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Irrelevant Sentences

1 – 20: For these questions, choose the 3. (I) As time went on, more European
irrelevant sentence in the passage. countries began to explore the world. (II) In
the late 17th century, Great Britain joined
the navigational tool race, developing
1. (I) There are a wide variety of negative
modern tools such as the sextant and the
effects that deforestation can have on the
chronometer, which replaced tools used by
local species in Africa. (II) It kills the plant
the earliest explorers. (III) The sextant was
species that are chopped down and
used to measure the angles between the
causes the loss of habitat for both plants
horizon and celestial objects in order to
and animals. (III) For plant species that
determine the ship’s latitude. (IV) One of
take a long time to regrow, deforestation is
the most famous explorers was
even more devastating, since they take so
Christopher Columbus, the Italian
much longer to regenerate. (IV) In addition,
navigator who set out to find a more
reforestation is the natural or intentional
efficient route to India and instead
restocking of existing forests and
stumbled upon what is now known as
woodlands that have been depleted,
Central America and South America. (V)
usually through deforestation. (V) If there
Longitude was nearly impossible to
is enough deforestation, it can even
calculate until the invention of the
threaten species of animals and plants into
chronometer, an accurate timekeeping
becoming endangered or even extinct.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

4. (I) Depression is a mental condition that is

2. (I) Diabetes is a number of diseases that
characterised by feelings of severe
involve problems with the hormone insulin.
dejection. (II) A person suffering from
(II) Normally, the pancreas releases insulin
depression may experience a low mood,
to help your body store and use the sugar
intense sadness, loss of interest in daily
and fat from the food you eat. (III) Diabetes
activities, feelings of hopelessness and
can occur when the pancreas produces
helplessness and even feelings of
very little or no insulin, or when the body
worthlessness. (III) These feelings may
does not respond appropriately to insulin.
persist for a long period of time leading to
(IV) People with diabetes need to manage
interference with one’s normal life. (IV)
their disease to stay healthy. (V) Low
Thousands of young and old people seem
glucose, known as hypoglycemia, also
to be committing suicide after losing the
causes many symptoms, including
battle to depression. (V) Apart from these
shakiness, dizziness, and loss of
mental symptoms, depression can also be
characterised by physical symptoms such
as weakness and loss of sleep.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 2
5. (I) Sweden is home to over 75 species of 7. (I) Public libraries can be found in almost
mammals accounting for 31% of all all countries around the world, and even in
mammals in Europe. (II) Most of the the smallest of towns. (II) These contain a
mammals in Sweden are threatened. (III) wealth of information, representing the
Mammals feed their young with milk and knowledge, philosophies, and creative
have a larger, more well-developed brain work of generations. (III) In Japan, public
than other types of animals. (IV) Some of libraries have evolved while maintaining
the major threats to these mammals close ties with the local residents. (IV) The
include habitat loss, fragmentation, and largest libraries in the world today hold
degradation. (V) Water pollution is also a collections that are numbered in millions.
major threat to mammals living in and near (V) Some items in these collections are
freshwater bodies. very rare, and therefore extremely
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

6. (I) As for economic causes of criminal 8. (I) New research has found that healthy
behaviour, poverty is the first thing that adults who drink one to two glasses of
comes to the mind. (II) The desperation alcohol per day have low chance of
that comes with poverty eventually gives developing type 2 diabetes, in comparison
rise to anger and forces people to take to those who don't drink at all. (II) Alcohol
extreme steps, thus making them get abuse causes over 100,000 deaths in the
involved in criminal activities. (III) As the US and Canada each year. (III) Alcohol-
governments try to establish laws, policies, related motor vehicle accidents are the
and social programs to combat crime and leading cause of death in teenagers. (IV)
its causes, it also tends to trigger Those who drink alcohol are more likely to
controversy. (IV) In fact, studies about have poor grades or job performance, use
relationship between financial condition tobacco products, and experiment with
and criminal behaviour show that illegal drugs. (V) Alcohol and drug use may
economic deprivation is one of the key be an unconscious attempt at self-
triggers of criminal behaviour. (V) An treatment for another problem, such as
individual who is deprived of basic depression.
amenities, like food and shelter, is more
likely to resort to crime to end this A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

9. (I) Solar energy is an alternative for fossil 11. (I) The origins of Australia’s Indigenous
fuels as it is clean, reliable and renewable people are strongly debated, and many
source of energy. (II) It does not pollute the theories have been proposed. (II) Some
air by releasing harmful gases like carbon say they have been here as long as the
dioxide, nitrogen oxide or sulphur oxide. Australian landmass has existed. (III)
(III) There are some major disadvantages Others believe that they came here from
of solar energy such as high cost and somewhere else, most probably from lands
availability of sunlight during daytime only. to Australia’s north. (IV) Despite these
(IV) So, the risk of damage to the varying opinions, there is, however,
environment is reduced. (V) Solar energy unanimous agreement that Australia’s
also does not require any fuel to produce Indigenous people were its first human
electricity and thus avoids the problem of inhabitants. (V) They did not use the land
transportation of fuel or storage of as most Australians did at the time, but this
radioactive waste. did not mean the Indigenous people did
not regard the land, and its resources.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

10. (I) India is a developing country with one of 12. (I) Language is one of the main
the most diverse populations and diets in components of the civilization and culture
the world. (II) The rates of the diseases of the people who speak it. (II) Hence,
have historically been extremely high in learning a second language can be a
developing countries with few medical comparatively easy and wonderful way of
facilities. (III) Cancer rates in India are absorbing another culture. (III) Studies
lower than those seen in Western shows that learning a second language
countries, but are rising with increasing significantly delays the onset of many brain
migration of rural population to the cities related diseases. (IV) It also enables us to
and changes in lifestyles. (IV) Studies of comprehend what role language plays in
Indian immigrants in Western societies shaping our thought patterns. (V) Often,
indicate that rates of cancer and other other languages have better methods of
chronic diseases increase dramatically expressing ideas, or thoughts compared to
after a generation in the adopted country. English, thus enabling speakers
(V) Change of diet is among the factors communicate better.
that may be responsible for the changing
disease rates. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 4
13. (I) Life expectancy refers to the average 15. (I) While many researchers have
life that a person can be expected to live. suggested that pesticide use is logical
(II) It differs in different countries according when the costs are weighed against the
to the conditions and environment of the benefits, others suggest that such a
particular countries. (III) The gap in life rationale simply is not well founded. (II)
expectancy between the sexes was 4.5 Many countries have begun a movement
years in 1990 and remained almost the toward decreasing pesticide use. (III)
same by 2015. (IV) The life expectancy Pesticides are chemical applications
rates in the poor countries are usually low commonly used in agriculture. (IV) One
because the people in poor countries are way they are doing this is by applying
deprived of basic needs, unemployment, pesticide only when the risk of pests is
and suffer from diseases. (V) They also highest rather than year-round. (V)
have a high level of psychological stress Another method to avoid overuse is by
due to lack of happiness and satisfaction practicing crop rotation rather than
and exposure to diseases. monoculture crop planting which drains
resources and soil nutrients.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

14. (I) Mental health challenges and disorders 16. (I) The Earth’s atmosphere is separated
can happen to anyone. (II) Some of these into five significant layers that make up the
symptoms are changes in mood, in the surface. (II) Earth may not be the largest of
way you perceive, obsessions, fears and planets within the solar system, but it has
feelings of anxiety. (III) They affect people the greatest density. (III) The Earth’s
of all ages, races and social classes. (IV) average density is approximately 5,52
The best way to prevent mental health grams, and that’s per cubic meter. (IV) The
challenges from getting worse is to planet owes a great deal of its density to
recognize symptoms early and get its metallic core, which is much denser
professional help. (V) Many mental health than its crust. (V) The nickel-iron core of
challenges and disorders can be treated the planet, paired with its rapid rotation,
successfully when the signs are makes for a very powerful magnet.
recognized early.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

17. (I) In order to reduce climbing murder 19. (I) With the beginning of the Industrial
rates, governments must focus on Revolution in England, the cotton industry
preventive measures. (II) Given its got a well deserved boost and emerged as
connection to poverty and social issues, a major player in England's economy. (II)
crime preventive policies need to focus on The invention of the spinning jenny and
more than just punishments. (III) Without spinning frame hastened the process of
including economic and social producing cotton yarn and cloth. (III) The
development strategies in local policies, total share of cotton in international
violent crimes are likely to continue. (IV) markets amounts to $12 billion, of which
Additionally, these policies must be United States and Africa are major players.
targeted at the most at-risk populations. (IV) In 1793, Eli Whitney of USA invented
(V) Consequently, countries with the the cotton gin that further increased
widest gaps between rich and poor are production capacity of cotton cloth. (V)
four times more likely to experience violent Due to improved technology, England
crimes than other countries. started producing cotton cloth of high
quality, at a much faster rate than its
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V colonies.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

18. (I) Malaria is a disease caused by a 20. (I) The use of genetic engineering and the
parasite that lives part of its life in humans creation of genetically modified crops has
and part in mosquitoes. (II) It remains one resulted in many benefits for the
of the major killers of humans worldwide, agricultural world. (II) The most noticeable
threatening the lives of more than one-third benefit is that genetic engineering has
of the world’s population. (III) It thrives in made it possible to produce more crops in
the tropical areas of Asia, Africa, and a shorter time period. (III) Although there
Central and South America, where it are many benefits of genetically
strikes millions of people. (IV) The life engineered crops, there are also some
cycle of malaria is complex with major issues and concerns associated with
developmental stages and corresponding these types of crops. (IV) Due to the
symptoms differing according to the modifications that make crops resistant to
species involved. (V) It is estimated to kill diseases, it has been possible to increase
more than 1 million people annually, the overall yields. (V) Many genetically
majority of whom are young children. modified crops are also designed to grow
at a faster rate, which also helps increase
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V overall yield.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


1 D
2 E
3 D
4 D
5 C
6 C
7 C
8 A
9 C
10 B
11 E
12 C
13 C
14 B
15 C
16 A
17 E
18 D
19 C
20 C

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