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Technology and

Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts – Module 8:
Simple Electrical Gadgets

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8

Technology and Livelihood Education (Industrial Arts) – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 8: Simple Electrical Gadgets
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Jofel D. Nolasco

Content and Language Editor:
Dr. Jeanalyn L. Jamison, Ana Lee C. Bartolo,
Petronillo R. Bartolo, Dr. Velly P. Saguisa, Ivy Dalisay
Reviewer: Dr. Jeanalyn L. Jamison, Ana Lee C. Bartolo,
Petronillo R. Bartolo, Dr. Velly P. Saguisa. Ivy Dalisay
Illustrator: Jofel D. Nolasco
Layout Artist: Jofel D. Nolasco, Ana Lee C. Bartolo, Maelyne L. Yambao
Management Team: Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma, Dr. Elena Gonzaga,
Donald T. Genine, Melgar B. Coronel,
Ana Lee C. Bartolo, Dr. Jeanalyn L. Jamison

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Technology and
Livelihood Education
Industrial Arts – Module 8:
Simple Electrical Gadgets
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners,
can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions,
directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand
each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each

SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you
need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of
the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-
check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust
that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are also
provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they
can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any
part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and
tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering
the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the skills in Industrial Arts. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be
changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using

At your age, it is necessary that you can identify different tools and materials
in working simple electrical gadgets. In many different situations, you may be
using these tools and materials to construct electrical gadgets. You will be learning
them all in this lesson.

This module focuses on the following topics:

a. Basic Materials and Tools needed in Making Simple Electrical Gadgets;

b. Simple Electrical Gadgets and Their Uses;
c. Safety and Health Habits in Making Simple Electrical Gadgets; and
d. How to make Extension Cord.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

a. Construct simple electrical gadget (TLE6IA-0f-8);

b. Identify the materials and tools needed in working simple electrical
c. Identify simple electrical gadgets and their usage; and
d. Observe safety and health habits in making simple electrical gadgets.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
What I Know

Find out how much you already know by answering the following questions.

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. If you have something to bend or cut like wires, what specific tool do you
A. hammer C. screwdriver
B. plier D. wire stripper

2. What is the main function of electric drill?

A. to drive or pull nails out C. to cut or bend tiny wires
B. to bore holes D. to remove insulation from wires

3. If you saw an open wire, what should you use to wrap it so that it cannot
cause injury?
A. plastic wrapper C. rubber band
B. electrical tape D. card board

4. What do you call a special tool that is used to strip or remove insulation
from wires?
A. hammer C. screw drivers
B. plier D. wire stripper

5. This gadget is used by other people to connect other devices that needs
electric supply which cannot be accommodated by wall outlet?
A. lampshade C. electrical wires
B. USB hub D. extension cord

6. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. close wrench C. male plug
B. female plug D. cable and wire

7. It is a device used to check if there is a flow of current in electrical

wires or cables.
A. electrical tester C. screw driver
B. volt meter D. thermometer

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
8. What tool and material do you need if you want to tap connection of wire
especially on electrical board?
A. screw driver and screw C. hammer and nail
B. plier and wire D. soldering gun and lead

9. It is used to wrap two metal to avoid contact and to stop the flow of current.
A. conductor C. plastic
B. insulator D. tube

10. Electrical devices and connections may cause fire because of the following
reasons EXCEPT.
A. overloading C. short circuit
B. follow load limit D. faulty electrical wire

Simple Electrical Gadgets

You may have seen a carpenter or an electrician in your school. Have you
observed what they are doing every day? Most of the time they construct or repair
something to be of use in school. In doing their daily task it is obvious that they are
using tools. Tools that is appropriate and proper for their safety.

In this module you will discover that there are proper tools to be used in
making simple gadgets, with the different safety and healthy habits to be observed.

What’s In

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. In every project, planning is very important.

2. Technology plays important role in creating new project.
3. Simple electrical gadget needs simple tools.
4. Safety measures are only for the user and not for everybody.
5. Making or repairing simple electrical gadgets costs higher than to buy
a new one.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
6. Construction of simple electrical gadgets can be a source of family
7. There is no need to wear personal protective equipment in making
simple gadgets only.
8. Any tools can be used in any projects.
9. Tools that are in good conditions are harmful since most of it are
pointed and very sharp.
10. Proper tools are the tools that have no defect.

Notes to the Teacher

Please help the learner to better understand the terms being
introduced. Lesson is easy to understand when they can comprehend
these words.

The words below are defined according to their function in this

module. Take time to familiarize them, it will help you on your journey in
this module.

New Words to Learn

1. Electrical – materials related to electricity or produce electricity.

2. Gadgets – a small device with a practical use, can be electrical or
electronic device.
3. Resistance – to go against the flow of electricity in a circuit.
4. Voltage – potential electric power measured in volts.
5. Insulation – to separate two conducting bodies by means of non-
conductor or insulator.
6. Stripping – to remove covering of electrical wire.
7. Overload – excess load resulting to overburden.
8. Combustible – something that is flammable, easily catch by fire.
9. Female electric plug – plug that contains hole where the male plug is
10. Pound – to strike repeatedly, as in hammer striking the nails.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
What’s New

Nowadays, households in our community are equipped with appliances and

gadgets powered by electricity. There are instances that we will have to repair,
improve, or install equipment and electrical lines in our home.

As a learner in Grade Six, do you:

1. know the basic tools and equipment in making simple electrical gadgets?
2. know the uses of basic tools and equipment?
3. repair some common gadgets like extension cords, doorbells, plugs, and
simple lampshades? or
4. make your own simple electrical gadgets?

What is It

Basic Materials and Tools needed in Making Simple Electrical Gadgets

Tools play important roles. Without tools, work cannot be done. Every year,
basic tools undergone improvement because of technology. But proper knowledge
on the use of appropriate tools, encourage a person to work with eagerness and
achieve desired output.

Here are some of the basic tools and their uses in making simple electrical gadgets.

1. Pliers

Combination Side-cutting Long-nose Plier

Plier Plier

There are various types of pliers. The most common are long-nose plier, side-
cutting plier, and combination plier. Major functions of these pliers are to cut, hold,
bend, and twist tiny object and wires.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
2. Wire stripper

Wire Stripper

The function of this tool is to remove insulation from the wire to make connection.

3. Hammer

This is used to pound, to punch, to pull and to drive out nails and staple wires.

4. Screwdrivers

These tools come with different heads. The most common are flathead and Phillips
head screw drivers. They are used to loosen and tighten screws.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
5. Soldering tools

This tool is used to tap connection of wire which cannot be done by pliers especially
on boards of electronic device or gadget. Example of these tools are soldering iron
and soldering gun, usually accompanied with soldering lead for tapping

6. Electric drill

This is used to bore holes on concrete surfaces or metal surfaces. It is equipped

with different types of blades or drill bit for concrete, wood, and metal surfaces.

7. Electrical tape

This is used to wrap open wires to avoid contacts with another wire. Main purpose
of electrical tape is for insulation of connected open wire.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
8. Cables and wires

This comes with different gauge or sizes. They are important in making electrical

9. Tester

Tester is used to check the continuity of electrical flow. Testing is done before
working to avoid the risk of electrical shock, while testing after work ensure that
electricity flows properly on the gadgets made. This is also used to measure voltage
of electric current.

10. Male plug

This is attached to one end of a gadget and used to insert to a female electrical
socket to secure electrical connection.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
11. Female outlet

This material is usually attached to the wall of houses with ready electric supply,
from which a male plug is inserted to obtain electric supply. Sometimes it is found
on the other end of improvised extension cord while male plug on the other end.

Simple Electrical Gadgets and Their Uses

Simple electrical gadgets are very useful especially at home. If you are
looking for information and details on how to construct them, the best resources
are books, magazines and internet. But if you consider the help of skilled person or
experts it would be much better.

Here are some of the electrical gadgets we usually use at home.

1. Extension cord

 It is made up of a male plug, female

plug, and electrical wire.
 The length of the cord is usually 6
meters using a standard gauge No. 16
stranded electrical wire. Some people
construct extension cord with their
desired length depending on their
 It is assembled with the male plug on
one end of the cord and the female
plug on the other end.
 It is used to accommodate extra
electrical devices needing electric

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
2. Lampshade

 It is a kind of fixture used to cover a light

bulb with the purpose to control and
shade the light emitted by the light. Dim
light is the result.
 Lampshade can usually be found in
bedroom or living room.

3. Door bell

 A device usually placed at the gate or

door of the house. When turned on, it
creates a ringing, ticking or other
sound which signals that there is
someone knocking.

Here’s How to Make Extension Cord

Materials: Tools:
Male electric plug (round) Screwdriver
Female electric plug Cutter plier
Electrical cord/wire (5 meters) Combination plier
Wire stripper


1. Measure the wire 10cm from its end, then, separate it.
2. Strip the insulator cover or skin of each wire about 2cm from end.
3. Use a screwdriver to loosen the screw of the male plug to remove the cover.
4. Insert the cord into the hole of the plug then perform the Underwriters knot
to serve as the lock of the wire to the hole, this is to protect the wire from
loosening when the cord is accidentally pulled out.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
Steps to perform Underwriters Knot:


1. Twist the wire A and B.

2. Make a loop in wire B.

3. Make a loop in wire A 3

under wire B.


4. Pass wire A through the

wire B loop. 4


5. Knot is complete.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
5. After the Underwriters knot, loosen the screw on the terminal point of the
plug then twist the wire on the screw and lock the screw with screwdriver to
secure connections.
6. Make sure that the wire is properly installed on the plug and no wire is
exposed to each other to avoid short circuit.
7. Return the cover of the plug.
8. Repeat the same steps to secure connection of the cord to the female
electrical plug.

After completing the process, you now have constructed a simple electrical
gadget named extension cord.

Safety and Healthy Habits in Making Simple Electrical Gadgets

In this part of the lesson we will give you some reminders to avoid risk of
electrical related accident. As they say “Prevention is better than cure”. Working
with electrical project is exciting and fun. But health and safety must also be given

Here are some of the safe and healthy habits you should always remember:
1. Always wear personal protective equipment.

2. When handling electrical connection, wire and switches, make sure your
hands are dry.

3. Concentrate on what you are working. Keep your focus to avoid accident.

4. When a gadget or device is new to you, do not attempt to operate or repair.

Ask for assistance of an expert.

5. Avoid short circuit. It can cause fire. So do not overload electric supply.

6. Combustible materials should be kept away from electrical gadgets that emit
heat, electrical wiring or connections.

7. Do not attempt to insert, metal, or wire into electric outlet with power supply

8. Keep the floor and all materials dry when working.

9. All accidents like faulty wirings, open wire, broken bulbs and others must be
reported immediately to proper authorities.

10. Keep maintenance and regular checklist of all electrical gadgets.

Keep these reminders in mind because safety should always be your priority.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
What’s More

Activity 1: Evaluate Yourself

Learning the Skill: Evaluating oneself

Below are the good working practices you may consider when doing a project. Copy
the table below on a separate sheet of paper. Please be honest with your answer.
Directions: Put a check (√) in the column appropriate to you. Write your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.
Practices Yes No Reason

I prepare all the materials needed before starting any

I read books and magazines or surf the internet on
various crafts in order to enrich my knowledge.
I am convinced that one’s artistic talents are venues for
generating income.
I try my best to maximize the use of the materials I buy.
I always leave my workplace clean and tidy.
I start and finish a project without asking extra help
from other people.
I follow health and safety habits while doing my project.
I am open to suggestions and criticisms for the purpose
of improving my work.
I try to make useful objects out of materials that are
considered trash.
I consider artistic activities as a challenge to my talents
and capabilities.

Score Working Practices Description
8 – 10 Excellent You possess the qualities needed in project making.
5–7 Good You possess certain working practice in project-
making but need little improvement.
4 Fair You need to learn the good working practices needed
below in project-making for improvement.

Now, look at your NO answers. Examine each of the statement, and opposite each
NO answer, write your reason why you answered NO.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
Activity 2: Classify Objects

Learning the Skill: Classifying Objects According to Groups

Directions: Classify the following terms below as to group of tools and materials.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of pad paper.


Electrical tape Screwdrivers Female Electrical plug

Pliers Electrical cord Electric drill
Wire stripper Soldering tools Tester
Hammer Male electrical plug

Activity 3: Write It

Learning the Skill: Writing Reflection

Directions: Read and understand each question. Make a reflection out of it.
1. What is the importance of using proper tools in working for your electrical

2. Why skill is important in making electrical gadgets?

3. How skills in constructing simple electrical gadget can promote livelihood to

oneself, family, and community?

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
What I Have Learned

A. Directions: Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the correct
word or phrase. Choose your answer from the box. Write it on a separate sheet
of paper.

dry doorbell extension cord checked

additional income functions flat head and Phillip emits heat

health and safety underwriter’s knot

1. The tools and materials in making simple electrical gadgets must be

identified to better understand their _______________.

2. Always remember to observe __________________ habits in making electrical


3. Skill in making electrical gadgets can be good source of __________ for the

4. Simple electrical gadgets and electrical lines at home should be _________

regularly for improvement or repair.

5. Floor, tools and other materials should be _______ when working.

6. _________________ to serve as the lock of the wire to the hole and protect it
from loosening when the cord is accidentally pulled out.

7. _________________ is used to accommodate extra electrical devices needing

electric supply.

8. The most common are ______________________________ screw drivers.

9. Combustible materials should be kept away from electrical gadgets that


10. __________________ is a device that usually placed at the gate or door of some

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
What I Can Do

Complete the table of materials needed in making a 3-meter extension cord below.
You can ask assistance from your parents for the price of each item. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Cost Cost
Item No.
1 Male plug (round or flat)

2 2 gang female plug

3 #14 stranded wire

4 x wood screw

A. Make a diagram of the extension cord based on the materials stated above.
Draw it on a separate sheet of paper.


Directions: Read each question carefully, then, write the letter of the correct on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What tool is used to remove insulator from electrical wire?

A. Pliers C. Soldering tools
B. Wire stripper D. Electric drill

2. Which of the following does not belong to a simple electrical gadget?

A. extension cord C. lampshade
B. plugs D. Electric fan

3. What is the fastest and easiest way to look for information and details
on how to construct gadgets?
A. neighbors C. books
B. internet D. electrician

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
4. In making electrical gadgets, it is not only on how to finish the
project, but it is also about your _____________.
A. health and safety C. tools needed
B. money D. time and effort

5. What is the usage of a plier?

A. bend a wire C. hold a wire
B. cut a wire D. all answers are correct

6. What is the first thing to do before making a project?

A. list all tools needed C. list the price of materials
B. make a plan D. make a diagram

7. What is the result if all family members know how to construct

electrical gadgets?
A. an additional work for the family
B. an extra income for the family
C. a hobby for the family
D. no correct answer

8. Which of the tools listed below is used to tap connection of wire?

A. Screw drivers C. Soldering tools
B. Wire stripper D. Electric drill

9. Who is the best person to call in case you have a new gadget or device
that need repair or maintenance?
A. Police C. Teacher
B. Fireman D. Technician

10. Which of the following can be done by a grade six pupil like you?
A. replace a worn-out bulb C. replace of electric board
B. repair an electric iron D. repair of electric fan

Additional Activities

After you complete your task in “What I Can Do”, you are now ready to
construct your own extension cord. Remember your lesson about “how to
construct a project”. That will be your guide in making this output. Bring in
the class your constructed extension cords together with the project.

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
What I Know: What's More What I Have Learned:
1. B Activities 1 & 3 1. functions
2. B 2. health and
3. B Note: answer may vary safety
4. D depending on the 3. additional
5. D personal experience of income
6. A the pupils. 4. checked
7. A 5. dry
8. D The teacher is 6. underwriter’s
9. B encouraged to facilitate knot
10.B the checking 7. extension cord
8. flat head and
Activity 2:
Tools Materials 9. emits heat
pliers Electrical 10.door bell
wire tape Assessment:
stripper Electrical
hammer cord 1. B
screw Male 2. D
driver electrical 3. B
soldering plug 4. A
iron 5. D
electric Female 6. B
drill electrical 7. B
8. C
tester plug
9. D
Answer Key
Curriculum Guide 2016, EPP 6, Industrial Arts pages 38 - 41
MELCs in EPP/TLE Grade 6 Industrial Arts pages 353- 354

CO_Q2_TLE 6-IA_ Module 8
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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