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___1. Correlation and regression differ in that _________.

a. correlation is primarily concerned with the size and direction of relationships
b. regression is primarily used for prediction
c. both of these are true
d. neither of these are true
___2. If a relationship is linear, _________.
a. the relation can be most accurately represented by a straight line
b. all the points fall on a curved line
c. the relationship is best represented by a curved line
d. all the points must fall on a straight line
___3. In the equation Y = bX + a, X and Y, b is _________.
a. a constant
b. the slope of the line
c. the Y axis intercept
d. a constant and slope of the line
e. a variable
___4. In a positive relationship, _________.
a. as X increases, Y increases
b. as X decreases, Y decreases
c. as X increases, Y increases and as X decreases, Y decreases
d. as X increases, Y decreases
___5. In a positive relationship, _________.
a. b is negative c. a must be positive
b. b is positive d. a must be negative
___6. In a perfect relationship, _________.
a. all the points fall on the line
b. none of the points fall on the line
c. some of the points fall on the line
d. the points form an ellipse around the line
___7. A relationship can be _________.
a. perfect c. non-existant
b. imperfect d. all of these
___8. Which of the following is (are) correct interpretation(s) of correlation? Correlation
a. indicates the degree of the relationship between two variables
b. indicates a causal relationship between two variables
c. is useful in deciding which variables to manipulate in an experimental study
d. a and b
e. a and c
___9. The correlation coefficient between heights from the ground of two people on the
opposite ends of a seesaw would be _________.
a. 1.0
b. 0
c. −1.0
d. cannot tell without further information
___10. Y can be most accurately predicted from X if the correlation between X and Y is
a. 0.80 c. 0.45
b. 0.00 d. −0.98
___11. Knowing nothing more than that IQ and memory scores are correlated 0.84, you
could validly conclude that _________.
a. good memory causes high IQ
b. high IQ causes good memory
c. neither good memory nor high IQ cause each other
d. a third variable causes both good memory and high IQ
e. none of these
___12. The proportion of variance accounted for by a correlation between two variables
is determined by _________.
a. Y2 c. r
b. r2 d. b
___13. A correlation between college entrance exam grades and scholastic
achievement was found to be −1.08. On the basis of this you would tell the university
that _________.
a. the entrance exam is a good predictor of success
b. they should hire a new statistician
c. the exam is a poor predictor of success
d. students who do best on this exam will make the worst students
e. students are this school are underachieving
___14. After several studies, Professor Smith concludes that there is a zero correlation
between body weight and bad tempers. This means that _________.
a. heavy people tend to have bad tempers
b. skinny people tend to have bad tempers
c. no one has a bad temper
d. everyone has a bad temper
e. a person with a bad temper may be heavy or skinny
___15. If the correlation between two variables is −1.00 and the score of a given
individual is 2.20 standard deviations above the mean on one of the variables, we would
predict a score on the second variable of _________.
a. 2.20 standard deviations below the mean
b. 2.20 standard deviations above the mean
c. more than 2.20 standard deviations above the mean
d. more than 2.20 standard deviations below the mean
___16. Which of the following is (are) not correlation coefficients?
a. Pearson r
b. eta
c. rho
d. phi
e. they all are correlation coefficients
___17. When a correlation exists, lowering the range of either of the variables will
a. raise the correlation c. not change the correlation
b. lower the correlation d. produce a causal relationship
___18. A traffic safety officer conducted an experiment to determine whether there is a
correlation between people’s ages and driving speeds. Six individuals were randomly
sampled and the following data were collected.

Age Y 20 25 45 46 60 65
Speed X (mph) 60 47 55 38 45 35

The proportion of variability of Y accounted for by X is _________.

a. 0.49 c. 0.40
b. 0.67 d. −0.49
___19. A researcher wanted to know if the order in which runners finish a race is
correlated with their weight. She conducts an experiment and the data are given below.

Finishing order 1 2 3 4 5 6
Weight (lbs.) 110 114 112 108 116 113

The correlation for these data equals _________.

a. 0.31 c. 0.41
b. 0.32 d. 0.45
___20. Which of the following values of r represents the strongest degree of relationship
between two variables?
a. 0.55 c. 0.78
b. 0.00 d. −0.80
___21. In order for the correlation coefficient to be negative, which of the following must
be true?
a. Σ XY > (Σ X)( Σ Y)/N c. Σ XY = (Σ X)( Σ Y)/N
b. Σ XY < (Σ X)( Σ Y)/N d. Σ XY must be zero
___22. Correlation implies causation.
a. true b. false
___23. Pearson r can be properly used on which of the following type(s) of
a. linear c. exponential
b. curvilinear d. all of these

___24. You have conducted a brilliant study which correlates IQ score with income and
find a value of r = 0.75. At the end of the study you find out all the IQ scores were
scored 10 points too high. What will the value of r be with the corrected data?
a. r will be increased c. r will remain the same
b. r will be decreased d. cannot be determined

___25. If one calculates r for raw scores, and then calculates r on the z scores of the
same data, the value of r will _______.
a. stay the same c. increase
b. decrease d. equal 1.00

___26. If 49% of the total variability of Y is accounted for by X, what is the value of r?
a. 0.49 c. 0.70
b. 0.51 d. 0.30

___27. For the following X and Y scores, how much of the variability of Y is accounted
for by knowledge of X? Assume a linear relationship.

X 20 15 6 10
Y 6 5 4 0

a. 68% c. 58%
b. 34% d. 27%

___28. In order to properly use rho, the variables must be of at least _______ scaling.
a. nominal c. interval
b. ordinal d. ratio

___29. A correlation of r = 0.60 exists between a set of X and Y scores. If a constant of

10 is added to each score of both distributions, the value of r will _______.
a. remain the same
b. will increase
c. decrease
d. be less meaningful
e. will increase and be less meaningful

___30. If a correlation is perfect,

a. all the points must fall on a straight line
b. all the points must fall on a curve line
c. most the points must fall on the line, but some can miss it.
d. all the points must fall on a straight or curved line,

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