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Table of Content

Introduction 3

About Bossaball 4

Bossaball Bootcamp Schdule 5

Activity Rationale 7

Conclusion 12

Attachment I 13

Attachment II 21

Attachment III 22


Bossaball Bootcamp 2009 is an improvement programme for bossaball player from

Singapore. As host for 2010 Youth Olympic Games, Singapore aim to be the best in all
sports event it’ll take part. It also aim to be the best in Asia and known worldwide to have
the best bossaball team. Bossaball is a newly introduced sports which combines
volleyball, football, gymnastics, sepak takraw and capoeira played on an inflatable court
that have trampolines in its centre on each side.

Immortal Spirit Training And Teambuilding (ISTT) come up with the idea of having a
bootcamp for bossaball as it is a new sports. ISTT also aim to introduce bossaball in
Malaysia. By organizing a bootcamp it’ll help to bring this sports to local sports scene.
This bootcamp will combine bossaball training, motivation and teambuilding activities.
This sport requires a team of 3, 4 or 5 players and it is really essential to have a great
team that can communicate among each other with high motivation to be the best of the

The idea of having this camp came when ISTT had a discussion session with a
counterpart in Singapore where our main objective for that meeting was to discuss how
we can spread our training and teambuilding activities in our neighbouring country,
Singapore. Then he propose to do a sports teambuilding activity. As we are aiming to be
different from our competitors, lastly the BOSSABALL BOOTCAMP 2009 were born.

ISTT would like to propose the venue for this bootcamp in Tanjung Piai National Park in
Johor as it’ll be convenient for our fellow players from Singapore to come and join this
bootcamp. A brief descrition about Tanjung Piai National Park. Known as the most
southern point of Asia continent mainland, it is covered with salt water swamp, beach and
vast facilities for teambuilding. The inflatable court can be set up in an open area near the
entrance of this park. A few snapshots of Tanjung Piai National Park can be referred in
Attachment I of this proposal.

The duration will be three (3) days two (2) nights where it’ll start on Friday and ends on
Sunday. A limited number of 50 participants are set as we want to have a high impact
activity. A ratio of one (1) facilitator for five (5) participants where in total there will be
10 groups of participants. Each group will form a team of bossaball players. This to
ensure easy communication between facilitators and participants and also for monitoring
purpose. Facilitators are required to be with their team member all the time.

As for the facilitating part, each end of day camp commandant will have a post mortem
session with all the facilitators. This to ensure the smoothness of the activities held on
that particular day. This also to see if there is any problem occurred during the day. The
camp commandant also will brief the facilitators about the next day activities.

About Bossaball

What is bossaball ?

Bossaball is a ball game between 2 teams.

It's a mix of volleyball, football, gymnastics, sepak takraw and capoeira.

The court is a combination of inflatables and trampolines, divided by a net.

It takes less than 45 minutes to set it all up.

Bossaball combines elements of different sports on a pitch of trampolines and bouncy


The game can be set up on diverse locations :

hotels, amusement parks, sports clubs, beach clubs, music festivals, fairs, summer camps,
camping grounds, sales promotions, entertainment industry events, ski resorts, shopping
centers, water parks, schools, discotheques.

How to play?

The aim of bossaball is for each team to ground the ball on the opponent's field.
Each team is entitled to a maximum of 8 contacts with the ball on its own field,
meanwhile the trampoline jumper gains height to prepare a (spectacular) smash.
Any body part can be used.
Players can touch the ball only once with their hands, or double touch it with their feet
and/or head.

What's the score ?

Once a team grounds the ball on the inflatables it gains 1 point.

Scoring on the trampolines is worth 3 points.
Hitting the bossawall (= the rings around the trampolines) doesn´t count as a score, so the
rally continues.

(refer Attachment II)

Tentative Programme

First Day
1530hrs – 1630hrs - Registration
1630hrs – 1700hrs - Briefing
1700hrs – 1800hrs - Camp Site Set-up/ Ice Breaking/Group1
1800hrs – 1900hrs - Group activity (Logo/Jingle/Name/Show)2
1900hrs – 2100hrs - Food Preparation3 / Dinner / Solat
2100hrs – 2200hrs - Know Yourself Session4
2200hrs – 0000hrs - Night Walk5

Second Day
0530hrs – 0630hrs - Solat / Food Preparation
0630hrs – 0730hrs - Fitness Session
0730hrs – 0800hrs - Breakfast
0800hrs – 1000hrs - Bossaball 1 (Introduction I)
1000hrs – 1030hrs - Tea Break
1030hrs – 1230hrs - Bossaball 2 (Outdoor)
1230hrs – 1400hrs - Food Preperation / Lunch / Solat
1400hrs – 1600hrs - Bossaball 3 (Introduction II)
1600hrs – 1630hrs - Solat / Break
1630hrs – 1900hrs - Obstacle Run6
1900hrs – 2100hrs - Dinner / Solat / Tazkirah / Solat
2100hrs – 0000hrs - Group Showcase / BBQ7

Third Day
0530hrs – 0630hrs - Solat / Food Preparation
0630hrs – 0730hrs - Morning exercise
0730hrs – 0800hrs - Breakfast
0800hrs – 1000hrs - Financial Planning Talk & Activity8
1000hrs – 1030hrs - Tea Break
1030hrs – 1330hrs - Bossaball Mini Tournament9
1330hrs – 1430hrs - Lunch / Solat
1430hrs – 1600hrs - Closing Ceremony
1600hrs - Dismiss

Activity Rationale

1. Camp Site Set-up/ Ice Breaking/Group

This is the heart of every camp. By asking the participants to set-up their own
camp site, it’ll create a bond between them as most of them don’t know each other
before. We will divide them into groups by giving them a item i.e 10 items that be
collected by our facilitators. Each of the participants are required to choose from 1
envelope and they have to find their other group member that have the same item.
For ice breaking game, we will play Data Processing game. It is a fun ice
breaking game where participants are required to make a line. The facilitator will give an
instruction and participants are required to re arrange themselves according to the
instruction given. It may sounds simple but wait till you try it. There will be to lots of
laughter involved.

Through this game, participants will have to ask question to ensure the
arrangement are correct. This will create new level of knowing who is working with
you. It also to create effective communication culture as to get in order you need to
understand and know what to do once you got instruction from your superior.

2. Group activity (Logo/Jingle/Name/Show)

Normal camps, this activity usually done at early stage of the camp. But this time
the participants have to finish this entire task within time period given. This to educate
them on how to manage time. All groups are required prepare all this except for their
showcase which will need some practice.

This is one of the ways to educate them to do work on time. It also will expose
them on working under stress. Very basic of time management.

3. Food Preparation

The participants are required to prepare their own food during this camp period.
There will be a competition between groups where they will be evaluated in few aspects.
Just to name some : cleanliness, co-operation, presentation, time management.


This exercise will train the participants to be independent and to teach them the
very basic of survival. It also will create a bond between group members where they
have to co-ordinate between them.

4. Know Yourself Session

This session is a self evaluation programme for our participant. They are required
to divide a piece of mah-jong paper into 2 pieces. First piece, they must draw a table with
titled: I MUST CHANGE BEFORE THE SITUATION CHANGE. Below that title, they
must divide the page into 2. Left hand side is for them to write down what are the
characters that they want to change. On the right hand side, they are required to write
down their target at least after the camp ended, what are the qualities that they want to
have. Second piece of paper, participants are required to title the page with reason that
stopping them from being the best. On that same piece of paper they can write any reason
according to the title. Once ready, ask them to paste it on wall so that they know what
they want to achieve by end of the camp. Sample as follows:

This activity is proposed to build their self awareness on what are the things that they
want to change and how to do it. This piece of paper will be their reminder on their

5. Night Walk

This session will be held in woods in the camp area itself. There are a few
methods to run this activity.
• We gather participants into their respective group. Their eyes will be
closed and facilitator will guide them into the woods. Meanwhile, a few
facilitators will be based at a few checkpoints with bottles supplied to
them. When the participants arrive at the meeting points, their eyes will be
opened and will be released one by one in the woods. To get to
checkpoints, they must listen to bottles knocking sound by the facilitator.
• Participants will be gathered into groups. Still eyes closed, the facilitators
will be their guide. But this time we will supply the participants with 1
candle, a pen and a piece of paper. They will be placed alone around the
camp area. While sitting alone, they are required to write down what is the
biggest fear. And how to overcome it. OR;

• Participants will walk in the woods in group but blind-folded. At
checkpoints, they must ask question who is the facilitator based at the
respective checkpoints.

This activity are meant to develop participants to overcome fear against
things that is not sure yet. It’ll also enhance their ability to communicate in
the midst of emergency.

6. Obstacle Run

This is a must in any camps. It is an exercise to test their fitness and strength.
Mini Amazing Race is the other name for treasure hunt. This activity consists of finding
clues in various places around the camp site. They are required to find each and every
clue in order for them to get to final checkpoint.

This activity is meant to build teamwork among group members. It is essential
as they grow up, they will face this kind of situation whether in Universities or in their
career world. For Mini ExploreRace, it is design to build teamwork plus build a sense
of alert in their surroundings.

7. Group Showcase / BBQ

This event is the highlight as at this point it will be the final night they spend time
together. Each and every group are required to prepare a performance. They must find
time between full day activities that we have planned to prepare for this performance.
While watching other groups performing, we will prepare a scrumptious BBQ dinner.
BBQ dinner menu:
Main Course/Salad
Chicken Cuts
Beef / Lamb
Chinese Fried Rice
Garden Salad
Kerabu Mangga
1000 Island Sauce
Tartar Sauce
Mint Sauce
Hot Drinks (Coffee/Tea)
Caramel Pudding

8. Financial Planning Talk & Activity

As we are aiming to be different from other motivation company, we’ll include a

financial planning module. A very basic financial planning that suits the participant’s age
group. But our module will not be dry as normal financial planning. We will include fun-
filled activities just to build awareness on the importance of financial planning from
young age.

9. Bossaball Mini Tournament

This mini tournament will be the closing activities for this boot camp session.
After exposure in theory and basic of bossaball, the participants will have to compete
each other to gain title as Bossaball Bootcamp Champion. For tournament time table
kindly refer to Attachment III.


Bossaball Bootcamp 2009 is a pilot project to build a competitive bossaball team

with high motivation level. This will be on going project for Singaporean sports scene
and to introduce this sports in Malaysia. It is a comprehensive camp that will expose
target group about bossaball plus summer camp module. This will be one of its kind
concept for motivation camp in Singapore and Malaysia. This concept can be expanded
to any other sports.

Attachment I

Camping area view

Camping Area View

Obstacle Area View

Obstacle Area View

Bathing Area View

Dining Area View

BBQ Pit View

Cooking Preperation Area View

Attachment II

1 point area Ball that hits this

ring will not get
any point.
3 points


Bossaball court layout and bossaball pointing area.

Attachment III

Bossaball Mini Tournament Time Table

Preliminary round

Game 1
Team 1 vs Team 2

Game 2
Team 3 vs Team 4

Game 3
Team 5 vs Team 6

Game 4
Team 7 vs Team 8

Game 5
Team 9 vs Team 10
*each game will be 15 minutes long. 7 minutes each half. 1 minutes break.
Semi Final

Semi 1
Winner Game 1 vs Winner Game 3

Semi 2
Winner Game 2 vs Winner Game 4

*Winner 5 will play with Semi 1 winner. Semi 2 winner will advance to final
** each game will be 15 minutes long. 7 minutes each half. 1 minutes break.


Winner for winner 5 vs Semi 1 vs Semi 2 winner.

*For final round each half will take 14 minutes. 2 minutes break.


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