ANSARADA M&a Global Predictions-Accelerating Into 2021

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M&A Global

into 2021


Foreword 03 2. APAC 3. European

APAC M&A market: At a glance 44
1. Americas Insight amid uncertainty 22
M&A outlook: Hope on the horizon 45
Americas M&A market: Adapting to change 04 The state of play in M&A 24
PE lessons 57
Bridging the divide with technology 16 Overcoming M&A hurdles
Distressed deals on the rise 60
with technology 36
Getting deals done in the age of COVID-19 65
Reasons to be cheerful 68

Considering the difficulties brought forth by
the pandemic, improving data access and
analysis has never been more pertinent.

As an M&A technology innovator with a 15-year To more fully understand investor sentiment “The spirit that will define 2021: Top global
track record, we have seen our fair share of M&A towards not only current market conditions but dealmakers will cultivate resilience, readiness
rallies and lulls. The year 2020, however, was the digital tools that can empower better deal and transformation. They will double down
something different altogether. Deal activity decisions, we have conducted Q&A style interviews on M&A technology, insights, AI, preparation
shut down and sprung back in direct correlation with leading dealmakers in the Americas and APAC, and virtual working.”
with government responses to containing the and partnered with research firm Acuris in a survey
coronavirus pandemic. Although the second wave of 50 PE firms, M&A law advisors and investment
of the pandemic continues in many key territories banking firms across Europe to round out a truly
in early 2021, challenges can be overcome with global perspective on what lies ahead.
an intelligent dealmaking approach. One of the
The following report seeks to demonstrate what
most dominant themes of recent months has been
market participants and service providers across
the advantage that technological savviness has
the globe are predicting for 2021 following what has
afforded companies facing distancing measures.
been both an exceptional and exceptionally volatile
This equally applies to M&A. It is our conviction
year, and how they can use technology to overcome
that thorough preparation and sound information
unprecedented obstacles.
governance is what makes transactions successful,
and that the greater the insight a bidder has into the
inner workings of an acquisition target, the greater
the chance of their bidding point being realistic Sam Riley, CEO Ansarada
and successful.

M&A market:
to change

The Americas M&A market, the largest in the The Americas market has been marked by a
period of heightened political uncertainty, which

world, is contending with many of the same is rarely conducive to dealmaking. But with a new
presidential administration in place, the foundations

challenges facing global M&A. After activity have been laid and with restrictions expected to
ease over the course of 2021, everything is

ground to a halt in early 2020 during the first pointing to sustained levels of deal activity in
coming months.

lockdown, investors and advisors adapted The recovery may not be even, of course. Sectors
have not been impacted equally by recent events.
to the new reality and by the fourth quarter, The technology and software industry has clearly
sped ahead, making these assets highly attractive
deals ramped up once again. This would not to acquirers, including both private equity and
corporates seeking to accelerate their digitalization
have been possible without technology, via M&A. Two other winners have been logistics and
healthcare and their adoption of tech has been a
which has not only allowed deals to proceed, strong motivator of deal activity.

but is transforming the depth of insight Against this context, experts from M&A law and
corporate advisory share their views on what 2021

and level of due diligence that investors is likely to hold in store for these sectors and how
technology is helping deliver efficiencies, improve

are able to achieve. data insights and bridge the gap between deal
parties forced to operate at arm’s length during
this period of upheaval.

The stop-start momentum of the Americas
M&A market in 2020 was a first for everyone.
Having learned from that unprecedented
experience and adjusted to the unique
demands of the pandemic environment,
investors are seeking to put significant sums
of capital to work.

How has the pandemic shaped the M&A market
and what do you anticipate for 2021?

Last year, when the pandemic hit, we thought the It’s more the decision-making to reach that point
Kerri Murphy numbers were going to dramatically decrease in and picking the right moment to get the deal done
Ansarada terms of deal volume, but instead it was the types that has been a major challenge for our customers.
of deals—and the ways that deals were being With so many moving parts, you have to be ready
done—where we saw the biggest shift. Previously to act and then move quickly. Investors need
there were a lot of auction-based processes, but confidence in the outcome of the deal actually
bilateral transactions were more common last year. coming to fruition. They don’t necessarily have
We’re expecting to see the same again this year. We the luxury of making decisions based on business
have found that once people have actually gone to growth. A lot of decisions are now based on
market and made the decision to raise funds and business certainty, business confidence and
transact, that process is completed quickly. consolidating operations.

The pandemic had a dramatic effect on the M&A because they could not afford the distraction and
Tatjana Paterno market. In the early days of the pandemic last had to focus all of their attention and energy on
Bass, Berry & Sims year, dealmaking activity came to a screeching making sure that their businesses survived in such
halt, for several reasons. First, investors retracted unprecedented times. Finally, many M&A players
as they were not sure about the duration or the had to put their business development efforts on
magnitude of the pandemic in general and the hold for the foregoing reasons and also because
impact on businesses and industries that they were travel and in-person meetings were not an option
considering investing in particular. Second, sellers anymore. Despite all these challenges, the M&A
who were about to go to the market pulled out of community adapted, and 2020 ended up a great
processes or did not launch sell-side processes year for M&A overall.

A major challenge is that very few companies are performing extremely well over the last three or four
Ron Lentz operating the way they were pre-pandemic. Some years. They were delivering a ton of produce into
Logisyn Advisors are seeing a hockey-stick effect, where they had New York’s restaurant sector and when COVID hit,
been producing EBITDA of US$4m-US$5m over that market went from their single biggest segment
the last three years and then all of a sudden, they’re to zero overnight. Maintaining EBITDA with some
now at US$10m. No one is going to agree to a type of predictable growth or consistency is a major
valuation based on those earnings. The other side challenge and very few businesses are in the middle
of the coin is those companies that are not doing of the road right now.
so well. We have a truck brokerage client that was

What do you think the main driver of M&A will be in the Americas
in 2021?

Billions of dollars are waiting to be deployed and a buyer’s market with distressed opportunities,
Tatjana Paterno that is still the case. Private equity is still raising but that hasn’t happened. There has been a
Bass, Berry & Sims capital from private investors and now you also huge amount of stimulus which has supported
have SPACs that are raising money on the public businesses that needed capital and lenders have
markets. In the early days of the pandemic, we were generally been pretty flexible so far.
thinking that the seller’s market would shift into

There’s so much dry powder, not only in PE but VC thinking about cashing out. Couple that with the
Ron Lentz too. Up until about two or three years ago, venture fact there’s over a trillion dollars of dry powder in
Logisyn Advisors capital stayed away from the logistics market and private equity alone and they’re raising more funds
now they’re dropping hundreds of millions of dollars every day. There are not enough deals to go around.
into related technologies. That has made for a very So, valuations will stay high and may even go higher.
robust M&A market in that space. There’s also a All of that makes for a perfect M&A market in 2021
lot of what I would call “entrepreneurial fatigue” when things start to stabilize a little bit.
among baby boomer business owners that are

A lot of deals that many hoped to complete in 2020 more just around decision-making slowing down
Kerri Murphy have been put on ice and people seem to be waiting because the environment isn’t right for transacting.
Ansarada for the flood gates to open, both from a buying Business owners want to get deals done on their
and selling standpoint. There’s no lack of desire to terms and their timelines and the pandemic has
transact, it’s a case of when it is going to happen— frustrated that. If a company has the luxury of being
the pandemic is obviously part of that. Everyone able to wait, if they are not in a state of financial
is just ready to get back to the business that they distress, then they do not need to transact and may
wanted to conduct in 2020. We certainly haven’t wait until the springtime, when I think we’ll see an
seen of a huge number of deals falling through. It’s influx of activity.
Which of the following will be the main drivers for M&A? (Select all that apply)


80% 86%
84% 84%


40% 44%

12% 12%


Industrial consolidation Distressed deals/turnaround opportunities Defensive deals

Customer growth Cash rich corporates Talent acquisition

Acquisition of new technology/digitalization Product expansion Geographic expansion

Private equity buyouts Marketing & differentiation Advanced M&A technology tools

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
Respondents in our research flagged trade protectionism as an
ongoing concern. Is that still the case from where you’re sitting?

It’s been a big concern in logistics and has had a China supply chains as it really hurt them through
Ron Lentz major impact on the flow of trade and on supply this pandemic. Countries like Vietnam, India and Sri
Logisyn Advisors chains. With the new administration in the US and Lanka are building out their manufacturing capacity
full Democratic control of Congress, I think you’re to support North America. Then of course you
going to see a move away from “America First” have Brexit. I can’t tell what the net effect of Brexit
trade policies and toward the US being part of a is going to be throughout EMEA but there will be an
global alliance. You’re also likely to see companies effect. So, there are major changes afoot because
becoming less and less dependent upon their of trade policies.

The pandemic has certainly accelerated the internationally. There has been a heavier reliance on
Kerri Murphy national protectionist trend, as countries have organizations utilizing advisors and consultants to
Ansarada sought to protect their economies. That’s really ensure that they are operating in a space that works
brought about a need to understand the rules for them. That’s driven the need for visibility and
and regulations of how businesses operate certainty of information.

Flagged trade protectionism as the

number 1 ongoing concern

Are there any sectors or themes that you think will define
M&A in the coming months?

The technology sector of course will continue to be pandemic is going to deliver dividends in the future.
Tatjana Paterno highly active and we’re also very bullish on healthcare. My prediction is that technology and healthcare will
Bass, Berry & Sims It’s such a diverse sector and the pandemic has be some of the hottest sectors for M&A and within
highlighted its vital importance and resilience. the economy. There is also a lot of disruption coming
It seems like a decade of innovation has been within the healthcare ecosystem from outsiders. For
compressed into this past year. It’s been phenomenal example, some retailers are now trying out models
to see how many healthcare businesses adapted, of healthcare delivery that are different from the
tried new ideas, and prospered as a result. We’ve seen traditional doctor’s office delivery. That disruption is
businesses on the verge of bankruptcy in the early likely to be a big driver of M&A in the sector.
days of the pandemic turning themselves around
and thriving. The innovation that was spurred by the

Organizations are taking this time to assess their processes and communication, not only to
Kerri Murphy their strategies and whether there are ways better connect with customers but internally as
Ansarada they can transform to be more relevant in this well. Digital transformation is driving a lot of that
new environment, particularly when it comes to core deal activity for larger companies that have
technology. They are thinking about how to adapt cash to invest.

A tremendous amount of money in logistics is being Now, when you see all the supply chain disruptions
Ron Lentz spent on what I would call “global visibility”. These that we’ve had in 2020, that’s become critical. That
Logisyn Advisors are typically platforms that use data analytics can enable businesses to use more of a predictive
and AI that through APIs can combine all of these model and manage their inventory more effectively.
disparate technologies to give businesses a clear
line of sight and visibility into their entire supply
chain. People have been talking about that for years.
In which sector do you expect to see the most M&A activity in 2021? 38% say TMT sector will see the
most M&A activity in 2021

38 %





15% 24%


14% 14%



Technology, Media and Telecommunications Pharmaceuticals, Medical and Biotech

Consumer and Leisure Business and Financial Services

(Including Computer Services)
Industrials and Chemicals (Including Automotive)

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
If you had to make a bold prediction about the deal market in 2021,
what would it be?

A lot of businesses have been put on hold and are Some of that will tie in with the start of the financial
Kerri Murphy ready to act but are waiting for the right time. Last year—we’re going to see a culmination of decision-
Ansarada summer there was a huge boost in deal numbers making all happening around March and April time.
and I think the same will happen again this year That should create a flywheel effect for deal-flow
in the spring and summer months, and long may momentum.
that continue for the rest of the year and into 2022.

A lot of businesses during the early days of the more visibility than they did 12 months ago, and
Tatjana Paterno pandemic were just focused on surviving. Now understand the implications and outlook for their
Bass, Berry & Sims that many of them have found their footing, they’re business models, their earnings and what action
setting their sights on growth and it is not just PE they need to take in order to adapt their strategy.
that have the capital—many strategics have a lot Quality companies with sound strategies will
of cash and are ready to accelerate their growth continue to attract top dollars and high valuations
through M&A. Companies and investors have a little from investors.

The second quarter of last year was the lowest capital that’s out there. Good companies are going
Ron Lentz point for M&A activity in the States for the last 10 to be in such demand that it’s going to be a very
Logisyn Advisors or more years, but by the end of the year, that had good year for M&A value. I am not as sure about the
reversed to the point that some of the highest number of deals, but valuations are going to stay
valuations ever were achieved in Q4 2020. I think strong and may even rise.
that’s going to continue because of the amount of

What do you think will happen to the number of M&A deals in 2021?










Increase significantly (by more than 10%) Remain about the same (within Decrease significantly (by more than 10%)
2% of LTM deal volume)
Increase somewhat (by 2-10%)
Decrease somewhat (by 2-10%)

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
Bridging the
divide with

The M&A community has been forced to
adapt to the new dealmaking reality since the
outbreak of COVID-19. Technology has played
an invaluable role in ensuring that buyers and
sellers can communicate remotely, enabling
due diligence at a time when deal scrutiny has
never been more critical and giving parties the
confidence required to put ink to paper.

How have M&A processes had to adapt in light of the restrictions
imposed in recent months?

So much emphasis was placed on the need for At the beginning of the pandemic, it was a huge
Kerri Murphy inperson face-to-face interaction and relationships culture shock for individuals to be working from
Ansarada in the past. We’ve had to adapt over the past few home, but there are huge benefits that have
months not just with communication, but also on come from that. It has caused people to look at
the due diligence front. You can’t get a group of the way that they were doing things previously
people in a room sifting through documents, which and reflect on whether there is a better, more
is why tools that enable document redaction, for efficient approach. People don’t need to spend
example, are now in such high demand. Some of hours traveling somewhere when inspections
that change may be here to stay because people can be done using virtual reality tools and video
are going to be a lot more selective with their time conferencing. There has been a real paradigm
from now on. shift and the timeframe of the pandemic has now
become so extended that these changes have
become the norm.

Back in March and April 2020, investment banks That has certainly affected the timing of deals in
Tatjana Paterno and private equity expected dealmaking to stop the past although currently, financing is much more
Bass, Berry & Sims entirely because people could not meet. But people widely available. A lot more time is also being spent
quickly adapted and now it seems totally normal for on financial diligence and understanding the impact
a deal to go from start to finish with the principals the pandemic has had on the fundamentals of the
never actually meeting in person. Some firms are still business and, where the effect has been positive,
hesitant about that and they still have a final meeting how sustainable that is likely to be. But in some cases
where everybody meets before signing deals have been done much faster. Last year, we
the documents. [Insert graph - p32 report]
closed a transaction that went from the letter of intent
(LOI) to closing in less than three weeks. That was
Timelines have definitely been affected. Earlier last
because both parties were motivated and they had
year there was a lot of uncertainty around financing
developed a high level of trust .
and buyers had to scramble around as many of their
regular financing sources weren’t available. 18
Due to the COVID -19 pandemic, how long will M&A processes be taking in 2021? 94% say M&A processes will take longer
to complete than before coronavirus

94 %


40% 46%





Substantially longer to complete than Similar length of time to complete

before the outbreak to before the outbreak

Longer to complete than before the outbreak Substantially shorter to complete

than before the outbreak

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
In what way is technology helping to overcome this and what
technologies are being used?

I’m a face-to-face guy, I like to meet and greet and party is looking at data, what data they are looking
Ron Lentz talk to people. In the M&A process, you do a lot of at, what data they seem to be confused about and
Logisyn Advisors site visits and handholding. I have not gotten on a so on. That has helped us close our deals at the end of
plane now for a whole year and that is the longest 2020, which, to be honest with you, I would have never
that I’ve gone without flying since 1984. Obviously, believed would happen given the circumstances. It’s
tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams have really helped with the granularity of what people are
helped with that. asking for because processes are taking that much
longer. The platform gives a much higher certainty
And then you have the advanced M&A tools like
of deals closing. Everybody who we secured an LOI
Ansarada’s platform, which we use as our virtual
with closed last year and that was partly because we
data room for the deals that we advise on. It allows
were so well-informed from looking at the data and the
us to be predictive with the questions that we’re
analytics we could apply to it.
putting into the data room. We can see how long a

Before Zoom was adopted en masse, a lot of what increase in the use of data room technology which
Tatjana Paterno lawyers did was over the phone. Now we’re seeing helps get transactions complete more quickly and
Bass, Berry & Sims each other in-person remotely and it’s easier to efficiently.
establish rapport. We have seen a continued

The Ansarada platform exists to promote visibility ways. Part of it is to drive efficiencies in the process,
Kerri Murphy and transparency. It’s flexible enough to be tailored for example by automating the surfacing of relevant
Ansarada in a way that sellers can showcase information to documents rather than an individual having to
potential buyers. Then you have the AI on top of that do that manually. Those time savings are really
and the ability to assess whether deal targets that important, particularly in this environment. Buyers
rely heavily on technology are adhering to relevant need immediate access to information and you
rules and regulations. The AI is applied in different can’t put a price on that.
What will be the biggest contributor for more efficient remote dealmaking in 2021? 46% say the advancement of deal prep and due
(Rank top two, where 1=top choice) diligence will be the biggest contributor for more

efficient remote dealmaking in 2021

Cloud data insights 18% 50%

Advancement of deal prep and due diligence technology 46% 18%

Communication platforms 30% 14%

Blockchain 4% 14%

Virtual reality 0% 4%

Artificial inteliigence and machine learning 2% 0%

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8

1 2

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
M&A market:
Insight amid

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a valuation expectation
gap in the M&A market, as well as having and made due diligence
more difficult, but savvy dealmakers can take advantage of the
upheaval – especially if they can leverage technology.

Technology has been a great enabler of economic “I’ve seen first-hand the pain that CEOs, CFOs and earnings forecasting, investors are turning to data
activity and this applies to M&A markets too. First- M&A advisors have experienced in completing tools to enhance diligence reviews and robustly test
class information governance, combined with the these manual, menial tasks,” said Joel Gibbs, APAC their assumptions and investment theses.
use of virtual data rooms and advanced analytics, Country Manager, Ansarada. “That gap is being
At this critical inflection point, we asked three
is transforming deal processes for the better. The bridged. By leveraging AI and big data, businesses
experts from the fields of M&A advisory, private
depth of insight that investors can now glean during are able to diagnose their positions instantly.”
equity and technology to share their views on
their due diligence is improving transparency and
Now, amid the economic and health crisis caused the dealmaking outlook in APAC and the role that
benefiting both buyers and sellers.
by the COVID-19 pandemic, M&A technology is technology is playing to facilitate dealmaking
It has not always been this way. In the past, proving its worth by lightening the workload for in what remains an exceptional and uncertain
preparing information for investors was a time- all parties and expediting deal processes during a environment.
consuming, analogue task. Business leaders are period in which there is no time for hesitation. The
also coming to recognize that in addition to paving ability to process and analyze vast data sets has
the way for an eventual exit, establishing sound data helped dealmakers to agree on valuations and given
governance and management practices helps them them confidence in their targets. With lingering
to better steer their company and understand its uncertainty surrounding the pace and evenness of
strengths and weaknesses. recovery, and the inherent challenge this poses to

The state of
play in M&A

The past year has been one of the most
challenging in the history of M&A markets.
With 2020 behind us, there is now a pent-up
supply of potential transactions as corporates
weigh their futures and turn to the deal market
to overhaul their operations for the post-
pandemic era.

What do you think will pose the biggest challenge to M&A in 2021?

The pandemic was undoubtedly the number Everybody gave businesses a free pass in 2020,
Oscar Ludwigson one challenge in 2020 and that remains the knowing that it was going to be tough. In most
Houlihan Lokey case. Despite the fact that Australia has been an investors’ modelling it was assumed that things
outperformer from a health perspective, a lot of the would be getting back to some degree of normalcy
restrictions and prohibitions have made the business in 2021. It will be really interesting to see from a
environment as challenging as you would find in other valuation perspective how the market responds
jurisdictions. For instance, we worked on the sale of to the fact that COVID disruption is going to
Virgin Australia to Bain Capital and the reason that continue for an extended period, despite benign
business went into administration was COVID. policy settings and the positive news regarding
development of a number of vaccines.
Going into 2021, the valuation gap between
buyers and sellers has the potential to prevent
deals from closing.

Reaching agreement on fair value and clearing whose earnings have been impacted negatively by
Paul Foster price is absolutely the greatest challenge. This COVID-19. So, establishing a clean level on which to
Pacific Equity Partners is largely due to earnings noise. Some of this is base pricing multiples remains a challenge. In some
positive from all the stimulus that’s been injected sectors, such as aviation, earnings are down 80%-
into the economy. We’ve had job-keeper programs, plus year on year. Other businesses are performing
substantial government support and fiscal stimulus, better than normal due to the fiscal stimulus they’ve
which has buttressed the earnings of many received.
companies. But we’ve also had a lot of companies

What is the biggest challenges to completing a deal in 2021? (please rank top two, where 1 = top choice)

Protectionist policies/trade conflicts

12% 22%

Macroeconomic/stock market volatility

22% 10%

Antitrust/merger control issues

6% 20%

Availability of financing
8% 10%

Lengthier due diligence processes due to COVID19 pandemic

12% 6%

Credit markets 6% 10%

Political instability 14%

Technology inefficiencies 2% 10%

Buyer/seller valuation gap 8% 4%

Operational issues at target companies 6% 6%

Other legal/regulatory issues (money laundering, environmental) 4% 2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

1 2

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
How do you see that playing out and how can investors
overcome that challenge?

I think you will end up seeing processes take a bit COVID’s impact has not been homogeneous by
Paul Foster longer – they will be extended until buyers can any means. So ultimately buyers are having to
Pacific Equity Partners see clean sets of earnings figures and common take a more granular, bottom-up approach to their
ground can be established between buyers and diligence. Sellers have to be transparent by taking
sellers. But there might be a role for more innovative the time and effort to present a credible, genuine,
transaction structuring to help bridge that gap, and clear picture of earnings to potential buyers.
whether that be through use of earn-outs or
preferred capital tranches.

94% say M&A processes will take longer to

complete than before coronavirus

What do you think the main driver of M&A will be in APAC in 2021?

Ultimately, companies have got to find top-line They will take a hard look at some of their existing
Oscar Ludwigson growth. Large ones especially are just not growing business lines that are either considered unviable
Houlihan Lokey fast enough to satisfy their investors’ expectations. from an ESG perspective or considered not fit
M&A will bolster that growth to help companies for purpose as business models and customer
justify the multiples that they are trading on. It will preferences shift to the current COVID-affected
be interesting to see how large corporates find environment. That will drive divestments through
business models that are fit for purpose in a COVID carve-outs and on the other side corporates will be
world that may not be consistent with the way willing to pay high multiples for high-growth assets
they have traditionally operated, then plug those as they retool their business models.
acquisitions into their ecosystem.

There’s a lot of optimism and opportunity returning this COVID period to transform their information
Joel Gibbs to markets specifically in Australia and New governance and adopt a digital-first mentality.
Ansarada Zealand. If you look at the final quarter of 2020, not Traditional means of organic growth in the current
only was there increasing M&A activity compared to market aren’t there in certain industries, therefore
that deep, dark COVID period, but some businesses businesses with strong balance sheets will acquire
have seen their highest growth ever. Investors that growth through M&A.
will be looking at businesses that have utilised

There are a few key drivers in the Aussie market. Moreover, since March last year, Australia has had a
Paul Foster One is a bifurcation of access to capital and temporary measure that relaxed the obligations on
Pacific Equity Partners research coverage in the public markets. There are directors of public companies around continuous
the haves and the have-nots in terms of the ability disclosure and insolvency safe harbouring. That’s
of listed companies to access capital and gain the all coming to an end and the reintroduction of
attention of research analysts. This is increasing those obligations is likely to encourage the boards
the number of frustrated listed companies that of more listed companies to consider public-to-
are open to public-to-private approaches. We’ve private transactions.
completed two take-privates in the last six months,
and we expect that to continue.

What is the significance of ESG as a motivating factor for dealmaking?

Institutional investors are now insisting on it and, With the change of the administration in the United
Oscar Ludwigson from a policy framework perspective, governments States, that’s going to be a big theme coming into
Houlihan Lokey are going to incentivise sustainable businesses investment in this next year.
that are taking action on environmental matters.
Whether you agree with that conceptually or not,
it is the reality that money is going to flow into
these sectors.

More and more businesses will place an emphasis governance and their sensitivity to and compliance
Joel Gibbs on their environmental and social impacts. In with regulatory obligations.
Ansarada Australia, certain specialist funds are selecting
Any inability to give an investor confidence
businesses that have sound ESG governance and,
will increase the risk in potential investment.
especially in the energy, mining and utilities sector
Businesses that have this focus will see an
and the industrials sector, businesses are shifting
increase in potential investment when compared
to more sustainable methods of production. Buyers
to their industry peers that do not have the same
want to see how well businesses understand their

How will the role of ESG factors change in acquirers’ M&A decisions in 2021? (Select all that apply) 42% say ESG will be increasingly central to M&A
decisions in 2021

42 %




Climate change, COVID-19 and a demand
10% for greater social responsibility have pushed
environmental, social and corporate governance
5% (ESG) issues up the M&A agenda. With ESG
0% 0%
increasingly front of mind, technological solutions
to make identifying ESG issues in M&A processes
easier have emerged.
ESG factors will become signifactantly more important in ESG factors will become somewhat less important
M&A decisions “The process historically has been to try to take
documents from a data room and then attempt
ESG factors will become somewhat more important
ESG factors will become significantly less important to analyze it with an ESG tool. Usually those
documents are encrypted or have digital rights
management, so contract analysis tools can’t
Their importance will remain about the same as currently read them,” says Riley. “That can now be offered
within the data room environment. For example, our
platform connects with Kira Systems, Luminance
and other machine learning systems that can
analyze ESG and any other data an acquirer might
choose to look at.”

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
Are there any sectors or themes that you think will define M&A
in the coming months?

Data and analytics, technology, healthcare tech elevated valuations. Within private equity, there’s
Oscar Ludwigson and consumer will be very active. Those are a ton of sell-sides that are parked right now, and
Houlihan Lokey fundamental themes that are going to continue vendors are biding their time. If the fund does not
to be compelling. We’ve had a pretty quiet year need to do the deal right away, they will wait or
in Australia on the M&A side, but there’s been a weigh their options. One of the deals I worked on
tremendous amount of equity market activity. The last year involved the sale of a minority stake in
IPO market has been very strong and there’s been a one of these private equity portfolio companies
lot of capital raised to repair balance sheets. to take some money off the table. The fund was
able to make a great return for its investors but
The simple fact of the matter is that there remains
retain control so that it can further monetize the
a bid-ask gap between buyer and seller on a lot
asset at a later date when it makes sense to do so
of deals because sellers want investors to look
after the COVID-affected period. I believe we’ll see
at a post-COVID run rate for the business and
more of that structured deal activity on the private
be paid for that. Buyers do not want to pay for
equity front. Pre-pandemic, t sponsor might have
that future growth unless they can see signs of it
opted for a dividend recap. But private equity will
being demonstrated today. For businesses that
be less inclined to pump up the leverage in their
are attuned to the new operating environment,
assets because they recognize the value of having
buyers are identifying those opportunities and are
flexibility in the capital structure in this current
paying up for them. A lot of that has been taking
operating environment.
place in the public markets because private equity
hasn’t wanted to lean in as hard on what are pretty

52% believe the number of M&A deals will

increase in 2021

I think there are four key themes, the first being and political risks associated with moving into
Paul Foster the public-to-private opportunity. The second a new market. Then in the infrastructure space
Pacific Equity Partners is the increased focus from multinational we believe there’s going to be a renewed focus
conglomerates and large Australian corporates on privatizations. State government and federal
on defining their core and non-core activities government balance sheets are under stress
and buttressing their balance sheets by carving and a lot of money has been borrowed for COVID
off non-core divisions. The third one is we’re stimulus. High public debt and deficits are likely
seeing multinationals looking to push into the to result in greater number of privatizations
Australian market through corporate-partnership and the government will look to procure new
transactions, where a PE fund partners up with infrastructure through a renewed use of private
them to pursue opportunities here in Australia. capital partnerships.
That helps them mitigate some of the capital

If you had to make a bold prediction about the deal market in 2021,
what would it be?

When looking at 2021 I’m interested to see the role businesses that are looking for an exit, transform
Joel Gibbs private equity will play in stimulating M&A. If you the businesses really quickly by putting in place
Ansarada look back at 2020, there was a reluctance to burn great governance fundamentals and flip that asset
investment and funds generally sat and waited for a significant multiple in a short period of time.
to see what would happen, which applied to both Corporates will need to rethink their operating
acquisitions and exits. Activity was minimal. If you models and growth strategies. Buy and build
consider the fundraising that’s been completed strategies for businesses with strong balance sheets
and the sheer amount of dry powder that’s and continued economic stimulus will see deal activity
sitting out there right now, private equity is really potentially bounce back to levels pre-COVID.
well positioned. Funds can take advantage of

The big question for 2021 is how corporates ecosystem helps realign that capital into those
Oscar Ludwigson reassess their business models. That is going winners and losers. Where the money is going to be
Houlihan Lokey to yield some interesting strategic decisions by made for advisors is in helping the titans of industry
boards who are going to be forced to act. The M&A effect that change. That’s where we add our value
ecosystem, the lawyers and advisors and so on, are in the broader scheme of things. It will be really
going to be put to work by custodians of capital to interesting to see how we do that coming out of
find the winners and losers out of this pandemic. this pandemic.
It’s going to be interesting to see how the M&A

I’m probably on the more optimistic side of the consummation return to more robust levels faster
Paul Foster fence, sitting in this part of the world. I expect that than the consensus expectation today. By the
Pacific Equity Partners with widespread vaccine rollouts in countries like second half of the year, we will see the return to
Australia and New Zealand and an associated some form of new normal, particularly if monetary
return to more normal levels of mobility, we’ll policy remains accommodating for an extended
see confidence, economic activity and deal period, as I expect it to.
hurdles with

The pandemic has not only created a gap
between buyer and seller expectations and
dampened deal activity, it has impacted the
inner workings of the deal process. Now more
than ever, technology is facilitating information
flows and giving buyers and sellers the
confidence they need to justify valuations and
improve the chances of a deal completing.

How have current conditions affected the practical workings
of the M&A process?

The pandemic has largely made diligence more business and strategic plans with them. So, going
Paul Foster complex and, at times, it now takes longer. We’re through the normal diligence that is necessary
Pacific Equity Partners ultimately in the business of partnering with great before deciding on a deal has typically been taking
management teams and it takes time building longer.
familiarity with the people we want to back. That’s
clearly a more challenging process when you can’t
travel to spend time with them and work through

Which of the following will be the most important to help companies better prepare for M&A in 2021?





24% 24%






Use technology platforms to manage Start the deal preparation earlier Use AI and machine learning to help
information governance automate tasks and process
Engage with advisors earlier
Ensure critical information is always on hand

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
In what way is technology being used to overcome
COVID-related challenges?

I’ll give you a perfect example. We signed binding the ability to use technology really helps to move
Oscar Ludwigson transaction documents for the sale of Virgin quickly. You wouldn’t have imagined doing a deal
Houlihan Lokey Australia in the space of 60 days and did not have the size and complexity of Virgin Australia without
a single physical meeting. We had to do everything technology. The number of stakeholders involved –
virtually. Technology allowed that to happen by state and federal governments, regulators, aircraft
making the whole process more efficient. The lessors, labour unions and management – doing
number of virtual meetings we could set up rather that deal virtually was unprecedented.
than having to organize the logistics of physical
Generally, deals right now are taking longer because
face-to-face meetings meant that we could cover
of the bid-ask spread between buyer and seller.
much more ground with buyers much more quickly.
However, the tools are there to make the process
It really helped us to build competitive tension in the
quicker – it is going to be an interesting model when
conditions return to something like normal.
If a deal has to get done, where there is no choice
and the survival of the business depends on it,

Outside of being able to communicate more quickly and efficiently
during due diligence, what role is tech playing in the process?

We’re seeing the use of different types of premised on developing that land site, drones can
Paul Foster technology in some of the technical and be used for the technical analysis to assess the
Pacific Equity Partners engineering diligence that we would usually do. feasibility of that development. That might include
Technology is really facilitating some of the more checking all of the necessary water and power
technical diligence that we would normally expect infrastructure connections are available or simply
to conduct in a face-to-face manner when looking looking to see whether there is sufficient physical
at businesses that are located in another part of capacity to expand the asset’s footprint.
the country to us. If, for example, we were looking
at a port or terminal asset and had a business plan

The power of data analytics available on some due are super keen on the deal and are leaning in, but I
Oscar Ludwigson diligence platforms now is truly remarkable. You can see that they’ve barely done any work, I know
Houlihan Lokey can see a lot of feedback on what buyers are doing, it is time for a direct conversation. In addition, there
what documents they are looking at and how often is more control from a confidentiality and security
they’re looking at them. The ability to control the perspective. If I know that one group is going to buy
information flow and security is really powerful, and there are sensitive documents that others have
especially when you’re on the sell side. Our ability to downloaded and might intend to use post-transaction,
see buyer engagement and genuinely understand the security settings allow for that to be shut down.
who’s doing the work is invaluable. It helps to drive
competitive tension. If the buy side tells me they

46% say the advancement of deal prep and due
diligence will be the biggest contributor for more

efficient remote dealmaking in 2021

Technology partners like Ansarada are quickly This is what most excites me about the space. Deal
Joel Gibbs disrupting the traditional means of executing M&A. insights for advisors to best maximize the assets
Ansarada You only have to see the role virtual data rooms value by creating competitive tension, AI predicting
played throughout the early 2000’s in reshaping Bidder engagement and automation to expedite
how people could gain access to information. deal timelines are critical for corporates and
The next evolution for disruption is already here advisors who are looking to secure a successful
and you’re seeing buzz words like “Digital M&A” outcome. Furthermore, point solutions are no
increasingly being spoken about in the industry. longer the tool of choice. Platforms that can
The old-fashioned notion of getting information integrate and aggregate a business and advisor’s
in a room for people to review has now evolved relationship is now a priority. Those who don’t
into digital readiness. Businesses are looking for adopt this type of technology will add huge risk to
technology to unlock, aggregate, diagnose, and not only their information governance but any
automate their most critical information. M&A outcome.

Data holds the key 82% believe data analytics is the most disruptive
trend that will most affect the M&A process in 2021

82 %
What disruptive trends will most affect the M&A process in 2021? (Select all that apply)




60% 66% Data analytics (82%) and IP capabilities (66%)

are considered the disruptive trends that will
50% 54% most affect M&A processes in 2021. There is
50% no limit to the potential of data analytics and AI
in deal situations and negotiations. One of the
30% most effective insights is knowing the level of
32% engagement shown by bidders in an auction,
20% 26% which can tell sell-side advisors who is genuinely
serious about the transaction and who is therefore
likely to submit a bid. This can dramatically expedite
a sale process.


Data analytics Deal automation

IP capabilities Blockchain

Cyber security Artifical intelligence

This data was compiled from a survey of 50 leading European dealmakers conducted in December 2020
50 European

At a glance

50 European dealmakers interviewed Majority of respondents (52%) believe 84% of respondents expect the number

52 84
that the number of M&A deals will rise in of distressed deals to rise in 2021.

% %

46% of respondents believe the 94% expect deals to take

advancement of deal prep and due longer to complete in 2021.
diligence technology will be the number

46 94
one biggest contributor to more efficient

% %
remote deal making in 2021.

M&A outlook:
Hope on
the horizon

Signs of a recovery: The pandemic brought M&A activity floundered in 2020, contracting in the
second quarter as governments sought to curb
dealmaking to a halt for much of 2020. But the spread of infections with lockdown measures.
The total number of M&A transactions in the first
there are signs of a recovery and our exclusive three quarters fell by 24% compared with the same
period in 2019 to 11,643 deals. Total value over this
report reveals optimism is growing for 2021 period dropped at a similar rate, by 26% to US$1.9
trillion. Both were the lowest figures for the Q1-Q3
period since 2013.

M&A Trends 2016-2020 YTD

M&A transactions dropped by 24%
in the first three quarters compared
with the same period in 2019.
6000 1,200,000

5000 1,000,000

4000 800,000

3000 500,000

2000 400,000

1000 200,000

0 0
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Deal Volume Deal Value USD (m)

“Debt is cheap and it’s going to stay that way.
Because of the impacts of COVID on the
economy, organic growth is now harder to
achieve for a lot of mature companies. Those
factors are a big driver for M&A. A lot of
potential deal targets will be struggling and
so we expect to see a lot of bargains popping
up. Any acquirer that’s got a reasonably good
balance sheet or access to capital markets will
have lots of opportunities to choose from.”
Sam Riley, CEO of Ansarada.

Regional rationales Despite ongoing disruption, the winter months
bringing a second surge of infections, or perhaps
because of the drag on M&A markets witnessed in
2020, a 52% majority of respondents believe that
the number of M&A deals will increase in 2021. Of
this majority, 44% believe that activity will increase
In what region do you expect to see the most M&A activity in 2021?
somewhat (by 2-10%), while a further 8% believe
there will be a more significant rebound in deal
60% numbers (by more than 10%). (Refer to page 15).
Most of this activity is expected to be centered
50% on the Americas, according to 50% of the survey
50% sample, with the focal point within the region
naturally being the USA (also 50%). This should
be expected given that the country is the world’s
largest economy. It offers the deepest and most
30% liquid capital markets and is home to the highest
number of deals year after year.
20% 22% With a small lead over Europe (22%) is Asia Pacific
(26%). Of these two regions it is their two dominant
economies China (20%) and Germany (16%) that are
10% expected to see the most deal activity. Incidentally,
China is the only major economy in the world that
will grow in 2020, with the likes of the USA and
Germany on course to spring back to positive growth
Total in 2021, which will support M&A confidence and
should help to narrow the buy-sell valuation gap.

The Americas Europe

Asia Pacific UK
50% believe the Americas will see
the most M&A activity in 2021

Within the region specified above, which country do you expect to see the most M&A activity in 2021?






6% 2% 2%



USA Japan United Kingdom

China France

Germany Netherlands

Economic rebound

While 2021 is expected to deliver an economic 86% see customer growth as the

rebound following one of the most challenging primary rationale for dealmaking.
years on record, continued pressure on cash flows
and earnings for many companies will motivate
them to seek deals. For those in a strong financial
and strategic position, the coming months
represent an opportunity to use M&A to take
market share and equip themselves for the start of
the next business cycle. In terms of the top drivers
of M&A activity in 2021, a full 90% of our survey
sample pointed to industry consolidation, followed

“For industries that have faced operational

by 86% who see customer growth as the primary
rationale for dealmaking.

issues due to travel limitations and distancing,

industry consolidation is an ideal solution.
It might be difficult to manage operations
without a merger and companies within
the same sector will have already started
discussions on this.”
Partner of a boutique investment bank
in the UK
Divestments 52% expect acquisitions to increase in 2021

All respondents in our research agree that One impediment to divestment activity in 2020 has
been the valuation gap between buyers and sellers.
divestments will increase in the next 12 There is no shortage of appetite among companies
to remodel their operations by divesting of business
months. This will be motivated by the need arms that no longer fit their long-term strategy. But
market volatility and unpredictability has stood in
for efficiency and the act of businesses the way of some deals going ahead. As the market
finds a firmer footing, sell-offs are likely to follow.
reappraising their strategies. Meanwhile, more than half (52%) of respondents
expect acquisitions to increase and 44% believe
IPOs will decrease. Public market listings will not

“The severity of lockdowns and restrictions

be for the faint of heart in 2021. If the pandemic
continues to wax and wane as it has in 2020, sellers

on trade has caused some business units to

will need to pick their windows wisely and build
anticipation for IPOs well ahead of time if they are to

become stagnant. If they do not form a part of

push them through successfully. Given the potential
for market volatility caused by further waves of the

the core operations, they will be sold eventually

pandemic, many vendors will decide against IPOs,
with their mandatory lock-in periods, in favour of

and in some cases at a very low price,”

cleaner exits.

Partner of an M&A law advisor in the UK

What do you think will happen to the following types of market activity in the next 12 months? One option which sidesteps much of the burden
of planning an IPO and its inherent market timing
risk is a reverse takeover with a special purpose
acquisition company (SPAC), whereby the private
business merges with an already listed shell
company. These deals have been unusually popular
this year, especially in the US.
For businesses facing challenges and looking to
restructure, divestments are seen as the top choice
by survey respondents (36%), followed by debt
financing (30%).

What type of restructuring will be most prevelant

in 2021?

52% 52%
44% 36%
44% 30%
38% 25% 28%

20% 20%
16% 10%

10% 5%
0% 0%

IPOs Divestments Acquisitions Capital Raising Insolvency Total

Decrease Stay the same Divestments Non-performing loans

Increase Debt financing Bankruptcy

How will companies mitigate M&A risk in 2021? (please rank top two, where 1 = top choice) Challenges ahead –
More selective targeting 8% 36%
political, protectionist,
Greater focus on pre deal preparation and information garthering 20% 16%

Increaing integration planning and execution excellence 24% 8%

By far the biggest challenge to completing a deal

Stricter financial terms
in 2021 will be macroeconomic and stock market
22% 6%

Stricter due diligence 16% 10% volatility, considered the number one M&A obstacle
by 22% of respondents. Ranked as the second
Great reliance on waranty and indemnity insurance 6% 12%
greatest challenge by 22% is protectionist trade
Increasing sector/regional focus 2% 6%
policies, which have been causing complications for
a number of years already now. This protectionism
Narrowing sector/regional focus 2% 6% has largely stemmed from the USA and China
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% subjecting each other’s goods to tariffs. The
change in the US presidential administration may
result in softer, less hostile policymaking, however
1 2
given that trade protectionism has since spread to
other territories including Europe, this is unlikely to
be reversed completely. (Refer to page 57.)
To mitigate these and the other myriad M&A risks
they face in 2021, companies are expected to
increase their integration planning and execution
excellence (24% among top choices), as well as be
more selective in their deal targeting (36% among
second choices).
Planning and executing post-merger integration
can be a minefield. “People often feel that on paper
a consolidation deal looks nice,” says the head of
corporate M&A at a Netherlands-based law firm.
“But you need very strong integration planning,
focus and execution to capture synergies and bring
together the cultures of different companies.”

Improving “Understanding a
business target

the odds and executing well on

a deal is all
about preparation”

The potential buyers need to do a full valuation and depends heavily upon understanding a deal target
Alexander Spronk the due diligence Q&A can sometimes can be a and its market, which requires careful analysis and
Ansarada very extensive process. It puts a lot of pressure on sector expertise. A number of measures can be
the day-to-day operations of the target company, taken to improve the prospects of a deal and this
but you can minimize that pressure 
by preparing is especially relevant in what remains a difficult
well and starting early. Pulling off a successful trading environment.
transaction that delivers the most value gains

What will be the biggest focus for companies in 2021? (please rank top two, where 1 = top choice) In our research, 32% of respondents say the
biggest focus for companies in 2021 will be
on key performance indicators (KPIs) and outcomes.
Risk mitigation 24% 28% Data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) can be
applied to M&A situations to hugely beneficial effect.
These applications can deliver insights through
the analysis of sometimes overlooked parts
of a business’s operational anatomy, such as
Relying on intermediaries and advisors 10% 38% staff turnover and productivity or the return on
investment of its intellectual property or R&D
function. These insights can help an acquirer
understand how to harness future growth
post acquisition and guide them in making a
Stronger focus on KPIs and outcomes 32% 8%
competitive but fair bid.
Another major area of focus for companies in 2021,
according to 48% of our respondents, will be relying
on intermediaries and advisors. Advisors can help
to provide an objective external view of a target
Cost reduction 16% 16% business and put it into the context of the wider
market it operates in. The assessment of KPIs and
the use of intermediaries are not mutually exclusive,
of course.
The partner of a middle-market investment bank
Increasing productivity 18% 10% in the UK says that advisors will be more crucial
when conducting deals in new markets which hold
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 promise for future growth. “For inexperienced
acquirers, preparation and research are highly
important and advisors can point out the major risk
1 2
factors that could stall deal progress.”
Indeed, the focus on mitigating risk will be a major
preoccupation for company executives in 2021
– 52% of respondents say it would be one of the
biggest areas of focus, including 24% who ranked
it as the top area of focus.
“Businesses really need to have their data
readily available and accessible by multiple
stakeholders, at all times, not just when it
comes to engaging in M&A. This presents
an opportunity for advisors to introduce
technology platforms earlier in their M&A
marketing process or relationship building.
That’s always going to be looked upon
favourably in terms of how that company views
their chosen advisor and the value they’ve
Sam Riley, CEO of Ansarada.

PE lessons

Private equity firms will not bide their time Private equity has deep pockets and is primed and
ready to make outsized investment returns from the

in 2021, they are ready to compete with current market dislocation. Funds raised in 2016,
2017 and 2018 are likely to suffer the worst effects

corporate rivals on an equal footing of the economic damage of 2020 since they will
have already invested much of their capital before
the outbreak. At the same time, funds raised since
then will be able to capitalise on the fall in entry
multiples in the acquisitions that stock more recent
What will be the one biggest focus for private equity firm in 2021?
fund vintage portfolios.
A partner of an M&A legal advisor in Belgium told
35% us that they expect PE funds to consider at the
portfolio level “what new technology or talent
30% investments can be made to increase productivity
30% levels” in the year ahead.
Naturally, this will not be a free-for-all. As the
20% pandemic has exposed, the prospects of different
industries differ greatly and this calls for smart
15% investment theses and intelligent approaches
to deal sourcing. We find that marketing for and
10% 12% targeting quality assets (30%) will be the biggest
10% 10% focus for private equity firms in 2021, followed
5% by portfolio company operations (24%). As much
as PE firms’ deal teams have an opportunity to
0% secure attractive buyouts amid current conditions,
Total operations teams will be paying careful attention
to how their existing portfolio companies are
Marketing for quality assets Volume of deal flow coping and what steps they are taking to ensure
their growth in the face of considerable obstacles.
Portfolio company oporations New platform dealsand add-on acquisitons Without question, data platforms are a way for
PE funds to gain greater operational insights
Mitigating further effects of COVID-19 Valuations
at the portfolio level.

Which do you expect to be the primary form of private equity portfolio exit in 2021? Clearly 2020 has not been the seller’s market that
private equity has enjoyed over the last few years.
60% However, as conditions stabilize and the outlook
becomes clearer, funds will be seeking liquidity. The
preferred method for exiting is almost evenly split
between strategic sales (50%) and secondary sales
to fellow PE funds (48%). IPOs always represent the
50% minority of exit volume as they are best suited to
48% larger companies that can drum up wide investor
40% interest. They are also highly dependent on strong
market confidence, even in the most benign
economic conditions. The pandemic has made
30% this exit route especially tricky. Lock-up periods
mean that PE funds have to hold significant equity
positions in the companies they sell through what
might be continued stock market turbulence. With
this in mind, only one respondent (2%) says that
IPOs will be the primary route to exit among private
equity funds in 2021.

0% 2%
50% say strategic sale will be
preferred method for exiting in 2021 50%

Strategic sale IPO

Secondary sale

deals on
the rise

What do you think will happen to the number of distressed M&A deals in 2021? Our survey reveals that distressed deals are likely to
rise significantly in 2021 with Europe and the energy
sector most affected.
60% There is little doubt that distressed deal flow is
going to rise in the months ahead. Much of this
activity is pent up, delayed by government stimulus
measures. Loan programmes to businesses worst
affected by the pandemic have bought them
extra time. However, stimulus is not unlimited and
will be wound down at some point, which will put
many businesses under financial pressure and
shareholders and business owners, fatigued by
2020, may have few options but to seek distressed
acquirers. No less than 84% of respondents expect
28% such deals to increase to some extent in 2021, 56%
believing they will rise by 2-10% in 2021 and 28%
20% expecting a rise above this.

84% expect the number of
distressed deals to increase in 2021 84%


Decrease somewhat (2-10%) Increase somewhat (by 2-10%)

Remain about the same (Within 2% Increase significantly (by more than 10%)
of LTM deal volume)

“COVID-19 has made the prospect of losing
your life’s work and retirement very real.”
Sam Riley, CEO of Ansarada.

“Companies that are dealing with weak organic

growth are going to have a lot of choice amongst
those distressed assets. Traditionally, these deals
would be looked at by a narrow type of buyer, but
I think that buyer group is going to become much
broader. Businesses are hungry for a bargain and
a lot of companies are owned by baby boomers at
retirement age. They won’t be taking the same risks
as they did in 2018 or 2019 because COVID-19 has
made the prospect of losing your life’s work and
retirement very real.” said Sam Riley, CEO
of Ansarada.
A partner of a middle-market investment bank in
the UK told us that, while distressed deal flow is
likely to increase, synergies need to be evaluated
with extreme accuracy in these special situations.
“Acquirers cannot expect immediate results when
investing in a distressed company. Cost-reduction
strategies will be the preferred way to deal with
current financial pressures.”

In which region do you expect to see the most distressed M&A activity in 2021? Europe (36%), which was already experiencing
weak economic growth prior to the pandemic, is
expected to be the region with the most distressed
M&A activity in 2021. Within the region, Spain (14%),
Italy and Greece (10%) are the countries expected
36% to see the most distressed deal volume. All three
countries, beset by the pandemic, have agreed to
tap the EU’s €750bn recovery fund to boost their
25% flagging economies.


Within the region specified to the right which

country do you expect to see the most distressed
10% M&A activity in 2021?

5% 35%

Europe Asia-Pacific 14%
Middle East & Africa 10% 10%
The Americas
2% 2%
UK 0%


USA Italy

United Kingdom China

Spain France

Greece United Arab Emirates

The three sectors expected to see the most It is no coincidence that these are all highly cyclical
sectors and have all succumbed to the effects of
distressed activity in 2021 are energy, mining the pandemic. A weakened oil price and a fall in
demand for commercial real estate has left many
and utilities (32%), real estate and construction operators within these industries with strained cash
flows and stressed balance sheets, making them
(20%) and industrials and chemicals (18%) prime distressed takeover targets for financial
sponsors that see upside or corporates that can
identify synergistic value.

In which sector do you expect to see the most distressed M&A activity in 2021?



15% 18%


5% 8%

4% 2%


Energy, Mining and Utilities Transportation

Real Estate and Construction Agriculture

Industrials and Chemicals ( including Automotive) Consumer and Leisure

Business and Financial Services

(including Computer Services)

deals done
in the age
of COVID-19

COVID-19 has not just devastated the deal The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly made
dealmaking more challenging, not least because

landscape but it has also made key processes negotiations have to be conducted remotely
as people continue to avoid all but absolutely

such as negotiating and due diligence far necessary travel. Even so, tools such as
sophisticated virtual data rooms and the application

more difficult. However, dealmakers are of advanced data analytics have minimized
disruption to M&A, allowing in-depth due diligence

using their initiative and technology to and negotiations to be undertaken remotely.

Nearly all respondents (94%) in our research agree
get transactions over the line that M&A processes will take longer to complete
than before the coronavirus outbreak, with 48%
saying they will take substantially longer. Rather
Which part of the M&A process will be most difficult in 2021? than deal sourcing or target integration, it is due
diligence that is expected to be the most difficult
part of the M&A process in 2021, as cited by 38% of
respondents. In addition to engaging in diligence as
35% 38% early as possible so as not to put too much pressure
30% on a target company, especially amid the pandemic,
it is important that businesses have strong
25% 28%
information governance embedded in the first
20% place. In most cases companies are not in control
of their data and this can cause complications and
16% delays and frustrate strategic decision-making.
10% (Refer to page 19.)
5% 8%

38% say the due diligence process
Total will be the most difficult part of
M&A in 2021
Due dilligence Deal sourcing

Financing Integration

Agreeing on price/valuation

“We can show in our reporting who’s looked
at what to validate that they’re not just there
to kick the tires. It goes very deep into who
has access to what information, and who’s
reviewing what documents in order to provide
an engagement score,”
Alexander Spronk, Head of Europe at Ansarada

Reasons to
be cheerful

The M&A
is upbeat
about 2021
There is a broad expectation that activity will trend
upwards. We anticipate that lockdown restrictions
put in place towards the end of 2020 will be less of
a dampener on confidence and deal activity than
the first round of restrictions, companies now
being more familiar with the measures and their
revenue impact.

While 2020 has been a tough year Some businesses have met challenges that 2020
has thrown at them head on. “Some companies will
for dealmakers, our survey shows come out of the crisis stronger,” says the head of
corporate M&A at a Netherlands-based law firm.
that the tide is turning in 2021 “They will realize that some of their competitors
may be weaker, and in some industries like banking,
industrial and healthcare, where consolidation was
already ongoing, the stronger companies will grab
these opportunities in 2021.”

Difficult trading conditions will push Of course, any government decisions to put
in place further restrictive measures will continue to
companies to seek M&A to achieve elusive be detrimental for sectors dependent on physical
interaction, and cyclical industries remain exposed.
growth and we are anticipating more While most businesses adapted well in the previous
lockdown and many thrived, it will not be an even
“acqui-hires” as companies buy in talent as playing field.

well as technology and IP. There should also In any case, whether transactions involve assets
that are flourishing or foundering, digital tools
be a steady flow of distressed opportunities that support the M&A process will prove to be
indispensable over the coming years. Those with
when government stimulus eventually expires. the clearest view of a company and its data – and
can draw unique insights from this intelligence
– will have a competitive edge to profit from the
forthcoming recovery.

1. Prepare for the M&A rebound 2. Distressed M&A to rise as stimulus expires 3. Expect volatility but don’t be deterred by it
Much of 2020 was spent steadying the ship With the expected winding down of stimulus in the The biggest challenge to dealmaking will be market
by seeking liquidity and cost efficiencies. short to medium term, there will almost certainly turbulence and a less-than-certain economic
be a rise in distressed activity in the latter half outlook. Accepting this and pre-empting it by
Companies should now be gearing up for an
of 2021, concentrated in the leisure, travel and developing robust base case scenarios based on
increase in appetite for M&A. Those seeking
consumer discretionary sectors. Understanding solid KPIs can help bidders understand when to
acquisitions should already be approaching
the underlying value in these vulnerable, higher-risk stay at the negotiating table or walk away. Data
senior management with deal proposals ahead
companies will be especially crucial for acquirers to governance is critical in making these decisions.
of the competition. Similarly, businesses wishing
meet their cost of capital.
to divest to hone their strategies should be
prepping the marketing of these assets to build
interest well ahead of time.

4. Use technology to improve 5. Preparation is critical

insights and successful outcomes
We have long held that preparation is a fundamental
Digital tools were already being embedded in M&A ingredient of a successful sale process. Not only
processes prior to 2020. This existing trend will does early engagement demonstrate a willingness
be accelerated by the pandemic. Data insights to transact and put less pressure on the deal target,
are making due diligence processes more incisive it also gives bidders time to build a robust investment
than ever before and buyers will be increasingly thesis and smart bidding limits. Ultimately deal
exploring the adoption of technology in the prep affords a bidder more time to identify value.
diligence of assets and negotiating processes. However, companies should not wait for an imminent
M&A situation to get their data governance in order.
Understanding the inner workings of a business
ultimately improves management decisions and
performance. The time to act on this is now.
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