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Oral Communication Syllabus

(45 hours)

Course Description:
Introduction to oral communication in interpersonal, group and audience situations. Brief survey
of communication rhetoric, principles, and techniques.

Course Rationale:
This course has been designed to enable students to learn about the nature of communication as it
is evinced in personal, social, and workplace relationships. The intent is to empower students in the use of
communication in its varied facets in order to enhance interpersonal connections.

Course Objectives:
Students who complete this course will have:
• Gained greater understanding of issues that affect interpersonal communication effectiveness (e.g.,
ethics, perception, language, listening, emotions, conflict, friendship)
• Examined and evaluated communication theories with the purpose of understanding and applying
skills that will improve interpersonal communication competence
• Practiced skills which enhance interpersonal communication effectiveness
• Presented a communication project in collaboration with other students

• Required Textbook: Adler, R. B., and G. Rodman. (2005). Understanding Human
Communication. 9th Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.

Detailed Content:

Topic Time Allocation

Topic 1: Human Communication - What and Why 2 hours
Topic 2: Perception, the Self, and Communication 2 hours
Topic 3: Language 2 hours
Topic 4: Listening 2 hours
Topic 5: Nonverbal Communication 2 hours
Topic 6: Understanding Interpersonal Relationships 5 hours
Topic 7: Improving Interpersonal Relationships 5 hours
Topic 8: The Nature of Groups 5 hours
Topic 9: Solving Problems in Groups 5 hours
Topic 10: Choosing and Developing a Topic 2 hours
Topic 11: Organization and Support 2 hours
Topic 12: Presenting Your Message 2 hours
Topic 13: Informative Speaking 2 hours

Topic 14: Persuasive Speaking 2 hours
REVISION 3 hours
TESTING 2 hours

90% of the total marks will be based on tests and/or assignments and/or presentations, graded from
0 to 10; 10% of the total marks will be based on attendence, also graded from 0 to 10.

Late Assignments Policy:

Assignments not turned in by the due date and time will receive a 25% deduction if turned in
within two days. If turned in between two days and 5 days late, the assignment will receive a 50%
deduction. Assignments more than five days late will receive no credit. Allowances may be made for
absences due to illness, accidents, or unforeseen but necessary absences.

Classroom Expectations:
In order to maximize each student’s learning experience, students are required to show respect for
classmates and instructors. Any behavior deemed by instructors as being disrespectful or disruptive may
result in a student’s being asked to leave the class, which, in turn, will affect attendance/participation
points. Specific standards and protocols will be identified by instructors as the class progresses.

Disclaimer Statement
Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of the Faculty of Foreign
Languges, Hanoi Open University, correct and complete when distributed for use at the beginning of the
course. However, this syllabus should not be considered a contract between the faculty and the student.
Instructors reserve the right, acting within the policies and procedures of the faculty, to make changes in
course materials.

Books for further reading

Devito, Joseph. (2006) The Essential Elements of Public Speaking. 2nd Edition. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon
Grice, George L., and John F. Skinner. (1999) Mastering Public Speaking. 3rd Edition.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Hybels, S., and R.L. Weaver II. (2001) Communicating Effectively. 6th Edition. New
York: McGraw-Hill.
O’Hair, D., Stewart, R., and H. Rubenstein. (2004) A Speaker’s Guidebook. 2nd
Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Osborn, Michael and Suzanne Osborn. (2007) Public Speaking. 8th Edition. Boston &
New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Lucas, Steven E. (2004) The Art of Public Speaking. 8th Edition. New York: Random
Verderber, R. F. and K.S. Verderber. (2002) Communicate! 10th Edition. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Wood, Julia T. (2003) Communication in Our Lives. 3rd Edition. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Zarefsky, David. (2002) Public Speaking: Strategies for Success. 3rd Edition. Boston:
Allyn & Bacon


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