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ENGRACIO FRANCIA, petitioner, vs.

Case flow:
INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT Francia – Filed a case with the lower court
and HO FERNANDEZ, respondents. Lower Court – Dismissed the case filed; Francia – appealed to IAC
IAC – Affirmed the decision of the lower court in toto
Francia – Filed Petition for Review with SC
SC – Dismissed the petition; Affirmed IAC decision

• Engracio Francia is the registered owner of a residential lot and a two-story house built upon it situated at
Barrio San Isidro, now District of Sta. Clara, Pasay City, Metro Manila. The lot, with an area of about 328 sqm.
• On October 15, 1977, a 125 square meter portion of Francia's property was expropriated by the Republic of the
Philippines for the sum of P4,116.00.
• Since 1963 up to 1977 inclusive, Francia failed to pay his real estate taxes. Thus, on December 5, 1977, his
property was sold at public auction by the City Treasurer of Pasay City pursuant to Section 73 of Presidential
Decree No. 464 known as the Real Property Tax Code in order to satisfy a tax delinquency of P2,400.00. Ho
Fernandez was the highest bidder for the property.
• Francia was not present during the auction sale since he was in Iligan City at that time helping his uncle ship
• On March 20, 1979, Francia filed a complaint to annul the auction sale.
• On April 23, 1981, the lower court rendered a decision dismissing Francia’s complaint
• The Intermediate Appellate Court affirmed the decision of the lower court in toto.
• Francia filed a petition for review with the SC contending that his tax delinquency of P2,400.00 has been
extinguished by legal compensation. He claims that the government owed him P4,116.00 when a portion of his
land was expropriated on October 15, 1977. Hence, his tax obligation had been set-off by operation of law as
of October 15, 1977.

Whether or not there is legal No. Internal Revenue Taxes cannot be subject of setoff or
basis for the contention of compensation. This Court has consistently ruled that there can be
Francia no off-setting of taxes against the claims that the taxpayer may
have against the government. A person cannot refuse to pay a tax
on the ground that the government owes him an amount equal to
or greater than the tax being collected. The collection of a tax
cannot await the results of a lawsuit against the government. In the
case of Republic v. Mambulao Lumber Co. (4 SCRA 622), this Court
ruled that Internal Revenue Taxes cannot be the subject of set-off
or compensation. We stated that: “A claim for taxes is not such a
debt, demand, contract or judgment as is allowed to be set-off
under the statutes of set-off, which are construed uniformly, in the
light of public policy, to exclude the remedy in an action or any
indebtedness of the state or municipality to one who is liable to the
state or municipality for taxes. Neither are they a proper subject of
recoupment since they do not arise out of the contract or
transaction sued on. x x x (80 C.J.S., 73-74). ‘The general rule based
on grounds of public policy is well-settled that no set-off is
admissible against demands for taxes levied for general or local
governmental purposes. The reason on which the general rule is
based, is that taxes are not in the nature of contracts between the
party and party but grow out of duty to, and are the positive acts of
the government to the making and enforcing of which, the personal
consent of individual taxpayer is not required. x x x’ ”.

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