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Competency Name: RiO : Rigor in Operations

Broad Definition: This competency refers to the ability of an associate to learn and apply the knowledge of Application
Operations (AO) in delivery.
Criteria E0 E1 E2
I Criteria for defining proficiency
vis-à-vis knowledge & skills
1.Precondition Should have acquired E0 Should have acquired E0 Should have acquired E1 proficiency
[ Expressed as a prerequisite - in proficiency in Quality proficiency in Rigor in in Rigor in Operations (RiO)
terms of academic qualification Management for Delivery Operations (RiO) competency competency
AND / OR industry experience competency (iQMS)
(whichever is applicable) AND / OR
relevant knowledge in any other
2. Knowledge Should have the knowledge of: Should know how to: Should have the knowledge
[Expressed as Area of knowledge applicable for Managers / Leaders of
and not skill, includes knowledge of (Example: ServiceNow) production support projects like:
process, methodologies, concepts
and tools.] conference call with

Improvement effectively

Management tools language


high quality and content

3. Experience
[Expressed as duration in months /
years wrt exposure, including
breadth & the depth of assignments;
also beyond project experience]

TCS Confidential
3.1 Type of project experience NA Should have the experience of Should have experience of working in
[Includes 'type' in the form of working in a production a production support project for at
implementation, end-to-end project, support project for at least 1 least 3 years covering the following:
support, roll outs, upgrades, year covering the following:
professional services, consulting SME in a particular technology /
engagements AND / OR the Incident Resolution: domain
Number of projects AND / OR Time Resolved 10% of Sev-1 issues
spent on the project ( for e.g.., 3 Resolved 20% of Sev-2 issues Incident Resolution:
consulting projects of minimum 6 Resolved 20% of Sev-1 issues
months duration ; 1 roll out project Problem Management: Resolved 40% of Sev-2 issues
of at least 18 months] Tag incidents to problems and Led Incident Management Team
performed minor fixes resolving all types of incidents

Major Incident Management Problem Management:

(MIM) Calls: Handled 10% Own problem tickets and perform
MIM Calls code analysis for fixes

Knowledge Articles (KAs): Major Incident Management (MIM)

Written 10% of KAs Calls: Handled 20% MIM Calls

Shift Management: Been a Knowledge Articles (KAs):

Module Lead in designated Written 25% of KAs
Trainings: Own induction of New
Trainings: Conducted trainings Joinees for a particular technology /
for New Joinees or for at least domain or conducted tranings for at
20% of the Project team least 50% of the Project team

TCS Confidential
3.2 Beyond project development NA Should have conducted at Should have been a prime contributor
experience [Includes least 3 peer reviews of critical in at least 1 proposal towards
[1) Solutioning of proposals production support activities in solutioning and estimation of
2) Reviews done a quarter production support projects /
3) No. of contributions made to programs
trainings/training material]
Should have conducted more than 3
peer reviews of critical production
support activities (IQA or EQA)

Should have conducted a PMR or

Audit of at least one production
support project / program per quarter

4. Asset Creation
[Expressed as any reusable and
deployable assets created in the
knowledge management system of
the organization]
4.1 Process frameworks defined NA NA NA
[Articulated as the process
improvement designed OR a new
process framework designed]

4.2 Tool creation NA NA NA

[Expressed as a system or function
tool designed OR created towards
improving business delivery /
learning] Should have automated at Should have automated at least 20%
4.3 Reusable & deployable assets NA
created least 10% of manual tasks in of manual tasks in production support
[Expressed as reusable and production support projects projects
deployable assets created (like
those in Mighty & Knowmax] Should have published at least 4 best
practices or improvement projects in
a year in production support projects


TCS Confidential
No. of training material created NA NA NA
[Expressed as the number of
relevant training material created
towards development of a particular
body of knowledge or skill]
5. Industry contribution
[Expressed as the contributions
made to the industry. This criteria
should be measured by
mechanisms for e.g.: TCS GEMS]
5.1 Recognized by Peers NA N/A N/A
[Expressed as the recognition given
by the peer community and should
be measured by appropriate
mechanism such as TCS GEMS]
Recognized by a Parent Body NA NA NA
[Expressed as the contribution
recognized by a renowned and
recognized parent body]
Invited as Speakers NA NA NA
[Expressed as recognition from an
external body when it extends an
invitation to the speaker to address
a recognized forum]
II Assessment / Evaluation
Methodology vis-à-vis
Proficiency Level

TCS Confidential
1. Certification Recommended Learning: Recommended Learning: 1. Any ITIL External Certification
[Expressed as achievement of 1. RiO-AO-Competency 1. Softskill for RiO-AO Team (Foundation or above)
external programs - certifying a part Members
of the proficiency level, Recommended Learning:
Achievement of internal programs - 1. Softskill for RiO-AO Team Leaders
internal trainings attended]


Management tools

2. RiO-AO-Induction

from TCS context

2. Evaluation Test 1. RiO-AO-Competency - Quiz 1. RiO-AO-Competency vLAB 1. Softskill for RiO-AO Team Leaders -
[Expressed as a certification the OR topics: Quiz
individual has to achieve towards 2. RiO-AO-Induction - Quiz (Only AND
the said proficiency level. (for for Experienced Professionals / 2. SoftSkill for RiO-AO Team Leaders
eg.,Type of tests for each Lateral Recruits) AND - Workshop
proficiency should be defined-like 2. Softskill for RiO-AO Team
for E0 level it will be only self Members - Quiz
assessment, for E1 it should be AND
panel review etc)] 3. Softskill for RiO-AO Team
Members- Workshop

Version History
Project Details: #DEG
Unit: Delivery Excellence Group
Parent Project :Delivery Excellence Group1-Parent
Project Owner/GL: K Subramanian (30104)
Amendment History:
Version Defined By - Role & Group Approved By - Role & Group Facilitated by

TCS Confidential
Jaydeep Chakraborty (127657) K Subramanian (30104) SnehaChowdary Mothkur (534985)
Delivery Excellence Group Head - Delivery Excellence iEvolve Talent Development
1 Krishnaiah Kolluru (153009) 31st Mar, 2016
Royen Fernandes (88749)
Ashley Fernandes (105060)

TCS Confidential

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