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Dialogue Completion

1 – 20: For these questions, choose the 2. George: – I’ve been having stomach
best option to complete the dialogue. problems and my doctor told me I should
avoid acidic food.
Bethany: – It’s really important to have a
1. Bill: – Have you read this article? It says
balanced diet.
the world's birth rate is lowering.
George: – I’m not sure what kind of foods I
Tom: – Yes, I have. Also, it says that even
should be eating though.
though this is the case, the world
Bethany: – ----
population isn't lowering.
Bill: – ----
A) By keeping a food diary, you can
Tom: – It would, but it seems that because
identify which foods trigger your
of medical advances and improved living
conditions, life expectancy has increased,
B) You might think it is harmless enough,
so the world population reflects this.
but cheese is actually a very acidic
A) Do you think there is any hope for the
C) Too much acidic food can cause
elderly to have a better life in the
gastritis which results in acid reflux.
D) Some foods like broccoli are very
B) Is it possible to reduce the world
alkaline, which is the opposite of acidic
population by 50%?
foods, so you should try and eat those
C) It was expected that the world’s
population would reach 16 billion by
E) Finding out that coffee was bad for me
was really difficult, but since I stopped,
D) That's strange, I would think that the
I’ve felt much better.
opposite would be the case.
E) I don’t think the senior citizens are
appreciated the way they should be.

3. Philip: – I know you've been following the

debate on growing human organ in
animals. What do you think of it?
Karolyn: – I'm all for it, but I know some
people aren't.
Philip: – ----
Karolyn: – That is the main reason.
Throughout history and mythology, people
have feared human and animal hybrids.

A) Do you think it's because some people

find it unnatural?
B) Could there be another way in which
we grow the organs?
C) Plenty of people are against it though.
D) I'm not sure that most people can see
the benefits of this.
E) Maybe in the future people will be
more accepting these ideas. 2
4. Sylvia: – 1 in 3 worldwide deaths in 2012 6. Kristine: – I saw a documentary on the
were caused by cardiovascular diseases. increasing negative effects of fast foods in
Neil: – That’s interesting. Do you know the the world.
demographic features of those who died? Sam: – ----
Sylvia: – ---- Kristine: – That’s right. Some nations
Neil: – I think it has to do with the genders, have gone to a third of its population being
genetic makeup and not any particular obese within a decade.
lifestyle choices. Sam: – We really need to think of solutions
to this problem.
A) No, but I know that women are more
likely to suffer from heart disease than A) So did I. Some countries are reaching
men are. obesity levels at staggeringly high
B) That can’t be right. I thought that many rates.
precautions were available to prevent B) Yes, I did. But long term effects are
such diseases. still a long way off.
C) No, but I always thought that cancer C) Commercial fast food franchises may
was the leading cause of deaths start appearing more and more in the
worldwide. future.
D) Actually, lifestyle is the main factor that D) Do you think educating children in
influences the chance of heart schools about a healthy diet is a good
problems. solution to this problem?
E) I need to exercise more so that I can E) I'll never understand why obesity
build up my own cardio to prevent affects the poor more than the rich in
these problems. first world countries.

5. Jenny: – Are you going to allow your child

to catch the chickenpox?
Gerald: – Of course I am. People who
have had the chickenpox as a child are
much less likely to catch shingles, which is
much more dangerous.
Jenny: – ----
Gerald: – Yes, I am aware of that and am
ready to manage it when it occurs.

A) I don’t think it will do any good for your

B) Doesn't your husband have the
chickenpox currently?
C) I don’t want my child to get the
chickenpox, you know this, right?
D) Do you know that the chickenpox
causes dangerously high fever?
E) Rarely, serious side effects after
chickenpox vaccination were reported.

7. Celia: – The springs in Pamukkale were 9. Jordan: – Using clean energy vehicles
thought to have healing properties. may present new problems.
Danny: – ---- Chuck: – It could, but at least it would
Celia: – That’s correct, but although the mean we are moving towards a clearer
springs provide refreshment and relief, it is and healthier environment through our
unclear whether they actually possess lifestyle choices.
healing properties. Jordan: – ----
Danny: – Maybe, they possess Chuck: – It did use to be. However, now
physiological rather than physical healing there are several affordable options that
properties. are becoming popular.

A) While being a famous tourist A) What's the biggest problem from gas
destination, the city of Pamukkale is emissions?
quite small. B) Renewable energy vehicles are
B) So I guess people would bathe in them generally one of two types.
in order to cure illnesses. C) But isn't purchasing a renewable
C) People prefer to come to the springs energy vehicle extremely expensive?
through the upper road. D) Natural resources that would have
D) Pamukkale is recognized as UNESCO been used for gasoline can be used for
World Heritage Sites since 1988. other purposes.
E) I’ve never heard of such a E) Is it really possible to drive with
superstitious belief. renewable energy?

8. Max: – Apollo astronauts trained in Iceland 10. Dan: – Scientific evidence suggests an ice
because scientists thought that the terrain age covered North America and Europe for
would most resemble the surface of the many years.
moon. John: – Is that during the time when
Xavier: – What parts of Iceland's dinosaurs became extinct?
landscape would most resemble the Dan: – ----
moon? John: – Of course, that explains the lack
Max: – ---- of dinosaur fossils found in ice."
Xavier: – I wonder if other nearby
countries have similar terrains. A) North America was full of dinosaurs at
that time.
A) There is nothing there, except for B) Yes, in fact that is probably what one
glacial rivers providing most of the expects, or at least hopes for.
country's electricity. C) Exactly, so it seems that they have
B) They found the volcanic geology with finally come up with a reasonable
practically no vegetation cover. theory.
C) Its climate is distinctly similar to the D) No, I think they died out much earlier
moon. by other means.
D) I’m not sure, but I think it's because E) Well, if you think of it like that, no
Iceland is filled with the icy mountain species would be alive today.
E) Astronauts train vigorously for years
before they take part in any space
expedition. 4
11. Molly: – A new research indicates that the 13. Jim: – Are there any differences in how
earth's water is 1.7 percent ice and snow. employees are hired between Asian and
Buse: – Most of the visible water is liquid Western countries?
then? Frank: – Yes, some things are entirely
Molly: – ---- different.
Buse: – That’s interesting. I would have Jim: – ----
thought that most of the water would have Frank: – In the West, employers focus on
been in the oceans. the performance and punctuality, whereas
in Asian, relationships are of much more
A) No, the deepest part of the ocean is importance.
located in the western Pacific Ocean.
B) Liquid water changes to a solid when A) Could you give me an example?
temperature drops below freezing. B) How does a person get hired in Asian
C) No, only a thousandth of 1% of the countries?
earth's water exists as water vapour in C) What are the positive aspects of both?
the atmosphere. D) What are the advantages of hiring a
D) Not exactly, almost 70 percent of the Western employee?
earth's water is held inside ice caps E) Which type of workers bring in more
and glaciers. profits?
E) Yes, the earth is primarily covered by
water, not land.

12. Jean: – Every year, thousands of acres 14. Filiz: – ----

are converted into desert through Buse: – Most snakes have an excellent
deforestation and desertification; do think sense of smell, in part to make up for their
people should be concerned about this? poor eyesight and limited hearing.
Esra: – Absolutely, mankind must figure Filiz: – So a dangerous snake might still
out a way to slow this environmental be able to sense you, even if they can’t
erosion. see you?
Jean: – ---- Buse: – That’s right. Don’t worry though.
Esra: – Easy; wood-based products Most snakes are more scared of you than
should be taxed so that demand will you are of them, so just back away slowly.
decline; once this occurs the logging
industry will have to slow production. A) Did snakes evolve from aquatic
A) Do you think that the problem is B) Do snakes have a good sense of
solvable? smell?
B) What should be done about it? C) Have you ever encountered a
C) What can we do as citizens to provide dangerous snake before?
information of practical steps? D) How many senses do snakes have?
D) How can we make the government E) Does the smelling have anything to do
notice these changes? with how snakes eat?
E) Is it possible to stop climate change
with an extreme amount of new forest?

15. Theo: – Do you know if sign language is 17. Paul: – A recent study has found that
the same in every language? refugees that resettle in many countries
Luke: – ---- are earning less than $2 per day.
Theo: – I guess there isn’t a universal Xavier: – Really? Even if they have full
language in sign language then. time jobs?
Luke: – Correct, maybe one day there will Paul: – ----
be; but for now, there are too many Xavier: – Clearly, certain employees are
differences. taking advantage of the plight refugees
find themselves in.
A) I do. I learned it while studying my
master degree in linguistics. A) No, it has nothing to do with the fact
B) While there may be many similarities, they are refugees.
many of the signs differ from language B) Unfortunately, refugees are more likely
to language. to work in lower status.
C) Interpreters often fail to understand C) Yes. Some are working over twelve
each other if the sign languages are hours a day for little to no pay.
from different countries. D) Finding a job must be a difficult period
D) English has become the universal as a refugee.
language in this day and age, but that E) If more and more refugees migrate into
could change in the future. countries, economies may have
E) You can still communicate with a deaf difficulty in providing them jobs.
person by speaking if they know how
to read your lips.

16. John: – Did Vikings actually have horns 18. John: – Do we need to give pedestrians
on their helmets during battle? the right of way when they cross the
Kandis: – Historical sources suggest that street?
priests among the Celtic and Norse Kyle: – ----
peoples did wear helmets equipped with John: – Why is that?
horns. Kyle: – Drivers are in a hurry, and when
John: – I see, then why are they always they are driving they often forget about the
depicted as warriors wearing horned rights of pedestrians.
Kandis: – ---- A) They usually respect the pedestrians'
A) The Vikings are infamous for their B) No. But we should try and help them in
plundering ways. other ways.
B) The horns would be extremely difficult C) I think it’s of vital importance, but
to fight with. pedestrians may disagree.
C) Surely it’s quite obvious: they could D) Of course, but reckless drivers are
help intimidate enemies. often impatient in traffic.
D) They used them frequently in religious E) It's essential, but cars often do not let
ceremonies. them cross.
E) It is placed between the temple and
the forehead. 6
19. Deniz: – How is your archaeological dig 20. Enes: – Did you know that map making
going? was invented by the Greeks.
John: – It’s going really well. We have Bill: – ----
been at it for about a month and have Enes: – No, although the Romans are
discovered some really interesting things. responsible for spreading the practice
Deniz: – ---- across the world.
John: – Thanks, we just discovered a Bill: – I guess we have to thank both
tomb that might help show us how the societies for modern maps.
Egyptians practised medicine.
A) But the earliest discovered map was in
A) If I can be of assistance, please do not Arabic.
hesitate to contact me. B) Really? I always thought that it was the
B) I’m glad you’ve had success; I know Romans.
you were hoping to find something C) Wouldn't it be hard to trade goods in
new. far away places?
C) Well done, how much does it cost to D) No, but navigation in ancient Rome did
go on a project? not rely on sophisticated instruments.
D) I'm sorry, it is not uncommon for E) The compass and sextant made map
archaeologists to work many more making much easier.
hours than is required.
E) It was about time; you had been at it
for so long.



1 D
2 D
3 A
4 A
5 D
6 A
7 B
8 D
9 C
10 D
11 D
12 B
13 A
14 B
15 B
16 D
17 C
18 E
19 B
20 B 8
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