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Learn the Basic Skills of Kabaddi Game |

How to Tackle and Tag
Table of Contents
1. Kabaddi Game
2 Skills of Kabaddi Game
➢ Defensive skills of Kabaddi Game
❖ Tackle
❖ Block
❖ Chain tackle
❖ Waist hold
❖ Ankle hold
❖ Thigh hold
❖ Diving ankle holds
Learn the Basic Skills of Kabaddi Game |
How to Tackle and Tag
➢ Offensive skills of Kabaddi Game
❖ Raiding
❖ Hand Touch
❖ Toe Touch
❖ Dubki
❖ Squat Thrust
❖ Kicking
Kabaddi Game
Before we talk about the skills of kabaddi, let us know the
motto of this game. The sole objective of this game is to grab
points by raiding into the opponent’s court and touching as
many opponent players as possible without getting caught on a
single breath. Each player intoning, “Kabaddi! Kabaddi!” enters
into the opponent’s court and touches the defensive players.
On the other side, opponents make tactical coordinated efforts
to catch that player.
Skills of Kabaddi Game

Defensive skills of
S.N Offensive skills of Kabaddi Game
Kabaddi Game

1 Raiding Tackle
2 Hand Touch Block
3 Toe touch Chain tackle
4 Dubki Waist hold
5 Squat Thrust Ankle hold
6 Kicking Thigh Hold
Defensive skills of Kabaddi
All the players who are on the mat on their side
of the court, when a raider from the opposite
side is raiding are said to be defenders.
Defenders have special skills to pin down or
tackle. Here are ways to tackle
As the name suggests, when the raider is deep on
one side of the court making his chances against
the corner defenders, he is caught unawares at the
back when another defender completely blocks his
road with his entire body.
Chain tackle
Coordination is the key here. This is when two or more defenders plan and form a chain to block the
raider’s path and then execute one of the holds to stop him in his area.
Waist hold

If you have the strength you won this move! This

tackle requires humongous strength to be
executed, wherein the defenders grab the raider
by his waist depending on the raider’s position
and then tugs him mid-air to disturb his
equilibrium and thus effectively marring his
chance of escape.
Ankle hold

This tackle is usually initiated by

corner defenders. As the name
suggests, defenders grab the ankle
of the raider while he is
attempting to sneak in a bonus
Thigh hold
Precision plays an important role here. This technique is exhibited by many cover
defenders, who strike at the perfect time when the raider is changing his way and hold
his thighs with both hands.
Diving ankle holds
Here the defender tries to lock both
legs of the raider in his hands. For this
cover, support is very essential since
the raider’s upper body could still be in
motion and try to escape. This tackle is
a bit technical and requires practice.
Young defenders try this technique
often. However, the success rate is
very low for this type of tackle.

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