Binangonan2 WK5 Engtbr2

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Week 5
Quarter 2

I. Objectives
A. Genuine Love For Reading
Note details in a story listened/read
B. Critical Thinking
Validate ideas made after listening to a story EN2LC-IId-e-2.5
C. Mastery of the Structure of English Language
Talk about topics of interest (likes and dislikes) EN2OL-IIc-d-
Recognize common action words in retelling, conversation, etc.
D. Transfer Stage
Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture. EN2AK-
II. Subject Matter
A. 1. Genuine Love For Reading
2. Critical Thinking
Validating ideas made after listening to a story
3. Mastery of the Structure of English Language
Talk about topics of interest
Recognizing common action words in retelling,
conversation, etc.
4. Transfer Stage
Give the beginning letter of the name of each picture
B. Reference
Developing Reading Power 3, p.130
Developing Reading Power 2, p. 61

C. Materials
Power Point Presentation
D. Values Integration
III. Learning Activities
A. Genuine Love for Reading
1. Before Reading
a) Unlocking of Unfamiliar Words/Concepts
Project-through pictures
Assignment-through sentence clues
b) Motivation
Why do you go to school?
c) Motive Questions
What kind of pupil is Rico?
2. During Reading

Rico is in the Second Grade. He goes to school every
day. He listens well to his teachers. He tries to answer
all questions asked of him. He works well with his
classmates. He finishes his school projects on time.
At home, he studies his lessons before going to bed.
He does his homework neatly and well. When he
finishes all his assignments, he tries to help his mother.
In this way, he makes his mother happy.

B. Critical Thinking
1. After Reading
a. Engagement Activities 1
1. Answering the motive question.
2. Comprehension Check-up
A. Who is the main character in the story?
B. Describe Rico.
C. What grade will Rico likely receive?
D. What is likely to happen to Rico?
E. What does mother feel about Rico?Why?
b. Engagement Activities 2
Directions: Based from the story listened to, write True
if the statement is correct and False if not.
1. Rico is in Grade One.
2. He goes to school from Monday to Friday.
3. He talks to his classmates while the teacher is
4. He works well with his classmates.
5. He fails to submit projects on time.
6. Rico studies his lessons before going to bed.
7. His home works are neatly done.
8. He watches tv while his mother cleans the room.
9. Rico’s mother is unhappy with her son’s behavior.

C. Mastery of the Structure of English Language

1. Preparatory Activities
a. Review
Who is Rico?
What kind of boy is Rico?
b. Motivation/Presentation
Directions: Read the following sentences. Answer the
questions that follow.
1. Rico goes to school everyday.
What does Rico do everyday?
Goes to school.
*What word expresses action?
2. He listens well to his teacher.
What does he do when his teacher teaches?
Listens well.
3. He tries to answer all questions as of him.
What does he do the all the questions asked of
Tries to answer all questions asked of him.
*What word expresses action?
4. He studies his lessons before going to bed.
What does he do to his lessons before going to
Studies his lessons before going to bed.
*What word expresses action?
5. He tries to help his mother after he finishes all his
What does he do after he finishes all his
Tries to help his mother after he finishes his
*What word expresses action?
Words expressing actions are verbs.

c. Modelling/Discussion
1. Guided Practice
a) Oral
Directions: Study the pictures. What action words
or verb does each picture show?
b) Written
Directions: Read each item carefully. Write the
correct action word or verb on the blank. Choose
your answer from the parenthesis.
1. I am going to (cook, throw) ______ food for
2. The telephones (dance,ring) ______ every hour.
3. The cows (drink,eat) ________grasses.
4. The carpenter (steals, repairs) ____the house.
5. The kids (watch, destroy)______the horror

2. Independent Practice
Directions: Read the sentences carefully and
underline the action word.
A. My brother plays marbles every Sunday.
B. Our cousins join him.
C. They bring with the some toys.
D. Mike shows his sister’s jackstone.
E. Luke and Santi laugh at the pink glasses.
3. Application
Directions: Study the pictures. Tell what the
following persons do based on their actions.
1. Teachers
2. Fishermen
3. Sellers
4. Farmers
5. Bakers
6. Singers
7. Dancers
8. Writers
9. Painters
10. Chefs
4. Evaluation
Directions: Read the sentences. Choose the action
word inside the box which completes each sentence.
Write the letter of the correct answer.

Teach Cleans Pulls Cut Studies Read

1. The janitor _____the street.
2. Minea and Nica _____ books everyday.
3. Mrs. Mendoza and Miss Castro are teachers. They
_______ pupils from Monday to Friday.
4. Dr. Malinao is a dentist. He______ decayed teeth.
5. The linemen ________ the branches of trees.
D. Transfer Stage
1. Motivation/Presentation
Directions: Study the pictures in each group.



2. Modelling/Discussion
*Let’s go back to the pictures. Identify the letters
comprising each.
Group A Group B Group C Group D
Money Dragon Egg Baby
Ant Unicorn Apple Umbrella
Ice cream Ball Tiger Angels
Net Girl
Elephant Avocado
* How many letters does each word have?
*What vowels are found in the third word of each group?
*What consonants are found in the second word of each
*What is the ending letter of each word?
*What is the beginning letter of words in group A?B?C?D?
*What word is formed in each group using the beginning

3. Guided Practice
a. Oral
Directions: Read each sentence carefully. Identify the
beginning letter name of each picture. Write the beginning
letter name on the blanks.
1. Many children raise their ______

2. I kept ___in my piggy bank.

3. Minea likes to eat____waffles.

4. Richie rides is a ______.

5. Jose flies ____.

b. Written
Directions: Study the picture in each box. Choose the
correct beginning letter name.

4. Independent Practice
Directions: Give the beginning letter name of the following.
5. Application

6. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the beginning letter name of each
The school nurse inspected the
of the children.

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