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10/19/2021 IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 4 Past Paper (Previous Year) Paper 2014 Part 2 Download All

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IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 4 Past Paper (Previous
Year) Paper 2014 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2021 Exam
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Read the text and answer the questions that follow


The flightless ostrich is the world՚s largest bird. They roam in the African savannah and
desert lands, and get most of their water from the plants they eat.

Though they cannot fly, ostriches are strong runners. They can run up to 43 miles (70
kilometres) an hour. They may use their wings as “rudders” to help them change
direction, while running. An ostrich՚s powerful, long legs can cover 10 to 16 feet (3 to 5
meters) in a single stride. These legs can also be dreadful weapons. Ostrich kicks can kill
humans or other carnivorous animals. Each two toed foot has a long, sharp claw.

Ostriches live in small herds that typically contain less than a dozen birds. All the hens of
the herd place their eggs in one nest, each one of which weighs as much as two dozen
chicken eggs. The hen and the male, both take turns looking after the giant eggs.

Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. The old saying
probably originates due to the bird՚s defensive behaviour.

At the approach of trouble, ostriches will lie low and press their long necks to the ground
in an attempt to become less visible. Their feathers blend well with sandy soil and, from a
distance, give the appearance that they have buried their heads in the sand.

Ostriches typically eat plants, root s, and seeds, but will also eat insects, lizards and other
creatures available in their sometimes harsh habitat.

Q 14. How fast can an ostrich run?

(A) 70 miles an hour

(B) 16 miles an hour

(C) 43 miles an hour

Q 15. They use their ________ to change direction while running.

(A) Legs
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10/19/2021 IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 4 Past Paper (Previous Year) Paper 2014 Part 2 Download All the Papers for 2021 Exa…

(B) Wings

(C) Toes

Q 16. Ostrich can kill a human being with their ________.

(A) Wings

(B) Neck

(C) Legs

Q 17. Usually, ________ ostriches live together.

(A) A dozen

(B) Less than twelve

(C) Twenty four

Q 18. Who takes care of the giant eggs?

(A) Male ostrich

(B) Female ostrich

(C) Both of them

Q 19. When ostriches feel threatened, they ________.

(A) Stand tall with their long necks

(B) Bury their head in soil

(C) Lie low and try to hide

Q 20. Ostriches get most of their water from?

(A) Insects

(B) Seeds

(C) Plants

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