Alan de Astudillo V SPVM, Barreau & DPCP - Accusations of 1st Degree Kidnapping

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Following the actions committed by your criminal employees on: December 6th 2021
In MTLEV-2101098549, in aggravation of the Kidnappings committed via Perjury in 525-41-024093-114 &
525-41-024706-111 (2010-2021), as well as the failed attacks on me in 500-01-195388-191, 500-01-
195191-199. 500-01-186621-196, 500-01-192191-192, 500-01-194401-193 in 2019-2021.

Parties to offence
• 21 (1) Every one is a party to an offence who
o (a) actually commits it;
o (b) does or omits to do anything for the purpose of aiding any person to commit it; or
o (c) abets any person in committing it.

• Common intention
(2) Where two or more persons form an intention in common to carry out an unlawful purpose and
to assist each other therein and any one of them, in carrying out the common purpose, commits
an offence, each of them who knew or ought to have known that the commission of the offence
would be a probable consequence of carrying out the common purpose is a party to that offence.

• 279 (1) Every person commits an offence who kidnaps a person with intent
o (a) to cause the person to be confined or imprisoned against the person’s will;
o (c) to hold the person for ransom or to service against the person’s will.

Primary Victims: Leon de Astudillo y Feehan & Phoenix de Astudillo y Feehan (Spanish Legal Names)
Secondary Victims: Their entire families, extended well outside your corp documents & jurisdiction.

Legal Reminder: Use of Lethal Force under s.34(1) & (3) is lawful to stop the commission of a 1st Degree
Kidnapping where the victims are minors, have been kidnapped & trafficked via perjury, false psychiatric
“need” claims (psychiatrist-rejected claims), and where the minors have been repeatedly exposed to
aggravated violence at the hands of barbarian adults, and where the kidnapping is ongoing & active. The
threat will exist until every criminal lawyer, judge, social worker that participated in the territory has been
neutralized. Kidnapping is also a Felony (Indictable Offense) and has no Statute of Limitations, which
means I can come back in 15 years & have your Prosecutors, SWAT, Detectives & Social Workers
arrested & jailed for life. Self-Defense & Defense of Others is a Right, not a corporate slave priviledge.

When your SWAT plebs gang up on me, 20 vs me, I still win. (Mind over numbers)
If I’d target any SWAT officers at home at night when they’re without their Wolf Pack, I would still win.
I don’t need a “Squad” or “Team” for any of you, plus I can see in the dark where Trichromats cannot.

“A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house”

-Socrates (470 B.C. – 399 B.C.)
Date: December 13th, 2021

Authorities: R. v. Parasiris, 2008 QCCS 2460; Droit de la famille - 1738, 1995;

Protection de la jeunesse — 15156, Para [101]

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