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Electric Appliance or Watt Rating Time Used Cost of Use

kWh Used
(Php/day) at
Device (W) (min/day) (per day) Php 7.50/kWh

Electric fan 55 watts 240 mins 0.22 kWh 0.63

4K television 80 watts 18 mins 0.04 kWh 30.90

Washing machine 585 watts 300 mins 2.93 kWh 0.43

Personal computer 225 watts 540 mins 2.03 kWh 3.12

Rice cooker 450 watts 60 mins 0.45 kWh 0.23

Air conditioning Unit (1.0 HP) 944 watts 360 mins 5.66 kWh 0.26

Fluorescent lamp 20 watts 720 mins 0.24 kWh 0.10

Wi-Fi modem 20 watts 1,440 mins 0.48 kWh 0.48

Refrigerator 170 watts 10 mins 0.28 kWh 1.13

Microwave 1450 watts 15 mins 0.36 kWh 1.98

12.69 kWh 39.26

Guide Questions:

1. What appliances and electrical items does your family

usually use on a weekday? On a Sunday?
We usually use all of the above I put in the table in
appliances and electrical items on a weekday and even
on Sunday.
2. How much energy do you consume on a typical
weekday and Sunday in kWh and in pesos? How about
in one whole month?
I think, its 7.2 kWh per day; while the average household
electricity consumption kWh in one whole month is 28.9
kWh (867 kWh / 30 days).
3. How much carbon dioxide does your family emit in a
day? In a month?
In one day, the average we breathe out around 500 litres
of the carbon dioxide, which amounts to around 1kg in
mass; while in a month, we emit or produce 7.5 tons of
carbon dioxide.
Post Laboratory Questions:

1. How do you feel about the results of this activity?

I felt so wondering and shocking also when I knew the
results of this activity.
2. What can you do in order to lessen the amount of
carbon dioxide your family contributes to the
Based on my knowledge, I will make climate-conscious
political decisions; I will make my home and household
energy efficient; I will buy energy and water efficient
appliances; and lastly, I will still reduce, reuse, recycle.

Jeiro O. Sombrero

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