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~oil No. I I I I I I I I I l I. I
S. No. ofQuestion Paper : 7726

Unique Paper Code : 2321102 F-1

Name of the Paper : Understanding Political Theory [DC-1.2)

Name ofthe Course B.A. (Hons.) I : Political Scienc~

Semester I

Duration : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 75

(Write your Roll No, on the top immediate~y on receipt of this question paper.)

• Answers may be written either in English or in Hindi; but the same medium·should be

used throughout the p~per.

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Attempt any four questions.

All questions carry equal marks.


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I. Critically evaluate ·nonnative political theory.

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2. Discuss the liberal understanding of the nature and role of _the modem nation-state.

( ~ ) . 7726

·3. Write an essay explaining the core principles of liberalism.

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4. Do you think that the study of power is central to the understanding ·of politics ?

Explain vanous approaches to the study of power.

5. "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history ·of class struggle." Comment.

6. Do you think, feminism has widened our understanding of politics ? Give reasons.

7: Do you agree with the feminist formulation that the 'personal 1s political' ? Give

reasons for your answer.


( 3 ) 7726

8. Write short notes on any two of the following

(a) . Hannah Arendt on politics and power;

(b) Michael Walzer on the possible role of passion m politics;

(c) Hobbes' views on the state;

• (4) Marx's theory of Alienation .

7726 3 . 9,500

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