your DCs accordingly. For example, it safely back to the city. The Council is eager to
distracting the creature might be somewhat of a hear a first-hand account, having only heard and
challenge, like a DC 14 Charisma or Intelligence felt the massive aspect’s movement.
(Deception) check, but attempting to restrain it
would be more difficult based on the creature’s They accept the news with sadness, anger, and
Strength score, likely resolved with a saving throw concern. Whatever this creature is, it represents a
or skill check made by the creature against a threat to all life in the Wood, which is strange, as
character’s ability. Once they have succeeded on many elementals have resided in and around the
the first skill check, have each player make forest for centuries. This one seems to harbour a
another skill check to determine how successful rage that the Council finds hard to understand.
they are at fleeing as the creature begins to move
towards them. You can make this check easier or A Council member will mention that the first rule
harder depending on how well they did on the of battle is ‘know thine enemy’, and add that the
first. If they succeed at this check, their character dean of the Avium, Dean Windsworth, is
flees at enough of a pace to avoid being in range of incredibly knowledgeable. He may be able to offer
the creature’s attacks. Particularly dire failures on some insight on the situation. Council Speaker Bita
this check could result in characters falling prone. will agree, and state that should the Dean be
Feel free to grant advantage on any rolls made to unable to assist the party, the Avium is still home
flee based on class abilities, or roleplaying to the largest library in the Wood, and may be the
decisions made by players as they planned party’s best chance to find the answers they seek.
their flight.

The Council is interested in any information that a portion of an item, such as a weapon or piece of
can be found regarding this creature. More than armor, with the rest needing to be paid in coin. In
that, they would welcome a means of defeating it. order to obtain this discount, players must explain
In the meantime, they will begin to rally the Perch how the requisitioned goods will aid them in their
Guard in case Alderheart itself should come under mission to stop the newly-woken threat to
threat. The party must now embark on a quest to Humblewood, and some shopkeepers may require
stop this monster, before it consumes the land. more convincing than others. The requisition is
stamped on the back by a merchant each time it is
The thick plumes of smoke from the massive blaze redeemed, and notarized with the amount it was
the party outran can be seen from Alderheart’s used for. This can be altered with a difficult skill
Canopy, and news spreads through the whole city check using a forgery kit. However, modifying the
quickly. If Tevor led the party, and returned with document constitutes thievery, and any character
them, he will be granted the rank of caught doing this will be arrested and brought
Summerblossom for his valor and he will lead the before the Council to face punishment.
relief effort himself. If he did not return, Havel will
Players will also be rewarded with a ​Feather
lead the effort, drawing on the memory of his
Helm​ from the Tenders for their good work. If you
friend to inspire the crowd, and Tevor will be
choose to have Tevor award players this item, it
given a solemn funeral afterwards. Either way,
will come with a gallus feather, gifted by Havel to
many volunteers, both humblefolk and birdfolk
thank the party for helping Tevor return safely.
will sign up to help quell the still-raging flames,
before more forest is lost, and help the survivors. If Tevor has died, have Havel gift them the helm
The party can choose whether or not they wish to instead. It will contain a luma feather as a memory
aid in this effort, but nobody will begrudge them if of their lost friend.
they need to rest after their ordeal. If you used the optional variant ​Paying the Price
REWARDS for the ashsnake encounter, you may have the
Tender they saved award the party this item,
The party will be given a special requisition from
fitted with an appropriate feather of your
the Council to aid in fulfilling their mission to stop
the creature. The party will be able to use this
unassuming piece of parchment, stamped with the Each character receives 275 XP.
seal of Alderheart, to requisition up to 500 gold If using the rules for milestone experience, each
pieces worth of equipment from any shop in the character should now reach level 4.
city. This can be used in separate stores, or all at
the same place. Likewise, it can be used to pay for
The rest of the story will be continued in the LEVEL 4) 
full version of Humblewood! Feel free to use what To the east of Alderheart is a remarkable
we have here to expand your game and continue structure, even by the standards of Humblewood.
the story from this point. You can refer to the Atop a massive tree is constructed a tower of
encounters detailed in this section, use the towers, a fanciful and bizarre creation that looks
Random Encounters​ section for inspiration, or like it topple over at any moment. This is the
create your own encounters using the monsters Avium, the magical college of the birdfolk. Here
provided. they study and decipher arcane secrets and teach
In the meantime, here are some standalone the next generation of wizards their craft.
quests that you can use to explore the world of Admission into the Avium is one of the highest
Humblewood! honors for young mages in the Wood. The courses
are rigorous and the faculty tough, but graduation

from the Avium all but guarantees its students any The dean directs the party to the lower levels of
magical career they desire. the school, near the tree itself. He has cleared most
When the council received word from Dean of those floors of classes so students and faculty
Windsworth of a dangerous situation, they could remain a safe distance away. He implores
immediately sought out the adventurers for the party to investigate and contain any harmful
assistance. or unnatural dangers they might find.
When the party arrives at the Avium, it is even Upon entering the lowest level of the school,
more impressive and inspiring than Alderheart. the characters are met with the unmistakable
Fully 200 feet tall at its highest tower, the college smell of death in the air. There seems to be no
is a massive collection of towers and ramparts. ambient sounds here aside from the footfall of the
There are even smaller towers that orbit around heroes. Most of the classrooms and offices are
the main structure, their split bridges passing vacant, but a soft candlelight seeps out from
mere inches away from one another on every beneath a closed door near the end of a hallway. It
rotation. Knowing when to make the crossing is is laboratory, according to the sign beside the
vitally important for students who don’t want to door, and according to the dean should be vacated.
miss the start of class.
Through the door, the party can hear soft
When the party arrives at the base of the tree,
footsteps, some incomprehensible speech as if
they find a young gallus waiting to great them. He
someone is speaking to themselves, and
wears a simple robe with a rope belt and bows
punctuated now and again by a clattering, hollow
low at their arrival. He confirms they are here to
assist the dean and then motions for them to join
him on what appears to be a circular tile patio. Within the classroom is the corvum
Once everyone steps on, the gallus mage utters a necromancer and 6 ​birdfolk skeletons​. The
command word and the platform rises up, at necromancer will promptly seek shelter through
considerable speed, towards the college. another doorway into a connected classroom. The
When the arrive at the main entrance, the skeletons will bar entry, lashing out with rusty
gallus mage directs them to the dean’s office, weapons and sharp, boney talons.
located in a solitary spire that juts off the southern
Refer to ​The Necromancer’s Laboratory​ map
face of the main tower about halfway up. There
for this location.
they will meet with Dean Windsworth to discuss
the matter at hand. REWARDS
Each character receives 150 XP for defeating the
“Welcome all! I trust your journey was pleasant?  birdfolk skeletons.
I wish we had time for a proper campus tour, there’s 
so much to see! The observatory, the training range,  Upon entering the adjoining classroom, the
the greenhouses. Oh! Our flebbor root is finally  party finds themselves looking up at a massive
blooming and… sorry, another time. First the matter  creature comprised of hundreds of birdfolk bones,
at hand!”  at least several bodies’ worth, jumbled together to
form a humanoid shape. The arms end in several
The dean continues to describe a student who talons intertwined into a circular claw. The head is
has begun pursuing the necromantic arts. While two larger skulls, the first one upside down with
an approved field of study at the Avium, he has the second on top of it, forming a gross mirrored
taken his experiments in a more practical beak and skull for a face.
direction, creating foul creatures and upsetting The necromancer, from behind his creation,
the other students. It also recently came to light directs it to attack the party and once agains slips
that some of the subjects for his tests were through a door at the back of the classroom. As the
recently deceased birdfolk, whose bodies the cobblefright​ approaches the party, it tosses desks
young necromancer did not come by through and tables aside as if they were made of twigs and
appropriate channels. There is a rumor circulating leaves. As the solid wood shatters against the far
about possible missing students.

wall, the cobblefright’s two beaks part and an d6 Encounter
unnatural roar fills the space. 1 1 Brown Bear
The cobblefright, like the skeletons before, will 2 2 Black Bears
attack anyone attempting to follow the 3 3 Giant Poisonous Snakes
necromancer. It seems to feel no pain or fear,
following its master’s orders to the letter until it 4 3 Giant Wolf Spiders
goes berserk. 5 2 Giant Wasps
6 1 Giant Eagle
Eventually working through the skeletons, the
party enters what appears to be a professor’s The creatures rolled attack the caravan in a
office. They come face to face with a ​corvum fashion in keeping with their species. Bears might
necromancer​ who is attempting to flee barrel in while snakes would lie in wait, coming
immediately through a hidden passageway in the down from the branches. Perhaps the caravan
floor. He seems to offer no offensive. If left to flee, simply surprised them and they attack in defense.
he will simply exit the campus directly, terrified of Whatever the case, it’s up to the players to defend
the consequences. the farmers from harm.
If the party decide to engage with him, he will A Forest of Threats 
fight as much as needed, but his primary goal is to If the party is doing well and handles the random 
escape the school through a series of hallways and encounter easily, feel free to roll on the table again 
tunnels. If he makes it out of the school, he will for a second, or even a third encounter. Don’t push 
disappear into the forest. them too much, as there is still a big fight coming 
up at the end of their journey. 
The party is celebrated by students and faculty SLITHERING DEATH
alike. You are welcome to the Avium any time to Just when it seems the destination is in reach,
study, seek information in their library, or even the caravan finds themselves surrounded, quite
teach a class. Additionally, the dean offers 2 literally. A ​giant constrictor snake​, dozens of feet
healing potions and a ​nest charm​ as payment. long and several feet across encircles one of the
wagons and its riders. All characters and NPCs on
Each character receives ​575​ XP.
or near the wagon must succeed a DC 15 Dexterity
If the party defeated or apprehended the saving throw or be caught in the snake’s grasp.
corvum necromancer, each character receives an
The serpent begins to constrict, crushing the
additional 500 XP.
wagon and any who were unlucky enough to be
ESCORT THE FARMERS  caught along with it. For now they are merely
restrained, but shortly the sinewy muscles of the
(RECOMMENDED LEVEL 2)  snake will begin to squeeze the life out of them.
Getting free of the snake’s grasp can be done by
A small caravan, led by a humble farming family, is
succeeding a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check. The
looking for protection on their trip. Depending on
snake will also loosen its grip if hurt badly. The
where the party is, this could be a caravan of farm
snake will continue to constrict and bite at any
goods heading to Alderheart from a rural perch, or
creature it thinks to make a meal out of.
a family returning home after selling their wares
at market with supplies. Either way, their cargo is The ​birdfolk farmers​ are simple folk and not
precious, and they’re willing to part with a few of capable of aiding much in combat and look to the
their coins in exchange for able bodyguards. party for protection. You can include these
characters in the combat or simplify by
A LONG AND WILD ROAD narratively describing how they are interacting
Along the way, any number of wild creatures with the battle.
could beset the caravan, looking for an easy meal.
Roll on the table below, or create any relevant JOURNEY’S END
Easy to Medium encounter for your party. If the party successfully delivers the farmers
and their cargo to the destination, they will
receive hospitality, food, and lodging. They will be

welcomed as members of the farmers’ community the true hunter and the party is surprised when it
and treated like family. Additionally, each attacks.
character earns 1 gold piece for their effort.
The party is attacked by a single, large cat, the
Each character receives 150 XP. If the party forest prowler​. The prowler stalks its prey from
completed additional random encounters, each the branches and trunks of trees, blending in
character earns an additional 50 XP for each seamlessly with the craggy bark and drooping
encounter. vines. The beast will regularly jump back into the
canopy or underbrush, making a Dexterity
BEAST HUNT (RECOMMENDED LEVEL  (Stealth) check against the characters Wisdom
4)  (Perception) checks. If it successfully hides, or is
unaware that the party knows its location, it will
Everyone has heard the tale, from a rowdy bar move in slowly for a pounce attack.
patron or a relative that everyone pokes fun at.
They tell a story of a brave hunt, a dark wood, and RETURNING HOME
an elusive prey. A prey that, if given half a chance, Those who sent you on this perilous hunt will
would become the hunter. no doubt dispute that the party ever even saw a
Virtually everyone in the Wood has heard of forest prowler. If they’re smart, the party will
the forest prowler, a huge cat with razor sharp bring back some proof of their kill, like a claw or
claws and a coat that looks exactly like the trees even the entire cat.
and vines it hides in. So well can it blend into the Characters could also take a souvenir from
forest that it is said you never even see it coming. their hunt to use as jewelry or a token of their
Hearing about their exploits in the forest, bravery. The size of the claw will be impressive to
specifically the large-scale attack on the bandit anyone, but especially those in Humblewood with
camp, there are those in Alderheart who think the familiarity of the story of the forest prowler.
players as something of local heroes. Others seek
to test them further. Such a group has approached REWARDS
them in a very public setting, like a town square or Each character receives 325 XP.
tavern, to openly challenge them.
Choose either a group of guards, militia, or just SEA MONSTER (RECOMMENDED LEVEL 
rowdy citizens to approach the players.
“Well look here, it’s the ‘heroes’ of Alderheart,  There have been some very odd accounts coming
from the Talongrip Coast in recent days. Sailors
in the flesh. Don’t look like much to me. Probably 
and dock workers claim to have seen a strange
just got lucky, is all. I bet you couldn’t take on a real  creature lurking in the waters around Saltar’s Port
challenge.”  and more than a couple ships have gone missing.
There is talk of a deadly wakewyrm.
If the party engages, the newcomers detail the Players can choose to make the 2-day trek to
most dangerous hunt in the Wood, stalking the the coast to meet up with dock master to learn
forest prowler. They mock the party as scared as a more about the strange goings on and see if they
fledgling if they don’t agree to the hunt. can help.
The ​seabird dockmaster​ Garrus Wetfoot
BEGINNING THE HUNT greets the party when they arrive. He is a
The party sets out from Alderheart into the weathered and straight-forward type who runs all
deep corners of the Wood. It is said the prowler the import and export in the area. He has a good
stalks the densest forest, moving unseen in the head on his shoulders, and if he’s worried about
dim light. some unseen monster lurking in the waters,
In order to get the drop on the prowler, a there’s bound to be some truth here.
character can make a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) or Unless the party come up with a different
Intelligence (Nature) check to discern the best approach, Garrus will offer them the use of a small
hunting ground and get an optimal position. On a caravel with a slim crew to take them on a tour of
success, they set up perfectly and engage the the surrounding coastline. The ship is outfitted
prowler on their terms. On a failure, the prowler is with a single ballista mounted on the foredeck and

several harpoons and strong line. Garrus tasks the There are 4 ​seabird sailors​ with the party.
players with defeating whatever is plaguing the They can use their weapons or utilize the ships
coast. arsenal to fight off the beast.
CREATURE FROM THE DEEP The ship has an AC of 13, has 100 hit points,
Eventually the ship draws the attention of the and no damage threshold.
wakewyrm, a long snake-like creature with huge The ship is equipped with a large, heavy
spiny fins and a lashing tail. From what the party crossbow on the bow that can be rotated around
can see above the waves, it stretches nearly 100 in a 360 degree range. It requires an attack roll
feet in length, nearly twice the length of their using Dexterity. A character with proficiency in
vessel. It’s neck and head extend up to 20 feet ranged or thrown weapons can add their
from the water when surfaced. proficiency bonus to these attacks at your
The ​wakewyrm​ will routinely submerge, discretion. The weapon deals 2d8 piercing
hidden from view in the deep water, and surface damage but requires a full action to reload.
in a new location to lash out at the party. While it There are also eight whaling harpoons fitted
is underwater, a creature on the ship can spot it with ropes, prepped and ready for marine hunting
with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, on board. Treat these weapons as javelins. On a
predicting where it will emerge next on a success. hit, they deal 1d6 piercing damage and stick in the
Having the wakewyrm attack creatures who target. The harpoon’s lines are already attached
haven’t spotted it with advantage each time it firmly to brass anchor points on the ship’s main
surfaces is one way you can add extra challenge to deck. These can be untied and attached to
this fight, but be careful of this, as it will greatly something else with a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival)
increase the already deadly wakewyrm’s lethality. check, although doing this while the harpoon is
already in the beast may be tricky (impose
Into the Waters  disadvantage on the skill check). If the wakewyrm
If the party is staying too dry for your liking, you 
can give your players even more of a challenge by  is hit by at least four sufficiently well anchored
having the ship tilt violently in the waves  harpoons, it is restrained. The wakewyrm can
throughout the encounter. Each time the  make a DC 19 Strength saving throw at the end of
wakewyrm moves for the first time in a round,  each of its turns, to end the effect, snapping the
have each player standing on the ship make a DC  lines in the process.
15 Dexterity saving throw to remain standing as 
the ship rocks violently. On a failure, the creature  RETURNING PEACE TO THE COAST
falls prone on the deck and slides 15 feet in the  If the players successfully defeat the
direction of the ship's tilt. Creatures who are close  wakewyrm, Garrus will display an
to the edges of the ship risk falling off the ship and 
uncharacteristic amount of joy, lifting the spirits of
into the water, where they must make a DC 16 
Strength (Athletics) check at the end of each turn to  his dock workers even more. With the waters safe
try to keep their heads above the rough waves. A  again the people of Talongrip Coast can get back to
creature can hold their breath for a number of  life as they know it.
rounds equal to its Constitution modifier 
(minimum 1). After this, it begins to drown, and will  Garrus requires no proof of this deed, but the
drop to 0 hit points if it fails to reach air within 2  party may choose to bring back part or all of the
rounds.    creature. If a trophy is brought back, it will be
proudly displayed at the docks and stories told of
Make sure your players are prepared for this, 
however. There are plenty of ways to rescue  the brave adventurers for generations to come. If
someone who has gone overboard, or distract the  the entire creature is returned, it will be set upon
monster, but if not working together, this could  by a small army of workers who process it for
lead someone to a watery grave.  meat and materials.


During the course of the fight the crew or even Garrus rewards the party for their service with
the ship itself may take damage. You can choose to 5 gold pieces each.
track this damage in full or simply narrate how the
Each character receives 500 XP.
ship and crew are affected by the attack.

Having helped the Wood countless times, there traveling back through the Wood, past the
are many who implore you to stay and keep watch recently expanded Scorched Grove, and into the
over the forest. Councilmembers and citizens alike wide world. They can also hop on a ship in Saltar’s
offer their praise and even payment for the heroes Port, bound for parts unknown. In fact, there’s a
to stay, but they all know there is a larger world ship set to depart soon carrying a large cargo of
awaiting them. There are other dangers out there supplies and significant guard forces. They’re tight
that need the attention of the saviors of lipped about the destination, but the sly
Humblewood. dockmaster hints that there will be ample
The characters can now seek out new opportunities for savvy adventurers when they
adventures. They can leave the way they came, arrive.

Use the following encounter tables as inspiration d8 Encounter
for your own adventure in Humblewood or simply 1 1d4 ​seabird sailors​ start a bar fight
to complicate the lives of the characters.
1d4 ​seabird sailor​ pirates​ ​attack, led by a
CITY ENCOUNTERS jerbeen ​bandit captain ​swashbuckler
1d4 sea shriekers​ ​circle overhead​ ​(use the
d8 Encounter 3
statline for a ​harpy​)
1 Street performances
A violent storm rolls in. If the party chooses
1d4+2 ​mapach bandit​ ​pickpockets run not to take shelter, they must make a DC 14
2 4
rampant in the market Constitution saving throw while traveling,
A ​birdfolk guard​ looking for a ​jerbeen suffering a level of exhaustion on a failure.
thief 5 1d4 ​giant crabs​ attack
4 A ​forest prowler​ attacks people in town 6 A ship is stolen from the docks
A citywide parade to honor Gaspard, the 7 A sinking ship is spotted with crew aboard
Champion. There are jousts, fencing A crashing wave sweeps in, the party must
5 matches, and other contests the party can make a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be
participate in. The winner gets a magical swept 80 feet into the sea, where a ​giant
item. shark​ circles
6 A mysterious death

A bar fight breaks out between 1d4
mapach bandit​ patrons and 1d4 ​birdfolk FOREST ENCOUNTERS
guards d8 Encounter
A pair of ​jerbeen thieves​ steal from the
party, leads back to their ​vulpin captain 1 2d4 ​mapach bandits​ ambush the party.
leader, who runs a pickpocketing ring in
town 2 1d4 ​swarms of emberbats​ attack the party.

COAST ENCOUNTERS 3 1d4 ​magmin​ can be spotted burning foliage

through the trees. They haven’t started a shelter, they must make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw while traveling,
fire yet, but they will if left unchecked.
suffering a level of exhaustion from the
cold on a failure.
4 A giant elk appears in a peaceful glade,
drinking from a mysterious pond with an 7 The party finds a hermit’s camp
abundance of plant life growing in it. There The party finds a roost of 1d3 ​giant eagles
is a sense of calm and serenity here. Each with 1d4 young (medium sized beasts that
8 cannot attack) with them and will attack
player that stops to drink from the pond
unless the party can convince them they
heals 1d4+2 hit points.
are not a threat.
1d4+1 ​mapach bandits​ and a ​jerbeen thief
spring from the forest, offering safe passage
for a road toll of 3 gold pieces per party d
member. They will attack if the toll is not 8 Encounter
paid immediately.
1 1d4+1 ​swarms of emberbats​ attack
6 1d4 ​dire wolves​ attack the party
2 An ​ashsnake​ attacks. If the party is hunting for
7 A ​birdfolk skirmisher​ on patrol is the ​ashsnake​ in ​Chapter 3​, it is waiting to
struggling in a large spider web and calling ambush the party.
for help. He has been bound in silk,
requiring a DC 15 Strength check or one 3 The party finds a small stand of scorched trees,
round using a cutting tool to free him. There two of which tower above the others. When
are 1d2+1 ​giant spiders ​hidden in the approached these 2 ​awakened trees​ attack with
trees. branches that glow with embers. Their attacks
deal fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage,
8 A bandit’s net trap has been laid across the and can set flammable objects carried by
trail and covered with leaves. It can be characters on fire.
spotted with a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check. If players walk into it, the trap 4 1 ​fire elemental​ can be seen off in the distance.
springs, and players must make a DC 14 Players must make a DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth)
Dexterity saving throw to avoid getting check to avoid its notice, otherwise it will see
caught. On a failure, you can roll on this them and attack.
table again to complicate the encounter.
5 1d3 ​magma mephits​ and 1d2 ​dust mephits
d8 Encounter 6 1d4 ​magmin​ attack
2 ​griffons​ can be seen in the distance. They
7 A Tender is being attacked by a ​swarm of
give a warning shriek. The party can find
1 emberbats
another route, losing ground and rolling
again on this table, or fight them.
8 A field of geysers lays ahead, each intermittently
1d4 ​mapach bandits​ and a ​vulpin captain
2 spraying scalding gases into the air. Party can
attempt to cross cautiously with a DC 16
3 a hungry ​basilisk ​appears
Intelligence check to notice a pattern, or by
4 1d4 ​jerbeen thieves​ attack
making three DC 14 Dexterity saving throws,
5 1d4 ​mountain lions​ attack taking 4 (1d8) fire damage on each failure. Pass or
The weather suddenly shifts to a bitter fail, after three saving throws they’ve made it
storm. If the party chooses not to take

across. Party members can choose to go around, if
so roll again on this table.

d8 Encounter
1 1d4​ sticky slimes​ attack
2 2 ​sticky slimes​ and a ​caustic slime​ attack
3 2 ​caustic slimes​ attack
4 A ​crocodile​ attacks
The party finds a 6 foot tall bioluminescent
6 A swarm of insects envelopes the party
7 1d4 ​violet fungus​ attack
A birdfolk researcher caught in quicksand,
DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check to free, roll
again on this table to complicate the

Below are some story starters to help you craft opens the door, a small knot on the trunk that
your own adventure in Humblewood. Use these conceals a button.
along with the ​Monster Cards​, maps, and Once inside, the characters find a small room
encounters in the adventure to take your players with a cot, small table and chair, and a foot locker.
on a truly memorable adventure through the The foot locker can contain any number of
Wood. treasures from gold to magic items to personal
effects of the previous tenant. You can also use
THE LONE TREE  this to launch into another mystery or quest
On the peninsula to the northeast of the Crest, through information left in a journal or on a map
where the land rises above the sea, stands a large, left behind.
solitary tree. This tree is blasted by the salt spray
and wind of the ocean, but stands strong against ADVENTURE BY SHIP 
the elements. From Saltar’s Port there is no end of possible
The party may have found their way to this tree destinations for the adventurous birdfolk to
after finding a map of the area in the bandit explore. Likewise, the port can be the perfect
fortress. Alternatively, they may simply stumble entry into the Wood for experienced heroes. With
upon the place by accident, or hear a rumor from a number of taverns, inns, and plenty of
folks in town. Whatever leads them here, it is at temporary work to be found, Saltar’s Port has no
the very least a sacred, natural place. shortage of information to exploit.
Those inclined to investigate the area find traces For existing characters looking to visit
of tracks around the base of the tree. Succeeding a Humblewood, you can utilize classic quest
DC 15 Wisdom (Survival), Intelligent beginnings like a job posting board, an overheard
(Investigation), or similar check will reveal tracks tavern conversation, or being approached by the
that appear to stop mid stride at the base of the friendly dockmaster.
tree. Upon closer inspection, the faint outline of a To give higher-level characters a proper
door is spotted in the trunk. challenge, feel free to adjust any of the encounters
The door requires a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) in the adventure or create your own using the
check to force open, or a DC 13 Intelligence materials provided. Seasoned heroes could find
(Investigation) check to find the mechanism that themselves battling a necromancer’s skeletal army

at the Avium, the queen of the slimes in Mokk
Fields, or taking down the aspect of fire itself in
the Scorched Grove.


It is entirely possible that the party wants nothing
to do with Humblewood directly, but that doesn’t
mean the birdfolk can’t come to them. Injecting
the NPCs or monsters from this set into your own
adventure is a great way to experience all the
wonder of Humblewood without leaving town.
Here are suggestions for utilizing the characters
and locations of Humblewood in your game.


The Avium along with Dean Windsworth can be
found practically anywhere. Perhaps the college
was founded by the dean himself and is relatively
new, or he was appointed to the post after a
lifetime of travel and study.
The necromancer encounter can also be utilized
in any setting, college or otherwise, in which the
necromantic arts might be frowned upon.

The slimes, Mokkden Caverns, and even the Mokk
Fields can be leveraged whenever you need an
odorous, unsavory location to send your players.
Encounter difficulty can be elevated by simply
adding more slimes, using more of the caustic or
shifting slimes, or by matching them with bigger
slimes and oozes from other content.
While in Mokk Fields, players can meet Susan
the hedge witch and her beetle familiar Normal.
She’s always happy to brew up potions for her
friends as long as they bring the proper

The ashsnakes and swarms of emberbats are a
plague on the Wood, and can pose similar threat
to any other town or wooded area. They make
their homes in recently burned forests and expand
their territory by setting new fires.

Ashsnakes are huge elementals which resemble
16 12 16 4 12 4
snakes moulded from pure volcanic magma. Their
(+3) (+1) (+3) (-3) (+1) (-3)
bodies seethe with an internal heat below the
charcoal-grey scales that cover their forms. While
Damage Vulnerabilities​ cold
the blazing light issuing from their empty sockets
Damage Resistances​ fire
makes it appear as though ashsnakes have eyes, Senses​ blindsight 30ft. (blind beyond this radius),
they rely entirely on vibrations to assess their tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 11
surroundings. Languages​ understands Ignan, but can’t speak
Challenge​ 4 (1,100 XP)
Little is known or understood of the ashsnakes, Ash Cover.​ The ashsnake has advantage on
only that they recently emerged from beneath the Dexterity (Stealth) checks made when it is
ashen plains of the Scorched Grove and appear to burrowing in ash, as well as a +4 bonus to its
have an insatiable hunger. Ashnakes use the armor class.
mounds of ash and dust of the Grove to conceal
their presence, allowing them to close in on Eruption.​ When the ashsnake emerges from
unwary prey and ambush them . While not burrowing, any creature within 5 feet of it that is
particularly intelligent, ashsnakes possess at least one size smaller than the ashsnake must
predatorial cunning and survival instincts eerily make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be
reminiscent of the fauna which resided in the knocked prone.
Grove before its burning.
SIGHTLESS WORMS  Multiattack.​ The Ashsnake can make one bite
The ashsnakes, for as little as they have been attack and either one Constrict or Crush attack
studied, appear to have no ability to detect sights each round.
and sounds in a traditional sense. They are,
however, adept at sensing even the smallest Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
vibration, and the slightest footfall is enough to one target. ​Hit:​ 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
draw their attention. Some scholars believe it may
Constrict.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach
be possible to “disappear” from their vision by
10 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 11 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning
standing perfectly still, but finding volunteers to
damage and the target is grappled (escape DC 14).
confirm this theory has understandably proven
Until the grapple ends the target is restrained and
the ashsnake cannot constrict or crush another
ASHSNAKE  target. The ashsnake can release the target at any
Huge monstrosity, unaligned time during its turn.

Armor Class​ 14 (natural armor) (18 while under Crush.​ The ashsnake crushes its grappled target,
ash) dealing 11 (2d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
Hit Points​ 67 (7d12 + 21)
Speed​ 40 ft., burrow 30 ft.
Ashen Breath (Recharge 5-6).​ The ashsnake
breathes out a cloud of superheated ash in a
15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 11 (2d10)

fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a keeps the material plane separate from the plane
success. of fire, allowing for weaker creatures to slip
ASPECT OF FIRE  The aspect’s energy has also seeped into the
Scorched Grove itself, causing the landscape to
The aspect of fire is an elemental creature of fire
take on far stronger elemental properties than
and molten rock, whose gargantuan frame could
before. The fundamental shift in the Grove’s
easily be mistaken for a small mountain. This
nature has effectively thwarted the efforts of the
aspect is not only a creature of heat and energy,
Tenders who have for so long sought to heal it. As
but also of destruction and rage, and it appears to
the aspect continues to grow in power, more of
fuel itself through the consumption of swaths of
this energy will be released, and even more
powerful creatures may arise from the flames. If
PRIMAL INCARNATION  this otherworldly energy is allowed to spread
across the forest unchecked, all of Humblewood
A creature of legend, it is believed by some that
might suffer the fate of the Scorched Grove.
this ‘demigod of fire’ was the cause of the calamity
that created the Scorched Grove many centuries
ago. While it is unclear if the aspect of fire is
Gargantuan elemental, unaligned
actually a god, it possesses frightening power,
enough to cause serious harm to the Wood and all
Armor Class​ 15 (natural armor)
those who inhabit it. In truth, the creature was Hit Points​ 203 (14d20 + 56)
conjured in a long-forgotten ritual. Its power could Speed​ 40 ft.
not be controlled, and it was sealed away beneath
the Scorched Grove where its presence has STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
continued to affect the region. Centuries of
dormancy have weakened the aspect, as its
21 9 18 10 8 14
essence has seeped into the surrounding land. It (+5) (-1) (+4) (+0) (-1) (+2)
sustains itself by consuming plants, trees, and
other living beings in flame, slowly increasing its Damage Vulnerabilities​ cold
Damage Resistances​ bludgeoning, piercing, and
power in the process. Once it attains enough
slashing from nonmagical weapons
energy to completely break the mystical fetters
Damage Immunities​ fire, poison
that tie it to the Scorched Grove, it will be an Condition Immunities​ exhaustion, grappled,
unstoppable force that could very well bring fiery paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, restrained,
ruin to all of Humblewood. unconscious
Senses​ darkvision 60 feet, passive Perception 9
Challenge​ 8 (3,900 XP)
The strange occurrences of late have many
prominent scholars baffled: the unusually Legendary Resistance (3/day). ​If the aspect of
aggressive behaviour of the emberbats, the fire fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed
appearance of the ashnakes, the increased instead.
frequency of forest fires, and many other
phenomena never before seen in Humblewood. Molten Skin.​ Any creature who touches, makes a
More than mere legend, the aspect is the cause for melee attack within 5 feet of, or ends their turn
all of these. As a creature of primordial fire, it is within 5 feet of the aspect takes 11 (2d10) fire
inextricably bound to the primordial plane of its damage. Flammable objects within 5 feet of the
element. Even as it slumbered beneath the Grove aspect burst into flames.
for generations, the aspect has stirred, its energy
causing a slight weakening in the barrier which

Natural Light.​ The aspect gives off bright light in Detect.​ The aspect makes a Wisdom (Perception)
a 60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 60 check.
feet. Stomp Attack.​ The aspect makes a stomp attack.
Magma Barrage (Costs 2 Actions). ​The aspect of
Cooling.​ For every 15 cold damage the aspect fire uses its magma throw action. It may use this
takes it loses 5 feet of movement speed. If its ability if it has not yet been recharged by dealing
speed is reduced to 0 in this way, the aspect is 15 points of cold damage to itself, and reducing its
completely hardened and becomes petrified. This movement speed by 5 ft.
effect wears off after an hour.

Fuel for the Fire.​ The aspect of fire doesn’t treat

Birdfolk granted a semblance of life through
plant life as difficult terrain. Whenever the aspect
necromantic spells, these skeletons don’t have
begins its turn in a space of plant life that would
memory per se, but their bodies retain familiarity
provide cover, it burns the life away, healing 1d4
with tasks they performed in life. They also
hit points for each 5 ft. square of such plant life it
remain skilled with weapons they wielded in life,
has consumed. If it heals for 15 or more damage in
making them useful guards as well as servants.
this way, it flares up, immediately regaining 5 ft. of
movement speed lost by cooling or magma
barrage, and it recharges its magma throw action.
Animated skeletons are place among the
practitioners of the necromantic arts. Even at the
Actions Avium, where necromancy is more of a theoretic
Multiattack.​ The aspect makes two molten fist art, it is not unheard of for professors to use
attacks. animated skeletons for menial tasks around the
college. The reanimation of those who did not give
Molten Fist.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +8 to hit, reach their express consent in life is seen as a violation
15 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 27 (4d10 + 5) fire damage. of the person’s memory, therefore these skeletons
usually consist of former university staff who
Stomp.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +8 to hit, reach 10 desired to stay and help long past their own time.
ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 32 (5d10 + 5) fire damage. The Not all scholars agree on this point, however, and
target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution while policy remains, the heady debates which
saving throw or be knocked prone. ensue over the ethics of certain forms of
necromancy have caused some scholars to be
Magma Throw (Recharge 5-6).​ The aspect hurls shunned for their opinions.
a ball of molten rock. Choose a location within 60
feet of the aspect. All creatures within 15 feet of
the target location must make a DC 16 Dexterity BIRDFOLK SKELETON 
saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 18 Medium undead, lawful evil
(3d10) fire damage. On a success, the creature
takes half as much damage. Armor Class​ 12 (natural armor)
Hit Points​ 13 (2d8 + 4)
Speed​ 30 ft.
Legendary Actions
The aspect of fire can take 3 legendary actions, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
choosing from the options below. Only one
legendary action option can be used at a time, and 11 15 14 7 8 4
only at the end of another creature’s turn. The (+0) (+2) (+2) (-2) (-1) (-3)
aspect regains spent legendary actions at the start
of its turn. Damage Vulnerabilities​ bludgeoning

Damage Immunities​ poison other living beings, replenishing their own energy
Condition Immunities​ exhaustion, poisoned in the process. This can make cobblefrights useful
Senses​ darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 as independent sentries, so long as they have a
Languages​ understands Birdfolk and Auran, but steady supply of living beings to fuel them.
can't speak
Challenge​ 1/4 (50 XP)
Talons. ​The birdfolk skeleton rolls advantage on The disparate parts that make up cobblefrights
Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb any exert tremendous strain on the bodies of these
surface its talons could reasonably grip. creatures. This is due to the same principles which
allow skeletons to remember certain skills they
Actions knew in life: remnants of the soul, such as
Shortsword.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach
memories, desires, and fears, along with skills and
5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
certain forms of knowledge, are imprinted on the
Talons.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., bones of the departed. When activated by
one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. necromantic energy, these conflicting impressions
swirl chaotically within cobblefrights. Since
COBBLEFRIGHT  cobblefrights are composed of multiple bodies,
which often originate from differing times, places,
Cobblefrights are undead monstrosities created
and walks of life, the impressions contained
through dark necromancy. Said to have been
within the creatures are particularly volatile and
theorized by the mad necromancer Lathrus of the
chaotic. This constant internal conflict requires
Night’s Call, cobblefrights combine the skeletal
large and regular supplies of energy to keep
bodies of several birdfolk together, binding them
cobblefrights stable, but it does grant them a
with necromantic power to enhance their physical
surprising degree of resistance against those who
properties. It is unknown if Lathrus himself ever
would seek to wrest control of the creatures away
managed to create one of these creatures. Among
from their creator. However, if creators fail to
those who have studied his research, only the
keep their cobblefrights stable, the creatures will
most foolhardy have tried to create a cobblefright
go berserk, potentially even turning on their
of their own, often to disastrous effect.
creators if that individual is the most immediate
HORROR OF HORRORS  source of life energy.
Cobblefrights are generally pieced together from
the skeletons of five or six birdfolk. The COBBLEFRIGHT 
combination of multiple bodies allows not only for Large undead, chaotic evil
a larger and more robust design, but also vastly
increases the quantity of necromantic energies Armor Class​ 15 (natural armor)
cobblefrights can contain. This increased capacity Hit Points​ 102 (12d10 + 36)
for power provides cobblefrights with Speed​ 30 ft.
tremendous strength, allowing them to easily
surpass a dozen birdfolk in physical feats. It also STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
grants cobblefright bones even greater durability. 19 11 16 6 8 5
Their remarkable power and resilience is (+4) (+0) (+3) (-2) (-1) (-3)
somewhat of a double-edged sword, as
cobblefrights also require a far larger quantity of Damage Immunities​ poison
necromantic energy to sustain themselves. Quite Condition Immunities​ charmed, exhaustion,
unexpectedly, the surviving records of poisoned
cobblefright creators note that the creatures Senses​ darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
developed the ability to drain the life force of

Languages​ understands Birdfolk and Auran, and of the creatures had something to do with the
any other languages it knew in life, but can’t speak elemental magics present in the Grove. The flames
Challenge​ 5 (1,800 XP) that give the bats their name are lit through an
internal combustion process that continually
Berserk. ​Whenever the cobblefright starts its turn issues fuel from their nostrils as they exhale.
with 40 hit points or fewer, roll a d6. On a 6, the Emberbats appear able to start and stop this
cobblefright goes berserk. On each of its turns process at will. The bats obviously do not need the
while berserk, the cobblefright attacks the nearest flames to see, but it is thought that the small
creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to candle serves to attract certain kinds of insects
move to and attack, the cobblefright attacks an
into their waiting mouths, greatly facilitating
object, with preference for an object smaller than
itself. Once the cobblefright goes berserk, it
continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains
all its hit points. COLONIES OF COMBUSTION 
Emberbats are most often seen flying in swarms
Actions consisting of many interconnected families. The
Multiattack.​ ​The cobblefright makes three claw bats perform virtually every task as a cohesive
attacks. One of those attacks can be replaced by a group, from flying to hunting to nesting. The real
grab attack.
threat they pose lies in their remarkable
​ elee Weapon Attack:​ +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Claw. M coordination.
​ (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
one target. ​Hit: 8 Alone, an emberbat is no more dangerous than a
candle. But together they have the potential to
Grab.​ Melee Weapon Attack:​ +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
burn like a pit of smouldering embers, and can
one creature not grappled by the cobblefright. ​Hit:
The target is grappled (escape DC 15). The easily set dry tinder ablaze. When emberbats
cobblefright can grapple up to 2 targets at once. swarm a target, it is usually for defensive
Once at the start of its turn for each target it has purposes. The air temperature within the cloud
grappled the cobblefright can squeeze its victim. rises dangerously fast, and it has to potential to
The target must make a DC 15 Strength saving burn the victim alive. When encountering a swarm
throw, taking 13 (2d8+4) bludgeoning damage on in the wild, it is best not to engage them. However,
a failed save.
recently an increase in emberbat activity has
Soul Siphon.​ One creature the cobblefright has revealed that many of these swarms are acting
grappled must make a DC 14 Constitution saving aggressively towards travelers, harassing any who
throw, taking 11 (2d10) necrotic damage on a approach their expanding territories. Some even
failed save, or half that amount on a success. The say they have seen emberbat supercolonies whose
target’s hit point maximum is reduced by the heat could be felt from yards away.
amount of necrotic damage taken, and the
cobblefright regains hit points equal to that
amount. The reduction lasts until the target
finishes a short or long rest. Throughout Humblewood’s history, the docile
nature of the emberbats have made them ideal
EMBERBAT  familiars or animal companions, especially to
Curious creatures, these tiny beasts resemble bats those who would journey into dark places.
with ashen fur, whose noses each sport a small
candle-sized flame. EMBERBAT 
Tiny beast, unaligned
Armor Class​ 12
Emberbats only started appearing in Humblewood
Hit Points​ 2 (1d4)
after the calamity that befell the Scorched Grove,
Speed​ 5 ft., fly 30 ft.
and scholars nearly all agree that the emergence

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Echolocation. ​The swarm can't use its blindsight
while deafened.
2 15 10 2 12 5
(-4) (+2) (+0) (-4) (+1) (-3) Keen Hearing.​ The swarm has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Senses​ Blindsight 60ft., passive Perception 12
Languages​ -
Flame Essence.​ Any creature that starts their turn
Challenge​ 0 (10 XP)
within 5 feet of the emberbat swarm must make a
Echolocation.​ The emberbat can't use its DC 10 Constitution saving throw, taking 2 (1d4)
blindsight while deafened. points of fire damage on a failure.

Keen Hearing.​ The emberbat has advantage on Swarm.​ The swarm can occupy another creature's
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing. space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
through any opening large enough for a Tiny bat.
Ember Flame. ​The emberbat can create a flame
The swarm can't regain hit points or gain
from its nose at will. It sheds bright light in a 5
temporary hit points.
foot radius and dim light in another 5 feet beyond
this. This effect lasts until it is dismissed, which
the emberbat can do at anytime. When lit, the
flame also provides a small damage boost to the Bites.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
emberbat’s bite (already included in stat block). one creature in the swarm's space. ​Hit:​ 5 (2d4)
piercing damage, or 2 (1d4) piercing damage if the
swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. ​Hit:​ 1 piercing damage plus 1 fire FOREST PROWLER 
damage. Forest prowlers feature prominently throughout
folktales in Humblewood, notably as monsters in
frightful stories. These cat-like beasts appear to
SWARM OF EMBERBATS  have branches, leaves, and moss in place of fur.
Medium Swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
Armor Class​ 12 One of the reasons forest prowlers have attained
Hit Points​ 22 (5d8) such mythic status is due to their elusive nature.
Speed​ 0 ft., fly 30 ft. They are adept at moving unseen through the high
canopies where they hunt, and their skills as
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ambush predators mean few who see them live to
5 15 10 3 10 5 tell the tale. In some communities the killing of a
forest prowler is still considered a rite of passage
(-3) (+2) (+0) (-4) (+0) (-3)
in order for a new hunter to be worthy of the title.
The large fangs seen adorning the necklaces of
Damage Resistances​ bludgeoning, piercing,
slashing Humblewood’s greatest hunters and warriors, or
Condition Immunities​ charmed, frightened, cloaks made from prowler fur, are trophies that
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, showcase their prowess and skill.
Senses​ Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 FIERCE HUNTER 
Languages​ - Forest prowlers are apex predators. They can
Challenge​ 1/2 (100 XP)
claim virtually any prey they desire, but they
usually target deer, elk, and other large

herbivores. They are known to travel long and the target of the bite attack is prone, it takes an
winding paths through the forest, moving from additional 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
temporary dens and tree nests throughout the
seasons, and are quite territorial in whatever area LESSER DEMON 
they are currently located. Forest prowlers are Occasionally, an attempt to reach out into the vast
relatively docile in the winter, and are most active expanse of the planes to summon forth an entity of
in the spring and summer during their peak great power will go awry, and the usual result is
hunting and breeding seasons. the summoning of a far lesser being in its place.
Lesser demons are such beings, simply other
FOREST PROWLER  denizens of some far away hellscape, eager to sow
Large beast, unaligned discord wherever they have been called.

Armor Class​ 16 (natural armor) VILE AND MALICIOUS 

Hit Points​ 75 (10d10 + 20) While there are all manner of devils and demons
Speed​ 40 ft., climbing 40 ft.
that seek to terrorize the good folk of the world,
there are some that are simply off-putting and
disgusting. For those still new to the art of
15 18 14 4 14 9 summoning, a fumbled attempt often results in the
(+2) (+4) (+2) (-3) (+2) (-1) appearance of a lesser demon. This usually results
in embarrassment for the fledgling witch or
Skills​ Perception +4, Stealth +6 wizard, although a hostile demon can still pose a
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 serious threat.
Languages​ -
Challenge​ 4 (1,100 XP)
Natural Camouflage.​ The prowler has advantage Small fiend (demon), chaotic evil
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in the forest.
Creatures who attack a target that cannot see Armor Class​ 13 (natural armor)
them have advantage on their attack roll. Hit Points​ 22 (4d6 + 8)
Speed​ 30 ft.
Pounce.​ If the prowler moves at least 10 feet
toward a creature and then hits it with a claw STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
attack on the same turn, that target must succeed
11 15 14 5 8 3
on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked
prone. The prowler can use its bonus action to
(+0) (+2) (+2) (-3) (-1) (-4)
make another claw attack against this target.
Damage Resistances​ cold, fire, lightning
Damage Immunities​ poison
Ambuscade.​ The prowler can use the dash or hide
Condition Immunities​ poisoned
action as a bonus action. Senses​ darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages​ Abyssal
Actions Challenge​ 1 (200 XP)
Multiattack.​ The prowler makes two claw attacks
and one bite attack. Actions
Multiattack.​ The demon makes two attacks, one
Claw.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
with its bite and one with its claws.
one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage.
one target. ​Hit:​ 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage. If

Claws.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., Using this ability, they can cause rockslides to
one target. ​Hit:​ 7 (2d4+2) slashing damage. hinder their prey’s escape, or to inflict critical
damage. The ability takes a great deal of energy,
Foul Odor (1/day).​ The demon emits a cloud of however, so many mountain lions use it
poisonous gas that fills a 20-foot sphere and cautiously, knowing that it will be some time
persists for 1 minute until it disperses into the before they can call upon it again if it is
surrounding air. The cloud spreads around squandered.
corners, and its area is heavily obscured. Any
creature that is completely within the cloud at the
start of its turn must make a DC 11 Constitution
Large beast, unaligned
saving throw against the poison. On a failed save,
the creature spends its action on that turn
Armor Class​ 15 (natural armor)
retching and reeling. Creatures immune to poison
Hit Points​ 37 (5d10 + 10)
are immune to this effect. A moderate wind (at Speed​ 40 ft., climb 30 ft.
least 10 miles per hour) disperses the cloud after
4 rounds. A strong wind (at least 20 miles per STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
hour) will disperse it after 1 round.
17 15 14 3 14 6
(+3) (+2) (+2) (-4) (+2) (-2)
The mountain lions of Humblewood’s Crest Skills​ Perception +4, Stealth +5
Mountains are more than the mere beasts Senses​ passive Perception 14
travelers may mistake them for. Covered in rocky Languages​ -
protrusions that serve to protect as well as Challenge​ 1 (200 XP)
camouflage, the mountain lions possess special
powers due to their ties to the elemental earth of Keen Smell.​ The mountain lion has advantage on
their territory. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Pounce.​ If the mountain lion moves at least 20 feet

MOUNTAIN STALKER  towards a creature and then hits it with its claw
Mountain lions live and hunt in their craggy attack on the same turn, the target must succeed a
mountain homes. They are natural climbers and DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
prefer to sneak up on unsuspecting prey to launch The mountain lion can make a bite attack against a
an ambush rather than engage in prolonged and prone target as a bonus action.
often deadly chases across the treacherous crags.
They tend to form small packs, families of about Actions
five to six animals with their young, usually with Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one female and many males who compete for the one target. ​Hit:​ 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
right to mate. These males often serve to work as
Claw.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
a hunting party for the larger female, and while
one target. ​Hit:​ 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
not as adept at pack hunting as wolves or the like,
a few mountain lions working together can take
Call Avalanche (1/rest).​ With a mystic roar, the
down dangerous creatures of unusual size,
mountain lion can call the very rocks of the
including basilisks and griffons.
mountain down. So long as it is in mountainous
ROAR OF THE EARTH   terrain, it can use its action to cause a rockslide to
fall within a 15 foot radius of a space it can see
Owing to the magic of the earth, to which these
within 60 feet. Creatures in this area must make a
creatures have a special connection, mountain
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (3d8)
lions can influence nearby rocks with their roar.

bludgeoning damage on a failure and half as much dissolved and decaying flesh from their latest
on a success. meal. Due to the slow speed at which they digest
their victims, it isn’t uncommon to see the bones
SLIME  of partially-digested meals through their ghastly
green exterior. These remains move within the
Deep in the marshes of the Mokk Fields lie
slimes in a macabre semblance of motion. The
swamplands. There the water is murky and
phenomena has earned these creatures the
brackish, and the smell of death and rot permeates
nickname ‘green puppeteers’.
the air in spite of the green foliage that surrounds
the area. In this strange place, where the worlds of
life and death intertwine, lie some of the most
This particular species of slime has developed a
unusual natural predators in Humblewood.
naturally occurring acid that can slowly eat away
Collectively known as ‘slimes’, these ooze
at stone and metal, and is extremely hazardous to
creatures move slowly through the muck,
organic materials, including flesh and bone. Even
well-camouflaged by the dark and pungent waters,
the trail they leave behind is dangerous. Many
and they devour anything that comes within
would-be heroes have met a grisly demise after
being engulfed by these strange creatures.
Fortunately for many swampland travelers, slimes
have fairly slow metabolisms, and can go without
food for long periods of time if they have caught a
large enough meal. Slimes are easily provoked, The acid produced by these slimes is highly valued
however, and while it isn’t difficult to outrun a by wizards, alchemists, and scientists for its
slime even through swamp muck, some who have potential uses. It is said to be a reagent in
wandered into a slime territory only find out too powerful sorcery and an ingredient in potent
late that they have been detected. potions. Some even claim it can be distilled into
In addition to being an important part of the useful applications, like a solvent for metallurgists
ecosystem, many slimes are naturally magical, or and builders.
contain organic materials which are in high
demand among mages, scholars, and other such CAUSTIC SLIME 
researchers across Humblewood. While slime Medium ooze, unaligned
hunting is a dangerous prospect, the perch of
Armor Class​ 11 (natural armor)
Winnowing Reach was built on the labour of
Hit Points​ 17 (2d8 + 8)
so-called ‘slime wranglers’, hunters whose skill at
Speed​ 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
collecting valuable organic residue from live
slimes has been responsible for changing the once STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
minor outpost into a thriving site for scholarly
innovation. 15 6 18 1 6 1
Slimes come in three main types that scholars (+2) (-2) (+4) (-5) (-2) (-5)
have thus far classified, but as magical creatures
with strange properties, it’s speculated that more Damage Immunities ​acid
elusive slime species might exist somewhere in Condition Immunities​ blinded, charmed,
the vast bogs. The three that are known are: deafened, exhaustion, frightened, p ne
Senses​ blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
caustic slimes​, ​shifting slimes​, and ​sticky
passive Perception 8
slimes​. Languages​ -
Challenge​ 1/4 (50 XP)
These pale green oozes have a faintly chemical Amorphous.​ The slime can move through a space
odor, which often mixes with the smell of as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Spider Climb.​ The slime can climb difficult Luckily for would-be slime hunters, shifting slimes
surfaces, including vertically and upside down, seem capable of containing only one type of
without making an ability check. energy at a time.

Caustic.​ Any creature that touches the slime or MANIFESTATION OF STORED ENERGY 
hits it with a melee attack must succeed a DC 12 After absorbing energy, these slimes will take on
Dexterity saving throw or take 2 (1d4) points of varied appearances that mimic the energy itself.
acid damage. This generally results in a change in the color of
the slimes corresponding to the type of energy
Actions they absorbed. Due to the rarity of shifting slimes,
Pseudopod.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach only a handful of researchers have been able to
5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2) points of acid witness and record these changes, but their
damage. insights have proven invaluable to
slime-wranglers. Consult the following table to see
Reactions what color the slime will become based on the
Split.​ When a slime that is Medium or larger and type of the energy it has absorbed:
has 10 or more hit points is hit with slashing
damage, it splits into two new slimes. Each new Damage Type Slime Colour
slime has hit points equal to half the original
slime's, rounded down. New slimes are one size Acid Lime Green
smaller than the previous size.
Cold Ice Blue
SHIFTING SLIME  Fire Bright Crimson
A type of large and fluid ooze, shifting slimes have
been known to selectively bioluminesce in dark Force Clear
places to lure in prey. Their residue is a potent
reagent and is highly valued, but it is hard to come Lightning Vibrant Yellow
by. Despite their size, these slimes are elusive and
Necrotic Dark Black
generally spend their time below ground where
visibility is low. They can be difficult to locate as Poison Dark Green
they often conceal themselves through
camouflage. Psychic Bright Violet

ADAPTIVE DEFENSES  Radiant Warm Orange

This type of slime seems to harness magical Thunder Bright White
energy within its form. They can absorb energy
passively over time, but they are also capable of
redirecting large jolts of energy from even the
most powerful spells. It is unclear exactly how Large ooze, unaligned
much energy shifting slimes can store, and for
how long, leaving many scholars and mages Armor Class​ 10 (natural armor)
desperate to learn more. Hit Points​ 31 (3d10 + 15)
It also seems that shifting slimes develop a Speed​ 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
temporary immunity to types of energy after
absorbing a certain amount of that same energy. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
This immunity in turn makes it exceptionally 14 5 20 1 6 1
difficult to destroy the slimes with that element. (+2) (-3) (+5) (-5) (-2) (-5)

slime's, rounded down. New slimes are one size
Damage Immunities​ Special; see Adaptive ability smaller than the previous size. New shifting slimes
Condition Immunities​ blinded, charmed, each have the same damage type immunity as
deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone their parent slime.
Senses​ blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
passive Perception 8 Adaptive.​ When the slime is targeted by a spell
Languages​ - that deals damage, it can become immune to that
Challenge​ 1/2 (100 XP)
damage type for 1 hour. The slime can only be
immune to one damage type at a time.
Amorphous.​ The slime can move through a space
as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Spider Climb.​ The slime can climb difficult A semi-solid type of ooze, sticky slimes are far
surfaces, including vertically and upside down, more robust than their cousins, and experienced
without making an ability check. slime wranglers know to never attack them
directly with weapons. The rubbery and gummy
Actions bodies of sticky slimes can suck a blade out of a
Pseudopod.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach wielder's hands before they can react, leaving the
5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2) acid damage. The attacker defenseless​.
target is grappled (escape DC 13). Until this
grapple ends, the target is restrained and the TRUE TO FORM 
shifting slime can’t make a pseudopod attack Sticky slimes are wholly described by their name.
against another target. They leave a trail of extremely viscous and
adhesive residue in their wake. While the residue
Swallow.​ The shifting slime makes one pseudopod itself isn’t entirely dangerous to people, other than
attack against a target it is grappling that is at trapping them where they stand, sticky slimes
least one size smaller than itself. If the attack hits, tend to live in proximity of other, more dangerous
the target is swallowed, and the grapple ends. The slimes. Being stuck is one thing, but being stuck
swallowed target is restrained, it has total cover while also dealing with a caustic slime or two can
against attacks and other effects outside the prove fatal.
shifting slime, and it must make a DC 13
Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its STICKY SLIME 
turns taking 3 (1d6) acid damage on a failure. If Medium ooze, unaligned
the shifting slime used its adaptive ability to
become immune to a damage type, the damage
Armor Class​ 9 (natural armor)
dealt to the target on a failed save becomes that Hit Points​ 13 (2d8 + 4)
type instead. The shifting slime can have only one Speed​ 15 ft., climb 15 ft.
target swallowed at a time.
If the shifting slime dies, a swallowed creature is STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
no longer restrained by it, and may move freely as
the body of the slime quivers and neutralizes into
12 3 14 1 6 1
an inert puddle of goo.
(+1) (-4) (+2) (-5) (-2) (-5)

Damage Resistances​ bludgeoning, piercing, and

Split.​ When a slime that is Medium or larger and Condition Immunities​ blinded, charmed,
has 10 or more hit points is hit with slashing deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
damage, it splits into two new slimes. Each new Senses​ blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius),
slime has hit points equal to half the original passive Perception 8

Languages​ - someone only willing tell the story softly and
Challenge​ 1/8 (25 XP) reluctantly, you’ll know you’ve found the real
Amorphous.​ The slime can move through a space
as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. DEVOURER OF MEN 
Slime Trail.​ The slime leaves a trail of ooze behind Wakewyrms are over a hundred feet long,
it that remains sticky for up to 15 minutes. A weighing over 1000 tons, with lashing tails and
creature that steps in the ooze must succeed a DC snapping jaws. They don’t sink ships so often as
12 Strength saving throw or become restrained. A they pluck sailors from the decks, dragging them
creature may attempt the saving throw again at into the water below with hardly more than a yelp
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a and a splash. However, ships have been known to
success. crash against the rocks of distant shores once
divested of their crew. Wakewyrms feed almost
Mucus.​ When the slime is hit by a melee attack, constantly, and while they possess razor sharp
the attacker must succeed a DC 12 Strength saving teeth, these creatures prefer a swift grab and
throw or their weapon becomes stuck in the slime. swallow tactic, filling their gullet with as many
The weapon can be wrenched out by using an creatures as they can and letting their strong
action to make a Strength (Athletics) check against stomachs take care of their meals. While a fine
the same DC, freeing the weapon on a success. All tactic for devouring fish or other large marine
weapons stuck in the slime can be retrieved once creatures, wakewyrms that have swallowed
the slime is slain. adventurers sometimes find the meal too much to
Pseudopod.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach WAKEWYRM 
5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning Huge beast, unaligned
Armor Class​ 16 (natural armor)

WAKEWYRM  Hit Points​ 123 (13d10 + 52)

Speed​ 20 ft., swim 50 ft.
Wakewyrms are massive reptiles that have
qualities of both snakes and eels. On rare STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
occasions they can be seen close to the shores of
the Talongrip Coast. Their name originates from
20 14 18 3 12 3
the powerful tidal waves their bodies cause, which (+5) (+2) (+4) (-4) (+1) (-4)
pose a considerable threat to nearby vessels.
Skills​ Stealth +6
OCEAN TALES  Senses​ passive Perception 11
Languages​ -
Despite their size, wakewyrms are elusive Challenge​ 6 (2,300 XP)
creatures, able to hide perfectly within the vast
expanse of the ocean. This, coupled with the fact Hold Breath.​ The wakewyrm can hold its breath
that few who encounter these beasts live to tell for 1 hour.
the tale, have bred many rumors about the exact
nature of wakewyrms. All sailors know at least a Actions
few tales of bizarre creatures out at sea, including Multiattack.​ The wakewyrm makes two attacks,
the wakewyrms that live in the deep water and one with its bite and one with its tail, or two bite
sink ships. A sure way to identify a tall tale on the attacks.
subject is an excited teller. When you find

Bite.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +8 to hit, reach 20 ft.,
one target. ​Hit:​ 15 (3d6 + 5) piercing damage. The
target must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving
throw or be grappled (escape DC 16). The
wakewyrm can only grapple one creature at a
time, and cannot make bite attacks against other
creatures while it has a creature grappled.

Tail. ​Melee Weapon Attack: ​+8​ ​to hit, reach 25 ft.,

one target. ​Hit:​ 18 (3d8+5) bludgeoning damage.

Swallow.​ The wakewyrm makes a bite attack

against a Large or smaller creature it is grappling,
and if the attack hits the target is swallowed, and
the grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded
and restrained, it has total cover against attacks
and other effects outside the wakewyrm, and it
takes 11 (3d6) acid damage at the start of each of
the wakewyrm’s turns. If the wakewyrm takes 18
or more points of damage from a creature inside
of it, the wakewyrm must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn
or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall
prone in a space within 10 feet of the wakewyrm.
If the wakewyrm dies, a swallowed creature is no
longer restrained by it, and it can escape from the
corpse using 20 feet of movement. After death,
internal gasses keep the wakewyrm’s body afloat
for several hours, until it begins to sink gradually
into the deep.


Below are stat blocks for NPCs which you can use for the purposes of creating or editing encounters in
Many of the birdfolk NPCs listed here can be used as they are, but they can also be further customized using
the rules for NPC creation that follow this section.
Staff.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
B IRDFOLK ARMER F   one target. ​Hit:​ 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Simple farmers can be found across the Wood,
providing necessary food and supplies for the
cities. There are many places in Humblewood
Many aspiring recruits flock to the Perch Guard
where the idea of digging up large swaths of soil
headquarters in the capital of Alderheart to join
would either be impractical or damaging to the
their ranks. After successful training, many are
forest. Farming in the canopy of the Wood
welcomed back in their home perches with
generally consists of growing gardens of flowering
celebration and cheer where they serve in their
moss or fruit-bearing vines on the branches of
new capacity with pride. These guards are a large
perch trees. These sorts of farms also include the
perch’s first line of defense and are tasked with
raising of large insects for food, or silkworms for
protecting cities as well as any nearby villages
which might come to them for aid. In larger cities
like Alderheart, the Perch Guard are also
B IRDFOLK ARMER F   responsible for dealing with internal issues like
Medium humanoid (any birdfolk), any alignment robberies and bar fights, as well as rooting out and
arresting perpetrators of criminal activity.
Armor Class​ 10
Hit Points​ 4 (1d8)
Speed​ 30 ft. BIRDFOLK UARD G  
Medium humanoid (any birdfolk), any lawful
10 10 10 10 10 10 Armor Class​ 16 (chain shirt and shield)
(+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) (+0) Hit Points​ 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed​ 30 ft.
Senses​ passive Perception 10
Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
but doesn’t speak it.
Challenge​ 0 (10 XP) 13 12 12 10 10 10
(+1) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the farmer can
spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one Skills​ Perception +2
direction as they descend. They land in an Senses​ passive Perception 12
unoccupied space at the end of their movement, Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran,
and take no falling damage. They cannot glide but doesn't speak it.
while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or Challenge​ 1/8 (25 XP)
shields (though they can drop any held items as
Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the guard can
part of their reaction).
spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one
Actions direction as they descend. They land in an
unoccupied space at the end of their movement,
and take no falling damage. They cannot glide

while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons Actions
(though they can drop any held items as part of Mace.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
their reaction).
one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Spear.​ ​Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 4 BIRDFOLK SKIRMISHER 
(1d6 + 1) piercing damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing The bulk of the Perch Guard’s military force are a
damage if used with two hands to make a melee type of light infantry referred to as ‘The Spears’.
attack. They train relentlessly with polearm weapons
perfectly suited for branch-to-branch combat.

BIRDFOLK MILITIA  Many are also skilled in attacking at range with

these weapons, as well as performing special
In smaller perches, where a guard force may be
diving maneuvers, making them an even greater
minimal or nonexistent, the majority of town
threat to those below. In times of peace, they often
security consists of a locally-organized militia.
serve as skilled hunters, following the direction of
Anyone can enlist in these groups, provided they
the trackers to collect enough food for whole
are upstanding citizens. They can be called upon
by the Perch Guard to perform duties ranging
from policing streets to supplementing military
Medium humanoid (any birdfolk), any lawful


Medium humanoid (any birdfolk), any alignment Armor Class​ 14 (chain shirt)
Hit Points​ 11 (2d8 + 2)
Armor Class​ 12 (leather armor) Speed​ 30 ft.
Hit Points​ 9 (2d8)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 12 12 10 10 10
(+2) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
12 10 12 10 10 10
(+1) (+0) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0) Skills​ Athletics +4
Senses​ passive Perception 10
Senses​ passive Perception 10 Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran,
Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran, but doesn't speak it.
but doesn't speak it. Challenge​ 1/8 (25 XP)
Challenge​ 1/8 (25 XP)

Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the skirmisher

Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the birdfolk can spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one
militia can spend a reaction to fly up to their speed direction as they descend. They land in an
in one direction as they descend. They land in an unoccupied space at the end of their movement,
unoccupied space at the end of their movement, and take no falling damage. They cannot glide
and take no falling damage. They cannot glide while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or
while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or shields (though they can drop any held items as
shields (though they can drop any held items as part of their reaction).
part of their reaction).

Drop Attack. ​The skirmisher can make an attack Standing Leap.​ The bandit general’s long jump is
during their glide. If they do so they deal an extra 30 feet, and their base high jump is 15 feet, with or
1d8 points of damage. without a running start.

Actions Actions
Spear.​ ​Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, Multiattack.​ The general makes three melee
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 attacks, two with their scimitar and one with their
(1d6 + 2) piercing damage, or 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing dagger. Alternatively, the general can make two
damage if used with two hands to make a melee
ranged attack with their daggers.
Scimitar.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
At the top of a local bandit clan sits a general, a Dagger.​ ​Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +5 to
battle-tested warrior and master strategist who hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5
can coordinate the disparate bands of thieves and (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
assassins that make up the collective. While
military monikers are often used to refer to bandit Reactions
leadership, more than combat prowess is needed Parry.​ The general adds 2 to their AC against one
to maintain order in these volatile organizations. A melee attack that would hit them. The general
dominating personality and charismatic voice are must see the attacker and be wielding a melee
as valuable to these leaders as a swift blade and a weapon.
keen mind. While a cervans are not typically found
in this role, their practical skills and ability to CORVUM NECROMANCER 
survive in even the most adverse situations make Every sentient being is susceptible to the lure of
those with ambition a natural fit for command. necromancy. The promise of seeing lost loved
ones again, or raising an army of powerful
CERVAN BANDIT GENERAL  minions, can sometimes be difficult to resist, and
Medium Humanoid (cervan), neutral evil the birdfolk of Humblewood are not immune to
that lure. To help curb this curiosity, professors at
Armor Class​ 15 (studded leather) The Avium teach necromancy in theory only, but
Hit Points​ 65 (10d8 + 20) intrepid students have been known to pursue its
Speed​ 35 ft. more practical applications in secret. Corvums,
being sure of their intellect, are often willing to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA challenge traditions in order to learn more about
14 17 14 14 11 14 the world. This kind of recklessness has led more
than one Corvum down the path of the dark arts.
(+2) (+3) (+2) (+2) (+0) (+2)

Saving Throws​ Dex +5, Cha +4

Skills​ Deception +4, Persuasion +4 CORVUM NECROMANCER 
Senses​ passive Perception 10 Medium humanoid (corvum), any evil alignment
Languages​ Cervan, Birdfolk.
Challenge​ 2 (450 XP) Armor Class​ 12 (15 with ​mage armor)​
Hit Points​ 49 (9d8+9)
Surge of Vigor (1/long rest). ​If an attack deals Speed​ 30 ft.
over half of the bandit general’s hit points in
damage, the bandit general immediately heals 8 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
(1d12 + 2) hit points.

9 14 12 18 10 14 Actions
(-1) (+2) (+1) (+4) (+0) (+2) Staff​.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack: +​ 2 to hit, reach 5 ft. ,
one target. ​Hit:​ 2 (1d6 -1) bludgeoning damage or
Saving Throws​ Int +7, Wis +3 3 (1d8-1) bludgeoning damage if wielded with
Skills​ Arcana +7, Deception +5, Medicine +3 both hands.
Senses​ passive Perception 10
Languages​ Birdfolk plus any two languages. Can Talons.​ Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
also understand Auran, but doesn't speak it. one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage.
Challenge​ 6 (2,300 XP)

Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the GALLUS DRUID 

necromancer can spend a reaction to fly up to The gallus of Humblewood have an especially
their speed in one direction as they descend. They
deep connection with nature. Hanera teaches
land in an unoccupied space at the end of their
them to see the world from the forest floor,
movement, and take no falling damage. They
cannot glide while carrying heavy objects, heavy instead of the canopy, and this is a message many
weapons, or shields (though they can drop any gallus have taken to heart. Out of this reverence
held items as part of their reaction). for nature, many gallus dedicate themselves to the
study and preservation of the Wood. Some
Talons.​ The necromancer has advantage on become wardens of the forest, while others act as
Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb any guides. A select few with a unique connection to
surface their talons could reasonably grip.
flora and fauna develop incredible powers and
abilities. These druids can sprout up trees and
Convincing. ​The necromancer has advantage on
all Charisma checks used to convince someone of mend injured animals with a mere touch. They are
their knowledge of subject matter pertaining to revered among birdfolk and humblefolk alike as
the Arcana skill. spiritual leaders and wise councils.

Life Leech.​ Once per turn when the necromancer GALLUS DRUID 
kills one or more creatures with a spell of 1st level Medium humanoid (gallus), any neutral alignment
or higher, they can regain hit points equal to twice
the level of the spell, or three times the level if it is
Armor Class​ 12 (17 with ​barkskin)​
a necromancy spell.
Hit Points​ 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed​ 30 ft.
Spellcasting.​ The necromancer is a 9th-level
spellcaster. Their spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
attacks). The necromancer has the following 12 13 14 10 17 10
wizard spells prepared:
(+1) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+3) (+0)
Cantrips (at will): ​chill touch, light, mage hand,
prestidigitation Skills​ Insight +6, Nature +3, Medicine +6,
1st level (4 slots): ​disguise self, false life*, mage Perception +6
armor, magic missile Senses​ passive Perception 16
2nd level (3 slots): ​misty step, suggestion, ray of Languages​ Birdfolk, Druidic, Sylvan. Can also
enfeeblement* understand Auran, but doesn't speak it.
3rd level (3 slots): ​animate dead*,​ ​counterspell, Challenge​ 4 (1,100 XP)
4th level (3 slots): ​greater invisibility, blight* Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the druid can
5th level (1 slot): ​dominate person spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one
direction as they descend. They land in an
*necromancy spell of 1st level or higher unoccupied space at the end of their movement,

and take no falling damage. They cannot glide allies within the aura have advantage on
while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or Wisdom (Perception) checks.
shields (though they can drop any held items as ● Unicorn Spirit.​ If a spell that requires a spell
part of their reaction). slot heals the druid or allies in the aura, each
creature of the druid's choice also gains 4 hit
​ s a bonus action, the druid can use
Wing Flap. A points.
their powerful feathered arms to propel
themselves upward 15 feet. The druid can use it in HEDGE WITCH 
conjunction with a regular jump, but not while Admission to the Avium is an honour awarded to
gliding. only the most studious and diligent, and there are
those who travel to Humblewood to learn the
Seedspeech. T ​ he druid can communicate simple arcane arts only to be turned away. Most return
ideas to living plants, and is able to interpret their
the way they came, seeking other avenues of
responses in simple language.
learning. Some, though, spurred by their
immediate desire for knowledge, start on the path
Spellcasting.​ The druid is a 6th-level spellcaster. to becoming self-taught masters of arcana. Hedges
Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
are already connected to the natural magic of the
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The druid has the
following spells prepared: Wood, and many who pursue more individualistic
paths often make pacts with powerful fey or
Cantrips (at will): ​druidcraft, produce flame, elemental beings to learn secrets inaccessible to
shillelagh most traditional scholars.
1st level (4 slots): ​animal friendship, cure wounds,
entangle, fog cloud
2nd level (3 slots): ​barkskin, gust of wind,
moonbeam Small humanoid (hedge), any chaotic alignment
3rd level (3 slots): ​conjure animals, dispel magic,
wind wall Armor Class​ 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points​ 22 (5d8)
Actions Speed​ 25 ft., burrow 15 ft.
Staff.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
8 10 10 14 15 16
Spirit Totem. (1/day)​ As a bonus action, the druid
calls forth a nature spirit. The spirit appears at a
(-1) (+0) (+0) (+2) (+2) (+3)
point the druid can see within 60 feet. The spirit
Skills​ Arcana +4, Survival +4
creates a 30-foot radius aura. The spirit is neither
Senses​ passive Perception 12
an object nor a creature, but is a spectral beast. As
Languages​ Abyssal, Birdfolk, Hedge. Can also
a bonus action, the druid can move the spirit to speak with beasts of any size which represent
another location within 60 feet. The spirit lasts for spiders, insects, worms, or other bugs.
1 minute. Challenge​ 1 (200 XP)
● Bear Spirit.​ The druid and allies within the
Spellcasting.​ The witch is a 2nd-level spellcaster.
aura gain 9 temporary hit points and have
Their spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
advantage on Strength checks and saving
DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The witch has
the following warlock spells prepared:
● Hawk Spirit.​ The druid can use their reaction
to grant advantage to an ally's attack roll Cantrips (at will): ​eldritch blast, minor illusion
against a target in the aura. The druid and 1st level (2 slots): ​hellish rebuke, charm person,
unseen servant

Curl Up.​ As an action, the hedge witch can curl up, Skills​ Acrobatics +4, Sleight of Hand +4
exposing attackers to a wall of toughened quills. Senses​ passive Perception 12
While curled up in this way the hedge witch Languages​ Birdfolk, Jerbeen
cannot move, attack, or cast spells with somatic Challenge​ 1/2 (100 XP)
components, and their base armor class becomes
19. The hedge witch cannot benefit from any Standing Leap.​ The thief's long jump is up to 30
Dexterity bonus to armor class while curled up. feet and their high jump is up to 15 feet, with or
Any creature that misses the hedge witch with a without a running start.
melee attack while the hedge witch is curled up
takes 5 (2d4) points of piercing damage from their Team Tactics. T ​ he thief can take the Help action
sharp spines. If a creature hits the hedge witch to assist an ally they can see within 5 feet who can
while they are curled up, the hedge witch is see and hear them as a bonus action.
knocked prone in their space at the end of the
turn. The hedge witch may uncurl themselves at
any point during their turn.
Multiattack.​ The thief makes two dagger attacks.
Dark One's Blessing.​ When the witch reduces a
Dagger.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5
hostile creature to 0 hit points, they gain 5
ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
temporary hit points.
Repelling Blast.​ When the witch hits a creature
Opportunist.​ When a creature fails a melee attack
with ​eldritch blast​, they can push the creature up
roll against the thief, the thief can make a
to 10 feet away in a straight line.
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check against a DC
Actions equal to 10 + the target creature's Dexterity
modifier. On a success, the thief steals one item of
Staff.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +1 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the DMs choosing from the target. The item cannot
one target. ​Hit:​ 2 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage.
be actively held or worn by the target.
Fiendish Vigor.​ The witch can cast ​false life​ at will
as a 1st-level spell.
JERBEEN THIEF  It is a widely held belief among the birdfolk that
only those with keen and focused minds can truly
The jerbeens are a widespread race, especially in
master the subtle art of magic. For unknown
Humblewood. Their speed and nimbleness is the
reasons, perhaps a genetic trait or a unique
basis for the expression “quick as a jerbeen” and
manner of engaging with the world, Lumas appear
this, coupled with their natural charm, make them
able to tap into the mystical and magical forces of
perfectly suited for the thieving arts.
the world with ease.
Small humanoid (jerbeen), neutral evil
Small humanoid (luma), any alignment
Armor Class​ 13 (leather armor)
Hit Points​ 14 (4d6) Armor Class​ 12 (15 with mage armor)
Speed​ 30 ft. Hit Points​ 58 (13d6 + 13)
Speed​ 25 ft.
12 14 10 8 14 14
8 15 12 18 12 15
(+1) (+2) (+0) (-1) (+2) (+2)
(-1) (+2) (+1) (+4) (+1) (+3)

Skills​ Arcana +7, History +7
Damage Resistances ​poison
Senses​ passive Perception 11 Charming. (3/day)​ When a creature makes an
Languages​ Birdfolk, Auran, plus any three attack against the wizard, the creature must
languages succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
Challenge​ 6 (2,300 XP) target the next closest creature within range. If
multiple creatures are closest, the attacker
Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the wizard can
chooses. This feature does not work if there are no
spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one
other creatures within range.
direction as they descend. They land in an
unoccupied space at the end of their movement,
and take no falling damage. They cannot glide
while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or
Owing to their brash nature and general disregard
shields (though they can drop any held items as
for authority, the mapachs are particularly
part of their reaction).
distrusted by the birdfolk. Many see them as
lower-class citizens at best, and mapachs are
Wing Flap. A​ s a bonus action, the wizard can use
their powerful feathered arms to propel oftentimes judged to be criminals on sight.
themselves upward 15 feet. The wizard can use it Perhaps this is a self-fulfilling prophecy, as many
in conjunction with a regular jump, but not while mapachs, finding it hard to integrate into birdfolk
gliding. society, have turned to criminal endeavors to
survive. The local bandit forces are happy to
Fated (1/day). T​ he luma wizard can choose to exploit this, offering the displaced mapachs of the
reroll any attack, skill check, or saving throw. Wood shelter and a share of their spoils in
exchange for service.
Resilience. ​The luma wizard has advantage on
saving throws against poison. MAPACH BANDIT 
Medium humanoid (mapach), neutral evil
Spellcasting.​ The wizard is a 10th-level
spellcaster. Their spellcasting ability is Armor Class​ 12 (leather armor)
Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell Hit Points​ 9 (2d8)
attacks). The wizard has the following spells Speed​ 30 ft., climb 10 ft.
Cantrips (at will): ​chill touch, fire bolt, minor 12 13 10 8 12 12
illusion, prestidigitation, ray of frost (+1) (+1) (+0) (-1) (+1) (+1)
1st level (4 slots): ​charm person, detect magic,
mage armor, shield, sleep, thunderwave Senses​ Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 11
2nd level (3 slots): ​darkness, hold person, ray of Damage Resistances ​poison
enfeeblement Languages​ Birdfolk, Mapach
3rd level (3 slots): ​counterspell, fireball Challenge​ 1/8 (25 XP)
4th level (3 slots): ​banishment, stellar bodies
5th level (2 slots): ​conjure elemental, mislead Resilience. ​The mapach bandit has advantage on
saving throws against being poisoned.
Staff.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., Skulker.​ The mapach bandit has advantage on
Stealth checks made in dim light or total darkness.
one target. ​Hit:​ 2 (1d6 - 1) bludgeoning damage.


Short sword.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing ​ reatures who attack the ranger
Aerial Defense. C
damage. while the ranger is falling, gliding, or jumping have
disadvantage on their attack roll.
Short bow.​ ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit,
reach 80/320 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 4 (1d6 + 1)
Hunter. (3/day)​ As a bonus action, the ranger can
piercing damage.
deal an extra 1d10 damage on their next attack
made with a short or longbow.

The iconic image associated with the birdfolk in Spellcasting.​ The ranger is a 3rd-level spellcaster.
stories and legends is that of the raptor ranger. Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC
Outfitted for rough living in the wilds, the rangers 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The ranger has the
are consummate archers and exceptional hunters, following spells prepared:
and none among the birdfolk races fit that bill 1st level (3 slots): ​cure wounds, fog cloud, hunter's
better than the raptors. With their supernatural mark, protection from good and evil
eyesight and quick reflexes, they roam the forests
and stalk their prey with ease. The raptor ranger Actions
listed here is outfitted with a ​red-feather bow​.
Multiattack.​ The ranger makes two red-feather

RAPTOR RANGER  bow attacks.

Small humanoid (raptor), any neutral alignment Red-Feather Bow.​ ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +8 to
hit, 80/320 feet, one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (1d6 + 4)
Armor Class​ 15 (studded leather) piercing damage.
Hit Points​ 66 (12d6 + 24)
Speed​ 25 ft. Dagger.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., range 20/60, one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d4 + 3)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA piercing damage.
12 16 14 10 16 8
(+1) (+3) (+2) (-1) (+3) (-1) Talons.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Senses​ passive Perception 14
Languages​ Birdfolk, Mapach. Can also understand Arrow Sight. (3/day)​ When the ranger attacks
Auran, but doesn't speak it. with their red-feather bow, they can use their
Challenge​ 4 (1,100 XP) bonus action to see from the point the arrow
struck as if they were there. If the arrow strikes a
Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the ranger can creature, the ranger can see from the creature’s
spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one perspective. This effect lasts until the beginning of
direction as they descend. They land in an the ranger's next turn.
unoccupied space at the end of their movement,
and take no falling damage. They cannot glide
while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or SEABIRD DOCKMASTER 
shields (though they can drop any held items as While some find it odd to see birdfolk working the
part of their reaction). docks and ships of Saltar’s Port, the sea is a way of
life for some people, and jobs in the seafaring
Talons.​ The ranger rolls advantage on Strength industry are as respected as they are tough. For
(Athletics) checks made to climb any surface their the birdfolk that choose to ply their trade on the
talons could reasonably grip. water, life is all about order and efficiency. One

improperly stowed barrel or poorly lashed line Dagger.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +6 to hit, reach 5
can spell disaster on the sea, and those tasked ft., range 20/60, one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d4 + 3)
with overseeing the work take their jobs very piercing damage.


For those birdfolk who take up the craft of
Medium humanoid (any birdfolk), any alignment
seafaring, their home is as much at sea as it is at
port. They relish the salt spray and stiff winds, and
Armor Class​ 14 (leather)
find the closed spaces of forest life to be stifling
Hit Points​ 55 (10d8 + 10)
Speed​ 30 ft. compared to the wide-open expanse of the sea.


10 16 13 8 13 15 Medium humanoid (any birdfolk), any alignment
(+0) (+3) (+1) (-1) (+1) (+2)
Armor Class​ 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points​ 11 (2d8 + 2)
Senses​ passive Perception 14
Speed​ 30 ft.
Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran,
but doesn't speak it.
Challenge​ 3 (700 XP) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 13 12 10 10 10
Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the
(+1) (+1) (+1) (+0) (+0) (+0)
dockmaster can spend a reaction to fly up to their
speed in one direction as they descend. They land
Senses​ passive Perception 10
in an unoccupied space at the end of their
Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran,
movement, and take no falling damage. They but doesn't speak it.
cannot glide while carrying heavy objects, heavy Challenge​ 1/8 (25 XP)
weapons, or shields (though they can drop any
held items as part of their reaction). Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the sailor can
spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one
Confidence.​ The dockmaster adds their Charisma direction as they descend. They land in an
modifier to their initiative rolls. unoccupied space at the end of their movement,
and take no falling damage. They cannot glide
Sneak Attack.​ Once per turn, the dockmaster while carrying heavy objects, heavy weapons, or
deals an extra 3 (1d6) damage when they hit a shields (though they can drop any held items as
target with a weapon attack and they have part of their reaction).
advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
within 5 ft. of an ally of the dockmaster that isn't
Shortsword.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit, reach
incapacitated and the dockmaster doesn't have
5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
disadvantage on the attack roll.

Actions Light Crossbow.​ ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +3 to hit,

range 80/320 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d8 + 2)
Multiattack.​ The dockmaster makes two saber
piercing damage.
attacks and one dagger attack.

Saber.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., Peculiar Design 

one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Birdfolk ship design often causes confusion among 
other seafaring races due to the relative absence of 

rigging. While cordage is needed to keep sails in  Glide.​ When falling at least 10 feet, the strig knight
place and cargo stored, nets and climbing ropes  can spend a reaction to fly up to their speed in one
prove less necessary when the crew is capable of 
limited flight. It is more often the case that a  direction as they descend. They land in an
birdfolk sailor will simply lash a rope to their leg,  unoccupied space at the end of their movement,
open their wings, and let the ocean breeze carry  and take no falling damage. They cannot glide
them up to the sails or to a lookout post on the 
while carrying heavy objects, or heavy weapons
main mast.  
  (though they can drop any held items as part of
their reaction).
While the Perch Guard produces many skilled Talons.​ The knight rolls advantage on Strength
soldiers, only those who possess a great degree of (Athletics) checks made to climb any surface their
talent are trained to become knights. The knights talons could reasonably grip.
of Alderheart’s Perch Guard are taught how to
protect others by using their combat training to
create opportunities for their allies to regroup or Multiattack.​ The knight makes two short sword
retreat as necessary. Their heavily-armoured attacks.
fighting style means they can stand as a bulwark
to hold the line against even the fiercest of Short Sword.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit,
enemies. Because the fighting style of the knight is reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
one which prizes endurance and resolve above all damage.
else, it is only natural that strigs would be drawn
to it. The strig knight listed here is equipped with Talons.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
a ​wing crest shield​. one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. The
knight can choose to grapple a target hit by this
STRIG KNIGHT  attack as a bonus action.
Medium humanoid (strig), any lawful alignment
Wing Crest Shield. (3/day)​ The knight casts the
Armor Class​ 18 (half plate, shield) gust of wind​ spell outward from the shield's face.
Hit Points​ 37 (5d8 + 15) This spell lasts until the start of the knight's next
Speed​ 30 ft. turn.


16 10 16 8 13 12 VULPIN CAPTAIN 
(+3) (+0) (+3) (-1) (+2) (+1) The captains are a respected rank among the
bandit forces, leading individual units on raids and
Senses​ Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 ambushes, and sometimes running the operations
Languages​ Birdfolk. Can also understand Auran, of entire camps. Their involvement with
but doesn't speak it. day-to-day operations grants them a certain
Challenge​ 3 (700 XP) rapport even with low-ranking bandits. They are
also among the more skilled warriors and
Maneuver. (2/day)​ When the knight hits with an assassins, and their prowess allows them to rally
attack, they can choose to maneuver the enemy or kowtow those foolish enough to consider
out of position, granting an ally within 5 feet of the desertion. Vlupins, with their natural ambition,
target the opportunity to use their reaction to cunning, and force of personality, can be readily
move away from this enemy at half their found climbing the ranks of bandit organizations
movement speed without provoking an attack of in this way.

VULPIN CAPTAIN  Parry.​ The captain adds 2 to their AC against one
Medium humanoid (vulpin), neutral evil
melee attack that would hit them per round. The
Armor Class​ 14 (studded leather armor) captain must see the attacker and be wielding a
Hit Points​ 27 (5d8+5) melee weapon.
Speed​ 30 ft.


13 15 12 14 14 12
(+1) (+2) (+1) (+2) (+2) (+1)

Skills​ Acrobatics +4
Senses​ Darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15
Languages​ Birdfolk, Vulpin
Challenge​ 1 (200 XP)

Evasive.​ The vulpin captain adds their Intelligence

modifier as a bonus to their Dexterity saving
Multiattack.​ The captain makes two attacks.

Bite. ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Short sword.​ ​Melee Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit,

reach 5 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing

Short bow.​ ​Ranged Weapon Attack:​ +4 to hit,

reach 80/320 ft., one target. ​Hit:​ 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.

If you would like to adjust an existing NPC or
monster, or create one from scratch, follow these CORVUM
steps to create birdfolk or humblefolk NPCs to use Desperate for knowledge as a means of power,
in your own adventures. corvums are usually found in positions of power
or influence. Their quest for power leads many to
BIRDFOLK NPCS  become warlocks or assassins.
To make a corvum NPC, add +2 to the base
You can turn any NPC into a birdfolk of your creature’s Intelligence score, and gain the Learned
choice by making the following changes to its base trait from their core race and abilities from a
stat block. You can also use these rules to further sub-race listed below.
customize the generic birdfolk NPCs included in
this book. Birdfolk are Medium-sized and use the Kindled Corvums​, gain the Convincing ability
base speed of the NPC unless otherwise specified. from their sub-race, while ​Dusk Corvums​ gain the
Skulker ability from their sub-race.
All birdfolk have feathered arms capable of gliding GALLUS
short distances and slowing their fall speed. Add Salt of the earth folk, gallus are as hearty as they
Glide to the passive traits of the creature. Ignore come. They can often be found as soldiers, leaders,
heavy armor in this glide. Birdfolk with heavy or spiritualists.
weapons or shields in their stat block should be To make a gallus NPC, add +2 to the base
allowed to glide with them. creature’s Wisdom score and abilities from a
sub-race listed below.
If your creature is a corvum, raptor, or strig, they
Bright Gallus​ gain the Inspiring ability from their
have taloned hands. Make sure to add Talons to
sub-race, while ​Huden Gallus​ gain the
their attacks, and calculate attack and damage
Seedspeech ability from their sub-race.
bonuses for it using either Strength or Dexterity,
including proficiency. The base damage for these
attacks is 1d4 piercing damage. Birdfolk with
Talons also roll advantage on Strength (Athletics) Odd as they may be, lumas have an innate
checks made to climb. connection to the arcane, lending them magical
If your creature is a gallus or luma, they have abilities or simply an aura of charisma. They are
much more developed wings. They have Wing just as at home in a ballroom as a mage’s tower.
Flap, an ability that can propel them upwards into To make a luma NPC, add +2 to the base creature’s
the air at a distance equal to half their base Charisma score, as well as the Fated ability from
movement speed. This costs a bonus action to use, their core race. First, make the following
and cannot be used to gain height while gliding. adjustments to the base creature’s stat block:

LANGUAGES Size.​ Lumas are Small-sized.

Birdfolk all speak Birdfolk. Birdfolk can also Speed.​ Lumas have a base movement speed of 25
understand Auran, the elemental language of air. feet.
While they don't naturally speak this language, it
is possible for them to learn it. Then add abilities from a sub-race listed below.

RACIAL ABILITIES Sera Lumas​ gain the Songbird ability from their
The different races of birdfolk have their own sub-race, while ​Sable Lumas​ gain the following
ways of viewing the world, and each possesses adjustments:
different adaptations for making their way in the
Wood. Every birdfolk race has two sub-races, and Damage Resistance.​ Sable lumas are resistant to
each sub-race confers a different set of abilities, poison damage.
listed below.

Resilience.​ Sable lumas roll with advantage on HUMBLEFOLK NPCS 
saving throws against being poisoned. You can turn any NPC into a humblefolk of your
choice by making the following changes to its base
RAPTOR stat block. Humblefolk are Medium-sized and use
Consummate hunters, raptors are at home in the base speed of the NPC unless otherwise
forests and other dark places. They make skilled specified.
rangers and rogues.
To make a raptor NPC, add +2 to the base CERVAN
creature’s Dexterity score and they can use the Hearty and practical, cervans can find themselves
Longbow without the penalty their size would at home virtually anywhere, though many prefer
normally confer. First, make the following the life of a recluse, often accompanied by or living
adjustments to the base creature’s stat block: with only a handful of close companions with
whom they have formed strong connections.
Size.​ Raptors are Small-sized. To make a Cervan NPC, add +2 to the base
Speed.​ Raptors have a base movement speed of 25 creature’s Constitution score, and give them the
feet. Surge of Vigor ability from their core race. First,
make the following adjustments to the base
Then, add abilities from a sub-race listed below. creature’s stat block:

Mistral Raptors​ gain the Aerial Defense ability Languages. ​Cervans speak Cervan and Birdfolk.
from their sub-race, while ​Maran Raptors​ gain
the Patient ability from their sub-race along with Then, add abilities from a sub-race listed below.
the following adjustment:
Grove Cervan.​ Grove cervans are agile and quick,
Speed.​ Maran raptors have a swim speed of 30 ft. and are well-suited to being scouts, skirmishers,
or rangers.
Fond of the wilderness and physical prowess, Speed. ​Grove cervans have a base walking speed
strigs are generally loners, survivalists, and of 35 feet.
fighters. They value personal achievement.
To make a strig NPC, add +2 to the base creature’s Additionally, give them either the Standing Leap
Strength score, and give them the Patterned or Nimble Step ability from this sub-race.
Feathers ability from their core race. First, make
the following adjustments to the base creature’s Pronghorn Cervan.​ Pronghorn cervans are taller
stat block: and heavier than their grove counterparts, and
possesses a full set of antlers. They generally hold
Senses. ​Strigs have Darkvision out to 60 feet. positions of authority and spirituality within their
communities, in roles such as warleaders, seers, or
Then, add abilities from a sub-race listed below. priests, but those who have left these circles
behind can easily find work as mercenaries due to
Swift Strigs​ gain the following: their size and strength.
Add Antlers to the base creature’s attacks, and
Speed. ​Swift strig have a base walking speed of 35 calculate attack and damage bonuses for it using
feet. their Strength score. The base damage for this
attack is 1d6 piercing damage. Additionally, give
Stout Strigs​ gain the following: them either the Robust Build ability from this
sub-race, or this ability:
Brawler. W​ henever a stout strig hits with their
talon attack, they may choose to grapple their Charge.​ If the pronghorn moves at least 20 feet in
target as a bonus action. a straight line towards an enemy, their Antler
attack deals an extra 1d6 points of piercing
damage. If the target of the charge is Large or

smaller, they must make a Strength saving throw or craftspeople, frequently producing
against a DC of the pronghorn’s Proficiency Bonus unconventional inventions along with standard
+ 8 + the pronghorn’s Strength modifier. On wares. They also make excellent rangers, helping
failure, the target is pushed 10 feet away from the to guide those less experienced through
pronghorn. dangerous territory for the right price.
To make a Mapach NPC, add +2 to the base
creature’s Wisdom score, and make the following
HEDGE adjustments to the creatures stat block:
Sensitive and empathetic, hedges tend towards
the mystic arts, especially paths of natural magic, Speed. ​Mapachs have a climb speed of 10 feet.
such as druids, or those which make use of their Damage Resistance.​ Mapachs are resistant to
innate talents, such as bards. poison damage.
To make a Hedge NPC, add +2 to the base Senses.​ Mapachs have Darkvision out to 60 feet.
creature’s Charisma score, and make the following Languages. ​Mapachs speak Mapach and Birdfolk.
adjustments to the creature’s stat block:
Additionally, give them the Skulker ability from
Size.​ Hedges are Small-sized. their race along with this ability:
Natural Armor. ​Hedges have a natural armor
class of 14 + their Dexterity modifier. Resilience.​ Mapachs roll with advantage on saving
Speed.​ Hedges have a movement speed of 25 feet. throws against being poisoned.
They also have a burrow speed of 15 feet. They
cannot burrow through anything more solid than
packed soil. VULPIN
Languages.​ Hedges speak Hedge and Birdfolk. Artful and cunning, vulpins are also ambitious,
They can also speak with beasts of any size which and they seek positions of status, wealth, and
fall into the category of insects, spiders, worms, or power. Their keen minds make them natural
other bugs. wizards, but just as many can be found using their
wits to outsmart Alderheart’s Perch Guard as
They additionally gain the Curl Up ability from criminal masterminds.
their race. To make a Vulpin NPC, add +2 to the base
creature’s Intelligence score, and make the
following adjustments to the creature’s stat block:
Nimble and naturally good at working as part of a Senses.​ Vulpins have Darkvision out to 60 feet.
team, jerbeens fit in well in a variety of roles. Languages. ​Vulpins speak Vulpin and Birdfolk.
Their natural quickness makes them excellent
thieves or duelists, and their desire to help better Add Bite to their attacks, and calculate attack and
their communities draws many down the path of a damage bonuses for it using either Strength or
paladin. Dexterity, including proficiency. The base damage
To make a Jerbeen NPC, add +2 to the base for this attack is 1d6 piercing damage. Vulpins are
creature’s Dexterity score, and make the following adept at using their bite in conjunction with
adjustments to the creature’s stat block: weapon attacks. If the base creature has the
Multiattack ability, this applies to the Vulpin’s bite
Size.​ Jerbeen are Small-sized. attack as well.
Speed. ​Jerbeen have a movement speed of 30 feet.
Languages. ​Jerbeens speak Jerbeen and Birdfolk. Additionally, give them the Evasive ability from
their race.
Additionally, give them the Standing Leap and
Team Tactics abilities from their race.

Wily and resourceful, the mapachs are expert
survivors with a special knack for tinkering. They
are often drawn towards professions as artisans

The sword regains all charges each day at dawn.
Weapon (any bow), uncommon (requires FEATHERED HELM 
attunement) Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The prized hunting weapon of the red-feather The helm itself is simple leather, hide, scale, or
raptors, this bow is imbued with magic to help the plate, but the magic imbued into it comes from the
wielder see their prey from afar. giving of a feather. The birdfolk races of
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls Humblewood consider the giving of a feather to be
made with this magic weapon. one of the highest honors one can bestow and
The bow has 5 charges. When an arrow is fired represents an eternal bond or deep appreciation.
from this bow, the wielder can speak the Depending on the type of feather given, the helm
command word to use a charge as a bonus action. takes on unique properties that the wearer can
Wherever the arrow lands, the wielder can see tap into. The helm has 3 charges that can be used
from this spot as if they were there for 1 round or to activate abilities. The helm regains all expended
about 10 seconds. Darkvision and similar effects charges daily at dawn.
are preserved, but magical sight does not work Corvum. ​You can use a charge to cast​ hideous
through the arrow. laughter a​ nd two charges to cast ​detect thoughts​.
If the arrow strikes a target, the wielder sees Gallus. Y​ ou can use a charge to cast ​bless a​ nd
what they see for the same duration. two charges to cast ​aid.​
The bow regains 1d4 expended charges daily at Luma. ​You can use a charge to cast a random
dawn. first-level spell from the sorcerer spell list, then
roll a d20. On a roll of 20, you may use this ability
WING CREST SHIELD  again without expending a charge. On a roll of 1
Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement) the spell also targets you. This ability functions
regardless of whether the spell deals damage, and
While wielding this shield, you gain a +1 bonus to treats the spell as though it were cast by its
AC in addition to the shields normal bonus to AC intended target. If the spell only targets you, this
(+2) for a total of +3 to AC. does nothing.
The shield has 3 charges. As an action, the Raptor.​ You can use a charge to cast ​hunter’s
wielder can speak the command word to use the mark​ and two charges to cast ​magic weapon.​
shield to cast the ​gust of wind​ spell outward from ​ ou can use a charge to cast ​divine favor
Strig. Y
its face. This spell lasts for one round or about 10 and two charges to cast ​pass without trace​.
The shield regains all expended charges daily at
A True Gift 
BLADE OF THE WOOD  If you are playing through the Humblewood 
Weapon (any sword), rare (requires attunement) adventure, or playing your own campaign in the 
wood, look for organic relationships between a 
A finely crafted sword with delicate etchings, it player and the races of birdfolk. If one stands out, 
resonates with a faint hum of life. use that to decide what type of feather is offered to 
the player in this helm. 
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Additionally, a player whose character is a 
made with this magic weapon. birdfolk race may want to make this gift 
The sword has 3 charges. The wielder can themselves. Encourage them to make sure the gift 
expend a charge to speak the command word and is true and make sure to create a narrative bond 
cast ​spike growth​ centered on them. The wielder between this player and who they share a feather 
can pass through this terrain unaffected. The with. 
effect lasts for 1 minute.

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This charm is a sphere of intricate metal branches,

interwoven to form a sort of nest. The charm has 1
charge. When it is placed on the ground and its
command word is spoken, the charm begins to
unfold, creating a 30 foot diameter circular
platform of interwoven branches. Once the
platform has reached its full size, a magical tree
grows beneath it, lifting the platform 50 feet into
the air, carrying any passengers and items along
with it.
The perch will last up to 24 hours, at which
point the tree will retreat into the ground and the
platform will shrink, eventually curling back into
the small charm. At any time the command word
can be spoken again to dismiss the perch in a
similar fashion.
The charm regains its expended charge daily at

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