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Textbook, Chapter 6 [pg 64-76]

Name: …………………………………………..


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teachers  and  sudents.  
Why People Work?
Learning outcomes:
• Identify reasons why people work
• Discuss different motivation theories and factors that motivate workers.

• People work for a number of reasons. Most people work because they
need to earn money to s_________, while others work voluntarily for other

• M___________ is the reason why people work, and it d______ them to

work better. Therefore, managers try to find out what motivate workers
and use them to encourage workers to work more e__________. This
results in higher p________, increased out_____, and ultimately higher

Definitions to learn:
Motivation _________________________________________________

Motivation Theories

1) F.W ________________

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teachers  and  sudents.  

2) Mas________
(Draw the levels)

Maslow hierarchy:
• P ___________ needs
• S____________ needs
• S ___________ needs
• E ___________ needs
• S ___________________needs

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teachers  and  sudents.  

3) H _____________
• Human have two sets of needs (Basic animal needs- “Hygiene’)
(Grow psychologically –“Motivators”)
• Hygiene factors nust be satisfied, if they are not satisfied, they can act as
demotivators to the worker.
• Once satisfied, they do not act as motivators.

Hygiene (‘ maintenance’) factors

________________, ____________________, __________________,

_________________, ______________________


____________, ____________, _____________, ___________________,

________________________, _______________________, ___________

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for  IGCSE  Business  Studies,  Business  news,  Study  Techniques  and  lots  of  resources  for  
teachers  and  sudents.  
Draw a ‘mind-map to summarize this topic “Motivation Theories”

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teachers  and  sudents.  

Motivating factors – Financial motivators/ Rewards

1) Wages
a) T_____ rate
Advantage: _______________________________________________
Explanation: ______________________________________________

Disadvantage: ____________________________________________
Explanation: ______________________________________________

b) P_____ rate
Advantage: _______________________________________________
Explanation: ______________________________________________

Disadvantage 1: ___________________________________________
Explanation: ______________________________________________

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teachers  and  sudents.  
Disadvantage 2: ___________________________________________
Explanation: ______________________________________________

Disadvantage 3: ___________________________________________
Explanation: ______________________________________________
2) Salaries
3) Other rewards added to basic salary
a) Commission
b) Profit sharing
c) Bonus
d) Performance-related pay
e) Share ownership

Definitions to learn:
Wage ___________________________________________________



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teachers  and  sudents.  
Profit sharing________________________________________________

Bonus _____________________________________________________

Performance-related pay_______________________________________

Motivating factors – Non- financial motivators/ Rewards

Also known as p_________ or f___________ benefits.

Non-financial rewards may include:
• Children’s education fees paid
• Discounts on the firm’s products
• Health care paid for
• Company vehicle (car)
• Free accomodation
• Share options (where company shares are given to employees)
• Generous expense accounts (for food and clothing)
• Pension paid for by the business
• Free trips abroad/ holidays

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teachers  and  sudents.  

Motivating factors – Other ways

1) Job satisfaction
If you are the Human Resource Manager of a company, suggest and explain
5 methods which could help your employees to achieve job satisfaction in
their workplace.
Method 1: ____________________________________________________
Explanation: __________________________________________________

Method 2: ____________________________________________________
Explanation: __________________________________________________

Method 3: ____________________________________________________
Explanation: __________________________________________________

Method 4: ____________________________________________________
Explanation: __________________________________________________

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teachers  and  sudents.  
Method 5: ____________________________________________________
Explanation: __________________________________________________
2) Job rotation
3) Job enlargement
4) Job enrichment
5) Autonomous work groups or teamworking

Definitions to learn:
Appraisal ________________________________________________

Fringe benefits____________________________________________

Job satisfaction ___________________________________________


Job rotation_______________________________________________

Job enlargement __________________________________________


Job enrichment ___________________________________________

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teachers  and  sudents.  

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