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Periodic assessment -II (2021-22)
SUBJECT- Social Science

Time allowed: 1 Hour Maximum Marks: 30

General Instructions:

1) This question paper is divided into 5 sections.

Section A- Question no. 1-12 are MCQ based carrying ½ mark each.
Section B- Question no. 13-14 are assertion and reasoning questions carrying 1
mark each.
Section C- Question no 15-18 are long answers questions that need to be
answered in 80-100 words each, preferably in points..
Section D-Question nos.19-20 are very long questions that need to be answered
100-120 words each.
Section E- Question no. 21 is map work.
2) All the questions are compulsory.
3) Be specific and precise while answering the questions.

Section -A

1. Tsarina Alexandra was of the________________. (½ )

a. German origin
b. French origin
c. Russian origin
d. Dutch origin

2. Which among the following groups was against any kind of political (½ )
or social change?
a. Nationalists
b. conservatives
c. liberals
d. radicals

3. The leader of the Bolshevik party was: (½ )

a. Stalin
b. Lenin
c. Karl Marx
d. Louis Blanc
4. In which state have the land reform measures helped to reduce (½ )
a. Tamil Nadu
b. Punjab
c. West Bengal
d. Kerala

5. Who advocated that India would be truly independent only when (½ )

the poorest of its people become free of human suffering ?
a. Mahatma Gandhi
b. Indira Gandhi
c. Jawahar lal Nehru
d. Subhash Chandra Bose

6. NFWP stands for: (½ )

a. National Federation for Work and Progress
b. National Forest for Wildlife Protection
c. National Food and Wheat Processing
d. National Food for Work Programme
7. How many seats are reserved in the Lok Sabha for the Scheduled (½ )
Castes and Scheduled Tribes?
a. 47
b. 60
c. 84
d. 100
8. Who appoints the Chief Election Commissioner of India? (½ )
a. The Chief Justice of India
b. The Prime Minister of India
c. The President of India
d. The Law Minister of India

9. Voter’s List is also known as: (½ )

a. Election Number
b. Voter Identity Card
c. Electoral Roll
d. None of these
10, Kal Baisakhi is associated with: (½ )
a. Punjab
b. Odisha
c. Karnataka
d. West Bengal
11. In which place in India are houses built on stilts? (½ )
a. Bihar
b. Assam
c. Goa
d. None of these
12. Which one of the following causes rainfall during winters in north- (½ )_
western part of India?
a. Cyclonic depression
b. Retreating monsoon
c. Western disturbances
d. Southwest monsoon
Section B

13. Read the following question. There are two statements marked as (1)
Assertion (A) and Reason(R).

(A): Poverty must be seen in terms of the poor having to live only in
poor surroundings with other poor people.
(R): Social exclusion is one of the basic reasons for poverty in India.
a) A is True but R is false.
b) R is True but A is false.
c) Both A and R are true , but R is not the correct explanation of A
d) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
14 Read the following question. There are two statements marked as (1)
Assertion (A) and Reason(R).
(A) The poverty line for rural areas is less than the amount for urban
(R) The urban people actually require more calories than the people of
the rural areas.
a) A is correct but R is wrong.
b) Both A and R are true , but R is not a correct explanation to A
c) Both A and R are true, and R is a correct explanation to A.
d) R is correct but A is wrong.
Section C
15. Why did Kerenskii’s Government become unpopular in Russia ? (3)

16. Which event in Russian history is known as Bloody Sunday ? (3)

17. . What are the demerits of an election competition? (3)

18. What are the challenges to free and fair elections in India? (3)

Section D

19. What are the indicators used by social scientists to understand (4)
20. Explain any four major controls of the climate of the world. (4)

21. On an outline map of India, locate and label the following items on (2)
the map.

a. A west flowing river

b. Salt water lake in Rajasthan
c. Largest fresh water lake in India
d. The river also known as Tsangpo

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