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I.Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb “to be”
1.Cosmin ............. ten years old.
2.Sally ........... my friend.
3.We .............. very happy.
4. ......... you sleepy?
5.Monica and Betty ............ sisters.

II.What is this?

1. This is a ball. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

III.Translate into Romanian.(Traduceti in romana)

●cheese ●milk
●desk ●bread
●school ●tree
●boy ●fish
●kite ●balloon
IV.Translate into English(Traduceti in engleza)
‫܀‬usa ‫܀‬cartof
‫܀‬prieten ‫ ܀‬leu
‫܀‬autobuz ‫܀‬camera
‫܀‬portocala ‫܀‬verde
‫ ܀‬palarie ‫܀‬caiet
V.Choose the correct answer.
1.What’s your name?
A.I like my name. B.It’s Mike.
2.Are you Romanian?
A.I’m Romanian. B.Yes,I am.
3.Are you sleepy?
A.I’m tired. B.Yes,he is.
4.Where’s Rita?
A.She’s in the kitchen. B.Rita is nine.

VI.What is this?/ What are these?

1. This is a car. 2. These are feet.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.
VII.Put the verbs into the simple present.
1.Andy ................... (sometimes/go) for a walk in the park.
2.Vicky .................. (play) the banjo on Sunday.
3.Adriana ................ (like) tomato sauce.
4. ........ it ............ (rain) outside in autumn?
5.Irene .............. (can) ski.

VIII.Choose the correct word.

1.My father has got blue eyes/ears.
2.My grandma is very old.She’s got black/grey hair.
3.Our cat is green/grey and white.
4.The cow gives milk/eggs.
5.The colour of cola is red/brown.
6.My sister has got green hair/eyes.
7.The bear has got a short nose/tail.

IX.Write the words in the correct list.

/ ei/ /ai/
..they........... ... .fine.......
Say rain night hi eye eight bye
snake smile rice kite grey ok nine
my day Ray late

.................... .................... ...................... .....................

..................... ....................
..................... ....................
..................... .....................
...................... .....................
...................... .....................
...................... .....................
....................... .....................
X.Complete the words.

f _ f _ ee _

t_e_t_ -f_u _

th _ r _ y

th _ _ t _ - t _ _ ee
t _ ir _ e _ n

XI.Write the words in the correct list.

/e/ /i:/

desk guess me sea red he

mean pen green bet she
ten set three we net well
yes bean seat mess Ben
XII.Write the words.
1.A crocodile has got shart t.......... .
2.A bear has got a short t.......... .
3.A vegetarian doesn’t eat m.......... .
4.A house on the water is called h................ .
5.Irene is a ten-year old g........... .
6.Europe is a c................... .

XIII.Complete Irene’s description of her room.Use in, on, under,

next to, near and in the middle.

This is my bedroom.There’s a bed (1) in one corner and there’s a bookcase

(2)............ the bed.There’s a CDplayer (3)........... the bookcase.I’ve got one chair
in my room;it is (4) ............. the desk.My compuetr is (5) ............ the desk and
there’s a picture of me (6).......... it, too.There are curtains (7)........... the wall and
a poster of Sam, my cat.There’s a table (8).................. room, too.This is my room
and I like it!

XIV.Read this text about a room.Find 16 mistakes and underline

6 mistakes with capital letters (A,B, C.......)
4 mistakes with apostrophes (‘)
6 spelling mistakes
its a big room with tow windos. ive got a large sofar under one window and there
are two amchairs next to the sofa.theres a small tabel in one corner with a plant on
it.theres a tv and vidio near the door.
Write the correct text!

XV.Change these sentences from positive to negative.

1.I like beans.
I don’t like beans.
2.We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
3.I like cheese and fruit together.
4.My cat drinks a lot of milk.
5.We eat a lot of meat.
6.I have a cup of tea in the morning.
7.Marius eats fish and chips.
8.Irene likes chicken soup.
9.We drink lemon juice after lunch.
10.Diana eats bread and butter for breakfast.
XVI.Write the words.
‫܀‬Cafea ‫܀‬limonada
‫܀‬Zahar ‫܀‬cartofi
‫܀‬Sare ‫܀‬pui
‫܀‬Salata ‫܀‬tort de ciocolata
‫܀‬Oua ‫܀‬fasole
‫܀‬Unt ‫܀‬vin
‫܀‬Piper ‫܀‬ciuperci

XVII.Look at the pictures and write sentences.

1. 2. 3.
It’s her doll.

4. 5. 6.

XVIII.Write the words in the correct order.

My father has a white car.
XIX.Translate into English.
1.Ochii tai sunt verzi.
2.Camera lui este albastra.
3.James doarme in fotoliul meu!
4.Matusa voastra este doctor.
5.Florile ei sunt frumoase.
6.Unchiul lui este foarte tanar.
7.Cartile lor sunt noi.
8.Tricoul meu este mov.
9.Pantofii tai sunt scumpi.
10.Julia citeste in dormitorul ei

XX. Scrie dupa model

1.Irene sings like an angel. Who sings like an angel?
2.Polly has one bag. What does Polly have?
3.Razvan drinks coffee.
4.Heather buys soap.
5.Bianca loves chicken soup.
6.Julia is very smart.
7.Carl writes books

XXI.Put these words in the correct order.

1. Janice like fruit doesn’t salad.
2. you always toast have Do breakfast for ?
3. drinks the My afternoon mum tea in .
4. don’t cousins omelette Our eat .
5. good for The eyes carrots are the .
XXII. Fill in the blanks.
1. O _ ION 2. SO _ P 3. PE _ C _
2. LE _ T _ CE 5. C _ R _ OT 6. POT _ T _

XXIII.Guess the word.

1. sweet, dark or white chocolate
2. white drink, good for kids
3. frozen delicious dessert with
fruit,vanilla or chocolate
5. trees, flowers, benches, alleys

XXIV. Match A and B to make dialogues.

1.Hello A I’m fifteen.
2.What’s your name? B Pleased to meet you.
3.This is my friend Julian. C Bye!
4.How are you? D Hi!
5.What’s this is English? E No, thank you.
6.How old are you? F It’s awful!
7.What’s she like? G My name’s Dave, Dave Hill.
8.What do you think of it? H It’s a book.
9.See you later! I She’s got long brown hair.
10.Would you like a sandwich? J I’m fine, thanks.
XXV.What things from the pictures do you usually have in a salad?

Read the text about a salad from France. Are the sentences true or
false?Correct the false sentences.

Cook two potatoes and some beans in water

with some salt in it.
Cook two eggs in hot water, too. Put some
lettuce in a large bowl. Slice two tomatoes
Then put the cold potatoes, beans and eggs on the
lettuce in the bowl. Put the tuna and olives in the bowl
too, with some olive oil, salt and pepper.Now eat your

1.The salad hasn’t got any salt in it.

False. The salad has got some salt in it.
2.The salad has only got vegetables in it.
3.It hasn’t got any meat in it.

4.You cook all of the ingredients.

5.It hasn’t got any olives in it, but it has got some olive oil in it.

XXVI.Translate into English.

1.Imi plac rosiile, dar nu imi place ceapa.
2.Imi place laptele, dar nu imi place ceaiul.
3.Imi plac morcovii si imi plac si maslinele.
4.Imi place pestele, dar nu imi plac ciupercile.
5.Imi plac cartofii, dar nu imi plac ardeii.
6.Doriti niste lapte in cafea?
7.As dori spaghete si sos de rosii.
8.Doriti suc de portocale?
9.Razvan mananca salata de morcovi.
10.Mama mananca peste cu cartofi.
11.Irenei ii plac maslinele.
12.Diana mananca supa de pui.
13.As dori cartofi piure cu salata de rosii, va rog.
14.As dori o portie de friptura de vita.
15.As dori un pahar de apa plata.
16.As servi omleta de cascaval cu salata de ciuperci.

XXVII.Odd one out! (Gaseste intrusul!)

‫܀‬egg salami cheese yoghurt
‫܀‬niece nephew granddaughter sister
‫܀‬grey green beige yelow
‫܀‬river lake ocean mountain
‫܀‬chimp chair crayon cheetah
‫܀‬melon lemon onion raspberry
‫܀‬table plate sofa bookcase
‫܀‬day eel fist garden
‫܀‬pitch picture picior peach
‫܀‬asparagus steak aubergine tomato

XXVIII. Find ten mistakes in this letter.Underline them.

63 High Street, Manchester M23 4RT

6th May
Dear carol,
Thank you four your letter.I’m fiveteen years old.
I’m tall and I’ve got short fair hair and blue eyes.
i live in a big house in Manchester with my mother
and father.I hasn’t got any brothers and sisters. My
fathers name is Matthew and my mother’s name is
Our house is nice.It is got four bedrooms, two bathrooms,
a kitchen, a living-room and a garage. My bedroom
is grate.There is a telephone in my room and after
school I phone my friends.My father doesn’t like
it very much!
I likes pop music and watching television.My favourite
TV programme is “The Top Twenty Show”.
Well, that’s all. Pleese write to me again.
XXIX.Fill in the gaps.
H_T you wear this on your head ( HAT)
T _ L _ VI _ ION it’s like a box with images
S_N_Y not rainy
C _ PB _ _ RD you put your cups and plates in it.
_ _ O _ HB_ U _ H you brush your teeth with this.
GA _ _ GE the car stays in this.
CR _ _ K _ T a sport and an insect.
N _ P _ EW a relative

XXX. Write sentences.

1. Mike / a computer. v

Mike has got a computer.

2. Sheila / a badge
Sheila hasn’t got a badge.
3. Helen / a pink shirt
4.Luke / a funny turtle
5. James / three CDs
XXXI. What are they?

A. B. C. D.

E. F.
A. What is Fred? He’s a chef.
B. What is Pablo?
C. What is Fiona?
D. What is Paco?
E. What is Linda?
F. What is Liz?

XXXII. Match the jobs with the words.

Shop-assistant animals
fireman mountain
Gardener customer
Teacher films
Nurse school
Farmer roses
Actor hospital
Climber put out fire
XLIII. Translate into English.
1. Jack este mecanic.
2. Todd este pilot.
3. Mama lui este doctor.
4. Este unchiul tau sofer?
5. As vrea sa fiu balerina.
6. Ce frumos este sa fii poet!
7. Irene este eleva.
8. Si Bianca este eleva.
9. Tatal lui Razvan este pompier.
10. Copiii ei sunt fotbalisti.
11.Acest clovn este tare haios.
12.Diana nu este sora medicala.
13.Ti-ai dori sa fii clovn?
14.Nu, dar ma fac mereu sa rad.
15.Cred ca e bine sa visezi cu ochii deschisi.

XLIV. Complete this dialogue with object pronouns.

David Would you like to go to the carnival this week?
Lisa Good idea.When?
David Well, not on Saturday.Mum and Dad always visit my
grandparents on Saturday, and they want me to go with
........... this weekend.
Lisa OK..this evening, at about six o’clock?
David Yes.Bring your brother with ......... . I like ......... !
Lisa OK! Do you want to ask Jane?
David No, I don’t like .......... , and she doesn’t like ......... !
Lisa I know.Let’s take our bikes with ......... .
The carnival is very big, but it’s easy to see all of .........
by bike.
David OK, then.See ......... at about six.

XLV. Match the questions and answers.

1.Who do you meet at the
2.What do people wear at
3.What do you drink in the
4.When do you have
5.Where does the carnival
take place?
6.Who does Miss Jones

a. In the morning.
b. In the streets.
c. Colourful clothes.
d. The young children.
e. My friends.
f. Tea.

XLVI. Write same or different.

1. colourful black different
2. exciting boring
3. huge large
4. late last
5. noisy loud
6. leg foot
7. nephew niece
8. small tiny
Complete the gaps with the words above.
1.Come home at nine o’clock.Don’t be ......... !
2.These photographs aren’t in colour.They’re ........... and white.
3.Cats are small animals but giraffes are .......... animals.
4.Look at that green, blue and yellow bird.It’s very .............. .
5.My ............ is Alice.We call her Ali for short.
6.This story really isn’t interesting.It’s ............... .
7.The music at the carnival is very ................ .
8.Harry is my sister’s son and my favourite .............. .

XLVII.Write the sentences in Romanian.

1.Have a nice trip!
2.Let’s go shopping today!
3.Irene can’t drive or walk through a wall.
4.Would you like some milk?
5.I think she’s smart.
6.I’m tired.I’ll go to sleep.
7.I’m starving.What’s for lunch?
8.I would like to drink some lemonade.
9.Adriana goes jogging every morning.
10.Her comes the bus!
XLVIII.Read the text about Thomas.Complete his timetable.
“My day starts at eight o’clock when I have breakfast.I leave home for
school at half-past eight.I always walk to school.School starts at ten no
nine.We stop for lunch at twenty past twelve.I usually go home but I
sometimes eat at school.I leave school at quarter to four and I usually go
to the park with my friends and we play football.I go home at quarter
past five and do my homework.We have supper at half past six then I
watch TV or listen to music.I go to bed at ten o’clock.

8.00 He has breakfast.

8.30 ........................................................
8.50 ........................................................
12.20 ........................................................
3.45 ........................................................
5.15 ........................................................
6.30 ........................................................
10.00 ........................................................

Answer the questions about your day.

1.What time do you have breakfast? ...................
2.What time do you leave home for school? ...................
3.What time does school start? ...................
4.What time do you have lunch? ....................
5.What time do you leave school? ....................
6.What time do you arrive at home? .....................
7.What time do you have supper? ......................
8.What time do you go to bed? ......................

XLIX. Match four of these activities with the pictures.

Riding a bike
Playing football
Riding a horse
Playing volleyball
Speaking English

What can the people in the pictures do? What can’t they do?
Write a sentence about each person.

L.Give your opinion.Use the phrases from the box.

I agree I think that’s right No, I don’t think so
I’m not sure about that.
1.English is an easy language.
2.Football is a boring sport.
3.Cats are beautiful animals.
4.Roses are wonderful flowers.
5.American pop music is awful.
6.Greece is a country in Asia.
7.You must take an umbrella when it rains.

LI.Complete the phrases. Write in, at or on.

1. _____ the morning
2. _____ Wednesday
3. _____ Saturday evening
4. _____ night
5. _____ seven o’clock
6. _____ winter
7. _____ the afternoon
8. _____ half past five
9. _____ the radio
10. ____ Sunday night
11. ____ half past one
12. ____ spring
LII. Sports routines
Read this text about Russell, an athlete, and correct the sentences
about him.

“I love sport.I play basketball for my city and I train for a

few hours every day.Of course, I work too, but only in the mornings.On
Mondays to Fridays I start my day at the swimming pool.I swim from
seven o’clock to eight o’clock every day.Then I go to work.I finish work
at one o’clock and then I train in the gym for an hour on Mondays,
Tuesdays and Fridays.On Wednesdays and Thursdays I go running.I
have lunch at about two o’clock.Then I watch training videos of our last
games.The team meets at six every evening from Monday to Thursady
for an hour’s basketball training.Then we play a game.
Saturdays and Sundays are different.On Saturdays we train in the gym
in the morning and then we usually play a match in the afternoon.We’re
usually free on Sundays, but it’s a hard timetable!”
1.Russell doesn’t like sport.
__He loves sport._______________________
2.He can’t play basketball.
3.He trains for an hour every day.
4.He starts his day at the track.
5.He doesn’t have time to do any work.
6.He never goes running.
7.He usually plays a basketball match on Sundays.

LIII.Identify the sports in the images.

.................... ...................... .

.................. .................... .

.................... ..................... .

LIV.Write the names of the sports.

1. loblatfo football
2. douj
3. nurning
4. simwingm
5. dabnitmon
6. oarescib
7. lblalelvoy
8. lblasabtek
LV.Which sport do you usually play in a gym?
Which sport can you play with only one other person?
Which sports do you usually play in the summer?
Which sport do you like?

LVI.Fill in the gaps.

a) B _ D _ _ NT _ N
b) RA _ _ NG
c) R _ N _ IN _
d) _ ARA _ E

LVII.Match the pictures with the sports.

a) skiing

b) handball

c) football

d) scuba diving
e) volleyball

f) water polo

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