Cues Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation

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Cues Nursing Diagnosis Analysis Planning Nursing Rationale Evaluation


Subjective: Activity intolerance Predisposing STG: Independent Goal met as

“Namamanhid yung related to imbalance Factors After 4 hours of Nursing evidenced by
kamay at paa ko pati between oxygen supply (Sedentary nursing Interventions patient’s
nahihilo. and demand as lifestyle, Type 2 intervention, the 1. Monitor Vital 1. To obtain demonstration of
Nanghihina rin ako evidenced by DM, patient will report signs especially baseline improved
at nahihirapan verbalization of fatigue Hypertension) measurable BP and O2 sat. data and for activity tolerance
akong huminga” as and weakness, ↓ increase in activity close monitoring as evidenced by
verbalized by the pt. paresthesia of hands tolerance as absence of
Narrowing of
and feet, pallor, evidenced by 2. Monitor 2. To ensure verbalization of
blood vessels
abnormal VS, SBG:210 absence of hemodynamic adequate and fatigue,

and Hgb:10.5 verbalization of oxygen delivery weakness,
Decreased fatigue, weakness, paresthesia of
Objective: capillary blood paresthesia of 3. Monitor the IV 3. Ensure the hands and feet,
Verbalization of flow hands and feet, lines patency proper delivery pallor, normal
fatigue and ↓ pallor, normal VS, and reliability of fluids (BT, VS, decreased
weakness decreased SBG and PNSS) into the SBG and
Paresthesia of hands increased Hgb level vein increased Hgb
and feet level.
Pallor 4. Elevate head of 4. Enhances lung

bed, as expansion to
Vasoconstriction LTG: tolerated. maximize
After 8 hours of
VS ↓ oxygenation for
RR: 29 ↓ supply of cellular uptake.
intervention, the
PR: 120 oxygen to the patient will
BP: 160/100 tissues demonstrate
T: 36.1 C ↓ improved activity
O2 Sat: 94% Activity tolerance as
Intolerance evidenced by 5. Encourage 5. Reduces
SBG: 210 absence of bedrest to chair myocardial
Hgb: 10.5 verbalization of rest initially. workload and
fatigue, weakness, oxygen
paresthesia of consumption
hands and feet,
pallor, normal VS,
decreased SBG and **Dependent
increased Hgb level nursing
6. Administer 6. To lower blood
antihypertensiv pressure
es as ordered.

7. Administer 7. To treat
insulin. hyperglycemia

8. Administer 8. To increase
blood number of
transfusion as oxygen-carrying
ordered cells

9. Administer IV 9. To provide
fluids as vascular access
ordered (PNSS) for medication
and piggy back
for BT
10. Administer 10. To increase
oxygen the amount of
inhalation 2- oxygen in the
3LPM as body and to
ordered via prevent hypoxia.
nasal prongs

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