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RRL Biometric

The fingerprint reader is meant to prevent a student form giving his/her RFID-
card to classmate who attends the lecture, scanning the other student’s RFID-card to
make it appear as if he/she had also attended. When a student enters class, this RFID
reader reads his/her student ID, and his/her finger must press on fingerprint reader.
These RFID tag and fingerprint data send to a PC with a connected RFID-reader and
fingerprint reader. The PC, in turn, sends all the data it has collected to the server
database form Graphical User Interface (GUI). (Thein & Myotun, 2015) [1].
Biometric is a method for uniquely identifying human being based on some
physical characteristic and in this system we will be using the fingerprint. The fingerprint
is an impression left by friction ridges of a human finger. Fingerprint image capturing is
considered to be one the most critical step in an automated authentication system. The
light reflected from the finger passes through the phosphor layer to an array of solid
state pixels which captures a visual image of the fingerprint. A scratched or dirty touch
surface can cause a bad image of the fingerprint. (Ansari et al., 2011) [2].

Minutia Points
According to Suhag (2016), “Fingerprint based recognition systems have been put to
wide use in both forensic and civilian applications. In comparison with other available
biometrics feature matching systems, fingerprint-based biometrics is the most
developed technique and holds the largest market shares. As these systems have been
optimized over the years, not only is it faster than other techniques but the amount of
energy consumed by such systems is also less. Maintaining attendance records of
students of an institution as large as ours is a tedious task. This fingerprint identification
system uses existing techniques in fingerprint recognition and matching”. [3]

General Architecture of a Fingerprint Verification System

Biometrics can be used for identification or for verification, depending on the
application. Biometric is used in verification to validate the claim made by an individual.
The biometric of the user is compared with the biometric of the claimed individual in the
database and the claim is rejected or accepted based on the match. In identification, the
system recognizes an individual by comparing his biometrics with every record in the
database. In general, biometric verification consists of two stages, enrolment and
authentication. During enrolment, the biometrics of the user is captured and the
extracted features (template) are stored in the database. During authentication, the
biometrics of the user is captured again and the extracted features are matched with the
ones already existing in the database to determine a match. The exact record to fetch
from the database is determined using the claimed identity of the user. The database
may be centralized or distributed with each user carrying his template on a smart card.
(Zin, 2014). [4]

Optical Capacitance
According to Subashchandraboss S., (2015), “There are mainly two types of scanning
methods for this technology. Either an optical or capacitance scanner is used to scan and make
a picture of your finger. Though both the methods produce the same type of image, the making
of it is completely different. This scanned image is then compared with an earlier existing finger
print of yours to get the correct identity. The comparison is carried out by the processor and the
comparison is made between the valleys and ridges. Though the steps are simple, very
complex algorithms must be carried out to perform this operation. Though your whole fingerprint
is recorded, the computer takes only parts of the print to compare with other records. Fingerprint
verification is done using extraction of minutiae technique and the system automates the whole
process of taking attendance. For employee fingerprint checking, it checks one fingerprint
template with all templates stored in the database, like wise it checks for all employee which will
take more time”. [5]

A fingerprint detecting device needs to be placed in each classroom and students

would be made to swipe their finger over the sensor so as to mark their presence in the
class. The transfer of the fingerprint from the device to the server can be carried out
wirelessly using certain wireless adapters which can together form a wireless network in
a short range and carry out the verification process. (Acharya & Mishra, 2010). [6]
According to Hoo & Ibrahim (2019), “Biometric sensors are used to capture the
biometric characteristic of an individual. In the biometric-based attendance system, the
sensors are used for two purposes. After that, each template is tagged with the
corresponding name or roll number of a student. The next purpose of sensors is to
capture another copy of new biometric data from each student whenever there is a
class. In order to mark the class attendance, the identity of each student must be
recognized. Hence, the new biometric data captured are compared to the templates to
record the correct name, date, and time of those students who are present in the class.”
The Fingerprint authentication has many advantages such as very high accuracy,
the most economical biometric PC user authentication technique. It is very easy to use.
With the integration and use of biometric technology getting simpler, many institutions
are using down the biometric road to verify the time and attendance of their students
and staffs. (Jaikumar et al., 2015) [8].
Hualin Z., Qiqi W., and Yujing H, (2017), worked on a fingerprint attendance machine
that was design based on a C51 single chip microcomputer. The fingerprint attendance
system, marked with the fingerprint authentication model, eliminated the fingerprint
attendance process failure from any unregistered person’s fingerprint. Thus, it
essentially put an end to attendance management human factors by fully embodying the
fairness of attendance management and avoiding unnecessary staff conflicts. The
system used the STC89C52 microcontroller as a central control chip, 12864 LCD as a
man - machine interface, a matrix keyboard as an input student ID, and a sensor
identification module. [9]
[1] Thein, M. M., & Myotun, C. N. (2015). Students’ Attendance Management System
Based On RFID And Fingerprint Reader, 38.
[2] Ansari, A. N., Navada, A., Agarwal, S., Patil, S., & Sonkamble, B. A. (2011).
Automation of attendance system using RFID, biometrics, GSM Modem with .Net
[3] Suhag, S. (2016). Biometric Attendance system Using R-305 Sensor and Arduino
[4] Zin, M. S. (2014). Portable Fingerprint-Based Attendance Recording & Monitoring
[5] Subashchandraboss, S. (2015). Hybrid of Student Attendance Tracking System
Using RFID Device and Fingerprint Sensor.
[6] Acharya, D., & Mishra, A. K. (2010). WIRELESS FINGERPRINT BASED STUDENT
[7] Hoo, S. C., & Ibrahim, H. (2019). Biometric-Based Attendance Tracking System.
[8] Jaikumar, K., Kumar, M. S., Rajkumar, S., & Sakthivel, A. (2015). FINGERPRINT
[9] Hualin, Z., Qiqi, W., & Yujing, H. (2017). Fingerprint Attendance Machine Design
Based on C51 Single-Chip Microcomputer.

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