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Sales Strategy
in a Digital World LIVE VIRTUAL

June 6–14, 2022

Driving Revenue and Profit Growth $4,550*

In this comprehensive program, seasoned practitioners

Key Benefits
and thought leaders provide a deep dive into sales strategy
leading practices for maximizing profitable organic growth • Establish segmentations and
growth priorities that result in
in today’s B2B selling environment. winning sales strategies
• Develop B2B value proposition
Rapid changes in customer needs and buying behavior, coupled with
strategies that achieve critical
increased competition for value superiority, are requiring senior executives
differentiation, facilitate effective
to develop new and innovative go-to-market approaches. In addition, the sales force execution, and deliver
COVID pandemic has accelerated virtual and digital trends, and created mutual value
uncertainty about the “new normal” — resulting in new value proposition, • Design field, inside, digital and
sales channel, sales force structure, and customer engagement models that indirect sales forces and channels
address an increasingly demanding and complex buyer landscape, while for strategic advantage
ensuring an agility for adapting to a changing market environment. • Create key accounts programs that
maximize mutual value with your
Designed for senior leaders, this program focuses on the sales strategy
most important customers
decisions that most impact revenue and profit growth and precede tactical
• Modernize the sales and customer
decisions related to sales force management and operations. You’ll come
engagement process to drive
away with a deep understanding of how to develop and implement a
differentiated value
holistic sales strategy for maximum impact.
• Drive implementations that result
in execution advantages

“ [This was] a very insightful program that spoke Who Should Attend
directly to many of the challenges faced by sales • Chief sales officers
professionals today. The case studies and examples • Vice presidents and directors
are applicable across multiple industries, for of sales, sales strategy, sales
operations and sales force
companies large and small.”
• Chief commercial officers and vice
presidents of marketing, sales and
strategic marketing
• CEOs of mid-market and smaller

Learn more and apply:

* Dates and program fees are subject to change.


Program Content
Creating a Go-to-market Strategy Optimizing Channels and Sales Force Structure
• Learn how to apply a strategic mindset to the sales for Strategic Advantage
function • Review leading trends in channels mix and design
• Understand how segmentations and growth priorities • Design field and inside sales forces
result in winning sales strategies • Create a key accounts program
• Move beyond elevator pitches to create compelling • Design and implement indirect channels
B2B value propositions
• Incorporate digital into your integrated go-to-market Driving Transformational Change
model • Identify and address critical implementation issues
• Modernize the sales process to drive differentiated • Review best practices for managing and leading
value transformational change

“ For four days, we exchanged knowledge [with peers] from four continents,
led by knowledgeable teachers, with actual cases that provided [insight]
and matched the exact challenges that I experience in my company.”

The Faculty
For this program, Kellogg assembled a dynamic team of highly experienced sales executives, educators and strategic
thinkers to guide you through highly focused content. As practitioners and teachers, they will help you gain the
knowledge and insight needed to transform your sales organization into an engine of growth.

Mike Moorman Tim Joyce

Academic Director; Adjunct Lecturer of Executive Education; ZS Principal, B2B Marketing
ZS Managing Principal, Sales Business Area; Global Practice
Rodolfo Luzardo
Leader, B2B Sales Strategy and Transformation
ZS Principal, Go-to-Market Strategy and Transformation
John DeSarbo
Pete Mehr
ZS Principal, Sales Channel Strategy and Management
ZS Principal, Omni-Channel Marketing and Sales
Please note: Faculty is subject to change.

Kellogg Executive Education

Live Virtual Programs feature:
• Live Online Learning — Delivered in our live virtual classroom,
with a limited number of participants to ensure maximum
• Top Kellogg Faculty — Kellogg’s renowned thought leaders will
share their knowledge and facilitate thoughtful discussion in real
time throughout the program
• Peer-to-Peer Connections — Many opportunities to interact with
your global peers through both formal and informal activities
• A Rich, Interactive Experience — A high-quality, transformative
learning experience with timely, actionable content and
seamless interactivity
• Credit towards a Kellogg Executive Scholar Certificate — All our
live virtual programs count towards completion of your certificate

Learn more and apply: Consult with an Advisor: [email protected] 847.467.6018


High-Impact Sales Strategy in a Digital World

Driving Revenue and Profit Growth


This live virtual program will be offered in half day sessions and will include regular breaks and significant interaction with faculty and other participants.
All times are Central Time.

WEEK 1 DAY 1: Monday DAY 2: Tuesday

8:00am – 8:30am CT
Early 8:00am – 10:30am CT
Course Introduction
Moorman Channel Strategy
In the Digital Age
8:30am – 10:15am CT The Impact of
Rethinking Digital on Sales
Mid-Morning Segmentation and Mehr
Growth Strategy

10:30am – 12:15pm CT
10:15am – 12:00pm CT
Modernizing the
Late Building a Winning
Sales Process for Today’s
Morning B2B Value Proposition
Selling Environment

WEEK 2 DAY 3: Monday DAY 4: Tuesday

8:00am – 10:30am CT
8:00am – 10:15am CT
Indirect Channel Design
Early Sales Force Design for
and Programs for
Morning Strategic Advantage
Strategic Advantage

10:15am – 12:00pm CT 10:30am – 12:15pm CT

Approaching Key The Other 80% —
Account Management Implementation Issues
As a Business Strategy and Insights
Moorman Moorman

12:15pm – 1:00pm CT
Panel Discussion
Afternoon and Wrap-Up
Moorman, DeSarbo,
Luzardo, Joyce

Learn more and apply: Consult with an Advisor: Northwestern University reserves the right to change
without notice any statement in this publication concerning,
but not limited to, rules, policies, tuition, fees, curricula and [email protected] courses. This includes the right to cancel a program at any
time for any reason. In case of a cancellation, the university

847.467.6018 is not responsible for any travel or other related expenses

accrued by the program registrant.

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