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Health Psychology: Bio Psychosocial Perspective

Ranya Al-Mandawi

Dr. Tyrin Stevenson

Psych 331

Health Psychology: Bio Psychosocial Perspective

Health Psychology is a scope in psychology dedicated to the comprehension of

psychological effects on health-related progressions, for instance, why individuals come to be

sick, how they react to sickness, how they make progress from an illness or regulate to chronic

disease, or how they remain healthy. Health psychology involves the etiology and associates of

health, condition, and incapacity, with the inhibition and treatment of sicknesses, modification in

and after infection, and health advancement.

Researchers in the field of health psychology researches the origins and associations of

illness. Andrasik, et al (2015), suggests personality or behavioral backgrounds that influence the

pathogenesis of particular diseases. Health psychologists examine the implementation and

upkeep of health behaviors and search for why individuals keep misbehaving or risk behaviors.

Hence, health elevation and the inhibition of illness are programs for investigation and exercise,

as is the development of the health care system overall. Health Psychology is one of the

numerous disciplines that add to this exertion, besides medicine, epidemiology, social work,

sociology, pharmacology, health education, and public health.

Health Behaviors

In many incidences, a person's behavior results in health conditions, for instance,

substance abuse, unprotected sex, and reckless driving. Health Psychology investigation has

recognized various risk influences for such behaviors. Each risk behavior can be an objective for

interventions. Nevertheless, solo behavior cannot be detached from one's life, lacking

substituting it by something different. Health-enhancing manners should be adopted, for


instance, weight control, physical exercise, preventive nutrition, dental hygiene, condom use, or

accident-preventive measures.

Furthermore, a particular behavior establishes an essential portion of one’s existence.

Therefore, uncertain, and healthy lifestyles ought to be the components of analyses. For instance,

coronary prone behavior designates configuration that involves an inactive lifestyle, a high-fat,

high-cholesterol diet, overeating, smoking, and a maladaptive method of handling stress. The

adolescent lifestyle, for instance, is categorized by danger taking, for example, careless driving,

unguarded sex, and the examination of drugs. Behavioral epidemiology designates the

occurrences and modalities of all health cooperating and health-improving behaviors, and their

threats and benefits are well recognized in the investigation literature. However, there is a

significant challenge in health psychology which is a systematic modification of such behaviors.

Health Behavior Theories

The development of growing health behavior theories that designate the procedures of

behavior change is encouraging. These theories’ purpose to recognize the most effective

platforms envisioned to bring about transformation and modify the involvement to a specific

segment where the distinct is optimally inclined to health communications and social influence.

Recent change programs reflect the reasoning and emotional fundamentals and obstructions.

They assist individuals in setting determined health objectives, making accurate action plans,

supporting approaches for upkeep, and enabling regaining from obstacles.

Health habits must not be seen as inaccessible spectacles but should be observed as a

portion of one’s lifestyle that might have practical importance in managing life. Relating a

technology to eliminate a bad practice does not account for the element that the procedure is

entrenched in one’s routine and might fulfill an imperative role. Additionally, interference

models ought to be long-lasting, all-inclusive, and economical.

Psychological Stress

Life is generally extra or less demanding, and unceasing stress might finally cause illness.

Stress compromises the immune coordination, amongst others, and condenses individuals more

susceptible to infections and neoplastic sicknesses. Exposure to ecological or communal stressors

is one feature and individual alteration in managing stress. Health Psychology deals with the

numerous ways to interpret stress's understanding into physiological, malfunctioning, and bodily

sickness. Similarly, it examines the capitals that may buffer stress, for example, capability,

principles, and social sustenance. According to Bevers, et al (2016), cultivating social networks

and the person’s abilities to assemble them and use them grow into an imperative program for

Health Psychology. Managing chronic illness is also a resource compelled procedure. It has been

established those resourceful patients improve more rapidly after the operation and relate to

long-term incapacity or fatal disease. According to Page, et al. (2020), Health Psychology can

offer the information of precarious mechanisms; aid individuals formulate for stressful medical

interferences, and direct them over a difficult life progress.

If recovery is not conceivable, the emphasis requires being on the eminence of life. If life

is intolerable, there needs to be meant to permit patients, doctors, and families to cooperate on

the morally contentious issue of dignified dying by one’s will. In addition, is it is significant to

cultivate and progress additional messages and cooperation amongst the several corrections

involved, like Health Psychology, public health, medicine, and health services. The exacting

influence that Health Psychology is capable of marking has not, up till now, been wholly

accepted and recognized. Health Psychology is intensely entrenched in encouraging and

influential psychological concepts. It follows high organizational principles that make it

particularly appropriate for health sciences and health practice progress



Andrasik, F., Goodie, J. L., & Peterson, A. L. (Eds.). (2015). Bio psychosocial assessment in

clinical health psychology. Guilford Publications.

Bevers, K., Watts, L., Kishino, N. D., & Gatchel, R. J. (2016). The bio psychosocial model of the

assessment, prevention, and treatment of chronic pain. US Neurol, 12(2), 98-104.

Page, R. L., Peltzer, J. N., Burdette, A. M., & Hill, T. D. (2020). Religiosity and health: a holistic

bio psychosocial perspective. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 38(1), 89-101.

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