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TAKE-HOME EXERCISE 1 Name : Siti Lindiawati

NIM : 18110084
Question 1-10 refer to this passage.
There has been much speculation about the origin of baseball. In 1907 a special commission decided that the modern
game was invented by Abner Doubleday, a West Point cadet, at Cooperstown N.Y., in 1839. One hundred years later,
the national baseball Museum was opened at Cooperstown to honor Doubleday. Historians, however, disagree about
the origin of baseball. Some say that baseball comes from bat and ball games of ancient times. It is a matter of record
that in 1700s English boys played a game they called baseball. Americans have played a kind of baseball since about
1800. At first, the American game had different rules and different names in various parts of the country-town ball,
rounders, or one old cat. Youngsters today still play some of these simplified forms of the game. Baseball did not
receive a standard set of rules until 1845. When Alexander Cartwright organized the Knickerbocker Baseball Club of
New York City. The rules Cartwright set up for his nine-player team were widely adopted by other clubs and formed
the basis of modern baseball. The game was played on a “diamond” infield with the bases 90 feet apart. The first team
to score 21 runs was declared the winner. By 1858 the National Association of Baseball Players was formed with 25
amateur teams. The Cincinnati Red Stocking began to pay players in 1869.
1. Which of the following is true about the origins ofbaseball?
a. historians agree that baseball was invented by AbnerDoubleday.
b. Baseball, as played in the early nineteenth century, differed very little from today’sgame.
c. as early as the 1700s, English boys played a game calledbaseball.
d. the first standard set of baseball rules was established at the turn of thecentury.
2. What was the first professional baseballteam?
a. NewYorkKnickerbockers b.MilwaukeeBraves c. Cincinnati’sRedStockings d. Brooklyn
3. Who first gave baseball a standard set ofrules?
a. AbnerDoubleday b.AlexanderCartwright c.AlbertSpalding d. BabeRuth
4. Which of the following was not predecessor ofbaseball?
a. rounders b.townball d. one oldcat
5. In what year was the National Baseball Museumopened?
a.1939 b.1907 c.1839 d. 1845
6. The word adopted in line 9means
a. established b.accepted c.rejected d.abolished
7. The word standard in line 7means
a. normal b.disputed c.conclusive d. official
8. According to the passage, where is the National Baseball Museumlocated?
a. Cooperstown b. New York City c. Cincinnati d. West Point
9. The tone of the passageis
a. persuasive b. informative c. biased d. argumentative
10. The passage implies that until 1869, baseball was played for all of the following reasons,except
a.exercise b.leisure c.profit d.socializing

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