GODLIKE For King and Country

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For King and Country A D-Day Adventure for GODLIKE

By Chris Hall, © 2004
Characters and Editing by Jessica Hammer.
Playtesting by Anthony Bamonte, Abby Estes, and Shawn Roberts.

Introduction them. But he is confused and shocked enough to listen to firm

The British 3rd Division was tasked with taking Sword Beach, Don’t spend too much time on the beach. Lieutenant Col-
the easternmost beachhead of the Normandy invasion. Caen, lins, the regimental intelligence officer, soon intervenes—in a
a city to the south, was its main objective. Opposing it was flashback to inform the players of their mission.
the German 736th Grenadier Regiment on the beaches, and Will awards: 1 Will for getting Major Bloome moving; 2
the 21st Panzer division south of Caen. This Panzer division Will for helping the unorganized men by the seawall.
was the Allies’ greatest worry before D-Day, for they knew
that if it strongly counterattacked the British could be thrown
into the sea, jeopardizing the entire invasion.
The player characters in this scenario are a British recon-
naissance squad who run into just such a counterattack. The Briefing
This scenario uses flashbacks to guide the players through the

Scene 1: story. Use flashbacks between tense scenes, not during them.
They should give the players intelligence that the Division

Sword Beach might have known before D-day, but they should not dictate
player actions. Some places to insert flashbacks have been
It is 10:00 in the morning on June 6th, 1944. The 1st South suggested. Feel free to modify them or invent your own as
Lancashire Regiment of the 3rd British Infantry Division is needed—but try to have a light touch.
just beginning to land on the beaches of Normandy at the far Collins, who appears only in flashbacks, is glad that he does
east of the Allied assault. not have to fight, but he feels compassion for those who do.
The adventure opens as the steel front door of the play- He tries to make the soldiers feel more confident by putting
ers’ landing craft falls open, revealing a scene of chaos. Their the best spin on the opposition they are about to face.
division began landing four hours ago, but the beaches are Collins tells the players that their primary mission is to
still a mess. A few Germans who survived the initial assault reach the city of Caen. However, before they can advance,
are sporadically firing at the disembarking soldiers. The dead they must take care of the town of La Brèche d’Hermanville,
and wounded litter the beaches near unhurt but leaderless and which is expected to be a point of German resistance. They
shell-shocked men cowering behind a low seawall. must ensure the town is secured to let other units land safely
The players’ recon squad shares a landing craft with a com- on the beach behind them.
pany of British regular infantry who seem more confused than
anything. Their commanders were told that the beaches would
be secured by this point, but this is clearly not the case. Up
and down the beach this scene is repeated, and even Talents
Scene 2:
can only hope to affect their small part of it.
The players must cross 100 yards of obstacle-strewn beach
La Brèche d’Hermanville
A quick run along the beach gets the players to the town. At
to reach the seawall. They are fired on by a bunker gunner the outskirts they encounter Sergeant Douglas, the highest
with an MG 34 machine gun, using suppressive fire with 6d ranking survivor of the British company dedicated to attack-
attack pool. He takes 3 rounds to open fire, then attacks once ing the town. The company has taken about half the town.
per round. The players can run from cover to cover on the Douglas is happy to give the players a rundown of the town’s
beach, covering about 10 yards per round and treating their remaining defenses and accompany them with four men from
Body+Running rolls as Dodge rolls against the gunfire; or they his squad.
can cover the whole distance in 10 - width rounds without The center of German resistance is a concrete pillbox facing
taking cover. the ocean. It holds a 50 mm anti-tank gun and its rear door is
Let the players have a minute to get their bearings once protected by an MG 42.
they reach the seawall, possibly trying to rally the troops A squad of seven Germans occupies the pillbox, and an-
huddled there or encouraging the company commander, other squad of six men holds trenches outside. Each squad has
Major Bloome, to get his men off the beach. The Major won’t one man armed with a MP-40, the rest have Gewehr 98 rifles.
let any of the players give him orders, as he outranks any of The pillbox walls are at least two feet thick and invulner-



able to anything except a battleship’s gun (HAR 10). The out if they argue that she is too young or too female to fight.
doors are steel, but much easier to penetrate (HAR 6). The Otherwise she keeps her Talent a secret until it is needed.
gun aperture is large enough to squeeze through without do- If the players refuse, the would-be fighters try to trail them
ing any damage to the pillbox. Loopholes provide cover to all at a distance, determined to join the fight and take word back
hit locations except 10 when firing, and full cover if not firing. to town if they see the enemy coming.
The trench provides cover to all hit locations except 6 and
10 when firing, and full cover if not firing.
Will awards: The players gain 4 Will for taking the town Scene 4:
without losses to themselves and Sgt. Douglas’s men, or 2 Will
for taking the town with losses. They lose 2 Will for not suc- First Contact
cessfully taking the town. Continuing south, the players see the spires of Caen in the
distance over open fields. Unfortunately, a patrol of tanks
from the 21st Panzer Division was alerted to the landings
Flashback: this morning and is driving north to counterattack the British
beach. A platoon of panzer grenadier infantry is in front, rid-
Objectives South ing in four halftracks, followed by a company of tanks. The
After the fight at the town, Lt. Collins returns in a flashback tanks are escorted by a German Übermensch, SS Sturmscharf-
“reminding” the players that their objectives lie south—the ührer Kurt Vengler (“Der Stein”), in the command tank. The
towns of Hermanville-sûr-Mer and Periers-sûr-le-Dan along players meet these forces just south of Periers-sur-le-Dan.
the road to Caen. They are to proceed inland as quickly as Each player should make a Sense+Hearing check. The play-
possible to scout ahead of the regiment, which is still land- er with the widest result notices the approaching halftracks
ing behind them, and discover what German resistance the first, giving the players width minutes to prepare. As they are
regiment can expect to face. The regiment has been ordered to preparing, likely getting ready for an ambush, let them make
enter Caen by dusk, so they better start moving. another Sense+Hearing check to hear the deeper rumble of the
tanks, trailing 300 meters behind the halftracks.
If the resistance fighters came along, they take their cue
Scene 3: from the players. They have no interest in tangling with tanks,
and prefer to run back to town with a warning before they’re
A Chance Encounter spotted. If they are called on to fight, they are uneven at best;
At Periers-sûr-le-Dan, about a mile and a half south of the none has formal combat experience and they are prone to
beach, the players encounter a crowd of French civilians hold- panic and foolhardiness.
ing an impromptu party in the streets in celebration of the At this point the players may continue with their ambush
Allied landing and their liberation. The players are the first against the halftracks, let the halftracks pass and ambush the
Allied troops to reach the town, and they are welcomed as tanks, or retreat to get help.
heroes. Ambushing the halftracks may be very effective, but it alerts
Among the crowd is one Madame Bel-Ami, a member of the tanks to the players’ presence. The tanks can stand off and
the French resistance. She has collected information about the shell them from a distance with little risk of retaliation.
German forces from various resistance cells across France and If the players choose to hide in the brush and let the half-
hopes to give it to the Allies as soon as possible. She invites tracks pass, they can ambush the tanks. The halftracks stop
the players into her home, which also serves as the center of and their troops rush out to find cover; then they split up, half
the resistance in Periers-sûr-le-Dan—and the local brothel. providing suppressive fire while the others maneuver closer to
Inside they receive a bundle of documents, too many for the players.
them to easily inspect and far more useful to a division com- Finally, the players can retreat. In the face of such signifi-
mander than to a recon squad. However, Madame Bel-Ami cant opposition, this is not a bad plan at all. The main dis-
also says she has heard reports of German troops and tanks advantage is that they don’t slow the German counterattack
massing this morning to the south, around Caen. at all, so they have less time available in the next scene—and
Considering the nature of the establishment, the players if the Germans see French civilians with the players they will
have immediate opportunities for diversion if they take advan- punish Periers-sur-le-Dan as they pass through.
tage of it. Sergeants, watch your men! If the players eliminate their opposition in this scene, they
At the brothel the players encounter Marianne Bel-Ami, the have opened the way to Caen! After taking such serious losses
16-year-old daughter of Madame. Despite her youth, Mari- in their initial advance, the 21st Panzer withdraws south of
anne is hardened member of the resistance . . . and a Talent. Caen and the 1st Lancaster Regiment is free to liberate the
She speaks both German and English. She and about a dozen town. There is no need to continue the scenario.
young men ask to join the players, as the war has been hard Will awards: 1 Will for each halftrack destroyed, and 2
for their village and they hope to kill a few more Germans Will for each tank destroyed. +4 Will if no one in the group is
before it ends. wounded. -1 Will for each person seriously wounded or killed.
Marianne uses her Talent to knock one of the non-Talents -2 Will for retreating.



Scene 5:
Germans and Brits
The players encounter Herr and Bandomir in Scene 4, Fight Another Day
Vierzig and Fromm-Furchtner in Scene 6. As the players retreat back the way they came, the Germans
pause and regroup. This gives the players a chance to find a
good defensive position, to march back towards the beaches,
Kompanie 5, Abteilung II, or to radio back to headquarters for further instructions.
Panzer Regiment 22 In either case they soon encounter Maj. Bloome and his
Commander, Hauptmann Herr, in Somua S35. infantry company, who have extracted themselves from the
Two Panzerkampfwagen IV—known to the British as beach, possibly with the players’ help in the first scene. The
the Mark IV. (See GODLIKE, page 268.) company is marching south towards Caen on the same road
Four Somua S35, 1940 French tanks in German ser- that the players have been using.
vice. (See Appendix B.) Bloome emphasises the importance of protecting the
beaches. The German counterattack means that there is no
hope of taking Caen, and it could force the 3rd Division out
Kompanie 3, Battalion I, of Normandy. He orders the players to stay with his company
Panzer Grenadier 125 Regiment to face the German attack.
Commander, Leutnant Bandomir in a halftrack. The major is a bit more coherent than he was on the beach,
Four SdKfz 251. (See GODLIKE, page 269.) Each but some players may suspect that he might crack if put under
halftrack has a crew of two, one driver and one ma- pressure again. But he is the ranking officer on the scene, so
chine gunner. Each carries a squad of eight men, six the player are going to have to make a show of listening to
with Gewehr 98 rifles, one with an MP-40, and one him.
with an MG-42. While the players may not be happy to see Maj. Bloome,
they should be very happy to see the 150 men of his infantry
company. The men have heavy weapons, including four 3”
Headquarters Stab, Abteilung II, mortars and a 6-pounder anti-tank gun.
Panzer Regiment 22 The men are mixed in their reaction to the Talents. Some
Commander, Major Vierzig, in Somua S35. are glad to have their help, while others are worried about
Two Panzerkampfwagen IV—known to the British as meeting whatever could have made Talents retreat.
the Mark IV. (See GODLIKE, page 268.) Bloome orders a defensive line set up on the edge of a line
One Somua S35, a 1940 French tank in German ser- of woods, perpendicular to the road that the tanks must ad-
vice. (See Appendix B.) vance along. The players hold the most important portion of
the line, up front and center. There is nothing to do now but
dig in.
Kompanie 6, Abteilung II, This scene should generate tension for the battle ahead by
Panzer Regiment 22 emphasizing its importance—and Maj. Bloome’s potential for
Commander, Hauptmann Fromm-Furchtner, in a poor decision-making.
Somua S35.

Scene 6:
Two Panzerkampfwagen IV—known to the British as
the Mark IV. (See GODLIKE, page 268.)

Last Stand
Five Somua S35, 1940 French tanks in German service.
(See Appendix B.)
One Hotchkiss H39, a 1940 French tank in German If the Germans fought Talents earlier, their tanks advance
service. (See Appendix B.) cautiously. The 5th Panzer Kompanie, which the players faced
earlier, is joined by the Abteilung reserve, 6th Kompanie, and
the headquarters unit.
Generic German Soldier If the players retreated earlier without making contact,
See Heer Soldat, GODLIKE, page 312. however, then the 6th Kompanie will not arrive until after
5th Kompanie gets into trouble. The headquarters unit, and
Typical British Squad (10 men) Hauptsturmführer Emil von Zoren (“Der Zunder”), will be
Eight have Lee-Enfield rifles, one has a Bren gun, and supporting other attacks and the players don’t have to deal
the sergeant has a Sten gun. One rifleman has a PIAT. with them.
See Allied Infantryman, GODLIKE, page 313. The Germans cautiously approach the line of woods where
the players and Bloome’s company wait. Sixth Kompanie has
Hauptscharführer Hans Friehofer (“Herzzerreißender”), who
uses his Talent to detect the fear of the British company wait-



ing to ambush the tanks. they do prevent the British and Canadians from linking up
Fifth Kompanie and the headquarters unit attack the British until the evening of June 7th.
line while 6th Kompanie provides covering fire. Herzzer- If the players lose, however, the Germans are free to ad-
reißender causes fear in the British troops, focusing on the of- vance to the British beaches. The 21st Panzer is not strong
ficers; Der Zunder protects the tanks from anti-tank weapons; enough to push the British into the sea, but it seriously ham-
and Der Stein, if he survived the previous encounter, turns pers reinforcement of the beachhead. 3rd Division is unable to
people to stone. All three Übermenschen are protected inside aid the 6th Airborne Division on its right, nor is it able to link
tanks. up with the Canadian forces at Juno Beach until June 11th.
This battle, involving more than 10 tanks and 200 men,
is far too large to simulate accurately in a scenario such as
this. You may use the squad-based combat rules found on the British NPCs
GODLIKE Web site, but it may be more effective to focus
only on the players’ narrow portion of the battle, using their
success and failure as a measure of the overall success or fail-
Major Bloome
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2
ure of their side.
Brains 3 Command 2 Cool 1
Give the players several small encounters to resolve, and
Skills Brawling 1 (3d), Cryptography 2 (5d), Endurance 1
let each encounter influence the larger battle. Winning two
(3d), Grenade 1 (3d), Hearing 2 (4d), Knife 1 (3d), Language
of the three encounters drives the Germans away; losing two
(English) 3 (6d), Leadership 1 (3d), Machine Gun 1 (3d), Map
encounters causes the British line to break irretrievably.
Reading 2 (5d), Navigation (Land) 2 (5d), Pistol 2 (4d), Radio
Between the encounters, give the players a sense of how the
Operation 2 (5d), Rifle 1 (3d), Stealth 1 (3d), Tactics 2 (5d).
battle is going. A lost encounter might be followed with a de-
Weapons and Armor
scription of a British platoon being decimated by close-range
Helmet (LAR 2).
cannon fire, while a victorious encounter could be followed
Webley revolver (Damage width+1 in Shock and Killing).
by a description of a German tank being hit in the flank by
the 6pdr anti-tank gun. You don’t have to run these encoun-
A company commander in the 1st South Lancashire Regiment,
ters in order, nor do you have to limit the battle to only three
Bloome does not want to get his men killed, as he feels a great
encounters. Do whatever feels most dramatic, but keep the
responsibility towards them. Unfortunately, this means he is
action going.
prone to panic in combat when his men are under heavy fire.
Encounter 1: 5th Kompanie attacks the center of the British
line, where the players are. Hauptmann Herr orders his tanks
to close with the British, crushing Tommies in their foxholes Sergeant-Major Douglas
in some cases. Give the players a British squad to support Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 1
them. Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 3
Encounter 2: Maj. Bloome panics and orders his men to fall Skills Brawling 3 (5d), Climb 2 (4d), Endurance 2 (4d), Gre-
back. Bloome loses control, and with Herzzerreißender’s Tal- nade 3 (5d), Knife 2 (4d), Language (English) 1 (3d), Leader-
ent encouraging the men to flee the line is in serious danger. ship 1 (3d), Machine Gun 2 (4d), Map Reading 1 (3d), Men-
The players must calm Bloome in some way, while remember- tal Stability 2 (5d), Navigation (Land) 2 (4d), Pistol 2 (4d),
ing that they can’t give him direct orders. Desperate players Radio Operation 1 (3d), Rifle 3 (5d), Sight 2 (3d), Stealth 2
may kill him. This was not unheard of in the heat of battle. (4d), Submachine Gun 4 (6d).
Encounter 3: Der Zunder attacks the players, challeng- Weapons and Armor
ing them specifically as a point of honor. He is riding in the Helmet (LAR 2).
commander’s position of a Mark IV and orders it to charge Sten submachine gun (Damage width +1 in Shock and Killing,
the Talents’ position. He uses his power to make their gre- Spray 3).
nades explode while the Mark IV uses its cannon and machine Notes
guns. Der Zunder has no shortage of arrogance, however. If Douglas has been in the army since before the war started. At
his attack seems to be going well, he opens the hatch of his 40 years old, he seems ancient to the young recruits. A brave
tank and looks out, proudly demonstrating that it is an Über- and experienced man, he will fight to the bitter end.
mensch attacking the players.

If the players win the battle, they have blocked the German
assault on Sword Beach. The road to Caen is closed for now,
but at least the beaches are secure.
To the west, other elements of the 21st Panzer succeed in
reaching the ocean between Sword and Juno, the Canadian
beach. Fortunately they are far from the landing beaches, but



German NPCs Notes

Because Friehofer feels the emotions of those he fights, he is
very reluctant to kill. He prefers to enhance his opponents’
Der Zunder fear and force them to run away. If he had a choice, he would
surrender to the Allies—only the fact that he can sense what
(“The Detonator”) Der Zunder would do to him if he tried it prevents him.
Hauptsturmführer Emil von Zoren
Body 3 Coordination 2 Sense 1
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 2 “Der Stein”
Skills Brawling 2 (5d), Climb 1 (3d), Driving (Tanks) 2 (4d),
(The Stone)
Endurance 2 (5d), Grenade 2 (4d), Knife 3 (5d), Language
Sturmscharführer Kurt Vengler
(German) 2 (4d), Leadership 2 (4d), Machine Gun 2 (4d),
Body 2 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Map Reading 1 (3d), Mental Stability 2 (4d), Navigation
Brains 2 Command 1 Cool 2
(Land) 2 (4d), Radio Operation 1 (3d), Rifle 2 (4d), Sight 2
Skills Brawling 2 (4d), Climb 1 (3d), Driving (Tank) 1 (4d),
(3d), Stealth 2 (4d).
Endurance 2 (4d), Grenade 3 (6d), Hearing 1 (3d), Knife 1
Base Will 3
(4d), Language (German) 2 (4d), Machine Gun 2 (5d), Map
Talents (30 Will points)
Reading 1 (3d), Mental Stability 2 (4d), Navigation (Land) 1
Detonation 3hd (Attacks, Defense, Robust, Useful Outside
(3d), Pistol 2 (5d), Rifle 2 (5d), Sight 1 (3d), Stealth 2 (5d),
Combat; Extra: Reflexive; Flaw: Nervous Habit (palms to-
Submachine Gun 3 (6d).
gether as if in prayer); Flaw: Backfires).
Base Will 7
Go First level 2.
Talents (22 Will points)
Weapons and Armor
Transmute (Anything to Stone) 4d+1hd (Flaw: Greedy, Flaw:
Helmet (LAR 2).
King Midas (stone only).
Diensdolch (SS Dagger) (Damage width in Shock + 1 Killing).
Weapons and Armor
Helmet (LAR 2).
Emil von Zoren has the power to cause explosives to detonate
MP 40 submachine gun (Damage width +1 in Shock and Kill-
prematurely—he can make a vehicle all but immune to dam-
ing, Spray 2).
age by exploding the charges in anti-tank shells before they
hit. If a platoon of tanks are all close enough to him he can
Vengler is a veteran who gained his Talent on the Eastern
protect them all, but a large volume of fire overwhelms his
Front in 1941. He remained in the Heer for as long as he
abilities. Der Zunder is the leader of the Übermenschen in the
could, but was eventually forced to join the SS because of his
21st Panzer, a position that allows him to get away with cold
Talent. He has little respect for SS officers, but he will do his
and arrogant behavior. This leads to frequent clashes with
duty. His Talent allows him to turn things to stone. Humans
Wehrmacht officers in the division. He wants to impress the
are the most obvious target, but hardening soft ground and
SS leadership with his prowess in battle so he can get into a
building bridges out of rivers are far more useful abilities in a
primarily Talent unit.
tank regiment.

Herzzerreißender Wehrmacht
(“Heartbreaker”) These historical German commanders were in or near the
Hauptscharführer Hans Friehofer battles described. For stats, see Heer Offizier, GODLIKE,
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2 page 312.
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 2 • Oberst Hermann von Oppeln-Bronikowski.
Skills Brawling 2 (4d), Climb 1 (3d), Driving (Tank) 1 (3d), Commander, Kampfgruppe Oppeln, 21st Panzer Division.
Endurance 2 (4d), Grenade 2 (4d), Hearing 1 (3d), Knife 1 See Heer Offizier, GODLIKE, page 312.
(3d), Language (German) 2 (4d), Machine Gun 2 (4d), Map • Major Vierzig. Commander, II Abteilung, Panzer Regi-
Reading 1 (3d), Mental Stability 1 (3d), Navigation (Land) 1 ment 22, Kampfgruppe Opplen.
(3d), Pistol 2 (4d), Rifle 2 (4d), Sight 3 (5d), Stealth 2 (4d). • Leutnant Bandomir. Commander, Kompanie 3, Battalion
Base Will 4 I, Panzer Grenadier Regiment 125.
Talents (28 Will points) • Hauptmann Herr. Commander, Kompanie 5, Abteilung II,
Perception (Sees Feelings) 4d. Panzer Regiment 22.
Control (Emotions) 3d (Flaw: Attached to Perception—can • Hauptmann Fromm-Fürchtner. Commander, Kompanie 6,
only enhance strongest feeling of target; Flaw: Short Duration Abteilung II, Panzer Regiment 22.
(Width in rounds)).
Weapons and Armor
Helmet (LAR 2).
Walther PPK pistol (Damage width in Shock and Killing).



French NPCs Appendix A:

Madame Fleur Bel-Ami Called to Fight
The player characters are all part of the 1st South Lancashire
Body 1 Coordination 3 Sense 2
Regiment of the 3rd British Infantry Division. This means they
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 2
are probably from Lancashire in southeast England. Liverpool
Skills Brawling 1 (2d), Business Management 3 (5d), Endur-
and Manchester are large cities in the region.
ance 2 (3d), Fraternizing 2 (4d), Hearing 1 (3d), Language
They have probably been training with the regiment for
(French) 2 (4d), Language (German) 1 (3d), Leadership 2
several months. Some may have participated in the defense of
(4d), Map Reading 3 (5d), Mental Stability 1 (3d), Navigation
France in the spring of 1940, and the subsequent evacuation
(Land) 2 (4d), Sight 1 (3d), Seduction 2 (4d), Stealth 3 (6d).
from Dunkirk. Others may have joined the regiment more
recently to provide Talent support for the invasion.
Fleur is a world-weary but motherly and protective brothel
If casualties mount, players may take the roles of non-Tal-
madame. She was running her establishment before the Nazis
ent soldiers. Here are some ideas for things that can make a
came to Normandy, but after their arrival she saw an oppor-
non-Talent character important in this adventure. (Talented
tunity to use it to strike back at the Germans. Her girls can
characters should not have these abilities.)
freely talk to the soldiers and gather intelligence—and while
• Team leader with a rank of lieutenant and +1d Command.
the officers sleep, any papers they have are read and copied.
• Naval observer with +1d in Forward Observer and the
Her operation is quite efficient and effective, though Allied
ability to call in strikes from ships off shore.
Command does not know that it is also a brothel.
• Scout with +1d Sense, Sight, and Stealth.
• Linguist with +1d in French and German.
La Rêve (“Dream”) • Demolitions expert with +1d Explosives.
Marianne Bel-Ami • Driver with +2d Driving and +2d Mechanics.
Body 1 Coordination 2 Sense 3 • Medic with +2d First Aid and a medic’s pouch.
Brains 3 Command 1 Cool 2
Base Will 11
Skills Knife 2 (3d), Hearing 2 (5d), Language (French) 2 (5d), Appendix B:
Language (English) 1 (3d), Language (German) 1 (4d), Map
Reading 2 (5d), Mental Stability 2 (4d), Navigation (Land) 2 French Tanks
(5d), Radio Operation 2 (5d), Stealth 3 (5d). Both these tanks fought for France in 1940 and were taken
Talents (25 Will points) into German service after the French surrender.
Stun 3hd (Flaw: Nervous Habit—pointing).
Weapons and Armor
Knife (Damage width in Shock + 1 Killing).
Somua S35
Armor Ranges: 5.5 cm to 2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 5 to 2
Guns: 47mm cannon (Width+2 Killing, Area 3, Penetration 7)
At 16, Marianne has lived under and fought against German
and one 7.5 mm MG (Width +1, Spray 4).
rule since she was a child. Her Talent first appeared when a
Maximum Speed: 25 mph
German officer tried to rape her. She never told anyone, not
# of Crew: 3
even her mother, of the experience, but she has put her Talent
Weight: 20 tons
to good use. She often encourages unsuspecting soldiers to
drink heavily, then “turns them off” (as she puts it) so their
papers may be safely examined and their weapons sabotaged. Hotchkiss H39
Armor Ranges: 4.5 cm to 2.2 cm Heavy Armor Rating: 4 to 2
Guns: 37mm cannon (Width+2 Killing, Area 3, Penetration 4)
Resistance Fighter and one 7.5 mm MG (Width +1, Spray 4).
Body 2 Coordination 2 Sense 2
Maximum Speed: 22 mph
Brains 2 Command 2 Cool 2
# of Crew: 3
Base Will 4
Weight: 12 tons
Skills Brawling 1 (3d), Endurance 1 (3d), Knife 1 (3d), Lan-
guage (French) 2 (4d), Language (German) 1 (3d), Listen 1
(3d), Navigation (Land) 2 (4d), Radio Operation 1 (3d), Rifle
1 (3d), Sight 2 (4d), Stealth 2 (4d), Submachine Gun 1 (3d).
Weapons and Armor
Knife (Damage width in Shock + 1 Killing).
Despite brief training by SOE agents, these young men are
untested in battle.



Scene 1: Sword Beach



The road to Caen.



Periers-sur-le-Dan and environs.



Scenes 5 and 6: The German Attack


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