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3/3/2021 [ G.R. No.

68010, May 30, 1986 ]

226 Phil. 109

[ G.R. No. 68010, May 30, 1986 ]


This petition for review seeks to annul the decision and resolution of the appellate court which
upheld the trial court's decision denying the petitioner's prayer to enjoin the respondent from
foreclosing on its properties.

On January 19, 1983, petitioner Filipinas Marble Corporation filed an action for nullification of
deeds and damages with prayer for a restraining order and a writ of preliminary injunction
against the private respondents. In its complaint, the petitioner alleged in substance that it
applied for a loan in the amount of $5,000,000.00 with respondent Development Bank of the
Philippines (DBP) in its desire to develop the full potentials of its mining claims and deposits;
that DBP granted the loan subject, however, to sixty onerous conditions, among which are: (a)
petitioner shall have to enter into a management contract with respondent Bancom Systems
Control, Inc. [Bancom]; (b) DBP shall be represented by no less than six (6) regular directors,
three (3) to be nominated by Bancom and three (3) by DBP, in Filipinas Marble's board, one of
whom shall continue to be the chairman of the board; (c) the key officers/executives [the
President and the officers for finance, marketing and purchasing] to he chosen by Bancom for
the corporation shall be appointed only with DBP's prior approval and all these officers are to be
made directly responsible to DBP; DBP shall immediately designate Mr. Alvaro Torio,
Assistant Manager of DBP's Accounting Department as DBP's Comptroller in the firm whose
compensation shall be borne by Filipinas Marble; and (d) the $5 million loan shall be secured
by: 1) a final mortgage on the following assets with a total approved value of P48,630,756.00 x
x x; 2) the joint and several signatures with Filipinas Marble of Mr. Pelagio M. Villegas, Sr.,
Trinidad Villegas, and Jose E. Montelibano and 3) assignment to DBP of the borrower firm’s
right over its mining claims; that pursuant to these above-mentioned and other "take it or leave
it" conditions, the petitioner entered into a management contract with Bancom whereby the
latter agreed to manage the plaintiff company for a period of three years; that under the
management agreement, the affairs of the petitioner were placed under the complete control of
DBP and Bancom, including the disposition and disbursement of the $5,000,000 or P37,500,000
loan; that the respondents and their directors/officers mismanaged and misspent the loan, after
which Bancom resigned with the approval of DBP even before the expiration date of the
management contract, leaving petitioner desolate and devastated; that among the acts and
omissions of the respondents are the following: (a) failure to purchase all the necessary
machinery and equipment needed by the petitioner's project for which the approved loan was
intended; (b) failure to construct a processing plant; (c) abandonment of imported machinery
and equipment at the pier; (d) purchase of unsuitable lot for the processing plant at Binan; (e)
failure to develop even a square meter of the quarries in Romblon or Cebu; and (f) nearly
causing the loss of petitioner's rights over its Cebu claims; and that instead of helping petitioner
get back on its feet, DBP completely abandoned the petitioner's project and proceeded to
foreclose the properties mortgaged to it by petitioner without previous demand or notice.

In essence, the petitioner in its complaint seeks the annulment of the deeds of mortgage and
deed of assignment which it executed in favor of DBP in order to secure the $5,000,000.00 loan 1/6
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because it is petitioner's contention that there was no loan at all to secure since what DBP "lent"
to petitioner with its right hand, it also got back with its left hand; and that, there was failure of
consideration with regard to the execution of said deeds as the loan was never delivered to the
petitioner. The petitioner further prayed that pending the trial on the merits of the case, the trial
court immediately issue a restraining order and then a writ of preliminary injunction against the
sheriffs to enjoin the latter from proceeding with the foreclosure and sale of the petitioner's
properties in Metro Manila and in Romblon.

Respondent DBP opposed the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction stating that under
Presidential Decre No. 385, DBP's right to foreclose is mandatory as the arrearages of petitioner
had already amounted to P123,801,265.82 as against its total obligation of P151,957,641.72;
that under the same decree, no court can issue any restraining order or injunction against it to
stop the foreclosure since Filipinas Marble's arrearages had already reached at least twenty
percent of its total obligations; that the alleged non-receipt of the loan proceeds by the petitioner
could, at best, be accepted only in a technical sense because the money was received by the
officers of the petitioner acting in such capacity and, therefore, irrespective of whoever is
responsible for placing them in their positions, their receipt of the money was receipt by the
petitioner corporation and that the complaint does not raise any substantial controversy as to the
amount due under the mortgage as the issues raised therein refer to the propriety of the manner
by which the proceeds of the loan were expended by the petitioner's management, the allegedly
precipitate manner with which DBP proceeded with the foreclosure, and the capacity of the
DBP to be an assignee of the mining lease rights.

After a hearing on the preliminary injunction, the trial court issued an order stating:

"The Court has carefully gone over the evidence presented by both parties, and while
it sympathizes with the plight of the plaintiff and of the pitiful condition it now has
found itself, it cannot but adhere to the mandatory provisions of P.D. 385. While the
evidence so far presented by the plaintiff corporation appears to be persuasive, the
same may be considered material and relevant to the case. Hence, despite the
impressive testimony of the plaintiff's witnesses, the Court believes that it cannot
enjoin the defendant Development Bank of the Philippines from complying with the
mandatory provisions of the said Presidential Decree. It having been shown that
plaintiff's outstanding obligation as of December 31, 1982 amounted to
P151,957,641.72 and with arrearages reaching up to 81% against said total
obligation, the Court finds the provisions of P.D. 385 applicable to the instant case.
It is a settled rule that when the statute is clear and unambiguous, there is no room
for interpretation, and all that it has to do is to apply the same."

On appeal, the Intermediate Appellate Court upheld the trial court's decision and held:

"While petitioner concedes 'that Presidential Decree No. 385 applies only where it is
clear that there was a loan or where the loan is not denied' (p. 14 - petition), it
disclaims receipt of the $5 million loan nor benefits derived therefrom, and bewails
the onerous conditions imposed by DBP Resolution No. 385 dated December 7,
1977, which allegedly placed the petitioner under the complete control of the private
respondents DBP and Bancom Systems Control, Inc. (Bancom, for short). The
plausibility of petitioner's statement that it did not receive the $5 million loan is
more apparent than real. At the hearing for injunction before the counsel for DBP
stressed that $2,625,316.83 of the $5 million loan was earmarked to finance the
acquisition of machinery, equipment and spare parts for petitioner's Diamond gang-
saw, which machineries were actually imported by petitioner Filipinas Marble
Corporation and arrived in the Philippines. Indeed, a summary of releases to
petitioner covering the period June 1978 to October 1979 (Exh. 2, Injunction)
showed disbursements amounting to millions of pesos for working capital and
opening of letter of credits for the acquisition of its machineries and equipment.
Petitioner does not dispute that releases were made for the purchase of machineries
and equipment but claims that such imported machineries were left to the mercy of
the elements as they were never delivered to it.

xxx xxx xxx

"Apart from the foregoing, petitioner is patently not entitled to a writ of preliminary 2/6
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injunction for it has not demonstrated that at least 20% of its outstanding arrearages
has been paid after the foreclosure proceedings were initiated. Nowhere in the
record is it shown or alleged that petitioner has paid in order that it may fall within
the exception prescribed on Section 2, Presidential Decree No. 385."

Dissatisfied with the appellate court's decision, the petitioner filed this instant petition with the
following assignments of errors:

“1. There being 'persuasive' evidence that the $5 million proceeds of the loan were
not received and did not benefit the petitioner per finding of the lower court which
should not be disturbed unless there is grave abuse of discretion, it must follow that
PD 385 does not and cannot apply;

“2. If there was no valid loan contract for failure of consideration, the mortgage
cannot exist or stand by itself being a mere accessory contract. Additionally, the
chattel mortgage has not been registered., Therefore, the same is null and void under
Article 2125 of the New Civil Code; and

"3. PD 385 is unconstitutional as a 'class legislation', and violative of the due

process clause."

With regard to the first assignment of error, the petitioner maintains that since the trial court
found "persuasive evidence" that there might have been a failure of consideration on the
contract of loan due to the manner in which the amount of $5 million was spent, said court
committed grave abuse of discretion in holding that it had no recourse but to apply P.D. 385
because the application of this decree requires the existence of a valid loan which, however, is
not present in petitioner's case. It likewise faults the appellate court for upholding the
applicability of the said decree.

Sections 1 and 2 of P.D. No. 385 respectively provide:

"Section 1. It shall be mandatory for government financial institutions, after the

lapse of sixty (60) days from the issuance of this Decree, to foreclose the collaterals
and/or securities for any loan, credit accommodation, and/or guarantees granted by
them whenever the arrearages on such account, including accrued interest and other
charges, amount to at least twenty (20%) of the total outstanding obligations,
including interest and other charges, as appearing in the book of accounts and/or
related records of the financial institution concerned. This shall be without prejudice
to the exercise by the government financial institution of such rights and/or remedies
available to them under their respective contracts with their debtors, including the
right to foreclose on loans, credits, accommodations, and/or guarantees on which the
arrearages are less than twenty percent (20%).

"Section 2. No restraining order, temporary or permanent injunction shall be issued

by the court against any government financial institution in any action taken by such
institution in compliance with the mandatory foreclosure provided in Section 1
hereof, whether such restraining order, temporary or permanent injunction is sought
by the borrower(s) or any third party or parties, except after due hearing in which it
is established by the borrower, and admitted by the government financial institution
concerned that twenty percent (20%) of the outstanding arrearages has been paid
after the filing of foreclosure proceedings."

Presidential Decree No. 385 was issued primarily to see to it that government financial
institutions are not denied substantial cash inflows, which are necessary to finance development
projects all over the country, by large borrowers who, when they become delinquent, resort to
court actions in order to prevent or delay the government's collection of their debts and loans.

The government, however, is bound by basic principles of fairness and decency under the due
process clause of the Bill of Rights. P.D. 385 was never meant to protect officials of
government lending institutions who take over the management of a borrower corporation, lead
that corporation to bankruptcy through mismanagement or misappropriation of its funds, and
who, after ruining it, use the mandatory provisions of the decree to avoid the consequences of
their misdeeds. 3/6
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The designated officers of the government financing institution cannot simply walk away and
then state that since the loans were obtained in the corporation's name, then P.D. 385 must be
peremptorily applied and that there is no way the borrower corporation can prevent the
automatic foreclosure of the mortgage on its properties once the arrearages reach twenty percent
(20%) of the total obligation no matter who was responsible.

In the case at bar, the respondents try to impress upon this Court that the $5,000,000.00 loan
was actually granted and released to the petitioner corporation and whatever the composition of
the management which received the loan is of no moment because this management was acting
in behalf of the corporation. The respondents also argue that since the loan was extended to the
corporation, the release had to be made to the then officers of that borrower corporation.

Precisely, what the petitioner is trying to point out is that the DBP and Bancom people who
managed Filipinas Marble misspent the proceeds of the loan by taking advantage of the
positions that they were occupying in the corporation which resulted in the latter's devastation
instead of its rehabilitation. The petitioner does not question the authority under which the loan
was delivered but stresses that it is precisely this authority which enabled the DBP and Bancom
people to misspend and misappropriate the proceeds of the loan thereby defeating its very
purpose, that is, to develop the projects of the corporation. Therefore, it is as if the loan was
never delivered to it and thus, there was failure on the part of the respondent DBP to deliver the
consideration for which the mortgage and the assignment of deed were executed.

We cannot, at this point, conclude that respondent DBP together with the Bancom people
actually misappropriated and misspent the $5 million loan in whole or in part although the trial
court found that there is "persuasive" evidence that such acts were committed by the
respondent. This matter should rightfully be litigated below in the main action. Pending the
outcome of such litigation, P.D. 385 cannot automatically be applied for if it is really proven
that respondent DBP is responsible for the misappropriation of the loan, even if only in part,
then the foreclosure of the petitioner's properties under the provisions of P.D. 385 to satisfy the
whole amount of the loan would be a gross mistake. It would unduly prejudice the petitioner,
its employees and their families.

Only after trial on the merits of the main case can the true amount of the loan which was applied
wisely or not, for the benefit of the petitioner be determined. Consequently, the extent of the
loan where there was no failure of consideration and which may be properly satisfied by
foreclosure proceedings under P.D. 385 will have to await the presentation of evidence in a trial
on the merits. As we have ruled in the case of Central Bank of the Philippines v. Court of
Appeals, (139 SCRA 46, 52-53; 56):

"When Island Savings Bank and Sulpicio M. Tolentino entered into an P80,000.00
loan agreement on April 28, 1965, they undertook reciprocal obligations, the
obligation or promise of each party is the consideration for that of the other.
(Penacio v. Ruaya, 110 SCRA 46 [1981]; x x x."

xxx xxx xxx

"The fact that when Sulpicio M. Tolentino executed his real estate mortgage, no
consideration was then in existence, as there was no debt yet because Island Savings
Bank had not made any release on the loan, does not make the real estate mortgage
void for lack of consideration. It is not necessary that any consideration should pass
at the time of the execution of the contract of real mortgage (Bonnevie v. Court of
Appeals, 125 SCRA 122 [1983]). It may either be a prior or subsequent matter. But
when the consideration is subsequent to the mortgage, the mortgage can take effect
only when the debt secured by it is created as a binding contract to pay (Parks v.
Sherman, Vol. 2, pp. 5-6). And, when there is partial failure of consideration, the
mortgage becomes unenforceable to the extent of such failure (Dow, et al. v. Poore,
Vol. 172 N.E. p. 82, cited in Vol. 59, 1974 ed. C.J.S. p. 138). x x x."

Under the admitted circumstances of this petition, we, therefore, hold that until the trial on the
merits of the main case, P.D. 385 cannot be applied and thus, this Court can restrain the
respondents from foreclosing on petitioner's properties pending such litigation.

The respondents, in addition, assert that even if the $5 million loan were not existing, the 4/6
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mortgage on the properties sought to be foreclosed was made to secure previous loans of the
petitioner with respondent and therefore, the foreclosure is still justified.

This contention is untenable. Two of the conditions imposed by respondent DBP for the release
of the $5 million loan embodied in its letter to petitioner dated December 21, 1977 state:

“A. The interim loan of $289,917.32 plus interest due thereon which was used for
the importation of one Savage Diamond Gangsaw shall be liquidated out of the
proceeds of this $5 million loan. In addition, FMC shall also pay DBP, out of the
proceeds of above foreign currency loan, the past due amounts on obligation with

xxx xxx xxx

“B. Conversion into preferred shares of P2 million of FMC's total obligations with
DBP as of the date the legal documents for this refinancing shall have been executed
or not later than 90 days from date of advice of approval of this accommodation."

The above conditions lend credence to the petitioner's contention that the "original loan had
been converted into 'equity shares', or preferred shares; therefore, to all intents and purposes, the
only 'loan' which is the subject of the foreclosure proceedings is the $5 million 'loan' in 1978."

As regards the second assignment of error, we agree with the petitioner that a mortgage is a
mere accessory contract and, thus, its validity would depend on the validity of the loan secured
by it. We, however, reject the petitioner's argument that since the chattel mortgage involved
was not registered, the same is null and void. Article 2125 of the Civil Code clearly provides
that the non-registration of the mortgage does not affect the immediate parties. It states:

"Art. 2125. In addition to the requisites stated in article 2085, it is indispensable, in

order that a mortgage may be validly constituted that the document in which it
appears be recorded in the Registry of Property. If the instrument is not recorded,
the mortgage is nevertheless binding between the parties.

xxx xxx xxx

The petitioner cannot invoke the above provision to nullify the chattel mortgage it
executed in favor of respondent DBP.

We find no need to pass upon the constitutional issue raised in the third assignment
of error. We follow the rule stated in Alger Electric, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, (135
SCRA 37, 45):

"We see no necessity of passing upon the constitutional issues raised by respondent
Northern. This Court does not decide quesions of a constitutional nature unless
absolutely necessary to a decision of a case. If there exists some other grounds of
construction, we decide the case on a non-constitutional determination. (See Burton
v. United States, 196 U.S. 283; Siler v. Louisville & Nashville R. Co., 123 U.S. 175
Berta College v. Kentucky, 211 U.S. 45)."


of the Intermediate Appellate Court dated April 17, 1984 and July 3, 1984 are hereby
ANNULLED and SET ASIDE. The trial court is ordered to proceed with the trial on the merits
of the main case. In the meantime, the temporary restraining order issued by this Court on July
23, 1984 shall remain in force until the merits of the main case are resolved.


Feria, (Chairman), Fernan, Alampay, and Paras, JJ., concur. 5/6
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Source: Supreme Court E-Library | Date created: November 20, 2014
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