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lsrsar {€-{ offi6s fufu}s

South Eastern Coalfields Limited

<.Gqi', 6rqfi4-q q-fl-q-qsr6
',# a rj\ 'i-e-{r
Office of the General Manager fax no.07815-275434
I _* A\
'. "df t$+',,
Gevra Area 07815-275419
cIN U10l02CTt985GO1003t6l
P.O. Gevra Proiect. Distt - Korba (CG) 495452

rrqrf: \-{rt$gd,to$ gfl d

(fr,zuiD'.oroil ra rg fu{io
Ref no. SECL/GAiSO(E&M)/WO/IB l9l g. L Darc p.{ lnC lf
ioaffi rdfre-o-o-s s{a Etfr ffirr 1oz3 ( Status ; Proprietor-v
ffi 3r-*wgqftl ' ( PAN : AGFPR6624N
M,'s L,axmi Electricais. L)ouble Qtr.l073 . Store-v
GST no. 23AGPPR6624N1ZQ
B:ruL eruppur1MD

Sub :-Work order for the work of repairing of l0nos. Volga & Prabhu
m ake 6.6kv sta rters sl. n o. HT-O 7 3, HT -239, HT -2 4 4, HT -2 45, IJ't -2 46
HT 247,I'IT-248,IIT-255, HT-258 & HT-260 installed at Main

o"r, SiTT; 3i[IIdi1"r"3(ENM)/ETENDER t t7 . t I t 11 6 dtd 22.12.1 7

TENDER ID 2017 SE.CL 89138-I
BID ID 259786
LOA no 100 dt. 27 "04.20\8.

Dear Sir"

rr(ffid d er5ltdq fr qrem qrfkhrer d er:+eo d Bqlld Gilqo)

roqi zzsas6/-( sq$ drs qfiEl rflR 3Trd {i' 1ffi qra)oT oTqfiqT
fffifud fi-sqE qq pTd d
s-r,t;I fu-qT urnr q+-rsr t I

Ilef'erence above. This is to convey the approval/sanction of the competent

authoritl, tbr award of work in favor-rr of you tbr Rs. 7258961- (Rupees seven lacs
twenty five thousand eight hundred ninety six ) only u,ith following terms and
conditior-rs :

(r) Uet EQ_qqr (tu+gR& ffide) :

qfu ew \qq{yqs r'rrq q-fl ETN@ t nqqrsl( Gtrqo) il$dri nftr rnqr
q o{i o1 ,S f; .d B s{S gqelr fi.f,q rtf}T 3Tarfd Fri +seog/gq q-$Dr-+<r
ql{erT f}fuFsql /gd rrcft r
7sr6ol3rrqd Er{i S-S @ 160168 fror+-05.18
d d"6a qql * m sq q-6T qqsrolfam) iqiT vRqT d oTC.{q t
fu-qT ,lqT
sqri re @-qrf, lee ffipo 1s.os,ra q) +lql ul {ftr t'terf, gd gren ffi ili\-ur
rrftT triwi 7s760l3rrcrd sri]- g$ .Tffi ord *( v-qr furl rqr * I

orri fi-srqi(q d flmq qBq GTrq qo-rsd fra or gs qfr-qd gqf,rq fuqT
fl-$.rr qE trgfrrd nft s qflr ol Trdr;r qR srrqr+f, Ecl d 3rfrq fuf, d
rrer fuql wvln I

As yott are MSME certiflcate holder, you are exempted to depost the EMD as
rule.. But balance security deposit of Rs 453691-& Addl. performance security
deposit 1{s.34391/- Total amount P.s.797601- onl,v deposited by you vicle DD
no.160168 dt. 14.05.2018 which has been sent to AFM. Gevra Area vide ref. no.199
dt 15"0,5.1 8.

The total perfomance Secr-rrit-v ) deposited by you is Rs 79760l-. only

against the required Perfon-nattce Securitl of Rs 797601-only.
That all running on account biil
shali be paid 95ohof each bill against
executed u.ork. The balance 50 o st'r accrlted shal1 be paid alon-un'ith the final
bill if required.
(oz) d-q{ Etf,Qq/+"R o-rq'
qjA .tTq ftxft .fr fu{ ro +w1t

slfUo ild(q ord qq d.Td d o) I
3lqo\ a@T afr--fi cfqftq-q r e70 d Grd.f-d +q-i dr{$i-fl qrw 6EqI dHT I

ad-fl{ gr*t rrgd fu-d d $TQ{ qs{t o) fu-q .lq 5larl oT sqr-ul wi,
GrfrE( GID@Ift/oTffio rg<o of .rqrfr d rnq qq1 @{=IT 5pn 6en f6q
T"*= qfi q frqftd @iffi t qtTfqT d.Tr fu oqft 6-riT fr rr{ qpiqtr.DT d
.l-rri q{ oTd q{ drrg .ri Td-$ d 3rftqf, ort*orftZorffifr q-5s d
BqReTft q a-ilq Uq-drq fuar .rqr t I

errqd arr aqrt .ri &rFrfii or

tfl{ SToTE M d arr fuqT Ed'iIT
qr+q o'Bfr d ftqfR-d qit gq ftilrMr d srgqmr t Et.Tr t
"il ET{ I

gq-d 3rfllTadflr sr<r, eilq-f, 3rJffi/o1ffifi q5q ETcr Ts$ d

a-f,a d ffiIq Gil-i taTq 7p] s6r of ddtfi 6{ 3rrqT 3rcrErq fr-drmq
ffi-q 8ffi GngF d oTqfd-q t wqr o-q s{rot qqfi Grf}E.r erffiZotffio
rget Ertt q-aqrft"a o{cIT o{ fa-d d era{ sT{q,-T qqft rril-q qd qqT 6FII
d-.n r orqfeaT n qITfS It ffiH of rtfrT gfl q,lrur q, d sTTtII{ q{
5{-rdrq ffiqT EIi-qT
- I

ad-fl{ ErT q-{gd fra or 3rfdq T-lflq ft-d fuilT erT ot erflffi
trq rr.sdrd d eK fu-qT qx.rt I


You will have to obtain labour licence under Contract Labour Act 1970 if you
engage more than 19 laboures in this work on any day.
The bills of contractor shali be accompanied by an attested copy of wages sheet
with a cerlihcate given on the wages sheet by PM, Gevra Project witnessing
the payment of wages to laboures / workmen engaged by the contractor for the
subject work to the effect that the payment indicated in the prescribed column
of wages sheet has been disbursed to the laboures/workmen through Bank.

"@.!.!-to the deployed workers should be made at the rate of

High Power Committee through Bank only and all recommedations
of High Power Commite should be followed in toto."

In addition to above, certificate shall be issued by the PM, Gevra Project

that contractor has deducted the amount of CMPF and pension and
deposited alongwith the matching share / Employers contribution with the
concerned Regl. Commissioner. CMPF & copy of the cerlificate shall be
attached with the bill of contractor wherever applicable alongwith proof of
payment. Payment to contractor shall be released against the bill by Area
Finance Deptt Gevra Area after verifying the above documents..
(3) od$@_qfi@,
mrd o) old srdrT qrw 6{i d ao H d *ftoq Td 6TqT +,Tr sTd errarT
qrfu d io frr) d qgaro 3{elcrr irr$z d rror.og"T of fdfU t q.R-T qt=tT qKrrt I

The work *itt nar,. to u. completed within 30 days .from the lOth day of issue of
this work order or fiom the actual date of handing over of the site.
Please ensure that the workmen engaged for this job is not belorv 1g years.
Schedule of
work is enclosed and the work shall be carried out as per the
enclosed Schedule.

Pou'er supply at one place shall be given by the Deptt. if required. Its distri-
bution is arranged by you.

You have to deploy skilled electrician and supervisor for the work. They
have valid license. The depttl Elect. Superl,isor authorized for
the work will
supervise the work as directed by Engineer I/C.

4) qqf-{T MRn qrrr q{ ord yyi q o{i oqfi d ftqqET-R gqiq+a

1) o-ctfr o1 wilft ol?Ti+pT t-q fl r /z qfr'qrd qfr swr6 ;fr-a"
6Tqi-epT t@ d10 qftsra I

LID ; LD will be imposed as per Company rules on failing to complete the work
specified time @ 1/z%o of the order value per week upto maximurn I 0% of the
order value
(5) E{eTr HreFr :

:"q$ d g-** sqqr{rr c-s *e-, {f,T, i"e ow qqr a1 @cnerr

tdETq d wq @-iqT +n r der ord q-q *,ra .d qqqfu gq q*.Fr{ri et
gqerr 11 td-<Tq of t4qq Eift trqRt Gir Hrqrfi of g-qar t qqdsl.{
of oi$ TF-oT l-$r Enft I

n-cs-,T qah{, E)-"sr, .tq{ o-BiT Bq-.n{oT of enqsqo-or qgi w

o\ r<-q orqT El,Tr I i--fl oftiT t fr{d 3MFrfr sq-qYq qfr .Y-s or.sq-qtr
o.{lr e)-rn I

{q old fr rq q-u-qti oi 6-6.x q q-ftrflkd etqT Grrqq{fi drr

dar BTd qrcr g$ml tq trfloT q* ++ qeq I

Safetl, items like shoes, helmet, goggles etc. to the workmen shall be
arranged b.v you & safety of men and materials is your responsibility.
SECL has no role for safety of the men & materials.

Tool/tackles/implements required for this job shall be arranged you

& For
fabrication work if required only industrial gur", ,r. to be used.
(6) ruqsi
q5 od
{]l-se s( fr
fuqT qraq der sqrtdr q.rqcn fu /qr
,IqiT qRnTq-rT d arr erd mr ft-fier"r fu-qT w$lT
dan ss fld d fr-q-wT d
ft\ GTrqo) rrrrq q{ s;ni f}--drr


LNSIIECTION :The work shall be clone at Site & inspection
by Py 9M (E&M). Gevra Pro.ject uho n'ill operate the will be carried-out
above contract & for
details of work you have to coniact him time
to time.
(oz) .ngA-g,"d Er$ +t q-$ oni,,,* r€ erqfi or t'6 HTEI qt .rNfr tft
Cr 6T-d of g$-qrd qft ftlq e. qnr .ddrTT I qfr Enft
fu!ft son flqfr yq ftm{T
oTd o1 X,TqGT C ftrolq-f, En- q{ B-fi or$ o} gq
5E-d d a-qn eifl-r
from the date of commissioning of s\ stem. In case
of failure and non functioning of
the sy'stem 1''ou have to attend for repair and
set right the system immediately at free
of cost

Bqrmr ecrErs. ft/qr rfq-{ qffiqiT gnT fr-d Tfi-q,_d

d sq_Ero o_{i
lilc q-qsm,
Wf E-{iuF30 ft+r; ,fi*i*+;qfr1"+*1*"oeil
n-qRT ela Arr fuqT w\:r I

*P gm tq, s"rd m-r !-{gd frni"T fierXww

(o) qI{

, Vfuis ilo
f.u) do or .r.n , qiE 16 ;3l rT
O ots
do : ,o74

(u) vqentrfterx (e fufu-d) 4s7211002

eE$Dyfl-{ft: n0e1gfi ooolor4
(e) qEmi 6-qrfi : e13o2ooosso7o84
Pavment- & Paying-Authority -pa'menr shalr
be made by way of EFT through
Dy.GM(F),GA within 30 clays on submission
(E&M). Gel'ra Proect alongu.ith compretion
of bill duly accepted by Dy.GM
,,u,r,o.y certificate.
Anti profiting certificate has to be piovitled by the
contractor in each invoice/bill
1. Name of Bank Axis Banl< Ltd.,
2. Address Manendragarh (CG)
3. MICR 497211002
4 IFSC uTrB0001074
5. A/c no. 913020005 507084.

The at.nount is firnr and inclusive of all taxes

as applicable. No escalation will be
allowed during contract periocl lor this job..

o-dGn+aT+ffi6-sfu.1-gd I

work order value is inclusive of all taxes

;as applicabre. In case if these are payable
to Govt. you wilr have to pay accordingry.
sb'cr wir noite fiable for any such
Statutory Taxes.

ITC is avsilefile to SECL.

The following items har.g
fgqn iOenilnea as
ALR and AHR.
w Part
ALR items
:=-,t" - aEB:tqql
1.20 Nil
1.30 Nrl
1.40 Nit
19.50% NI;I
lnso,A- _N4
2.20 Nil
t.i0 19.47%
2.40 Nit
lq*;l% Nit
3.00 Nil
rq.iDi; Nit
19soih NiI
19j0% Nit
3.10 q:0.2,
t l\;r
1*1% Nit
t>.) lyo
1.20 fV,1
,1.-10 Nit
I'1 JUyo
4.50 Nil
Tq.sut, Nit
t >.JU7o
s.00 Nil Nil
t ).)u70 NiI
fqjoz; NiI
6.00 Nit
jl:ly /o_
6.30 .sso% Nrl
6.40 io ?^;r- Nit
I 1.JV7O
6.50 Nrl
1e i% Nii
tiiozt, Nil
) t70 Nil
7.40 -11:4Y7, Nil
7.50 )2;p% Nit
7.60 l2iV_y NrI
8.u0 vi
r9j0% NIii


lg50% Nil
Tsso% Nit
rg.5o% Nil
t sa% Nit
1950% Nil
10.20 1o <1o,/^
19.500 o
il9jooo Nil
10.60 Ni1
19.5 09 0

10) GrTtqr ot Frrffioqur :

@j Frqfufu. Rarfr q F{rfl @-{i o-l

q{q q{
)# ;rfur.T o-Rt fr qrrftEx ts
c q qn| qq

iX -d;t#'d Fqq q-d ercIg"6u< I

H - HetIfi tq{r ei'

ffi ftf#RaTft'ar
,,.".fr o-G I

d qrqr r)-fl flq.jT

66 ft-+r< dl *1qru ern
;'w# fr"tu sTRq

REJECTION OF ORDER': . ,.-r.r'rin2te

to contract without notice
terminate the contrac
under the
The company ,t'"-'",ffiight
f"ir"*i"g specific condition and circumstances'
of the awarded work
a) Un-satisfactory performance breach of peace'
Ul f""oL"tttnt in action causing conditions of the contract.
*.itt-, t.rm,ind
.) F"i;;;;;;;i' under various Laws'
d) Viotation of the provision

''?rrii" u. nnat ,"J urrai"g on the co' and the contractor'

whose decision

qfi e-.qH qq 3rtr. &T oti ffiqq. n-ffi t f}-f,rfi{

11.. orqieaT qq Rax
d*; fr; #;ry*-* ! 3ffirr t EaTH
q-i Eii qrR_i qdrq q-q{ {fi frd 'nrn'\ offi
.d t t dor *d' ;'d+ -"t ^-* frh.ET q-qT o-G d sTRq frfu d
.o sq*s ad; #o,- ;* --,'tu
* ffiIqT a 3Tftq frfU n
qrd qfu" frti 'Tq B 3ilq / *1-t

q *s;,aq qq -"i; -tfi d arr 'qpqffi d'r

d_qEE]rr.tqEdq-6{]e{q*fr**erqTqad.I}il{flh--fr5lTdlq I

d sqf{ l)r'en \-nr{-s er<r urt iie

frsr+A ot,ufrxffi rr@o -ry
<l-<,iq,qqr o-G fatqT ulq.'lT
' ,
taxes including CMPF & pension except those
1,0 incrusive,,
31: :::H::lJ,l,,fit[:"J
separately inr
in the work order format. No escalation will be allowed during the contract
period. However such duties, taxes, levies etc. which is notified after the
iast date of submission of tender and/ or any increase over the rate existing on
the last date of submission of tender shall he reimbursed by the Company
on production on documentary evidence in support of payment actually made
to the concerned authority. GST will be reimbursable on production
.. of documentary evidence of Payment issued by appropriate authority ( Central
excise )

12 )' sntsr et qr+ft :

.*ri qrld 3l-+el- q-IK ti qn qrq-ft 3Tq}€rfltsft d qrs ftq-dHT d'n I

you have to r"b*tt ,*rptr"ce of this work order to this office on receipt
of the same.
*dE" ftfr{r fl-&Trt{rfi fttfi ft ron ot
dan ft-qrE sil-T Etfr t, sS
fuTfu il fudr qrqrtrq,otgql or fr trq $dqrq *'n I

Matter related to any dispute or difference arising out of this tender or

subsequent work order shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Distt. Court of
Korba (CG) ontY.
13. All the tender terms and conditions shall govern the award of this work & will form
the part of this work order
14. Payment of Bonus to the employed workers should be made as per
"BONUS ACT 1965.'
ls. ffi ot am crq o\ o-rd o'-{i a1 cTTqfr Ts fr qrf'ft I

Subletting of work will not be permitted.

*e, ffi rnqr ST qdi qr frtit trf,N or q{+6 o1 fufr n 3fffi qNr fr
sdqFq d-q.r t

NOTE: I In case of any doubt in explaining the Hind Language, the explanation
of English language will only be acceptable'

€lF sTrRffi{(fr7H)'n-q-{r fd
, Staff Officer (E&M)/GA

E&&8.- q-dr q-qqo try qR$rq-{r

1 q-erq-qtlfi(fr-d),tq-iT &t, - cTqft co ffi,/dlq / rcrc /w Ri/frrzqi
' qqry5 fla .i-qrr qRo og / 28 ft={ro 16,04,18 SqrlT
7258e6 /
2. sqqE;TqqLltr ft /qt .Y-qqT qRqrq"rT oes f{qlo 24 07 2017
\Jg q51 ggt1fi @]o .)-qiT qRsT sRo lrqslo @'r t-flT q"R*c-fl
Copv to :GM, Gevra Project.
1. Dy. GM(F ) Gevra Area - This has ref. to BC no. BC/GA/I8-1Q/Pur'/Rep/
Mgr (F )/Gevra Project. E&M/ 09128 dt. 16.04.18 for Rs. 7258961- onlv.
2. Dy.GM (E&M), Gevra Project '
This is in ref. to proposal no.
3. Dy.GM ( Per.), Gevra Area Gevra /085 DL 24.07.17 -
ga and Prabhu make 6.6 KV starters Sl
\ ame of Work :Work of repairing of 10 nos Votli-
258, HT- 260 installed at main
rr:.Hr 239,HT' 244,HT-245,HT- 216,HT- 241' H"l 248,,HT-255,HT-
Quarry,Gevra Project.
NIT NO:116 Dt22.L2.17
qU n'o*t
I Sl no
1 n.p*ing
of Volga tllake starter 6 6 KV'6)uKw SlNo
tlT-013 at Quart 'y Gevra Proj ect
-:p1fioT 3,011.00
11 n'',,. i6irtg rltJ firirtg ol illltl ptrlnplnc lol 1.00 No
.trlert iod I

1.00 No 32,200.00 32,200.00

1) Froviding and firing of bottle tbr vacuurno
contactor 400 ArnP,6.6 KV 7,334"00
volt 1.00 Set 7,334.00
IJ Providing and fixing of digital alrllleter'
n,s1sl' ,,t'ith push button & indication lamp
9,445.00 9,445.00
p.ria,n,e;c1 t-.*ing otArth lealiage relay with 1.00 No
CBCT 3,060.00
2.00 No 1,530,00
IJ Provicling and tixing of HT control Iuse o o

p*trt u make starter 6'6 KV '650 KW Sl no I lT 239 at QuarY Ger a Project"


21 p,*ia,,-rglnd fixing of bottle for vacurttr.t 1.00 No

ffi 32,2oo.oo

contactor 400 ArlP. 6.6 KV

1,334.0C 7,334.00
volt 1.00 Set
Providing and lixing of ditrital alllnleter'

nieter with push button & indication larrp
:r:.-,- ^.^l +-:.,i'.,- ^f DT firqe 2.00 Nos
Prov iding and tixing oi anti pLllnplng lor 1.0c o 3p11!ol- 3,011.00

1.00 No
25 I
3 Repairing of Prabhu make starter 6'6 KV'6:
rU XWSI * ttt'244 at Quarry Gevra Project'

?1 5
rt.^l** I f.OO No 28,175.01 il-- 28,175.00
1.00 Set 5,836.00 5,836.00
1.) Frovicling anci fixing of br'rs Bar set
7,334.00 7,334.00
1.00 Set
33 nr*'a,ng and tixing of digital amnleter' vol
rneler rith nLrsh brrtton & indication larnp
1.00 No 9,445.00 9,445.00
34 Frovicling and fixing of earlh leal<age relay wltn
2A P-t,drE t-^ing of anti pLrrlping fbr 1.00 No I :,orr oo 3,011.00

soleno ici
< ql f)rrrrrv Cevra Proiect.
4 Renairins of Prabhu make starter o'o trvrorr ,.)
1.00 No 3,011.00 3,011.00
41 nil,l,-r-q f"t*lClrf rnti pumpinu lbr
f,"i,,g ollf j'6ilY-]-l! l
-^a 1.00 No 16,905.00
qL Pr*,,lrg 7,334.00
""1 1.00 Set 7,334.00
4,J Pfi,d,,tg fi-tng of digital amrnetet'' volt
rneter$'ith PLrsh br-rtton @ 1,530.00 3,060.00
of H-f control fuse 6 /..ut) No
44 fr*iarg and fixing

t Pase 1
*, A*'
/>sY' -:

n - $v Rate I Amoun!
,: r*,d'.g .,il-xing of earth leakage relai' witlt 1.00 No ,A4s.oT 9,445 00

4E -roviding and f rxirrg o1' IDMT relay

1.00 No 18s1s.oof 18,515.00
HT-246 at QuarrY Gevra Project'
5 R.rrui.ine of Prabhu make starter 6'6 KV,65t KW,SI nO
;- 1.00 set 7,334.00 7,334.00
3t ;td,'rgand fi*-rc "fnigital arrnreter voh
. -..---..,t+L ^,,-L l.,,t^n ,n,.1 in,licrtion lat'nn
1.00 No
Hro\ lOlng allLl ll\llls

Providing and tiring of earlh Ieakage relay wrth 1.00 No ,,44srol- 9,445.00

er*,id,,rg and firing of bottle lbr vacuutl.t 1.00 No t2oorol-- 32,2oo.oo

corltactor :100 Anlp,6.6 l(V

at QuarrY Gev 'a Project.
o ffiairing of Prabhu make starter 6'6 KV,650 Kw'51 n( HT-247
1.00 No 15,905.00 16,905.00
ot Pr*iain-e and liring of PT 6.6 I(V i I 10 V
1,530.00 3,060.00
6.1 P.*,dt"g fixing of HT control fLrse 6' 2.00 No
KV,2 Amp
6.3 Providine and firing ol isolator
1.00 o u'firof, 28,175.00

b4 Providing and fixing ol digital

arnmeter' vo 1.00 Set ?334'001 7,334.00

nreter r'vith pLlsh bLltton & indicatron lamp

65 t',.t*"lrrs ,*l firing ol arlti pLrnlping lbr 1.00 No 3p11J{-- 3,011.00

HT-248 at QuarrY Gevra Project'
7 Repairing of Prabhu make starter 6'6 KV,6: i0 Kw,Sl o
71 Pror iding and fixing of bottle 1br vaculttlr 1.00 No 3r2oo 04 32 200 00

contactor'100 ArrP.6.6 KV
3,011.00 3,011.00
Z: lprou lAing ancl firirrg of anti pumping to 1.00 No

ffi ot' digital atrrtneter. volt 1.00 Set ?^334ooi-- 7,334.00

1,,,"1.r- tt itlt push buttoll &

indicrtiol) lamp
9,445.00 9,445.00
7 4 TPro, iding and fixing of earth leakage relay 1.00 No

lr, itlr CBCI

75 nr*',ai,,g and fixing of aLrxiliarv transtbrtner 1.00 No I z,s+a.oo 2,948.00

80 vA for control circuit 0-l 10.0-8.0-l2v(Pt

no NVCB-001-28)
7.6 nr*iaing and flrine. of llT control tirse 6'6 2.00 r,s:o.oo No I 3,060.00

I(V" 2 Atnp
at QuarrY Get ra Project.
B Repairing of Prabhu mahe starter 6'6 KV,65( KW,5t no HT-255
81 e-it'iu1n .,rd tiring of' digital atnmeter'vol 1.00 z,a:+.oo Set I 7,334.00
,..otpr r'irh nrrsh hrrilon rnd indication lat'np
Pror iding and fixing of P'f 6 6 KV /l l0 V 1.00 No I r0,gos.oo 16,905.00

i'roviding and flxing of bottle fbr vircur-tnl 1.00 No | :z,zoo.oo 32,200.00

contLrctor 400 AmP.6.6 I(V
84 I'*-,t d,ng o,,rA tiring o1'carth leal(age relal'- vvith 1.00 No I 9,44s,00 9,445.00

o trpnqiri.o nf Prahhrr make starter 6.6 KV,650 KW,SI n o HT-258 at QuarrY t ra rroJec
1.00 No 32,200.00 32,200.00
91 Providing and firing of bottle fbr vacuutr
contactor 400 AmP.6.6 KV
1.00 No 18,515.00 18,515.00
92 Providing and firing oi IDMT relaY

Page !.
Sl no_ f)acrrin+i
o2 -w1! QtY
and rixin@ 1.00 Set
Rate Amount
lrneter wrth push butlon & indicalion t,-^ 7,334.O0 7,334.00
9.4 __ f,";llT
Providinse and -..,,.,b vr w.rrrr rc4rraBe relay wlth 1.00 No
CBCT 9,445.O0 9,445.00
10.1 I KW,SI no HT_260 at
,L4Ndgs rctay
Quarry Ger zra Proiecf
aiong with resin cast ntoulderj r-RaT 1.00 No 9,445.00 9,445.00
102 _._"..,b
Prov id
,VA fbr q,,u ,r.\rrB auxutary translormer g0
1.00 No 2,948.O0
control circuit 0_l tO,O_S.O_tZVfpt 2,949.00
NVr Bp-00t-t8r n.
10 3 l'l()\ldlnu
",,,4H rB nl pumping for 1.00 No
so lenoid 3,011.00 3,01 1.001
1OA _ _"...b -,,u
Pror,,idino ,.,-l ,,.\rrS ur copper
i Bus Bar 400 1.00 Set
Amps ,6.6 KV set of three 5,936.00 5,836.0c
10 5
10 6 1.00 No
Prtrr id irr-r . 18,515.00 '1R srE-ffi
1.00 No 2,576.00
- 2,576.00
10.7 r ru\ rultg all(l Itytno h
1.00 No
l{).8 Proridinguna r:*lnffi 1.00 Set
16,905.00 16,905.00
lnetcr wirh push burron & indicarion 7,334.00
lamo I 7,334.00

Total 515166.00
Not ITT- vsrrqurE ru ,)f,LL tor thls work
GST Appticabtiry
__-@ I 89 o ar Rs 615 166.00 10730.00

S 725896.00
'l 1ty,
,/ "\ --..?-
.ztLtl lv

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by DIPKA BANDYOPADHYAY
Date: 2018.05.28 12:06:33 IST
Location: Coal India Limited

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