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G.R. No. 106611. July 21, 1994.


- Herein private respondent corporation filed a claim for refund with the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) in the amount of P19,971,745,00 representing the excess income tax
overpayments for the years 1983, 1984 and 1985;
- In order to interrupt the running of the prescriptive period, Citytrust filed a petition with
the Court of Tax Appeals;
- The Solicitor General, for and in behalf of therein respondent commissioner asserts that
the mere averment that Citytrust incurred a net loss in 1985 does not ipso facto merit a
refund. Moreover, the right to claim the same has prescribed with respect to income tax
payments prior to August 28, 1984 since the petition was filed only on August 28, 1986;
- On February 20, 1991, the case was submitted for decision since herein petitioner could not
present any evidence by reason of the repeated failure of the Tax Credit/ Refund Division of
the BIR to transmit the records of the case, as well as the investigation report thereon, to
the Solicitor General.


- Petitioner is entitled to a refund but only for the overpaid taxes incurred in 1984 and 1985
in the amount of P13,314,506.14. The refundable amount as shown in its 1983 income tax
return is hereby denied on the ground of prescription;
- The order for refund was based on the following findings of the Court of Tax Appeals:
o the fact of withholding has been established by the statements and certificates of
withholding taxes accomplished by herein private respondent’s;
o no evidence was presented which could effectively dispute the correctness of the
income tax return;
o no deficiency assessment was issued by herein petitioner;
o there was an audit report submitted by the BIR Assessment Branch, recommending
the refund of overpaid taxes.
- Motion for reconsideration was thereafter filed, wherein it was contended for the first time
that herein private respondent had outstanding unpaid deficiency income taxes for 1984 in
the amount of P56,588,740.91;
- CTA denied the motions since that matter was not raised in the pleadings, the same cannot
be considered, invoking therefor the salutary purpose of the omnibus motion rule which is
to obviate multiplicity of motions and to discourage dilatory pleadings;
- Hence a petition for review was filed with CA

- CA affirmed the judgment of CTA
- Petitioner elevated the case to SC

- WON respondents should be entitled for a tax refund despite of deficiency tax.

- After a careful review of the records, we find that it would be better subserved by the remand
of this case to the Court of Tax Appeals for further proceedings;
- The BIR, represented herein by petitioner Commissioner of Internal Revenue, was denied
its day in court by reason of the mistakes and/or negligence of its officials and employees;
- When it was herein petitioner’s turn to present evidence, several postponements were
sought by its counsel, the Solicitor General, due to the unavailability of the necessary
- It is a long and firmly settled rule of law that the Government is not bound by the errors
committed by its agents. In the performance of its governmental functions, the State cannot
be estopped by the neglect of its agent and officers
- Nowhere is the aforestated rule is more true than in the field of taxation. It is axiomatic
that the Government cannot and must not be estopped particularly in matters involving
taxes. Taxes are the lifeblood of the nation through which the government agencies continue
to operate and with which the State effects its functions for the welfare of its constituents.
The errors of certain administrative officers should never be allowed to jeopardize the
Government’s financial position, especially in the case at bar where the amount involves
millions of pesos the collection whereof, if justified, stands to be prejudiced just because of
bureaucratic lethargy;
- It is also worth noting that the Court of Tax Appeals erred in denying petitioner’s motion
for reconsideration alleging and bringing to said court’s attention the existence of the
deficiency income since respondent cannot be entitled to refund and at the same time be
liable for a tax deficiency assessment for the same year;
- The deficiency assessment, although not yet final, created a doubt as to and constitutes a
challenge against the truth and accuracy of the facts stated in said return which, by itself
and without unquestionable evidence, cannot be the basis for the grant of the refund;
- Section 82, Chapter IX of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, which was the
applicable law when the claim of Citytrust was filed, provides that “(when an assessment is
made in case of any list, statement, or return, which in the opinion of the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue was false or fraudulent, no tax collected under such assessment shall be
recovered by any suits unless it is proved that the said list, statement, or return was not
false nor fraudulent;
- Moreover, to grant the refund without determination of the proper assessment and the tax
due would inevitably result in multiplicity of proceedings or suits;
- Thus, to avoid multiplicity of suits and unnecessary difficulties or expenses, it is both
logically necessary and legally appropriate that the issue of the deficiency tax assessment
against Citytrust be resolved jointly with its claim for tax refund, to determine once and for
all in a single proceeding the true and correct amount of tax due or refundable.
- WHEREFORE, the judgment of respondent Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 26839 is
hereby SET ASIDE and the case at bar is REMANDED to the Court of Tax Appeals for
further proceedings and appropriate action

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