Task Sheet No. 5 (Done)

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Name: Mahayag, Val Dexter Gene A. Grade & Section: 12- St.


Subject: Practical Research 2 Task no.: 5

A. Directions: Select the elements of the reference in order in which they should be arranged.
Use the APA style. Observe correct indention, spacing, capitalization and punctuation marks.

1. Qualitative Research from the start to Finish New York Yin. The Guilford Press 2011
 Yin, R. (2011). Qualitative Research from the Start to Finish. New York: The
Guilford Press
2. 2012 Navarro, R. and Santos, R. Assessment of Learning Outcomes Lorimar Publishing
Inc. Quezon City.
 Navarro, R. and Santos, R. (2012) Assessments of Learning Outcomes. Quezon
City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.

B. Writing the Second Chapter of Your Research: Review of Related Literature. Selects
literatures related to your research topic and formulate a coherent Review of Related
Literature. Your Review of Related Literature should have the following parts: Introduction,
Body, & conclusion.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

The researcher works provided in this section were adopted from renowned authors

conducting similar studies on the effects of social media. The intellectual contribution of

these people in the world of academics was explored to substantiate the present research

study on effects of social media: amid modular learning among grade 12 students at Saint

Aloysius Institute of Technology.

For clarity, the term social media is known as the way of communication throughout

places and is usually a helpful platform in this kind of situation. But, nevertheless, it can be

also pointed out that this kind of platform had greatly affects the learning of students in this

kind of situation. As mentioned by Akram (2018), children are growing up surrounded by

mobile devices and interactive social networking sites like Twitter, MySpace, and Facebook,

as well as Orkut, which has turned social media into an important part of their lives. The way
young people interact with their parents and friends, as well as how they utilize technology, is

changing because of social media. Social networking has two consequences.

On the one hand, social networks can be extremely useful tools for professionals.

They do so by supporting young professionals in marketing their abilities and looking for

business opportunities. Social networking platforms can also be utilized to effectively

network. On the negative side, the internet is laden with a few risks associated with online


Wilfred (2017) noted that social media multitasking has also been increasing

prevalent. If this situation persists, students may become completely disengaged and fail to

respond to the module's questions, resulting in poor academic performance. Nonetheless,

Sobaih (2016) sates that social media bridges a gap in knowledge in relation to the value and

use of social media as effective teaching and learning tool in higher education in developing

countries. It may also a great advantage of students where they tend to learn through Social


“Thirty-five percent of the participants were undergraduates and 65% were graduate

students, studying at Johnson & Wales University. Thirty-one percent of participants have

full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39% do not have jobs. The results of the survey

questionnaire indicate that 45% of the sample admitted that they spent 6-8 hours per day

checking social media sites, while 23% spent more than 8 hours; 20% spent 2-4 hours and

only 12% spent less than 2 hours on this task. Results indicate while most college students

use social media and spend many hours checking social media sites, there was a negative

aspect to college students’ use of social media” Wang (2011). It explained that checking

social media sites are more prominent than doing such task.
There was a link between social media use and communication with friends and

relatives (Sponcil, 2013). Gan (2016) mentioned in his article that one of the advantages of

using social media is that it will assist educators in more effectively utilizing technology to

aid learning. It is an effective method of education that keeps students safe and away from the

world's rising hazards especially nowadays.

On the other hand, though social media can increase student learning through student

interactions, challenges arise when social media are incorporated into an academic course.

The assumption that students are familiar with and agreeable to using certain types of social

media can cause educators to inadvertently fail to provide the resources or encouragement

necessary to support student usage and learning (Mwasha 2017).

Arnold and Paulus (2010) found that even when social media is used for an

educational purpose, students incorporate the technology into their lives in a way that may

differ from the intentions of the course instructor. For example, off-topic or non-academic

discussions occur on social media because of its primary design as a social networking tool

(Lin et al., 2013).

Further, as a student’s age increases, the frequency of off-topic discussions also

increases (Lin et al., 2013). This indicates that while social media may encourage broader

discussions of course content, older students may spend more time than younger students

engaging in unrelated discussions. Social media can also negatively affect student GPA as

well as the amount of time students spend preparing for class (Annetta et al., 2009; Junco,


One explanation for this impact is that social media provides too much stimulation

and therefore can distract students from completing their coursework (Hurt et al., 2012;

Patera et al., 2008). Another reason for this may be that students who spend more time on
social media may have difficulty balancing their online activities and their academic


Because it strives to create a balance between the educator's authority and the

students' active engagement, social media can be a tough teaching strategy to execute.

Instead, than emphasizing individual contributions, social media collaboration encourages

students and educators to work together to co-create understanding of a topic.

C. References. Directions: List down all the references used in part B of this activity.

Akram, W. (2018). A Study on Positive and Negative of Social Media on Society. International
Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering.

Wang, Q., Chen, W., & Liang, Y. (2011). The effects of social media on college
students. MBA Student Scholarship.

Sobaih, A. B. et al., (2016) To Use or Not to Use. Social Media in Higher Education in
Developing Countries. Countres in Human Behavior.

Balakrishnan, V., & Gan, C. L. (2016). Students’ learning styles and their effects on the use of
social media technology for learning. Telematics and Informatics

Sponcil, M., & Gitimu, P. (2013). Use of social media by college students: Relationship to
communication and self-concept. Journal of Technology Research

Mwasha, E. (2017). Teachers and Students’ Perceptions About Integration of Facebook

Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools In Kinondoni District,

Lin, C. Y., Broström, A., Griffiths, M. D., & Pakpour, A. H. (2020). Investigating mediated
effects of fear of COVID-19 and COVID-19 misunderstanding in the association between
problematic social media use, psychological distress, and insomnia. Internet Interventions
D. Directions: Identify the following definition: draw a check mark in the column of your answer.
(OD- Operational Definition & TD – Theoretical Definition)

1. A sentence is a word or group of words that expresses a complete idea. /
2. A sentence is made up of a subject, consisting of name word, and a /
predicate, made up of action.
3. A bug is a fault or an error. /
4. A bug is an error in a computer program that is characterized by high-speed /
telegraph key.
5. Strangury is les than 20-minute slow and bloody way of urinating. /
6. Strangury is a person’s abnormal way of urinating. /
7. Sterilization is any procedure such as the use of a steam-pressure cooker to /
destroy microorganisms
8. Sterilization is a complete destruction of all microorganisms. /
9. Analog is the representation of values through the use of physical variables. /
10. Cycle is a set of operations. /

E. Directions: Convert Each theoretical definition to operational definitions:

1. A university is a place for learning.

- Institution that is a higher learning facility for teaching students that are in

2. Electric fan is a device for convenience.

- Electric fan is a device that can produce air.

3. Painting is an art.
- Painting is an art of those fond of paintings.

4. A phrase is a group of words.

- Phrases can be made up of a single word or a whole phrase.

5. Patience is an ability to wait.

- Patience allows you to remain calm even though you've been waiting for a long

F. Conceptual Framework. Directions from your chosen topic, formulate a Conceptual

Research title:

“Effects of Social Media Amid Modular Learning Among Grade 12 Students at Saint
Aloysius Institute of Technology”

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Considering the literatures discussed, figure 1 shows the effect of social media amid modular

Positive Effects

Effects of Social Media Students

Negative Effects

In this study, there are 2 effects of social media that a student might interact. The first one is
Positive effects, while on the other hand indicates Negative effects.

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