Lesson Plan For Math 1

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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Close to 20

Student Name: Nikita Garbayo School Name: Parkway Elementary School

Grade Level: Second Grade Host Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Cornelius

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:

● How can we use known combinations to add two or more numbers?

Pre-lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge (ex. background knowledge,

possible misconceptions, prior lesson content)

● Students should know their 10 buddies

● Students should be familiar with doubles
● Students have been practicing adding two or more numbers using combinations and
showing their work

○ Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving
situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing,
with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations
with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
○ Solve word problems that call for addition of three whole numbers whose sum is
less than or equal to 20, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a
symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

Learning Objectives and Assessments:

Learning Objectives Assessment

For students to practice using known While playing Close to 20 with a partner
combinations to add two or more numbers students will move their chip on the number
together line based on what numbers they added
together (the numbers come from the deck of
cards). While adding these numbers together
students will be using known combinations to
do mental math

For students to practice comparing a number While playing Close to 20 students will
to 20 to find the difference practice adding up different addition
combinations in order to see which brings her
closest to 20

Resources: (List materials, include any online or book references and resources)

● Primary Number Cards

● Number line
● Chip counters

Plan for set-up/distribution/cleanup of materials:

● I will pass out all materials needed for the game after students have seated with their
● When we are finished playing I will instruct students to clean up their supplies and I will
come around to collect everything

Step by Step plan (numbered):

1. Lesson beginning: I will start the lesson by going over 10 buddies and other known
combinations and how they help us when adding multiple numbers. Then I will tell
students we will be playing a game where we practice using these skills.
2. I will tell students that the game we are playing is called Close to 20 and that the goal of
the game is to find three cards that when added together come as close to 20 as possible.
3. I will play a demonstration round with the class to help them understand how to play. I
will have my number line up on the board. I will have the number 20 marked on my
number line so students understand where it is on the number line. I will tell students I
will go first and then begin my turn by dealing myself 5 cards from the deck or primary
number cards. I will write the numbers on the board. I will explain to students that I need
to pick 3 cards that will get as close to 20 as possible and that sometimes you can't make
20 with your cards so you'll need to get a number that is a little less or little more. I will
pick 2 numbers to add together and ask what I have if I add those two numbers. I will
explain my thinking out loud and use my skills such as 10 buddies or doubles to do the
addition if possible. Once I add together my first two numbers I will mark where it lands
on the number line. I will then ask students to tell me how far that number is from 20.
Depending on how far it is I will explain to students what card I will pick and how it gets
me close to 20. Then I will demonstrate counting on from my original number while I
add my third number. I will quickly go over again how the 3 cards I picked brought me to
my total on the number line. I will then explain that my score for this round is however
many away from 20 I am (for example if I landed at 21 I would have a score of 1). We
will use counting chips to represent the score. I will then explain that if you score exactly
20 your score is zero and you do not take any counters. The person with the least amount
of counters at the end of the game wins.
4. I will repeat this process as the class takes their turn, asking for ideas for number
combinations after picking the 5 cards for them. We will go through the process that I
took as we add them up on the number line.
5. If students are still confused, I will do another practice round with them.
6. Now students will play close to 20. They will turn to their partner and move desks/seats
as needed.
7. If there are partner pairs that I see struggling with playing I will bring them to the back
table with me so I can help guide them through it.
8. After playing for 20 minutes I will signal to students that it is time to clean up. Students
will organize their supplies and I will come around to collect them.
9. Closing Activities: I will ask students how did the game go, and which partner won. I
will then ask students what strategies they used while adding their numbers on the
number lines.

Key Questions (that you will ask):

● How can we use known combinations to help us add multiple numbers?

Key Vocabulary
● Count on
● Doubles combination

● Timing: 40 Minutes
○ Lesson Beginning: 2 minutes
○ Introducing Close to 20: 15 minutes
○ Playing Close to 20: 20 minutes
○ Closure: 3 minutes
● Transitions:N/A students stay at desks the entire time
● Classroom Management: While I explain Close to 20 students will be seated at their
desks. When It is time for students to play they will turn to a partner near them and move
seats as needed. Students will stay seated as they quietly play with their partner.

Differentiation Notes

● Content: All students will have the same content

● Process: All students will have the same process. However, I will be walking around the
classroom to ensure that multiple students are staying focused and on task while working
with their partner.
● Product: All students will have successfully played Close to 20 with their partner

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