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Judul :

“"Gender in religion Hindu"“



Om Awignam Astu namo Sidham

Om sidhirastu tat astu namah swaha

“ Om Swastyastu “

First let’s say sidhirastu to Ida sang hyang widi , because that that all of us can

meet in this room in a beautiful atmosphere that full of happiness and peace, in a

healthy of physical and spiritual. allow me to join the series of Utsawa Dharma

Gita As well as sang hyang widi gave the word in the summary Dharma

Discourse. The theme is "Gender in religion hindu"

People of sedharma in happiness,

nowdays, In our social life today, so many emerging issues related to gender

issues, the words or terms Gender is interpreted as a problem for women.

Discussion on Gender issues, considered as the discussion of an effort to increase

Role and Rights of Women. Based on the realities of social life like that, then I

convey messages Dharma with Title "GENDER IN RELIGION HINDU".

According to the dictionary meaning of the word gender Indonesian, Gender

means GENDER. It relates to a human, in the sense that humans share and

differentiate by sex. In English, specifically called by the term SEX, GENDER

understanding also. Based on such understanding, then Man by sex were divided

into two (2) groups, namely Men and Women. Men in Balinese language called

Lanang and woman as a Istri, who has a masculine and feminine nature.
In the susastra veda, the human in Sanskrit divided into MAN and SWANITA,

also called Men is purusha and Women is Pradhana, a term that is deeper and

more subtle, men are Lingga and women as yoni. So smooth and it VEDA

interpret the essence of human existence as male and female.

People of sedharma in happiness

definition and gender status is not horizontal, but vertical. This means that there

is a different treatment between men and women, where women are given equal

rights and opportunities as men. This happens in various social aspects. Well

especially when connecting with all the provisions of the existing ADAT

TRADITION and embraced by every group of our society.for example in Bali

Culturally, women as part of the gender of humans, have not received their rights

in a balanced way, and even tend to be in a position of concern. For example, in

the case of education, the right to inheritance, and so on. In the Balinese tradition,

men as Purusha is considered to be the main, the right to continue descent,

entitlement to inheritance, the right more on the business of education, and so


So .... where is the positions of WOMEN ???. In various traditions customary in

our country, in addition to the task "with child", "serve the husband", "serving the

needs of the household" and other obligations related to the duties of a husband

(men), women are at the opposite side with husband.

People of sedharma Gentlemen,

Do not we realize that the value and dignity of a nation,household,family

determined by women ?

in the Veda, a Hindu religious scripture is a legal standard that becomes the main

reference on the meaning of each issue. Veda is the source of all sources of

human law, because it contains the nature, of the law Eternal Brahman. Similarly

relating to the Status and Status and Gender assignment for humans.

In Hindu society, Gender in the sense of human as Men and Women have noble

status. Look at depictions of gods as a form of cosmic force Supra, always

depicted as male. Likewise All glory and power is always depicted as a woman.

Might and Excellence by Veda described as male, while the Glory,Intelligence,

Gentleness, dignity and compassion is always depicted as a woman. Revelation of

the letters contained in the Vedas, illustrates that the Gender in its different forms

basically have the EQUIVALENT STATUS.

Let us think are written in

RG VEDA III.53.4 .:

“Jayed astam maghavan set u yonih,”

it’s means: Oh Sang Hyang Indra, the wife is actually a manifestation of the

house. He is the basis of prosperity of the family.

the Yajur Veda XIX.94 .:

“Patni sukrtam bibharti,”

it’s meaning: Wife carrying out religious ceremonies, or say: Without the

presence of women yajna is not perfect.

People of Sedharma in happiness,

So noble and noble Veda paid tribute to Women, which in this case with regard to

specific tasks on the responsibility of women. When in social life during this time,

a woman is considered a non-voting against everything that concerns the well-

being and general happiness, but Veda then reminds us that women have a vital

position and function.

In Hindu society, men have the freedom to choose and perform their obligations

outside the home, according to their talents, capabilities and opportunities that can

be achieved to meet the needs and bring prosperity and happiness for the whole

family. So men have generally been accepted as eligible to engage in activities

outside the home. While women perform the obligations administering and

managing the family with all his ability. Education of children, in this case be a

specific task for women. Women gather opportunities all the time with his family

sections, making the woman as the central association. So in this case, women are

the spearhead of family morality.

People of sedharma in happiness

In the Vedas human status by gender was similar. Men and women have the same

opportunities and position. Males have obligations outside the home, while

women are leaders in their home. Equality which are intended by the Veda is

EQUALITY mutualism, meaning specifically both have rights and is based

dharma. Nothing is greater than one. By it, man without a woman is shadow in the

dark, as well as the Women without Men is a river without water.

People of sedharma in happiness ,

thus the message dharma that I can say at the time it may be able to add to our

understanding on gender in religion hindu and hopefully sang hyang widi bestow

all wara nugraha to all of us.







Judul :





First of all, let us say sidhirastu to Ida SangHyang Widhi, because thanks to her

favor, we can all meet in this room in a beautiful atmosphere full of happiness and

peace, in a healthy state of mind and body. Second, according to the holy words

of SangHyang Widhi in Yayur Veda XXVI.2 "This holy word should be

conveyed to all mankind, to the brahmins, knights, wesia, sudra, to my people

even though people". From that word, allow me to participate in enlivening the

series of Utsawa Dharma Gita activities as well as conveying the words of Hyang

Widhi in the summary of the Dharma Wacana with the theme




Tri Hita Karana is a concept or teaching in Hinduism which always emphasizes

how one can live in harmony and peace. Tri hita karana can be interpreted

lexically which means three causes of well-being. Which is Tri which means

three, Hita which means prosperity, and Karana which means cause. The three

things are parhayangan, pawongan, and palemahan. The concept of Tri Hita

Karana appears in connection with the existence of traditional villages in Bali.

This is due to the realization of a traditional village in Bali which is not only a

regional alliance and an alliance of life for common interests in society, but also a

common alliance in the belief of worshiping God. In other words, the

characteristic of a traditional village in Bali must have elements of the territory,

the people or the community who occupy an area and the existence of a holy

place to worship God.

1. Parahyangan

Parhyangan comes from the word hyang which means God. Parhayangan

means divinity or matters related to religion in order to worship ida the hyang

widhi wasa. In a narrow sense parhyangan means a holy place to worship God.

According to his moral Dharma review, humans worship and serve God due to

their parama (noble) qualities. The feeling of devotion and prostration to God

arises in the human heart because Sanghyang widhi is omnipresent, hence the

power, the most merciful who bestows love and wisdom to his people. We as

religious people who take shelter under his protection are deeply indebted to be

born bhatin to him. And this Buddhist debt will not be repaid by anything.

Because of the above, the only dharma / morality that we can present to him is by

giving the parama suksmaning idep or our highest gratitude to him.

The example of implementing our gratitude to God is by:

a) With solemn and prostration devotional offer yadnya and worship to the one

and only God).

b) Pilgrimage or visiting holy places or tirta yatra to ask for the sanctity of birth

and bhatin

c) Studying seriously the teachings of divinity, practicing and obeying carefully

all spiritual teachings or mental-spiritual education.

In the Bhagavadgita it is said that:

"Satatam kirtayatom mam

Yatantas ca drsha vrtatah

Namasyantas ca mam bhatya

Ni tyayuktah upsate "(IX.14)

Which means:

Always do just to praise Me and do that devoted task endlessly. You who adore

me endlessly and with eternal devotion are close to Me.

Besides, the sense of devotion to ida sanghyang widhi wasa arises in the human

heart in the form of worship, praise, prayer of surrender, humility and a sense of

sacrifice for goodness. We as religious and moral human beings must uphold and

fulfill our obligations, including love for truth, honesty, sincerity, and justice.

Thus it is clear how the relationship between Sanghyang Widi and humans. This

relationship must be cultivated and enhanced continuously towards a higher and

more holy birth. In accordance with the religious practice of religious people,

namely to be able to achieve the moksartam of the black universe, ya ca itri

dharma, namely the happiness of worldly life and the perfection of lasting

spiritual happiness (moksa).

2. Pawongan

Pawonan comes from the word wong (in Javanese) which means people.

Pawongan is a matter relating to people in one community life, in a narrow sense

pawongan is a group of people living in a community.

In the beginning, God created bhuwana or nature first, then palemahan appeared,

after which he created man and other living creatures. After humans developed

and assembled themselves in a common life and inhabited a certain area, a

community called pawongan emerged.

In addition to harmonizing the relationship between the atman and the

paramatman or the relationship between humans and God, we as social beings

must also cultivate relationships with fellow humans and other creatures. What is

meant by the relationship between humans and other creatures is the relationship

between family members, the community, between children, husbands and wives

and others. Human relationships with other creatures should be able to create an

atmosphere of harmony, harmony, and peace and help each other with a heart full

of love. Which is love is the basis of virtue. Love arises from the heart which is

the paramatman realm, namely lama ananda (happiness).

3. Palemahan

Palemahan comes from the word weak which means land. Palemahan also

means bhuwana or nature. In a narrow sense, Palemahan means an area of

settlement or residence.
Humans living on this earth need peace, coolness, tranquility and happiness born

and bhatin. To achieve this goal, humans cannot live without the great bhuwana

(universe). Humans live in nature and from natural products. This is what

underlies the harmonious relationship between humans and the universe.

To maintain the balance and harmony of nature, Hindus carry out the tumpek uye

(tumpek cage) ceremony, which aims to preserve the life of animals and carry out

the tumpek wariga (tumpek bubuh) ceremony to preserve plants.

That is the explanation of the division of the tri hita karana. The importance of

the Tri hita karana teachings is a universal Hindu religious teaching. The

teachings of the tri hita karana direct humans to always harmonize the relationship

between humans and the creator, humans and the universe, and human relations

with the universe or its environment.

The direction and goal of the tri hita karana is to achieve mokrastham jagad hita

ya ca iti dharma, which is to achieve physical and spiritual happiness so that with

harmony, happiness is achieved which is the ultimate goal of Hinduism, namely

the union of atman with paramatman.

Those are the few reviews that I can deliver on this happy day.

Hopefully what I explained earlier can be applied in our lives in order to create a

state of harmony, serenity and peace.

Om santhi, santhi, santhi om.

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