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Model Test Paper (Annual)
SUBJECT : Physical Education
CLASS : XI (2019-20)
Max Marks : 70 Duration : 3 Hrs
All Question are compulsory.
Q.1. What do you mean by ‘motor’?
(a) Muscle (b) Motion
(c) Science (d) Force
Ans. Motion
Q.2. ‘Durand cup’ is associated with which sport?
(a) Volleyball (b) Hockey
(c) Football (d) Basketball
Ans. Football
‘Aaghan khan’ Trophy is related to which sport?
(a) Hockey (b) Volleyball
(c) Netball (d) Football
Ans. Hockey
Q.3. ‘Altius’ stands for
(a) Higher (b) Farter
(c) Stronger (d) None of the above
Ans. Higher
Q.4. Where is IOC headquarter situated?
(a) Lacen, Switzerland (b) Zeneva
(c) Washing ton (d) Haig
Ans. Lacen, Switzerland.
Q.5. Which of the following is not the component of heath related fitenss?
(a) Body composition (b) Cardio-Vascular Endurance
(c) Flexibility (d) Speed
Ans. Speed.
International yoga day is celebrated on
(a) 2 June (b) 27 June
(c) 13 June (d) 17 June
Ans. 2 June
Q.6. Flexibility is difined as
(a) Range of motion of joints (b) Range of motion of tendons
(c) Range of motion of ligaments (d) None of the above
Ans. Range of motion of joints
Q.7. Special olympics Bharat deals with children with
(a) Physical abnormatities (b) Social abnormalities
(c) Mentally abnormal chiedren (d) None of the above
Ans. Mentally abnomal children
Q.8. Agitos is a symbol of
(a) Power (b) Motion
(c) Endurance (d) Light
Ans. Motion
Q.9. Exhalation is called as
(a) Poorak (b) Rechak
(c) Kumbhak (d) None of the above
Ans. Rechak
Q.10. ‘Tratak’ is related to
(a) Eyes (b) Nose
(c) Ear (d) Throat
Ans. Eyes
Q.11. AMS is a condition due to
(a) Hign Altitude (b) Excessive Heat
(c) Excessive cold (d) Humidity
Ans. High Altitude.
Q.12. Hybothermia occuse due to
(a) Low body temperature
(b) increased body temperature
(c) Dehydration
(d) Lack of minerals/electrolytes in the body.
Ans. Low body temperature
Q.13. The BMI of an Individual is 30.5. In which categeoy he belongs to?
(a) Under weight (b) Over weight
(c) Obesity I category (d) Obesity 2nd catgory
Ans. Obesity I category
Q.14. A pesson with pear shaped body comes under which body type?
(a) Mesomorph (b) Ectomorph
(c) Edomorph (d) None of the above
Ans. Endomorph
Q.15. The number of vertebraes in our body is
(a) 24 (b) 9
(c) 33 (d) 27
Ans. 33
Q.16. Thumb is the example of which joint?
(a) Saddle joint (b) Condyloid joint
(c) Pivot joint (d) Hinge joint
Ans. Saddle joint
Q.17. ‘Adolescence’ is a period between
(a) 12 to 18 year (b) 13 to 18 year
(c) 11 to 18 year (d) 12 to 16 year
Ans. 12 to 18 year
Adulthood is the age of
(a) 18 year (b) After 18 year
(c) After 18 year (d) None of the above
Ans. After 18 years.
Q.18. Puberty begins at
(a) Childhood (b) Adolescence
(c) Asulthood (d) None of the above
Ans. Adolescence
Q.19. Which of the following is consumed by defensive sports?
(a) Beta-2 Agonists (b) HGH
(c) Diuretics (d) Anabolic steriods
Ans. Diuretics
Q.20. Cycling is the example of
(a) Serial skills (b) Interactive skills
(c) Continuous skills (d) Fine skills
Ans. Continuous skills.
Sports day is celebrated on which dates?
(a) 29 August (b) 23 August
(c) 27 August (d) 12 August
Ans. 29 August
Q.21 Explain the aime and any two objcetives of physical Education.
Ans. The aim of physical education is all sound or whole some development of the
perssonality of an Individual.
The two objcetives of physical education are as follows
1. Physical development : Development of organ systems such as circulatory
system, nervous system, muscular system, digetive system etc.
2. Mental development : Physical activities require alertness of mind, deep
concentration an calculated movement. This objective is related to the mental
development of an individual.
Q.22 Write short note on IOC.
Ans. International Olympic Committee (IOC)
For proper organization of Olympic games, the International Olympic Committee
was constituted. One representative was included in this committee from each
country. The head quarters of this committee is situted in Switzerland and five
executive members of this committee This committee decides the venue and
time for Olympic Games.
Q.23 Enlist the different components of Health related fitness and explain
them in detail?
Ans. There are following components of Health related fitness:
(1) Body composition
(2) Cardio-respiratory Endurance
(3) Flexibility
(4) Muscular Endurance
(5) Muscular strength
1. Body Composition: The body composition means the amount of the
fat-free body weight. It is well known that a high percentage of body fat
in relation to the total body weight is harmful and may lead to obesity
from the health point of view, the normal percentage of body fat for
young men and women should not exceed 15 and 25 percentage. It
means that for health related fitness an individual should have ideal body
weight and fat percentage.
2. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance: It is the maximum functional capacity
of the cardio-respiratory system to carry on the work or Physical activity
involving large muscle group over an extended period.
3. Flexibility: Flexibility is the range of movements of joints. It is important
for all individuals in daily life. It can be classified into passive flexibility
and active flexibility. Active flexibility can be further classified into static
flexibility and dynamic flexibility.
4. Muscular Endurance: Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or
group of muscles to repeat muscular contractions against a force or to
carry on contraction over a maximum period.
5. Muscular Strength: Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force
that can be exerted by a muscle group against a resistance during a
sengle contraction.
Q.24 Write short note on ‘paralympics’
Ans. Para Olympics
This is similar to Olympic game for disabled sports person in 1960 first time it was organized
in Rome. The head quarter of international para Olympic is situated at Bonn, Germany.
The international para Olympic is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympic
games. At present it comprises of 176 National Para Olympic Committees.
Q.25 Enlist the elements of Yoga and explain ‘Yama in detail’
Elements of Yoga

Yama Niyama Asanas Pranayama Pratyahara Dharna Dhayana Samadhi

There are eight elements of yoga. yama is the first limb of ashtang yoga yama
is alos sometimes called” the five restraints” because it describes what one
should avoid to advance on the spiritual path.
There are five types of yoma. They are as follows:
(1) Ahimsa – None voilece or hasmlessness. To perfect animsa one must not
with hasm on any creature.
(2) Satya – Non lying or truthfulness. This does not mean to be tactless, but
to always tell the highest turth.
(3) Asteya – Noe-covetousness. not wishing for more than one has, or for
what another has.
(4) Brahmachartya – Sexual self – restraint. Celibacy means flowing with
(5) Aprigraha – Non – possessiveness. Letting go of all attachment to one’s
possession, including one’s body, and being willing to rlinquish them all at
a moment’a notice.
Q.26 Write five objectives of Advanturous sports.
Ans. (1) To develop self comfidence– By overcoming the fear and expericncing
the then one can develop self confidence.
(2) To build the concentration– In these sports, a pesson has to be very alest
and attentive all the time. It develops the concentration.
(3) To develop mental and phsical fitness– These sport help in developing the
mental and physical fitness.
(4) To have bonding with nature– most of the adventure sports are outdoor
activity which give enough opportunity to experience nature which develops
the bonding with nature.
(5) To encouqage creativity– These sports allow and encourage creativity of
an individual.
Q.27 The weight of a person is 60 kg and his height is 1.50 m. Find/Calculate
his BMI and category in which the belongs to?
Ans. Weight of the pesson = 60 kg
Height = 1.50 m.
Weight (in kg)
BmI =
Height (in m 2 )
= 1.50 × 1.50
= 26.6 kg/m2
He falls in obesity I categony.
Q.28 Write short note on Blood.
Ans. Blood is a body fluid in humans. Blood is both a tissue and a fluid. These are
there types of living cells in blood red blood cells (or erythrocytes), WBC (or
leukocytes) and platelets (or theombocytes).
Important functions of blood are given as under:
(i) Transport of oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the
tissues to the lungs.
(ii) It carries food material absorbed from the intestines to the tissue, cells for
growth, energy and repair process.
(iii) It carries the waste products of cellular activity and carries them to kidneys,
lungs and intestines for excretion.
(iv) It carries hormones, vitamin and other chemicals to the place of need.
(v) It helps to maintain water balance in the body.
(vi) It regulates the body temperature.
(vii) White blood cells of the blood acts as a defensive mechanism
Write short notes on blood vessels.
Ans. The blood vessles are part of the circulatory system and function to transport
blood theoughout the body.
The most important types, arteries an veins, carry blood away from or towards
the heart There all five main types of blood vessels:
(1) Arteries (2) Arterioles
(3) Capillaries (4) Venules
(5) Veins
Arteries carry blood away from the heart to other organs. Arteres also respond to
signells form out nervous system.
Arterioles are the smallesst arteries in the body. They deliver blood to capillaries.
Capillearies are tiny vessls that connet arterioles to venules waste products from
body tissues can also pass intoo capillanes. Veins are the blood vessels that carry
blood back to the heart.
Q.29 Differentiate between growth and development.
Growth Development
1. Growth is quantitative. 1. Development is quantitative as well as qualitative.
2. Growth comprises of height, 2. In this with the physical changes cognitive social
weight, size and shape of body and emrtional change are also in cluded.
organs like brain etc.
3. It is due to cell division. 3. It happen due to motor and adjust
mental proceffess and their interplay.
4. It is for limited period. 4. It takes place till death.
5. It can be measured. 5. It can be observed by matured behavious.
Q.9 Explian the physical charactersties of adolesecne.
Ans. 1. Experience onest of puberty, develop secondary sex characristies.
2. Growth rapidly, are often clumsy and uncoordinated.
3. Become highly self-conscious, body image can affect self-image.
4. Fluctuate between hgheractivity and lethargy.
5. Need physical astivity.
These are the five physical characteristics which every adolescent experience during
Q.30 Explain any three principles of sports training.
Ans. To perform physical activities and sports if we want to remain healthy and fit for
longer duration, there are certain principles we have to follow. They are as under :
(a) The principles of use : The Principle of use indicates that if we use any part
of the body then that part will remain healthy for longer duration. It is essential
to perform one or the other physical activity. Regular exercise also improves
muscular strength, will power, increased metabolic changes that are responsible
for increased efficiency of the total body, improves the system due to regular
input and out put of healthy impulse.
(b) Principle of Disuse: Principle of disuse means absence of physical activity.
It may be due to any fracture, illness, old age or any personal reason. If we
stop using of our body, our growth and development of muscles, brain, system
etc. will also either stop or the growth will be very slow.
(c) Principle of over load : Principle of overload means using the body beyond
its capacity. It is necessary for an athlete to use his body maximum to get a
better result but on the other hand over use of the body is also very harmful
for the body.
Explain physical methods of doping.

Blood Doping: Blood doping is a method to increase the count of red blood cells,
which is done by the use of wrong banned substances. There are two methods
under this.
(a) Autologous blood doping : Two units of bloods are taken some weeks prior to
competition. Then the blood is frozen until one or two days before competition
when it is injected into the athlete. This is called autologous blood doping.
(b) Homologous blood doping : The injection of fresh blood, taken from a second
person, straight into the athlete is called homologous blood doping. This improves
the oxygen carrying capacity to the muscles by increasing the count of red blood
cells (RBC) so the muscle endurance is increased which improves the aerobic capacity
and sports performance.
2. Gene Doping : Gene doping is the manipulation of cells or genes to enhance the
body's sports performance. It can be used to improve the work function of normal
healthy cells. Gene therapy plays an important role in growth and development of
muscles and bones. It also speeds up the person to repair of the injured muscle
tendons and ligaments.
3. Chemical and Physical Manipulation:Any tampering with the samples during
doping control during or after any competition is prohibited.
Q.31 What is the role of speech therapist and special educator for CWSN.
(children with special needs).
Ans. Speech therapist/pathologist works with children with a varietes of delay and disorder
such as autisum. Down syndrome, hearing imparirment, motor speech disorders,
and other developmental delays.
They help child with :
1. Articulation skills/speech intelity articulation is the physical ability to move
the togue, lips, jaw and palate (known as the articulators) to produce
individual speech sounds which we phonemes.
2. Expressive Language Skills: While speech involves the physical motor
disability to talk, language is a symbolic system used to convey a message.
Proper use of these is developed by speech therapist.
3. Receptive Language/Listening Skills: Receptive language, refers to
child’s ability to listen and understand language. Therapist can help teach
the child new vocabulary and how to use that knowledge to follow
direction, answer question and participate in single conversations with
Role of Special Educator for CWSN.
1. Assess student's skills to determine their needs and to develop teaching
2. Adapt lessons to meet the needs of students.
3. Develop Individualised education programs (IEPs) for students.
4. Plan, organise, and assign activities that are specific to each student's
5. Implement IEPs, assess students.
6. Update IEPs throughout the school year to reflect student's progress and

Q.32 Explain the benefits, Proccdure and Precautions of any one inveditative
Ans. Sukhasana is a ineditative asana.
1. Sit erect with spine straight.
2. Relax your whole body and breathe normally.
3. Maintain this position for as long a comfortable.
Benefits To Body Part:
The Sukhasana is a comfortable, sitting yoga pose that,is ideal for meditation. In
Sanskrit, Sukh means, happiness, peace or relaxation and this pose is aimed at
providing all of it. There are many physical, emotional and mental benefits associated
with this pose, some of which include.
Amplifying your state of serenity andtranquility
Broadens your collarbones and chest
Calming your brain
Eliminating stress, anxiety and mental exhaustion
Improving alignment
Lengthening your spine
Opening your hips
Promoting inner calm
Reducing fatigue
Strengthening your back
Stretching your ankles and knees
• Don't do sukhasana in inflammation in the knee or hip, spinal disc problems
and chronic khee injries.
• Perform this asana under the Guidance and supervision of a certified Yoga
guru , at least until you master it.
What are the benefits, Procedure, and Contraindications of Padamasana
Explain in detail.
Ans. Steps of Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Sit on the floor and stretch your legs, your legs should be straight in front. Hold the
right leg in both the hands, fold the legs slowly and place it on your left thigh. Ensure
that your feet should touch your navel.
padmasana step 1
Same like earlier fold the left knee, and hold it with both hands and place it on the
right thigh close to the other. At this point your both knees should touch the floor
and the foot should face upwardly.
Your spinal cord should be straight at this point. If you feel some difficulty while
sitting in the posture for a long time, you can change the legs and then sit on the
same position.
padmasana step 2
Your spinal cord should be erect, your both hands should be together or put the
palms facing upside on the knee joints and the thumb must touch your index finger
and the other fingers should face the upward. Padmasana step
Breathing process should be slowly-slowly and deeply. (Inhale and Exgake and
focus on your breathing. Do this asana for 2 to 3 minutes in the beginning stage,
once you are used to it then increase the time 15 to 30 minutes. Remember, one
most important thing don't bend your body or head while doing this Asana
Benefits of Padmasana .
Padmasana is the highly preferred asanas by yoga practitioner in the beginning stage
for increase the focus of mind and concentration. It helps in improving the,
concentration power and it will calms the brain also.
This Asana helps to preserve vital fluids in the body and prevents abdominal disease
and female disorders connected with the reproductive organs.
Doing this Asana gives your mind peace, solitude and longevity to the practitioner. It
increases the hunger and helps to relax the body.
It can also help in the stretches the ankle and knees. This Asana is the base for all
asanas and it strengthens the hip and knee joints of the female.
You can reduce the unwanted fat of hip and the thigh. This is the simplest and easiest
asana which can practice by all trie age group of men and women they can get
benefits of yogasana.
People who are suffering from ankle injury should not practice this asana. In case
you have undergone a recent knee surgery please avoid this asana. If you have are
sorain in the leg, then our advise is not to do this asana. Don't perform this if you
suffering from severe back pain.
Note: Do all the Asana under the Yoga instructor.
Q.33 Elaborate the structure of respiratory system with diagram.
Ans. Structure of Respiratory system:
— Respiratory System: The Respiratory system is a system which regulates the
exchange of gases.
Structure of the respiratory system involves the following organs in human beings

Types of Respiration
1. External Respiration
2. Internal orTissues Respiration
Functions of Respiration System
— To provide oxygen to blood
— Removal of waste products from the body eg. CO2
— Maintain body temperature
— It affects circulation of blood
Explain in detail fore problems of adolescents.
Is the atmosphere of home and school contribute in solving the adolescents?
Problems-If yes, then how? Explain.
Ans. (1) Aggressive and Violent Behaviour : Adolescent has aggressive behaviour
and often becomes violent very fast. They easily become, irritated and repulsive
when work is not of their interest.
(2) Problems related to physiological growth. The physiological changes
associated with adolescence present conditions and problems that the
adolescence has not met upto this time and in may cases is ill prepared to
meet them when they appear.
(3) Confusion between adolescent's role and status unfortunately neither the
adolescent's role nor his status is clear cut in the society. A boy may be treated
like a man in many situations outside but like a child in his own home.
(4) Problems related with the future : The adolescence is a period when the
individual is not a child, he has emerged from the safe and protected life of
childhood. He has now to decide to what course of life he has to follow.
Yes, It is true that atmosphere of school and home plays a very important role in
resolving adolescent? problems Unhealthy atmosphere at home or in school or
carelessness towards children can force children to fall in bad company. In
orders to save children from bad habits and company, it is important to provide
sufficient means for the satisfaction of their interests at home or school. Activities
like music, arts or sports can help in keeping the children busy and indulge in
healthy recreation.
Q.34 How limbering down can help a player? Explain any two method of
limbering down in detail.
Ans. Limbering down means lowering down the intensity of the work by performing the
stretching exercise followed by deep breathing, relaxation exercise is called cooling
Beneficial effects of limbering down.
When we do exercise there is a lot of blood flow in our muscle if we stop suddenly
there may be pooling of blood in the extremities and cause giddiness and some time
collapse. Limbering down exercise prevent the post exercise soreness and stiffness.
Two methods of limbering down are as follows:
1. Stretching exercise— one can cool down his/her body by stretchibg their
body. It can be done with the help of partner or alone. This will help in mormalizing
the body temperature and relacina the muscles.
2. Massage— This can also be one of the method used to relax the body after
strngthnous exercises. It gives a soothing effect.

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