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01/09/2021 CODE-A

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456

MM : 720 INTENSIVE PROGRAM for NEET-2021 Time : 3 Hrs.

CST – 17

Answer Key

1. (2) 41. (4) 81. (2) 121. (1) 161. (1)

2. (3) 42. (1) 82. (1) 122. (2) 162. (4)
3. (1) 43. (2) 83. (4) 123. (3) 163. (3)
4. (4) 44. (4) 84. (1) 124. (4) 164. (3)
5. (1) 45. (2) 85. (3) 125. (2) 165. (2)
6. (4) 46. (2) 86. (4) 126. (1) 166. (1)
7. (4) 47. (2) 87. (4) 127. (2) 167. (3)
8. (1) 48. (3) 88. (2) 128. (3) 168. (3)
9. (1) 49. (4) 89. (4) 129. (2) 169. (4)
10. (3) 50. (4) 90. (2) 130. (4) 170. (2)
11. (2) 51. (2) 91. (3) 131. (2) 171. (4)
12. (3) 52. (4) 92. (3) 132. (3) 172. (2)
13. (3) 53. (3) 93. (4) 133. (3) 173. (3)
14. (3) 54. (2) 94. (2) 134. (1) 174. (3)
15. (2) 55. (2) 95. (4) 135. (1) 175. (3)
16. (1) 56. (4) 96. (1) 136. (3) 176. (2)
17. (3) 57. (3) 97. (2) 137. (2) 177. (2)
18. (2) 58. (1) 98. (1) 138. (1) 178. (4)
19. (4) 59. (4) 99. (3) 139. (2) 179. (2)
20. (1) 60. (2) 100. (3) 140. (1) 180. (1)
21. (4) 61. (3) 101. (3) 141. (2) 181. (1)
22. (2) 62. (3) 102. (2) 142. (4) 182. (4)
23. (4) 63. (2) 103. (4) 143. (3) 183. (3)
24. (3) 64. (4) 104. (1) 144. (2) 184. (2)
25. (3) 65. (4) 105. (1) 145. (3) 185. (2)
26. (3) 66. (2) 106. (4) 146. (2) 186. (4)
27. (2) 67. (2) 107. (1) 147. (4) 187. (3)
28. (3) 68. (3) 108. (2) 148. (3) 188. (4)
29. (4) 69. (4) 109. (4) 149. (1) 189. (2)
30. (3) 70. (1) 110. (3) 150. (2) 190. (4)
31. (3) 71. (1) 111. (2) 151. (2) 191. (2)
32. (1) 72. (4) 112. (1) 152. (3) 192. (3)
33. (4) 73. (4) 113. (3) 153. (4) 193. (3)
34. (2) 74. (2) 114. (4) 154. (1) 194. (4)
35. (1) 75. (3) 115. (1) 155. (4) 195. (2)
36. (4) 76. (4) 116. (2) 156. (2) 196. (1)
37. (1) 77. (2) 117. (4) 157. (3) 197. (3)
38. (2) 78. (3) 118. (4) 158. (1) 198. (1)
39. (3) 79. (4) 119. (3) 159. (3) 199. (1)
40. (3) 80. (1) 120. (2) 160. (2) 200. (2)

01/09/2021 CODE-A

Corporate Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Phone : 011-47623456

MM : 720 INTENSIVE PROGRAM for NEET-2021 Time : 3 Hrs.

CST – 17
Hints and Solutions

SECTION-A = 2a (t – 1)
1. Answer (2) 2v
= ( t − 1)
N m2/kg2 is the unit of universal gravitational t
constant.  1
= 2v  1 − 
2. Answer (3)  t
a − t2 4. Answer (4)
bx 2 v y − gt
tan φ =
[a] = [T2] ux

[T 2 ] 30 − 10 × 1
= [ML−1 T −2 ] tan φ =
[b L ] 20
tanφ = 1
[T 2 L−2 ]
[b] = φ = 45º
[ML−1 T −2 ]
5. Answer (1)
[b] = [M–1L–1T4]
[ab] = [M–1L–1T6] t1= t=
g sin θ
3. Answer (1)
v = u + at 2l
2 2=
g sin θ − µ gcos θ
t 2l 2l
2 =
1 2 g sin θ g sin θ − µ gcos θ
S1 a (t − 2)
2 4 1
1 2 sin θ sin θ − µ cos θ
S2 = at
2 4sinθ – 4µcosθ = sinθ
Required displacement = S2 – S1 3
=µ tan θ  θ = 45º
1 1 2 4
= at 2 − a ( t − 2 )
2 2
= 2at – 2a 4

Intensive Program for NEET-2021 CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

6. Answer (4) For a geostationary satellite the time period is

equal to that of the rotation of the earth about its
Fx = axis
12. Answer (3)
= 4t
Angular frequency is 3ω
Fy = 2π
dt T =

= 6t
13. Answer (3)

F 4ti + 6t j
= At lowest position
At t = 0 mv 2
T − mg =
F=0 l
7. Answer (4) T = mg + 5mg = 6mg

h = e2nH 14. Answer (3)

Excess pressure inside a bubble
= e2n 4T
H P − P0 =
 h n
( P − P0 ) r
 H  T =
 
8. Answer (1) R
r =
  2
 m a + m2a2
ac.m = 1 1
m1 + m2 ( P − P0 ) R
T =
= 15. Answer (2)
From ideal gas equation
= 2 m/s2
PV = nRT ⇒ T ∝ PV
9. Answer (1)
T0 P0V0
 I = MR2 =
T 12P0V0
The moment of inertia does not depend on T = 12T0
angular velocity. 16. Answer (1)
10. Answer (3) λ mT = b
By conservation of mechanical energy 17. Answer (3)
L 1 2 v
Mg = Iω v = fλ ⇒ λ =
2 2 f

MgL 1 ML2 2 360

= ω λ=
2 2 3
ω= The shortest distance between node and
11. Answer (2) antinode =
r3 3
T = 2π = = 0.75 m
GM 4

CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2021

18. Answer (2) 21. Answer (4)

Time interval between successive maxima = An increasing temperature, relaxation time
1 decreases therefore resistance increases.
f1 − f2 22. Answer (2)
∆V = kl
= = 5 × 20 ×10–2
450 − 448
= s 23. Answer (4)
2   
19. Answer (4) B0 2B1 + B2
Here 2B1 = B2

Hence, Bnet = 0
24. Answer (3)
The liquid level in the limb will rise
25. Answer (3)
Induced emf
2λ ε=
E1 = ∆t
2 2 × 500 × 200 × 10−4 × 4 × 10−5
2λ 0.1
E1 =
πε0 R 20 × 4 × 10−5
E2 = = 8 × 10–3
2 = 8 mV
λ 26. Answer (3)
E2 =
πε0 R NP = 200, IP = 5 A
Input power, VPIP = 2000
= E1 + E2
VP = 400 V

πε0 R Now, =
Vs Ns
20. Answer (1)
400 200
Circuit can be redrawn as =
600 Ns
Ns = 300
27. Answer (2)
Infrasonic waves required medium to travel
28. Answer (3)
ZF =
Voltage across 3 µF is 4 V.

( 2 × 10−3 )
Now charge on 3 µF
q = 3 × 4 µC 2 × 10−7
= 12 µC = 20 m

Intensive Program for NEET-2021 CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

29. Answer (4) ⇒ n=2×3

 A+δ ⇒ n=6
sin 
2 
µ=  34. Answer (2)
 A p-type semiconductor is obtained by doping
sin  
2 trivalent impurity with germanium.
 60° + δ  35. Answer (1)
sin  
3=  2  |Av| = gm Rout
sin30° G 0.05
 60° + δ  3 G ′ 0.03
sin   =
 2  2 3
G′ = G
60° + δ = 120° 5
δ = 60° SECTION-B
30. Answer (3) 36. Answer (4)
7λ D λ D Y1 = A.B
− = 6.5 × 10−3
d 2d
Y = Y1 + A
= 6.5 × 10−3 y = A+B + A

13 × 10−3 d Y = 1+ B
λ= Y=1
37. Answer (1)
13 × 10−3 × 1× 10−3
λ= Triton is the nucleus of a tritium atom
13 × 200 × 10−2
Triton = 1H 3
λ= × 10−6
2 It has 1 proton 2 neutron
λ = 5 ×10–7 38. Answer (2)
λ = 5000 Å Half life of the sample is 3 s
31. Answer (3) ln 2
T1 = s
E = hν = φ + KE λ
⇒ KE = hν – φ ln 2 −1
Slope is h which is a constant. λ= s
32. Answer (1)
39. Answer (3)
λ= nm 1 1 1
V + =
v u f
1.227 1 1 1
λ= nm − =−
400 2u u 12
1.227 ⇒ u = 6 cm
λ= nm
20 40. Answer (3)
= 0.06 nm Peff = P1 + P2 = 20 D
33. Answer (4)
feff = 5 cm
13.6 13.6Z 2 20
( 2 )2 n2
 µg − 1 
fwater = fair  
13.6 13.6 × 9  w µg − 1
⇒ =
4 n2 = 4 × 5 = 20 cm

CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2021

41. Answer (4) 47. Answer (2)

Time period is 1
m × 10 + m × 80 + m (10 − 0 )
T =
qB = 100 ×1(25 – 10)
⇒ 5m + 80m + 10m = 1500
42. Answer (1)
⇒ 95m = 1500
Current in the circuit
=I I0 [1 − e −t / τ ] =m = 15.8 g
L 1 48. Answer (3)
τ= ⇒ τ=
R 2 2T cos θ
I1 = I0(1 – e–2) at t = 1 s ρrg

I2 = I0 at = t = ∞ h r
h1 3r
I1 e2 − 1
I2 e2 h1 = 3h
49. Answer (4)
43. Answer (2)

E 
=r R  − 1
V 

 2.8 
=r 4 −1
 2.1 

44. Answer (4)

I = Icm + md2
45. Answer (2)
 
dw = − ∫ F .dr

− ∫ 2 xydx + x 2dy
dw = ) π
0,0 θ = π−
∫ d (x )
2 5π
dw = −k y =
0,0 6

= – ka3 50. Answer (4)

46. Answer (2) ucosθ0 = 24 m/s

f1 : f2 : f3 = 1: 2 : 3 usinθ0 = 18 m/s
Angle made by velocity with horizontal at any
1 1 1 time t
: : = 1: 2 : 3
λ1 λ 2 λ3
u sin θ0 − gt
tan θ =
1 1 1 u cos θ0
λ1 : λ 2 : λ3 = : :
1 2 3
18 − 10 1
= =
=6:3:2 24 3

Intensive Program for NEET-2021 CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)


SECTION-A 60. Answer (2)

51. Answer (2) w w
= = , nO
16 2
nNaOH = MV = 0.2 × 0.1
1000 PDry = PTotal – aq. tension
mNaOH = 0.1 × 40 = 4 g = 0.5 – 0.2 = 0.3 atm
52. Answer (4) w
C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O (P )
= 0.3 × 16
w w
= 0.2 atm
nC H = = 5 mol 16 32
3 8
61. Answer (3)
nCO =
3 × nC H = 3 × 5 = 15 mol Vf
2 3 8
W rev = –2.303nRT log
VCO = 22.4 ×15 = 336 L Vi

53. Answer (3) 10

= –2.303 × 0.1× R × 100log
n + l = 3 for 3s and 2p subshells
= – 23.03R
Maximum number of electrons = 2 + 6 = 8
62. Answer (3)
54. Answer (2)
C(s) + 2H2 (g) → CH4 (g), ∆r H =
∆ f H(CH4 )
Z ∆ f H(CH4 ) = ∑ (∆C H)R − ∑ (∆C H)P
rHe+ 42 × 1 2 = ∆C H(C) + 2∆C H(H2 ) − ∆C H(CH4 )
= =
rH 2 × 22 1 = (–x) + 2(–y) – (–z)
55. Answer (2) = z – x – 2y kJ mol–1
IE1 order = N > C > Be > B
56. Answer (4) 63. Answer (2)
Cr2+ is reducing and Mn3+ is oxidising in nature. Increase of temperature favours endothermic
57. Answer (3)
64. Answer (4)
Mixture of weak base and its salt with strong acid
π*2px can act as basic buffer.
65. Answer (4)

58. Answer (1) Cu(OH)2  Cu2+ + 2OH–

1 Ksp = (Cu2+)(OH–)2 = (s)(0.1 + s)2

Bond length ∝
Bond order [ 0.1 >>> s ∴ 0.1 + s ≈ 0.1]

 Bond order of O+2 is maximum. Ksp = (s)(0.1)2 = 2.2 × 10–20

s = 2.2×10–18 M
∴ Bond length of O+2 will be minimum.
66. Answer (2)
59. Answer (4) Conjugate acid = Base + H+
1 = HCO3– + H+
Interaction energy (London forces) ∝
= H2CO3

CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2021

67. Answer (2) 78. Answer (3)

–3 –2 +1 COCH3
CH3 – CH2 – CHO
(Propanal) Red hot CH3 COCl
CaC2 + H 2O C2 H2 Fe tube Anhyd. AlCl3

68. Answer (3)

(A) (B) (C)
In H3PO4, P is at maximum possible oxidation
state (i.e. +5) therefore no further oxidation is 79. Answer (4)
69. Answer (4)
Mg(HCO3 )2  → Mg(OH)2 ↓ + 2CO2 ↑

70. Answer (1)

80. Answer (1)
• 10 V H2O2 gives 10 L O2 at STP per litre of
solution. In Zns (Zinc blende), alternate tetrahedral voids
are filled.
• Volume of O2 by 100 mL, 10 V H2O2 = 10 × 0.1
= 1L 81. Answer (2)
71. Answer (1) Psol PA0 x A + PB0 xB
Thermal stability of carbonate increases with
increase in cationic size. 5 50 × 10
100 ×
= +
5 + 10 5 + 10
72. Answer (4)
Concentrated solution of alkali metal in ammonia 1000
= = 66.7 torr
is diamagnetic. 15

73. Answer (4) 82. Answer (1)

Benzenediazonium chloride is stable in cold but 0.0591 [Zn2+ ]
Ecell = E0cell – log
reacts with water when warmed. 2 [Cu2+ ]
74. Answer (2)
0.0591 (0.1)
(CH3)3SiCl blocks the end of silicone polymer. = 1.1– log = 1.129 V
2 (1)
75. Answer (3)
83. Answer (4)
CH3 – CH– CH2 – group is known as isobutyl
| r = k[A]n [B]m …(i)
CH3 8r = k[2A]n [2B]m …(ii)
group. 4r = k[2A]n [B]m …(iii)
76. Answer (4) Using (i), (ii) and (iii)
Due to maximum hyperconjugation is n = 2, m = 1

most stable. ∴ Overall order = n + m = 2 + 1 = 3

77. Answer (2) 84. Answer (1)

TiO2 sol is positively charged sol.
85. Answer (3)
Liquation is used for refining of metals of less
melting point than impurities.

Intensive Program for NEET-2021 CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

SECTION-B 92. Answer (3)

86. Answer (4)
In O – CH –– CH2 , both the C – O bonds
Compound NH3 PH3 AsH3 SbH3
have double bond characters so cannot
Boiling 238.5 185.5 210.6 254.6 synthesised by Williamson's method.
Point (K) 93. Answer (4)

87. Answer (4) Benzene does not decolourise Baeyer’s reagent.

O O 94. Answer (2)

S S Molecularity cannot be zero or non-integer.

H2S2O7 : O O O
HO HO 95. Answer (4)
88. Answer (2) Lesser is the electron density on carbonyl
carbon, greater is the rate of nucleophilic addition
Ions Ni2+ Cu2+ Co2+ Zn2+ Fe2+
Hydration –2121 –2121 –2079 –2059 –1998 96. Answer (1)
Un nil sept
(kJ mol֪–1) (1) (0) (7)

89. Answer (4) 97. Answer (2)

3d 4s 4p 4d Highest is the negative charge on metal, longest
[CoF 6] 3– 1 1 1 1 1
is the ‘C – O’ bond length.
3 2
sp d
98. Answer (1)
sp3d2 hybridised, high spin, 4 unpaired electrons,
Monomer units present in orlon is of acrylonitrile.
octahedral geometry.
99. Answer (3)
90. Answer (2)
In t 32ge0g , all degenerate orbitals are
Stable is the carbocation formed, fastest is the
rate of SN1 reaction. symmetrically filled.

91. Answer (3) 100. Answer (3)

3º alcohols give immediate turbidity with Lucas' Maltose sugar contains both monomer units of
reagent i.e. (HCl + Anhyd. ZnCl2) α-D-Glucose.


SECTION-A 103. Answer (4)

101. Answer (3) Nitrobacter
2NO2− + O2 
→ 2NO3− + Energy
Diffusion is a slow process. Simple diffusion does Nitrocystis

not respond to protein inhibitors.

104. Answer (1)
102. Answer (2)
In plants, potassium is required in more abundant
Stomata is turgor operated valve. Guard cells
quantities in the meristematic tissues, buds,
become turgid due to endosmosis, i.e, entry of
water. leaves and root tips.

CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2021

105. Answer (1) 116. Answer (2)

Prions are proteinaceous infectious particles. The C3 pathway or the Calvin pathway operates
in all plants, i.e., C3, C4 and CAM plants.
Lichens are composite organisms of algae and
fungi. 117. Answer (4)

106. Answer (4)  Hexokinase catalyses conversion of glucose

to glucose-6-phosphate.
Ethylene is involved in ripening of fruits.
 Phosphofructokinase (PFK) is pacemaker
107. Answer (1) enzyme of EMP pathway.
Life span is not necessarily correlated with size 118. Answer (4)
and complexity of organism.
NADH + H+ → NAD+
Following are the life-spans of:- Rose – 5-7 Pyruvic acid → Ethanol + CO2
years, Banyan tree – 200-300 years, Banana – 25 119. Answer (3)
years, Rice – 90 to 120 days. Tribe is an intermediate category.
108. Answer (2) 120. Answer (2)
In unicellular organisms, cell division also leads Indian Botanical Garden is located in Howrah
to the growth of their population. Therefore, in and National Botanical Research Institute is
such organisms, growth and reproduction are located in Lucknow.
mutually inclusive events. 121. Answer (1)
109. Answer (4) Many mycoplasma are pathogenic in animals
Number of mitotic divisions = n – 1. and plants and they are smallest living cells
[n = No. of cells formed]
122. Answer (2)
⇒ 8 – 1 = 7.
Diatomaceous earth is formed by siliceous cell
110. Answer (3) wall of diatoms.
Impermeable and hard seed-coat cause seed 123. Answer (3)
dormancy. A virus is a nucleoprotein and the genetic
111. Answer (2) material is infectious. It is not a true-living.
In typical flowering plants, embryo sac or female 124. Answer (4)
gametophyte is 7 celled and 8 nucleated. In Volvox and Eudorina, the fusing gametes are
112. Answer (1) dissimilar in size.

Primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) is formed as 125. Answer (2)

a result of fusion of two polar nuclei and one Cytotaxonomy is based on cytological
male gamete. The process is triple fusion. information.

113. Answer (3) 126. Answer (1)

Vegetative reproduction by fragmentation and
Recorded viable seeds of Phoenix dactylifera is
budding is seen in secondary protonema of
2000 years old. These were discovered at King
Herod’s Palace near the Dead Sea.
127. Answer (2)
114. Answer (4)
Cycas, Pinus, Ginkgo, etc. are gymnosperms
Microtubules are hollow unbranched cylinders of and gymnosperms show diplontic life-cycle.
tubulin protein (non-contractile protein) help in
128. Answer (3)
movement of chromosomes during cell division.
Members of family Solanaceae show valvate
115. Answer (1) aestivation in calyx and corolla.
Light reaction (Photochemical reaction) occurs in Vexillary aestivation of petals is feature of pea
grana, whereas dark reaction occurs in stroma. family.

Intensive Program for NEET-2021 CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

129. Answer (2) 139. Answer (2)

Chloroplast containing simple tissues showing β-thalassemia is due to mutation in HBB gene on
thickening at corners is collenchyma. chromosome 11.

130. Answer (4) 140. Answer (1)

Type of gametes = 2n ; [n = number of
Low nitrogen, sugar and high aspartic acid in
heterozygous locus]
maize develops resistance against stem borers.
= 21 = 2
131. Answer (2)
141. Answer (2)
Clostridium butylicum produces butyric acid.
DNA replication is semi-conservative as
132. Answer (3) proposed by Watson and Crick.
This kangaroo rat has the ability to concentrate 142. Answer (4)
its urine so that minimal volume of water is used i gene codes for repressor protein.
to remove excretory products. They meet all their 143. Answer (3)
water requirement through internal fat oxidation. The average gene in human consists of 3000
133. Answer (3) bases, but size varies greatly.
Ophrys employs sexual deceit to get pollination 144. Answer (2)
done by a species of bee. Some regions of chromatin are loosely packed.
134. Answer (1) They stain light and are transcriptionally active.
These are referred to as euchromatin.
In sea, the pyramid of biomass is generally
145. Answer (3)
AUG has dual functions. It codes for methionine
135. Answer (1) and it also acts as initiator codon. UAA, UAG and
Wildlife safari park is an ex-situ conservation UGA are stop codons.
strategy. 146. Answer (2)
SECTION-B Detritus food chain begins with dead organic
136. Answer (3) matter. It is the major conduit for energy flow in
terrestrial ecosystem.
Greenhouse gases absorb long-wave radiations
147. Answer (4)
from earth.
Dissolution of synaptonemal complex occurs in
During last three decades, temperature of earth diplotene.
has increased by 0.6°C.
148. Answer (3)
137. Answer (2) Number of generations (n) to produce ‘X’ number
The gene responsible for ABO blood groups of cells; X = 2n
exists in three allelic forms in the human Since, X = 32 (given)
population. ∴ X = 2n ⇒ 32 = 2n
n 3 or, n = 5
No. of genotypes = (n + 1) = × 4 = 6
2 2 149. Answer (1)
No. of phenotypes = n + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4 GAs promote internodal elongation in sugarcane
138. Answer (1) stem.

Chromosomal theory of inheritance was 150. Answer (2)

proposed independently by Sutton and Boveri. Psilotum is a fern and rest all are mosses.

CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2021


SECTION-A 161. Answer (1)

151. Answer (2)
Euspongia (Phylum-Porifera): Digestive system is
Fasciola (Phylum-Platyhelminthes): Digestive
system is incomplete.
Hydra (Phylum-Coelenterata): Digestive system
is incomplete.
Glucose and amino acids are absorbed either
Ancylostoma (Phylum-Aschelminthes): Digestive
with the help of simple diffusion or active
system is complete.
transportation or facilitated transportation.
Hirudinaria (Phylum-Annelida): Digestive system
is complete. 162. Answer (4)

152. Answer (3) The intestinal mucosal epithelium has goblet

cells which secrete mucus.
Mammals are characterised by the presence of
mammary glands and hair on their skin. 163. Answer (3)
153. Answer (4) Receptors associated with aortic arch and carotid
Carcharodon, Trygon and Pristis, all belong to artery can recognize changes in CO2 and H+
class Chondrichthyes, having placoid scales. concentration and send necessary signals to the
rhythm-centre for remedial actions.
154. Answer (1)
164. Answer (3)
The intercellular material of cartilage is solid,
pliable and resists compression. TLC → RV + TV + IRV + ERV
155. Answer (4) VC → TV + IRV + ERV
Columnar epithelium is composed of a single IC → TV + IRV
layer of tall and slender cells. Cuboidal 165. Answer (2)
epithelium is composed of a single layer of cube-
like cells. The factors which favour the formation of
oxyhaemoglobin are
156. Answer (2)
a) High pO2
Malpighian tubules help in removal of excretory
products from haemolymph. b) Low pCO2
157. Answer (3) c) Lesser H+ concentration
Thymidine is a nucleoside. d) Lower temperature
158. Answer (1) 166. Answer (1)
Arachidonic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. Hypertension Blood pressure is higher
159. Answer (3) than the normal blood
Glucose is degraded to lactic acid in skeletal pressure.
muscle, energy is liberated. Heart failure It is the state of heart when
160. Answer (2) it is not pumping blood
Jaundice: The liver is affected, skin and eyes effectively enough to meet
turn yellow due to the deposit of bile pigments. the needs of the body.
Constipation: In this, the faeces are retained Cardiac arrest A condition when the heart
within the colon, as the bowel movements occur
stops beating.

Intensive Program for NEET-2021 CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

167. Answer (3) 180. Answer (1)

SAN can generate the maximum number of If the pregnancy has lasted more than 12 weeks,
action potentials, i.e., 70-75 min–1. but fewer than 24 weeks, two registered medical
168. Answer (3) practitioners must be of the opinion, formed in
Coagulation, in physiology, is the process by good faith, that the required ground exists.
which a blood clot is formed. Coagulation 181. Answer (1)
pathway is a cascade of events that leads to Vault is a barrier method of contraception made
haemostasis. up of rubber. It is inserted into the female
169. Answer (4) reproductive tract to cover the cervix during
Aquatic insects are ammonotelic in nature. coitus.

170. Answer (2) 182. Answer (4)

Polydipsia: Excess thirst. Sperm are released from the seminiferous

tubules and are transported by the accessory
Polyuria: Urine output is more than 3500 ml/day.
Oliguria: Urine output is less than 500 ml/day.
183. Answer (3)
Polyphagia: Excessive eating from excess
One Umbilical vein
hunger or increased appetite. (oxygenated blood)

Placenta 
 Foetus
Two Umbilical arteries
Haematuria: Presence of blood in urine. (deoxygenated blood)
171. Answer (4)
184. Answer (2)
Synovial joint allows considerable movement.
Lemur is a placental mammal which shows
172. Answer (2) convergent evolution with spotted cuscus, which
Arthritis: Inflammation of joints. is an Australian marsupial.
173. Answer (3) 185. Answer (2)
11th and 12thpairs of ribs are termed as floating Branching descent and natural selection are the
ribs because they are not connected ventrally to two key-concepts of Darwinian theory of
the sternum. evolution.
174. Answer (3) SECTION-B
Pia mater is the innermost cranial meninx. 186. Answer (4)
175. Answer (3) MALT constitutes about 50% of the lymphoid
Photoreceptor cells are absent in blind spot. tissue in the body.
176. Answer (2) 187. Answer (3)
Stapes is the smallest bone in human body. Mucus coating of the epithelium lining the
177. Answer (2) respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts
fall under physical barriers of innate immunity.
Exophthalmic goitre is characterised by
enlargement of the thyroid gland, protrusion of 188. Answer (4)
the eye balls, increased basal metabolic rate, etc. Hallucinogens are obtained from Datura.
178. Answer (4) 189. Answer (2)
Melatonin regulates diurnal rhythm of human A hinny is the offspring of a female donkey and a
body. male horse.
179. Answer (2) 190. Answer (4)
Glucagon – Hyperglycemic hormone. Rohu is a fresh water fish.
Testosterone – Male androgen. Sardine, mackerel and pomfret are marine fishes.

CST-17 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Intensive Program for NEET-2021

191. Answer (2) 194. Answer (4)

In pBR322, Pvu I restriction site is present in the

region of ampR gene.

195. Answer (2)

α-1-antitrypsin is used to treat emphysema.

196. Answer (1)

Myxine (Hagfish) belongs to class Cyclostomata.

197. Answer (3)

192. Answer (3) Body of amphibians is divisible into head and

No. of ds DNA formed = (2)n trunk. Tail may be present in some amphibians.
32 = (2)n
198. Answer (1)
(2)5 = (2)n
n=5 Outbreeding is defined as breeding of the
(Where; n is no. of PCR cycles) unrelated animals.
193. Answer (3) 199. Answer (1)

Biolistic or gene gun is a direct or vector-less

method which is used to introduce alien DNA into
a host cell.

200. Answer (2)

Lysozyme is used to degrade the cell wall of


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Edition: 2020-21

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