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Methodologies Of Multiplication


Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer:

1. The first and last commandments of Jesus to His followers was:

A. To multiply spiritually
B. To care for the poor
C. To build a church at Jerusalem
D. To live right

2. Multiplication is:

A. The same as adding

B. To decrease in number
C. To increase by reproduction
D. To unite existing resources

3. You reproduce spiritually by:

A. Inviting people to church

B. Reaching others with the Gospel
C. Having children
D. All of these

4. "Method" means:

A. An idea
B. A vision
C. A system of methods
D. A plan for accomplishing a goal

5. "Methodologies" means;

A. An idea
B. A vision
C. A system of methods
D. None of these

6. A wrong emphasis on numeric growth is revealed when:

A. There is an emphasis on church growth instead of kingdom growth
B. The emphasis shifts from people to things
C. The individual is ignored
D. All of these

7. A "parable" is:

A. A true story
B. A natural story which illustrates a spiritual truth
C. An interesting story but without spiritual application
D. All of these

8. Jesus used parables to teach His followers because:

A. He wanted to keep His teaching secret

B. It was the custom
C. Spiritual truths can only be grasped with spiritual minds
D. They were not very intelligent

9. A "witness" is:

A. One who tells what he saw

B. One who tells what he heard
C. One who tells what he experienced
D. All of these

10. The term "laity" means:

A. Pastors only
B. Evangelists only
C. All the people of God
D. Professional ministers

11. The term "clergy" means:

A. Pastors only
B. Evangelists only
C. All the people of God
D. Professional ministers

12. The "calling" of the laity means:

A. All believers are to actively share the Gospel

B. Many are called but few are chosen
C. Both of these
D. Neither of these
13. God's plan of multiplication for the spread of the Gospel is:

A. II Timothy 2:2
B. Acts 1:8
C. Both of these
D. Neither of these

14. What two New Testament men were named as examples of spiritual

A. Andrew and Ananias

B. Judas and Thomas
C. Nicodemus and Joseph
D. Pilate and Herod

15. The best way to get started in spiritual multiplication is to:

A. Read about it
B. Talk about it
C. Start with a mass crusade
D. Start with your own family and friends

16. The true Church is composed of:

A. All true believers in Jesus

B. Catholics only
C. Protestants only
D. Those who join a denominational church

17. The Church started:

A. In the Old Testament

B. In the New Testament
C. Both of these
D. Neither of these

18. The Bible illustrates the Church by using the example of:

A. The body
B. A bride
C. A temple
D. All of these
19. An important purpose of the Church is:

A. Worship
B. Fellowship
C. Service
D. All of these

20. An evidence of spiritual growth in a church is:

A. Unity
B. Its size
C. Its facilities
D. Its programs

21. An important condition for spiritual growth in a church is:

A. Life
B. Programs
C. Schedules
D. Denominational affiliation

22. When a church experiences true expansion growth it:

A. Gains members from another church

B. Wins new converts to Jesus Christ
C. Both of these
D. Neither of these

23. Extension growth occurs when:

A. There is a church split

B. An existing church starts a new church
C. New members come from another existing church
D. All of these

24. "Church planting" is:

A. Helping an existing church

B. Starting a new church
C. Unscriptural
D. Ineffective
25. A new church might be started by:

A. One church starting another church

B. An individual starting another church
C. A large church dividing
D. All of these

26. Which of the following are Biblical priorities for selecting an area in which to
start a new church:

A. Unreached people
B. Cities first
C. Responsive people
D. All of these

27. The type of message that results in new churches is:

A. A social message
B. An intellectual message
C. A Biblically based message
D. All of these

28. "Bridging growth" of the church occurs when:

A. One church plants another in a different culture

B. A church plants a new church in their own culture
C. An existing church splits
D. None of these

29. The key New Testament leader in "bridging growth" of the church to the Gentile
nations was:

A. Thomas
B. The Apostle Paul
C. Stephen
D. John the Baptist

30. Paul extended the Gospel to other cultures by:

A. Preaching
B. Witnessing
C. Teaching
D. All of these
31. The word "convert" means:

A. A new believer
B. A Jew
C. A Gentile
D. Changing religions

32. A "people group" may be similar in:

A. Culture
B. Ethnic background
C. Language
D. All of these

33. "Disciple" means:

A. The same as "convert"

B. A true Catholic
C. A learner or pupil
D. All of these

34. The true test of discipleship is:

A. How many disciples you have

B. Who the leader is
C. The time you spend training each disciple
D. What happens to your students when you are no longer present with them

35. "Stunted" growth means:

A. Lack of proper development

B. Internal growth
C. The same as bridging growth
D. The same as extension growth

36. Paul taught the believers in Ephesus most effectively through:

A. Mass crusades
B. A training center
C. House to house evangelism
D. Person to person evangelism
37. The training center at Ephesus was:

A. For Jews only

B. A lengthy course for rabbis
C. For clergy only
D. A brief course for disciples

38. The main purpose of an extension training center is to:

A. Hold regular services

B. Substitute for the church
C. Train believers to minister effectively
D. Preach to the unsaved

Matching: Match the type of growth with the correct definition:

39. Geographic A. Growth in numbers

40. Numeric B. Reaching other nations
41. Ethnic C. Internal growth
42. Spiritual D. Reaching other people groups

Matching: Match each type of church growth with the proper definition:

43. Internal A. Planting another church

44. Expansion B. A church grows in numbers
45. Extension C. Planting a church in another culture
46. Bridging D. Spiritual growth

Matching: Match each discipleship principle with the proper definition:

47. Delegation A. Without it, people perish

48. Association B. Giving responsibilities to others
49. Consecration C. Being together
50. Vision D. Absolute obedience

Matching: Match each discipleship principle with the proper definition:

51. Instruction A. Illustrating

52. Demonstration B. Follow up
53. Participation C. Teaching
54. Supervision D. Actual experience

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